WXATHER Mostly lair Thnrsdoy and Friday, Net] aiarfe rbaage la leaiperalure. VOLUME BIGHT; NUMBER MS DISCONTENT APPEARS IN RANKS OF DEMOCRATS Several Senators From South Will Not Attend i *r\ Dinner For Party Caucus Chairman John J. Raskob One . Os Thom Slated to Appear at Dinner SIMMONS DEMANDS THAT RASKOB BE “UNHORSED" Smith, Swaiwon an# Glam Oth tn Who Will Stay Away From Meeting f ■■■■■ T WASHINGTON. June B.—(API Calling of a dinner (or Democrat* her* next week In honor Joueft Shouse hewly named aa*l*tant of chairman John J. Raskob ot the National com mittee haa developed tome signs of discontent In the party rank* In the South. Several Democratic senator* from the South have aald they Tiave other engagement* on the plglil or the dfln ner. Mr. Raakob will be one of the speak er* al the affair which has been or ganised by the Jefferson Davis Or tranlzatlon at Washington. Pew of the senators who will be/ absent from the pinner have given an*! * reason for their absence. Simmons of North Carolina who re-, signed k* Democratic National com mitteeman from his state aftßoe- Itoh was named chairman, did describe the dinner, however, a* “very Inoppor tune and Instead of bringing about thb desired harmony Is likely to have the contrary effects." .. Senator Smith ot South Carolina, whoe* state was 1n the Democratic column again In the presidential elec-1 tlon, said he was not going to the male of Alfred K Smith. I* not In the rtty and U Is not known whether he will be here tof the dinner. Other Democratic leaders are mak ing no comment. Commenting on the proposed Dem ocratic party dinner next week at which Mr. Raskob will speak. Senator Simmons declared: "Harmony In the Democratic party require* the un-hornlng of Raskob. The Democratic party I* not a liquor party, t^fe-don't want a chairman who *o strongly favor* liquor that he ac cept* aervlce on the committee for the purpose of helping to destroy the eighteenth amendment. We don't want a Republican a* chairman of the Dem ocratic committee.” " M’DONAIJ) IS i AGAIN LEADER King George Able to Sit Up in Receiving Him on First Of ficial Mission LONDON, June 6.-nAjP» -Ramsay McDonald for Ihe second time labor, “ prime minister of England, accepted today from King C.eorge at Windsor Castle the mission to form u new government and submitted the name* ' of the principal aiembem of hi* cab inet to Hl* Majesty. Announcement of the labor ministry Is expected Friday or Saturday. The filling O*® minor cabinet lpo*t* . usualy takes a Tew day* after, the prin cipal portfolio* have been alloted Rumor continued busy with these •oday tn political circle* but nothin., la known definitely. One report said tonight that Premier McDonald him self would after all take the ministry of foreign affairs, considering the labor foreign policy the cornerstone for success of hi* second government. The aetual ceremony of Mr McDon ald's visit to the king was simple today'aa that of yesterday In which Stanley Baldwin reslaned his high of fice. There wab one difference, {bat Hl* Majesty received Mr. McDonald ■ltllng In a chair, whereas he received Mr Baldwin from hi* sick bed The new labor premier spent a lit tie more than an hour In the castle,' chatting with officials of the house hold and drove sway wtlh Lord Daw-j [m at Pan a. „ THE GOLDSBORO NEWS READ IN THE MORNING WHILE MINDS ARE BV BUYERS BEFORE THEY BUY. SAYS HE WAS WT A. W. 0.1. i -- - f Winifred Frederick Reaffirms Declaration That He Was Shot bv Negro o In's statement The News last evening W. P. Frederick, wh.i was mysterlon*ly shot In the left arm at the residence of an aunt ‘ -, t| North William .Street, early Tuesday morn ing. denied that he was absent -wlth'-nt leave from a Navy tugboat at Norfolk or that he had fired the *hot whh-n wounded him. tn hi* Atatement -to officers who In vestigated Ihe shooting Frederick told of a Negro entering hi* room.'throw ing a pistol In hi* fare and shooting him thronah the arm wb*n he' rrvl> n. sudden turn Officers found, how ever, f pistol In Frederick's room w!nh 'lie.” Frederick wrote The N«ws “that I ws* not ahsen' without leav* rr l ' deliberately breaking llherv Alan T eonld b J iee obtained mv release from »h« nollce If hsd admitted that T did (he shootlne whteb ? d|d not Tj was offered s t'rkef tn Norfolk end me release If f would confess to flr- Ine the sbo* that wounded me ?fnon f*Ulne to do so. T w*« tsV» B Into, rusted*- tn w.tt srtlon hr the nav" wbtrb esme shou* A «* rlork same evening, causing mv re lease.” SEVERE BLAST AT GRETNA, LA. One Is Killed und IS Hurt; Boil er Hurled 460 Feet * Throdgh Air NRW ORLEANS. June 5. (APJ— Our man was killed and lb others were Injured, some seriously, lit an ex plosion at noon today In the secret process chemical plant of the Gulf and Valley Cotton Oil Company, a few miles above New Orleans. The-Wa*t\rocked the village of Gret na and shattered windows In a half mile prea. The force of the explosion hurled a large ateel holler through the roof and 4»0 feet through th« air to crash through a wgrehquse and Imbed Itself in the earth. Groans and screams followed the. deafening roar of the blast as work men lay scattered about the demolish ed structure- Roy Tlraklns, who was ' working inside the house, was pick ed up dying and others were ru*hed , to New Orleans hospitals where aome were" expected to die. The cause of the explosion was not determined, official* refusing to com- N> r ment. ' . Take Voluntary Non-Suit /it SIO,OOO Damage Action A voluntary non-auit wan taken In the |lo,o<>d damage action of W. H. Flowers against the Atlantic Coast |,|ne Railway Company In Wavne, County Superior Court about K 15 laat evening- Judge Mldyette had held the court In session beyond the usual adjourn , ment time because telegraphic Infor-, matlon had reached him of the Illness of a (timer. He desired to have th court business »o arranged that.lt would be pototlble for him to go to his aim era bedside If ehe should become worse. It was not known last eve ning whether or not he Would b-* ci|l' ed out of the city, thus forcing a sue pension of the rdurt, e Ten Jurors had listened to several hours of offering of udMimonv. wherf, the voluntary non-suit was taken Though sheriffs deputies had beaten up the hush£&»aneove;.-4dnuttcd hiruse)f to be Colonel Charles Lindbergh. Now the mystery teems solved as to where Lindy Senate Agrees to Remove Debenture Plan Prom Kill Conference Rrachen Agreement And Bill to Be Considered Today WASHINGTON, S I API A farm relief bill with the pxport ..de benture plan eliminated wa< agreed upon today by the senate amt hernae conference rommltlee on the measure. The revised relief measure, compos ed from two farm hills pavsrd separ ately by (he senate and house, will be formally engrossed by the commit lee tomorrow und Immediately sub mitted to the house for considera tion. 5 - x , WASHINGTON. June S.—(AP)-The attention of congress was directed to day toward vacation plans, conclud ing maneuvers In the farm relief con ference negotiations, and the pros pect* of a disagreement between the senate and houae over the cen*u*-re apportlonment hill. All other differences between the senate and house- farm hills having been adjusted by the Joint cpnferencj committee, only the former chamber's export debenture provl* on retnalnM for further consideration today. The outcome has Iwen regarded a* certain for some days, with the senators con- aldered ready, after a final effort to bring about a vote on the proposal In the house, to yield the point und rec ommend elimination of the proposal from the farm legislation to their own colleague*. Confident that the debenture plan will be with support drawn from the ranks (jf It* advocates who are unwilling to delay final ac tion on the general farm legislation, administration supporters are already preparing the way to enable the pro posed federal farm hoard to function by providing It with the |r,on.OOu.mto appropriation nuthorUed In the pend ing bill. Republican and Democratic leader* of the senate finance committee, meanwhile. t&pve increased the chances for nii all-rfUrfim'T recede of congress hy agreeing on a plan call (Contlnuetf on page 2» farmerg who were busy with their work In the fields. y Hearing of the evidence was de layed yesterday morning when counsel j in the case attempted to arrange a . compromise. This falling. Introduc < ti<'n of the evidence was begun. Flowers claimed personal Inlury of tl i.oon when an Atlantic sos-t l.lne train struck Ms Ford roadster at th* Wayne Street crossing. Fremont, o i the night of November 2 four weeks. Judge Mldr'-itc signed iudgii’ctit ; lit three other esses N" It Hi wa 1 granted an absolute divorce from (Continued on page I) __ GOLDSBORO, N. C. ASSIGN GAS TAX FUNDS JULY IST . .- • e ' Wayne Should Know Amount She will Receive in Time For Budget Action First distributions to the - var.ou* comities of dju* county aid road fund , created by the- !»*» General As-em bly, which raised Mir tax on gasoline from four to five cent* per gallon anil specifying that the additional reve nue raised by the extra cent lax go to the counties to help (hem In their road building programs, will We mkde around July 1, It was said yesterday. The county aid road fund 1* expect ed to aggregate $2 MHi.ooo annually The will he apportioned among the various counties In order to help them reduce their ad valorem taxes, tin or Before July 1 the Slate Highway Commission hopes to be In position to furnish each county with an esti mate as Id how much each county will receive from the road aid fund during the fiscal year, which begin* July 1. The Increased tax of gasoline went Into effect In the Slate ot} April 1. Lenoir-Rhyne Athlete MarrieH Follies Girl NEW YORK. June fi, (AD The Ne*w York Ainerlean tomororw will say It has learned Meredith Howard, stage dancer featured with her_Jwlu sister In Zlegfetd s “Whoopee”, clijpe I Monday to l-ancaHjer. Pa.. and was married to Albert Spurlock, former Lettoir-Rhyne college athlete. DILLARD HIGH FIN ALS TONIGHT |»rof. Davis of Hampton Insti tute to Spoak to t olomi •> i JRivh and Girls The I'ourth Annual commencement exercises of Hillard high school will he held at the high school auditorium. Weet Elm St , tonight at tt o'clock Thirty-one young men and young , women will be graduated I’rof. Allison I*. Davis. Professor of English at Hampton Institute will ■ deliver the main address. Professor Davis Is a young man who has ra ■ cently gained great note for his writ ! lugs as well as his addresses on mod i ern theories of education, and he v. 11l be listened to with great Interest. The diplomas will in- delivered by ’ Supt„ Hay Armstrong Members of the Botjrd atjd other white friends are ■ Invited to be present. i Several awards for scholarship ill various subjects will lie made by Prof Isivett, principal of the Jilgh si bool , The ,Pillowing persons nr* donors of the awards 1,. T. l ightrter. James \\Ylla m*. Joe Scott, Sr.. Hr. W, H ' Bryant. Hr I' "I. flordoti, Thuinui Faucett, and Rev. r IHllard. > Perfeet attendance enrt If bates will ! he Mwiitdeif today to nearly one httn- Idjnl chlldret- w hi! havetint teen ah ( • ii nor iiirily a single day during I Mb' sear It Is expected that Edward Dm tic, graduate of last year's flaws,! . now ,i • iu.b'iit at Johmoiu (’ Smith I i I i I nfver* Ity. will Is* present to detlv | u iktit certificate*. ' , 4A. J ■ t. THURSDAY MORNING. JUNE ti. 1»2» and A'ttne Morrow, hit bride, are spending their honeymoon. At the offices of the build ers of this type of craft, the statement wae made that they had told and delivered such a craft to Lindy. « . v To Hold Graduation Exercises June 13 Grn lUMt.o.i exercises of the tloldrboro Higli School W.JII lie held Thursday, June IT Superintendent Ray Armstrong annomwwd yester day Class day exercise* will he hfhl ut II o'clock In the morning today week, and. Dr. Allen will deliver the harcafaitrente sormon at K o’clock In tHe evening lonlghl week Rev E. W. Raxter, rei-tor of the Ep'scopal thurch of Wllw; will deliver the annual baccalaure ate sertnrrrf Sunday evening. June 9, at H o'clock. o i FOREST FILM TO BE SHOWN • , - Four Showinjrs in Wtyne Plc tur« DwpicfinK Forwitry , Practice* Dale* ?<>r the exhibition tn tA'ayne county of u film depleting heat prac tices In forest conservation and fire control were aummured yesterday, the film will he shown at twu Negro school houses and at two white achools In (he county beginning June. 11.' District forester Folweller «>f New Item will be In charge f ta-t O which recdtVed dlpl'iums from tlw-i dime mod high m hoi.l .m ■ \i-r-.'.s ' ■ held -’ytMwrday mornlti-' A pagiv.it 1 1 •* i vriill y, ended the Rote'win -J inn. ■nenctmi > t . vr anil three % i. it tile up 11t** (!•* Thf hov< aid In i .n tJjMi. Itv/li P.-i-s, Marl M’Cl'nn/, Mton h mi 1 i M» U.-e ll.illo-S'l’, V.'li.'r !•! . 5!» 1 'iini Paytnond Uiiw»’l. 'ln gi.t.. jr-: .'artlja Base, 8-nle \Vl.h-ur,!it>>. mill Julia Hutton Diploma*) were* presented to ilia imol-uita* by.'.Countv Superintendent J.,T. Jerome. Presentation of the diploma* (itllnw !ftl <1 jllvery of the annual ha-inlu w fvwH* sermon hv i»r Brown of North) Carolina Htiito College Dr Brown; urged the young graduate* lo ma'i • opportunity* for them«olv*e miliar limit to wall for opportunity* to com |to them. lie wav ti•»»r*l an »n It-* ii-tjjj; that fII!«- J>lplom»* war proa *ntad to sister- , hßjw WiU girl* who or* eompUUogl riiirtiiiffirtir i- Uni versa lists Gather * c 0 At Kenansville For A Memorial Service Fri. IX) START WORK ON P. 0. ANNEX Government Accepts Bond of Wilson Construction Com pany For Job The I'nlled Slates Treasury depart- Oient has accepted the bond furnish I ed hy Jones Hrolhera company, Wil son contractoro which I* required by the government*" any contract let for the construction of a govern ment building, and work will probab ly get under way on the new annex to the local poMtofflce building with in the next 48 hour*. Postmaster K. A. Kiniklna announced yesterday. The local post master received of ficial notice from poetel headquarter* In Washington yesterday morning. , announcing 'hut the government had accepted the Imnd furnished by the contractor*, and that everything was In readlneaa for the concern to be gin work on the anneg. The Wilton contractor* ' were the successful bidders on the first annea to the building, which was completed by them lest year. .. and they were again awarded a contract to conetruct the new annex to the local post office when they submitted the lowest Md on the project about a month ago. The Jones Brothers have been awaiting official permission to be gin work on the Job, Jt we* teemed yesterday, but now that thla bee bean received In (be form of tbe accept ance of thd required hood. It le ex pected that they will begin on the actual construction Immediately. The sub contractor, who will have chart* of the Installing of ihe holler and other basement equipment, wag In th* city Tuesday looking over the situa tion. It was learned H* told local postofflce officials that everyone wae ready to begin work on the Job. Falling Stone Crushes > Five Va. Men to Death NORTON, Va„ June I.—(API -Five men were crushed to death near Wlag. ' Va. I oday when a slab of slate broke I loose from the roof of the Halcon ; mine In Which they were working and fell upon them. Blease Gives Version ’ What Dry Law Does - WASHINGTON, June ».—(AF)— Speaking on whet he described as, the evil of amending the constitution. Senator Hlcaae, Democrat. South Car olina told th<- senate today he bad re cently men two boys and two grlls Thinking liquor In* restaurant ► One of (lie hoy*. Hlease aald, draw a flask from hi* h p pocket ertd pass ed It to the waiter, who soon return ed with four cocktails. The perform ance was repealed, he said and after th* four who "cam* from respectable families” they staggerer! from the restuurant. "I never ssw that before the cdnMl futlon was amended", he said. the seventh grad* by W. O. Jphuaou, principal of ,the »rhool. An old-faaltlontU. picnic aerved *t * no ti end'd tha day* program anil -„the pageant hwt availing ended Ilia. 4 oinro«*nr*rm»nt 4 13 Dradaafe It Piker Ule Thlrlaon hoy* anil girl* were grad naiad from i ha Plkevtlle High School In final* completed on Tuesday arg uing I>r. L. K Meadow* of KR*l«rn Carolina T*acli*r« Collage def!ver*d lha annual addraaa, after whlrh the eaercUe* wara turned over to 'he cla** with Addi*on Ilona*, Jr-, presid ing. The following received diplomat at •he hand*-of Prof II J Ma**ey. nrln i clpul of the school: Albert Vlhaon. ! I.ana Mae Vlnaon, Addison Hoses, Jr.. Kstnll ftee*. Mar'* Jackson, Mae Hart, Kthel Howaß.'iflrurc MrCnndles*. I.uby *Mmiinrth Corolla# aad tha itoa anavllle mootlac olwojra ottroeto OOV wel hundred of the aamhar. - Thia celehratloa lo plnnaod to com memoration of a meet Ino hold to KaU anarille. June I. lift, at tehtoh o southern iTatvatwaMat cmavaatloe woe orcantflod ood a coaatltntlo*. an imation to poatarfty ood a ooefao uion of faith adopt ad. The UalvoraAlM church h#o malf lalned ita atreafth t b rough##t too yeara In Duplin aad thorn at* phoot Ihrlly member* of the faith to Oolda borp. * Two aeoaloa* will ho hold tnmantin at the Duplin Conaty high aohool la Kenanavllla, oaa beginning P 1B:M In tha moraine aad th* othae at f o'clock ta the afteraooa. rtoaer w»u h# aorved oa the erooada tl lltlS. The procrep la aa follows: roKMMv smsmv Mr Steve Wllktat, preatdtof. Mmlc In chary* of Mtoa Lactllo Maeotto. !•:$# SeHpate a— Pray at. top. Ahbla D. Irygji. —AddrPi of WotoooM-Mopor of Kenanavtll*. « 10:50 Addreoo: "OrCOOtO MfW ■aliam—state Convention TaUrtrtg” Mr. Mamner W I attend. 11:10 Hlatorteol Addreoe: M %rllO#t Record* of Ceaveotioaa aad Church Ontherlne*"—Mloo Clara Shin*. ll:«o Berman—Set. Odoll B. Brp- , ant. Offering. l*:l*—Dinner. Art BUMS SP.MinX Her. John T. Pltsgorald. ntlhl , 2 00- Devotional Bierclao* Mr John Miller. I; 10—-An Historical Kev. H O. Bodell. 2Ht-Addreea. ‘Young PcapW Then **d Now”—Mia# tally Wllkto*.. 3 46 -Sermon—Rev, r. B. Bichoa. D D. Formal Admlaakm of CoadldatM to Church Membership. WOILDBROADEN SHRINE’S WORK Council R#fopmondo 'nrnaalui * . Hanpital Fuad by MOO.MO Yaarly l/)a ANOELEB. Jnae 1.-- "•Hrr 8. Sodgern. Oalrla lemplo. Wheeling, W. Va.. today wos elacted lo ihe post of outer guard of th* Im perial council of th* Aactout Arabia Order, tha main body of Shrfaera ta con rent lon hare. The election wan ‘ the principal buelntea df today's Mo tion. *■ n The council which la compound of W "dicer* make* a coateat only of ltd lowest post, th* outer guard. Th# r+ malnlng officer*, with thd except!*# of ih* Immperlal treaaurer aad tha Imperial reporter progress to tho Boot office abord'each ye#r with th* **■ tlrement of tbs Imperial Potentate. Leo Young worth, deputy Imperial Po tentate, Al Malalkah tempi*, l.oa Aa gelea, succeed* Imperial Pot atat* Frank a Jones, of Arabia Tempi#, Houaton, Text/ Individual donations of $1(13.000 to ward the Hhrta* hoapltala fjr crippled children were announced by th# Shrine hoard of trnateea. » A recommendation to the council that KOO.ttOA additional appropriation , lor the extension of hoap.tal fcctlltU* he added to th* f1.3M.0M annual ap propriation wa* mad# by *b* treat tee. The last masked parade wa* the feature tonight. Tomorrow at tie cloelng meeting of th* council th* UB convention city will h* wdaeted from) * »" lualadtoß «—*h U* ,■ a polls. wsvtL