WEATHER Rfeewani raster te east Hands;. Hea ter fair aad wanaar. VOLUME BIGHT. NUMBER 88 THREE KILLED IN PLANE CRASH AT Wl LMINGTON J. A. Hambledon Ants Guests are Fatally Hurt As Plane Nose Dives Lt. CM. Hambkdon Wan Vlco- PrasMent of Pan-American Airways; Good Pilot CAUSE OF ACCIDENT IS NOT YET DETERMINED Wife at Hambledon. Nee Mar garet Elliott, Witnetmed Fatal Crash *•» WILMINGTON. June I.—(API—LI. Col John A- Hamblston of Baltimore gad Mr. and Mrs/'}. Vonder Hevdcn of Now York wort killed Inatautly near the county airport when Col. Hatuble ton'a airplane -The Oovernor" crushed this afternoon. The accident waa witnessed by Mr* Hanibleton, who waa Mian Margaret Eliott, of Wllmlugion Col. Hambleton Baltimore banker, vice preiddeui of Ike Pan American Airways and close (rland of Coi. Charles A Lindbergh waa coming to ■ Wilmington for the weekend Mr. and Mra. Von der Heyden ware week-end guaate. Th». cause of tbe accident had hot been determined tonight. .The plane came In eight aoon after 6 o'clock this afternoon and circled and the field at a height pf about S') feet, the pilot apparently planning to (Sjl.nd In making the final circuit tbe plane got away from tbe field about a mile and went Into a noee dive over a clearing tn tbe woods. Wtafn ejre witnesses reached the scene, tbe occupants of the cabin wore good. The cabin waa telescoped when It •track tbe ground. Just who waa at tba controls waa not known. Col. Hambletob waa a capabla avia tor and often flew here. Whether or not Mr Von der Hay den waa a pilot la not known. Members of Mra. Hambleton** fam ily said tonight that Mr Von der Hey den waa director of sale* promotion for the Consolidated Instrument Com pany of SOS Kast 47th Street, New York. The body of Col. Hambleton will ha taken to Baltimore tomorrow for burial. Bfforta • ware being made tonight to locate relativea of the Von der Hey dene Langley FM4 Mm HUM LANGLEY FIELD. V*., June 8.- (JP) —Lt. Harry A. Baunder* and Sar geant E. S. Woodward of LangVev Flald weru klllad lit* today when •hair plana craahad near Froathurg. Md. according to report* received bv official* here Bgt. Woodward * home waa In Wayuesvlll*. N. C. t ,h ioV . „i —.- ... - MOTHERS AID fund Divided Wayne County Will Receive $192 '*'• for Prisoners Families and $724 for Mothers The Mew* Beruu By M. IL DCBJUfiAH RALttiQH. June 8. Allotment tc Individual ccuntie* o' their quota* of 947.60 LoC t. • »vVd if» epproprla lo bv the Uv <6 nersi Assehiblv for yjoth era’ A l l l» r.mounced by Ml** Id $ E lfltche I, .iret .it if Mothers' AtJ ' r the State Board • f Ct V-'tle* and Pub lie Wv'fare Th‘«»uc la provld •I »- aid wi.ih r m'tber# *hn hav» *s»n deprived o f tl air hi."ht nd»’ *upp>f In order t**e: !*•** r. s.) support :b'r child ’»a dnl main a n borne* for ihetn Thi* amount * d vlded on v r >r capita bane and I* »urnhhed It mom'll t InaUHmeit*. beglmln* July 1. to all countlea which agree to match the allotment* from the Btate. Any money not uaed by a connty on thl* ba*l* during the first year, may be used, or a* much of It a* I* nece**ery during the aecond year. Any fund* left over at the end of the second year are returned tq the Btate Treasury. The 1828 General Aaaembly designat ed that JIn.OOO of th* fund be uaeil exclusively for th* benefit of families or pitsonera. the remainder going to other claaaoa ot worthy and neety THE GOLDSBORO NEWS READ IN THE MORNING WHILE MINDS ARE ERKSH-rREAD BY BUYERB BEFORE THEY BUY. SIXTEEN PAGES TODAY COTTON PEST IS APPEARING o """■ County Agent Robertson Says That Now In Thr Time To Control Weevil Now ’ the time for all gflctl t.inn er* to oil busy and hand ,!h« boll weevil a heavy one. County Agent A K. Hobertaon advUed yesterday. Al ready the weevil t* making lu ap pearance In many part* of-thv coun ty and unle** drastic action* to curl; tbe lnfe*!atlon are taken tbe \Ynva« cotton crop will again he cut short by the peat. .11 Mr. Hobertaon quoted Pavid H. Colt er of H»rt*vtlle, B C, an to th? heat methods of combatting the weevil. Pr Coker say*:.' “My entire experlencc'lniTiigite* tbiil by far the moat Important sie.o in weevil control la the killing of over-wintered weevil* on the youn»' cotton at the time the first ».:f*l|, square* appear*. ThU can he done at a cast of 16 to 20 cent* per acre for mater al*' for each, application. Two. three, a/,four application* will, be uecekaary according to weather condition*. A mixture of one pound o' calcium arsenate thoroughly stirred Into a gallon of water to which one gallon of cheap inola*ae* I* then add ed, will poison two acre* and kill practically every weevil on the young cottob. The molaseea mixture I* beat applied with a cloth mop übout ihree Inches wide on the end of a stick about two feet long. ' > ‘ “After lightly dipping It I* expend ed forward and downward, striking the cotton plant* two or three laches below the top. the operator then walk ing down the rows tlpplug the plant* over with the mop and applying the mixture on the under aids of the leav es. Children quickly become expert* In this operation when, properly su pervised. A drop or two of the mis,-* ture per plant la sufficient, as the weev|l* walk about over the leave* very freely and are practically cer tain to discover and eat the mixture within 24 hour*. The writer lias a number of tlma* watched weevil* moving about over the -plant* and finding and eating the mixture.'’ HOLD STRIKERS FOR SHOOTINGS GaBtoHU Chief of Police Ffic r* cumhs to Injuries Sustained in Fiirht GASTONIA. N. C., June 8 lAI’l With Chief of Ppllr* I* O. Adderholt ot Gastonia dead and four other po licemen wounded aa a result of last night's strike riot, alxty-one union leader* and tbelr follower* had been jailed tonight. Chief Adderholt died In a hospital here today of wounds received In the Ikfit between police and guards, post ed about a tent colony maintained bv the National Textile Workers Union for strikers at the Loray Mill. Wading Pool For Children m H ill Be Opened On Monday The children's wading pool at Her man Park will dpen for the summer season Monday afternoon at 1 o'clock, it was announced yesterday by Roy J. Parker, who In In ojtaige of the' park activities. Tltla announcement will be received by hundreds of Golds boro children of all ag>-s with faster beating heart*, anticipating many fit lure afternoons of splashing and pin In the wading pool. The opening > the pool has held up a litUe on account of the cool weather, but everything la now In readiness for the opening Monday, Mr. Pdrker nnnounc ed. A capable man will he si tV w*d Ing pool all the time It Is open to th public. Insuring the safety of the chit drua who enjoy ihemaelv** ,n th* B. F. JR, AND SARAH PLAY HAPPILY AGAIN Three Sides to This Story — - .. I ■ II !■ ■■ II ** otnr at* j UL . v f \ 'wt jA I V l 'Jr' * m Pja I' j rff W7f _ V ■ MvMßWj'vJ » WWm Ml Iml jmm ' iH Ift Nation-wide interest in the action of the Federal Reservg Board in its efforts to suppress speculation in Wall. Street U bringing to light a three-cOmered fight between Senator Glass of Virginia, upper icit; Senator Couxcn-i of Michigan* tipper v “' right, and Willtam C. Durant, below. Durant, trernendoualy interested in Watt Street financialfy, protests against the action of the Reserve Board in tightening the credit situation to curb speculation, while Glass and Couzens believe the board is right in taking whatever action they see lit and should not be ItPlUld by. the »dfish reasons of financiers g attl | > jff| g Claims tolHave Knowledge About Ifall-!Ylills Mystery DETROIT, June 8 (Ah The De troit Free Pre*iM tomoyc*tw will say that the mystery of the murder of the l(ev. Edward W Hall and Mru. Eleanor Mills, seven years ago near New Brunswick, N. J.. was reopened here Saturday us a result of the de claration of a federal prisoner here that lie overhear dthe quarrel which led to the shooting Os the minister and the choir singer. The prisoner. Kenneth Gladenu Is In the connty Jail bistre, being held for Kederat authorities He told the sheriff of Wayne countv. and a Free l*ress repr rter. that lie witnessed the murder, from a thicket Gladeau'a story I* in the hands of Frand* 1, Hergen, prosecutor of Somerset. County, N. J . who ts expected to come here soon to, question Jj laden u. Gladeqji was arrested May 2 ot Plymouth. Mich., for Federal aulllorl ties > , .- Remarks he made llietffjo Clvjef of Police Shrunyer of Plvinouth ansi to Robert K. Moore, Identification sup erlntendeut at rite Wayne county Jail caused them to question him closely He said that a knife which was found' In his room hud Lu # the Hail Mills killing (Continued orr page » - Uw in. "There Is realty no dancer la the pool, but we are going to keep a capable man there, anyway, lit order to play perfectly safe. Mothers may ev <1 for them later. This was dopejrc qu'fitly last summer,' Mi\Paikci I i I The News*, ' • / The water In the wading |.o I i turned out 'feveiy night aftet 1 . r are dosed, uml fresh water I 1 ed In each morning after the h tc u arid sides of fbe pool I' m ’h ■ ouglily cleaned It require* ahout four huii •• : i, t‘> t• 1-1 ■. ;It ha * tiy *n '/ lii p 1 '■ .1 1 .1.1 1 j addition to the cliuriglni' Os th > Wat (Continued on page 5) GOLDSBORO, N. C. SUNDAY MORNING. JUNE », l»IW SALE OF AUTOS J SHOW INCRE ASE 'One-ThiYd More New t'arn Sold Thin Year Thun at Same Time l-ant Year The Mews Bureau By M. It. 11l MMA .AS RALEIGH, June * Approximately one-third more automobile* have been sold In North Caroling sq far thla yegr than were sold fop the same period lust year, while 42 per cent of those sold this year were paid for In cash at time of purchase, while only 28 per rent of thbse sold last year were paid for when purchased According 4*i the report of Sprague Silver, director of the Motor Vehicle Hureuu * Moreover, Mr. Sliver reports thai the down payments on the cars bought this year are largqr and the deferred payments smaller than during last year, prphahly due In part to the low er pr re of the i-aVr and the Increased numlxT of low-priced cars purchased This year during the. first five muni hi? of thi> -ah* 1 represented by the lice uses purchased, total Y 4.378 automobile sand J,H7 i truiks as coin pared with 16.881 automobiles and 1,- 611 pur< based during the flrat Ivs months of last year Ford sale* this I year to May J numbered 10,218 and Chevrolet .-, for tin ame period num In ieii s.ltifi, ns o>pipar <1 with Fd. d ales of ll.Ogti and t lievmlet sale* of 8 Tol iii*« l June I last year, or one rip 111th I nicer 1 Work lif "to be tart*(l *wm on the In- .illation of min blnerv at State’s f'lb’on for making automobile license Lit or the State, provision for which • - made by the last General Assem bly. 1 < Itus t.< If. I*, t I \l»f irsifip ti I DON. W|. fun *>K l/j'i Com t idrntli.r the 7'uh anniversary of |i ip 1 'll r of Jttu> republican pur t 1' if W'ir .Heine'.' W. Good duo la red lodav that througb repub -1 'd'lship the countrv rench ■l' ’ pr»■ .f i t tajc of pro (e-rlty, colfy jcbunciit aud wall being. Makes sls Profit on> 34 Hens During Mas Thirty-four hen* putt) J. H lluiulay, ut Ml Olive route 4, u uroftf of $1 ft fur •g g d alone ilur* ink May. cost record* kepi by Mr. Untidy kliom Keoil for Hie hen* amounted in $« r»o (nr lire month •ltd a i' l*l ts |l!i,fit» was ifialvMl tor i nn- sold nt :itt cent* a ddteit The lien produced u total -of 77b rt£4ir. during th*' month. ‘Mr linn lat ha* liccu ttaliiß the proflla front hla poultry farm Ut meet losses on ctopt. Oil* year.” a friend rlplallit’U The Mi. Olive man in (amltt. raising Horton* !»• when Ilia licit lilt ..iKncnme hucli he could not do l.cßiiliir farm luK and Ilia expelienee Is prhvliir lo him that poultry raising offer* Jiial an (roil an opportunlly for profit u:< I'yncliil Iu i rat ill k . If not more Hu Wil l. USE CITY AIRPORT OFTEN t'uistal Airwaym of Kinky Mount Huh < onnwlion With Ci»r tfa» ( ompanv The foaatal Plains Airway* Com puny «r Kooky 'Mount will malt* fre quent,. n*e of the Hold shorn airpoit I. K. Calhoun manager for tha new ly formed company, announce yeatar tlay. Mr. Calhoun waa a passenger wltjj- Pilot Ted Crockford. regional aAmtiiao Itw the Ctrllas Flying Har ris, In it (Jlgfi?'frortT Raleigh to'Hold* boro hV Rock v Mount yesterday. | ' 9 The Cartls* Robin, cabin lyp« mono plane. wblt’lt the filar* Itrouaht to (iold*ltoro, one of the lateat model* developed by Curtla*. will ,remain at the clty t port throuah today. The Trayelalr, owned by C. W. Barbae at|il Durald Wllaon of Mt. Ollra will alao be on the port today. Tha Travelair will make permaneht headquarter* here and Iba owner*, will t- infer to morrow with City Manager Zeno Hol lowell relative to placing a hangar on the field. '•‘The Count a 1 Plain* Airway*,” Mr .Calhoun explained to The New*, “la a Rocky Mount company Incorporated for flino.oho *nd la aaaoclated with the Curtis* Company. The latter com pany own* a block of stock In, tba Rocky Mount concern. ’ • ‘‘The Coastal Plain* Airway* waa formed by J. W. Hlnea. M. P. Jones, W K. FVnner and R. B. Davit of Rocky Mount. It will be the distribu tion point tor Curtlaa product* In this end of the slate and will maintain a foundation flying school service a* well a* do commercial flying. “We expect to muke frequent lisa of thj. (loldsboro port You folk* mav look for ue to he dropp'ng In every week, or more often. With aotde min or changes your port could h« made one of the best anywhere, Os course, the alert citv begins to recognlxe th - that It must have a well-equipped airport.. It will Jpp onlv a few year* until the city ihat doesn't have a stan dard airport will be as Isolated aa the city w'thont railroad facllltlea was, a few years ago.” . Baccalaureate Sermon At High School This Evening ('oinincrKcini'tit exerclaea us the «Mil lilkli echool will l>«Xlh her* till* evening at ft o'clock with the de livery of the annual baccalaureate aermon by Rev K W Itaxter. of St Timotby'ii Kplicopal church In Wilkuii The aermon will be preadhed before the graduating elm In the high auilltorlurn. Kvenlngucrvlce* will nil be helil at churt hen In the city on account of' thein - oniin",nceiiii iii ext r claea, pasfflfrw announce I The aery Ice* at the high uchncil tic* evening will begin when the ieem;i*rt of the Senior da** ent«- the aitilitor lorn nlrikI(lk the |troce»*lona!. "nod o r Our l ather- The Sen cm * w’e fine their cap* anil gown*, will it* or. front rows in a body. Congregational King las 4arias tha uiuuin will Ik lad SIXTEEN PAGES TODAY IJkf ol Belfast Infant Saved When Coin Taken j * ’ \ . • From Throat by Doctor i • —. ..X DUDLEY NEGRO IS BOUND OYER CharKcd With Hrvakinif and En tering Hot Ook Stand in (ioiduhoro Harman Smith. Dudley Negro, who waa arreated ut III* Inline Friday be loot I officer* and lodgeil lu the city Jail here, charged with lireuklng Into Ihe hot dog stand of Clareucn Arring ton, colored, Homeilme Thuraday night, wu*. bound over to Superior Court under rfu" htind on a charge of liouaehreaklng anal larceny ala hearing before Mayor Hill In police court yealerday morning. ; Smith waa arreated on Inforihatlon furnlahed the officer* which led them to believe Ira «m the guilty party. Th* negro denlea having entered Arring ton's place, It waa learned, but about yfi worth of cigarette*, candy, and cake*, aald to have been taken from the hot dog aland, were fouud In hie home Smith la being held In Mil In default of the bond Officers not as yet eeeured any defi nite clue* that might lead to the ar ,re*t of robbers who broke Into th* Charles Norwood residence on %uth William afreet Friday nlgbl and tha jyc*l Montgomery Ward »Utre Thurs day night A valuable platinum bar pin, aet with diamond*, waa taken from the Norwood home, while mer chandlae valued at around sJo*l waa stolen from the department store. Thieve* gained entrance lo lh» Store by breaking {.he gtaaa In a rear sec ond story window and forcing the In ner bars t S.4OOGALLONS OF MILK USED , COH ti I'drenf Teacher Association* Provide Free Milk For Some Children Coldsborn city achiHil* In the aea* alon now ending have usgd Hg.7*t bottle*, of milk served through the lunch room*. Dr. A. H.-Kerr of health department reported veaterday. Tbl* la a total of about MOO gallons. Children of the Walnut atreet school used mage than did the children of any other school In the city, the re port show*. Walnut 'V.treet consump tion amounted to 10.141 bottle#, Wll- Hani Hired achooUiz.oao fhntt|e\ high •phKuP I t leV »4pdJiiim^mj atreet iivHHU bottle* > , Through the courtesy es the Air ent Teacher Association* of the ftty a number of underweight actiaq’ children nt the city were supplied milk free. Dr Kerr *ald, "And (Soldaboro people can rest aa aurad that the milk which their child ren I* getting I* of the highest qual ity,*' It waa stated Regular Inapec tlona of the' dairies of the city are made hy Dr TEjpcr for the health lie parunen't. by membera of the hlgn itchool »,li e club, who will be *eateo on tlij plat form witll the apeakern. The following program will be fol lowed thla evening: Frocaadottai, God of Our KathetV’ -vWarren iSenior Claaat Hymn ‘Softly Now the of Day"—Hon Weber (Congregation atamllNgf - - Invoiation Hey V MiTta.- llvmtt. "Now Thank We All (|ur God" Kruger, Ifllee Club). Scripture l.ewmm Hvrnn. "Holy. Holy. Holy'' Dyke*. fColigr* cation - *i;indtrig i Sermon Hej-. K W. Itaxter, St Tltttblhv'a Kplxcupal Church, Wllaon, N C. (Continue*! oa pagai §J Today’s Circulation 3051 Last Sunday . 3009 PRICE FIVtCENTS ‘•iven Penny By LUtlq Brotkar, V, Surah Bartlett, 4 Monfiuk Swallowed II FARfTTONg INSTRUMENT. THEN REMOVES PENNY X-Ray Ry Dr. Ivey Locate* Coin and Dr. " Woodard I'erforma Operation H. K. Bartlett, Jr-, thr**-y»*ir-014 son of Mr. and Mrs- B. P. Burnell, (ioldahoro rout* t. played with hi* four and one-half month* old ateter. Harsh. In ih* living room of their home. Mr*. Bartlett waa ta the kit • hen preparing the mid-day moal. B. P. wnntsd to bo n good Uttla bay and plaoao llttla atatar; he faro her hi* penny to play with. Sarah gurgled her tiny delight at It* gtlttor sad Imagined that It tu Juat th* vary thing for baby gtrla«to eat gal eafoy. With *g fat. chubby baud, ah* p>erod It In her mouth. B. F. la not quit* four yearn old, bat he knows that little slater's abeald not eat pennies He tried to fat the coin oat of her month. If slipped from hi* clutching fluty aa Be -ah fought her protest, an (dropped into her throat. A alec* of Mr*. Bartlett entered the room and B. P. told her what had happened. She called Mra. Bartlett. Sarah was having dlfftapUp lg> hrepfh tog Frantic, aha sailed Mr BgrUett. and he called a neighbor who raa to the home of Mr Howell, aearhy. where Dr: Malcolm VMaaoti waa kaewa to aet etalllng a patleat. ■ Dr. Blasell came, took a look at Sarah and ordered her to be reeked to uoldehord at once. The penay ooutd not be seen, bat It bad evtdeatly lodg ed somewhere la tha throat; Sarah gasped for breath. Dr. H- B. Ivey made aa i-ray photo graph which disclosed the location ol the coln.i The x-ray picture and tha Infant were harried UMbe office es * Dr. A- O. Wqpdard. “I don't here any special laatrameate tor doing th'l sort of work," eiplalned Dr .Wood ard. There waa a Raleigh apetlallat who had a reputation for aue-noo la this aort of operation and, Dr. Wood ard advised rushing Sarah to him To "Raleigh la a great burry., dr ore Mr Bartlett with Sarah. Tw? addi tional x-ray photographs were made In Raleigh. There’s no cola la tba throat of th* child, the Rsletfb man pronounced; tha a-ray falls to reveal It. i'& ■ KranttyJMr. Bartlett drove like aal lo Ooldahoro. Dr. Itray ra onllel au4 made another photograph. The l-ray thla Uni afcowed tha cola lodg-D near the phartiMbir Tha caaa had growa deaperata; another allp of tha paaay and Narah’e h«*atb might ha oat oft entirely. ■/*".'< • Hack to the offtco of Dr. Woo lard, with hta child "want Mr. Bart let:. ha carried tha lateat i-ray photograph. An operation waa decided oa. Feahrsa- Ing Inatrumenta from uallaahla matal provided for that purpoaa, Dr. Wood ard attempted to retrleva tha cola. Ha did. Today Sarah and B. T■ Jr. ara play ing happily together again. mrsThollowell DIES SATURDAY , H Funeral Serviced Will Be CdH* ducted Today At 2 O'clock By Rev. Mr. Tripp Conducted hy Rev. R. E. Tripp, fna eral aervtcea for Mra : Cola Hullo walk who Huccumhed in a local hoapttal ye*terday following aavaral waaka Ul ucHjt, will he held thla afternoon at I o’clock from the realdence of Hre. Martha Kdgertnn In Georgetown. Surviving the eati-etued woman pra hri buaband. 1.. A. tiollowelt. Mr mm her, Mre Settle Price and tgg brothara and three aletera-