WKATHKR Ink aa4 warmer Wed. Thors. s4eudy and Skewers. « elder lu Berth pert ten. Volume eight; number hs SENATE REFUSES TO ACCEPT CONFERENCE RECORD Action In Opposition To Wishes OL Hoover • * « V .1 Brings on Arguments Prcaidvnl liutuex Stifly Worded Article CenMurinK Action , of Upper Houw BEN ATE WANTS HOUSE TO VOTE ON DEBENTURE If Heuac Vote* Propmwl Down, Then Senate I* Willing to Proceed With Bill WASHINGTON, June 1J iAI*)~ Over-rtdtng President Hfwmr* Turm rc|J«f views for a seoom' time ti day the senate sent back to the house without approval the ajt.icnl! ural measure from which the exportUVßvnr lure measure had been elinilu.it d on administratton demand am* tnereby drew from the pre.ddsnt a stiffly wonted stat.'moj'. i* qpndemration The outcome of the legislation to ntfbt was lu doubt The senate voted 44 to 41 against the compromise farm U|%siure drafted by conferees of the aenate aed house after listening to a Uoleet attack from both sldnu of the (hanber on the presidential views. Mr Hoover retaliated a few hour! later In a statement denouncing auxin tha export debenture provision as bound to bring "further disparity" to ''agriculture. He declared the senate vote "adds further dplav to farm re lief end may gravely JeopsrdTae the eaactment of farm legislation v Hastily gathering jo survey the sit uation Republican leaders In Ihe house decided to reconsider the farm meas ure on Thursday on rules which will permit • direct vote on the export de benture. a course which the house had previously refused to take. ttaneta Democratic leaders who headed tha aurreeaful advocacy of ex port debenture with the western Re publican independents repllril that thslr fight was to force a house vote on tba debenture They gave assur ance that they would abide by the de cision of tba house If It would take the vote. It was a day of bristling exchanges. The senate debate was as vltrollc and spirited as has been heard in years Benator Rrookhart of lows, who cam paigned through the agricultural mid dle west for Mr Hoover, closed a de bate with an appeal for rejection of “this weasel bill” and for ths election of a "progressive president by the far n " ° * mere." , Senator Brookbart took up wbc-e Senator Borah of Idaho, another Hoov er campaigner had left off yesterday, in condemnation of the Presidential farm relief program, and Senator Johnson added lo the'Republican at tacks. < • % Senator Allen of Kansas, the newest member of the senate, sgsln was the lone Republican to speak up for the administration and he was the target of biting criticism from the Republi can Independents. With their lines almpet solidly In tact lor the vote against the deben tureless farm measure, tfilfl Democrats were content for the most part to let the Republicans quarrel tienator Car raway of Arkansas, took Ibe floor late In the day. however, to'excorlate the Hoover farm relief plan as futile wlth ‘ out the debenture provision- , Two Democrats who had previously voted for the debenture today voted for the conference hill without the de henlura—Fletcher .and -Trammell m Florida. i However .theae votes were offset by 'the switch of Senator Couaens, Repub llcan, Mlohjgan. who previously had voted agalnUt the debenture hut who today voted also against th>- confer ence measure without tlfiil prov loti Henators lug. Utah, and Walsh, Massachusetts. Demoerals, who were paired against the debenture In the Henate before today voted agalnut thy bill. s TO DMCUM AIR MAIL HOI TKS WASHINGTON, June 11 Kstabllshment of two air mill Hncw through south will b- di <-us d tomorrow at a meeting «' th Inter departmental colnntltN-i on nvlatl in. The routes are l. iulsvill i to Dallas and from Atlanta to Fort THE GOLDSBORO NEWS READ IN THE MORNING WHILE MINDS ARE FRESH—READ BY BUYERS BEFORE THEY BUY. l TOM N, GRIFFIN WINS CITATION I-oral Boy Ami ni' TFo-e lo B- Gradualct| at Wr*t joint . TflJtiy jr WEST POINT. N. Y . Jutiv 11. Kx hlhlllons of colorful regimental pn - rades. mounted gynvuaatlca. ban-ha* k i stunts, and Cadet frolfca arc now In r full awing as huudreda of guosts ar i rive daily to peritclpaie In the ob | servance of graduation week at the - United States Military Academy.'The i most thrilling of all nodal seasons / at historic Woat Point. r As the standing of the 2!>9 members of the class of 15*21* who are to receive . Their diplomas at the graduation ox- I erdses at Bailie Mojiumrnt on Trophy , Point tomorrow was announced , here today. Cade! T N. Grllfln of , Goldaliqrn. N t'., was among those , selected for citation at gradual lon HA w ill he c- mmlssioiied as we* ond lieu , tenant with distinction. This will , rfiark the last appearance of the 4 graduates in cadet grey , (’adet firiffln is taking a promlu ( ent part In the social events of the Week. | Appointments to the Academy are made liy the president, fulled States senators, gnd mem her* of the house ■ of representative* No congressman i or senator can make more than two appointment! during Ms term The I president can make ten appointments a year I NEGRO HELD : ~ NOT WHEELER t * o , - 4 I Sheriff Grant Sent Deputy to Makf Identification at i ' ' « New Bern The Negro held ai New If rn ia not o "Snapper" Wheelol, wanted for Ihe I murder of Henry Pet (away, Negro, l ist July, Deputy Slierltf Carl Smith as • certain**! yesterday through a visit to ■ the Craven capital. Word of Sheriff W. p Grant had been that Craven officers l*dlevad tin i man they held was Wheeler, and Pep uly Smith, with a Negro who knew tjfheeler. were Bent to make Identlfl ( Cation. They returned yesterday af ternoon. fringing word that the man held was not the tnan who killed j Pettaway. Craven officers were check . ing up on the possibility that the man they held might he‘ Wanted in Duplin county when Deputy Smith left New „ Bern. Wheeler used a heavy piece of tlm i her on the crown of Pettaway last ' July with such force that Pettaway t died almost immediately from the • blow The fatal blow- had followed argument rSout ' the ownership of ,(>n cents in a "skin" game. Wheeler took, to (he tall timbers and has not since ( been gfcen. ’ WEN ABHtKD PW liT 1 ‘ MIAMI, Fla.. June 11. (APr M P Mlllea, 75. retired manufacturer of Detroit, Mic.h,, died aboard his yacht Cynthia this morning after an Illness of several months. „ City’s Fruit Fly Specimen - Was Only “Drunkard’ ’ Fly Thr >ewa lIMr'MM H) M. H. 11l RALKIOII. June ii The ''lrn t ll» •tpc< imcn unit from Ooldabor to i*r K W. Htirte enloranl *»• . »» nmhiii( but a "drunkard’ *1 . weltj k mown and constantly d v< i •*> -m -< i» • j ii Kin a around fernmutltt : fri* i • In ; lydbjr named th • fI•• Mu* ■i>u n« a soon a» lit* •><«» I*. Ills i'w |i i iicm in drr the m < r<>- a ope only < •ttfltn.'.n aifnooiii anr-nt • Cjrjly 'boixiui' tit; found n * br«i of TrTlti* Ki.ir Vruit and >tun*-i di;ni|><n) In a vaein* I t bit-fc hf a atirj in Hoy la n llrißhia. Raleigh. out ui some 200 »p>u tineas »ant in ft n» all oyer the Stale fttif fonnd to be frnl. (ii», in tv lin f L4»i or m Swedish Fliers Safe Though Forced Down fc *( vf* v • -V • t , S# v the map>rtfßt, shows tnr pro- Mr JL Jbr ——-jr . " posed route of Rolwrt Ljttng- Ps r" ■*“* tcvuMsO f # lund. lelt. Captain Ahrenl»erg. e> f? f center, and right,' A —^ Swedish Biers, all r-itt |>t tnj* lo S J p---' fly lo New York til the pant \ F A -Sveer.ge,-aUrve lhe> at» re FV ' *. >f * ported forced dmvn t>\ motor | ,****!£?*'yi’ VJ ,* V trouble at Ska,.i*...- «>i. ibe , ' XA- r^oe, •oufjt coast ol Ilf land marked ' ..r< aw,*. r .«j . Vr' with cross Ihe H-g-lii mml moi * . c * i' j. tinue when tepaii;- are made p-VTv •% kill— - Strikers Take Slops To Rt'j'aiti I licit I'rojicrty OABTONU. June It. i U'l l• ml step* Inoklnx In re*toration liy .i l.oray Mill striker* tent colotib nu t pt>. .-Ud frecdom fur union leaders held in con nectlon with the shooting of Chief of I’ollce O K Aderiioli and three other policemen ia*f Haturflay were slurtcd today by the National Textile Union and Allied organization*. The first step wa* sending here from Charlotte of a writ of huheas tSorpu* for 19 of th* striker* held In jail The writ a'gned hy su|>erior court Judge II II Sink, directs Sheriff Kill LI (IP herger to produce Fred Erwin Beal Atpy Hchecter and 17 other prisoners before Judge W. H Harding th Char lotte al 10 o'clock tomorrow morn Ileal and many (Slier* named In the order are held in jail* other than the Gaston prison because Gaston off rial* 0 • feared mob violence Whether Ihe hearings w4H lie held before Judge Harding tomorrow, whether or not the Recorder's court in Gastonia would start hearings Hat urday u* planned, Bollcltor John 0. Carpenter slated thal he would ask postponement of all liearlngs hecaus*- of a in lit* Limit). Inn had Inin unable in lm ate Jurtffc Harding up to a late hour fHtv Solicitor Mason had i not announced whether nr not lie would agree! to the Ktate HollcU.or’h request. Announcement wa* made lu Cliai lotte tonight hy AJlierl Wagouecht, national 1 secretary ■of the' Workers Iniernational Relief an orgaiilxatloa allied with Ihe National Textile Union. that Attorney B L. Hlglhoa, G« tonia, had been retained to file, »nlt against Ihe cllv fur leslorntlon ■>' belonging to sh« union ahd r- ll f nr ■ t* ganlxaltan Hi; *ald Inst the relief oi ganlxaiinn had feeding .'.on pei son* prior to the fight (am Krida. nighl and thal . «li -trllnii tun of fe d would he' ri-Hiini'-d. THTtr-ttm|ii*i« *l li rommltlee of strlhenv and Klriker**' wive* In charge: gi’i foond In cold turizr Irult In t;r«*nahoro. . *■ n X*" w lltieill ' 11-lwi *II _V itikard' nfid lb tun- f) ■ 100 f '■ inn i whhh "Jto I'lMuHi'iloei J ian j discover 111 mil l' Thr drunk u I 1' *ria||et, liik r*>d or |illik eye •i < j cl**nr iln*'i. wh in lh- find >1 In : mottled wlntca arid brown ey • The ifilllt fl> la hrl»im the -In ot 'lie holla ■ riv and the dmnkan-d II- and la of a bru'vni.h tutor. w* Already about 1700 bits been apin' ill mma'iliK triiij_jili(l all kill I. of I it 101 l 111 the one lllozk and aUrroil id- In* block a of the -eel lon .n whieli tn four apeelmeriK of fruit fly were found In Ralsifb, I>r. Udu> au.J, Intensive itsei'iiiJti yy Flit U +jm i GOLDSBORO. N. C. WEDNESDAY >M»RNING, JUNE !2 NEW TIRE STORK IS OPENED HERE \J >ll He ll«-idt|tnirlrr > For (ioldsloni mul Wil miimlin Kti res Openlnti i»f the hire ' ui?* }■ rv.i • j Wore* Hi J 33 unit 111 HniiMt t * ■ 1. 1 »» street wh i unmnuieed i I’i t>- !r. I. lletdaihei, regional <1 a a ( ager. with headquiMler In Cliarlo In i Mr. lim •* luff'll In Ihn e li' 1 for the past never#l dav *hpmv sip> the opening of Ih liiUriihoro store. Th<' new enterprise will uptrate a modern nervine. tire repulr and nervier i 1 Mat loti j II A Hanson will he general lIIHII I ti nger nml will have charge of Mie linldshnm atore and n similar ilnr now being opened In VVllmin.dnii (ioldshof-n will In li" idljuiirler* for 111 , two unlfs, Mr rfe.darliir nnnounr ■! (I V. Ifamrh k. long runui" led-awl'ti | the lire Inislni" In Ilolil shorn, V|ll j he 111 eli.itg* "I 111' off <»■ of the II enterprise. ” . i The Mote room at 113 and I'll Houlli .('enter .It** I. i l l l op|ni*l*e tin Miifiin Ihe.tlre. Imve • i i fie f|e|<-t| and thrown ate display apuee fro ih- Ini* in • ■ | Moderu lire Ml leu ei|ii'l|noe»ii ha. hi en Inslalled and the l.ile .l ln lire-repair ec-iulplnf-nl has lieeli in tiered and wid ..he initialled oi the ne#i lew day Three aervlee (racks for the Kir atone atore* have ulroitdv he n ri mini and Ho e will he manned hi i capable crew of loeal uo n eapetlen* e l In Ihelr hufilie**,-Mi II Ida'her sltil ed One of the*" Irinka la of ill e sn|an type a «< rvli e trUrk not pi " vhrualy In operaifott fttuttlis aerlion "Throughout 110 I'lanniiia of Uie new lore. Ml II Id " her elated, "w liavf nyl in mind .'ivVtil tin pronh l of and W ■ ii.*’ * oiioty Ih VIM i In* I Mi il Ho i '/• 'l ei v,> e all'l f|llalili I' w 'll h* n • ' "I hv toe 11 [ piropli and y ar n tnaMnr ilolilulmi ' •iii- ia■ a 'ii ■ >11• i i ’ei. iii lidro and WihouiKi"n ••• <■ »• I" |,. v, ii,', i * i >' ■ i. ■ I f ■ t Hi jaiilvilv ami Unit Hi" mini' y! ’h",ei v is one of a- iured growth MM ore many wrckK we inav Im In a pn*il on lo a tintmncc, fnrfliet eyleiiddn "1 ' tar- mi* - here, one Ihal wll) no- i'i j itineh Hi die lily in a hum *• I; < II It VI II If VI ION HKAII | VAl.i’KJi), i nlif . June II ■ \"i llalll l h* dl eftwrarl. r a >l. ’ plated and Kumpeatl • o 1 Vllle 1 ireiil! • lot twenty >eai* y* .dead W «• IHHMI MV KIIIVKIWIM' * .V. .In II (At*' I t.eaHji 111 ' llo'H e vi , niHk a brief .nhlie- . . .'ii t-tune lair 1 toil ay ,f the new ' .art rm.'iit of Cain- Hu rc e loilldinit Th • t ereiminii** will Ii h itttndM by member* of Ih r ih . tuei and oliiyr- hlfh offl Ini* of tUf _ OoveurtiiruV. WEIL AWARD ANNOUNCED Mis - I'lhpß (iitiniird Wins (irad uale EellnwMhip at N. I*. C. . i j - W. Greennhoro I ' 7 ~ Tin following exlrao! from an ac 1 1 I count of cooimeutenien* at JNurih * rMrollha College for Women. Greens-, horo.-awill l«v of Interest here: Vino !*• Df,.iMiaw' mMrw** Freer dent .lullun I. Fottei iuinounQ>d lit it, tin- Wed Fellow hip Fund had been i*»ril.i| to Mu ■ Tilnra Gulgnurd of' . Ltncointon Mr.t Henry Wml of IGi |d dioro the Well Fel , i low*h p I ond several years atro In nr inury of hnr htiohand, llenry Well, and during the pa t year added" |B.- ( * o«i*i to til'- fund, .thereby Increasing ' the yearlv minme from II In (I,oo*l, | w hit'll is *o !>■' lisial hv the •diut' lil I Klin, is awarded Ihe I'idlowtilp for graduate dudv The nwnrd li mad:- , not only on n mJioluatle liasls hut ala i takes Into ronriderut'cin Ihe leader •dilp mid act I y 111 ■ * of the Student 'un 'det riinsiliralinn during h-'l i-ntT , j four year*. t I all j Cuicnatil IS th" daughter of the Ifi'\Sra ml and Ml' Sun li-i ■ It (idlg '|g*rd I I imi idiit.in and g making l» • t 1 plans lo do ri idii.il- Kind ‘ln me ol ’ ogy at the I’nivcrsttjt of Chleaxo lie I ginning In Seplntnber Wilminffiim Man r Ends Own Life | , , -'; - | WILMINGTON June II <AI’)-;VV A W ood mHcmal V\ 1 1 il; ■ ilkton bust lie i mail * a tniiiiH-4—wl in Ihe bath i i until of hi . todav Willi a lull I| h - w.ntnd n' hi rufht temple. Ihe coroner attributed the death to will j ‘ , L __ t mi in it hisnion im sin: \MIiY. tln ria- lime tl I A r II I liU> in aii American I'sesb) ti i oi ml -'si-tiuii* who wa* capiur -d I J i M.i 2d. Informed hi* I/*, |, ; • --I * lm* M" w.im *•* I • f-=f' T tilth, n II \ iMlif.i l KwRMtHIIK Scout Executive Gives His Opinion on Snake ‘Stories’ Illy IV. |>. IIIV I KS) I . f t-fb „ Ml tYiIM I am »o tl I l|«l pftvf Hlf MMfJfl of t’.lllwL pii |»t , ,m»M 1(1* at Ol lilt; IflfMl . (rnalijrff wp 9im%«? on *'»rlh. *h<' oil** ?»».ii ih.t' hhmi *» iifraN '*f and (ooli dil' ,jO arid • li.it la mint' /n fk 1 1 oin old Mother Kve on down to our eiillahlened age, have bi<oi*!n „!,• rrm •« o any of ti< bri,;*u*e wa did not iitoler-l and (tie r purpose all I naMii Me, will take Hit* fu t subject rl*llt heie nod see'lf we ru i not break down HOIIIof the so illsli a ilperslltlona about him. * Thr Vdder * a The tpmitflni airier. »«tn»ilili*. nil-1 \ .• ii * i.a ia -u lit He fellow with a (Ut Ut'tttl *tu<i lurued up uo»«. j ' 4 Police Redouble Efforts To Reach Solution Os Series Housebreaking ANOTHER FLY SENT RALEIGH Said bv Some lo Resemble t'loNe |y I'holoßruphs of Mediter ranean l’e*t ,* ~ • fly. aald to teaemhlc v.-rv n.ircii th,. picture and description, of tin genuine Mediterranean fruit, fisi', ** i Monday evening placed In the care of A K Robertabtt. county fa in a«w», and was rushed to Itslelgh tn a W.- tla for examination liy Dr H ,v lad* hy. stale Miitomnloglei The fly wu ■ raptured Monday afternoon ih-mt 5 15 o'clock hy V V Tlnnnpwon -of nif. North John alrcet, while he wu «:#nd n,g |a the doorway of the <'* r Mprt-u company on Cwnfer street According to Information fnrnliHed Tlj,. New*, Mr. Thompson, who I* em ployed al the Spring work*, was slawd- Ing kl Ihe front door whan i strung* looking flv sttddculv flew pant H brad The man sw-l* o.»i hi* baud and captured the ln*ect ’the f>v wa* taken al once In llie fd (ices of Ihe f'fmply farm agent .where If wn» compared wh h • picture and dt'Mcrlpllon mailer *enl tiff* bk slat'- he«dC|iiart»r« al Halelgh Th# fly and the' description were »ahl lo Pdly most, exaclly T eaptured pent had th*> name yellow body whh ihe dark er rnarklTi**, and, Ib.e same -alaar wing.- Po«tlve Identlt ration cannfK h. mad- here. hi*wsver and II was deemed advisable lo seifrt the spe. Imen lo Halelgh for expert examination A report oh Hie larva found In «». i. range at Hick'* and Hawley's drug' 'store last Thursday has Pot been re * reived here yet, anjl It I* not known whether or not Ibis was actually a larva of the dreaded frut! fly The fad that II was found In a punctured| orange wa* auspicious enough, how-i ever, and Ihe larva, which grew ama*-1 ■ Inglv iivernlghl. »«* s«ni lo Halelgh f<»r examination O MRS. GRAVER GIVEN HONOR Ibiuphti'r of J. 11. l-ule Klrnl Woman Kkriud lo Potomac, V a.. Town Co unci I Mr- Naomi tale t'Vaver, native of Gold .horn a daughter of J II Pyle, I, .1 111 -'. II■• I•• 1 !' - I town i'until it a* Ihe first woman In the 21 yeni history of the town to hold pitltlb office As reporter for the Alexandria (Turtle Mrs Crnv-r wa* covering ihe cOithcll tneo'ißg nl the i me of tier election tiy Hum, body to fill an mi expired term Mr «_ ('raver, horn in G itdrtnM"*, *i j gradiiai'*l from North far <llua Col leg.- lor Women In I9U Sle- w,*!d«*rl (toy <! ("raver, of 2ot Tate stt’eel. Greeti*tioro, and settled tharC, Six veai i age Mr ind Mr* "raver moved to Potomae whore Mm.-C|*|V- e, -fun le » in,, s 11 1 1 ■J v known in Al exnndrii county a* a. member of faculile* ai. Lei -i hool -r-'e lilgii .dirail in AH v.indrla Slid of Vioint Verneij and G<'iirg' Mas' il aclnads in Potonoir Hla home i» <h> winter and' prlng I, ||, |||,. earth lie come * mil diir mg the ear lie *umnier mouth* and la very active tn coni, diady place*. YUU can identify him hv hi, velfo*. hrown and di-ep cacam . losckltig H-* crawl i* very *ln k' and i rooht-d III* < hies loiei i* cgt wotm . Imp* mil ground riinl-H J|e f, (ural tiorn flghler. like all oilier soak'e* wlien suddenly ilaturhed- On *nrprl*lnK him lie will auddrnly . oil, Strike in evi l) direction (ml hiss and It.* head will ,;ire,„l i hen Ac Ihe mini spreading adder' If you lia.c the heart aud are not auperstitllnu j you argil learn how this Bills follow 'fool* hi* eiiyuue- Aft rhe has coH j AfdniUuiK-U on pago 6j MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS PRICE FTVB CHMIB Mont Homea Are Entered While RettidenU Are Awaf Dur-, ing Evening A .* I - - , 1 <•/ SIMILARITY MARKS ALL OF SERIES OF ROBBERIES Homes of Roy all H. Spence, T. W. Miller ami W. L. K*wF ~ ingu Are Entered With the perpetration of tbs latest - series of houssbreuklucs in ths city# . mem bars'of ths local polios depart ment have redoubled their efforts te apprehend Ihe guilty parties. Ab sence of definite eluee Ip any al the nu«i. tend to hinder the Invest kg*' lions, but officers are working na the robberies from every sagle aad hope lo land Ihe thief or thieves behind the bara In a short time. Several vataa bln articles were taken tram the homes of W 1* Rawlings. It 11. Hpence and T W Miller over tke pest week end. The moat recent robbery reported to thb pollen, occurred mt tke kome if T w Miller at 106 Cast Spruce street Monday evening between • and t <?• clm-k Mrs. Miller told tke News that she left the hones shout • o'clock, and wasn't gone hut a *eft time. Returning home with ker kushend lo supper, they found that the eaHre house had been ransacked. Drawers, Imixps, trunks, end many other places had been opened and artlcVeathrowu around on the floor. A F oattbra pla int was missing. It trad aald. \ i, Ent react to the Miller home was gained by kuockkng out a wladtW acreen. In fact, two screens Were found to have beta kneeked out Mpi" lug police lo believe that the tblif had gone In Ihrongh one window, and while at "work", had heard the Mill ars returning home. Mot wetting to mn through the house to the other window, It la believed that he hnoekai the screen ouf el the neareat oaa at hand and made Wr escape. A small ladles Blgln wrMg watch, a silver card oaae bearing the engrav ed namg, “Nellie," and a laathev anid case containing all the lodge cards be longlng lo Royall H. Bpeaoe, from the Bpence home aom*- time Monday afternoon or eraatag. Ac cording to Mr. H pence the robbery must have' occurred between 6 •r --c lin k In the afternoon and # o’clock that night, during which tiara the house was empty- Mr. Bpeace has ot fsred a reward of |IO for lha Ihca lion of tha stolen article*. It waa learned. The W. L Rawllnga honw, oa Waet Multmrry street was entered some time Saturday night. A headed bag. „ (Continued on page •) COUNTY COURT > AGAIN MEETS Emmltl Denver Appeal* Six Mon Him Sentence to Super ior Ctmrt \ ss-MMramweraw t *‘ ' Hit defendanta faced Judge D. It Hlniuf In recorder’s court yesterday In the second session of the wgeb- Although court was In seesloa most of yeeterday morning and although totictior Paul B. Edmundson ruah cd the rases promptly, a number weft continued until next Monday lodge Hland decided that Kmmlt sh iver rn* Danny of Klpflng fable— wae the Riillty party in the aaaault oa William Stanley In Indian Hprlngs township and sentenced him to six nutnlhn on Ihe road* Arnold Hyrd. i ounael for Iw-aver, gave notice of ap- _ peal to Kui*erlor court and bond waa flved at 1200 \ .Stanley had Insisted that Dearer slashed his throet with a butchsr balfw in an altack sntlrely unprovoked Denver's defense had been that Stan ley had slapped his alitar and ratsdd cain generally while drunk at the I home of KTiieyf Ring. Howard. All. and Bud Mclntosh •*> i Were treed on chargee of trespasa and , of assault. Charlie Woodard wea tent to tbo , road* for k month* for aaaaalt with intent to kill. ” ■ Kreddl* Kornegay appealed a M day senieiice for asaault and ImrM wag fixed at tJW, ' — w o» ‘‘ "t'\3l

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