WEATHER rmi; rl**4| with wittfr skewer* la wost aod realral. Hd mark rhaagr la' k : VOLUME EIGHT; NUMBER VI “YELLOW BIRD” MAKING PROGRESS OVER ATLANTIC FRENCH PLANE ' - REPORTED SEEN t- BY STEAMSHIP • - v " *. 1 • II Hyta* Boat Maintain* Maxi aum Spaed Should Reach Paria at 1! A. M. NEW YORK, June 13.—fAl»» The Monoplan* Yellow Bird passed ti»*r the steamship Wythevltle at 5*6 Eastern Standard Time, latitude 41 : *>«♦ north. 4*:4»> went, a radio message front th* ship stated. The position Is about 810 aitles east of Old Orchard, Main*, and Is about MM) miles south and aaat of Cap* Sable The aviators had baan In the air about eight and on* half hours. Should the Y*»ow Bird follow the shorter of two routes, planned when It left Old Orchard, and If It main tains If# maximum cruising speed of 180 miles an hour. It would arrive In Paris shortly before 11 A. M. Kastern Standard Time tomorrow. At the same speed, flying over the 4,.100 mil alternate course over the Aanres, the arrival would be delayed aeveral hours from this time. It was not believed that anything like maklnium speed could he main tained over the entire distance of the. routh, however. BAR HARBOR. Maine. June IS ■ <API—The Egg Rock light station off •hor* from Bar Harbor reported this after-noon that a plane was heard at 11:30 g. m. 18. S. T.) traveling In an ••alert? direction There was a heavy fog and Ibe plane could not be seen OLD ORCHARD. Me. June 13. (A P)—The Yellow Bird, Paris-bound, had b*en unreported ror more than three hours at 8:30 o'clock this after noon. No fee re worn expressed for It* safety, however, as when It passed over Matlnlcns Rock light. 2tt miles oft tha coast of Rockland, It was . headlhg east, which would carry It away from the coast and out of sight of land * On# of two transatlantic airplanes ?ot away to a good start for Paris today, but tha second, headed for Rome, crashed' before she left the ffronnd. The Yellow Bird,' huge monoplaue. -manned by a crew of three young Frenchmen;- made a beautiful lake-off for Paris and aped away Ip the eapt accompanied by a coasf guard amphi bian. The Green Plash. American plane, with an American crew, nosed over on the beach and gwerved Into a ground »-loop about midway of her run. -Nelllt er Tj*wls A. Yancey nor Roger (J Williams, her crew, was Injured. ’ Tha Or*en Flash nearly duplicated Its accident of two weeks ago today, at that time one of the wheels dropped Into soft sand and caused It to ground loop. Only the wheel and a few stay wires w*r# damaged al that time. The plane was traveling a much higher rate of speed today and It was bellev - ed tha damage would he more seri ou». ; . 0 The French plane got away two weeks ago was forced to return after 20 mlnulM because us a leak In the main fuel link. Finishes School In w Just Seven Years Through primary school, I ' grammar | H school and h4*h school In seven years Is the record made by young Albert Thomas when h* received' hi* diploma • i a st night »t the new high school here Albert arrived in thU country a lit tie over seven year* ago from Hvriu to make his *fiome with Mike Mutt sour, well knovrn merchant of field-* boro- Entering" the primary grade at the age of thirteen . hf. gallop*'! through the five years In one: then through the filth and seven and high In other six year*. D* alms to enter college the roiql»K session. V HBN ATE APnWYKM f FYSI’U ■ULt ROW fiOBH TO HOOVER WARRINGTON. Tune 13 < VJ»> The Renale today approved th" <*n huh reapportionment hill and **nt ** the White House the first of the major legislative proposals of the -xtra **•■■*> alon. By a vote of tk to 37. the c oiM ence rsport adjusting dlfferwnee* w th th# Haps* tvae adopted. The Hpus< . previously had acted. J t ; THE GOLDSBORO N EWS READ IN THE MORNING WHILE MINDS ARE FRESH-READ BY BUYERS BEFORE THEY. BUY. . \ m •ye Bride Encourage* Ocean Flyer - b ■ t . xMhH HF H ifpF' Rk ji J jjfL * ft r-'> A V Jm ' I JS. 'IIIUHHIIBBHLJHHBnuLfIHr mi m I 1 Unknown lo his comrades of the “Yellow Bird,” Jean Assolant. jne of the French Hycrs, who plan trans-Atlantic hop to France rom Old Orchard Beach, Me., courted and married Pauline Parker of New York in about ten days’ time. While waiting 'or the weather conditions to permit the plane hopping off, th* Igwlywcds, above, slipped away for a short honeymoon. Greensboro .Negro Conies To Grief Here on Thirteenth I*eroy Smith Hound Over to County Court On u Pair of Charges Yesterday was the 13th day of the month, and although It didn't happen to come on Friday, the day was ap parently an unlucky one lor Deroy Sipllli, Greensboro negro Smith came to grief here yesterday when lie was bound over to county court under S2OO bond oil two charges, of larceny, and of carrying a concealed weapon. The negro was arrested at the home of R Ai Watts on North John street by piainelothesoian Chink Rhodes yesterduy morning about 0 o’clock, a half hour after he Is believed lo have stolen n gold watch from the show case In Mr. Watts’ repair shop According to the report iif a tie t■ > j police about 8;3t) yesterday morning.j the negro had brought a watch to Mr. Watts to have repaired lie tell, sav ing that lie would he hack In-a short time. After he had left '-the house. Watts missed a watch from Ids show case'and Immediately suspected that the strange negro Smith have taken It. Officer Rhodes arrived al tile Watt* home at about the same lime the negro returned for the watch lie had . left to have repaired Smith was accused of the theft, and while he was twin* searched by the local officer, the stolen watch dropped from his pocket to the-floor. The search afso revealed a small pistol. The negro was arrested and at a hear ing before Mavor Hill In police coil ft, was hound over to county roftrt r~ - . - -v- Federal Bird Haven Created by President Washington. Jun*- n -uP>a haven for migratory lord-, on -oil which - once «-< hotsi with the martial tread of soldiers, has been created by executive older by I’m, idem lioogri ut imi liter toil Keogh military ie-.*•[, vat lon, Montana. The sanctuary covers a* r j and will tic under tin- com .-d -t • i bureau of biological survey , it I* sum] Os a vast Vhaiu of federal gums Jre- j fuges. Flail culture operation- 'will, be car Tied oil in a ,0.0. .iiliiiiiij im* while a tbird'°|>roJuta on .h- -a t *** will be the Work of a range livedo* > 'OXpefltUelil motion. " ' • UE \ I HM« fit* I *0 M#oi)' , ■ 11.yi.1l v.\’. N R, June 15" » U'l h'omewlial uufavoiahl- fl>*b : folld'-j i.b.n« »■ re M poit *i It'oni N w oui • and,< * /••• lanrnlug, i*ut th- w-atd*, WV 7* !!"* in central Nova Rcoil i and the M.-'Uil *m part of tho province. , Fly Captured Here Not Fruit Fly, Said Tlje fly which was brought to Mo ot flee of count Y-farm agent A. K. Robertson by V. V. Thompson, lo cal man, last Monday, was not tin dreaded Mediterranean fruit fly as was at first suspected, according to report received from Mr. R. W- las tly, .state entomologist at Raleigh yekterday. The fly, which was i capture*! by Mr. Tbumpsoh whil-% ht> was standing Jn the doorway »rs a local business elHobllshment, was shlpjied to Raleigh for examination Tuesday: Dr. I,elby, in his report, ileclar i 'ed that while the Insect se’ut to j him was not ih<- Mediterranean flv. It was at) Insect of the fly variety. “Your Interest In our fruit fly work I# very much appreciat ed’’, the entomologist stated OPEN JACOBI BRANCH HERE WilminKliin Hardware Concern - Open* Store Here To morrow Morning * ' ■ t “Opening of the X Jacobi Hardware Company store on. East Walput str«p*i tomorrow Is'being announced In till* ISsite *,f Tile News, with T. f. Witt - O k Ills 111 chat If" as'-! Tli •I I 'll b . 0 founded In IK'.fi by Nathaniel JacMil In Wilmington Is now Incorporated niiti Oavhl J.n ..l>i i lilVii'. D $ Davis, vice pr*- -iileie* atwl Nathan- Jacobi, secretary The p‘i * 111 ih i'i ' cal force will cmtslst of Wlluiu Spence, [(:, :i n >!< * I lim ami .Kltinr Wllkerstin. all of floldslMiro. The new 'i**r • will carry everythin* In the hardware )tn< . tnclmlTng faiUi : 111 1 . Inept I. ,11'fl' v nn'er a 1... -'lnv.*-- radios, at retail only; I I illoWlng Nathan let I icubl; th* ("- -lit »'** !• !• r»*t ! Iln ur -V , th" latter > w -it ktwiwu ;ln i'W work In tli*- Dill K--|T;»w *ml ] aft * wlnim lip ineiiiiiilal bulbil: c 8' (In I (). () V H'Ulie tl*;:- * iitrnoU. jTh »e men carried on the buslnes- In I Wi'ioln-.lon until la t v ir jind w*-i --t! t* iji"! In I lai id I! a -.*l Na-lftl-. -I’ • th' third reneratlioi in th! *♦•»* »» s t,Th» slogon of th*- firm K now. "Tin* ! M iip Vmir rather Ib-alf-’M ItiP’. A Lwa. a d In a mail who had known' i this concern a Jong time,-"th* li u.r jre•* tn sf! ihes ’ leventv odd years h i ■h• *i dd* *<i‘;h- ri* * *1 ilim <. * *, ■ I jlt v tiiy-rch-ndl-i --stivi-i i-i* ; r.vtu* .i.;i >n - » ■ finiah with yi*n»ri felt backgrouh *« , iCouilbUcU on page •) GULDSBOKO. N. t\ FRIDAY MORNING. JUNE 14, 1«29 WAR RUMBLINGS HEARD Tn CHINA II DEFENDANTS IN CITY COURT -w 1 Numwr art* Required '!« I*it> l’urtha -F License For Driv ing Irunsfers > a resnlt.,* f a, a. Tv*- *• *I . i,a I it j s. by; -in-mb*j|-H of li loco * o ~ li* , ore..- ;,.g ~tl p i..( ,1.11 l agalii*'l op* niters of iji • ,t; -a uuis t* i , drtili.g withmil lie* a •: and j>*-t mite, tom l> ,-uI .umr-fe;lilvtti i , • re*! uliihi i.» pay *he -mil buy iti i ll* it; i ui i.peinl op ration oi theft tnug-fer tifttll tli*- Jtcvtiui 1 1- l-ur lia i-d ul Ueai-liigH lij-foi*- Mavor Jack Hill in police i iirt Ip-rc vesier dav morning One war .a\ **l s* t: ft oin in* m *>l th- * t> f>. ijrjvlli ■; an ario tnlliua tali mid S IU !it* ti -mid w ilhout a permit. He in; nl .o reiiltlred Hi pun h i - -t Urlv *-r‘s permit, and’ ordered in*p_ta drive tli - cur a*-a in um ill built slate uni i by (it en an- i.«icure*l, 1 Daniel Slim, i< Aitbur Holt R*n < Mo lam* 'log us. Is ul ii-gr* I ran-To i operators, were each taxed with tin- cost inul ordered *o buv li i en.-’* al on* * .ml t-. op* ra'i- tl-, I vehicles until this onler I ouiplle*l wMh :» If in a Mjl lutll. i oinred. Vlrm.'-ii a- If li operating an anHunoMle with*art li cense fcnd without' a ilrlvi-r's permit, was luxisl w ith pai mi mos the < t ami ordered to pun hare a permit - 0 James Rouse, James Johnson, 'Hor ace Bowden and tatmoud Jones, col ored, were emit assessed with pay ment nt the cdsls for being disorder ly, In separate eases. Buddie Brewing-lon, colored, who has mad* Ills appeal an* ** In court a time or two before, was hound oyer lo county .court under lino bond on charges of larceny. James John son. colored, wa * flmd $5 and lll** costs for an ty«KSult on his wife. I.omux Smith, colored was bound over lo conufy court under 3Um> Ikiiol, chargfd with assoult with a deadly, weapon, . ,i - " * Jolmnyoßoe. ( olnrdd. was fined sf> mid the costs for ludug disorderly, iirul was given the option of* paving the fine'and costs or servlug a It* day Jail sentence. l.fim Stfiltli. **d*irt-d. mill in bail from Greensboro, was bound over to loiinty. court under K’ihi Ihuml *,n charges of larceny and us- <an t ing a concealed weapon. , . POOL Will NOT BE OPEN TODAY E'cimundson Hill Swimming Pool And Playground M ill Ojycn Monday Inglead The f’rsshyterliin swimming pool will not open today, us hud been prr vtouslv aniinu*)<ed, but will opeti In stead next morning al T o’ do* k. R. Robinson, of plnv ground activities tft tile ilt j told Th • News yesterday. The change in the date of the opening became necessary when It was foub’l that overhauling work on the pool wop Id not be com pleted in tlilts. It,was said ”** A centeut walkway Is being con structiml around the pool, to repia *• the old wooden walk, tt was aid: TO* wood boardwalk was' l«*< o-o!ng hadji worn lit places and It Is bel>v#d that the concrete w alk will'be imt* h more i-otivenlent, and -oif,. than tin- miter. Tl|>- !'.* In#* dr* on Hill phiygroitn-.l will itoti op* n t-o *it<- wniMi Man dav morning at the -tim- time tfik -fw linmtiig pool l:< ripened, Mr Robin oiii slated The p* i *<n to be In clung of thjy playground lias not been iK j elded upon definitely a . y*-t, It w,,is .*l*l, and tills will be animumed lot* r SWEDISH iIHI’IIM lUXIi.I | illlNH. IHIN Vs ÜBST 1 HOI GIIT f’OI’KVH diK.y, FkglllliSt Julie. I iAIT Telegrapltii fion Reykhtyity. I«I tn*l, >al*l that Hi* j Su rlgtv. -l aplum of Captain Alvin i Ahnnber* and hi* tw*i compani.ut , ■• }j -i ui. . . dan ot-i-d Com ha I I* • n '*h men * futilie: toneiuii ,Cn i- i' .i> - beioTi a new : * F* *-n t'i •’ i - - i■ * I* 1 ,*i. i, ic- y f ■ , T 7,1, 1 - In a projected Stockholm t * ,«< w | York flight. (kiadtialion Exercises See Close oi Sehool Session Supcrinlendrnl A. T. Allen De iim.s (irailualiuif AddreMM nl High S< A l.iik • crowd biaved tin- heat and ■ i only!' o( t\n 1111 1 In: in* I uintlUli* lulu at the Ifoliisboit* Higo :5. hoot Ii d iiigltt to 1 1 ear Mi A I'. Allen, uperilitetidelil "! d’ubli IfYstrucliiUl, I deliver the coimiudliimehl address, ami to witm-!,: tin- graduation us tbs i id;, i at l Mr Alt *ii rlio*-« a hi* sulijecl' "J’J»# I'runti -»• ol I’unlit- Eiluctitlon' lb the icill-1- value pinged upon individual from the time when a little hodv of country ! men met at i'uleMitiie and began to r* vnletTotll**- the retig - beliefs of that lime up until the I’nlted Stales i ini the World War 111 order Us iioike the world safe for drnifirfary, u deiioiru* lism-iI upon the creesl that nil liiep a.fe r'teafeit Ire and eijual. Mr Vilen **l*l that America ] bail realised the-vatu* of the Individual more than anv «ither° country, and It was out of till* realisation Unit the public School system was limned. He stated that the efforts of the public school wen- lo make out of each stu dent ttti Individual lo make each stu dent u self-determining person, to teach th- Individual lo corporate par tlclpate In our deruoj-ratlc Institutions. The diploma* were |lre*#ntad to lorty-flvi- niemher* of the gi admit ing * la** by W. K Btroiid Kplkywlng this W. A Me*-* pi*-smt**l tile prlXe*. Mis* Martha I‘arsous was awarded tin- Weil .Scholarship prUe, which In given each year to the senior girl making the highest scholast'c average. Th.- Average inu*» be ahovs- ninety, and since no hoy in the * las* had at laitieti. ■he I'eqniresl grades, the Weil pfTse for boys was presented lo Miss Zelma Milder. Miss I’ai-sons’ and Ml*s Winter's averages were HI fi and HI 2 respectively." The Jioyall E**a» pi|j-.e-. wa* won by Newborn Rllaud. The seniors hej*l Itielr annual Cluss dav exorcise* at eleven ob-lm-k ye* w terday morning in flu IHgh school aiidtlnrlnm. Tin- entire Cliihs wos.*eut*-d upon, Hie stage with a haekg'round of pine*, wiili red and while flowt-'r* emphaal/ Ini: tli - class color* Alexander Mi- I can. presltb<iit of the Henlor class, . presideil. % First on the program wu* Hie .school oiiK followed by tin- welcome address by McKean Billy k uiimoii* reviewed the cla*s history, and then, Nina jfliiies ' i- lti-d the class' poem. The propy**y was rendered In » very util*<ue manner Tiy Will la’in I’rlvett, He carrlml out Hie Idea «f the various s*nl*ir* broad casting over station G. H. H twenty venr* v jieni *• Nt-wTierii IMlarnl read tli-* pfi/c es-ay. "My First Airplane Hide" lot- Banker gave some httm orous "last w 111* I ', These various* ' readlnr- were tnter*peyse*| with *ev <-rul -oiig* having words and fain liar tiirir*. {_ , 1 Verdict Murder and Suicide in Returned -MIH.HU,.-| I'W N N J , June, 1 ; I ‘A f i Av* rdlct nt murder and suicide ‘ wa* returnesi... tier*- conlgltt by a corn Hei Jury as the coocl-usion of an lit- ' nut--? imo Hi* ib-atli of Ifotlt llodey \\ !l*oii and Horace Yfotmrta, Jr. - The I leelh-s, wit Ik. bullet wound* "in the head*, wen- found In Mis* Wilson's t bedroom the night of June I. Tbs tury found thut* Roborts bod i •’li**i Hi*- w then taken ItH own life Horace Bribert* Si . li»* . dead mau’s father, -aid that "the ver dill wa. a Just one. and wa - Just a- I < Xpert*-*I .. '--Tr-r ' *• I 11 HER I Hit IIIFU HE SI ( I I s-t i t' VIUS lune IT * A I*t They will jnake It.' shoutnl M ' l.ottF. t*r., In Ho- , I Ti-t* jiiimf/- ii.ilat w ind Ittformad b*> th* A • <-.* Ul. ■! F*r* • that (H- -mi \ni.aiiil 1 and hi* compa-nloiis. .*olant and l.efevi-e -d off tills moruitU* from t){<T o <)tcbai-d for l"irls, , ”1 will be there." lie said when told ! ■i Hi,i* 'Hi* Yellow Bird tub-lit reai-tf . J,*- Bourgei l.*ctwe**a 2 and 3 o’clockLi Saturday morblng. i. jl Box DiftnagcM Raleigh Hostelry RAKEIHH, June 13. 1*1')- Damage estimateil at s2(i,u'ki wa* caused by a fire at the Mansion Dark h|»tel here .today Til# Silaxe wa* confined Ml the roof, hut the entire building suffered heavy dam age The building was used as it Meredith College, fpr 2* years, he liilf converted Into present hotel 111 lllljj;. Tile orlgTl of the tire has not been determined. CLASS OF-lw) HOLDS REUNION 4 ’ . llijfh St htwy GruduutinK ( luhh of ntOR Hold* IntereuliitK MectiriK The reunion of the members of the 1 Don Graduating class of the Golds boro high school was hijjil at the high school building last evening at 6:30 o’floi k A *lellghtful liamiaei was served by Mrs. John Spicer In the cafeteria room of the UJgli school The meeting was presldtal oyer by R. i: Sli-vt-ns, president of the clasa of IHOSI I’p*m calling the class roll, tile following members' were found 10 be present: Eunice Htxiell Spruill, Annie Konvlelle M* MUian. Ruth Mld dlelon Eenlon, Bertie f'oFit*n, lamtse I'rawlord, JCmma Hullowell Hotitlier land, of Greensboro, latuta lirogdeu Gravely, of Washington. N. C., Annie Johnson Stroud, of Aydert, George K Ert'etnan Waters, Jr., of Goldsboro. Mem hers of the class hud as Ihelr guests l|ie following teachssa who taught iXi'ctn, now living In Golds born: Miss Nellie Cobb, Miss Be*k -Humphrey. Miss l.lxxle Brooks and Mlse IToreme Muyerllerg. present enjoyed singing the class snugs and telling of differ ent things Hist have happened -since they left the Goldsboro high school. Eist'li member made a short talk, tell ing of what lie or she Inul been do ing’ since mob Number* of letters were read from members of the < laws who were unable to Is- present at the re u u Inti It was-voted at the meeting last evening to hold a reunion of th# claas every five yegrs, » PROGRAM TO BE GIVEN TONIGHT| SI. Mary’K S< hiutl Herr lo Itrinx Second Year of Work to A ('lone , Tonight at Hie Waviie County ll Me* uiiinal COmmunllv building S; Mail* Parochial Bchooi will prr-eni a pro gram marking' th*- -** bo<*i - #< *>int year of work. The program will lie compos**! at a number *>f lirter***itita feature*, including a playlet ami a canfaiH, The Right Reverend William I.* Ilatev, |) It , Will deliver Hi- .**l dress Following are the numhee-* appear Ing on the announce*! programs' IM-veieml A It Free man. "Dawn" t horn* Grammar Grade I’ltplls Palmary Graduate*’’ R* * Italian am) Tableau Kindergarten and First Grade Pupils, , "The Troubles Os . f.Jttl > I’olk*"— lAavlel K*-e*in*l arfd 'lb ad IliJt*!*- Pupil* v >O. „* “laiv*- - J*» e*-t Reward" Cantata. Girl* of flran*mar Grade* "The latok- Mw-ad null" Drama .Hoy* of Gtamtnar Grad*-* ’*(»o*l Have Ano-rle.*"—J’horus - Grammar Grade Pupils. Addre** IHght Rev'erend W Bits to t Jlafey. M Jr The pastor of St. ' Mary's Chur*4i- I Rev A. R Freeman liivHe * the gen era! public to attend , iti*- exercises are 'chdlul .-'l to begin prompt - I ly a S o'clock. MEMBER OF « THE ASSOCUTED PRESS PRICE FIVE CENTS SOVIET TROOPS ARE REPORTED ON THE MARCH 6 . Soviet KuuxUt, Believed to Be Exuding Reprisal for Re cent Raida , ' UJNDON, J uut U. OP)-,The Eg l»nr»* primed • dispatch front Peking today buying that Mur let Huult hag in mu hi'ii itn firm direct war move uguln*t china. following the recent i hlil* by Chinese troop* on Sort at luiiMulaiM In Manchuria. Soviet l roup* were reported to have cross ed iliy .Siberian border and to Save chiai>ltithed at pointa earn ot Maa i-hufla. The Soviet* are aaid to bo rusbtag reinforcements in special tralaa ovar llie trun*-Hlhertan railway to the point* being eatabllahed. Chang lUlao-Uang, dictator of Man churia In Kucceaalon to hla father, the late Chang Fu-IJa, wea aatd ta have aent an urgent appeal to Nank> Ing'Stdvtalng that rnaasnree be takba to protect hla territory. A aeaeton of the central executive haa been coa vcned hurriedly to constdor the ait uut ion. Til# Express aaya that outer Moa golla may be already considered the diplomat I rally of Russia, wboae host move wilt probably be the oeeupe- Hon of a pari of Manchuria, ta ho Ms until satisfaction for fho recent ralde I* received, and until the qeeattoa of own«r*hlp of ( the Chinee# Meet era railway la Milled. MANY ATTEND FUNERAL HERE Simple Rut Impraaaive Caret—- ie* Mark Futterai Harv irw lMli« Ydvert— Funeral aervlcea for Leslie Yelver ton, one of the ctty’a heat loved eoaa. who died at hi* home ou Hdhth John atreef Wednesday evening at • o'clock after an Him*** of nearly two years, were held from the home yesterday afternoon at 4 (o’clock with Rev. W. V M< Ka#i pastor of Bt. Paul's Metho dic church, officiating. Interment wu* made In Willow Dale cemetery. o | . Simple but Impreaaive ceremonies marked the funeral of the man who wa* held high In tho hearts at alt (loldidmro people. Ae the procession left the home on the way to tho cema-° tciy, the fire bell In the tower of the local fire department building wag tolled at regular intervals for abont in minutes. Right of the uniformed member* of the fire department, who were active pallbearers, marched froai the home to the cemetery, paving their lu*t respect* to the man who wee their chief for 10 yeara. A number of both Goldsboro nod out-of-town people attended the ser vice* at the home and were preeeat at Ihe grave* Ida. Ureal banka of flower*, wreaths and designs ware heaped on the grave by friends, admir er* and loved ones of the deceased. ‘ j' , ■ The following members of the fire department ware active pallbearers: A»*i*tant Chief A. W. Gurley, Gap tain A. V. Stroud, John Hlunant, C. w Howell, YV T, Klmore, C. C G«r t*y Orndy Philip, and j. w. Brag ii.-ii The following were, honorary pall bearer*. Sam Hridgera, I)r. D. E. Beat, Dr. c K. Htru*nlder, Dr. WllllaaU Spicer. Dr. IHI lon Morris, Dr. M T. McMillan, K.i«;.r Haiti, William H. Baat, Ed Lee, Jrihti Anneal, Thomas Norwood, Ad Hawley, Henry C. Brown, A. T. Orit nn Mayor* J II Hill. W. D. Oraal, Georg# K. Freeman, R. I. Hidden*. C. G- Smith, J. H Hawley. G. J. Smith, James Southerland. J. Rtlay. William Hunter. Janie* Bryan, K. 8. Pedigo, H- I*. Dortch, W. T. Harrison. Moaoow vv-Uon, YV I-: Ormand. C. E. Wetbarr tog ton, Sr„ J. A. Norwood. R- H, ward*, John Kornegny, T. R. Hoblw non, L H Waters, Ray J. Parker, and T. W. Darts. b

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