WEATHER Hksjtoertar totordny. twntog at night. VOLUME BIGHT; NUMBER 87 OFFICERS SHOT BY STRIKERS , o v , 9 ' 1 * v J YF*'!** as^ iA.f o , ° W* 1 Bu « * * *• ■ f WaS , .. nil, FIVE ARE INJURED; TWO SERIOUSLY AT GASTONIA Ckkf of Police Adder boil Shot j la Bock mod Not Expected^ ' To Live SHOTS ARB FIRED FROM BTRIKB HEADQUARTERS MID Qffkiok Hod Sent Police Ik Meeting After Report of Addreoo / '■ ' r ®A9TQNIA,_ ,J*ee 7.—(API->4 The dM at (lento* In pal lee, two «*tr ullwon, o deputy >k«rHl and o clrtllaa were iM id emM. twe iwy serloaely, when gms reported by wlUnnei te hot* toe* la the toads el strik ert and sympathiser* harked set ’ at o bmi aitotlae el the Lera/ •m strikers toahrhL Threats el tleieaee m the pert e# etrttors which reselted tea rail v Aar pretort lee hr will elflrlal* woe r»parted to tote heea rrspoa eMe tor the presearr el the dean who was* said to tote heea ahet wMheat wars lee from ln*Me driktw haadquarter* aad ramps ; The injured: ■Chief of Police O F. Adderholt shot la the hack, lungs punctured, not expected to litre. Da palp Sheriff James Roach. In- Jaflaa not ret determined from nperat >M room, rerr serious condition Utty PoMceassn T dm Olltort. report ed shot la leg. not serious. CHjr Policeman. Charles Ferguson, shat la leg. hot serious Herrlsou. s cltlllsn. said In be a mill worker, Injuries not ret dlstloe ed. not serious A _ CHARLOTTE, June 7.-<AP| Throe police were reported shot, one tatollr, tonight at the Lorny Mill In Gastonia, N C. Reports said the? wars called to the mill Tillage and weiw fired on br strikers Wltnesaee aald that the strikers and armpethlssrs were hating their ueual mass nesting At their headquarters end at ths meeting threat* were made to go oear to tks Lorny Mill and take some of tke workers out of the place Fred Erwin Beat, Southern organli ' , or of the National Teitlle Workers Union wee reported to have a tdreas ed the assembled gathering at (he meeting nnd to hate made an Imps* atoned appeal for the strikers and ■jrmpathlaars to arouse themselves to, action. t. . -• When mill officials learned of the nature of Beale'a reported speech they were aald to hava called police head quarter* for protection. Thle resulted In the men being sent to the strikers' headquarter* where they were greeted by the fusillade or shots from darkened doorways, ac cording to raports. Immediately the shooting. In which the officers -were satd by wit nesses, not to have fired a shot, the crowd dispersed. Identity of those In whose hand* the guns were held Is oot known:' po- 1 lice declared. The wounded were taken to the Gastonia sanitarium. , COTT<i» MTATINTIf'g LIVERPOOL,, June 7.—(API— Weekly cotton statistics Imports 65,- 1 000 baits, Including JO.AOti American; stock 1.021.060. American 627.066; for ward 65,000 American trt.oon; sales 51,000, American tt.noo, exports t.uon, American 1.600 11*6*9 COWniTtOV SAdr Eng., lu jr 7.—CAF - • it - Mclally was st i.l at Windsor 'dr'le today that Kin George tad panned a good night. His physician. Henry Marty*. visited him, remaining shout an hour. ___ TO ABOLIBH LAME DtTK SKHHION ~w.; WASHINGTON June 7.--(AP»—The Warren resolution to abolleh what liatf become knj.wn a* the fkrttjpduck ses siona of Congreas-was adapted by the Mn> l « wtto/ ft»d twt to i&* ti9M* THE GOLDSBORO NEWS ♦<'O T - | « READ IN THE MORNING WHILE MINDS ARE FRESH—READ BY BUYERS BEFORE THEY BUY. L. Floyd Gives Ideas As to Need Weed A little extra application of fer tiliser at this lime would go far toward making the tobacco crop get a hump on ItaelfT according to K. Y Floyd, lokacco specialist with the North Carolina st , u , College Exi/naton service, who vla'ted Wayne county yesterday Inspecting' uijie tobacco crop outlook- The crop la below par. pale and sickly, he declared, and added (hat this con dition waa general throughout the* Eastern Norlb Carolina BeM To' bring out the crop he recommelyja a Judicious applicid'on of fertilis er at this lime. Formula* as rec ommended by Mr. Ftovd were left with County Ag«nl A K Robert son. COMMITTEE TO STUDY AIR ROUTE <> 11 * Qolifaboro (« Re Given Every Consideration An Pori for" Air Mail, Says Glover „ The matter of a proposed atr mall route through Eastern North f'erollna la now In the hands of the committee appointed by the government to de cide on all United Klein* air mall routes, according to a letter receiv ed yesterday by Walter C. Uromark. secretary of the of t'om merce, from second assistant post master general Glover. The letter stated that Goldsboro would be given every consideration In Iha faatter of selection of s distributing terminal in this section. Denmark told The Newe. The letter from Glover wes In an swer to a letter written by Secretary Denmark several days ago, asking tor all available Information on the status of the air mall route situation. A de tailed brief, giving statistic! and a geographical survey of Goldsboro, Is tn the hands of the committee, which will decide on the rooting of the air line. Local people, interesied In hav ing Goldsboro chosen as the distribut ing point are confident that the city is the logical point for such a term inal aid stands a good chance of be ing selected - BAVIN HitV QUIT WASHINGTON. .June p.-(AP)— James J. Davie, secretary of labor, to day refused to confirm or deny a re port that he would resign office soon to become president of a merger of radio tube manufacturers. NEW AIR RECORD W ASHINGTON. June 7._(kP|— Es tablishment of s new world's seaplane attitude record by Lieut. Apollo Bou rek of the Navy In his attempt Tues day was announced today by the Na -4 • I I lou * I Aeronautics association after a chock of hi sbarograph by the bureau of standards- Hearing of $75,000 Civil !f > Suit Results in Mistritil j , » > Because Information, which wai oor-i lldercd to he prejudicial le thn jury waa Inadvertenlly given. Judge (I E. Mldyetle yeaterdav ordered a ml*'rial I In the 176.0U0 damage action of Mra.f Mamie Carr Bowen of Kal*on .ig.Un«t i the 8 H Kreaa Company for lir'i.i ci suatatned when ahe fell at the locifl ! store In Deqrmber 1»26. Judge Jlloy ette ended the mixed term of < oavt shortly after Unexpected end of thu Bowen caae ' Mr Rchedler. who waa of I the store at the time Mra. Bowen fell and waa Injured, waa tfie lar.t ail s neaa on the stand and It was in th; ■’ course of his, cross examination that • fe atatement It was tott***4 *taigW • have htqeqd the Jury was let slip *9f to* defeudaut male « I THREE PLANES IN CITY SUM) AY Curtin* Officials to firing ('thin Type Mon* phot? Here During Day Present Indications arc th it there will probably he at leust three air planes bussing around <Wer (he <lt . Sunday, The New* (learned >e . er- Durgld Wilson, a native’of Ml, , Olive, piloting a Travelalr plane, ha - I already announced hhi In'cnlion of .making the Onhlsboro municipal air port his headquarters and will be on (he Job with stunt flying and carrying of passengers today and Rundsy. J. H. Calhoun, representative of th« I Curtiss A*rplsne corporation, with hesdquqrters In Raleigh, will h companied her# today by lw-> fnr'n-v repreaentatlvel of the nurd** com pany, It waa announced yeitiqrdiv by Walter C. Denmark, secretary of !*»«■ i Ooldsboro Chamber of Commerce Mr. Denmark received a lon* distance evil from CaHionn, requesting the use of the local airport Th" Curtiss men will drmonslrste one of the Urge cab in type Curl*as monoplane*. It was said and will hr here both today and tomorrow. u *ft was also refunded here yester day that A! Rtewart will he here Rur : day. Al la well known In Goldsboro having flown here several limes Ha alao participated tu the aviation cere tuonioa marking tha opening of ike local airport last year- ANTIS ENDORSE CANNON LETTER Anbwtv Who Voted Agninst Al. to Be Admitted to Roanoke Convention RICHMOND, Va , June 7. The exe cutive committee of the Antl-Bmlth Democrats of Virginia In seitwlon hers today partially endorifed the letter written them hy Bishop James Can non. Jf-; °f the Methodist Episcopal Church Booth urging the opposition lo State democratic leaders who aided In the campaign for Alfred E. Hmllh last year The committee meeting to arrange for the antl-Kmlth meeting In Knanokc June 18. made public * atatemenl an nouncing tha! every Itemocral who vnteq again*! Skullh would be admit ted to the convention aa k full fledg ed delegate No other qualification will be required. Sykes Makes Highest Mart at Went Point WB»T POINT, N. Y . June 7 lAPI Horace F Hyke*. Jr., sou of Lt.-Col. H. F. Kykea, stationed at Fort Omaha. Net), was designated *s the honor graduate of the United States. Mili tary Academy today. Othar dlstlnVul.*h,'d graduates In cluded F. L. Mine, Jr. of Fairmont, N. C. | motion4*tr a, anil Judge Ml ■. ette took the matter under ctMuid* a tion. When court wa« reconvened aCrr the dinner recede. h« ordered * Juror withdrawn and a rnlatrU) directed The cane wax Immediately net for th' flrat fl»ll docket on the, calendar at the neat term of court ' * Before adjournment was taken Judge Mldyeite had aliened Judgment* In four drainage eaaea and one '•( - tlnn of a routine nature The Kaatern Cotton Oil Con*' -t >v «u awarded Judgment of |3l2fc'» agalnat W. P Britt, Mra. Bette I Britt and E. K Sanderaon. Inndann.' A eommlaaonrr *ai nanixJ to a'll property given under mortgage to pro- Vl* i) GOLDSBORO, N. G SATURDAY MORNING, JUNE 8, 1929 f Pope Denounces Duce’s Speeches ' ~ JpHFMHHMHHHHHHHHHHHH i IMH n ■ jy : S:'l i I r I I F l*j f I Sy In an open letter to Cardinal Gaaparri, Papal Secretary of State in Italy, Pope Piu» XI, left, stated he wai (rankly displease with several declarations made by Premier Mussolini, inset, on , the Lateran treaties before the Italian Chamber and Senate. These speeches which urged ratification of the accords drawn up between the Italian Government and the Vatican, were branded by. Hi» Holiness as “wprse than heriticai expressions is to the essence of Christianity and ' 11 ii<.licism.** Goes Flying and Landtt In Mr. Albritton’s Bean Pateh (H) IIKJMV HUM From Ooldeboro tn Ml Olive In 12 mlnuten 1 flew yealetday with Durahl Wilson. Wayne county pilot, at the controla, and C. W llutlx-e of Mt. | Olive aa h fellow Jiaaaenger. ,The plttu had btuiq for Wllaon to fly down lo Ml Olive, circle over hla home town and let (he folks know he waa there and then hark to (iold* . boro Ho I wonderful a hit when he. began to let the Travelalr down and headed her none at an oat a, patch In tutae a lauding wa* so he made at Mt Olive he had planned on the oal in advance But Ua hudn't cut hlaNtatM and about the Mine we weft tree-top high, Wllaon Mappediiuitbe gaa. worked Ihe coutrqhi and we were Into the air again lie Iwiikcd her over and (traded for a been patch. Two mlnutea later he had made a perfec* lauding, without a nenihlance of a Jar. In George 'Albritton's patch. "Hatful to come down here," re marked Wllaon after f had untangled my long leg* from the cock pit and deposited them on the ground." hut It had Jo In- done You probably didn't know anything about It. but I did. A screw which hold* In one of the push rod* on the valve had dropped oot. If he hud litarfetl hack to Goldsboro the rod might have popped off nud there wouldn't have hern a bean patch Jtandy to come down In " WHuon had brought the Travelalr lo the lSold*l*«>ro Municipal • alrp< rt promptly til ‘i e'etofti }*■ tertbsy after muhi as ~pret tottuly .announ* e«l he would Ihrftttgh Hie New*. "We wVtr afunit an hour romlng from our private lauding field on the tdd Barbee pin. - near Durham In l!nM»borD," aald dr Burh-e, "We did a good bit of llytng around the north ern end of DiirhHin county Joet look lug thinif-, over before we headed lor Gold boro, and- we timed tut HftVe.H to get here at * o’l lock “Thle will be our horn* port from now on Me believe that (iold-lforo of fer* g.«*l - pportuntHe* for getting, it. (t'oiitliiu-ul on page Z i Chief .fustier Taft Taken to Hospital • -i \\AHI|IMiIIIN, June 7 (Ah Chief Im i lee William Howard TaP e.r the- Http rente Court w*. retnovJtl to (jar tie Id tumpHal here W Ur forohwervatlen because i f btnddei trouble ERNEST EOX IS FOUND GUILTY Judßi< Small llhh Not Yet Piwml Sentence of Negro For Murder of Grocer TAKBORO. June 7.—(AP)~Hraeat' Foa. Negro, waa convicted of murder I In the first degree for the staying of I Jeane Taylor, Rftcky Mount ‘merchant.j In Edgecombe superior Court, today. Judge Small presiding did not Im mediately paaa sentence upon him. Taylor was found dead In bad at hla afore -where he *l«pt the morning ot litjiy 6. having been shot through the head. '-'During thh trial of Fog for the f-rlnwv.’An alleged cottfeaelon wa* IniroduhndV'’ evidence for the elate. Town Officials Held Fatal Shooting H ° l 'Tit —Thre- Plßtofl^^^^rTTiTTM-rlt ir-a and an sutonutblln ■ jWirian hy po lice today while they «mght to ,de (ermine w-bo fired the shot that kill ed Edward HBUtkert. 41, a Ml-hakl polltlclan.Jdurfla a gun tight In a early to<lay | i Two of 'theJjtaree were wounded In ert wa* killed ' i —r“ " : Capture 21 Gallons Booze Stored In Empty House I One i t the Urg* ( liquor ■ '‘hauls" I' rtirtr l>y local police In iiotpr itiue |v .1 lu.ole Ihmt yesterday « (hull I t ime an* r nnoii when Offl« vra Chink 1 1 Jiluxl*':., flyover UniQiti’r and I" I', i Itoii**'. r..iHliictiafC a laid In III*- Judies' illy iuntiiin. wif«) 21 RillnnH of whiskey lu a vacant house. The raid wax made on 11 "Up" furnished Ihe po ll* f‘ (hpirUnwi li *'i* Maid. fit No definite rlne> as lo (fee nwiifr nhlp of lli<* contraband were, fotinil, Thu New* wan told. hut II I* tinjf*r «iimkl thnl rtftlnirn have a "slronr hiojil* Ion" ua to the Identity of llie owner. ■ - '<?* ‘d * Yesterday' l * raid wax th« second made fry I'n al i*dHfei*'rH under ilrcuni*uiu.e* during the peat (v»| • 3 '■ - ■ ■ —— £ Defends Modern Youth v ' ' “ ' " - t v In Course of Address Bes ore 4 " Universalists * mrnammm*** * ?? ■ Charges He Paid too Much; Wagon Work WINSTON HAI,EM. June 7 —(A P) Charging that the defendant through hla agent, the late John L. Baker, represented the' Nlaaen Wagon Factory to be worth 51.- 477.K61 62, when Its actual value waa not over 1450,000 and that tha plaintiff bought the establishment at the former figures, G W. WII- Hama, aa prealdnet of Georsa E Nlaatqi Company, filed a complaint In Kttperlor Court here today against W. M Nlaaen asking Judg ment of 51.627 561. fl HOSPITAL BOARD HOLDS MEETING Huildiiiß I’rogrnm al Stole Hoe pital Not Expected Start Until AußUtt Routine business waa tranaaotad yesterday hy the executive committee of lhe board of Iroaleea «»f Ih* State, Hospital for Negro Insane meeting here In regular’ June session Those In attendance were; L M Blue of Gibson, chairman. Dr. J. K Hart, of Wadeaboro, C. P. Aycock, of Pantegn. and Dr J. D R obi mum of Waltxi-a. The building program, fo# wklrti fund* were .provided In appropria tions granted at the last session of the legislature, will not be started before late In the summer, it, was learned. The appropriations provid ed that (he money should be avoll abt* In July, hut It Is hardly poatlbla that work on a proposed dormitory -will begin befpre August AGRITEACHERS ARE ORGANIZED G. K. Sey incur of GrgnMutßi 1 Heodn Group of WtyM, Johnston nnd Greene j The Agrlciilliiral Teachers of John ston. Wayne and Greene ChantkW or ganised an aaaoctatlon at the Com munity bluldlng here Thursday night- The name of the organisation la John ston, Wayne. Greene Agricultural Teachers Association O F. Heylnour of Grantham school wa*‘elected presi dent and H h»Hhaw of Benson, elect ed secretary. The purpose of the organisation ta lo bring the agricultural leuchera lo goi her lo work oul policies and pro ’ gram* of work, to exchange Ideas and Information and In he of mutual help In many other ways. The lime of meeting is the first Wedneeday night In each month The agricultural teachers nreatut were, G- F Seymour. Grantham; W, C. I Warrick, Plkevlll*;' A I\. Veasey, 1 Rosewood. H B. Hhaw, Benson; E |j Morgsn. Know Hill. The visitor* ■ j were, J, B. Howard, Kalembnrg' K Y. ' Floyd, Rnlelgh; Mr Woodleaf, Ben son and Mr Moody. Kaletgh inoniha Soma lima ago a large quatt- III)' of whiskey wan found In t vacant horn** lo* uied w ithin, a shorl distance of Ilia court house here. Ill« lie I laved hat the vacant bouaa<t nr*' need Ijy b*w*l Icggera aa their dis tributing points The fad that catches of boose are found by police In vacant houses in oilier town* from dime to lima, and the similarity of the local Insance* p*ilnt to this theory Tfre owtiera of the whlnkey probably feel safer with their wet govsls stored In a hotiae devoid of the presence of hu man ballots. It la though I probable that frequent trips, according to the frequency of the ■'orders,'’ are made by the 'legger to Ills cache under the cover o( dark »«»». - e * '" ~ \ 9 V MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS PRIGS riVl dW Two Hundrag G«Umt «t Eafr anaville far Annual Mot oriaiCeWbmtiaa V CHURCH FINANCMRttOW ' INCREASE OR M PUfSNT Announce PIIM fur Sanaa* Aft* nual Young PeopfcVla . nUtnteat WWtoLuk* >• Modern youth found > atosacb de fender in him Unity Wtlktas, wbaee addreaa on "Youuf People Than and Nov” wm one ot the Mull U«U cm tba I'nirereaUat Memorial eolpbrottop at Keaanaville yeeterday. Shunt ton hundred mombew at tba Ual rare* 1 let church In Baatern North (MMh fa two aaaatona baid ail tba UUotUnt Dus tin county town, bboored tba hand as M wbo met at tba noma apot In lit* and formed Urn SoMhara Oaltanmltot Convention. / Tba yoatb at tba pa* touk he re ligion ready-made .declared M«ae wilkina. la tba ooaraa ot bar laotbra. bni the yoatb ot today daman dc to he pllowod to ■ UMI tta oara oaudln elona. "It la »o dtafraao to **•••»- tlona." aba added, and aaar ta tbo mod ern tendency ot yo«ag Pdfalr fa q treat lon, n Undnaoy that »W laadtO a higher emphoata upon tblbgl t I actual and aptrhual- . ’ Tba old Idaa at henoalb la UM *anb a plenuant one, declared hUr. W- ®- odell of Kinatoa la tba nnnrpMf W draeatnc tba UMNft* tM- ** 1 mentaiiarn h#e banned eefca at tjb i hotceetaal epfrtU at alt HUM Mil Me tering beatran and eaodamadd MU to ball. Hammer wfjaMaod, rep acting o« t|f rinanclal aipaota ot tba State Chorea lion, aald that reoMpta ta UalUUraal -1 let cbnrehoa and ter anUoaa at tba #• nomlnatton bad annaodad by •• W cent thJa year tba amount reflated by tba same ttma lent rear. Bn bNM he hoped to ba abte la report IN per cent Incraaae at tbe State Conren- I t ion to bo bold at bad Mil ahnrab ' m Haropeon County October IjM »• Plane for tbo aanoni iummSß Naßb . Carolina Young l»W«h #l WhHe Lake, JuM IMI, wora pM* at the Kenansrtllo iWll yuntafdgy. A. tentative enroltaflat of M t*-gt already Mm secured. H UM dßßoah*- * *l, l*r r. B Btsbog of Rooky tum will Offer a court* to -RfbUual Inter preutton" at the InsOtnta; Mr. J. 0- Petrie of Lynchburg Vg., ou “Bodgl Aspects of Ohrlattoatty" >ad ■*». **• I* Canfield of Ornnuborn on “Uur We oof Our Mb|g”. Rue Mr. CraaNpM In ropgrtlu* *a historical incldeal concert lag aa# •* the earltea of Catrurmll*s |* tb* Konansrille meeting told g| tbe IMe of Rev. Rohurt^Areblbgld— g IrBP ton gradual*—wife wgu »g»p*nd*d from the mlnlstfjp of bla okarrh on account of Ms Muds submit of^universal salratloo". R»Oora*U«»- cated from his own sbureh about lTft. Rev Mr Archibald booms* no Klmr ant tutor aid prnouher who "bfttouki that Iher* would b# g ptnlkbmoat after death but that U droald bu Halt ed In duration-. MU Ideas found tit tle responaa from Ibe public ggd whro he was mnrderud In South OarelUa— aupposodly by a nun wb« bad d»ik*o prison la North Caroling and fled af ter conviction of forggry—•• •® r f ner of the South Carottoa county «Ud not conduct aa taveettgaUog toto hja death, so little regorded was th’u mao of handsome talootu-. ° 1 ""* ' ~1 A*■ RKI’I Bl;lf ANB CRLBBRATB Itll’ON, Wle.. Junq 7.—(A^)—Atlpoo * today was the tatting tor a diamond jubilee— the celebration to coosmuukO rate the founding here 7* psora ago of the Republican party. Tbo Mrs* ' of 2«o«<> visitors hugaa urrhftag yad terday. _ ...t.iu . w.—wu.— 1 t.l iIBOAT MMAOTM * ■SHANGHAI. china. Jana 7.— (API— The United dtatao gunbaat. Lasso, which went aground Wedneadny night t at the breah-watar at tfeu nerU of r Hwang Pa rlvur, wau still agrotMi - today, sqveral' attempts to Itt bur aft having (ailed - * V, I \v '» v . I

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