WEATHER Pair Wednesday and Thursday. Banner Wednesday. VOLUME EIGHT; HUMBER 84 CONFEDERATE VETERANS OPEN THEIR 39th REUNION Make Valiant Eifort Revive Rebel Yell As Many Reach Charlotte Hnrrlwon Warn* Ixwtiiiß Southern Glories In Ma*e- Mtrom of Industriaiinm HOLDS WAR FOUGHT FOR STATE’S RIGHTS I'raines Wonderful Record of South in ProicreHH Since Civil War * CHARLOTTE, N. C,. June 4.— ■i—Th# thirty-ninth reunion of lh« United Confederate veteran* op-wd 8 formaly tonight am'il a breexe of c ol or, music and oratory and the vaHint efforta of thousands of grey-c'ad pat riarch* to resurrect (*•• r<.t*el yell. K‘union officiate'J late dill afternoon that JM *'> visitor* were In the city with Jhat number mounting hourly a« a steady stream of p Igrim* r poured In by almost every known mean# of travel. On the roatrum tonight nt the Arm ory auditorium erected especially for the occasion were Senator Harrison of MlaaiaalppL Governor (>. Max Hard ner of North Carolina* Mavor 1 Oeorge Wilson of Charlotte and former Mayor F. M. Redd A concert by the Chlted Staten Marine band opened the first reunion program .. Senator Harrison. devoting his ad dress largely to", a defense of the Southern cause In the War the States, told the veterans that the principle for which they had fought was states rights and not slavery. He railed fpr a Ye-baptlsm of the fioiith for tliaj ’principle and warned of a sacrifice of southern spirit to lndun trlullsm "We of lit# f|pulh^uustj>c v * r permit . §pf«b*rn glories the roielslrom of lndtisirtil strife, said the. Senator. "We must not allow those principals for which our fathers sacrificed- to be supplanted by yield ing to the commercial exigencies of the hour. « "But at t|jl» Juncture the men and women of the South Joined bailie with their own doubts and fears. They gathered for a lasi desperate charge upon the sombre battlements of de spair. There wan no beating Os drums or display of colors there wan no time or means for preparation. "But with their faces to the foe and with the thought of surrender put forever behind them they hurled the forces of lawlessness, poverty and Ignorance a. defiant challenge and - went to work. ■s' . * "This story of the rebuking of the South forms one of the most glorious chapters of the history of the Anglo- Saxon race and our victory was es sentially a victory of the spirit.” As a preliminary the Confederate Southern Memorial Association open ed Hit M)th convention this afternoon with addresses by Mrs Hesse Yates C S. M. A., hostess, and state presi dent; Clyde R. Hoey. Sh«lbv. N C. attorney and brief greetings by Gov ernor Gardner others, START CURING IN S. C. SOON ■n P. D. Woolen Say* Acreage Cut 8 Percent But Prospects • » Good Tobacco curing will begin in Horyv county. South Carolina, in the nett three weeks, with prospects for a fine crop, i’sul ,D Wooten, or S C„ told The News yesterday "'Regarding acreage.' he declared. "1 would aav that u decrease In this •eelurn Os about 8 per cent would be fair to both farmer and trade "The prospect nt this time Is the very best this Motion has had In live years perhaps The crop to date Is fully 10 days earlier than last season Right now we ure enjoying after the cool spring « perfect growing season and the crop In this section generally speaking Is good It might be of In terest to state that most of the t'thnc ro In this section Is knee high to waist high. Home of our 'farmers have, to bacco shoulder high tttid have plough ed U out their last time "Curing wilt begin In from two to Iferaa vaaki with many," a THE GOLDSBORO NEWS ■ :t . • • READ IN THE MORNING WHILE MINDS ARE FRESH—READ BY BUYERS BEFORE THEY BUY. Finds Copy Election Returns for 1845 A copy of th* official returns o: an election held In Wayne county on August 7, Mr. was discover 'd yesterday by Emmett Powell tiv an old pockethook which had belong ed to his father. The matter of moving the' courthouse from Waynesboro to Goldsboro was vot ed on nt that time and lost l>y R vote of 930 to 117. Dobbins, "loco fo«o" candidate for Congress rC celved a majority of 607. over 1 laugh top whig.: Lane candidate for Superior Court itjerki receive I A majority of 11*6; Green, oarfdHbt" for countv court k. no- regular opponent received 888 votes. Mr Powell has bsd the Interesting oil paper framed In order Ip preserve I’- GIARLTE RANK WINS ITS SUIT b Judgment for $1,500 Against Person of Ed Godwin Giv en by Jury Judgement of $U.500 against the person of Ed Godwin was granted the Charlotte National Bank And Susan Ham wus given Judgment *ngalhst C. J. Kadis for $lO In suits settled yes terday before Judge Mldyette m Wayne County Superior Court. Ad- JournmptW until thin morning was tak en early yesterday afternoon when no cases were ready for Immediate trial when the docket was called. The suit of the Charlotte National Bank grew out of business relations nt a time when the defendant was agent for the Wlllys-Knlghl Automo bile In Goldsboro. The Jury found yes terday that the Bank was entitled Ip recover the full amount of damago* asked - $3,500 and that Judgment agnirist the person was entitled for || Min. In the Ham vs Kadis the amount asked was sl3<». The facts were that as given the Jury were that the plain tiff .had purchased n house and lot from the defendant; that there was a garage and pen for stock on the lot. After deed had passed. It was said, the previous tenant removed tWJ* garage ams the pen for' stock. For this the plaintiff wanted damages of $l3O. The Jury decided that s4n was sufficient. SERVED SELF SQUARE MEAL Thief Enter* Delicatessen Store on John Street and Make* Sandwiches ° The thief or thieves who broke Into' the Delicatessen etore on North John street sometime during the wei; small hours of the. night M ii lay left the scene of their raid with nractlcallv nothing except a fuller stiniach (ban they carried In, examinailn of ti e stock by Mrs. c. Margol»j. proptle'or frt tbe store, was sojd tp have r"vctilei r . A Jar pf relish, a bit of m“V and a loaf of bread had been us • I by th" maruauders In manufacturing »ome samlwicheH which were ec n on the spot. The cash register wa ■ a*-a broken open, but all money ht ' *ti remov e«s For Pa*t Year Reached Jotal Os About $5,000 i • Fir* loss in the city of Goldsboro during lie month of Mav wa* estimat ed lo be around ta.ffoO by chief Geor ge Mabry, of t4,c local' fire department, yesterday, The exact figure* of the loises sustained during the motcli hove not bon obtained, It w.iw learn • " beciime Iti - lira rn <■ nl ns’er- have ‘ o a t yet completed their report on -th t> o biggest fire* occurring -during the month. Six alarms, one of them f.i 1-•- w< r- U'-Sjjied hv tbe'lrxal I ment. according to the report mud u chl**f ' iliry. The largest tie lo • v re sustained when Hack Wlgwltl’i dwell ing holts* was deal royed, a ltd v her. Jim* Farfour's dor • wn« gntt ■«! hv flari.e* Con •'dctahle difiSao "a si il tn hav" lu-eh dom bv"s-no'." and water at the l.itu r confl tvratton Mill II t Ik" HHIt Ctvr North Carodkia Falk, ionlrh l I Wetlnestlay whh ‘lo.t l, i. I•» f »■ pernture; gentlesto njod.'rate a. nit er Jt wind*. •' _ ri ' ■ GOLDBBORO. N. C WEDNESDAY MORNING. JUNE 5. I»2» REMOVE B AR.. TO SETTLEMENT ' l Delirium Agrees lit I’ropoHdls of i S< h ichl ft.r SeUlemntt so Murk (’ontrover*v ». « . « PAR IS. Juno -4 - (AIM, The last! hnrrl-’Wtn it hoc letc a rrcemetit n|»v the exp'it'. cmnmlller on lli • iOptra 1 Hon* uuesttou- wa remorul t tlav . and the | c> • t i ,t iling |itnltit'iit o j Europe's post war life in ijr he rotis'd | J en d offuTtllv srltlrd The It dtlahs ihl i .ifti'rapon icfep < Al |-r no- sp•tut- '! • D llii I ttetr ,St !. iht look'hg to- •- I • dtl'ni of the "'.litt rover I‘l l>r< I lert O. tit 'i >- I il' iViptioii of German mark l f In j Bc|g* o*o 1 ill Ptß'dl It t" I I'lU'tlrs I r *’*' JWtfWft f.-ii »• ■ about ‘ll.uhn rttllt. Willi t*t“ re' etv i>-'r bv th« |te| flan-.of th- Gert '"tt propasrl a >irnv at of th exrert ' r me t embo IV> ; th- ~r •mi a'lou uitnnHlcn sttgg" if* I h • Ov.. n J). Vtdtti th" rhitrm ni «w becomes miartmort nod tH- hi f rt r- p, i « t tt ti t V’ -n’ i t • I t tt- • .i > t'.' r*rrernr I for • itl fleet t W".I t-r u/- I on Tr; d;.v OV StlttfM > [ * , Th It'an pKd tile p■ > • ■dure pi npn .lNP> i over a period of .77 years; 1,700.000.000 marks (approxl juately $408,000000.)- over a period of 21 years and 000,000,000 marks (ap proximately s2l(i,noo,ftO(i) f«r on* o « year. 1 — "PARIS/ June t -(API rtfren. D. Young, chairman of the reparation committee, announced upon leaving a plenary session of Ihe experts ihi* evening that a full agreement had been reached by the reparations con ference. Attend Conference On Negro Education RALEIGH, June 4 Dr V T Allen State -iiperlnternlant of putdlc iiistr i Him N C. .New In dll, Klu’e - u |«*-» \ k n of negro education, \V K. C|ed!f ; t'i charge of the Ro enwald Filed In North Garollna. and Mr Furgnson. o-J the negro edllealtoM devidou. ,nj- In! Atlantic t' J' iiteiniliig a ronfeteOi'- ,o .stale ugefli . In ishargc of negro edD< n' -tl -1 I ” Da:i (’. Honey Slate Insurance crn i I n.i . .im i i- aticij lltig a Co i■ i ■ 1 •. -1 of tii nuance commissioners In CU'.ca go this week. _ _ Banker’s Wile Killed [I / | i Ami Body Lett Hanging | !n Apartment Closet ji * 7 Reinstated in Qraca Religious peace tn Mexico scciiis imttlitietU with *Jhr »tt nounccrncut of the «|i|Hiint ruent by the l’u|>e of MB r Leopold Rmiz y Flores, exiled archbishop o ( ia, at Apostolic Delegate to Mexico. The archbishop was exiled sev eral yeara ago when new re ligious lawa were put .into ei* tcct in Mexico. SI ED u: \ItOLINA~ FOR SIOO,OOO , , -- - « “ Special Feature Article Contains Interesting HU of W«yne Histiry , That Klrhy Smith, a VVayne county Student once yiueil the University Os North Carolina In Wayne Superior Court for s|im,siin Is told by Dick Mc- Glnlyorn In a special feature story tn which be compares Fnlverslly eom mencemenls of other days with cum mencements of today: "A student Kirby Hni'th." he writes '.‘was charged wdh palming I'uldw. ll Monument red all over at commence ment time He denied the charge an I filed Iti Wayne county Superlot Court a libel suit for SIOO,OOO against Dr Battle, president of the Fnlversl y, Dr Manning. h‘-ad of the law school a id Paul Cameron, chairman of the hoard of trustees Mnd the richast man in the State at that time. The case was tried In Smith's home county, Wayne, and lasted two weeks. rtrswjpg people from all over th# them Governors Aycock and Kltchln an I other notables, The Jury ordered a mistrial, saving there wa* no probable cause for Smith's arrest hut that th" Ftilveraity bad not acted maliciously and viciously In the Investigation. The case wa* thrown out anil, later compromised by the University's pav ing the court cost.” Oi ■ - 800/E PLANTS ARE DESTROYED Deputies! Raid Still in Oporation in Fork Tow n*hip and Get 2 Gallon* —~ ed a still In operation In Fork town ihlp-and de«jroveil a *lte In Brogden ‘'A Negro wa* just leaving th- Fork township plant to I • ' more water for) Ilfs holler .When the officers hove Into view over the hlk He stayed not on * lie order of Ills going and tin- depu , tie* were ontclac-ed In lh< speed raC '.l Tjg/) gallon* of whiskey had b ’-n' ' Oinnut:)’lut'd and the plant vu go | j lug full tilt Three barrels of beer j Intended for the run were destroyed, and the plain a ft tv gallon one wis In oughi,. to the court house. Later In Mi* aftorniKi.ii four barrels Os lie., \Vi - - i|< l|,,v<- of M a-. Mi- dep I J th-1 tn atitf-booxe war to five In flu;| ' last four days. • o Mr*. Frank Patty Apparently Beaten to Death With Ham mer; Man i* Held USED SKIRT TO HANG J BODY ON CLOSET HOOK r * * William Tallman< Radio Opera tor, Denies All Knowledge Os Crime r ... ■ ■».. LOS ANGELES, ’June < (Al'» Mr*.- Frank Patty, banker's wife wai found tu: ten to death here lyst iv. Po lice ordered the arrest of William C ' TtUnvu, former employee of the R«- ilhi llroailcastliig Company In Han Francisco. > M s Patty's liihlv was found hsng-| lug lu a tdoset iii an apartment, MM apparetijly had been beaten with a hammer. Her skirt had' been used to hang the'body to a hook In the closet Mrs. F. Lowel, manager of th# '' (i apartment Itonse. said a man about 25 years of age. slender and of light complexion bad recently rented the apartment under the n.Ttnc of W. C. Johnson. Mr*, leiwell knew nothing about the woman and the discovery o' the bQdy was the first Intimation a woman had been In the apartment. Mr Pally, connected wlih a Port land. Oregon, hank, said he had lived here' wlth hit wife three yeara. He returned yesterday from a trip North and (ailtug to find hi* wife Set out to hunt her this morning, lie collapsed when told of her death. Mr*. Patty wa* described a* "young and red hair ed”. i The hrnlsed cond tlon of her hand* Indicated *b# had fought her assailant desperately. In San Francisco Ihe former em ployee* of Tallman said b# wa* em ployed as a radio nperuluf' until leal January. Officials said he wka of a reticent nature and had few acquaint ances. Tallman denied all knowledge of Ihe slaying H * father, Harry Tail man. said hla eon had told him (hat he Intended lo marry Ihe young wo man. SHRINE STARTS ITS CONVENTION ( ci * I*o* Angcle* TranMformwd to Modern Arabian City For Fentivittm LOS ANGELES June 4 (API .Six thousand Hhrlnera garbed In all colors of the ratnhpw surved through sunlit streets In a maleatlr parade to day to the clolaleum lo open the 55th annual convention of the, Nobles of th# Mvatlc Shrine. In col uni os extending 3(1 blocks Ihe fun-maker of free Masonry with ban ners flvlng thrilled the throngs of spectator* who banked the avenue of March ten row deed- A modern Arabia lu all It* glory had been transplanted Into the heart of this Southern California mclropir ll* and the thousands who came to watch roared the visitors a great wel come. Forty American flag* born by the Shrine color guard prereeded most o: the marching delegation with their hand (haulers patrols and mounted "desert Arabs’’ astride white and sorrel horses I tn ihe midst of the parade members i>f the Councils, governing body of the Shrine, rode behind Imperial Poten tate Frank Jones of Houston. I Texas, nonier of the TS.IWn Shriller* . here e ° /tPP'N M Vr HOP SIT FOII JUNE FRIF.DRIf'HSILXFFN. Germany. ] June 4 tAh Tbe Hamburg-Amerl ’ ran booking nfflek announced today ] that the n< xt flight of yie dirigible Graf Zeppelin to the Fulled States ha« been set for June 3u wgather per mitting „ MRS. HOI.DLN HI HIED KINSTON. June L- Funeral serv ices for Mrs L .L Holden were held nt Hooky Mount recently. She was. 77 venr* of ng • and Ihe widow of a Method! >P minister Mrs, Holden died at ihe homo »f a daughter nesr-bere Six-J: • urvfv - l hy a numlier of sops 1' and daughters, residing at llendep sonville. Fnrnivllle. Kinston and else where In th* Cut*. MEMBER OP THE ASSOCIATED PRESS PRICE FIVE CENTS W ATERS TELLS OF CONVENTION *> • i ■ . ■■*... i— J iXrmberri of Rotary Club Ha* Vnried Program at Rtfl lar Meeting On* of th* moot-Inspiring feature* < of the International Convention In itallaa. Urorge W. Water*. Jr.. told th* r.oiilthorn Rotary club laat eveatag, we* ihr «plrtt of friendship manlt*(t among thr delegate* from forty-odd * nation* of th* world a* th*jr brought arming* from th*lr countries. Mr. Water* represented th* Ooldaboro club at th* convention and hla re port of the meeting, together with muilral and dance number* supplied by children of Rotariena trite war* guest* of their dada at lie meeting, made up Ih* rlah program. North Carolina played ah Important part In she Convention) Mr. Water* aald. In that Kugene Newaoma of thir liam waa aelected a* International president and le that David Clark, of I harlotte. waa named to tbe board of director*. "Tbgrk.waa even aome fool ing." aald Mr. Water* "That North Carolina probably got more than bar aha re of th* office* of the club." “I waa rather fortunato,” be con tinued "In th* room which woa aa- Hlgned to me at th* hotel. I got o reel meaning of what Rotary la whao I found that moat of room* were Rotarlan* from over th* jtea*. f couldn't talk tp many of thorn, but there were a good many latorpret eV* about and I mad* uae of them " Delgeat** from Rngllah cluha, Mr. WaUra reported, mode 0 atreoudua effort to bay* th* totter part at th# Rotary motto “*Service ahoy* aolf he profit* moat who aervoa b**t" stricken out. Th* contention of the Rrltleh delegate*. he explained, waa that ih* latter' part of the atogan wo* often misunderstood. The effort ee the part of th* Bogllahmon, ho retort ed. woo uneo—oaofol. ‘ grout Executive W. W. Rtyera re ported that the regort of tho State health department laboratory had been received yesterday relattvo to th* prator supply for tho now Tat ra rora Scout Cooncll and that tho well wo* producing water "** PW* a* could be found anywhere la ■*•»- ern North Carolina". While the Rotariaaa had listened With pleasure to Mr. Waters and to Mr. Rivera (hoy began to. sit op and take notice whan tb# children assum ed the boards. Little Virginia Jamas did a graceful dine#; Priscilla Harts horn rendered a difficult plaao sola; and then Charlea Dewey showed th# club how a real catcher goes shoot It- Hl* demonstration would have made liver* aahamed of himself. There followed o beautiful ***** by Annie Holmes, a piano trio by £a nle HroWn Jerome, Janie Robertson aud Humphrey Brown, n piano solo by Annie Brown Jerome sod an #*- hlbltlon of acrobatic dancing by Mil dred Rawlings and Bather Waters, all of which drew merited applause , MYSTERY ABOUT SHOOTING HERE f -• ’ A. W. O. i* Nhvy I-ad B *y% Negro Shot Him Through Arm Early Yesterday ' , I Mratyry eurrpunda th* ebootlng through Ih* arm early yesterday morning ot Winfred Frederick, IP year old tailor, at the home of hla aunt. Mr*. Henry McMillan, on Wil liam street. r 'According to the story told to of fir-era by Frederick, a negro entered the McMillan home about 4 o'clock yesterday morning, and poked a pis tol Into hi* face Th* negro fired when Frederick mad* a sudden torn, the hullet striking hla left arm, the xullor told officers who were called lt> the McMillan home The officers found, however, a pis tol In Frederick'* room. Two cbaaUe era of the weopon had been explod ed and bullets were found on the floor. These bullet* ' correspond hi calibre to the site of the bole In th* young man's arm. Wiring navy officers In Norfolk, th* police learned that froderlck wot o member of the crew of l'sited Bute* tug Rob O' Link and hod been ab aent without lenre for thirteen days. He wn* taken Into cuatody for 0 fowl bourn, hut released yeuterdVy after* noon with Instruction |o take tram lUU morning for Norfolk, P