ji WfATIfKB Vik Mi «imr Twetday. Wedsev takr. VOLUME EIGHT; NUMBER 89 RASKOB NOT TO RESIGN AS DEMOCRATIC LEADER Makes Declaration At __ " "k V 4 A' Banquet in Honor 04 Shouse in Washington Outlines Democratic Plans for Streaftheninß Party's Or ganization 3 ANNOUNCEMENT BRINGS CHEERS AND APPLAUSE Raakob Warm of Centraliution of Power As Practiced by G. 0. P. ’ washinoton. June u.—(jpj- John J. Raakob, chairman ot the Demo: cratlc national committee, told the party leaden gathered here' tonight at a banquet honoring Jonetl Hbouae. the new chairman of' the executive committee, that he had no Intention ol resigning. i “I hope tny remark* tonight will set at raat all doubt about my <-ontlnn~ log." he said, dlverglug front hi* pre pared ad dr an the men and women attending the dinner arose applaud ing and cheering. He added that when he took the chairmanship he did so became he believed In the principle* of the Dem ocratic party. TMb chairman announced that Mru Nellie Tayloe Ron of Wyoming would he a member of the executive v committee with Mr. Hbouae and In charge of Woman 4 ! actlvttle*. He al*o stated that Charles Greethf utie of Indiana would continue an secretary of the comintltee and Jamc£ W Ger ardas traanurer. ; Aji Indirect reference to former * Governor Alfred E. Hmlth of New York, party standard bearer In the last presidential campaign, brought many of the Democratic men and woiqen to lhair feet, and vlgorou* handclapping The reference waa made by Repre sentative Byrna, chairman of the Democratic Congressional campaign committee, who aaaalled the Repub lican party for what he characterised Ita lack of pollciei In dealing with many problem, confroutnlg the Unit ed Htatea. The dinner waa given by the Jef ' ferson Association of the District of Columbia In honor of Mr. Hbouae who baa been made chairman of the exe cutive committee ot the national com mute. It had arouied unusual Interest because of tba attitude of some of the Southern leader* lu refusing to at tend. The national chairman spoke es pecially of centralisation of authority In Washington asserting that “such a course might well result In revolu tion." * Mr—Hbouae served notice here that party baadquartsrs here would refuse to be concerned over candidacies; as sailed the pending tariff bill av “rep rehensible;” denied the Democratic party was a free trade party, and told hi* fellow partymen Gift be await Ihe operation of the new farm relief hill before attempting to crltldae It. In speaking of concentration of authority. Mr. Raskdb said the ten dency of the Republican* would re sult In thb establishment of "a power so collosal as to be unwleldly and In capable of administration.” * ‘"Tba lack of respect for such \a government." he added, “and thy tv ranny under which our people will have to Ilea In consequence thereof may well result In a revolution which will dlvld* this country Into two or three republic* snd our prosperity will then suffer the Ilia which the countries of Europe have suffered through Jealousy, standing armies, lack of trust, etc., for ronnttds* gen erations.” Chairman Raakob said that he con fidently expected a further red >rtlon of tha 2660,000 party doftPtt to under I*oo.ooo during the current month and added that It wan the plan to raise aa additional $960,090 to cover the expenses of building and conducting S national organisation AHAJfDOR JI RIOH I’ROM EVANSTON. 111.. June 11;—IAP> There will be po Junior "prom" at the Evanston township high school this year because II negro student* will not relinquish their right to attend as members of the class The “prom” scheduled for June 14 has been definitely abandoned, sub sequent to the actlonof the Evanston country club in refusiifk to allow ;he glass to us* ©J. the club house If the “lP| r W _ r „ THE GOLDSBORO NEWS *" ' - READ IN THE MORNING WHILE MINDS ARE FRESH-READ BY BUYERS BEFORE THEY BUY. CARS WRECKED ON ROUTE II) OeruirintM Hut-ape Bcrinut In juries ah Two Machines Are In Collision Bright Jurney, Mount Olive man, li 1 In the Goldsboro hospital suffering with severe bruises snd shock, while 1 Will Ryrd. also of Mount Olive, and - H &*-Jat'ohs. of escaped la- J’-;- ar>the result of an a.:: mu old I > accident which occurred at the Wal ter* Creek Hrldge about Hve miles cast of Goldsboro Sunday nlrfht about A o'clock A Ford coupe, occupied by Jurney and Hyrd. was almost com pletely demolished The Dodge sedan driven by Jacobs, was also damaged but not beyond repair. II waa learned. "According to Information furnished The News yesterday. Mr, Jurney and Ryrd. with the latter dr'rlne his car. were ydtiig toward Kinston. Jacobs was driving In the direction of Golds boro. Tin night was dark »n 1 fncgv, iiudvlu - pavement of the hl*'«wnv w." rilppery The chrs.'both said *o have been moving sf moderate rate* of sneed. collided Just st lh<- brMxo over Walter's Creek. Th* roune turned over two t’mes *s II skidded from the Imnset with the other ear. according to the reports. Mr Jurney was placed Jn *he ear of a passing motorist and was brought lo the Goldsboro hospital here lor treatment According to attending | physician*, no bones were Ih.nirht to hsve been broken, hnt th- man was suffering from Bruises cgt«, end th# shook *>f the accident Both cars were hi bled in lo the Htoney Creek service stati.>ti. 1 t.e i;f side of the Dodge waa said |o t have been badly smai bed. white at! th# w,allows, the top. and the fende-i --sud wheels of iho Kord wore us!«- cd beyond rfpalr. * ' _ FLOWER SERVICE WILL BE HELD 1 _ - Children of Oheb Sholem Reliif iouH School Conduct Ex«r ciseH Thurndgy Niifht A vehy Interesting and novel ex ercise will he presented by the child ren 01 the Oheh Sholein Religious School In connection with the rente cost or Hhabuoth service -nl the Temple. Thursday, June IS. at 7:3« In the evening. The exercise will consist In the of fering at the Aftgr of Flowers, Bible. Hymnal and Preyey-book, a Fledge to the American' Flag; a pledge to the Torah (The Jewish laiwt and the reci tation of the Ten Commandments. The Hhabuoth festival commemo rates the day when the ancient Jew.i In Palestine would offer their Flrst frull offerings 'of the early harvest at the Temple. It also commemorates the Receiving of the law. The child ren’s exercises are symbolic of the above significance of the festival. Honorary Degrees Awarded Two Natives of Wayne Co. Two of the four men upon whom I the University of North Carolina con-1 (erred honorary decrees yesterday arc 1 native* of Goldsboro and a third msr- i rled a Goldsboro girl ; and (otic of the i list students who seee'ved degrees were graduate of IhelGnld 'mko High School OF Dr George Muifm>n -Klrlr ~t \.- + York CUy and Justice William Janie* Rrogden of Ihe North Carulln.i Hi. preme Cotirl. Iwith natives of \\'..ivii" county, received the honorar- d <rc • of doctor of laws llr Cliateyu Vi bert Hhore. for 2<V vears dli*( t ir of the North Carolina Ijilmrulo' v n. IF glens, who also received Ihe Imuorat degree of doctor of lit<vs, ma'ii* I Fl l«n Dortch, a Goldsboro gr' ' ’ .-*1 Robert W. W nrtou former ' S.vrin Court Jinlgc. a’nd now dDtlng"' ik’' ..i lan author and an essaylit w.-s the (ouuh man houored with the degtey Os (live SIOO,OOO For A Library School CHAPKI. MIDI., Jane II I*l* -A gif hy flic Cirn C ‘orporatlou ot New Foil. t » it University of North Candlti to n used for e-'lablishmeut of a sc'io >. /or training librar a>* wa* mri known here to'day by l r. H"i r„ W. Ch*jpfV Idcril at Ci' c ' ■ neiu" flteiit meeting of th • board o rasters ' » . , BEGIN WORK ON P. 0. ANNEX * V %- - • I)iKKi n K Excavation* fr N-w Add)) ' n i G->! sb ». ft PubH- Bull tin*' Construct lon on the annex t-> Hit? local government po t-*ff'c-• got un i r way here ye t«r!««., m i nrg "b n, workmen alart-d e-cn-at f r H> 14 by 40 fret basonm', In the r •if of the poslofflce bqPdltit Ap r> malely the same amount of e sv I g work will also be done under t or ■ rut building allowing lias* men i p«c , of about 30 by 40 fedt. It wis ,11 s nouneed B C. Mslpasa. foreman for Jtv-e t Brother* company •• of Wilson, who will hsve charge of fhp local job. told postoffice nff'clals that he will h on hand the first <»f next week f r "n real start,” It will probably h-» next Monday before materials are placed on Ihe location, and It Is hoped thst i considerable amount of th- exesra'leg work will have been rnmpletrd by this <tlme, II was eald ■ A erew of fire then »re on the Job, this week, hnt as anon as th" actual construction work ber'n* a larger fore* vfill he required The digging of Ihe basemenj Is tb« first step In the nrnjeel for which Ihe Wilson concern was awarded the contract after the opening of bids In Washington on Mav ft. Jones Brothers submitted the low est bid for the fob. In comneflHon with elgh* other bids The successful bl<l was for UH.l*4. St.'*" gxvr fifpolr Toumgb) I YI#»1H« A TTninno SHII Deputies J. C. Kornegay and George Coker told yesterday of the most uni que still they had ever captured. A. ten gallon linseed oil can bad been rigged out for the boiler and a “dou bling can” had been manufactured by use of a 2 ga|lon Jug A hole had been neatly chipped Into Ihe side of the Jug-to give entrance to the warm Three barrels of heer were destroyed near the wtIII ih Sloney Creek town ship. a *— Frank Started Back To His Ohio Home I<a*t fall Dr. C. C. Hussey of Syd ney. Ohio, sent his prise pointer, Frank, to Arthur Walton, Negro, at Rondo, Aril . for training. Walton was to return Prank at the end of the quail arason He didn't Dr. Hussey had reason lo believe that Walton had taken the d> g with him lo Mi Olive N. C. The sheriff of JJydney. Ohio, communicated with Hherlff ]»’ D. Grant here. Deputy J. C. Kornegay located Frank at Mt. Olive and last night the prise setter started back to, Sydney, Ohio. In the same < rale In which he had been shipped to Hon do. Ark. tdra-tor of laws. The rllatinn read hv Dr. I ini' . f 'Royster, dean of the gradus' 4, hoot. 4n ('interring the degree (rti lit, t> rh. j was ass follows: ij • G"org(i Hughes Kirin. 'I ' . t;■■■ ■ rul'-erslty of North t'nr I'p* 'n t!' cl» x nt IShS. M' 11. I,one l ls’i l i '.l lege Hosp tsl M'utical H' hi (|. I :• * Professor* of f’svc'hiairy In tb" 1 ot , j lege nt I'livslcbins imd Sd gCon . o’ . f ottlmbU FnTver ;|tv JiM'l f»|r< . the New york Fsyeblatrlc 10 - - i»»*/«• In recognition'of yotjr ouilncru <■ n » science'of mental dlseiisos, (mi'o iir •y Iv your skill Jn orjr *< n fir snd sn< lal forces forth" rri es -t human suffering Vour Atrr i M;.‘‘ confers upon yrfu ihe degre ' :>f 0t.,: • of lav ■ ?i For Justice Hrogden: f i i,Other Locals oq page 6) GOLDSBORO. N. G TUESDAY MORNING, June 11. 1929 Yank Slugger, Soon Back m Bk w - m&Si W . MSt. ; - W' • Y* d ijr mr* As .*■ a- n i 1 • ¥ ' Os' / -T ' r Out of t maze oi conflicting reports concerning the condition ol Babe Ruth, the slugging attraction of the New York Yankees, comes the fact that the Bam it expected to be back on the play ing field in the very near future. This photo shows the Bam aick in bed during a prevtoua illness from which he emerged stronger than ever to amack many honters. Dr. Edward King, bonesetter for the Yankees, says the home run king will be back in the game toon. » LIGHT DOCKET BEFORE MAYOR Only Five Caws iNs|»srd of Be fore Mav ot Hill in Monday Mt t-ninn “ \ . Only five dcffndMol . appeared be fore Mayor till! In polk' - cottil h"rc yesterday ftiornlng f->r .«uc of the llghest Monday se .slims In severa) weeks The had. rainy weather Hun day was believed to have beep ro sponsible for the 'no|lc"*blc decline ill the number of week end m scfeint i A case against Jim Peele,, Wi'te charged with rtuklesh driving of an automobile, was dismissed Carrie Mae Jones ami Annie John son. negresaea, were taxed witty, pay ment of III" costs for being disorder ly. The women were said In have cre ated qilile a lilt of excitement when they decided In h#v* a war of words Forceful opinions were reported 10. have been expressed hack and forth In tin uneerlaln terms. Wiltitirn Faison and Richard Feu pell, negroes, were each required to pay the costa for being drunk. In separate casea. HEARING SAT. FOR STRIKERS •> Sixty Now Held In Connerimii With Fatal Shooting at lAtrav Mill GASTONIA, June 11 (AP' -More than tin slrikcra and strike lealera.i members or ihe National Textile! Workers I’nlon.-’wlll face prsl'iatn tfv hearings Halurday In con it • ib'ii sv it It I lie death if police chief O I, Adcr holt and lh<> wounding of Ihre* til her offleers In a battle Friday r.igln Im tween police and armed guirds a* a tent colony-of striking employe t of the Imray Mills here. Today Ihe slltisMon was qttv*. I o lieu headquarters 'reported n't. lernl moves had been nvade to r«l».ise .to (if the per unit uiid-r am . f,. I* v,i staled however tiiii i numb i of th strikers held. probably would In re leased If ll were shown lit it they bad no actual connci'tion with th • flgh'. • Cllv coii it nil today ordered 'tie '• ti ed colony taken down beeatis.* of hialiil.lthlnf a guild at tlis »rvi' "It and ■jn i lal poll' > hsve tieon du'v it 111 . vt tie. * Officers \r«* I'lfftod \ By Masonic LfKiK<* 4»‘l f Jltxlf eh (led officer of th" two Masonic group i lu tinldsboro will he til‘a J<>lllr r ommimlciitlon on ..Ime lib S 1 i 1 .til. ■ J !;• ll s.i • uii tioMtii t*d yesterday M- tun: Ft • r ’t , < niog Gold boro !. '!» < imlu i fi3t <f l*n \iiii mi. Free . i | pi i tplctl Mm Hi nimrd 110 following for 'he ensuing year; t. It vTliomsa. maMier, K. I. Hltnim its, wn ! lor warden; J. C Fate, junior war , den, I! M Ss*ier. treasurer; and J. L. t\ Hicka, secretary. . v AIIRENBERGTQ CONTINUE HOP ■L. V .. yvtftHv'h F’lirrtt Fcrted Down in IcclNnd in Effort to Span Ocean HKYJAVIK, Iceland. June Ift Captaol Albiti Ahrctilc ig luuiglit ex pressed hla tlnlcul bln of com nu'ng bis flight to New York Immrdla'ely ufier s bnnquet tendered him and his j/wo ((iliyi mloii here Reports of mi nvornbls weather over Greenland tbli. morning hud been supplentad by others showing Improvements la con dition. At (lie h<,»ur when Captain Alhln Ah renherg hftd estimated he wo tld h« nciiflng the Island of Anticosti, Que bec, Ids powerlcHs Hoaplane reached Vestmnnn, Island of the iUntlh coast i t Iceland In low* of‘one of Ihe sev eral government vessels ihnt had sped to his 'relief. Rural High StHoolh (irafluatF Total 69 * • -* ." i, Hlxly-nlnc Mndrntu were graduat ed front Wayne i■ unty high arhooln under the iural syatciii the past year, reports made yesterday to th* office of County Hojterlntcndent J. T. Je rome show The number gradtmted from each school follow: li»xwood 11, Hrogden in, Nahiiuts 10. Flkevlllr 12. Hereq Springs 11, Ktircku 7 and Grantham .8 VaccinationH Available At Three More Point* Three more stations have been add ed to thicte where the health depart tin-lit Is giving t-vgiilaj uphold fever vaccinations It was announced yester day The place, dates and hours are Kurcka Jit lie f'J. Ft, » and Z't from l«l to II In the morning; Aycock June 44, 21 and 2k, 3 to 4 In the af'ernoone: Indian Springs June 11, 21, and 2', 3 to 4 In the“»fternoons. Brother of Goldsboro Man Is Killed In Plane Crash i , . ■ Fumral service wl4l be lield In VVarcns at |o oV'lock this, morning f>ir Kgt R Snyder W iuidward. broth - i r i f II M Woodward of 312 North J.um ..trect, who was killed, along Hiih l.t Hurry A Saunders. In an atr ■ plane <tii h »t Frpatbtirg Md., -at ord.M iiflernootl The body pasted UH r hi. ti Fold twoo < n r.oute to W*r Is , .i- .liiil.n litirt ie, | foi((l of ho,'mi ■ ••mi- i»H imu nlfu; frf»iM‘ I .hii*!*- . i j Field, Virginia, sln rr f*t;i Woodward ■ | had been st at toned 11 There were nu eyewlfßCsaen to the j accident id Fro itiiicg, and full de' . lulls of the craaMh will never b«de ij termlned Sgi Woodward was hor .irihlv burned, both . arms being con • ; siimcd fl" Is nipnimsl to have been piloting Ibe plane ut the time of the - crash. I Sgi. .Woodward was a native of .{Warsaw, hgt bis nrother, Mr* 'Fran- I vi,i C. Wuodward, Jtad bevt makipf Baccalaureate Sermon «b v . ; - Sunday Evening Starts Commencement at High HEAVY DOCKET IN CO. COURT vt ■ Wife Healers, Drunkrn Drivers x and Routine Cases Occupy 4 Court t . Mlltifh Gurley yesterday afternoon appealed to Superior Court after he had "been convicted of assaulting hi* wife and of non support and sentenc ed to serve terms totaling 14 monihs on lips county roadV by Judge D. H. Bland In rounly court. Bond was fix ed at 1200. The cases against Gurley and Nis one charging assault wth deadly weapon against Kminrit Desver not Dsnuv highlighted a busy session of Wayne county recorder's court. The court had not completed Ihe Deever case at 6 o'clock yesterday afternoon. William Stanley gratified that Denv er had cut Ills throat with a butcher knife snd Inekcd only a hair’* breadth slashing Ibe jnglar vein. He told th# ynnrt that the attack was ent'rely un provoked and came after he had been called to come to the home of Itroeit King, near Hleepy Creek. In Indaln Springs Krnest King, Mrs King, and Denver, however declared’ that Stanley got hl« throat cut ufier he had taken his flat and hqiken (town ihe door to the King home am he had slapped Mr, Kl'hg down. , , If Jasper Farmer la not’ out of the county hy June 16 hs goes to the toadq for 12 month* for carrying a con cealed weapon and cither treat he loses the pistol ► red Newsome will oonlrihot* IM and costs for reckless driving, and Horace Hrown will work the road* for font* months for larceny. An aa hm«■ It cost Isiuetla Ifarla 116 and (be costa Kvidenr* did not warrant a conviction snd AHmrt Battle was freed of a charge of havliig materlsN for tha manufacture jjf whiskey Ralph Pried was convicted of reck less driving and ff he doe* not t»v the costs and behave himself h* w'l 1 (V do 6 month* on the road*. W T Honeycutt an/1 Batell Rlven hark entered a plea of nolo ronten-trr to h charge of prostitution They w'H pay* the costs and If the court hear* from it|em again wilt serve 12 months each Ben Cunningham.'.captured by lu p uty Hmtlh after ■* chase, through Kdge w(kml several days ago with a ’oad of liquor. w#« fined lino »nl cntji and given a suspended sentmen of six mouth*. - J K, Th( rnton will pay |RO end the coats sml keep his hand* off his an lomohlln wheel for Ihe next ninety day* or he will do <*« days an the I road*. He was convicted of driving drunk. Hqh Fori was found giiYhv of sell ing whiskey and received a ae-ttem's of »n day* Will Johnson was declar ed not; guilty of selling whisker. A ells drove" Ills atttoMiotyit* while (Irunk snd will par $.V< and the cocts, noi drive in the .iext tines months or serve a three month* term on the road- . Hof'S; . Smith »r!ll work lb" riiiKls (or otiV viai for larceny i her home In Wavnesvllle since (lie dentil of her husband several years ago For ityc past severs! days ‘Mrs i Woodward bid luih visiting her son. [ Jl. M Woodward here ami at the time of the accident was or* a trip to South Carolina with httii I Sgt. Wciijdward »«sJ"sn»ited with tba 69th Service Squadron, IJ. S A", ' stationed at Langley Field. Va , and bad been In the servbes for 12 or * 1;» year*. i N-jd more than three months ago had a fhtUUn* em a|re from death w tie it hi* he w ,i» it. Isllng 111 flood rescue work In Alabama He saved lilinsidf by i i swimming m a tre> when bis plane • j crushed Into the river, and for' 20 hours lie clung to the tree before he I was rescued, lie was almost dead froni told and hunger when finally' ; • reamed. MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS - PRICE FIVE CENTS Say* Great item Depend* On Ap pmpriattnß Ctiarnetdr-Build i*l Material C.OI) MA.Y BE REVEALED IN MANY WAYS, BTATEB Cla** Dev Exercise* and Annual Add reus Thursday Win End (omaiencemeat " I»ld you ever stop to think that the advice "to be a man" mean* no more or le«a than an advice to be like CVd* aeked Rev. E. W Baxter ot St. Tlmo thy*a Episcopal Church. Wilson. de livering the baccalaureate ssrmou at the Goldsboro high school Sunday eve ning The high school cbteateaeoasoat be continued with olaau day uger < t*cs Thursday morning sud the ag nusl address Thursday ntght with Ur A. T Allea. State/ supertat sndeat of education, as ths speaksr, Rev. Mr. BapUr took for hit sub- Ject a discussion at the BtbHeal phrase which describes man as betas created in the Image ot God. , Cod may be revealed to man la < many way. declared the Wllaoo min ister. To tome he la revealed through hooka, to soma through the him sktsu, to soma In the soag of the mrda. to some In the babbling of a brook, to some through science, thd gradualist class waa told. And the meat match* Icea of all his revelations comas through the life of Christ, Mr. Buster stated. "Bvury man carries about -wtth him a wKolg court Judge. Jury ahd prouo cutor. You may not have th>u«ht d , this but this court JB a men's Mu st lence and U act* a guide aul w*rp tna to man In *ll hid acta. (.rfatness, declared Mr. Batter. de pends upon one's, appropriating the character building malarial that M at hand, and hers the Wilson minister recalled the disciple Peter who de nied hla master at one Ume. flti weeks later this same Peter, he repall ed, ie found scourging moat morel lessiy those who have persecuted Christ “How whs this poseibler* hs asked. Pimply that Peter la the tew weeks that from ths tttae , when ha had denial his Master sad (be lime when he took op set Ire do- A fense of him had appropriated ths character hulldlag material wtth which he had coma la contact. "If man la not a spiritual being, them let us envy the animals; If man Is not a spiritual bring than his mind and conscience la liability rather than sn asset." Mr. Baxter declared. In concluding bis sermon, printed by frequent witticisms tending to keep the audience ever on the alert tor bis neit point, Mr. Baxter declared that ■* It could not be proved la blaek and white that there was a Oed hot that he liked to remember and to gnats ths poem on that point, n poem ta which s man "brie" that there la a Ood be cause of the light he sees ta bis moth er's eyes. , Wearing raps and gowns, the sen iors had entered the auditorium as Warren's processional "OO of Os Pal hers” was playsd and taken eeate , In the middle tier, facing the speaker The girls glee club served as a choir for the event and was directed by W. O Frederick. Rev. w v Mcßae, pastor ot Bt. Paul Methodist church', delivered the leve rs! hm and presented Mr. Barter. Rev Tenhyann f-ewls nf the Friends church spoke the benediction t? - ■ ROSEMARY BOY DIES IN FALL .. . / w. —. Was Working at Salem, N. J* During Vacation From Wil liam and Mary —lk’ !■ -...1. HAI.KM N. J.. June 11 —(API -trie J. Moan, 23. ot Rosemary, N C., a atu dent at William and Mary Ooltega. was killed here today when he missed hlf fori Ins on a scaffold and fell M feet -» lo (he ground. Hs had a summer Job, along with a number ot elss**mrie» with the American (J§S and Electric company The body was seat t. NJrih CWPUBP IWlfkt, . n 444

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