. • *■(■■■* WKATHKR • ■' 1 "T’TVfil.U.I " VOLUME BIGHT; NUMBER VS . KEECH DIES IN 4-CORNERED SMASH A T ALTOONA hMVm *V- *R - —■* R- - - ■ BE ■ a A A A A A _ FARM AID BILL PASSED, PRES. TO NAME BOARD AT ONCE gMT V ; “ Cheers Turn ,to Gasps Autos Making . 119 Miles an Hour Crash o Inch, Holder of America! Spoos Record, Crooked ae Mafjkloe Overturoo 226,000 IS*DK ON AS TRAGEDY 18 ENACTED Acctdeel te Car of Mae Who Had Drive* ia Goiduboro Brought Fatality UNtt'i Mete: The M H*kli ••a whrrd ta h tti article * which faUawt b the racer who supervised aat participated la aatemebU* races at the Wa/at leegty Fair muh la IWff. He Is haewa perseaally te au; la UeMebere. also ia*nbe4 and Mfllrlfedlad |a m ataaiakila rafm at the fairs at t’earerd, Sew Ben, WDsea ut ether rlttes h the state la MU. Last taH he was the featured trim at the Slate Fair, laMgb. ALTOONA. Pa., Jane HUdJPI-Ray Keech, who ripabcd from compark " live obscurity of a dirt track racing - , driver to faate as bolder of the Amer ican automobile speed record, met depth on the AHtmaa speed way at Tlptoo late today mm he gpiaed hta lam ractog triumph. Driving a brilliant race ae be led ? the field tbroagb three quarters of the *•« mile (lag day event, the Phil adelphia apead blag, winner of the In . dteaapolle grind this yeer, wae hill ed Inetantly In g four cornered smash up on the eeet tern of the mile and gad quarter oval. Cliff Woodbury, California racing veteran, wae Injured seriously, while ■meet Triplett of Indian spoils and Boh Kohl neon of Due Angeles, the other drivers Involved la the accident , escaped uninjured. Woodbury wap fully conscious when taken from bis wrecked car. Doctors said be had escaped broken bones and that bar ring uaforseen developments he *» would recover. * Keach’s death marred a spectacular race la which be end Woodbury, to gether with Loo Meyer another Pa cific coaet driver, bad thrilled a-crowd oil tt.oee spectators. Tbs disaster came With sickening suddenneag. (’beers turned to gasps as the speeding machines traveling . at 111 miles an hour smashed up. HI lance Battled for a moment, then Ut » ter coafueteg reigned as the Infield • ’ crowd rushed for the scene. Keech had maintained a three quarter lead ever Meyer far 16* ■alien Boh Robin eon. bis red racer tkuaderiwg Into the east stretch, led the pack to the turn. Hie car struck a hole Us the board and the machine out of control, shot to the top of the saucer, hit the guard rail, perched * moms tartly sad then slid backwards Into the (afield. (Continued ou page M ' totakepart IN CEREMONIES v *'• topoMMmrnws Loral Junior* Leave at 6:50 Thin Moraiaf^ta^Chartered Onldsboro Juniors some If strong Will leave here at 8 30 this morning In two chartered buses for Lexington Where thle afternoon they will partici pate 4 n the laying of the cornerstone of one of the order’s homes for or - club from the Order's home el Tiffin. Ohh>, while Lerlngtqh children will sing a V number of secret sons, and "Caro **“■’ : *— 1 THE GOLDSBORO NEWS t' " •.* , r$T ■* a. ,* ■* * * . •* REAP IN THE MORNING WHILE MINDS ARE FRESH—READ BY BUYERS BEFORE THEY”BUY. - - - ; _ . ' 1 • m. FOURTEEN PAGES TODAY (t—. • • ..--m _ ' -- T - n Wants Church to Publish Papers MIAMI, rie.,’ June t&.— — D Batabllshment by the churyb of chains of dally newspapers which 0 would "place the trwth and moral betterment of the people above the cash box w **4* advocated today by Bishop Janies Cannou. Jr., in an address before the Florida Me.bo dlst conference today. CAROLINA LINE 7 TO SERVE HERE Now Bern Tracking and Storage —, Corporation Mahon An nouncement NEW BBRN, June IS.-Carollna t Unea. Incorporated, has been orgauls . ed her* to do a general truck line bipd [ uses la various directions over the . highways radiating from New Bern, U t has been announced here. M. H. Sut t ton, Is preaMent; R. W. Callahan.’ls i vice president; and C. W. Ivey la sec retary and treasurer. I The buildings formerly occupied by t the E. K. Bishop company on Trent . river at 11 Craven etreet have been obtained by the new company. Mach . storage apace la thna provided and the corporation will be able to handle n large amount of goods. Already th# concerto has started work, having bonded atoragh~*rarelMM»se will he operated In connection with the bual i *>* u - A large wharf and pier for, boat landing and discharge of cargoes are at Craven etreet The officers expedt to do a large business not only In their terminal and storage devlsion bu* also In tdetr trucking division, operating fast freight and express lines over en tire Kastern Carolina. Water connection* will be m«d» north for Norfolk,| Baltimore, Ph:ia delph'a, Camden. NeW York an I oth er points. Though rites under rail are quoted from or to any of the points or to points ln r> Eait Carolina. The freight eervtr# Is gui-anteed :i be quick satisfactory. The company ha* ordered two new trailers . A large shipment <>t hogr.- hea.la of tobacco from Klnst.m wasl made here last week, as .in oyentug tor this business which pr-troltes to te Important. The motor truck busi ness Ir rapidly taking beer a num ber of rommodttlea. Episcopalians Will Stage Conferences > CHARLOTTE. June U.-(AP>—» Bishop E- A. Penlck of th* E > scopsl Dlofeae of North Carolina arn-mned today a series of laymen’s to be held her* beginning JulvTun der plans made by a committee work ing with Bishop Penlck a cot'ereprq will he bald every Sunday morning. In July. Members of the said (’hrlstla Heuet, former l\ P. Henulor from 8. C.. had accepted an fnvlfatl in to speak at the July 28 conference. Smith Capturei of C. C. C. DeputyApriff Carl Smith played th# tortolM part In a re-enactment or flip tortoise and th# hare drama yes terday aftprnoon and for winning the race be eodftseaied 42 gallon * of Crav en county iwn end an t'ld-uielill coupe bearAjtg a New H*ru City li cense. The three white men who ha I played the pari of the hare In Mie race were so overcrow# with chav i at the pari they had In the rare that they picked out a convenient woodl and scuttled Into It leaving Hml It their automobile and the liquor- The re-enactment of the famous fa Me of Aesop started at Honey Creei, and th • first lap of, the jrac* lav il >wti number tt) westward through Golds boro. remindful of Saturday after aooa traffic or slippery, wet sad dan- CONTINUE FLIGHT TO PARIS ~, •» t v ■„ emsm S S , iKi “ m J t •» c # ■- MK w \ n m rni \% vtuT w.*A .. fk StMrnPm . -ir IT IJHUk KSH <. i ’’ l r r, •*'**&~/it ,* * MSB m —p— wmmmhkbhhb- MMHHHBHH MHHHMMv HUB 'vBHHHIHr - . ARMANO LOTTI, JR (F.) RKNB LI PRURt (P-> ROOgg WILLIAMg (A.) 9 ' ' Ltwig YANCKY (A.) y" ' JCAN AggOLANT (P.) J j COMILLAH. Spain. June 16 (Ah the three flying M uakeetera of France, Aasolaut, and iaOtiJ. re- Wglned tonight for another sleep on Spanish sell before fc o,.,a to carl*, goal of their rifelit acrow the Atlantic From America. , The Yellow Bird Is Scheduled to soar away from tlu* U. *».b at Orlambl at »A. M.. tomorrow (midnight Eaat . era Htandard Time) taking up again Its Journey from th * haven where It alighieti si the end®of Its Irani-Atlantic . trip hast night. i _ , By cutting across a corner of th# bay of Biscay the filer* wHI he over the soli of France within a little less I than an hour after leaving Grhtinln , On their way lo Parla they will stop for gasoline at Ca iattx Jiving field, near Bordeaux, and then cootinue to I Lebourget field Repairs lo the Yellow Bird, which were made by S|mnMi mechanics this afternoon, were of a minor char acter but sufficient to delay the departure They made oue trial I light wlrtch was at ffrat thought to be Ihalr real i departure for Part* 1 Arthur Hchrelvar. American how away on the big Her ward monoplane, remained with the French filers nad i will be taken by them lo Furls. O ;» » ■’f ‘ r - - ; State To Pay More Than Hall School Bill in 36 Counties i - * : : Jonws Taxpayer* To Pay I-csh Than Fourth Next Year’n Kimlkcl I r--- The New* Bureau By M. K. Dt XK M.A* • » » RALKIGIi, June ll.—North Caro lina through the Hurd o( Kquallsntlon, will pay more than naif of the entire school budg-is of 18 counties In the Slate during -tl'e nrx* school yeer, according to th* MpuraS worked,,out ,0<1 “> by U-K.iv Martin. egetrut.lv* secretary, as » bs-*U lor the distribution of the fund al!ott>*t fi t paying salaries of rural sup.*rv| tor-*. Jones county taxpayers will b> cal' ed upon to pay less then cncfour: i of their public arholil bill Pir next year, the Slate paying 78.8 per cent J of the.,cost. The Htate will pay 72 7 .per cent or Clay comity's hill, while 72.4 of the rqst will be paid for Dare county Dupllh county Is on a 60-60 basis, the county and the Btute dlv*l- Ing the rosts equally. * » The four counties which moved into th# partllApatton class this vest l.»»v - ng only SIX-partldpallug counties,l Buncombe, Mecklenburg. ' Forsyth. Guilford. Durham and New Hanover, receive only s small porfloa of lh>- school costs from, the St*t*-ln-< fal lows: Cabarrus 118 per. through the city, hut If It Icwlni been for so imidi ruin he woul-l hiv I* In i the famous fable start I t! KraiVt Suyth'a store. 11 mil.- taward N»-, hunt*, when I lie Hare* ruined tu th j left and head hack In thi- direct*on o i (Continued on page i) GOLDS 8080, N. C. SUNDAY HORNING. JUNE 16, IV2V ' " ***• n ' ' 7 Co. Rowca gets only DU per cent, due to the valuation of the Southern Kaliway shops, The percentage* were worked out In nrdgr to get the amounts the Htate Hoard of Equalisation will allot In th# respective counties to the cost of salaries of rural supervisors, since aid for supervisors will he In exact ratio to the percentage the Stale pays of the cuunty school budget The salarv of the supervisor, of course, must conform to the Hint# salary schedule. The percentage of the school budget the Btate iguys, as w* II as Ihe per ■ .•mage of the budget available tut supervisor*’ salaries In tluuiH par: I r*ipatiug counties follows: A lamance, 3(.7 per cent; Alexan l*-r, 64.4; Alleghany. 5«.7; Anson,” 44.8; Ashe, 7. Nf-mh-rson. 34.1. 11-rtturret '*, Hoi--- 36.7; Hydi#B4.-I; Iredell. 2 i, r 11, 661; Union. 46.5; Vance, 26.4; \V :ikc. 4,2 IV,in ,ii. Neb was tlii attSttlinOU* choice for i.ii'/ilvC p:. I*i nt --I the t oii-'-i )BM* lanl-yt ithsmiycr of Commerce In eouv.-nti.iu here tod*7- SOITHERLANO RITES HELD K*v. J. L. JtihtiHon, Aaninlpd by R*v. R. F. Muftnn, Coa ductn Service Funeral services for J. W. Souther laiid, 5.1. who died nt hit V>mr on East Asli street Friday evenlu'f St l:3g o’clock following an lllnesj .if'severs! moilihs, seer held from toe.humi ves- afternoon at 4 o’chsif, Kev .1 L Johnson, pastor of the Be-.-.m Methodist church officiated, ns.isi-d by Kev H F, Mtinns, pastor of He John's church. Interment was ma*'- - i.aslon of the loiig-liuiked forward to i evgfit of tlx- formal opening of the new 160.-mh) Hunday school building. Dr. Rowe, w one of the ! most note«l speakers In the south, will preach at the II o'clock service in the lie* Hunday school auditor- 1 iudi I 1 „' . i A committee from the hirst Bap tist church will he present at the aer- t vices to tender th<* congratulations of , th< l entl.ii *ongregatlonal lealy of that chur*-h on "tin- opening of the new ( M.-ihodl-t Hinulav srliool building, i The building, whl* li has been under i con miction lor th*- past several { months and just recently completed,' FOURTEEN PAGES TODAY :. " 3 $500,000,000 Fund - To Be Administered * . By Board oi 8 Men . Stage loeaf KxportH Show Big Increase 4T4ARIAITTE. June 15.- (API— i North Carolina leaf tobacco export < last year were valued at f3u 357.1MH) j I sum fifty percent gresl thuit | the value of 1927 oiport* (he bu j reau of foreign and dom -.-tU emu , at eyre here auuounced to-lky | Exp»»rt* for 1927 were valued at ! 12ti.1«5,«4»u. v. Grant l*asc-. man iger’of the bureau, sa|*{ mi percont if the t-Vdsrsl tax paid In tbs state last year represented tobacco sales HEAVY BOND FOR THOMPSON * ' ' • ' Negro Who Unskeal Paul Urooiu’H Throat In Jail in Default of ILOOO , Henry Thompson, local negro, who slashed Paul ( room's throat when the latter was coming -out of bis "gal friend’s" house on lb* night of Mar M. Vwas bound over to county court under H.oto bond, charged with as sault with a deadly weapon with in tent to kin, at’ a hearing before Moyer Hill In police court hern reeterdny morning. In default of (he hood, be waa remanded lo Jail. Groom, 0 who was Just recently re leased from a local hospital, vfos present at the hearing. When the ne gro waa taken to the hospital the night of- the cutting with hie throat badly elaebed, the half* having '‘"touched" hie Jugular vein. It wsa not thought that he would live. He told the court that he bed never spoken to Tbumpeon. end knew of; no reneon Why he should have been attacked. $ V • Yesterday’s session of police oqufr was a brief pad- Only one other cnee 'besides the one Aove mentioned, woe disposed of. j H. I* Osteen. IdcjD white man. was taxed with payment'of the costa for being drunk EDMUND AYCOCK LEAVES MONDAY Wgync Roy One of Hint* Reprv uengtivea to Natiofral 4-H Encampment i Edmund Aycock. nf Plksv Pe. leaves Monday for the National 4-H < amp iln Washington, D G. Youm: Aycock waa selected, to represent North Garc llna »» this ramp. With him Urlll b 4 ‘ Mae Swan of Gumherland imunty, 1 KatMeen Mm-fc of DfcvMs.in rOuutv and Frank Raymond of Bvrihwd , county. fiom prsetb cally every state In the ui'fcm will attend. While In camp (he de'cg.»t«s jvlll vlali the various Dnlted Plates lie- ( portmenta and other pla<— j of Interest In end nngr Washington | Is a structure of beautiritl design. The building Is amply large enough to take | care of the present and future need* of the Sunday school department of , the church. I)r, Rows, who will deliver Ihe ser- ( mnn. formally opening the new build ( Ing, was before Duke I'nl ( verslty as a professor In the H< lio J A■» * ■ BS69V4NT MANY HIIGOIBBTBD FOB PLACE* Oil NEW BOABD Member* o f CwHllg Ift ( barge of MractiftfFftfttf to Got llS.itlfttr •» 4*w l. win . f luinbM fnw ftftf Writer , w ahhinotom, j«m W.—(AT)'— President Hoover plans* to Bw*e ail rapidly u possible to selecting th* •llbt man who trill administer the naw farm relief leer u ■■■>»! el the tadarel form board, the meet tqftorf ■nt independent ifnei el the Morel govern meet aatabltahe* la mere thee ■it erode. f j* Thia board, the ■epheee es oftMi will draw rahlaet ofltoer aelartea et Itl.ooo annually sad have Si their command a revolving read of Wdd.- 000.000. ta ta have aa aothorttv sad standing Is agrleattare ramunite ft that of the interstate gnmamraa in mission in aad the rederal Reserve beard th thteftaa A formidable Hot of aftpdMatea ii readr has beds greasalid 'to the |net deat and he te MM awed te have Sheet mad* up hts mlad who le te he the chairman The the m ataadthd William* of OhlST^*** '■ , mbrn when aenea hftre Wii mentioned more or teas praftMtlf la connect too trfth M hoard mem her - •hip include d. a Mseer es Wtm, e cotton cooperative edftehd; W. I* Oer #y, of Bonndnpo Horn York, who aide has had larpe aaperteaee la >mpere Hr# orcanlaatMaa; farmer ftiftrnM . tatlve Block of Teas. aad WtlMafl it Marshall of PM Laadardhte. fterttt There baa baaa motel apasalattaa ae to whether Mr. Heaver woald after e place on the board te h left den. former governor of llftaetapdad f candidate for the RepnMiflpa jrieldm tlal nomination ngalaoT Mr. Maevdr. Mr. f/Hrdua erne oae of the faemnt • advocate* of the #e no Boat Ida tea plea ‘ of farm relief a»d withdrew Me fthtee from the Kaaaea dtp oeevedltaa af ter adoption of the agftealtarai ptaak omitting that propeeel. There alee hee beea aflmi ta|k that a place »'*bf he offered te WlUtem M Jardine. former aoerotary es agM cultura, who resigned from the ahh- Inct Jat# la the CeetMga admlaietra il oh to baooma baa# of a fralt ihe era cooparattva aadimtattoa. WAhHiNtmat. Jaa# 11—(AFr— President Hoover with a stroke a# the pen today placed la aflaet th# aew farm relief poHatsa which his admin istration had drawn ta eltevlat# the ills of aarlcnltaro. • * # riimating mootha es mmpalgniag, pre inauguration self Ml lee, aad eea- RreHwlonal controversy, the praaldaal with , cremooy app rap rials ta aaeh aa event, wrote hla asms a area* the lam measure and thereby placed It apoa ihe atatnte books. The signature wee efftsed la *ha presence of a group of eoagroauiimal leader* which Included Ylea ftuftmt Curtin. Hpeaker LoogWorth. Secretary Hyde of tb* department of agrtauitare and a number of form loaders es the House aud Banal#. f . * Weeks of work hy agriculture com mittee* of th* houaaa; day* as dis pute between two determload bodies, and counties* hour* of doheta wore Hosed lat* yesterday with th* aoeata finally accepting th* MU without th* ■ryporr debeat are plan so steadfastly objected to by Mr. Hoover. After thl* final action at lb* aap- Itoi the maasur* was rush ad to Ike Whitehouse so that aa the* weald ha lost In Its presentation la the Chief Executive. nftftßV WlNNftft M7ft VTCftKft * CHICAGO. Jaa* II—(API -ftarl Eitel, wlnaar of th* Patrmouai Dei by and hosier, war* aerate bod from ihe fio.ooa American Derby at ease teday, lee* lag a fteM es Id wflft tetetv scratches probable. —* -»«r— —*