i WBATHBR •« ■ - ’**-■ . ■> 4 * '■ '' ■ k>> VOLUME BIGHT; NUMBER »7 DR. SNOOK CONFESSES HE KILLED PRETTY CO-ED MISS HJX HAD THREATENED ± FAMILY, SAYS Blfiil Confession Is Pristed in (m» SJ«U Journal and Give t Details of Crime » v BAYB HE INTENDED - MERELY TO STUN HER Severed Her Jugular Vein Pea Knife After striking Her WH* Hummer M 7-i OOUJMBUB 0.. Job* M—(AP>- Tke onto Bute Journal (aid tonight that Dr- Jamaa H. Snook has con fessed that ha hill Thaora HU. Ohio; Stats Unlrersty co-ad on a riria ran#a nsar hart last Thursday night Tha deposed Ohio Btata University professor oi vat art nary medicine sign ad a wrtttaa confeaslon that ha struck Mias Hl* orer tha head with a ham mer. tiMa severed her tegular rain with gpocket pah-knits and left her body on the range grounds following a noleol quarrel la hla 4>tfce. tha store said According to tha confeaslon. Snook (Sid MlSs HU climaxed a period of trying to dictate his movements by threatening hla wif# and child with death If Ike dared to leave tha city with hla deeply for the weeh-end. Then tha ooafaaslon Mates, the co-ad reached for a revolver she had. There was a struggle Snooks reached for a hammer and struek har over the hegi. with latent, he said, to stun hsr. "Bbe ceatlaued to. fight dasperatsly and an Incraaaad number of blows of lacreaalng force was necessary to stop her,” har cootlanad. Prosacdtor John Chester. said that ha will bass his damaads for a Hrst dagrae ladlctmsnt on premeditation ground* saying that Snook's sdmta slons would bring the death penalty whether or not the case goes to a Jnry. COUWBUB, 0„ June 2 did sacred spiritual* "that will never grow old”, quartette* from the Goldsboro churches and s number of the churches In the county will render programs. FILE WILL OF PIKEVILLE MAN v ■: r , . > « o 1 RelativCH Named as Benefiriar iea by I Mite K. B. Smith in His Will u * T - Relatives are made beneficiaries uqder tha will of the late K- B. Smith of Plkevllla filed for probate In tha office of clerk of court J h. Hooka.' L B Smith Is named as executor!! Mrs. Florence Orafflsrs of Raleigh, a sister, ts the largest IwneflcUry and will receive 23,000. Orover C. Thomp son will receive SMO, and |soo Ik pro vided for s suitable ’mbhument at the grave of Mr. Smith, fa mark the rest ing place of himself and rel*tivcH. and for putting the (imetery tn contri tion / After all detbs are Vald. the remain der of the estate'ls to be divided among nephews and nieces. Mr. Smith was \oni>*rlr eugvged tn business at Plkrvllle and servedethe town as mayor for a time. » ** tragic demonstration CHICAGO. June 20. -(Ab—Til you how I’d shoot a burglar," laugh ed Mrs. Jeanette Ansolotie to a group of friends at herUmme last night. “Please don't," sWddercd one of her guests. « . "Oh. It Isn’t loaded.” smllwl Mrn. Ansolone. But It wss. her three yesr-old son died early today In * hos pital, k ballet in hls head. Plans For 1929 Wayne Fair Are Going Forward Rapidly Reports current about the cminty that Wayne would not have a l«ur ll»l --year yesterday brought a flat Icnlsl from W C. I>enmark. st-cr- -»r •" the Fair Association In the form <>f a prepared statement. ••Rumors Jinve reached our -fi'l* < said Mr. IDenmark. "from -m *<• i-on* of our county to Ike •»!' tha I there would not h« a 192* W.v.ui j County 1 Fair, and we wish t i t!v o' the public that this s' wriui '. ment-' "The officer* and director ■ V tn - Fair Association are busily en .i:e t making plans for the l'*C l Fair, cording to » stuleqieii: mad.- secretary last night \y -ifL* have an unfur'.unate week la-I year_ and -i th** p tbl.c Itno#’' through Information given cut by. us.' anil through appeals for help sen out by as that we lost h great deal GOLDSBORO, N. C. FRIDAY MORNING. JUNE 21. 1929 CONTINUES AS * COMMISSIONED ' a— Hanes Withdrawn Ills Resigna tion from BUte Highway CommisMipn The Xews Bureau. ♦*» M. K. DINhAGAK) KM.KIGIf. June 20. - S Alex S. Hsne* of Wlnsion-Balem, highway eoniAris sloner for the seventh district has withdrawn his resignation, tendered 'to.. Governor Gardner about u month ago. and hla Indicated to Governor Gardner and the Highway Cohinris hloii that he writ coiiitnue to, servo on that body, *Mr Hanes has served on the body for several year* and was named chairman or the body, following the r*s|gnHti«ti of Frank Pago early In the year, a position which he was urged to continue to hojd. He declin ed. however, and R. A. I)ougfi(oa wan named Mr Unites Htdlratcd at the time that fie was desirous of retir ing from the board, but had agreed to coSTTnue bemuse of the shifts and changes In the commission, until mat ters became more settled". # " Hls resignation was In accordance with hla previous plan to retire. He was prevailed upon by Governor Carrier, hacked by a unanlnmua res olution by th* commission yesterday, to continue. Mr. Hanes wan a dinner attest of Governor Gardner at' the Governor's Mansion Wednesday eve ning. Following'tha dinner,’ Governor Gardner announced today that he. would continue. Here’s Latest In Publicity Stunts CONCORD. N H . Jnn# 20. -(AIM— The bag containing cash and securi ties reported valued at |7&,000. which Tom .Mil tnption picture actor told prril<4 at Portsmouth had been stolen from a private car In which) lie was traveling with the Hells-Flota circus was found later today hidden In a power Itox under one % of the clrcoe cars. , The discover!: *»s made by police after they said Russell Kverett, 22. Negro porter of the cirrus train, had confessed the r theft. 'The sum of 11.- 000 whs missing from the bag The theft was discovered shortly before the icirrus left I’Artsmooth for this city. of money. This w»* not due, how ever, to the lack Os Inter, t in th« Fair, neither was tt due t . 11< k ol Interest on the part of nnr farmer In exhibiting, at the* ehtv.i s Ml tb. 192 S Fair we're Isrg.-r by P" c>-it than they have ever been In th pset. Fair Association official- recox j ntv the fail that the di t> It Wlilct i they tncured following the I*?* Fat - lack of Inter.- t on tb - par ; th ' Fair patrons, hut wp* due to th I'had, ratnv sCyather dhrougbout fb entire week - ‘y ' "YeC we will stage the lJ|Jt WBUii AVavne County Fair lAiotisand* . piece* of advertising matter has si read' - been received, and Is now b lug dlxtrlbuted throughout' th- r >a< ty We have a muelt aarlier dkte thl: 1 ysar than we huvv ever hark folloFln* the opening Os (Continued on t HemiertMint Sidney Webb. Ms. Sgnky and Capt. Htnrt. Left to right, back row, George Lansbnry, A. V Alex ander, Sir C. P. Trevelyan. Margaret Bondfield, Lord Thom son, Tom 3haw, A. Green wootj. Noel Uuxton, W. Graham and W. Adamson. ' •; ATTENDANCE RECORD SET ' y Nineiy-Nix Treated at Eastern. Carolina Orthopedic Clinic Yesterday - ■ r 1 The holding of the largest and most suressful din t- lo> ,- the or-anUa tlon of tho Kutte.n North "srol'n* Orthopedic, clinic IcH tttiiuuuced 'Skit' evening by Mr*. M Miller, super intendent nf the local branch of the Gastonia hospital. A total niitnher oft 9* cases were treated at 1 lie t llqlc held at the headquarters at the corner of Ash and Herman rirceta yesterday- The first pstivnfs arrived for treat-, ment yesterday morning about 9 o'-1 clock, and It was after & o'clock before the last one left, Mrs. .Miller told The News. „ A number of plaster cast treatments were given, including If dub-foot plasters to children under two years of age. This treatment wan given to one baby Just a month old This in fant was brought to the cllulc a month ago, ahd was only three days old at thne It's foot Is responding nicely to the treatment. The Nttw.ii learned. Several patients, with six flqgers or six toes, were brought to_ the dtnlr yesterday. The only remedy for this affliction I* the removal of the extra member by an operation. The Ndwa was told. This operation cannot be performed with convenience at the local clinic, II was said, so the pa'l ents' names are entered on the list of the Gastonia hospital and ai s o . as- there Is a vacancy they are noti fied Many of Ihe.e kind of ch. <-s have l»een treated snccreßfully. Mr- Miller told The New*. Dr. G. G. Miller head of the Gas tonia hospital. wa« unable to, be here yesterday but hi. assistant. Dr. Kob erts, who Is bouse physician at the hospital, was present He Ides Dr Kohert* and Mr- Miller, two nvir es from the Gastonia ho pital nn-lftr’l In conducting the clinic, SiRVEY OLD " DATTLE SITE Ralrltrh Drksation Yrsierdiiy Gathered Photos at Iten lonville , ' '' .tb State Forester J. h Iloinies and *Mr John II Anderson. t'ha|«-t Hill, chairman or the Benton elite Baltic ground t orntnlttey of the North faro lliih Unit'd Daughters of the Confed eracy, and Col, F A Gldv yesterdsy ylstfed Hentonvllle Battlefield In John ston county, 17 nr les Mouth'-a'-t Os Goldsboro, for a survey of the ar<-.i In interest of Its establishment as *■ S'a'o or National park. The State fore - tec planned lb ob tain photographs of breastwork lb" Old military hospital, and mb ' r-Be of thlv fierce bsttl'*. f, be of/the a-1 Important *-ngag' menla of the Wkr Between the States. Held in Connection Shoetinjr Hamlet Man SAVANNAH, On.. June 2". t-M’t .1 *rry \nd f -rs- >h, 21 1- helnv bold bv bounty Holies here fir queallonltiq eont;ernnlg the shooting t»f It D. hrigmik' Os Hamlet. N. f..Ja«t Saturd.iv. nrrl -lrowt bere today, Capt. O’lierry Givc« Bond Attorney Shock HAI.F.IGH. June 2«.—North (dar oltua today sold ft.ur mtl.llonr dol lars worth of alum term notts at an Iqtarest rate of five and threa quartar per cent, aerate lower than has been obtained In the last two months by uny slates or munici palities. The sale was to the Page Trust Company, of Aberdeen, N C. The notes are due October 14, I*2* Slat i treasurer Nathan O'Beryy, ras delighted at the aats and the strength shown by the credit of North CaroUpa. When he called ARtagSav R JNmtslleh. the Btsl*> bond attorney. ,lg New York. Mr. Massllrli said: "You mean six and tHrea-quav ters i»er rent, not flvs and threa quarters," and was dumfnundsd when Mr O'Rcrrv assured him that the Tar lleel notes were sold at So low a rate of Interest. FRIENDS CALL ASHEBOROMAN !• Rev. Calvin (irt'Korv Kxpcrled lo Siirceed Rev. Tennyson Lewin, Re-signed He*. Calvin Gregory of Ashehorn has been lutlted to become pastor nf the k'rlmdjS church ln>hla rlty, and Is Sxperttui to move hls family here tn assume hi* dut'aa shout Angiiat 1 Mr. Gregory filled the pulpit - j( tha local church about two weeks ago. made a very favorable Impression »nd a rail was extended to hpm. Ilf* was educated at Guilford College v ** ' - Rev Tennyson for ttnf ps«t sour 1, years ptuktir of ‘be Friends Church, sometime ago lend.-red hla resignation .effective August I. With Mr plan . l<> go to Cali fornia to spend a year with >»U daugh ter __ . • * • 't FAVORS AID Fort*. PHI IT MEN yWAHHINGTON, June 20 -JAP) - to pi o\ Mr "Rtr a partial comprn-atlon to fruit abtf vegetable grower* for b»s-ea resulting from •(- forts to the Mediterranean t«ii if flv i- r.iv. i..l J.v Bar rata ry Hyde pf ili .igrl.'ollure departmeni George Evans Pleads Guilty To Robbing Goldsboro Homes George F;»ans. conf'-Hsed negro housebreaker, who has admitted to Ik.llcc that he entered five Golrbtbsiro home and made away with valuahle. In each case, plead guilty to the five 1.. ng.iln i him and waived s lu-ai liefore Mayor Jack here yeslnrdnv nmrnJiyr lie w.is bound over to the August term of Hupertor «our! ■ und.-r bund of IbtHi tn each rase, or a total of (JAM. f’n ab|.' to post bond. Kvaua In tlie county jail to await trial The negro will 1..- formally charged with the b'renkiyig and entering of the homes o( !i M Itox*. W I. 'Rawlings. T, W Miller. J. R. Hatcher and Ctjuirle* Korwo-kl lU* —l'SDtlire t* be llied bv police to have put an end 1.. »'*eri;* of puxxllng housebreakings and r.»l>!»erle» lu tlie elf)- 1 KUa SnriUr. nefress, cUargod with Bishop Denny Declares Church Weakens Itself By Mixing ill Politics SAVING SEED IS DISCUSSED 9 j C County A Kent A. K. Robertson iiivjpM Hcnl Method lor Tobacco Heed f "Proper saving of tobacco seed," aald County Agant A K Rnberiaon, yesterday, "requires tha use of poison on the seed pods and bagging. ‘A paper hag of the IS or H Ih. rise la desir able. TM* hv'og Nt*4 Vound the main slam of the plant with twin or cloth. "The above treatment will prevent rross-pollenallon from other varieties of tobacco by various Insects and the poison will protect the seed pods from being destroyed by tobacco worms urhlch might he trapped Inside the bag- Three or four main stems of seed containing seed pods sr* suf ficient and will yield shout an ounce of tobacco seed. "Farmers who have a good rarlaty of tobacco, net mtsed with other vnrl sties, will find Ibis method of saving seed very desirable and profitable. Only plants which are ah»olute|y from dlsegae add' which grow proper-' ly should be selected for seed stalks." HASN’T HEARD HE IS WINNER J ' *, i kit* Bnutftton Youth mi Hlrk S«u» When New* of Hb Good ' Fortune Couieu ~v A. P Smith, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Frank Bmlth of Haulston township, hgdn’t learned yesterday that hs Mkd won national honors In an essay con test conducted by the American (’hem leal Boclaty, and as a prise has bis choice of sny Amerloan ugilverslty for a four year's course' with hie tui tion paid. „ » For yoUng Smith.-The New* lesrned, Is now a cadet quartermaster on the steamship Leviathan. ‘ He was on the high seas bound for Kurope before announnement was made that hts as say had been selected as flpe best sub mitted In the forty-efgbt slates Yes terday the Ijevlathan was scheduled to start „ back to the, C’nlted Btates from Bouthampton. Bingland, and relsttvee were preparing to radio young Bmlth of hla good fortune? 1 The Baulston youth was graduated from the fhapel Htll high school this spring. He went to Chapel Hill tpo years ago to complete hla high school educaijon (here and haa supported hlpiself while In school by doing odd JoT»a about the town. _ Petain Elected to^ French “ImmortalH” PA RIB, June 20 (APt Marshal Henri Philippe petain. ’commander In chief of the French Armies In I*l7 was elected by .unanimous vote Into the -c'lmpanywof the "Innnortats" of the F'rench academy todH> In accord ance with the unwritten taw of the French republic that three represen tatives of the military glories of France should sit by her great artists, writers and stalosnien. * '*** allowing a vlcloiy. dog tn tun at large was fined t!> and the costs and required In pay her dog la* Ac cording to the report to police of Daniel Herring, negro, be was pa**- trig along the street In front of the woman'* boose when two of her dog* ran out at him Herring told officers It wa* all he Could do to keep from being seriously bitten James Stallings and Joe Brown, colored, were each taxed with the coat* for being disorderly. James and Joe admltD*! that they were “brnth erj-ln law twice,” and that they had Ifad a little family quarrel but had already made up again. Several cases scheduled to be tried yesterday were continued until Mou lts) op account of the abaaadc of wit rxxxl r ii Today's Circulation 2,931 PftICI FIYB CBWYR Arid rent* Delivered at CrtMHta SaaMwhat Caaaaa Hlaiementa \ J DENNY HAD OPPOSED CANNON RESOLUTION vY , ( antion Dedarea Start** a# Hh tftock Deallac la leaded ta ,« Weaken Hha f l RICHMOND. Va.. Jtu n an addraoa by Bishop lied hpnaoa, 1 militant dry wmaador. ta- tka aarna oonfaraaea fiolordey whlefi piacad tka ooafaraeoa aa ree ord pledging kaarty aapport to Ae president's law aafarOMaoet pe nonarenienta and actlrttloa ’, Tha raaolutloa waa aerHad m aa amendmant to the ooafaraeoa report on tamparaaoa aed • octal refefm ead waa adopt ad ky a rale of fd td A kr tha confamoo. * It hpd booa erased that tka tlon contained tka flat 0* eaa Ipooad hy tha Method lat Collogt of ltd*— g aad In thla coniwtto* Mako* Bum declared BUhop Caaoos had e—leet «*d la bla apaaek Wadaaaday to kto tlon tha action of tka Biakova «•>*••? on the HWir rtatfetWk kid Bit keA unanlmnua kat tktt BtokO# Rlddd *SP aoatad. WASHflforoN. Jeaa «k—(ArV— Depicting tka pukltoatlea of ogeonwto or hu stock tm—eeMjkS