WEATHER . IwHHimlHiwh Fitter uad •„ W*** ; £ VOLUME EIGHT; NUMBER 81 TO HEAR PETITIONS FOR GOLDSBORO -fAYETTEVILLE ROAD Chairman Daughlon And Two Others Will Come To Clinton For Hearing Other Twe Members of Commit |«o to Com* From Outside Thi* District WHEATLEY RECOMMENEW REPORT ON PROJECT EiriMtn of Deportment Will Investigate and Report Nerd To Commitmion ' Argument* for continuing rout# 10* l< connect with rout* 11, i it * rlvtug a hunt surfaced hlghw** from G »W»- brro to Fayetteville wtll he heard bv • apodal committor of th* Bt»'.» bißb ways Commlaaloo In Cuntoi in tb* soar future Masting tn*Ralelgh yesterday, th* State Highway commlaalon autboria ed Chairman R. A- Dougblon to name two other member* of the commla aton, outald* the aecond district. to conatder th* proposal. along with other route* for Bampeon. M. A. Dunnagan, Raleglh corroa poodent for The New*, that night Wir ed th* 'following about yesterday's meeting. “Chairman R. A. DoUghton was authorised to name tw# other mem ber* of th* atato highway commla alon. outaide of the aecond dlatrlct. who. along wlth'hlm. will go probably to Clinton In the future to hear all part!** Interealed In the three road* delegation* are aaking for from New ton Grove on Route 102 and going In a aouth or aouthweaterly direction Delegation* hare today are seeking a road from Newton Oror* ot Clin ton. from Newton Crow to Vtoeeboro or rout* 14. byway of Salemburg and from Newton Grove to a point on rout* *1 about tour mile* aoulh pt Wade, all of then* will b* heard and tba committee will recommend ac tion to th* entire cfimmlaslon later ■'Oommta*loner Wheat ly recom mended the Investigation and a re port on a road from Newton Grove to a point near Godwin, on route 22 Engineers will Inreatlgat* and report the condition to the commlaalbn with a view of adding It to the atafe high way ayatam •*The commission added a Duplln- Sampaon road from Wallace to Har rell'a atore 11 1-2 mile*, to the atate .yntem today, along with approximate ly 740 mil** all over the atate." Question of whether the 2 Tw ” gangsters were killed and a gamhiff was believed held fur <2O Mutt ran •on in three flare-up* oj t'l.bago gangland today. Ou# of the gangster* recently acquitted of murder wa* found In a d**ert*d room within shouting distance of the central l><> lice atatlon downtown. The other. Identified by an under taker a* Dlf|n*iCS*t* *■» fou " a *" * field. In Hinsdale. Chicago suburb Spot* of fresh Wood Indicated h* had not laid there long He had been shot .even limes In Ihe back the powder burn* nearly destroying hi* »hlr<. The reported k dnap victim wax “Kid” Austin, who wa* seen helm: busteld by three men Into an auto mobile on the northwest side- j IMAI'UI KATE ATIATIOR HU K EAST ST UJUIB, 111.. May 30. - f/p* Nine pilot* roard away from Packs Airport, at on# minute Inter val* beginning at 10 30 o'clock this morning on a nbli-stop race to In dianapolis and ieturh. Inaugurating the 16,000 Gardner trophy race, avia tion'* new Msmorlal 'Day speed THE GOLDSBORO NEWS ' - . •« ° READ IN THE MORNING WHILE MINDS'ARE FRESH—READ BY BUYERS BEFORE THEY BUY. Labor Party Wins British Election LONDON. May 30.--(A*) —A great triumph for the labor party ami disaster to the conaervatlve gov ernment of Stanley. Baldwin wa* Indicated by the early returns from today's general parliament ary election*. At midnight three members of the government hgd lost' their seats lu the house of common* to laborlte* and Sir Austin Chamberlain, secretary of atate for foreign affair*, trad re tained hla seat by (h* markaln of 60 votes. Sir -Austen who ha* been one of the outstanding International figures of the government won In 1924 by more than plurality. Sir Austen demanded a recount of today's poll In the hope of over coming some of the 111 effect* of hla narrow escape from defeat. The ouly result wa* to drop 7 votes off - hla total, leaving him plurality of 41 41. it midnight with returns In from 145 constituencies, labor had Its credit 83 victories. The conserva tives had won 49 seats, the Liber al*. 9, and the Independent* (our. Thla represented a ga ti of 31 foi labor and 77 for the liberals. The losses were Conservatives 32; La bor A; Liberals 4. an 1 Commun ist 1. REVIVAL MEET GETS UNDERWAY Free Will Huptiiittt Opened Two Weeks Meeting Here Idutt Night; Many Attend With every Indication pointing to a auccesaful meeting a two weeks re vival opened laat night at the Free Will Baptsit church at Lionel and Simmons street* her* with Rev. K. C. Gaaklll, of Sea Level, condusllng the services. (jhooKfnx as his subject; “Who Is on the Lord's side let, him come to Me." the pastor *poke to a congrega tion that practically filled the audi torium. He proved himself a speaker of character and ability. Rev. R. E- Tripp, of the church has charge of the song services. Much Interest Is being manifest In Ihe meeting which will couliuue through this week aud next. U4KII WAV AM IMA YOING MOO MLR AIMI IT SLAYIMU MACON. Ga., May 30. An aged landlady and a youthful roomer con fessed today that' they murdered James Harks. 25. a prlner, for a $7.000 double indemnity Insurance policy on III* life. Mr*. J, ycTr Prow#**, (55, the land lady. confessed that she “hired” Karl Manchester to kill Psrk* on Ihe prom ise of SI,OOO of Ihe Insurance “when It wa* collected." Fiddlers Convention At Exposition This Evening The Old Tint# Fiddler* conrw'lofl, which will he one of the hIK (PiUrM hf the U«'ld*boro Automobile fi|u>w and Industrial K* position tonight. will ad under w‘ay about SMS o'clo.-k, It' 1 •in announced yesterday-by oft*< 'ai<-, who are promotion Ihe convert' "n. "There will ,lie-plenty of, the In-st t,<’ It. Wu-iilugtim, U. C.' ou.Thursday. May 21. to receive briefs and petition* and to consider th# ea ■tahllahiuenl of an air fuall route from Richmond to Jacksonville, Fla., pass ing through some point In fhls state, have not a* yet readied any conclu sion In connection with the projert d rou|e, The New* waa advised In a teleggpin from Congressman Charles L. Abernethy yesterday. A brief-and a letter, stating the de sirable feature* of Goldsboro as a junction point for the landing of planes on fhls mail route, wa* pre sented at the meeting In Washington This Information. wo*f prepared Joint ly by the local chamber of commerce and local post office officials. O' Congressman Abernethy, In lit* tel egram (a Th" News yesterday, stated that he had conferred with second assistant postmaster general Glover, and had tieeu advised that no tonclu slon had been reached regarding Ike new projected air mall route south. ■■ '»""v? —. . : Neune Odd Fellows Name Their Officers T. A. Forrest has been named as presiding officer of the Neuse Lodge of the. Odd Fellows for the routing year and other citizen* selected are: V. O. Smith; K. S . C. G. Smith; F. S. K. C. Futrail; Tretsurer, H. V, Pate Reports of the Grand Lodge meet ing were made and T. N. W.itci* was awarded Ihe siunt prize. men are considered a* being among the outMiandlug fbiiljcrs lit the state, and the public Is assured or a real old time musical treat when tile fiddler* '* begin “sawing” In the auditorium of I III# exposition building tonight. Judge* of the fiddling contests will 1 be selected from the audience a* has been cuMomarv In the past conven ' lions 'll w.cs said. Tile Wayne Fair i AsscwNatlon will give attractive cash I- i/.c put*e*.lo the »Inners^irf^lbc t i mtest* A Variety program,> for the niiigaxliie*. piece* of which showered Ihe plant yard. Window* In nearby hou*e* uuke some dl«- fume from the factory building* and hanked with earth mound*.' The two explosion* which followed cfo-e tu gi-llici were *uh| by fire chief Hums to have licr ti caused hy the Intense heal. Company officials begun an In vestigation. fight of last full would lie continued iind, Just a* then, hitter feeling* would be 4i/g«ud«rrd aud harsh epl -I‘iet* hurled. Such a cumpaign. they my. would ouly nerve In widen the braacli between the DemocraLi who 'V*ut the cnilie length and Ihnse who scratched the DetiitH-ratic candidate Jp.r presldPitt, Inst fall. Could any Democrat, after sunh a I campaign, bring back tin- force* and solidify them hwlilnd him to such an ixtent that lie could defeat any re publican who might he nominaled iigalnm him. or would- a large part Ut the opposition veer off from Ihe parly and *up|nirt Ihe republican ean tPdnie. giving him sufficient vote* to " lect a repuhlclan senator from North Carpllna something that ha* not hap pared since Senator Hlnimona (lafqut ed Marlon Ilntler In Pun and Htna tor ■ Loo 8. Ovarthan dcfeHtod Jeter CL Pritchard In 1901, both alerted by the Slate Senate? It I* enough to give any man pause when he consider* that even If he should he nominated, defeating Sena t( r R'mmnn*. he f* not yet elected and will have so face atroftg nnoosltlon th* afrongeet the republicans can muattT— In a general election. If he rhould lose In the election, he would, theeehr. he turning the Plate over to (he republican" Not onlv would hie personal ambition be mined, hut he would have to b#*r Jhe brunt. Jus tified or nnf. of having had an Import fContlnyi on paae 4> NEGRO ISBADLY curwmfKNiw: Little Hope far Paul ('rwm After Henry Thowpaon Wields Hlh Slauher City and county officers war# ala late hour laat night acourl.ig Ihe northern vicinity of Goldsboro In thali effort to appreheud Henry Thomp *on. negro, who through allege! Jent oualy earlier In th* night Htabb-d Paul"'Croom, also co're 1. with a long hladed knife when he dis covered hint “datad” wlih his sweet heart, I.ula. In the home at 1128 Green Imf at rest. • Croom Mtislalned a deep gash on th# left *hle of the neck and the Jugular vein wa* de*crlhed aa partly aevefed. Little hope for lh# recsiyary of the negro wa* entertained. Weakened from (he loea of liilood. Groom testified to officers that Thompson Jumped upon him without warning, slabbed him In the neck with a long hladed knife and hur riedly retreated from the house. Physicians who wer* summoned to tne stabbed negro following the as sault. said that a large blood clot had formed Jh# akin which saved him from Immediate death a* blood ceased to flow after approximately a quart had been lost. At a late hour last night Thomp son wa* still at large, according to (Continued on page 4) Superior Court Turns To Charge Against Winfrey Having dlapoaed of 13 chargea In volving three defendanta ye*terday, Wayne County Superior Court, Judge fj. K Mldyette preaiding, will thla morning, begin bearing of the charge of larceny agalnat J. K Winfrey. Winfrey la alleged to have been the principal In a aertea of exprnaa r.ob borlea from the office of Ihe Koiith •ataern Expreaa Company here The coOrt thla morning will aitempt to ahow that ua one In the employ of ihe Winfrey turned eipie.a package* over to Percy Aahworth, negro, to he dlapoaed of, The xhootlng near Eureka aeveral montha ago, growing out of hoga running at large, will coat Herbert Mlnahew, white man, 10 to 12 jreara In atate prlaon. Thla aentance waa pnaaed by Judge Mldyette after Min ahew It ail entered a plea of guilty. W i: < ook on luat January bid Indicted Hie mother of Mlnahew for allowing her hoga to run a large und dtatroy hia twwet potato patch, (io y Abandoned Heireac t i Wr* j||J Hsul-TsL -Lf Found living with a colored faintly io Philadelphia, Pa, Vivian Fox. above, aged J, granddaughter of J. S Fox, Sr, wealthy candy manufacturer of Auguata, Georgia, is having lots of fun at the police sta tion where she is being cared for awaiting the arrivftl of her grandmother who will takelutr hack home. sleepwaijuumT IS HIS DEFENSE HoUier Who Dwurtsj From , Guard in Buckingham Palace Karen Court Trial LONDON. May no. UP). A plea that he was sleep walking was made hy George Hlvcwrlght, algnaller for Ihe Scots guards at his court martial today for d#*crllng his post In'front of the Buckingham Palace on April in Whatever the opinion of Ihe mar tial on this pleu. tlae rinding was with held and the" sentence will he pro- . inulgatcd In due course- Hlvewrlghl gave * great shock to Hriti*h army tradition* by ent desertbqi and It wa* *ever*l eeks later that he turned up at his home hundred* us miles away, foat *ore to greet hi* mother before giving hlniNelf up to tils moth er. He fold Ihe court martial (hot hi < did not Ini end to desert, that he-»uf- < sered from sleep walking ami d-d not know what he wa* doing. t . I UtMbKtN rMMII) NEW YORK, May To fAh All the i leading security arid (commodity mar- I ket* were t*lo*ed today In ol»*erv«nce i of Memorial Day. The New York Cos- I fee and Sugar Exchange will not ra- 1 open unill Monday. !lng to the Cook home about 10 o'clnca t night, Miashew called him fro u the house and .fired at him with a Hbolguu at done range. Cook saw Mln *lit w raise hi* gun and attempted to I slain the door shut, hut not In time j to avoid tuklng the gun load In III* arm. Surgeon* removed the shattered part* of the arm and attempted to ; graft the part* together. The flesh fa lml to knit however, and after a month It wa* nece*«*rwtu amputate i In passing sentence yesterday, Judge Mhtyett* ordered It written Into the rer-ord (lint Minslrew might be con- Nidered a dgngeroUs person.'' both to himself and to tho-e about him, mak ing It a matter of record that the father of Mlnstiew had at .uua tlme been an lumate of i«tii|< '* prison. Cgjvln Ayrm k "uliinlttod (o five different' count* of violating 'the pro h I hit ion la * lit* Wa i lo Hcrvi' 12 month* mi the road* 'and (Continued on page 4) MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS PRICK FIVE CUm DEATH MARKS SPEED JOASSIC * » *- On* Killed M Indianapolis; Kaf Kerch Captures MO MU* Event ' - INDIANAPOLIS, Ind., May M—(PI - lieat h and destruction war* atrown In the wreckage ot that acortchlag lurch called the hOOTnlle automobile awsspatabea at the IndUaapOlts motor speedway today. With a record smashing crowd at Tie wing the spectacle, A* Kerch, daring M year old driver at Philadelphia, bounced hie tiny 4-eyUe der racing creation orer the ftateh "take e winner la t:47:tt:4l. Uail Meyer of Lot Angelee winner at the ISt* race, finished eeeond. nearly its mtnutee behind Keech. with Jlaay (ileaaon. a noted Philadelphia dHv er pulling np la third. v Twelre of thd U starter* who wheeled that* ears out for the start snrrtred the tMt ot speed. Keech averaged PLUS adlea an hour a performance that Mi sat eren threaten speed records tar the raoa. The yaee resulted la the death of William Speaea. S 4 year aid driver at !/<>» Angeles nhd the mlrnnuleaa ea enpe of fir* other drivers. apace* bounding over the 11 mile hrlak course at terrific speed was biped when on bin 40 mile. His' ear lotted over when he was nheatlaf oat sf h torn and going Into the hash etretch. The car had ntm-h a r#talnh,g Wall on n ahtd. ll.raw Spaaoe Into the air In the mill's at the, i*vg*P completely on r. righted Itself tail then came to 4 stop far -dvwa the track- 1 \ r , Kpence was thrown clear hoi agp telned a fraetered shall that resaKad in him joining the Hat at thaaa wha have sacriflaod their lives la the top tercet of spaed, bpease. ennausstoec and bleeding ttam the mm*. «P* picked ap nhd npOhad la ft* h—IIM inside the tooWetar raatogi pIW4 bat be died oa the way. m^e^ne WASHINGTON, Mm, m m >«■ Hoover will leave Tlihlajlnn iw|ht for ( ambrldg*. Mann., to attwMl tbe semt-eesttaataJ nanlvemary at «bf eesbllebmaat at Hadellffo callage. The ceremonies at Hadellffo wtU iahe place tomorrow. Mrs. Heave* plum to speed Batarday aad tea lay In Benton, devoting nnanldarehU attention to gtrl aaont ectlvttle* tbare. On Monday nbe will gal to Bwnrih mora college, near Philadelphia ta re ceive aa honorary degree SNAKE THEORIES ARE DISCUSSED Scout Eiantln Rivera Bag* Thera ig N# llrfi Aai—l aa Poplar Lanf W. W. Rivers, loot I spool siccative or Tuacorors Connell, exploded eev •rnl "oaks theories here yesterday when he declared that there waa a* such a thing aa a Papier Leaf snake, > WhHtOsk Snake er n at lag auks in'Wflb Carolina. To hack his as sertions, tbs local man has offered isn dollars in the person who brings him on* of these snakes aad thea ab soluisly proven one of the above names Islhe correct see tor that per llculnr serpen/ Rivers, who Is a grant lover of na ture and wild aahaal Ufa, captared n large Tree adder near the Indian Springs school Wednesday aad car ried It Into Mount Oliva. Ha wan play fully fondling the reptile la frost of a Mount Olive garage when a large crowd gathered around. The people vre imaged that the should handle the snake, which wan more than sight fast long, la each nil unconcerned fashion- Air tbe spsetators wars said to hot* b**n of the opinion that the sack* was certainly deadly poisonous. PtV* different names were given Jhe ser pent In so, tinny minutes. Poplar Leaf. W hite Oak. Rattle Snake pilot, chick en snake aad sting snake Were the names advanced. Mr- River* deciar et) that his “pet" was of the addet *pec tea, the tree adder, aad wan ab solutely not of the poison ktpd- To prove that thn snake wee not. vassal "us. the scout sxecatlve placed hkn finger In the adder's month sad lot It "chew " awhile. The only potsoaoa* ad der anake Is the puff adder, of Af rica.'' Rivera told the News. Mr. Rivers later la thn day carried ' the snake he had captured with pin liars hands bark into the woods near the piece he found him, and taraaf) him loots.