WEATHER dmTpmrtty’ctoady and tedtti peeaM) shewer*. * VOLUME BIGHT; NO, 82 SEASONS FIRST HEAT WAVE SWEEPS COUNTRY; 12 DIE Reliei Reported On Way, Riding Wings Os Northern Breezes Pint W»v« Os S«u»n M#re Hard to Boor on Account Un- BcanonableneHH \ ' HUMIDITY HIGH IN N- Y AND IN PHILADELPHIA Boston Expcrtonoc* Terrific Heat But Breezes From Qcean Bring Relief (Br The inwl*H Prats) Btl* sweltering In heat that was nil the btrdtr to bear because It »M *° ( unseasonable. tbt population of the greater port of th* United SJtates bar* turned expect ant facet to the north. for riding the wlnga of northerly breesea that started blowing acroaa the about noon Friday, relief wan reported to be on Its way- MoJTe than a dozen deaths attribut able to heat were reported In the Beat In many parts of the country, par ticularly In the middle Atlantic states there were numerous probations. Boston, one of the hottest places In the country, at I a. m, Friday with a temperature of N, experienced the highly pleasing sensation of a 1* point drop In temperature However, before It got cooler In Boston It got hotter. The temperature had gone up to M at 11: JO. then a breeae off Atlantic came to the aid of the north erly wind and by II 46 p m.. the mercury had dropped down to 71. While Boston was cooling off other Atlantic seaboard cities were Just getting the crest of their heat wavs. By the middle of the afternoon It was •• In New York and In fhlladel |ku mm 4 to a«ia cities lb*. humidity was high. i The end was apparently In sight la New York, however, after the 8« degree temperature had been record ed at S p. m., making Friday the hot test day of the year In New York. There was a dr6p to R» by « o'clock. Tbs wave of heat, which settled ov er the east on Tuesday, also was gen eral throughout New York, Pennsyl vania and New Jersey. At Corinth, near dlen Falljt. N. Y., the temperature was JlO degrees, the highest mark reported In the east. Three deaths from red In upper New York Btate. Three persons drowned In New Jer sey and at Meadvllli, Pa., a Civil War veteran dropped dead ntjer taking part In a parade. PHtsbijwt*, Ohio, re ported a high temperfture of !*3 de gress, one death from heat and five from^drownlng. m The heat wave extended Into On tario. Canada, with a temperature of »2 degrees at Toronto. Numerous prostrations occurred throughout the province with two death* from the beat and two drowning*. •i* * A, 1 ' 0 CANNON IS TO OPPOSE PARTY M«ib«di«i Church leader Will OppoM Those Who Voted For Smith WASHINGTON. May 31<*’>+- Janies Cannon. Jr., of the Methodist Episcopal Church/ South, today call ed on the antl-Bmlth Democrats of Virginia to carry forward a determ ined opposition to tji# state party leaders Who supported Alfred K. Smith In the last presidential campaign. Announcing that he would refrain from participation In the liemocratlc primary next August for the nomina tion of atata officers. Canqon express ed tha "hope that other antl-Smltb Democrats will abstain from such par ticipation." The church leader In a letter to. .members of tb# Virginia executive committee of the antl-Smlth Demo crats which he made public tonight endorsed the holding of a convention <>of antl-Smlth Democrat* at Roanoke on June II He sahi he hoped that convention would find and nominate for governor "an aide, well quallf ed antl-Smlth Democrat who d'd rote against Alfred R. Smith and did re fuse to accept or follow the present national and alHt<* Democratic lend arahip and Who will continue to do MM n 0 -i* .i - THE GOLDSBORO NEWS READ IN THE MORNING WHILE MINDS 'ARE FR^SH—READ BY BUYERS BEFORE THEYi BUY. Did Lindy and Wife Fly Over Goldshom Considerable speculation was currant here yesterday a* to the Identity of the pilot and passeng ers of the giant cabin monoplane, which flew over the city Thura day afternoon about 6 o'clock, headed south, and which came ba*)k over the city yesterday a short time before noon, headed, back north Wil mington to the effect that a sim ilar plane had been seen by peo ple In lhat city, heading towards Southport, was said to have caus ed those prho saw the plane to wonder If the passengers might not he Col. Charles Undbergh and bis bride. It was thought that they might Ue flying to Southport, there to board a yacht for an extended sea xoyage. . t* I .oral people were wondering yesterday If the plane that flew oyer Goldsboro w*s not possible the same one seen at Wilming ton. The pilot may have taken Col. I.lndbergh and Anne, his wife of a few days, to Southport, and then flown back to a northern airport, possibly l>angley Field. Os course these theories were only advanc ed as speculation. Still; It Is pos sible. . 1111 1 ir " 'i EXPECT GROOM WILL RECOVER •'. ' * n Hix Jugular Vein Touched In " Eternal Triangle How UU Friday Night -'J , The condition of Haul Crootu, local negro, who was seriously slashed In the neck by Henry Thompson, also colored, when the former wear to the home of the latter's supposed "gal" Thursday night, was reported yesterday as being somewhat Improv ed. in spile of the dangerous nature Os the woundj It Is I bought that he has a fighting rhanqp to recover, Thompson wa* arrested at his home yesterday morning about 1 o'clbck by Officers Parker, Joe and June How ell. and I* being held In thereby Jail without balC pending the outcome of Croom’s InJjgte*. The wounded negro’s Jugular vein was said to have been touched, and according to physicians, he lost a large amount of blood It was at first through that he would not live, but taking a slight turn for the better yesterday, his chance* for recovery are said to be about fifty-fifty. Not Call Will Case At This Term Court The Yelrerton case will not be called at this term-of Wayne coun ty superior court for the trial of clrtl cases, whlchopen* here Monday; The News learned yesterday. Originally the action had been aet as the first one on the docket. Ed and HarrtsoH Yelverton are aeeklng to break the will of their father, the late W. T. Yelrerton The estate Involved ha* an estimated value of $176,000 Criminal Court Adjourned With 78 Cases Disposed Os When Wayne County Superior Court for the trial of criminal cases was adjourned yesterday afternoon hy Judge G K Midyette. a total of 7(1 cases had tieen disposed of. There were a total of I3t on the book* when court opened Monday tnornßt*?^ "Your honor, ** said Solicitor Claw son Williams rising a short time be- adjournment yesterday, T wish to report that 7* case* have been dis posed of and to state thst the cobp eratlorf of the member* of the bar ha* made this possible. The conn I* due the bar a vote of thanks for the will ingness shown to aid In speeding up cases on trial." "The explanation of the work done," remarked Attorney N. W. Out Man Who Tied Knot * W+* ■ You might gay that the Rev. Dr. William Brown, professor at the Union Theological Sem inary, and an old friend of the Morrow family, waa directly responsible for the marriage of CoL Charles A. Lindbergh to Mias Anne Morrow, daughter of the Mexican Ambassador, si the Englewood, N. T, home * the Morrows, since ne wss tb< man' who performed the ntai riage rites. * AIITO SHOW TO CONTINUE MON - Fair Offirialx Continue Expoxi lion on Monday for Colored Citizenx t .mfmm , \t the request of a number of col-, ored citizen* of the city, The Golds boro Automobile Show and Industrial Exposition, scheduled to come to a close here tonight after a full week of splendid exhibits and entertain nient will he held over Monday and Monday night for an ex position for the colored people It wafc a noun red yesterday by Walter C. Denmark, secretary of the Fair Asso ciation. A widely known colored jazz or chestra from Fayetteville- has been secured for'the occasion, and an at tractive program Is being worked out. It wss said. Plans had not been com pleted last evening, but Mr. Denmark stated that the progrum would prob ably be announced today. J. K- Darden Is the promoter of the show, which will tie exclusively for the colored people, ° Charlotte Ready For Confederate Reunion CHARLOTTE. May 31 t V) Char lotte draped In stars and stripes her parks converted Into 'tented village*, was fortified tislay against the 38th post-bellum march of the United Con - federal eveterans. Tech meal arrangements had Ireen completed end only matters of person nel were left In the hands of com mittee before the opening of the re union. Seven Commuters Die As Trains Collide HEI/NOX AIRES. May 31. -~ Seven persons were killed and many Injufed In the suburbs of Lin ers to night in a collision between 'wo trains crowded with commuter* bomb ward hound from the- cl v. law, who was standing near "Is In the effort „0f the able solicitor.” Kxpiwinltig lhat there were extenu sling circumstance*, Judge Midyette Sentenced Oscar Bryant, negro, to two years on the county road*, for having shot Russell Frederick, negro, from ambush. The sentence, however, I* not to take effect It Hryant raise* fino to he used In providing th« ser vices of an, eye specialist for Fred erick, and If he pays all of the court costs. , / ■ , ■ “The evidence was lhat Frederick hod hoeti paying attentions to Dry* ngf* wife.’* said Judge "and if It hadn’t been a case whim's man wa* In a fa ih»o'i dwl -ndlng he - (Continued on pag* 4). GOLDSBORO, N. C. SATURDAY MORNING, JUNE 1. 1922 Final Effort Make Auto Show Success Iu a. final effort to attract crowd* to tha- Automobile Exposi tion and thud' to make the Expo sition pay It* gray. W. C\ Denmark secretary of the Wayne County Fair Aftsoclalleiu, last night issued the following: "For tb* closing afternoon and night of Uto Automobile, Mer chants aud Manufacturers Expos! tlon .the management offers the public th* piiftlege of visiting the show at the pillowing prices/' All school th’ldren will be ad milted for Mr Adult < IS*-. Danc ing from P;#P to 12 <><>, ItH- per danrt. ' m REPLIES ARE AT HAND t «, e ’■ ' Gathering Data on Amount of I’urclutxex Made Outaide of State The News Bureau, By M- K. 11l \MG A N ' Raleigh. May St - Nearly too re plies have already tieen received from North Carolina manufacturers In answer to tho questlonalre of the Raleigh Co-operative office of the U. 8. Bureau of Foreign and Dome*tie Commerce, asking them what goods they purchase tfxptshlc the State, ac cording to Park Mathewaon. In charge of the Slate's commerce and Indus try statistics. These replies show what are bought from producers In other States and these facts Are to be carefully analysed by the Slate Department of Conservation and Development to ascertain th* volume, source and kind of merdban dlse. This Information, when collated, will he of great value In determining what aeoda, wdl raw—uAaetwiM IR-Jhlu Stale, are needed In the lyocesa of State manufacture and will assist materially In thfc campaign for la belpg mudu by tus Couservutiou uapai iiu«a. »u coop«. - alio wuu lU<- L. a. ouivau oi UIIU XHUuenllc C. uf»m isuuca, LuaMuile ulstilcl uiaaaavi, uuu toe Udiuigo Co-op«<»LV« unite, uuu nzucu vuiuaule u.uu Ju .\ortu (..sroliuae luicigu luipori soil vsp»n littUe IS eXpucieU to be gulU' iuii. lue sun la. a I>*U o> a UiuaU plau ot Director J. W. llanstsoo, oi iu« t.ouservHliuli UepatimuUi, io (trat leel uuu men solicit lue localiou mi propel iuuumi ics w|tu.u io> btate, uaseil uu tbe tacts as to Die How oi gouus tulu auu out ot lue i>taiu, tu» loiuiatlun thai ua* uevei beiore b-«.i 'avaitaule lioui any source, io Diua irate Its value, li Is poiulcd 'oul tbal alien il m louuu tbal pailly proceaseu gooiia are purchased uutstue lue blau or are sblpped elsewhere to be dulab ed, it will be tbe object, of the cum merce and Industry division In co op eiuuon with the various chamber* oi commerce In the Stale to endeavor to bring into the State sucb process ing plums, In order to Operate lo cally, as fur us practical, all of the steps lu producing completed .goods. This data, received and analyzed, will show approximately how uiucn, lu dollars auu ceuts, ot these good* are lubricated outside the Slate suit about what local market could be counted on for such new Industrie*. Ail manufacturers ark urged to IUI out and semi lu the blanks sent them, lu order Io aid In the development oi a local supply fur ail their needs, A* well as to benefit the State at large. v Stamp Fakers Are rm Believed in Charge NEW YORK, MAY 31.-(/P) Two men sought as members of which the government says Is respon slide for more Ilian one-fljjfr of the M.soo.fMHi lost annually through the washing uml sale of cancelled stamps surrendered to Federal authorities to day. WurrunlS have been ordered withdrawn for five others. The arreat of the men was asked In a telegram to C. 8 Attorney Char-, lea H. Tuttle from federul authori ties In Charleston, ■&. ('.. where th" seven men were Indicted recently. L A lilccdtt and Frank Marquis, who Surrendered were bail for hearing on June Js, Earl of Balfour 111 Mm J? Wm 11 i lutml ■ V ~ (ivHL' Much anxittv has lieen created |n-4be British Kingtlotn by the grave contlitUm.of the Ealrl of lUallour, 80 years old, (oremoat i British statesman, who lies aerioualy ill at tha home ol hu brother and heir, Gerald Bal four, at London. Eng. l-ord Balfour won his first scat in Parliament in 1874 and was* created first earl of his tjame in 1922 after long and distin guished service with the 'Brit ish Goverijinem. TB. SMITH IS CALLED BEYOND 5 &■ ' o;' * Former Mayer of Pikeville Diex at Home of Sinter in 79th Ytar " 1 " r r " 'ct T R Smith, for many yfsrs a prom inent cltlaen of Plkavllle. died at the home of hla s|*ter Mrs. Grafflth In Raleigh at 8 o'clock last evening. Rp cordlog to word raaatvad htra last night. Death was due to paralysis. For about a year Mr. Bmtth had mad* his home In Raleigh. Brlor to going ■tn live with his sister, he had for 42 years resided In Pikeville where he wa* well known and universally respected, Ha was foi) four year* mayor of tha town and for six years he was a member ot the firm oF Smith, Ham and Company of Pikeville. Funeral services will be held from the Pikeville Methodist church at 3 oVIiKk Sunday afternoon and will b* ln f charge of Rev. I, 8. Richmond. The body will be brought" to Gold* horo for burial In Willow Dale ceme tery. MEN BATTLE ABOUT GIRL r— So Army lieutenant Is. in Hos pital With Broke and Other Mali in Jail BT. PAUL, Minn., May Gun play engendered by the trltiagle of a young army officer, a middle aged physician and girl had put the officer In the hospital tonight while the physician faced charges of as sault with a dangerous weapon. The army officer, Id. Walter H Miller end tlo'-'fiiyulclart. Dr. William II Hurst, shot out their differences last night In front of ill* home of Mis* Naan Elisabeth Ferguson. 28. Id. Miller, whose home I* In Vir ginia, was shot through both legs, one lib 11 el causing a compound frac ture of the rlabt leg. lie will racovar. City Tax Collections Off $15,000 For Year . • •» “ ■ ■ n r ■ - With the completion of the tU>*||i year tor the city of Goldsboro yester |l day .tax collections In the city for that I year w<>r* found to fall sls,fH»o shqrt of th* collections for th* previous | fiscal year. It wa* announced hy of- < minis of the city tax collection de- i purtuieiit- "Not so had considering the bad year wave hart everywhere, but still bad enutigh, Il was said. Tax collections In every part of IThlw section have been slower during the fWfcd year''than tn many years be fore, 7V News wa* told. There are ilioiisiijiAe of dollars still on the c!t> lax books. (hat remain to be collected, and 111 spite of the fact Unit the col lections Hire being rushed as fast as • possible, u' will probably b« some Seven Wayne Sections Held School Closing , Exercises oil Friday mmmm i T 1 m m ■»— —• Auto PlayH Curious Tricks in Fremont How did they escape serious In jury, If not death? That wa* the question being asked lu Freruonl yesterday concerning an aulumo i bile accident which happened tn V th* Northern Wayne town late Friday night. A new wide-open Model A Ford containing a party of negroes and traveling toward Goldsboro, hit the dufnuiy police man at the crossing of ihe .high way and (he main straet. A tlri blew out. and tha Ford climbed over the curl) In lb* left hand of the hlßtway. ploughed through a vegetable patch by tha railroad, bit off a . W. A Hereof, president of Kloa College, lelWint the annual address el Ml- Olive Mel evening, and Lleutenaal Oovereer B. T rountalp of Rooky Moaat address ed the Fremont aealere yesterday morning. Thee# two aeheola. teeetker with Belfaat. Baalatoe, Grantham fov •n Borings end Plkevtlle yeaterday held eserctaan In coaneetidn emit their school cloning. Lieutenant Governor PVmptala wee praaeoted by t I Ay cock aad the school saditorlaas wan well filled tar his address. # Tha presentation of the play “Bev •ntsaa” hy Bbitii’ Tarhlagten an leal evening completed Ike Pr ament earn meuAment- Kievan youeg men and woman were gr adapted frem the high school: President, Ploreaee Hpwlgbt Hook*} vloe-preeldent. fade Men Whitley; treeaarey, Dorothy Harnbaft Peels; aecretary, Otadyt Bogus. May ole Aaee Berdan. Tt#f» Collins. Sidney Hart I a Bd wards. DeP la Lee Howera, Jaeee Overby. JaneOk Thornes Peace—. end 0-nr TnWnr n*"’r P r„"g l, a rirw i riiDyivnu vm lit commsnceaaent seen her at tfee Brea tham cloelag Mat night. Riga ecßdel csrtlflcntaa went to eight grndnntoa of the high sekeot. Mr. Abernctky of Reeky Manat wan the speaker at the Bealeton finale yesterday. Saulston enjoyed Ito cloelag with the anaaal class day —arete ee. a picnic the ground* and n knee (tail i«nte. Last evening (he high school prenamed fta anneal play. Class day erekme were alee held ai Seven Pprlnya last evening Plkevtlle laet night oonttoned tte commencement with the grammar* grade asaraieae Inat evening to th» school aedlterinm. Plnela at lsttast Undaunted by the baratag rape at a lat# May am and forgetting every other obligation —oept the wftaael log of the ftaala of their acßeei, aer eral hundred pertoas veatnred in the direction of Belfast school yesterday where they enjoyed primary eyeretoee In the morning and an aid fa Alan— dinner served on n long table la the afternoon. 0 Mourning tha etate. Principal J. g. White sssuwd the supervUtoa of the final —erclaee hy awarding oectfU entaa of reading to atndenta who had read several books from tha schael library during the school year aside from tbelr regular studies. The following stadeats were award ed these rending oertlffoeiee: William Wilson, Ada Watkins. Car rie Smith, Mills Mae Jones. Snd|* Howell. Kstelle Ham. Nanais Mae Corbett, Olivia Con. Raymond Aader- M, Roberta Bellree Oar lead Pate. McAdo Tblgpeo-MBiltb Beet. Hetelle Hose, Kdna Hem. Kenneth Smith. Adell Beaman, Annie Learie HowelL Mary Clyde Hill, Verna Man Cnrro way. Hedrlc Pale, Mabel De—e. Hilda rale. Alvfn Watkins. Xda Jones, Wei ter Pascal I, Fettle Deris, Willard l-'utrell. K H Snead, Rather Pate. John Hilton Best. Rickard, Hart, |r., Arnold Pate Charlie Cooper, Alleot Kulllvant. Bertha Lee Wyet. Qreee Howell. Howell. Annie Bell Forehand. Ins Pate. Bealrtc Smith. Maggie McCabe. Virginia Bartlett. Ni ton .Beaman. Nancy Ben mas, Kthel Forehand, Earl Hardison Je— Mess lay sad Wilber Watkins. > Richard Hare topped the ant-re Be*, i with 17 books completed la addition i to hie regular school work daring the araaon, It wee announced hy Prin cipal J. G White Only four aludenia were able to t carry awey csrtlflcntaa fp r h—nr r roll attendance dining the aaneon i They were: Kenneth Bmlth. Me Ad* Thigpen. Cheater Coe nnd Ollrin I Bmlth. > . , (C—tinned en, page d|