WtAIHBR. MtUj fair Kuatfay aad M»ada;. Mlghlly cooler to North aad mini pert tea Heads;. VOLUME EIGHT; NUMBER 83 YOUNG LADY DROWNS IN NEUSE NEAR SEVEN SPRINGS Miss Ruth Sutton, 18, Was Enjoying Swimming When She Disappeared Believed to Have Stepped Sud denly Into Deep Water Froai Ledge BODY 13 RECOVERED SBVERAL HOURS LATER ' sent to Seven Spring* and to people In Rockford. A search ing party waa organized and In a abort time eg wtnnber of man were riding up and down each aide of the ' river near (he spot where the body «■ was laat seen, In boats. The body waa finally discovered' yeaterday afternoon about 5; 30 o'clock by Major Herring, Frank Smith and Damon Sutton., of Seven Springs, It had been awept down the rlvar aeverwl hundred feet by the fore* of the current, and waa found near the- river hank of the Stream In a ahallow atretch. Funeral aervlce* for the popular young woman will be fr&u the home thla afternoon. and the re pialna will be buried In the family graveyard, near the grave of her father, who died about two yearn' ago. '‘Besides (ter mother, the de ceased la survived by several broth er* and alstera. i • » MRS. ST. GEORGE DIES ON TRAIN » •■•nil for Prominent Woman From Home in Southport Thla Afternoon Funaral service* for Mr*. Ada St George, 81 year old woman of South port. who died on the Atlantic Coast Line northbound train about 1:3*1 o'clock Friday night, will"!)* held from the borne In Southport this afternoon. With Rev. James Miller, pa*tor of the Metbodlat Church In that town officiating Mrs, Ft. -George who was Itre-trith of Cspt.aln Ttioma* S George, of Soutjtp >rt, was also m aunt of Mte J.’W. Wealhe-s, of thi City •' v,V -*; ' ; The deceased, who had b>*’i -uf ' 4 ' ' faring Iron* a tiyu -r of the hralr frr some time. <:* n her wnv i• • \.< i. Hopkins *io.r*'Jn Robert of KliiiVon, and a irj'yt nurse When tko train *«» about half way b*Tweail Knlaon and Mount Oliva. Met. it tnrge w . take i with a redden aM!"'k and died t*e or* medical aid could be render-m The bo» ws i removed .from the train a* soon an I* arrived at Golds horu, rnd takan the fn-eral par lor* of C E H'anley and Soil 1 . »‘ • / the r‘» Chartlol— ilo“- eit '•* George, of Kinston r M r lam F< Georg* ere Measr‘. Jam*** I Rustell tad Thomas St. Gaorga, all I fit Southport, __ . THE GOLDSBORO NEWS READ IN THE MORNING WHILE MINDS ARE FRESH—READ BY BUYERS BEFORE THEY BUY. 14 PAGES TODAY BEAN BEETLE ACTIVE HERE | County Agent Robertson Gives Instructions For Control ! of Pest "The Mexican bean beetle is now (he n.oat active It ha* ever been 5 *r -c coinlug lo Wavne fount v, said C l .utv Aren' A. K. Itoberl-on’ "It c*ii '• contro’ . d but not a* c*** lly a* uch ln»w'* j- *:*e po' it > bug beet I ■ Thta I* t.» •••i»e t; fe.*,f< r-u the underside of the le.*V*-!t ai. I here fore th* plant* mt.-i be poluaon -1 in -such manner that t it- tindV'lle >f the Imvea get a CMtlir of p dsoi. Ii either ta# du*t f. m or llquod. - "Th* Mexican Oe-c Ih«'l*i Is main ly a pi ■; *»f p**i rring tt*c cominun er'lci b‘an* aid < .. na or *bu". »an. 'ie i -tt rhnfre I* Iteggai w--i. In erne caio-i h w- I ever, ir • In «-. t >ll -ere- dam f age cowpeaa. and *oy bean* are ■ Mometline* attacked. t „ "Bean plant* are easily burned wltb polann*.' *o that cate rnu»l he uae*l (n applying them. Begin us- Ing poison a* soon a* the egg* or spiny larvae are noticed on the un derside of bean r|enve*. From one to "five application* of poison are neces *ary to control bean beetle* on a crop. • "Calcium arsenale. the meßpest poison obtainable, I* e fecHve, ugjng a* follow: "Calcium arsenute, one pound, hy drated lime, five pound* l'*e thi* a* a dust Calcium arsenate c»n be used as a spray as follows: !,arge quantities -calcium arsenate, I three-fourth* pound hydrated lima ! one and a half pound*, water 50 gal lons. Small quantities—calcium ur sennt* three-quarter* ounce, hy drated lime one and a half ounce*, water three gallon*. For further Information call upon County Agent. A. K. Robertson. CAPTURE TWO BOOZE PLANTS, ' .. Deputies Get 60 Gallon Still in Brogden and 40 Gallon SOU in Saulston Two still* were captured In the opposite end of the county yester day. Deputy George Coker bagged a in gallon outfit In 84«bttoo township pud destroyed two barrel* of beer. Mark* about the plant Induced that the still had been recently operated, but (Mi one wa* about when (he of ficer* arrived. A6« gallon outfit was taken by Deputy Roy Precise In Brogden township ‘Five barrel* hap empty—were set up about the plant Report Lindy at Carolina Beach Is Proved Unfounded The "hot tip" that Col. and Mrs.l Charles Lindbergh were honeymoon* In* at Carolina Beach which came th Goldsboro yesterday, firoved to be not so hot The tip that the famous cou ple might he at the Wilmington beach , Vra* brought to Goldsboro by four men associated with Curtis* aero nautical Industries who came to Goldsboro by plane and automobile. "It Rounds probable." .said Tetl Crawford, regional aale* director of Curtis* Filing Hervlce. Inc., "for he has flewn an amphibian-plane along this coast before lie I* so wejl known In Ihe north and the far south that crowds llnck to whatever field he lights on whereas li« could drop down with an amphibian plane on am one of a number of sheltered wa ter*.” It did sound probable, and The News got into action to see that It* read er* got the true facts Managing Ed Itur Memory of the Wilmington Morn i lug Star. ( Was reached by telephone. | "What about this report that Lindy land hi* wlf# ar* down thara?" The , Nf w i _ _ _ _ i EXPEC T CONGRESS RECESS MIDDLE JUNE Auto Classic Ends Fatally for One Driver »'■ * * H J" A JSSk ,*%,■ mm m, .WBBbJkJk- jam The 500-ntile International Speedway classic at Indianapolis, Ind., brought added fame to Ray Keech, the victor in the gruelling grind, but death to Billy Spence, of California, who (Wove a puesenberg Special, car tyo. 10 (ar- u ’— 1 -t» Pave Way For Extension m ! 01 Fruit Fly (Juuruntinp WASHINGTON' June 1 The department i>t agriculture today pay ed the yrav f” r ,h,> Prompt exten hloii tis the quarantine against the Medlterreneaii fruit fly which la now lnb**tlng certain areaa of Florida by holding public hearings on the advis ability of placing restriction* against the fly lu every slate in the unload, After today’* hearing the depart ment can move swiftly If the fly la dlacoverad In any section other than Florida Dr C. L. Marlatt. director of the plant quarantine and control adminis tration, said the hearing also wan to provide for the restriction of the movemit of fruit originating In Flor ida from northern storage polnts-back Into the coMon belt where 4he -peat can maintain Itself. . W. A. Graham, commissioner of ag riculture of North Carolina said he already had placed a atate embargo on Florida fruit coming In from the north a* 65 cratea of Infected fruit had been found St Greensboro The fruit be said had been burned. Dr. Marlatt said he was to state puhlMy that most of the fruit In Ftnrida “and certainly all the fruit that Jit allowed to move from Florida la perfectly good and can be eaten whh safety by anyone.” [ fEI.K* I' FIN U S PARIS. June 1 Helen Milts today entered the final round of the French tenhls championship* In which she la defending her women's singles crown, defeated Mis* Klleen Bennett. Fngllsh- slur. In the semi finals bv scores jtl 6-2. 7-5. I "Nothing to It. that we can find.” replied Mr. Memory, “TUat re port ha* been current down here since! Thursday, and we have been run ning It down about every tr> minute* ' "The first story was that he was stopping at th* Walters estates Ar il*—here and we sent -men all through thyra looking for him or for anyone who had *e< n an amphibian plane or a yacht. They found poUtim-v how ever. if the Colonel and his ladv are down hero they are certainly good hlders.” What wa* considered m good expla nation of the "hot tip" waa given by a Glddstorq cltlxen. "Probably a publicity stunt start-; ed earlier In ihe week with the In tention of attracting a big crowd to the beaches Sunday. that * If the Col. and his hrlde were down i there everybody and his brother i * would he trying to get a glimpse of ’Nhem their‘yacht, th'dr Platte or anything And n whole lot would '■drive down Ju«t on Hie report Hum : t there was a likelihood that they were It*"*" » iw>- GOLDSBORO, N. C. SUNDAY MORNING. JUNK 2. 1929 KNOT THOMPSON IS BADLY HURT *' * On Receiving End of Heavy Piece of Iron Pipe in Quar rel at Greenleaf Charley, atlas “Knot" Thompson, negro living In the north end o’ the city, is In the Goldsboro hospital with a fractured skull, and Is said to b*> In 4 critical condition as a'-*sult or being on the receiving end ol a heavy piece of Iron p s pe In the hands of an other negro, believed by police to be. Cicero Kills, a resident of the Green leaf section. Officers Joe Howell and Hack Ful ghuni were summoned to Samuel's flllln* l!k *djs+»n in Greenleaf by a tele phone call Friday etrnlng about 7 o'clock, I’pon arriving at Ahe, fill ing ktatlon. the officer v foutid Thompson laying nnder the shed, apparently dead. The negro had been struck at the base of the akull with a large piece of two Inch pipe, and wus bleeding at both eur*. He was placet; In a car and ru-hed to the lu caJ hospital, where an examlnnUon showed a fracture at the base of the skull. Draining of th# spinal ha* been performed Reveral times, and aJtenilinc physicians declared la*t evening that the negro has a fair chance to reeavyr. The other negro, Cicero Kills, who wus said by witnesses to have struck Thompson with the pipe following an argument between the two men, was still at large last evening, lie wus reported to havs fled the scene lui mediate!ly after the assault, and of-* fleer* have not yet been able ,tp lo cate his whereabouts. The exact quarrel which resulted in the nearly tat.cl assault, wus not known, built was reported that Kills accused Thompson of Insulting his wife, Th« acnjsatloti wu- said to have resol ed ill morn, Words between the npu, unci' It was also reported that Thouipsou had a brick In til* hand when atiuek Willi the pipe. I ■ ‘ . CAR TURTLES . THREE TIMES Dennix SnndiTx, Nvgru, injured but Driver Mbtaed Dog Ah Intended Dentils Hander*, 'nogfo, of Helms. w»* *erl llllurell wtcrll the Cadillac automobile in which he wa* riding turned Over three times tie li the Wayti -JWloic county Inc m highway niinilcer luyedefclav after toiou Will Lewis u gro. driver -if the cur. atteuipic d to dodge a dog and lit* machine went into a r»i) spin on the » I'pavement. Hut he dd dodv the doit. Sheriff (irattt told huwc "El \Ve t person whose name could - fUR be (Continued on paga 5) , O’ ■ be—ri- row). Spence overturned at Death jurn, th* most d&ngcrotta spot on the track. The time for |ltc winner waa 5:07:25:42, for an average of miles per hour, which did not threat en atn apcedjtCorda for the cunt. IDENTIFY MAN DRIVING CAR 4 a—.. « A Mr. Ilill of Maryland Alleged to Have fauwed Wreck * Near Pikeville The aagro hit and run driver, who was alleged to have atruck the Reo Flying Cloud In which Mr. and Mr*, if. Mac JohiiHon, of Knfleld, were driving on Highway 4fl near Pike ville late Friday night, caualng John won to lose control of the autninolfle and crash iiito the house of Mr. ’De vis, has been Identified as bring a man uaiued Hill, from Maryland Deputy Sheriff Buck Gardner, of the aherl f* office* here, told The News yesterday that Identification had been made through an Insurance policy found In' one of the hags, which was knricked off the side of the negro's car when It sides wined the other. Kfforta'ara being made.to lo cal# the driver of the car. and aa aoou a* hr Is located a warrant will be Issued for his arrest on a charge of fast and reckless driving, tt was learned. . v |. , „ Mr. Johnson Is a member of the general assembly from Hal fax coun ty ahd a personal friend of W. W. Andrews, of thla city. Both be uiuh Mrs. Johnson had narrow escajftvw from serlou* Injury. Insect Specialist to Visit County Monday ■ C. H. Brannon, apectallat In In sect control with Nt C. Stale College of agricultural service, Raleigh, will he In Wayne County Monday June the third, to vl«lJ any one having tin usual insect Injury to crop*. Any farmer or gardner desiring special iat assistance should Inform County Agents Robertson at the court-house. Baccalaureate Sermons At Three Schools Today Willi several of Ihe rural schools already linked, other school* will it*!- day Im-klu their commencement ex ercises and conclude them ou Wed ueaday. Finals at JCuneka "Graded School swung Into action last night with ,4.i. recital and operetta by the music class' of Mias Ruth Ye I vert mi The operet- j lu which made a bit with a large au dience wa* “Molly-He-Jolly.” TIM* afternoon at 3 o’clock Rev. Mr Baker pastoit of the Mount Olive Presbyterian Church will) deliver the baccalaureate sermon. Senior class day exercises will lake p^ace*Monday night at 8 o'clock according td a program compiled by Principal James <’. Manning of that Institution. . Hen-lork Tuesday morning will beari Prof. K. W, 80-hart, o North. Car" litta State College deliver a s|mo al addre* • In tlo lr behalf. The follow In* arc the students who gradufil •! thi tia ou. Vernon Coley. Klllt.t jryV* Ivt-rton, 1 Halil:■ Wctberlngiuii, K » |ter Haley, Kvelyp Hauls, Viola ilatu . and KUxabelh Saul*. | 14 PAGES TODAY Senate And House Are" Near Understanding On Farm Relief Proposals WATERS W ATER BOUND IN TEXAS I Flood Which Delay Rotary Hub I'retmient Elect Take Uvea Os Ten Pew*e Gpunte w Wartgrs, Jr.. pre*ld*nt elect ..-w the Goldsboro Rotary Club and representing the club at the In ternational Convention In ' Dallas. Texas, the past week, waa yesterday waterbound In Hou*ton. Tex , he wir ed Mr*. Warier*. He left Della* Friday night on til* way home and had reached Houston when floods which have gripped the Imne Btar State the past few day* stopped train* from running The telegram receiv ed yesterday stated that he expected to reach Goldsborp Monday or Tu*a day '''.Floods In smeth and swat Texae which had delayed Mr. Warier* fol- I lowing torrential rain* had claimed 1b lives and caused daniaga amount ting lo million* of dollars. Three per- I son*, none of whom were Identified drowned Friday. A boy on • bi cycle wa* caught in the awlrl'ng cur rent In the afreet ■ln Houston and swept away. A lerrl'ted onlooker fell Into Ihe water and he, 100. waa car ried away. It was believed the bodies would be recoyered In the haaement of some nearby hnlldlng When the water* receded At Fort Worth a negro bov swim ming In the high waters of the TrliHty River wa* carried under by the awlft current. Keren other* lost their live* earl ier thj past week. GOLDSBORO MAN HURT IN WRECK •; . * J. R. Cox and A Mr. Davis Injur ed in Auto Wreck Near Roheraonville Lacerated aad bruised, the extent “of which was unannounced, J. R Cox. Hast and * Mr Davis of Goldsboro, were at a late hour laat night under < are of a local physician' aa a result of u head-on automobile collision ear lier In the nlglt tnear Rxibernonvlllq while enronle from Wllllamatcm to Goldsboro. .According to telephone Information reaching The News ai midnight, th# young men were returning front Wllllason where they are employed to Goldsboro. As they neared Roberson villa they Collided with a machine manned by a learned last night Odrupant* of both (Continued on page 4) The aenlor pluv, "The Knd of the Lane," will b< picsejiied by the dus* Tuesday night ‘at X 15, the announce ment *ay*.' Miss Taylor of the Kilg lish department lias beeu directing the character*. Contrary to a custom iff many y«#r* jno dinner will be served In plcttlt’ ; style Xttlw coiptnenekment. The News I was Informed. Brogden I Inals. Final preparations are complete for the Brogden High School finals which start this afternoon at. f 30 o'clock with the baccalaureate ser mon by lti» A J, Smith, pastor or the F:r-t Baptist Church-of Ooldsboro The Cobl-boto Pn hylerlan choir will have charge of the musical program. Mis**-* Dygna Kornogny, Krneatine Blssett, Kale Kllxabeth. Moore and .Lottie (i will serve as marsh als under the supervision of Hugh .John Hulling-wont* chief'marshal Lille tots of this. »chiK>l ar.> pre pared to render their "'Tom Thumb procram Tuesday nlghl im, ! s 10 which be fullowed b\ | jy 1 TODAY’S CIRCULATION 3,009 PRICE FIVE CUffl Democrat* Agraa U kpwrt i'ropoMal far Vat# on Tariff B#for# Dacambar I *' SENATOR SIMMONS MARK I ANNOUNCEMENT PARTY 1 * —' h Senate la Appiraatly ifif I* Withdraw U Dabaatara Relief Ptaa WAHHINOTON. jaaa h 4*l lifniocrillc support of Um infrth to rilnpnae of lb* tariff MU hatar# ttt malar session ia Dtotakar up the congressional attaatkm l«4*f and act republican taa4#ra to plan ning anew oa a raoaaa oe#r tk* bat summer montha. Thla throat of Waahlaftoa*! earn* mar haat alao appeared to b# |lfta| , President Hoover a whip baad oa M* •ntlra **tra aaaaion program. load- Im fore* to- the drip# (a dtapaaa at the farm relief oootrorerey at da early data. 1 If farm relief and the oaaoaa rf* apportionment Mila are aaaafgd ail definite aaauranee glean of a flaal eota oa tbo tariff aaaaoaro before De frmber.jjr. Hooepr will aaaatl(<»a a rongreealoaa) receaa a Bill Septem ber. Senator Rlmauma of North Carottaa ranging Demoerat oa the fiaaaoa committee. annoaaoad today tow a conference of the mlaortty aae mb erg would agree tbtt data t»a flaad eurlng final dlspaaMMf aaf the tartof before tbs regular gaaataa ia Deeeto ber. Senator Slmmone aahf ha dM aat want a definite data aa whtoh tha tariff bill ahoald ha eatod oa hat that tha namaerata woe Id gadarpa aa agreemeat atlpalatlag that tha ato%- aara should ha voted oa aat latat than a data beforb the Paoambar ana* alon. r Before that eaa coma ahaat, be# ever, the aanate meat riceai from Ms f iport debenture proeialoa had gat thla place of legialatioa to tha White Hnuaa :*ha hoaaa mast approve tha ■mate hill for canons and ragppaqi t ion men t and a vote meat ha talma In the aanate on tha recnmpibadattoa of Preaidant Hoover for ropaal of tht national orgtaal tmmlgrattaa quota baala which geea into affect July. 1. By inat what taatbod tha racaaa la • tn coma about la atil Itn doabt. Or dinarily unanlmoaa coaaaat woald he neceeaarv to bind tha aanate to agrit •til to a final vote oa the tariff. “ hi» la not In proa poet, donator fo rah and Senator Jooee. tha a aetata at Republican leader*, are bath again at the vacation and want tha aaaata to ■ter ber*. hot or cold, anill tbo tariff bill la enacted. CONVICTS START SERVING TERM Five Conroy ad la Btat# PridM Yentarday Hava Saataacas Totaling 48 Year* Wayne t'ouaty deputies yeeterdey conveyed to Ralelgb to begin earv- Ing eentaacae la BUta Prlaoa. five men who ware convicted of felonies la the Superior Coart here the past week. Two white men and three a#* pme* made up tha lot. Tha man were ■entancad to aarve terma total* Ini forty-eight year*. Will W ood and Herbert . Mlaahaw started sentences of five ta aavaa and in year* respectively- Wood wad convicted of a crime against nature and MlnMhaw of assault with latent y- kill upon blef neighbor J K Cook Willie King, negro, atactod hie 1* year* for breaking Into tha hoaaa at John King and attempting robbery. Marshall Williams got going oa Ms x to in years sentence for haaaa breaking and Wllltam Joyaof start ed kla 16 yea re for highway labbqgy *and Loueebreaklng. _ .