WE A T H R R Meetly Needy Wed. sad Thars. wHh aha wan Wed- aver e—at. Thnrs- VOLUME EIGHT; NUMBER 161 DR. ALBERT ANDERSON IS CLEARED OF ALL CHARGES —— • » «J Judge Grady In Wake Superior Court Orders •Verdict ol Not Guilty Orders Jury From Room, Us tens to Motion From Mis trial and Grants It —■ - ... .-• if DEFENSE DOES NOT OFFER A WITNESS Jim Adam* Farm Superinten dent, la Also Acquited Os Chances RAUEIOH. June 26. -(APJ —Dr. Al bert Aadenon, superintendent of the North Caroltne hospital tor the Is* sane, todlght stood cleared of all charges preferred against him In coa n act lon with an Investigation of. the state Inetltutton here. The sudden termination this sfter , noon of ths second trial of Dr. Anda *- eoa when Judge Henry A. Grad*. pre aiding, directed a verdict of not guil ty. brought to an end cases rhar<lru him with malfeasance In offlc* and embesslcment A convtctfbn obtains I In Wake superior court In the first trial was thrown out by the supreme court. The directed verdict followed the state's resting of the case. The Jury was sent from the courtroom while Judge Orady heard R. N. Simms of de fense counsel move for a non-suit. After listening to the motion J<6lge| Orady ohllsd la the Jury and wiped * the chargee from the books by dlrect- Inga verdict of acquittal. The defense had not presented a one of 76 witnesses subpoenaed for the trial. About a dosso witnesses l**M fled today. In the trial today Dr. Anderson was accused Jointly with Jim Adams, state hospital farm anpervioor with having embattled end turned to hts own use oertala quantities of lime, paint, vege tables, building materials ate. “ When the charges against Dr- An derson wore cleared by the verdict Adame was also cleared. CAMERONASKS > FOR CLEMENCY Petition Heard by Judge Town send But Ruling ia Not Yet Decided i ' , The News Bureau By M. R. IHXXGUX * RALEIGH, June 26.-John A. Cam eron,. of Retford, later of Alabama and since laat fall an Inmate of Stale's Prison, where he Is serving on the 20-year sentence Imposed In lilt for murder of P. C. Oakes. Harford po liceman and from which he escaped a • year'after Imprisonment, will not know the result of the hearing before Judge N. A- Townsend, executive council, held this morning until some time nest Judge Townsend said he would lake no action on the xadfc Until after he had conferred with governor Gardner, who Is away snd will not be bark In his office until next week. , Impassioned pleas for the man who, as J. B Davis, had-made a romplete reformation and bad become a wealthy and highly resperted cttlsen of tho community, were made by K C. I-aw rence, Dumbarton attorney; James II Pou. Rr., Raleigh; N. McN Hmtth, Raeford; Attorney L- H. Ellis, Colum bia. Ala . and by W T Rost. Rslelgh *" newspaper correspondent. The father and three sons of the Raeford Impris oned man ware present at the hear tng. alongwlth a group of cttlxens from many places In this state and some from Alabama. The—opposition to the pardon of Cameron had been withdrawn by the eon and relatives of the slain mat., Mr 1-awrenoe stating that Cameron had paid the faintly lIO.OM since his return to North Carolina State's Pris on. Ha had not aided the family be fore, be replied to Judge Townsend's question, bachuss It had not been so he could. Mr. Lawrence asked Judge Xu*a tend to read again \\ciar Hugos Lea Miserable*, his reference haviuw been j to that classic ftgurd Jean Valjean. to which Cameron has been likm-d In his prison sentence Reformation and the protection of society, two o thv Important reason* for- imprison* ntent, are completely answered In UtVtrM't coaducytor 1< years, A THE GOLDSBORO NEWS . * * 4$ \ H . , «. * * READ IN THE MORNING WHILE MINDS ARE FRESH—READ BY: BUYERS BEFORE THEY BUY. \ 1— —a * Fsq. Rhoden Holds Court in tt Field Sheriff Granger Kh'*d*s of Ml. Ollvjj yesterday held court In an open f eld on the efl'tC of Wnyaa and Duplin count-hs, an I ruled that Eddie Cox Ml, Olive Ncgra. was guilty of Iho bastardlty charge which Annie Ruth Rone,' Duplin county Negress, had brought. Esq Rhodes accompanied offlc a er* and witness*:, to where the Ne gress was chopping cotton on a Duplin county farm ' "Try tlje case right here,” It was suggested. -“Rut this Is In Duplin and I am a Wayne magistrate,'' Mr Kh'ides replied. The Wayne line lay Just across 9 the nearby Northeast -or Gosheau River. "We’ll cross over the river and try It there?” ruled Esq. Rhodes. A rowboat was procured. Th4 judge and the witnesses were row ed gpross'ilhe Goahean, and court was In session, to end with the re sults mentioned above. 808 UZZELL IS DEAD AT HOME to Stricken with Paralysis While 111 With I'netimoniu, Dies Suddenly fttrli*«f>Md*nly will) '>uv* v*t ■ while 111 with pneumonia, R. P. Usv It died at his home on East Walnut street at 5 o'clock yesterday afternoon. Fun eral service will be conducted from tiro residence at 3 o'clock this after noon by Rev. Peter Mclntyre, pastor of the First Presbyterian church, as sisted by Rev. W. V. Mcßae, pastor of 81 Paul Methodist church. Buriat will he made In the Ustcll burying ground In New Hope Township. Mr. Ptsell was up and about Kun day mornlnl, taking a ride In his auto mobile, hut that afternoon was order ed to his bed wllh pneumonit. Hl* condition hsd not been considered alarming and yesterday he was , thought to be slightly better. It was at 5 o'clock that he was seised with a sudden attack of paralysis and died a few minutes later. Robert Peele resell was the son of the late Aliens Fuel I and Mrs. Barah Ussell, and was born In Wayne coun ty forty-fonr years ago He wee edu cated In the local schools end at Rtate college. He represented Wayne coun ty In the lower house of the general assembly In 1920-21, and wpp well known and liked throughout the coun ty. He Is survived by hi* mother, hts widow, Mrs. Julia Wood Uzxell and by one brother, Floyd Usxell of this city. Mrs. Usxell waa seriously 111 with pneumonia *1 the time her husband died, havtßg been strlken with the disease for the second time this year- Mr.' Ussetl was one of the largest | farm operators tn the county and on, the first of June had opened a real estate office here He was s mem ber of the local Elks club, and Its past (Continued on page XI 43 Violators Traffic Laws At John-Walnut in 1 Hour w Editor's Note; We told Dan I Powell to take a stand at Walnut I and John street for one honr.yes- j terday afternoon and to see If an-*-) tomnbfle violators violated traffic regulations .at the point w hen th-- city’s stop-and-go «lenal Is In - stalled Pencil In Hand h- tnid a check of every car that pass* I Here follow* the story h' wrote: ' | Forty-three persons vlolsteil traffic r«»irnlatioitii at the corfivr of John ann' I Walnut streets yesterday afternoon between three and four o'clock Only three negroes failed to obey, the traffic control,.and 'li“ remain I !'* forty were whites. There were eight women violators- Nine -person ; rmle hii yt le- past ill- 1 slop sljual, ami two ice wagon* lail-j GOLDSBORO, N. C, WEDNESDAY MORNING, JUNE 26, 1629 VW FRIDAY TO BE “BASEBALL DAY” a | . ' c * Missing Spanish Flierw ■ jmV 9t«l •Pff} W!u :TW ' giVI f % | M 'Fm i? f '■-JR «4 m m L" H ii B*l a 1 y - V ■ Ms •vV ,m frjfrifr V ' T J HKJp S 4*l j \ t, 99 c f V ■ / Many conflicting rumors h«ve not helped in lading Mxjoi -- Franco, iieww-De A Mai right, —<S»i>fcr Mxd«ri«gor~ below, Spanish aviators, who started out from Cartagena, Spain, in the giant plane “Numxncia" and have not been heard from since. They intended to fly to Fayal, Axores, and from there to New York. Portuguese gunboats dispatched to locate the plane when reported, missing have not found any trace of > the amphibian. Madrid Ships' nud 'aeroplanes of our nations united today- In lha search for Mujor Itaymoii Franco, Spnrtlsh ace who with three com panions left t'artegua on Friday for the Axores In the first leg of a , round trip flight to New York. Spain, Italy. Kngland and I'orlugul mobilised searching parties ot comb the areg between the I'orugees coiiai a ltd Hie AsoreSf The government maintained Its hopes that they would be found safely aontewhere,* either on lartd In noma remote spot or or aboard a sntiill vessel provided with wlrelesa. Nothing has been heard from them slnqe Saturday when a message purporting to an nounce their funding in Hie Axores was picked up by a Portugese ship Spain hope* Major Franco might have attempted a noti-»Wjp Might from Spain to New York and In-on forced dowir beyowMhe A*ore<, but a few o fthe friends, of t)>e aviator* clung tniho hope that the Rpanish uvialorit, had come rWr«n in some distant part of 111-,Axon s. Saulston Man Die** Suddenly At Home J. G. Dawson. 73, died suddenly s' his horffe In Kaulston township ah nt < o'clock yesterday morning Mr Dawson had been suferlng fr tn throat affection, hut had on MondAy. Y<'» v nliiy morning he arose at tils usual hour and waa going about hts moral t-f chores when taken with a chok.tig spell from which he died In a few minutes. The dccca-i d was a native <t Ten , nessee, and came to Wayne county atm"l three years-.ago. H • I . s'fr . I V“'l by Ills widow and number of lives In Tenne- -e- I'nneral n 'r h held in Saul-ton th ; a-tu-rnoon.* ted to atop.* V farmer ignored the j traffic, control, and he w.o followed j by a spee,| cop who also forgo: th it i th, r- were such tliincs a trait r'-au lailotts 'i.r- didn't appear gottig any where on business The automobile drivers were by fir th- worse offenders Th.;-» enda>>ge ed th* live* of the p> d<*s'i u > speeding up Ih.etr ears In" an i. 'e.mjW to gWt across as the b»H w;*« j i'lt- Ine Several drivers *m-aV"/*Kt un-l the corner after the slop yul had ru’ig. and one negro made a comyiM | lurn Th* most brasen law '»> i* tUc the man who dellherat-l. w• Ii *'• for the stop -Ignal JO i nine >n. ait4 then drove at row the Hire*' j Kli ven of tin viol.itors dro* < L"v tele, ■ five, ford ; tiir e. i , |. ! *v lit ; ♦ ] three b*«eJw, autl two drove ZJttKkn ROTARY SEATS NEW OFFICERS ■* v <j Rev. K. C. Frw Tells of Need of .Mow Than Average u Srw?'" ' •* < Citizen Th* installation of officers, an .til dress by Rtt*. K. ('. KV w of Kinston mid a number of delightful solos l*y ! Mrs John Morris with Miss l.aurlnd.t ! Hooks at the piano occupied the i Goldsboro llotary club lust evening at jits regular weekly meeting at the Mo tel Goldsboro. George W M liters, Jr, succeeded R. K a pr> silent. / # T Hr nan . "'Waters as vtcepresl- while llttv Arm si ywng tnd W. L Iti.wlingH are the new set ret ary and trija-nriT respectively, ' uet eedlng 1 Henry Milk and /., T. Hrowo. Just prior to presenting the gavel to Mr Waters. Hub Stevens, retiring ’president, appealed In Hie member rtilp of the ehjh to hold up the hand* of the Inisttnlng officers, assuring the ( cliih 'of progress If this was < arried odt. I. | "If everyone will help the oftlc.is, land do what he I asked to do,” ilo r I,»red Mr Water * In receiving the ; gavel. ’We are .insured of a good year j It's not th • officers who make the I club what It I*; II I* l|»e members." i The speaker or the evening, Mr i I’ew of Kltistdn. won the attenlallv* I consideration of the elnh to bis discus -1 slim of the need for citizen* who "are ] • tm\ .ive!.n-- % T>| i Him who |, ahoye the average, ng declared. nev tji r att i n to,»hl* position >»y follow- I- Ing th- herd Instinct; be must place right above the crowd and follow It. v Hugh X'aldrop wl* to charg' of the ; program for the evening and present ed Mr. Few. . \ . , Expert to Move Sparrow j To State Prison Friday DUPLIN UOUNTY OFFICIALS MAKE VISIT TO CONFER VS ITU LOCAL OFFICIALS IN CASE— BOOK FOUND SAID TO LIST SPARROW’S CUSTOMERS OVER STATE n ■ I,- - . ** - - -I F. D. Spsrrow. Kinston rum-runner, who idiot and seriously wounded Mur ray Hy-rd, Calypso Dspitty sheriff »s the latter attenfpted to arraat him for transporting last night a week ago, will probably Friday from the Goldshorn hospital to Rial* Prison KsleUh. M whs decided yesterday; Sheriff Williamson ot Dnpltn, D. Johnson. Dupl.h county attorney, and Pr. Strong. Duplin health officer, came yesterday lo Goldsboro lo confer with local authorities mid surgeons relative to removing Sparrow to the Stale prl ion At the litter place ha ran h* mu ntalurd si s cost of about fl per day for Puplla county, whllsj at the ho pita I h re hi* espensea In clude not only Burgeons fee*, hospi tal e»pi*ti tea hut the oJst of a watch man night and day? The Duplin officer* found, how ever, ibat Sparrow'* hand, 1 partially shot*off by Deputy Byrd as he return CHICKEN THIEF j IS OPERATING] • 0 tr Poultry is* Reported An Htoteo • From W, H. Bartlett and from Deems Fate • JBemWra efc Haw twee I pain depart-^ mept are conducting a vigorous /In-• ypsllgatlon Into the activities ot a* chicken thief who sometime Monday ji'glit stole 16 Rhode Island Red chick ens, each weighing more than five, pounds, and 26 smaller chickens from the chicken house belonging tn W. H. Mart let te. who lives near Helfaal Is believed by officer* here that' the raid on Barlletle's hen roost, and thr theft of a millibar of fbwl *t >in the chicken house of Deems I’ale, county commlsslonar. sometime Sunday trghi. was ''probably Hie work of lha same thief Acrordlng lo Information fur nished The News, the chickens stolen from Mr. Pal > must have *mrdh4red tn death when placed In a bag by the j chicken thief. They were found dead’ near the home the next morning. It was said The poultry stolen from Hartlalte was located by Wilson officer* In that city early yesterday morning This was learned when local officers tele phoned to the Wilson police at the request of the Belfast man. He had asked them to communicate with oth er surrounding towns, hut this waa found to be unnecessary. U was learn ed from Wilson that a Ifyudebaker touring car had been abandoned there, and that the chickens were safe The driver of the car. described sa being a- small while mail, escaped, however, when an officer started toward the car The automobile was said to have stalled Effort* were being made yesterday to trace the ownership of the car through the state license bureau, but no report hud been received here laat evening. Mr Bart let,t went to Wilson vrsterday qiornlng to claim his prop erty. . * Neuse Defies Efforts Os Searchers for Boy’s Body With 36 hours having passed si he* j Hugh Casey, year old son of Ed It Casey of the Arrington bridge sec j th n. met death by drowning In the Netise river 3 mllea south of tb<* - bridge, the murky water* of that Klrentu still held fast to the secret of the whereabouts of tile body of the youth st 12 o'clock lust night j Young Casey was drowned Monday - afternoon about 1 o'clock whtlp he' waa- -bathing In the river with hi* - younger brother. He* An hour later • an organised search fbr Hie body was' undel'wuy. hut ala lale hour lasi; night I! had not been recovered. - late yesterday afternoon of the family of the drowne-1 boy. • mol others who are assisting In the' - search, constructed a wire fence, m.ros» tbv rlivr about a tulle belowi vs * ed the rum-runners fire. Is still fev erish and Inflamed, and that It wnuld not be wine lo Insist upon hi* removal to Raleigh at present It was thought he would he able JO be removed by Friday. While Ihe Duplin officers were In city conferring about the case yester day. It was learned that a book waa found In Rparrow’s automobile, In which he Is believed tfo have listed Ihe names of bis ruslomera In the various Cities of the stale, Hparrow has made appeals to Geher man Powell, Duplin depnty who I* guarding him at night, that the hook be brought to him. but hit -■ appeals have been refused The book has been placed In the hands of Rhsrlff Williamson of Duplin Tor saf- See pm a The presence of the name* nf sev eral Houlhport people in the hook waa one clue which had caused Houlhport (Continued on page 2l" | I- —I Call off Meeting on Account of Typhoid On account- of a number of case* of typhoid fever In the section, Ihe Fork township Hunday School con venlton. scheduled to have been held at Antioch Church tomorrow baa been Indefinitely postponed. The health department advised ths action. V. N Ra*s, president of th* Association notified The New* yea erday FIFTH MURDER} NEAR WALLACE Jewse Graham, Negro, Fatally Wounded by IIIh Rival Killer Kara pen „ 1 l.t fifth murder, tn about as many weeks occurred Htfnday tn Wallace i when Jesse Graham, Negro, waa shot and killed by another Negro, accord ing to Senator Reverd D. Johnson of Warsaw who was a visitor In Golds boro yesterday. "I have forgotten Ihe name nf Ihe Negro who did tbs shooting,” said Henator. Johnson "It seems there was an old grudge between the two about a woman The one who did the shooting shot Graham' first when he met him on a street snd then rha*ed him Into the house of a white resi dent ant) shot him sgaln Then he got away." Spring Pig Crop Os Nation Very Short WASHINGTON, June 28 IAPI The spring pig crop Is the smallest since 19*6. Figures made public to day by the department of agriculture affo dlsrlos* that the crop of 1929 was X percent less than 192*. A decrease of X percent would lie equivalent to 4,3(Mi.outi pigs. It was said ] the point where young t'»*ey was lie lleved to have gone down. It was i hoped that this would nerve as a harrleer to keep the tiody from be ing carried further downslreaeni. na tes* this hud already been done. Dynamiting of jhc liver with, high . potvt-r explosives wa* resorted to all j during the - day yesterday, It being | hoped Hint the jiowerful force of. the ! explosions would po«Nihlc d)-Mliidgr the body In rase It had become en tangled agulnst a log or root, allow ' lug It to come to the.:surLyjc. This method had failed, however, at tin* I time-this was Written. Members of the 'searching purt'y numbering around 30 men. were lm* ' yesterday afternoon planning to make another all ulglit search. Many ol i iCouUuuptJ on page Today** CircaUHon 2,951 a - —* price mn cum IN CITT 'w ■ n v "U o HALF HOUDAY V TO BE GIVEN BY EMPLOYERS •• • -***•' T‘*T T *• o Hope to Hiiim •‘Prg—rttaw Finances” At OsMbaf* Ptr- ; ate Gum Hare , •msmmm——r"' ' o PRESIDENT GRIFFIN GIVES AN INTRRVIRW _ v Will Ctre«*t« Afresusat Tto Close Aumyr Basin— i ' Men Today - \ Friday I s*'baseball day" la Golde lH.ro, and tie city to «peeled to tefee bait holdiay awl spend the aftmoM at .arlffln Pari enjoying a IHH is* tween the Manufacturer* e*d KM atoa Kaglee. "Baa*ball dey" w»* decided as bjr tha director! of tie local dab la an effort to recalls wavering tlnanoee. deecrlbod aa la a "precartosa eosdF tlon" by A- T. Griffin, Jr., secretary of tha dab. tie directors also voted lo aak all atorea, manufeciurtn* plants and offices td close lor tie afternoon, affording everyone aa op portunity to take la tie seats Everyone I bat, talked * «> tar. said A. T. Orlffln. pnddapt of tie club yesterday" baa bees aioat cordial In promising cooperation. Not s mag I bare disc nosed tie proposition wtlh but baa promised to do ita pert Is eo far ae to possible. I knew, how ever, that there are some plaoee la the cttftdwiere N to Impossible tag tbs business to he closed tar S half day; bat these ptoeae oaa let aa many of jbotr employees ag pas sible. retaining the minim—* need .Hi ... operate lid bnstoeaffaprtal Mr Griffin and g gommtttoe (tr ibe Baseball club will tile morning paaa a paper am eng tie bnataaas and them to signify their latest knee it closing Friday afternoon e ' » "One thing wo need-badly.” went no Mr Griffin la aa latorvtew with The News” and that la the eagport of the ladles. Tea knew we have bad as low aa t wenty-flve or fifty lading ” at our tbgalgr ho— games Whan ladles day comae, though, tiara la „ always a great crowd. The baa shall club would appreciate K very mash If more of them weald isl—d lb# games regularly.** b The following statement was leaned by A. T. Griffin. Jr., secretory sf the company which' to operating the team: "This season has been vary hard -» on (he local ball team and tha, clab Is now In a rary precarloug condition financially. This was brought about by lha unfarorabla weather and the fad that tbs schedule was not well 'balanced. The attendance baa been I too poor to pay for the efamases of the team and the backer* ant* bad to borrow money In ofder to keep lb* learn going We ere trying to stag* a comeback In onr finances end to order to do so wd are asking tn* merchants of (he city to cooperate with us by closing their places of rhuHipeas oo Friday of this week. We are asking the papers of tha city to come to our uld In this effort as wa feel that they are anilous to keep the league hell hi Goldsboro. * 0 H, • . Richmond Man Kills v Self In Mew York NEW YORK. June It—(AP>—John A. Traynor, 27, of tha Franklin Ter race apartment, Richmond, Ve., was found fatally wounded today la Ms suit., at (he Hotel MrAlptn under cir cumstances which led police to be lieve he had shot himself. Ills mother, Mrs. E. f). Traynor told .police she was dressing for dinner lb an adjoining suit* and ruahed Into the room to find her eon wounded In hia loft breast and clutching a pistol. IJndy and Wife On Air Journey Trip ■" ■ \ < 'ol.l'MHl 'H. 0.. Jnna iAJ*>— Col Charles A. Lindbergh and bln bride landed here at T:M tonight. I hours after they left New York otree I the const to const air route chartered 1 0) lUe Colonel.

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