I & • WEATHER j m4 Wedaeedaj «Kk I ilnl; rhlif Ua^«nlir«. VOLUME EIGHT; NUMBER 84 LINDBERGH AND HIS BRIDE HAVE BEEN LOCATED MOTOR YACHT WAS USED FOR HONEYMOONING Bkippcr Tells of Helping Flying ( olonel and Bin iJady l-oad Their Boat NOW BELIEVED TO BE ENROUTE TO BOSTON Lindbergh Told Skipper at Block Island They Had C rosMed From Ixmg Island " a ' ~ ' NEW LONDON. Conn.. June 3.—(A. Pl—The honeymoon troll of Col. Fhar lea Lindbergh la a path across the waters of Long Island Hound This waa revealed today when l.ouls Rounds, skipper of a motor hout that piles btdweett New la>ndotiand Block Island Maid of helping the flying colonel'clock a new motor yacht at Block Island to take on supplies Hat urdgy. Just at present It Is believed the Mouette Is of' the tip of t.ong Island, heading leisurely for Boston. » On Saturday afternoon a new boat with a,tall, Hght-halred young man at the Wheel, put In at Block Island for gas and oil and Captain lamia Rounds, of the motor boat Elisabeth I Ann, gave him a helping hand to tie/ np. In the pilot house there wae-ostj exchange of seafaring and other talk The Mouette was supplied with’ necessities and after a short slay left 5 for a- croaa sound trip which would have brought the craft to Montauk point. The yachtsman told Captain Rounds and his mate. Raymond Ahell, that he had crosa from Port Jefferson, L. I-, which Is about opposite Rrldgepnrt. Conn., but the chart of the pilot house table showed the Mouette had crossed from a point cloae to the tip of Long Island where there are mawy Inlet* and small harbors In which a /urift, could anchor, and, at this season, he • alone lor days at a time. When the Mouette pul In at Block Island. Captain Rounds, according to{ bis own statement, was surprised that the yachtsman was trying to-dock unaided. The type if craft usually carries two or more tuen. Hence he gave a hand- The curtains In the, cab.ns wee “ drawn Ci lonel L'nlbe-gh did tr* Invite the others o .< ■ k over his craft nor did th v In tuyi c *'• Inquiries about the new boat. Captain Rouftds. who runs to this port, today told'of the Incident saying that he thought the yachtsman was Lindbergh from his height and build, although the latter did not remove his dark colored glasses while they were together. After Captain Rounds had " been told that his sprmise was right Colonel Lindbergh also told Adrian » Mitchell, a taxi driver, who was on the docket, of his Identity and that he was on hit way to Boston to take on a party of four. , 81/OOK ISLAND. It L. June S.-(A. Reports that Colonel Charles A Lindbergh stopped here Saturday at ternoon In a yacht named .Mouette were 'kubstantlated by Adrian Mitclyll. a taxi driver. >•, Mitchell said he saw the tall strang er wearing dark glasses and thought he saw a resemblance to the famous, honeymooner. * EATING PLAGES AjRE INSPECTED , T ' 44. The county w'll receive a total of $96,634 from all sources oth er thsn tax levies to bring the total of the budget to $:DiH.27*» from the equalization fund of the stale Wayne will receive $61,734.62 and funds from other sources wilt give the total o' $9*1634 which will not come Dirougii la; levy. Last year the total school budget for the 'county was $370,04iu. Os this amount s'!!2,r>32 was raised through the tax levy ‘ln the -countv The amount to he raised through taxes In the county th'* year. It follows. Is ap- I proxltnately SM).RRR less than the amount raised last ye»r. W SIIMMK) CASK IS NON-SUITED Judge Mldyette Refuse* to Allow Odom vh. A ,C. L. to Go,to Jury One divorce action was granted and one" case non-suited yesterday as Judge Mldyette launched a week’s term of Wayne County Superior Court for the trial of civil, ygses. . , Dortch Winn was given divorce from Hattie Winn on th' grottuds of separation. v The court's attcnt'.ill was given principally to listening to Lie i yldence In the suit o Clarissa Odom for slft.- 00.1 cgainst Ihe Atlitti- ( r t Line Rnll**« Judge MHye’t * titled that evidence was tnsuffV' n; ■ < warrant claim for damages an 1 ttir-Mi ted the act I >n without permP'tnq U to go to the Jury. The plaintiff had claimed damages as a result of Injurim * mn : ed In a full at Ptkevtlle. Evidence wps that she.had purchaseil a tlcßp’ and was walking along the right of way when Nhe 'heard her train called and start ed to run to catch It. tripping over a wire placed by the company. She al leged that the wire hail been conceal ed In grass and shrubbery, and alleg ed negligence on the part of the com pany- - - Edwards Re-Elected As Superintendent Over three olher applicants (or the, position. R, H Edwards was yesler ■lay re-cle i'd as County Huperlnien dent of Public Welfare by the Coun ty Board of Education and the Coun ty Hoard o' f'onim'ssiom r». Mr, Kd wards received six voles and Mrs. J N Johnson two. It was learned. OroV er Tyson, who was superintendent of Welfare here several years ago and Roscoe Johnson of Rosewood also applied for the position. General Tyson To Command 19 Camps At Vets Reunion Dressed In hi* brigadier uniform und with a full staff to dot him honor.. General B. H. Tyson ot j I’lkrvllle anti other member* of the Thomas Rurfln Camp will leave at j 7:1*0 thl* morning for Charlotte tot attend the annual re-unlon o the Sol-, dier* of the Lost Cause Those who had yesterday Indlrat esl their Intention to Commander K K. C.rlffln 61 m-lng In att -ndance were Col Hop Crtof. Rufus HJin of Cold* boro; Mr Honeycutt or Seven* Springs j and Hen Casey The county, a* ha l*een the precedent .will pay the fare of all of the veterans who attend th • re-unlon. A* brigadier general of the Second Brigade. North Carolina Division.; General Tyson will he an Important • figure at the meeting In. Chari tte I Genera! Tyson received this honor byj yole ot the North Carolina Veterans,j » The levy Tor county schools thti yeur Is expi-cted to he approximate). 65 c.-nts on the fl'tn v iln.it on of |>r q>- erty as Pxjiuparcit with 6‘J t > Itu < c o ty* school levy, la t year, a r do ilot of approximate!; It c nts, Taxes In i|)» mm* ~il ~ ; ul dbtLct Will lie reduced I i tli'- -a a. p. >, n lion to the amqp it .• i» .>(» i ■ i t > •qua Illation bum.d a a cuta to I h thi in through a re vaMidiutt of lit* special lax ill 1 rlit wh hli net v t complete It has ie ' IC. I it til Ihe reduction ,ln. special ill . r \ w 1 be from -6 to to cent on the fln • valuation. Adding (this reduction; I i th • ll' cents anticipated In the y neial si h cl levy, the total rrdnetien In “tt t>--- cent of the county will he a> a to vt! mum 19 cents. The rural school huilgi t as adopt ' I yesterday by the Comwlaslonors with question Is set up on a bads of 20 teachers less than the budget of last year. The budget for this year calls for 193 teachers as with 213 4or last year. — THREE MEMBERS ARE SELECTED ' ' J Highway Uommi**ion Committee to Visit Clinton to Hear Delegation* The Xe.ws Bureau By M. K. IH'N3(AOsjr RALEIGH. June 3 Chairman R. A. Doughton and Commissioners F. C. Kugler, Washington, o' the First dls trTcf. and JffTnV 'flprnni Tffll. Durham, of Ihe Fourth district, will form the commlttue front the- Htate Highway Commission to go to Clinton, Samp son county, to make an Inspection and hear delegations on the location of a road from Newton Grove where Route 220 Intersect* Route 102, toward the south or southwest. One delegation aska that the road be run from Newton Grove almost directly south to .Clinton, In which case It would almost parallel IJottles 6o and 102, and would probgiily re sult In abandoning the part of 102 lie tween Newton Grove anil Route 6n Another delegation asks that the road be run-from Newton Grove to Rose boro. via Halentburg, following 1"2 to Route 6o and build a new road from Route 60 to Roseboro, which would give a more direct road from Fayette ville to Goldsboro. The committee will hear the dele gation soon. W —— May Building PermitH Reach Total $14,390 Building permits totaling <14,.390 were Issued from the office of Guy E Whitman, city engineer, during the mouth of May. The News learned yesterday. The amount of the largest s.ugic permit m fur tagued to B F Carr for the construction of a dwelling house on Ash siYrTi. Other 1 permits were Issued as follows: $1,340;' for a dwelling house; s2.Ron for a dwelling house; $250 for office. | meeting at Tar boro last year. Nine- I teen camp* are assigned to hi* cwn | ntnnd all of whom will join him In Charlotte today. The name* of officers and maid* of honor, and Misses o'. Honor on h•* staff are as follows Mrs, John II I Anderson of Chapel FI 111, Asst Adjt Chief of Staff; Colonel Roger I’r < d< nt I* O. B. Branch Camp Raleigh Inspector-General; Colonel W. T ! Richmond. President of the Durham | ('imp Is f|uarter-ina«ter-general; W It Moore of Smlthfi' ld Camp Is Chlel of Ordinance; Colonel Goodwin, of Wadeaboro Camp is Colonel of Artil lery; the President of the Henderson Camp I* Judge-Advocate: Colon-1 Dim W Mien of lohn White t-'an.p ft Warrington, I* Assistant-General Dr Myers o Charlotte, Is Surge, n G -u-- 1 j «r<|l. Miss Virginia Tyson P< r n (Continued on page 2/ GOLDBBORO, N. C. TUESDAY MORNING. JUNK U 1929 Mill Strikers Manage Somehow The families of more than 200 strikers from the Loray cotton mills at Gastonia* N. G., have been dispossessed ffom the com pany's houses and have established a tent colony on the out skirts of the city. One of the evicted families is shown moving into its newtent home.' Condition in the mills have not changed and the strikers refuse to return unless all their de-. mands are granted. , 9 - - -- r- Eureka Han Claim Tn Unu -Goldsboro Mis* Kills' recitation was; "Naughty Nell” and Daniel* used "Ksmnrgida's Mlwfo*- tune" for Ills medal win'iilng dec lama - tlon. Other students competing In the declamatiod and recltajlon contest* were; Hloyx Britt ‘"nie Kinking of the Lusitania'-'; Nola Wallers ■’‘Buy ing a ItaWroad Ticket"; Kltou Rate "The New South ’; Mary Alice Stiilotf ln Jhe Dark of the Honeymoon"; Lyda So**er "Tommie's Prayer"; Woodrow Sutton "I.indbergh-Amhas saili.ir"; Nellie William' “The Soul of the '»Jflolln"; I air eii Kdwards -"Mv Mv Motlni and Mv God"; Doris Brown "Dyploniallc Mrs. Dun bar.” ' ti* The song “America'’ was sung by Ihe audience dining the evening. FRUIT ELY IS FOUND R ALEIGH i— —- .Adopt Kii;orotis Methods in Ks luFl Prevent Spread I’est in State ■* /* ' ■ BALKIGft, June 3 iA P) Riga ouh rm-uMir#* to |wrv*nt th<* Jolh-alt tloti mid *fir* ml of t!i* Mi*d lerrfiiith i fruit fly b«*i .• Will tie^tart *1 tofiioi r »W by Hip ntatf* dwpart iMPnt o a* mil tur<* iitrth*r th* «!Ir* Minn o f I f It W Matt* t*9if ouiolm I t, *v)n> * lieioro Ihe Goldshom Klwanls i hlh al Hie Hotel Goldsboro CoL George K- sT«q{Siti was In charge of the evening's program and presented Judge Mldyetta, who I* presiding over the second week of Wayne County Hupi-rlor Court. Men such a* make up (he metnher dilp of the c'vlic clubs were urged by Judge Mldyette to bestir themselves to Hie »ml,that lliei do not confine (heir leadership to their club* or to their churches. \ dclk’lnfill mtisli'iil progrnm was rendered hv Mr- .1 It Hooks, Jr and hy Mrs. John Morris. The next meeting will he held at Crescent Lake, li was announced.! when a chicken fry will he served with wives amt sweetheart* of rluh members pres.nl in giic.ts o' honor 1 The i lull foie I to nci-opl (he Invl tailon qf the Wllmlngiou rlllh for s Joint meeting at Wrlghtsvllln Reach. June 26 ' —T ' Only One Out-Stat e IVinter Makes Bid R ALEIGH. June 3 (Ah - Talmla tlon of the 1R hlcts- for Ihe slate's s!i«i.(Mio hi-enlHl priming contract was underway In the state depart s ment of labor and printing tonight hut they would tin completed and contract* awarded. Seventeen of tha bids were-snhmlt ted hy P Ct-firms'.' the sole foreign hid coming from the Ft. Wayne Print ing Company, It „ Wayne. IniL one of the 10 7-79 contracts. Plan To Construct Line For Electricity To Town Eureka ■'i - - | fciertrlc light lines will be ext'-ndel, I from Fremont to Kureka, übrtlieust.: 1 WjiWw count! town. In the mt L future I ctlUen* of the thriving ttgrl- I <*ii 11tirs 1 village have their sag. Two plsttcH of extending thJ* lln^ | from fh'iiintit to Kur**K;• tire now I under consideration. Uni' In to hive : tin- town bullet the line from Kremont ; tlie other I. to (toniratt with, Ifgrvevj Whitley, Frerndnt lelephofie *y; front him j The faction which desires that the ' i municipality er i t the lln* points oil' that , Hi - M i ' i ceil t to i|n the ci i i.trnc’lon work that while thl* wonll o? jnne*.itv nii e the tan, rajc shat In the end thl* lent would he cheaper lu that the rate* for the vlcc-J Oiler Home Late Sol Weil As Site For City Library o O I.IIIRARY TRUSTEES VOTE TO ACCEPT “GRACIOUS GIFT* OK CHILDREN OF LATE SOL #BIL AS MEMORIAL TO FARE NTH—WOULD ALSO GIVE 15.000 , AND PRIVATE LIBRARY „ 1 • . *■ The children of the late Solomon and Sarah Well have . n'fered the tiomeplai'e of their parent* on Chest nut streef as a permanent home .for the Goldsboro Public Library. Judge l> H. Bland, chapman'of the hoard of trustees of the library, reported to she board of aldermen at their regu : Inr (lest Monday session last evening The trustees of the llhrsr^recom mended to the hoard of aldermen that j Hie city accept Hie gift, and a coni . mi tier composed of Aldermen Rrldg ers, Robinson. Isaacs. Waters and Borden wu« mwued to Investigate the offer and to report back to the board at Its next meeting .lodge Miami read the offer, mude t» a letler under dale of April H, as made by Lionel Well, Mrs O A. Oef— (Anger anil Mr*. Helene Htrauss. In addition to offering the late home place n «wJb)lonum Well, the family would also" donate sK,tMto to the li brary. amount s3,A(mi would he avnllatHK making alierstlons In the reslilencylQ make It suijable for Tim COURT NETTED $587 Mayur Tried and Disponed of 82 UaMC* in Court During May Fine* and cost* totaling 1617.70 woe handed out hy Mayor Jack Hill In police con it here during the month o' May, according lo figures contained In the monthly report local police department, made here yester day A total luiiuUer of 23 cases were tried anil disposed of fn police court during the month, defendants In 29 t'Hsgs were bound over lo county court wji 'e nine esse* were dismiss ed <* Ftnsp i ssesrrd during Ihe it tVT amounted to S9O, while a total bf $497.70 wag taxed |n costs. The feature charge of th 1 month was “being d*i orderly" There were 21 docketed un this jn> count There were 20 defendant* slat ed for being drunk. 12 for speeding an automobile and 11 for being both drunk and disorderly. FARM TEACHER WILL BE ADDED Wayne Will N«xt Year Have Four Teacher* of Agricul* a lure Inntead Three Wayne County will add another teacher of vocational agriculture ,to its county school system, the count?, , hoard of ediicatlon decided yesterday. Provision for IhleJaddltional teacher of agriculture hut"the State and Federal government hear a large part of Ihe expense. The school where ihe extra farm teacher will he liH-nted will he decided by the hoard of education In cooperation w th the "Htate Department of Voca , tlonal Education. Agricultural teach- I ers are a t present employed at” Gra ntham Rosewood and Pikevllle . 1 rlelty under thl* plan would he on a io*l basis If an Individual erected the needed line he would of necessity lie forced to i barge rale* that would | Insure n return oil hi* Investment. Sl* Inlles of line would have to tig hill It from Fremont to Kureka to light the town, and It ha* been estimated that the cost of running this line | would Ik- about IIO.fKW), Not onlv would this line provide electricity for atreet lighting and for /lighting FttrAka store* amt homes, hut arm dwellings on the route from Fre monl to Eureka could tw< served. “This amount of Ilfl.UOfl shouldn't stand In the way of lighting up our town," -aid a Kureka cltlien yealer day. We ought to go right ahead of It There Is no use to continue un der the handicap of a lack of elec tric 'light* when we are within si* | miles of It." MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS PRICE FIVE CENT* library purpose* and tba remaialng 11 Mmi .to be uaed (or maintenance rMM) a year (or Ibrea year*. Th» private library of the lata Mr. aad Mr*. Well |« *l*o offered. Till* la a very valuable collection of hooka num bering about 1,0*6. In cane the site was ever abandon ed by tba city far library purpose* It would revert to tba family, but *b* city would be permitted to remove tie prevent dwelling and to erect a budd ing planned along line* of library ar chitecture. If the growth o f tbe ctfv and of the library Juatffled Jblp ge tlon at any time la th* futarp. * The board of trustee* tb# li brary,” aald Judge Bland lb trans mitting tb* o'fer to tb* board aider men. "ha* voted unanlmoualy to Re cent thla gradoua offer. We regard It a* a atep forward toward (acres* Ing the real worth of tb# library tr the community." The generone offer by t||e Wei’ tOoetlaeed ea *m» fl QUERIES ABOUT AIR MAIL ROUTE ! Chamber of Commerce Want* tg Know What la Stataa Qm of Prepeeal •bi e v A request for leformatloe a* to the outcome of tbe meeting of pPetal and air mall rout* officials la Washington on May 11 waa mad* la a letter writ ten to second aealatant Postmaster General Glover by Walter 0. Denmark, secretary #' tb# Cotdahorq flbamlit of Commerce, yesterday, Tbe Metre learned, Mr. Denmark, who filed a brief, setting forth tbe advaatagee ad Goldsboro aa a teatatlv* distributing point for air mall in tba eveat ‘itrrbrr **>“•* la placad la opsratloo through (he aouth, declared that be bad baard nothing at all from Washington place the meeting. The brief from tba Clumber of Com merce waa sent to Congressman Char les I, Abernathy, ad this district, who advised local officials Interest ad la having tba roata established byway of Goldsboro that tba brief weald be more affective than a personal dale cation. Many local panel* think that Golds I boro baa an tacallent chance to be chosen a* on* of tbe distributing points on tba proposed rente tb rough ‘ thla section In tb* vent It lo eaub llshed. Th* central location or tba city In regards to Eastern North Caro lina. and tb* fact that H baa been chosen by many large oonceraa a* 1 distributing point ter their wares, are aom* of th* advantages pointed out. RECEIPTS ARE OFF SLIGHTLY rn.niA.Mi- ■ I’omloffice Bun! newt, Howtver, Better Than Any Year Except 1928 Receipt* at tbe local poetoffice for the month of May juat pasted about a slight slump from tba receipts of May, 1928. but with tba exception of last year, the local office bad tba bee< quarter. March, April and May of tbla yeur, In tbe bletory of tba Ooldeboro postof Ice, Postmaster K. A. Blmklae told The Neyra yesterday. Kecelpts for last month totaled |4.- fi 76.BS, compared with 14,»H 47 for May. 1928, a decrease of oaty 8218 #3. "Os course we bate to have a fall ing off of any kind, but we believe that our receipts show up an good If not better than other offices la tbla section In spite of the bud eeaeoni and other conditions' fbnt naturally affect the receipts of a postoffica," lo cal o flclala declared. Receipts for tbe second annual quarter fust ended Friday amount to 1 15 706.77, It was learaed- Tba re celpt* for March. April and May of 1928 totalled 818,008 28. According to these figures a decrease 8 BWMB, wa» registered during the past Aren months, compared with tba receipt a (or tbe sam« period of time Mat rant.