WtiATHEB ♦®Uy tetr Friday and Saturday Not ■Mk chain >■ temperature VOLUME BIGHT; NUMBER 8C CENSUS BILL IS PASSED BY HOUSE AFTER CHANGING PROVIDES FOR , REALLOTMENT < HOUSE SEATS PNMMP *f BUI Marked By Ttm* Situations And Skil ful Maneuvering DEFEAT PROVISION WHICH WAS AIMED AT SOUTHLAND Mmtort CControversy b Tkrow* Back Into Sen ate Again ■ Washington, June(api—Th# cm■ a Mil OS* pnaied by lb# borne today oft Os s stormy session featured Mr a saeeoasfal parliamentary maneu ver by loaders for elimination of turn amendment! which they feared had eadaacerad the reapportion mem pro rialoß of tha I eel elation. Tkd Mil goes back to the senate for agroomont to minor changea made by the hoses. Pas ease of the l*gt*Ui- Woa made It almost certain that Nouec representation would be reapportion*"! among the state* on tbs bails of the ltM oeneae provided by the meaiuiru. There has been no re-allotm*nt of the eeata lull. although the eonstltatton specifies that a reippor tlaament ahall be made every ten Consideration Jof the legislation in the bouse was marked by i eerl u or 1 the most teaee situation* that branch has experienced In several sets' ms. It saw written In the measure and then stricken from It two proposal* which would have made large func tions In the representation of. Indus trial and possibly Southern Sta'e*. The first was to exclude aliens from the count upon which reapportlon ment waa based. The second would bare excluded from the coant dlv enfrdirglTddd cltlsea* and waa slim'd at Southern States where U has hen contended many Negroes were not permitted to tote. Both proposals were adopted by the house Tuesday and the more by lead ers today to strike tbera from the hill came as a surprise arter they had failed to agree on a parliamentary method by which this might be ac complished . O' tr The export debenture controversy was thrown heck Into the Senate; where the' proposal was pul Into the farm Mil over vigorous administra tion opposition, by the decision of the Senate end House conferees to re commend Ita elimination alter adjust lag alt othsr differences In the retler measures passed separately by the two chambers. The House was called upon to act on the revised farm bill first, but little opposition appeared In sight .there In view of the fart that It fol lows rather eloeely the measure pass pd by that chamber early In the spec ial saagtoa. i The national origins contest, which has been la progree* for several day*, wee expected today to reach a vote, tomorrow. Thp cotton controversy arose -after the New York attorney's nomination had bean confirmed yesterday la opeu session—the first open session con firmation of n presidential nomination la many years- Reconsideration was demanded by Senator Wheeler, who said ha wanted time to consider some questions raised with respect to «'ot ton's record. Protests. It was under stood,* were presented to the foreign relatione committee on the ground that Cotton was a member of William C. McAdoo'a law firm when It was retalasd by Bdward L. Doheny, Cali fornia oil man, who subsequently was acquitted pf conspiracy with Albert Fell In connection with the naval oil leasing agreements entered into while the letter waa Secretary of the In terior. *' ■ "■ WAGE INCRBAHK GRANTED OHICAOO. June «.-(AP»-A wags Increase of |6 per month end certain Improvements In working condtt'ons have been granted to ll.noo porters, and tnalda by the Pullman Company, a company announcement today said. IOGU TO DBDIfIITE 17. R. LEGATION TIRANA. Albania. June (AP» King Zogu has agreed to dedicate the new American legation here which Is rapidly nearing completion end which ta the first building constructed by the United State* government anywhere tg tha world for the specific purpose at »>9f«U9g 9i mbmjj .^g*. • - r THE GOLDSBORO NEWS READ IN THE MORNING WHILE MINDB ARE FRESH—READ BY BUYERS BEFORE THEY BUT. Examine IN timber Witnesses In $75,000 Damage Action ADDISON HAWLEY TELLS HOW HE WAS CALLED TO KRESS’ STORE AND FOUND MRS. BOWEN, UNAIDED, INJURED IN FALL FROM OIL ON FIXM)R Wefne County Superior Court will convene an hour earlier this morning —at 130—to again take up the |7S.- 000 personal damage action of Mrs. Mamie Carr Bowen at Faison against the 8. H. Kress end Company. About one-half of the evidence for the plain tiff was Introduced yeeterdsv. It was expected that Judge Mldyettc might adjourn the sessions of the court today upon the completion of the case. Members of the bur agreed yesterday that they wnuld not ask for trial other canes st this term which might require additional Juries Mrs. Bowen claim* |7(,opn of Hie Kress Company for Injuries she sus tained In • fall In the defendant's store here on December IV 1924. Thai floor had been excessively ofled. It Is EPPS FUNERAL AT 10:30 A.M. •41 • q Blxty-Tlye« Year Old Man Dies Os Injuries Sustained in Fall Four Weeks Ago Funeral aervlce for C. P Epps. who died at hts home on Georgia Avenue at 11: AO yesterday morning from In juries sustained In a tall four weeks ago, will he held from the residence at 10:30 this morning. Service will tie In charge of Rev. W. V. Mcßae, pas tor of St Pent Method Ist dhtrch, and burial will he made Ip Dale Cemetery. The following have been selected to act bn pe H hears re at the funeral this morning; Active, Jesse Summer lin. W. D. Creech. W. C Smith. A. M Pete, J C. Carmack and W. R Crow Honorary: Colonel Joseph E. Robinson, R. Jack Smith. B. W. Datl, Dr. D. J. Rose, J A. McClenny, B. A. Parker, T. M Waters. W. E. John son. E. E. Griffin, Grsves Smith. Mr. "flpps was engaged In paint ing the |toof of Well's' store when he fell and sustained a fracture of liih skull. Ills death had been anticipated for several weeks. JusP two weeks ago. P. Bdward Epps, a son. died sud denly after a brief and seeming In consequential Illness. C. F. Bpps moved to Goldsboro from Wilson several years ago. Born In Wilson In 1859, he was In his six-, ty-thlrd year. He held the reaped of all who knew him. He la by hl« wife, Mrs. C. K. Bpps, two daughters, -Mrs. C. Poeey of this city, and MYs. H. C. Branch' of Dumbarton and ons goo, H. U Epps. KELLOGG PACT MtTIHKI) /BKHNE. The first chamber "Ji the council of state ratified the Kellogg pact unan imously today,, the second chamber having ratified It yesterday with two opposing votes •„' ' * • SENATOR OPERATED (PON WASHINGTON. June 6 n* e'- fort to aid her or to ppoctce at’. % Addison Hawley,- w-bn tmrrl d 1 niece of the plaint Iff testified >e t r day that a friend- hrniighl him w > d o’* the accident to Mra. Bowen wh*>.-<- h was at work ut Ihe Yelverto'i Hsr I ware The Jnltt r comnnuy I shout three block* on Best Walnut street Trom the Kress store oh Wed Walnut street where Mr** Bowen fel' and wajt Injured He al onc-i went to the Kress store, lie tesilf od. and (Continued on peso ft NARROW ESCAPE IN AUTO WRECK Freighter Truck Sideswipes Car of Frank Hanks And Con tinues on Its Way **——■ " -»«■■■ t Frank Banks, local white than, had a miraculous escape from serious In jury or worse- when his Chrysler coupe wee sldeNwlped by a huge truck freighter on Highway 40 between Wal lace and RnrgAw Wednesday ..night about 9 o'clock, ilne aide of the car was badly damaged, but Banka escap ed with only a few slight ents apd ■cratches. The,driver of Ihe track did not stop, and It gfaa so dark the license number could not he obtained. A piece of one of the fenders, torn ofr when the truck scraped by Banks' car. fall on the car, however, and It Is hoped that the truck may be Identi fied hy this. Mr. Banks and Roy Keller attended a wedding at Hurgaw Wednesday eve ning, The Newa waa told Keller de cided to remain ovwr, so Banka start ed hack home alone. When about halfway between Wallace and Burgaw. the driver of the Chrysler saw a pair of bright headlights approaching hint from the opposite direction. In order to play gafe he drove off (he pavement, leaving only the two left wheels on the highway, It wa.» said. The truck came closer and and Banha told friends that he edged further •till off ihe road- The truck side swiped the Chrysler, however, rip ping off both left fenders, the run ning board and part of the top. and badly scratched Ihe body of the oar on tfehl *145.._ Several at Hfe glass windows were, also broken. The driver of the truck did not even slow down. II was said, and finally, after, ascertaining that he was not seriously hurt, Banka replaced a tiro which had been blown out by the Inm j P*bt. and drove on In to Goldsboro. Theyleft front axle wa* said to have been bent, forcing the local man to drive at a low rale of speed for the remainder of the trip FOR NORFOLK HARBOR j WASHINGTON. June 6 -(API—-The I war department announced today (he i allotment of |450.nn0 Tor Improve ments for Norfolk harbor, Va. parr of the state The school offer* 3 • -I Its Instruction absolutely (rep. th only cost Incurred by the student wilt be thirty dollars for board and Inci dentals for the ten dsyi, spent In camp. Anyone Interested In attend ng the in stitute should gy.t In touch with the lo*al chapter secretary. Through the efforts of the Bed Cross, the enormous loss of life through drowning, electric shocks, and suffocation ha* been greatly re duced during the past few years, tty the teaching of the simple methods of resuscitation, of rescuing drown people, of applying first a|d, tin u» (I ■ends of lives can be saved each ytar. These simple methods can he learn ed bare this summer by all lnt>-r«*teJ (Continued on page (j GOLDSBORO, N. C. FKU»4Y MORNING, JUNE 7, 1920 yin* Formation of New Cabinet l. .;*■ —1 ME3R f V **‘#3 nrr Since the resignation ot bumc> Lnulwin as Prime Minister 61 England. King Gcotg* expects Ramsay MacDonald. Labor Prime Minister, to form a new cabinet. Philip Snowdeff, left, is expected to be returned aa Chancellor ol the Exchequer and either James fa. Thomss, right, of Arthur Henderson, below, ia expected to be called tg/Foreign Secretary to succeed Sir Austin Chamberlain. _ City’s Airport To Be Used As Permanent Port l»y Plane Commercial Flyer, Native of Wayne, To Bring Hln Ship Here at 2 P. M. T _ Goldsboro gets Ita first commercial airplane toddy and Ihe Goldsboro Municipal airport on the northeastern edge of Ihe city Acquires a plane which will he operated fi4tm the field permanently. , At 2 o'clock this afternoon Humid Wilson, a native of Ml. Olive, expects (o pilot a Travelalr plane to the City's port. Accompanying him as passenger will be ('. W. Barbee, also of Ml.*Ollv.e. Wilson Is the first native of Wayn-* county to secure a pilot's license so, the purpose of- engaging In air com merre In Wa home rounly. Wilson saw action in the World -War a« « member of the aviation service, but did not seCure lilk pilot's license at that time, beinq not then Interested' In aviation as. a huslneas. Recently, however, he ban (iomplVyl * count'- In flying In Tampa, and lias been II as a commefflal flyer. Mr. W'llson and M;r, Barbee arc joint owenrs of the plane which they will fly regularly from the Goldsboro port. “We are going into commercial fly ing," said Mr Barbee last evening In telling News of hts plans "lie P cause we jiellcve that avjhilou I* on'- of the coming Industrie,. W.. want t-> *> get In oa the ground flrioe, and believe that Goldsboro's ItJ"*allow makes It Ideal for the beg It into g of operations In Esatern North Csrollna We expect to keep- our ahlp on th' 1 Goldsboro port from now on "You can tell the folks that If noth Ing happen . .we will bring the „hlp down to earthrirt the port at 'l o'Clocl. tomorrow afternoon.'' HOPES OF TARK-OEK DASHED Oi.bOkt'HAKD. Me. June 6. (As Hop. 1 t»i tat 1 ot it.,- (,1 - ; Hash and the Yelhi* Bird for Europe tomorrow were dashed tmtay when Dr James It Kimball ot Ihe New York Weather Bureau, advised |,<«l A- Yancey t»f the (lyeen Eladi, agjm it t£ take off MALE PLEADS Gl ILTY CHARLESTON, S ( . v June f. (AIM W illiam It It ile, of llolih.ir I down M« one of (<-n Indicted here sos; fraudulent trnffti In postage slnmpk ort an extensive stale, pleaded guilty Jn United State. Didrict four lore today aud was firntent-ed (o serve 2) 'month* In the Atlanta federal penl- UljUgry. ... .. THIRTY-ONE GRADUATED Commencement Exercise* it Dillard High Completed I-ant Evening The commencement exercise* clos ed a very surcesaful year at Dillsrd high Mchcxi’ last night. TJhlrty-one diplomas were Issued to aa many negro hoyg and glrta. Prof Allison Da vis of Hampton Institute spoke on Hie Nubject, "Tomorrow and Th# Next Day." He warned the rlaaa against laxlnesH. against misunderstanding. It*- said we must face the South,where there are marvelou* opportunities for development Prof. Ray Armstrong presented the diplomas and' Prof. Ixivett awarded prison tn students who were succeee ful In the e*aay contests. Early In the day, st Chapel service. Edward Bostic graduate nf la*t yours* class delivered certlflrstea to one hundred and fifty children who had not been absent nor, tardy during the yeaK . RAH.ROAD MAY DIE* j MOBILE, Ala . June li—Gregory L Lroith, 74 member of the Alabama constitutional convention In Ut2o gen oral counsel of the L A N. railroad In Alabama. dl«-d h-re today. Eleven Cases Os Typhoid In County Causes Warning Three new cases of typhoid fevr having developed ye tefdWy In the M1 olive bringing the toul full her of ca,.p* for the county *o el«v n. Dr L W. Corbett city and county health officer yesterday warned lbs! iyt the present rate Pi case. for the cosinty for the year are Ind ral'-»l He again appealed for the public' *0 pro to t lt*Hf liv centring vaertnsHmi -,, 'k There wile no “epidemic" of *v ph'lltl fever In XVayti" count* la t ve-«r. he declared, vet HO person .I'-qulf.-d .he disease. Ho far, till, year II p»-'V*B 1 have' had It, although th» ins* n ttru number of ca »ea doe* nttl appe ir un ttl late Kiimmer and fail At thD same time last year, only 7 easos had been reported. A similar Increate n ap pearing nv,*r the entire country 1 In other word*, we are entering one >f tgofe svasoiM wluu typUyid («v«i Inj Fear Mediterranean Fruit : Fly Is Discovered In City INSBfT FOUND IN ORANGE OUT OF SHIPMENT FROM FLORIDA LAST EVENING-WILL BE SENT TO RALEIGH FOR EXAMINATION BY . „ V DR. LEIBY TODAY Has the Mediterranean fruit tty. dread pest whh.-h attacks trull* hnd vegetables, been discovered In Golds boro? Msny believed last evening that this question should lie answered In the affirmative. A soda Jerker cutting an orsugs at Hicks and Hawley's Drug Store last evening, noticed a spee.k-llk# Insect crawling In Ihe Inside, of the fruit. The nrangt was at one* opened and th* luaect captured and placed In a bottle , When placed In the bottle, the In*, sect wn* more of Ihe grnb-vnrtety than anything else. Bui M It W taat evening. It had developed Hny wings The Insect was lo he held nt the store until this morning wheH County WOOTEN CLAN TO MEET SOON t> | ’ c> Letiiruc Will Have on I’rcsidenl of Nntiom»l BUwy I’roßram at Bay view Members nf the Wnntesi Family from far and wldewlll meat for their fifth annual reunion nt Bayvlew, near Washington, N C.. on FHdny. Jnne 21st Rooms may he reserved at tha hotel for thoee *ho wleh to spend tha night. The meeting will he called to order at to:.a# A. M . hr tha Prestdsat, Dr W I. Wootan of (Ireegvttl* A moat Inleraatlng and Inspiring progm® has nrlnctnel speaker will he Frofaaaor Matt H Wooten, former superintend ent of the Duplin ronntr sebooln. who deliver e memorial address. A very Intereetlng feature of tha program will be entertainment by Mine Daphne Uarrawny. Wllnoo. who Is president nf the Nat tonal Btory League. Miss Unrrnwny will appear on the program during the morning hour, and after the picnic, dinner, while the older members are In bua -tnesa eeeelon. ehe will ronduot a special program of einrtea and nttinU for the children I * 1 Mrs. Daley Wooten ftmllh. Raleigh. j rhalrmnn bf the the mualc commM lee. will he In charge of x pre-ar rang'd nittsical program. Tlpia will be reserved for n series of short talks by varlona members present. Descendant* of the earliest Worden settlers have borne the name worth ily and have served their atate and church with honor and generation with unselfish devotion. The Woot en* have been, for n number *oT years prnriflneni and prosperous. There are hundreds "of them In Eastern North Carolina aud It Is noted that there. In an exception number of repreeentatlV'• w- f. tMi a ***.»•» ' v itmiWrliimlM -thi MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS PRICK FIVI CENTS Agent A. K. Robertson will go with It to Raleigh to deliver It to Dr. B- W. I .flliy. slats «nU)S»olsotat, I* •»- amlnatlon. The orange la which tha laaoot VU discovered waa la a shipment recently received from Florida. _ If tbs Insect proves to he the fnrtt fly. It Is possible that other Infects* fruit la the same shipment hare beea distributed la OoMahoro. Full grown Mrdltsrrsaiaa fnUt fUaa were discovered la the wladow of a Raleigh srocer last Saturday *M ihts discovery ha* led Oomasteloaer of Agriculture W. A- Orabem to oo* sert that a serloas sltnaUaO con fronted North Caroltaa. Ho lotlhroe, hdwerer. that with «essral eooporo * (Ooataieed oa page I) BREWINGTON , DISCHARGED • Mayor HIH to MRf * Mid-Week ftoaaloo of City Gaart H I ('bargee against Buddie Brewlngtoa negro, of aaaaait with g deadly w —*~ on In conannUoa whh the aertnoo Injuring of Herman Wootaa. gß* col ored. ahoat tero wooha ago. ernre d*e mlssed at a beartog at the *Ooa hadari Mayor Jaeh Mill IB poHf Ogg* to a local hospital for afml *g»4 Wootaa test if lad at lha hearlagthot he and two other friends ware iMiM dowp Pin# struct cad that they ate#- P ed near the cart ie-Treat of njgM nred church. Brewingtot *»d aafgMW negro ware aalAtft hart hoaa MM I 1 Ing et the curt, aad auiarMa* B Wootea. Brewlngtoa asked "why #M* yon run over as. yen -r—s" MRlI* en told tha eoart that ho got eel Os the cor aad ashed tha negro why Ba called him hy IBM oan*e, aad tßgt both the other men ~|B M« pieces of cement. OOC oh the hack of the head, and the other over the h® eye. The Injured negro woo gteksd ag In an unooaacloao condition. glacod «g the car by his frlefll aad mghdt to a hospital. iaiUBlR that when Wootaa got o«t of the oar, he later went hook to It ngi aggrnaak ed Brewlngton will MMMtßlag dhgt looked like n halfo. One witness Ma imed that she now the knife. Brow- Ingtog claimed that he need the ce ment la self defease ’* ,J Tobe Smith an* Theodora iaak negroes, were fined |t aad the gaota each for being disorderly at the dgßOf held for the colored people at the Dur ham Hosiery Mill baltdlog teat Mas- day night According to pfftoa4M two staged a prlrmla (Iftat while ft* boxing match waa getHn In (he Kxpoaltlon building. Acitodtog to th« evidence. JotM followed Smith up tb* itaJra and down until ftanllr Smith turned, nround and beached Uke other man tori. ’ • . c' ~ John Hlnnaut, member as the tonal tire department, waa toned wtth pay ment of the coeta fop aaennlt. dta nant waasaid to here flapped India (lore, local whlto youth. Misti Well Is Named Delegate to Meeting Thu Wgwa Murana By H. a »t *IUOAB RALEIGH. June •—Delagntae reprearnt North Carolina at tilt Ha t lon a I Conference of Social %vrfl tm Mih annuel meeting at Ben FranhtoMo. California, Jena 2d to July I, ton been announced at the office of