«» -00.— WtSATHRR VOLUME BIGHT; NUMBER »? "YELLOW BIRD" MAKES SUCCESSFUL OCEAN FLIGHT French Plane Forced Make a. Beach Landing When Fuel Gives Out fraaet » NBBT FRENCH OWNED PLANE TO MAKE THE HOP Mmmr h BaKmd in Ba ArthirNhnmr.ifPort ImA Maine • O. 8., Perl*. Jmm 14.—(.AP) The TeUow Mri, with a stowaway be aMa the craw es three, landed tonight to Beau on the coast of th. Bay of Biaaay. The crew , said the flight woafcl ha onattnacd aa aoon. aa the Hue waa refueled, to" > ' .' ■ ' All >W r v * r * w * t> ' The plana was agid te hart ran oat of foal, and the rtdhtor was almost dry. Just before midnight It waa aanoaaeed that wjth f.tmi fitot the Tallow Blits would start I anrly toniuiiun auuaa ttwHsy of Bis dhy on a has Ita* for Furta It had - -.cento down on p beach not more than U# ml lea from Ft each territory. (The Associated Press) Thf Moaoplana. “TeUow Wrd , man ned by three frenchman landed In JKtthdfo Bpuls 'within 1M miles Os french territory after n non-stop flight across the Atlantic from Old QneharC Maine U was the first Freaqh plana, french manned and french owned, to orocc the north At lantia. and had the added distinction at entering the first airplane stow? TMtondtoarahod pi.ns to K*i farthorsst limit when they oaato down ah the beach a tow mites north of Mhtandor The gasoline taafcs wtre empty aad the radiator almant dry. Otherwise, both plane and men wefe in good condition, and the flier* agaonneed their Intention of oontisninc the flight to french soil M conn CO they had refueled aad re prowtatoned their piano. i The crow was Jean Assolant, Rone Lafsvre, the hachar of the flight, aad the stows way. believed to he Arthur gob reaver, at Portland, Matas. The plena* which tank off at 9:oe ■“torn t* tutor* tlna Thursday at the ban eh at OM Orchard, was sight ed over Mai tin I Rock light, and again by tha steamer, Wythrrille, about «M miles at con. As tbs plane neared Europe. M. Lot tl, hacker of-tha flight, got la radio oommaatcation with ships near the Mac later la communlca tkm with the radio station near Bor deaux, franco. 'His world on both sides at the Atlantic thus was appris ed of the approximate location of the ▼allow Bird and at tha fact thpt ths chert age of gaeoHaa would probably foroe a landing phort of It's desttna , A BOVMBAUX, francs. Jane 14.—(A fl—At »:ff3p. m.. Parts Time (Jiff p. m. E 8. Tl the french trsnsstldo tic airplane Tallow Bird, was flying northward along the coast of Port use' PARIS. June 14.—CAP) —A private radio operator hors late today said be had eaaght a repent the Te’low Bird was in eight at Oporto. Portugal. and that tha fliers gave notice they Intend ad to try for a landing In South Pranas If their gasoline held out. (Eg Tha As sedated frees) The French monoplane Yellow Bird, which left the Maine coast (or Francs yesterday moraine, was aoarlnr Ke mp* Into today unless some sec dent had befallen ft after the Just esFdnr-1 aging reports The French Lins steamer Via* cm talked with ths plane over th» air this morning, apparently lor aa extended period of Urns, and tkoagh It did not ascertain the plane’s position. It did krra that eU was well. The Niagara reported by wireless that It had eommunlcatsd with '.he Tallow gird at six o’clock E. 8. T *nl the C&htfdfF Laroete reported hear ing the Niagara cad th* el me mu* minteating together an boor- Ister the Tellow Bird "till glvlng*tbe *o .1 ward that all we* well. , , flaring this time the Niavnm w*,« between AM and 4*e> mife« aortheist of the Aamree and ths Ldoania about ' /"fr . it; *.■ A) 4 .*1 i S/d. .. .*« " . THE GOLDSBORO NEWS .*,t£ RKAD IN THE MORNING WHILE MINDS ARE FRESH—READ BT BUYERS BEFORE THU BUY. - ' . t- # t.s* . Yesterday a Scorcher Aa Mercury Kisses 85 Tostsrdsy was "another ecorch- WrtV te-tho par lance of pedestrians who stood, walked sad wilt Mi un dor the biasing rays of a hot June •aa- A number of local thermom etato. placed In the w*ry shad last of places, registered between II an I ** daring the afternoon Those Who were equipped with cars aa I r were able to do so, secured some relief from the bail by travelling to the nearest watering places for a swim. Crescent Lake had It’s share of visitors both yesterday sod left night. wkHe some parts of the Nehee and svea Money Creek wete reported to be teaming With bath ers. ' . s ... . r I. jjrx. y ’■ HABEASCORPUS HEARING TUES. Postponement Allowed «t Boli eUer’g Pies For Cem r tinannre ■ .—i i CHARLOTTE, June 14—(AP) Hearings In habeas' corpus proceed ings for ths release of 1> strikers held la connection with the slaying of fl. f. Aderkolt, chief of police o* Oactonla. were postponed today until next Tuesday morning Judge W. F. Harding, presiding, rtxed bond for ths mtogummu*mmSim a! uAm L a4 "F|F»'BnfT “ in tn intj |ri louuwri m yt.ooe, 12 _ ' Those allowed bond were all charg ed with hasanlt with a deadly weapon with latent to kilt. today ths bonds had not been posted bat Tom Jlm,lson Charlotte attorney, stated that they would be given. The prle oners not permitted to give bond are charged with murder. fostpooement waa allowed on the plea of etate's attorney. Solicitor John fl. Carpenter, that three of the pa trolmen wounded at the time Ader bott was kitted, were aot able to an *• o SENATOR NOftRIH CHALLENGED TO fEtEiU WASHINGTON, Jkn* 14— (AP)— Ira C. Copley, pabllsker of California and Illinois newspapers, la a state meat submitted to the federal Trade Commission, challenged Senator Nor rle of Nebraska to o nthe street aa facts" his charges In Con gress that ha was connected with the public power utility Intecests, Chairman McCulloch qf the com -mission refused to let Copter 'either rend the statement on the witness stand o rto place it In the body's record. The chairman declared that witness*# were-’inot permltfbd to come us us* this place as a forum (or debate with any other person.’ He added that Copley could testify to anything be wished about bis case If It dealt with the re<ord-wjA the romumOistoP> iarafiUßsUorv \wK Mbs Hetty actirttlea of public power utili ties. ' * Young Chinaman Tries Go To Wilmington Down Neuse Yesterday afternoon shout 4:»« o'- clock while Roy all McCullen was standing near his filling station al Broodhurst's Bridge, a strange young Chinaman came In view and so >n reached the station. Aft ir purrhas ag a cold drink snd niching a > !m* at twj aa If tired, the rnung man walked off toward the river -6 • Much to hi* Astonllhmcnt 'Mc''ull«n saw the Chinaman suddenly st i* Inti his skiff which w«« moorc-d alongrllc ths bank, and "tart paddling off. Th* fining station operator ran and railed n ne'ghhnr. got hi" gun, and stared Tit puruult. Another liphi ,w:» . secured further down Hi" river, - and afi*r a short row. tho man 111 the other Imml was headed off sudi ontorud to stop. upftb mm vmfgsi tv shot* «m BISHOP HAFEY SPEAKS HERE - ' ■ t • ' ! 1 . V Ami.. . . _ ’ Kaieiuh Man DeHvem Addrcns At Finale of St. Mafv’s 1 IWCTI^PIPe MpEtorratican n> hsh ,fte*a ravaging our fruli tree*. A r|m lar k best i„ worhlug harm In l|n Util at 1 ednrailon. This, danger U a mMI s| fatsHsm tcndlnc to dratroy hu4gla freedom and hitmen rerp-)r.sth , ‘ t go dcclarsd 8 shop Wit lam J, Hij-v of RntelghT spesthiK last night a thy finals of St. Munr'fl school h !d !a tks Wayne County |i ‘mortal Co*n uiuuit v 'hulldtng before an xudtmei of foqr hundred gathered from fldds- Bbro and other towns. The Bishop, after quoting l*r'«l dent Hoover on the auhiect oi wd spread lawlesmietts to he noted In American life today. deic*lbcd two forms of philosophy evil tee In »lt cat tonal clrclcw. '"Tli ■ on*”, he *»M, “seeks to apply mechaq'>al liws !n the realm of tb* spiritual, makiit men mere of a cruel destiny. Th- othrj: go?k to develop responslh l ! l / and a cnV scteuce in da whni Is right U> *u«* tha right Is commanded by C»d ” This lajter he asserted, Is the Catholic cto cept of eduoatloa which alma st. train* lag the srIM to res'st moral evil wk IN developing the Intellect to attain sci entific truth ' “The school.” he continued, “Is noth ing but the projection of the home. The strength at the school depends on the strength of the urnfftof. ftorf ly n million dollar school does not mean that students neoessardV re ceive a million dollar education." Bishop Hater's address followed aa Intereetlnp and varied program ren dered by the pupils of the school A cantata, several playlets qpd choruses apparently afforded pntertqitdMMK those present - Belldes a gronp of sisters from Mas a ruth New Hf ru Hululiih *wi With Ington. the following out of town cler gymen attended the exercises: Revs Mark Moeeieln, of Washington; M. A Irwin, of New Bern; William F, O'- Brien, of Durham, Francis J. Mc- Coart of Wllmlgton: Julian Bndter, of New;,Bern, John P Mnnley, «jf Wilson: Joeilph J. McQusid and John N. Frnsr ley of Newton Orove. Announcement was made by Bishop Hafsy that In reopening In September Bt. Mary's School would add to the High School centre* of studies. V ' ..miwsosi .inss giyvW 1 "!' , Standard Oil Employee Loses life When Falls CAIzCWTTA, India, Jane 14—(API -F. B. Farmer, a rottnr employee of the Standard OH company »f New Jersey, whose mother IIWt -In Floridn lost his life In'climbing the Klnchin- Junge Peak of the Hlmalayka. He had been missing more than a Reek, hut It was only established today l\wt he was dead was accompiinle^ mi the trip by the sains tunlly* who. had. worked on the Mount Kverett Fipedltlon While at sn altitude of tBJXMI feet thdse companions saw pi«U suddenly disappear over n ridge. They waited four dnvs al his camp; although eiperl* ncarcH*'-i^ , ft*ved h* l ‘could live for more than one day unpro tected at such an altitude. Farmer was 14 years old 'and Tame Mt India., on. a- sis. jfanlli|/Jcm*. -JLlti worked hlrsrway ar/osa on a cattle host quaetloned hy M<< utlep. Chinsmau lefused t<i talk other than muttering, "no talk ;Rngllsh ” and to "ay that hr. waa going to Wilmington, and waa hungry Mr. M<’Cull<*n could readily understand how Ij 'could b - ' pousihW for tha than to be huacryv hut C-tuld not f gure out how he expert"«l to reach Wilmington by paddling down th-wNeuse river In another man's 1,, w. f’ortndt, *up«rtniend«i»t of ih • V. uyUe county health department, hip pened along about this time. am] Agreed to bring man to Coldshoro. On the way to town. It was Ichrned Ihst th.* Ch'namaß's name was Cun Lee and (bat he Is the !«>n of Charh-IJLe#, local linudrymin The sou Is a naturalize I Aioei'r.m hltleea It woe said, and has been In (MU'toNI «Mm«o tor UN WtfMFtor GOLDSBORO* N- C. SATtiUDAY MORNING, JUNE IS, 1928 Do They Look Ltke Criminab? 1 , jgfL ■ 1 <1 R MV 1 M I jJj i M This family wu broken uj> when dry agent’a gust barkaddShdi lor Henry Virkkifla, the father, as he drove with hit VM wl children near International Falla, Mittn. ( mtntry-wida indigna tion at thu., the moat n-ui: Ji v i.iHiui;. Lai hr ought prsHUfe to bear and several invealigatifui* are under way. Howdjdf. Dry Chief Seymour Lawman lias ordered rf no modiftcatiou w * polity; . ~ & • • * OHEBSHOLEM S.S. CLOSES Cloning of Hondav School For, Hoaaon; Eurciora Held at Temple Th* Sunday school of Oheb Temple Wk» closed tor the irmn with - a special servin' and program lest nlgfat at the temple. The service was jf u condiuded Ay. Ihc chlhlrcn of the school end a*st«ted by the regular choir. After the aervic* an atlra”-. tlv* program was pr*- enud al ih; Sunday School rooms- Kach clqg-t presented a number d«'aliug a wipi ihs work taken up In that particular ■* P class. Th* rragrum c<*u«t»ted of two playottes: “Huth” and "The Lott ScroITVJJm reading of ail original Thu Modern Devlif and Oollalh' Jfajietittdwurds and iicvcrrt »lil_ - er In th* respective da»*«*. Those peril" clpaling. were: Barbara and l^oaard Kdwardi, Seymour Brown. Maurice Kdwlrds, Nathan Kpdls. Bulb l> i tc . Abraham Cordon, Amy Meyer*. Fran c-ls King Lillian Gordon, LHl.'t Brown end Marlon W*dl Ellas Margoles nnl Khlney Meyers »> it'd a- la*;e man agers. . “*— ■ t Rahhl Freuad presented award" t >| the following: Cerllflcuies fur atieß'l-i anc • to Marian Well, l.irll.i Brown. Sidney Meyer*. Nathan h*dl*. M»u rice Kdward.i. Joseph Kdwards. H gb e«t award to Marten Well. Other awards for scholarship to Lelli Brown IJ Ilia (T Cordon. Am> Meyrr , atld Fannie Isrtecs. Blue ribbon uto Ttalhar.* and tzuHwnt rat ward-. tt» freshmenls and a social liour cpnrlud ed th • progrerfi The following make up the teaching of the school' I 1,. Freund. Mr Henry Well. Mlsee- Ms MscMev.- Brtha M.trcoles and flvrdle <’'th"ti Unhid k*reund. Superintendent. 'i" . ■ .ct; TOI Nfl AM) J.tIH»NT K) Tl K> ■ -"V, VKW YORK. Junc-H LAP) Owen D iirig. chairman of the Commit tee 'on Ttenarilion, -oi,l Thomas W t,sMnnt sltsme'c delegate from (h • Fnlted States, arrived tonight from .Europe. They were taken off -the stmmehfp AoqwttMia at flwerantin oak usSwi a L tha imilaii u ’ .. i * mi ■: NEW RULING BE VALID JURIST . , ‘ * -v --" ■ Ll " * . " * * ~ft> y*' ' ■ . . Pint Cbt) C. O. Di Packiiw May Abo Be Rofftatered Allot Then , Beginning on July l/Mrat <:!**» po* : mult, r way be aeal C. 4». ts ily pontage u prepaid. Boa t master E A. dlatkln*. of the lee at gwrarnmeni pnat office, told The Near* yyaterday Of* firtoi- --t*f -+h+— ccleed drtailed Inal ruction* on regu lation* regarding the new truing. It «»> learned. J- A In addition to b-ttrg aent C O. D-. under the neat ruUaa the halier no also bWTegWHered Hie hollered that the regulation Will hare a fit; rtatjh lug effect. i’oatmaater Klntklß* told ‘Jpie Newe After July i, parcel* may In- nertt first clan* and at the eama i t.-tft - >• -titiliiil-^‘’fnlrwtTT^ * r - which heretofore could not M aent fleet rlaae and CV O- D. The tloldehord' poetottlod te begin ning a campaign if eliminate delayed end strayed thall. It ie pointed out theta number of people, Including prominent bue'ueea men. are etfll on aware that po tofflcae hate an ef ftrlent directory acntlfhj, Tha con h»qm>h*(, dy-r>oe-Tenmn 'liiß‘ lihfurl 1 unco of notifying postal o.ftclal* about »ft* <tiHiigc of addresa. County Officials Warned Concerning Yearly Budget r Tfca. “ntr hrwi , drmannnr yoMaMr toy ft*» or I**- Hy 8. ft. HI YU AAi AN " RALEIGH, June 14 —At this Mae, whrii county rommlssloner* end coun ty accountants are engaged In making up their budgets forth,- aeit fiscal rear, warning lx being sent to tTtrrm tn order Gist they "may avoid bromine aiio-ti'labl* (o tho law for fallura to perform th»llr dull os particularly In flu m.*tf«r lof raining sufficient m venurH lo thdr budgets. An nmeadmeut ettgetod hy (he |e2h General Ai.*emh|y to the Fiscal Con - trol Act, of MJ7. provide*! “Thai tev x i uat t- x. mirii olnat f ui . uwwu, who shall fail to vote to false epffl e-lent revenue for th* operating ex penses of the county, a* provided for in Section 13, rtf,Chapter 14«.'PiibUa Laws of IW*, shall be -guilt of a mts Congress Winds. Up On Farm Relief Bill; Tariff Slated For Next Week FRESH REVOLT AGAINSTTARIFF r A Opposition In Aiawd Ajratead The Tariff HAH I>um<l by n» ■ROT ' < _________ ■ * WASHINGTON. June M.-(AP)— Thu resolution of Senator Borah. Re publican, Idaho, to confine the tariff MU la the Senate to rerlslon of the rate*, on farm product* alone, tree laid before . th« Senate today with proapecti of an Immediate vote in doafet. - ? ‘ * The meaaare la oppoaed by the Re publican adm <n let rat 100 organisation and Senator Jon>*s, of Washington, the aolitam Reputmtu leader, meth od at the Patent lo amend It to per mit t rertatpn of the tariff on •'any oth er Una of prpdegUoa that he* been la a depressed condition dnrthg the last year or more, traceable to steadily tearoaatea nnaxoetttiv* lee porta. 1 * . WASHINGTON, June If—(AM—A fresh revolt In Republican ranks In the Senate, directed against the terfff Mil. passed hy the Hwa*e, confronted Con gress todey ae It eetUed down to wort mi the two principal reeonmeadetkNM of President Hoover te the eplrp, see slmf tariff revtefcaPead farm relief— which atone remains te he prt*d upon. Senator Borsh of Idaho, who' eon* tended for the- export dshontar* plan of farm'relief In opwtetttoa lo the «. . « * LI _-- A. * j?;? ii ninj !h the senate i»nw cease Jnr concent to t*er on record for llmt»atton o f hrd» r»vW%» to sgrlruttijrsl end related orodMcfa, » The eleven WenoHiean lenatofs on the finance eomni'lltee «tread- he*n defeated a vttn'lsr m«*'«o hv aenn*«- sn nr n.mwni of Utah, which won ♦ , *he ennnorf of the Democrat* l*« lh« eofam'ilee Wi w*» *h«p that Woeadt not the neonn— t he»o*vi the H*S*ta end tt waS ewwrst.'id a« th« »d*"|. — 1 teene hefoee the fode— n-oene-t* of chcsMerahla e*m lanci —from the—RsuuliMcsn ladeapMt ente and Democrat* who lined ap nve'nat the president oe debenture. Meet!Willie, the farm relief mania ore we* hack l« the hand* of a Joint conference committee today edit the Hopae on record ffcr the first iitne on the export debeat are provision which the fflßste has twice I Deleted apoa. Rat the House vote of IS* lo 111 wee so overwhelmingly against the deben ture plan that m auy of,lts advoeataa In the female were reedy to ytel0 after perfuetory nato Hat lona. gs ruryP^mtHHiaß Canal Way WASHINGTON, Jane 14.—fAPl — The United (Mates Government has se cured permission from the Nicaragua to dispatch a batalHoa of army ca gln-cr troops to that couatry to maka a prettminery survey of the wintry and te ascertain the approximate eeet of en later-oceanic canal route through Nicaragua The bfeuriltoa writ tenttsparcantt tuner ontwrr front the war department. Ae yet the batal- Hon has not been n *•)«?<? t#d. , prlaotiment, or Jfotb, In tfc« dlacration ! of th« court" i, The 1929 amendment to the Klacal Control Act further provides "That If any county auditor or county account ant of any county of Ifte Hate ••halt' ; mafc|* any certificate a* r*oulr«d by Unction 19. Chapter lit. Public Lawa | of 1927, when there l« not a aufflclont iinlncWmlierod balance remaining for | the payment of the obligation, ha ahull lie guilty of a mlademoanor and pun 1 labablf fin* or imprtaonmant, or r both In she dlarretlon of Um .court, except a» fteraln pro aided. -= — *Along with this warning and a*- tract* from the lawn, Cbarlau M. John son. executive aacratary of tba Coun ty Oorewntent Advisory Chmmlaalon. . , •* . " W ’ ’ -4b ' ——p— THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ——■ ■ * Hm* BUI U PruHiit Bmmt ~f . • *?* * y WASHINGTON. Jtnm If—o*s?- y*”* ***'- «y. ±l Hoovar a term rottef Mi ■edeltei to meet hie deMft and the* adJawnwß for the week ehd before R«la« the of the #atr* ewe tea, the ttarttf rpitetes measure. After twice InsieUs# os the export ielftiw Mm An • —jtfjß 1 . the Mil seat to the 1 1 iMWII. tk» senate tarer whetmtaßty MMpCgt IHi‘ t&oo.oofesM farm reßef j* bent are plan voted lap thte M ta ** ftiHln *fi#f protetttßß Ufcfe principle. Tha aaaats gate!* *M* ttMha _£ on the tariff maaeye alfwMM paaOe* • by the heaee. Seaetor «Mp •» M* pacted to ho te M this message jtemator teienh amp ona of tha leedar^ithe. OMNiI^N crats which twice BM' ON 'MRaft M» bent nre plea to the M MM Mr are over hioftrt proteei A vote early te On *pN| W'% peeled oa IMI * Hoaee will MthertM/ derided totif > ' _ ’ bin waa completed toisy If MfM • and House acaoptaaeo wf promlid ntwliflt trap wiKP »“ -wr* port datmatolro ptoa Mi MIMMjk and ft ooer seat to iTeeMtit MW - J for NVte ;-HS WASHINGTON, IMO t4c-f^V^ Karwi relief loctatettoa petlN IhreOgh \ slonel' joarwey today of lha_t«tei<— ft -, ; pert MlMltei ti'd «firw.. Ml. t —•—*- ate, where, te ytew M fbhjjpM fp. I against the dekMMPO. H te eetseeiod to receive speedy approval. If «te N te forthcomte* the MMihP* »«MW win b« seat to the M" fore atehtfau, hi ■eMO'wMl ',M ed eerltof te tfte dhf hr tfe?Steslßp etc aad Hooie eeatereooe, Immedtaiety after the >»MI igjll — •arly vote te 'pvoovsik- ' ~ Antietpatta# itlek Itaeta g^pehaal. for a lataMay eeaatoa. ea that 9§tsm Ixuigwortb arigbl alga tha rttteON- Vw MARC RUN BfMB • fc rHARLOTTB, km 14—<4g|H» place whare IfiMdpahorc ehMtr maintains Ms raral jail, teat MM took a -~ on the etmonpkare at h terkfel RUIN . luh • • Tha ra rales gathered aboai a tekli upon which rested kli hotl Jy fy- Banardl rim, ahetethe. «Nm3m other brands which hore fepptgalte .. > who aald they weewMeMvagd MM from rtnrtda ail who M*W ffeplr They worn arasted ea Ike MRhMr,* row miles from Charlotte ter rwvat so RAWRN 4» '' sotTTHAMrWter. Bate, tea 'fet ed a met icaa aatehaasiM Ip PPA* Brit nn. arrived at •MMMthiliiNMt the. United States tM* Nt teea 0»t wa* ordlslly

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