J weather TUi4«nk(««n Tkinulaf and p«*«l- I Mj Frida j. >U rkiw la lea|i»nil»rf VOLUME EIGHT; NUMBER 9ft TWO OCEAN FLIGHTS SCHEDULED TO START One Plane Will Head For Rome and Ollier To .o Start For Paris Goal Worked L*hl Ni|(ht to Have PUnn Ready for Start at 8 A. M. Today WEATHER CONDITIONS ARE REPORTED AS FAVORABLE Three Frenchmen and Two Am ericana Will Race Acrosa , Atlantic OLD OR. HARD. M«, June 12. -* A Pi Five ffTePs. three of them French men. the other two. American* who have for several weelurwwfciHetl we.ilh er favorable for flight* to Europa, made ready tonight their plane* the Yellow Bird and the Green Flush for a take off tomorrow morning con tingent only on u report of continuous good waalhar late tonight "You may have a little thick weath er with local squalls and puffy wind* for the find' two houra,” Or Janie* H. Kimball of the New York weather 7 bureau told la-wls A Yancey, navlga tor of t-he Green Plash. "bill condition* will Improve and ahould be good 'be rest of the way." Preparation* were made to fuel the plane* The Green Flash, w.litch will head for Rome will carry 530 gallon* of guaollne while the Yellow Bird will take on 1.000 galloua of gnnollne and heuaol for I’arla. The Green Flash, Home bound, and the Yellow Furls bound, both wilt begin the long ocean hop at 8 o'clock tomorrow after the weather bureau again tonight reported favor able weather conditions over the oceanic course Meehan lea and motor expert* began working over the two planet* about B o'clock tonight. Because of a stiff wind which blew sand alpng the beach the motors were not uncovered until It had subsided. The gas lanks were drained and the work of refueling the Yellow Bird was started When this pas completed the Green Plash was to be serviced Thle work will not he completed un til 5 o’clock tomorrow morning. Forced Down HAVANA, June It.--(API-She 10- pfissenger Amphibian plane Washing ton en route from New York to Buenos Hire* made a forced landing on Tlbo Beach, near Morro Castle at the en trance of Havana harbor slate this af ternoon There was a coining rain when the landing was effected. To Hop To Sweden NEW YORK, June 12 (APl— The, New York Herald Tribune tomorrow will say that Parker Cramer, who lust year attempted a non-stop flight from Rockford. 11l . to plan* to attempt a Might from Chicago to Sweden nest month. Plans for the flight were learned after the secret departure of a Am phibian plane to llartfort where the motor of the ship Is to lie overhauled. It was said that Robert Gasp will be Crauter's companion on the (light planned for the middle of July Thelt roue Will -be byway of Greenland and Ireland [ HOLOMAN HEADS MERCHANTBODY Wilmington Selected us Next Convention City by State Merchanta » HICKORY. June 12.—dAPt I,a Itr lloloiuan of Raleigh wa* elected pre*i dent of the North Carolina Men tia: t Association at an organisation me o lug of the irew hoard of directors this afternoon at Blowing ..Hock. I B Blount of Greenville was named Ursl ylca president, T C. Hinkle of t.-xliu ton. treasurer and Willard I. Bow- II of Raleigh, executive secretar”. Wilmington 1 was selected for tht 1930 convention. A banquet here tonight clo el' i 2ttth annual convention of, th’ elation The Rale'lrb dele»t»tfot> tr i i > <1 i the attendance lo.ln hmi ai l lie-’ ory the Inele-i tn meiTibot V > is I)r, D W. Da i> la I of Cleiuson CeHaj-. giadc the principal address. THE GOLDSBORO NEWS READ IN THE MORNING WHILE MINDS ARE FRESH-READ BY"'BUYERS BEFORE THEY BUY. Rum Runners Form Huge Organization DETROIT. June 12 lAUJ The Del i oil Kl ee I't e * tomot' nv «i|t sa> a giant combine >•; iea< Laky*., rum runners wa* form 'd t -day ti challenge the tint> -smuggl na ax •'•- cles of the .Federal gn.eliuim from Buffalo to Mack.llt.n- The Free I’re** will *av ;j secret meeting of great operator* fro-tt all point* of entry on tlm- Canadian border wa* belli ill Ecaurse pear here A shuttle system wa* work ed out whereby the traffic wtR h illvcrteil to Fake Ere or Ixike H.l ron whenever enforcement unit* ure concent rated in the Detroit rtve'r. ASKS DAMAGE OF SIO,OOO ) 7 o * 11 _ Ray Lynch Alleges Carele.-wness on I’urt of Truck Caused injury ' ' - H. " " Dumage to the sum of fHHHifI I* askerl by Ray Lynch, through Ills next best friend, J. N, Lynch, In suit filed yesterday against the Goldsboro Groc ery Company lu Wuyne County Su perior Court. Complaint filed In the office of Clerk of Court J. H. Hooka alleges that on January 17, 192't. the plaint itf* was riding a bicycle on highway number 41) In a niytherly direction and was struck by a truck, owned hv (he de fendant, which wa* proceeding north. Complaint claim* that at the (line plaintiff was struck he was Its) feet off the shoulder of the highway, and that carelessness and recklessness on the part of the truck driver oniTSSU ThP accident. Lynch, complaint contends, sustain ed a broken leg. a fractured and dls locatafl shoulder and other serious Injuries. « Ran Their Whiskey Ahead of Schedule Running their liquor one day in atlr vance of , the schedule probably saved blockadera, operating three miles lamt of Dudley from going- lo the house gaw. for a hand of Wayne officer* raided the plate Tuesday lilght ex petting to find it In operation Juste.ol they found a 40-gallon square tvp bricked up still, cooling off from a run the day liefore The officer* had gone In force, expecting to surround the place, and bring In the operators The officer* were Deputies j. C. Kor negny, Buck Gardner, Carl Smith, and George Coker. Lieutenant Governor Freed by Abductor** OROFINO. Idaho. June J 2 I AID Mr*. \A B. Klnn , wile of the I .On tenant Governor of Idaho s.iid h -r, husband telephoned her from Great'. I nine nrlle* west of here, lale (ode i dial four men who abducted It m - .it ! today left him alongside the Itlyliw iv I 302 School Children Get Perfect Attendance Mark Rv the time tiie hl/li •• ’i 1 • ; 1 dents 1-04 In number —in •• .t O m.irniiig a,.a»sembi\ pert ei tb • I flcates lor p.-rfei t side, ij'in . s • the past tear thi cal i „ $S •. 1 school* ill 1 111* ..t It V * 'I'MI Will l>«* ".“J I V- t»*i*l.»v trn‘» ii ir at th*‘ < h j» ■ pfrlii 1 •»» \V;?!nv. t ■ * lio-i’ 2 ' j ftwnrd* wt*r*» ut;i ?•- ifj a v »*i •. *lll 1 *.f n^ r lR’ !«• < T #*r CdimTi Mi Tn* 1 ;i l» »ho |icrft»rt tlft irlan * • 1 111 . -o«o u h*» t*on * h .• >» v*l 11 | *f 1 '* hTA’ * I»f r rni-i-fil *1 iv or Imimj for* file* dm t iif« *h tn ! I »'a Mil. 1,.n0 ai t» i| h i lUFffa tary* Afiftj had ca-Uati iccttiu* to orU:r| j Didn't They f Rack in 191)9? ■ i . , . •• HBITFr >•* ,\ > T * x'L ; JBT - m r % w ” t r t A I’lcluref them >■ i i.-n n .gm. 1 lie in •« • ... t h i unioe Blxzetl Hprulll. Awttie konvilt- M« Mdlmi. Hfrer-rrh- **rrri Mar. Moore Mien Rue Middlton I'em It-- i I 'nutfi Itollow-dl Southerland, ill Oieetishorfr: It.illb 'i -I i hi.i I'l'-gleit Gravely, of Wii htiiKloii', \. it . lamia Snyp-i Tru- u Ketliiw .? ■ C; Zulu Maiklnim. t liurlotle; I.Uxle Markham, Washing a l> < l.'le-nor Morpii I’hlti*. Champaign, III.; Annie Johnson Strom! A •'ten; fieotge KFn eluan.” i* C Ho- Vft Arm-Id Dennis. Henderson; Chailes W. Davis, Oteep, R K 'leven I'■ >pl • now reslditig In (ioldslniro who taught tills chi- *' VU-se Florence May* r berg. Nellie Cobb I W/.lc .Ilnsik Itebei c i llu.yiphicv lobn I. Hnthcock mi principal of die lilgli school tliui year mid A. K. W'oltx was city Miperinicu ileiil * ’ The da-s will meet (or u reunion buiiquel it the brgli si bool i.de-iiin al G an-tills evening and will attend the high *■ Itool loirimeueenient fn.nl* In a group (oilowing the dinner No » t prograni Im - been arranged, but the members of the cl.i w ill l.ilk’ over, “old time ." It I Slovens, won was president ol the da will pieilde, ilii* evening About half id the member ship Is expected t o o lie in atlendaiiec (good (lliaiHT For lli^liway Goldslioro-Favollrv illr A ol NG STUDENT GI\EN Ulil.lON e 'J •Minister Mas Held in Jail in Eli-! za bet tit on Eollonintr An Address . I EUZAIH-rritTON. Ten W.. Jum 12. j (/Bi A tnu.ils'erla-l student from N-w | Yorkt -lame A Donbio/-k). was tr-i !| late todu> a it** i !4 lioiii - in jail W'lier.-i lie was placed Yesterday following an atidis- • lieji before a Law and: Grdei; league The ybtiug man who I* .. iol the di re,-' pr.s - I, 1 llru-itir - I .trie *. Jt I, I. n i i. I I. ~1 ip ... I fifty maimgei. ~ju n,n Dat'd I! * oi : ' filly tii.illayf-i . j ..i •'. tha *, tilt* A ;j I »| l, y , | Srif ? 1111 f f9*|*Vlt f«.i > .* l it; * • OH ,r ir seni i! the foil, wing with.- .t . .. . of n*rfed . atl» nda-ii f * * I'-e* . - I sill Fan tor. Ltd M.yy |>| . K.i :!.i:l 11-: • .*. t I Chstrl". Fdttard O'Gi • a s .11 1 Adams J, 11. . I.H--iter Bell. \( ti r ■ I < i.Jlli*. I ! v ' Iv ..1 'll" i i, W :1 ■ '. . " I i II !e Ir . . - •'•' 'i; II- t-i ~VV. .i l 1,. ■; -i :*• ,At - • ’ ' a! :*. , • 1, ■ I , 'em e C- e.e ,I; i I , (s. J(. .L • I R 'Mm*; •i' .1 »h?M*ott ,Jit s' l• *\ • U, •t <■ J Will Bifi |l »- . Rifo if*! * f*j I (C ntinucfi cn page 5) GOLDSHOtto, N. c. THI RBDAY MORNING. JUNE I*, idjd | lleurinjf in jL'linton This Mtirn inU Dus to Do With Suni|i- HMI It..UI(S 'Pm* *ho|d»’»* # I * ' •; «;i ii. Iri. ii. ;> number tr«> "New ■ U) r, (j | ii'Khw ay Jitiiub >* In ;• •> “lb" ;i j*’ t ! i. - » im Li no ray I ! it ’ ;u . t mi :)i j h'*.T‘ini? ' !»»• iM'bi P ,-t li | nVIot k l most'Mi * , Tit N w m irfit i t*«l r« M**rf pj ») i ; i * a I (T Hd J\* uit»a i. a * tf»"' HfjlitL i ll** flt ii»l 11 i i I - t -• • I f I'»ir. i i' , , -- ) \» \A I! .if -VI Im-:. |'* t 11 \ Rial f»t ’.it ~n i * ; .ImLd Kim-It 111 ll ! i ,r • lnit*» ", \ • »Mt A ill It*-- : j• . hi / trill ; (o , | l»f *’» no** rt* *ll to lay ' ■ <1 ' _ V • - . i>t '*» f 1 I ‘ (fill '. * d • r ' in K ’:,'igli i,f lie VVed'n- ~ A' ''a ea * ,-i- e ' . . ti.iUt ! ■* - • ' Fill :ll IV-.X? U. I ' - . **' 111 |:l V. . ■ 1 V 11 pro’, ate '’l*, lined route from *.•?!- ! f 9,‘ f t K . ‘ t1 15M* Im. i *1 f*l» IK f' i J ‘ 'IM*. ' t'*J V • < .1. ji< »« l ,1 v .*l.h* ,|| ’ • !’ - c ■*• ■'< -r'. • >■ 'i t > 4.»*>t i;< i jtl U.ji .i r . . • ' ' ' w, ' * rtfs r I* • I I M AA t -Ml TON tiIWF.J N'F'V ORJ.F.ANi* tno- 12. .\t’j ’ Re* »».t \.n, III? HAW f*i»MOf| -.'l I > ’ . ■ ■ . . s d*i * Tfet 111 » b4l. f-iMt, yeur wa . k fc-MilC i J uno it< Address by Dr. A. T. Allen This Evening To End ('omnieiieenient Tho A nested For Death of C hildren .j Nt lit liM .K Va. lulu 12. tAI'l AVtice man and,,a Negro were ar . .t,jt here t -lav and _lic!U for t r*!’ab. (h Fitv \ c, uffli ers In ejlil* 'ion with life death of thrive hlu)t_el -iliu. 1.... Ii ■ V. I e fo.nul . in w'.mip* lu-ur Ettxabelli (Xty lit* week. , * Tli" arr;»«(s .followe l i nmnr- of tHltifpi’ khlt li jm*i iat«l In m jilt « of I] hn < ifroiD*! < i that Hm h# I ♦ veil Him ■' SHIMMING POOL TO OPEN FRIDAY Kd M. " 4VH' it* » if-- s'nvt*r and Miss Itnrhpl Move In '•< j structi.r The ft eshyterian 'wlinmittr mail -111 cn-e to the i-iiMli- for the ‘ first I line ilits season Friday nioin'ng at 9 s'dpck and notMT. and 2 o'clock and f o'clock tn the'afternoons. The New* wa* told. Ed Howell, local athlete Will lie on hand at nil time* ns a life .saver, and All*. Rachel Move will act a* wlmmlng InatniPtor and he In charge of all nlav nctlvlt’es nt th-- wool. It was sii-tnuneed ti I* nlanyipit to teyeh nil children, vlsltlnr die pool who do not slremlv know how to swim to flo so. d t "Mini wit! alsil He «|ven tn life -sy'le'e and fled aid mt't evam'natlon luhlor end senior Iff* sny.'ia wIU >'<• vlv-n the nnnll* during the l»l*r P*-t of ih* aemmee " r \ Ten thousand children vtvOrd th» pool dur nu !«*• •unimer according •* furnished The News hv Mr. RolilnMttt. It-I* expected that this number will lie equalled If nht stir im« -"I ili, •eat and six month in I "ibnil ini,on and a lion fine as ,i n uli oi ple.nj.iig guilty to u l)t|iip, nllilig charge. Mi.- ai epled lull re -p mi .ilnil l > foi ah all g.rn liquot sell mg. loi'lne on the I'o i farm ;;u mill's band w-r<' uol prossed wjt'-n she ac r eptt-il re-pousiblllty for the selling. AAOII.It I'AI Alf 11 A| s 4»| BORDER k11.1.1M.S ,\V A/tHIN..T"\, June /12- (At* Re|m .entallve Fiorem. } l . Kahn, Re | publicsm t iljliirn .'i, lilt rodil.n d a bill I loilsi lu auttioi txe puyinent of 1" 'l' |" mb ii' ol ll,n . g 1 ll,nl by pro Uihiliou ugr iit", - -? - i- I s I AA > IN Oil It I, I Mil. JINK 3il \ A.'HlXti ION June llt < Al*( M - ,Mabel AA'.tlker AVUlebraudl, a* - .--.'ant scoi ttev general-In .‘harge ot! !■ 'hition pi ie . i uili,ns, who resign j eil, "ffecliv- linn- 1 i. ha* decider) till rr'ii.iin n the r vice unitr June .'to r . The News to Invite Press Association to Meet Here I VltKI II (T TV. lum li (All' lit North' (in -din i piV . ■ Ann.t a 1 >.i. was wanted at Its opening sen lit let!'.Delay tn Jtiiephun Daniel-, I rn - " '.'it I.f the u.tv , I I" 1.1 pel - will nut -nrvirc the t ornr i' inn of the radio am] moving pic; r • ti D turn It mi -t.ißd ii d'z.ttl',' . Mi DiiiteK him "If i Ita* tg’i, '.lll'll 1 iimllim plllill her. J. i e'- < I ■ i-.| iic culhtpHe of th»t»p if. 1 vpiip 'tii '• ;'< .I ’■ ■ t 1 :t • 11' l-I 11 ■ ' ii v ■ lilailt) .uni a "vital ami tin-laud *itl A*.-1 product in t«trying on g .vein •m ft i i t«-r nt; the !;»• o". of The ten I* ri< y or puliltihci a tp re tard Utiiir i s ra u.> warkciablo prop-, ( lass liny Kkcrcises Will He livid in Audilurium at II This .Morning •:~ . o 1 FORTY*KOI ! K BOYS AM), (iIKLS TO UK (JKADI ATKI) Winner «f Well l*Hie and Kovall Kssay Heard This K\enini{ Tanlay" In llu* that (ioldihoro ’ll lull mlioiil Kliulclil- 111 general ami % Snnlom In' inert.l< ulur Imre been look ing forward to.with considerable nl I II for tin' ini 'l •iklil nr Hint* inuiilhM. , ‘J lor liMlii) flit* Seniors will Ktndnate from the hitch Ioh)I, ami iiit nilmrs of tin- frt'Hhinun. sophomore ami Jun ior rlnsse* will rKrlVr ihdlr card* pi«.iii Meeting olthe lilrli school stud rut* ill tin* auditorium Three' silver loving nip* will lir pmHrnisl at till* tin Uhl Thr Barham crip wilt hr glv rli tu the.out»lHMdlUg IllKlt school ath lete. Tin- debuting cup will hr pre sented In thr winner us thr iiaw* de liatr*. mid u eup In thr winner of thr district fruek meet wilt also hr glv lim Farkrt - v The Farewell Soul, writ , ten hy Mia* Nina llinra. will lie aung \ly the Senior*, hrinalng thr ( lana dui cXcri’tar- to a close (irndnatlon exeyi'lscs twill get un der wav In the high aehool auditor ium I Ida evening promptly at k o'i lock Invocation will hr pronounc cd hy Kei I'rtrr Mclntyre A T Al leu. NuperlntendeiU id I'uhllr Jii -1 cu It I* yn will deliver thr graduation aildrrna Diplomas will he presented to tl netilorn hy U |. Stroud, member of thr -< liool hoard of trusters' I’rmrty tattoo of the prizes will he made- hi .. •» A |b * s prnruta« , ii( lot ;ij ,i»* rnr> lid'M' prlsra Include the two Well j scholarship* and the Uoyall rnaay I t’tl/.e 1 " lirt William o Cone, of the Kpl*- I copal Chlurch wltl pionotincv Iw-nr 'diction. bringing the exercise* to a I I'hr r ri' ' Thr tollow Inx student-. will receive their "nheepnkliiH Fyerton Ityker. Fu ' Ml-ne Itiuli 1.11! a 1 ' M.ilcellus ! Ik'd. Inina Chapman. Needham Crow, I Donald Cutter. Naoiiil OniioK Ch.u'le* (Continued-on paye I *erty. to *l'indatd(lo-/tfheir front attd wlttorlal pat:' - and. to i ; • otiti i -lII' > to syndicate mtittet w.i- ite-ctil. ell t a tlauger In tlii' modefi tit • j Commltfe, < »e,t' anpo tiled today and Die aftertnuiti wa devoted to hunt fug flnlitiiK and other recreational activities. A luisltieNs meeting sat held to night ~ ij> -1 The New wII today Invite Hi" North ('jtro'!in.'i lie - V,-o< latum No hold it < I;l cc 'vetltloti in Uolilsliofo llivltatlou lii.l'dd the IN.II meeting ', h*te will he cxieiidol lo Col Jotiu D latligsDlp, |o eldcid of The Ne-w,» i (CohUuusd ou page 6) MEMBER OF * THE ASSOCIATED PRESS PRICE FIVE CEKITB TODAY lom; illness AT LAST FATAL l.vsliv Advvrton Died at His Home at H o'clock Last Evening as •■ssm»sssn» laralir Yelrertou. enshrined la Ik* heartn of the people of Oaldsboro M uiir of her bent loved non*, dl*d at fctn home on South John Street last Bight at nine o'clock, after an tllnaaa at nearly two yeara. He wa* bora In thW city fortyittve yeara ago aad haaldaa hi* wlfd, j*tho wa* nee Kleaaor Taytoi lie I* Ntirvlred hy three brothers, Pawl Fat and Harrison Yelvertoa Ha waa the non of the late W. T Yelvertoa ( who panned away only a few moat ha ago. <’ Mr Yelverfon eerved an fire rhlal of tioldnboro for twepty years and It wan thought that In the pnrault of hla duty In a fire two years ago vaa liftd the foundation for the 111 health that In* Junt proved fatal. He vaa. adu lated at Oak Ridge and the Italverattf of North Carolina. He married Mlse Taylor In 1#?0 He waa a member of St. Peul Methodist church. The obsequies will taka place thlb afternoon at four o'clock from the home, Rev. W. V Mcßae offtclatlag. Very few have the privilege of •*- Joying nuch a widespread esteem ahd affection as did lmtlle Yelverton, the tie loved Chief." The whole city will mourn for the geotlemaa who hoe panned who had no black mark apalndl him latver of life that ba waa, as typified by hln appearance at aauoral hall game* only two or three weeks ago. hi* face glowing with pride la tke representatives of hit owa home mwb. Ill* cat nurrounded hy frteide Ofowd to lie seen in company with him K**a thru le»th wen hoverlbg ova- him. tu u.mll him no nhottlv from this world. Horn .tn anypte meant, a# tall ad the Miobberv tinned the lofty brow Os 1 .mite Yelverton; rloh and paw. hti alike were numbered am—g M friend*. The virtues all War* hie Kverybody knew him; everybody loved him; peace to ashes; oil honor to hla name. STOLEN ALTO *■ IS RECOVERED Wrecked on Highway Nunbar to at (Herh—d Bridge hy Thiev— Approximately four houra after tbe new Ford nport model coupe be long lug to K. R Willett, of Richmond, wan believed to have been stolen from In front of the home of R. H- Joyner on North C.mirge street. It was found hv local officers abandoned op High- ' way lo a few yards west At the over head bridge Just out Os The dty. Tha Fold had crashed Into the wire fenc ing ’ alougntde the highway, tearing down several post*, and doing con siderable damage lo tha tMr r Mr Willett, w|*> la a represent alive »f a national]^— Down'*'spring com l>au>. HtoppedJgH tn Ooldaboro Tuea dav evening fTTTijSend the night with Mr. Joyner, a friend of hit. The Rich mond man had parked bla ear In front of the house, and he and Joynar were ■vjaViig in ike hops* talking about 11 iLilock About midnight Mr. Willett discovered that hln car, containing hla null cane, and sample cnee bed dis appeared. The car had been locked fur) the night and the owner had one ' of the keys tn his pocket, but bad left another kev tn one of the side door pockets The (heft waa reported 10 the poi re, who Immediately began In vestigating the raiuy yesterday morning about HI o'clock WUleft telephone to police headquar ter* for" a report on his car, and wa* Informed that It had been located by officer* Kfpme and Lancaster, of the local force. ‘‘Your car wa* found wrecked on the Raleigh highway about four o'clock thin morning, and we had It hauled tn to a local garage", the anx uun owner waa told. Willett came down In a short trnle and wan taken to the Wayne garage hv Traffic Officer Rouse. The Rich mond man Identtftod w* car aad glanced ruefully at the broken front wheel, crushed right front fender and bent axle Hln sample cane was tn -Uct. hodrever, V .Vo' . A night touch of myntary surrounds the r,indlug on the flopr of the coupe of lwo hats, one a black felt, and the other a stiff ntrkw. Roth the hate Imre the trademark* of Netr York concerns, and It la thought by polipn (Continued on page •) —PH—