WKATHRR VMrtr «*Mdr rmst had MmNay. ggaqMlr mMwif '*mn- SUghlly wnrmdr la Merier Friday. VOLUME EIGHT. NUMBTR 153 52 FIRMS TO CO-OPERATE IN ‘BASEBALL DAT TODAY Mayor Hill Calls On City in Proclamation To Assist in Ellorts 52 Htpw AfTN to Ckw or To Loi Moot o t Employee** Off For Games DOUBLE HEADER, FIRST GAME CALLED AT 2:30 1 Rejuvenated Kinston Club Will Provide Competition For Bugs Flfty-teo Goldsboro builnra llrn will close (hi* afternoons, or «l!l al ii ’ow'those of Uiolr employees who de alra ,to do ao. to attend the double header between the Ooldabiri Menu • factarera and th* Kinston Eaglrs at Griffin Park. These representative merchants and firms had yesterday placed their signature* on a petition requesting the closing of Ipcal stores In recogaltlan of "Baseball Pay." which was set for today In order to glvs the pabllc an opportunity to aid the home town club financially. tils following proclamation was signed by Mayor J. H Hill yesterday: "la conformity to a petition signed by many of the buelnees houses of t oer city, I, J. H. Hill. Mayor, suggest that all business be suspended, or as much as possible on Friday after noon. June 18, 1928, and thereby ren der cooperation with the Goldsboro Baseball Club, which on uepount of adverse weather conditions finds It self without sufficient funds to meat expea sea, sad than help continue this public entertainment J. H- HILU Mayor. Goldsboro, N. C-, June 17. ‘ 182* 1 Til# MaauHotursrs srtft play a dou- Msmader with Kinston beginning this afternooo promptly at I:*0 o'clock. Tfce Toaguemen are in third place as a result of dropping two games to the Wilmington Pirates Jimmy and his boys are scrappers, however, and aome „ snappy baseball U In prospect for to day. The namee of the 82 Goldsboro firms to the following petition were se cured through the co-operation of The New* with Thomas Griffin, secretary of the Goldsboro club. a The petition rands as follows: "We. the uaderatgned merchants and bust nsas man of tho f re atrictlona on admission to the bar along the lines of requirement of nmr-’ thorough preparatory education and the standing of an examination before a state board of examiners and t before the supreme court, a* at pres ent. There arp two widely divergent school* of thought on the matter of ■tried bar membership, he said: “one class of cltlsens taking tb* very IHierat vtew that tha Itwy »rs consti tute the musi numerous and active class In politics snd legislation, and therefore the door for admission should be wide open to anyone who Gas Hero Death^ A FV j \ 7 f . ? Mi ; 'r« commencing the study of law In -i full, time Institution having ,a ou - extending ovtj three years, and up ui rnni|.l*tion tb: applicant st)all >u< le gible Ljp" admission is* UU' !*■* r *' ttrlnallen of the stale. This L abso , _ . (Coatinued oa page 6) £ • GOLDSBORO. N. C FRIDAY MORNING, Hatch. H. V. Modlln, Tbos. H Nnr euwud. W- Ik Taylor, 4). M. -Miller. Ci M. Avery. H H. Jenkins, L M Ross, O. P. Matthews, C. B. Garrett, W. D. Creech, W. A. Itoynll. Tom O'Berry, E. H. Bain, H A. Pika. Bawling*. Gurney Hood, Nell Joseph, J R. Ed wards. STILL WEARING EM HEREABOUTS Htorkinglewt Fad Not TkkinK So Rapidly Among Goldn boro h lappcra ’ , The "stiK-klngless” fad. which ori ginated In Paris and which Is now raging like an epidemic In many odtles of this country, ha* not yet reached Godsboro The News has learned. One yonng lady was seen on the streets here about two weeks ago and she was without l|je savlrg grace of silk hose mi her lower far ns can he learned, howevbr.' fhbl Is the only case .that has hern vidlod Only one nddVntage fuvprlng the style- set hy the French ladles several ■months ago has yet been pointed out The fashion for ladles of walking the streets, and attending social affairs barelegdUrl will save the price of many a pair of silk hose. It I* said. In many of the larger cities the "siH-Kltiflesa" eraxe ban been a sud for some time, and even In some of smalltT lown* wlihin a few hours Journey of this city, a girl without stockings is not an unusual sight Few married women have anywhere adopted the style, however. It Is be lieved lhat Ihe fegKOn for I bln Is that most husbands- had rather pay for those silk stocking* than to have thetr wives "do Without." DEATH CLAIMS ROBERT TERRY ** ■ u Had Bren Prominent in' Kiuttern Carolina Business Circles For Years MGREItISAI? t >TY. June 27 fAPI New* wp* reedv-d hire this fler noon of th dea’h tod-.tv In Ht Ellxs ■hetir* hospital*. Rt< hmond. Vs of Robert Terrfv V\ ad*-. 40 of I hi-- city. He had gone to Richmond for. an np eralton following a prolonged Illness Mr. Wade was the son of the late D B. Wade, Sr. and Msrnh Royal Waite. For many years lie was promi nent In the business life of Eastern Carolina and ‘until six vears ago was owner and editor of the Morchead City Coaster. VARIETY CASES IN CITY COURT •6 '»« tax 3d wlili th) coatJ. J. oP. I diiiiitnlsy:i, co'or t. wna flv.-ii the option of eth >.r serving :to dfye on the r ad or piyiig h.ink Hctnne feoa for <>p< did jestlrt- to' tin- pleasure whiih lliev felt In having them as tta gnest- j Mayor J 11, 1111 l told the new officers that Gold-boro and all us Its departments Would do everything, poeaible to cooperate with I turn In] Prefer Charges Against Players After Melee At Pirate’s Park Y esterday HODCINS YOUTH SERIOUSLY ILL Parvalii Say Pneumonia Follow ed Arnault on Hoy by Kustanr* Maxell . t Lagal action agalnat Eustace Bit- Bell. New York business man. In con nectlon with an alleged aeeault on sis year old Thomas Ifhdgtas. son of Mr and Mrs. G. E Hodgln. of East Ash street, on June 18, was pending hero yesterday, and some definite step In (the matter will be taken within the next few days, the parents etated yes terday. A warrant charging Mr. Ittx xall with disorderly conduct, was aworn out at police headquarter* here by Mr. Hodgtns several days ago. but it has been d*cldt€ to have a new warrant leaned end served through Ihe sheriff's department. The News was told. According to Information furnished The News by Mrs Hoggins, mother of the boy, young Hodgtns la serious ly 111 with pneumonia, and has been' confined to bed slncf the day of the alleged attack. "My *on came home on June 10, crying and hardly able t«\ 4 speak. When I asked him what was tha matter, ha couldn’t answer, but mm her hoy who was with him and said ‘mean man kick Tommy'," Mra. Hudgins told The NeW*. "I left the house aa noon as I got my son quieted, and weat over to John •tram. Hare I met ap with Mr. Bis sau." Mm. Hodgtns declared Tha boys, between them, had managed to tell (he lady who It was that had struck Thomus. she said. "Aa soon as I saw him, I stopped him and naked him whnt he mmtot hy striking my hoy." Mrs. Hodgln* stated “He re plied that he waa merely correct lag Thomas, but when I naked him If he didn't kick him ,h* said that he did lightly." she said. According to thi account of the oc currence aa related tn The News by Mrs. Hodgln*. Thomas and * play mate ware standing In from of a va cant store building on North lohn street, and with toy guns, were aim ing at some elephant plrlure* on rir cua posters In the store window. "They were Jttat playing when Mr HUsril came along mil without aaylng a word’ grabbed my boy by the shook hlpi several limes Then he gave him a above and kicked him In the back." Mra. Hodgln* told The New*. "I think Mr Blssell owns that property, hnt Thomas wisn't hurting anything at all," she declared According to Mr*. Hodgln*. Ihe llt (Ift boy has been running a temp rs turc of fuom 102 degrees - to I or, itc grim* -alorV <*•' day the alleabd •»* sault Tra« said to have occurred. “I know that he Is n mighty sick bov, because the doctors have told me so." the mother of the child declared. tbelr w6rk, and spoke of the service which the patrol should render to the slate. .- Dr. C, F. Ktroeiilder, president of the Chamber of Commerce, declared that the patrol was undertaking an educa iloual work, and that It was bound to grow In numhera and Importance and Iri service to the Ktate "We are Just beginning this Important work." declared Dr. Stroantder," and a ft 1 * years will find the I'Slrol one of the biggest organisations In the state ile dlcnted to keeping our highways sut< for traffic. t'aptnln Charles I). Farmer of Raleigh, in charge of the Patrol sup ervision, expressed the thanks of his organisation for the courtesy of th«j County and the City In extending the | barbecue, and pledged Its service In any way possible. lew I- la Kinston But to get hack to Dewey l-ewi* t and the way he was entoylng that barbecue "They- gave ns the hlgc< *t* j and most varied mehJ I have ever! ■ euten when thev entertained ns itt| the Oceanic Hotel. Wilmington lasi night," .said Mi loiwls “Hut thin It J m\ „ (Continued on page 5j Today’s Circulation 2,992 PRICE FIYf CENTS Goldsboro j’lavm Nay Waaler’* Heckling drought an AH Trouble TK AG I IK'S PKAt K-MAKJNG EFFORTS COME TO GRIEF Disorderly Conduct Ckarfraa Againut Weafer, Schofield Teague and Bickluun a t Fnllowing ihp mete* at tha Wllm- r Ingtotk ball pgrk la Ike seeqad Inning of (be Goldsboro- Wilmington gam* yesterday, Hal Woofer, manager of ’ the Id rates, and HchcottaM hla abort slop. Jim Teagne, Bug maaagar, and IHekham his rirxt basomao, vara he'd undec bond of fM each on a charge of disorderly conduct. They will he nail ed In New llsnover recorder's oourt when next Goldsboro Journeys Is Wilmington for a hall gam*. Goldsboro players ' charged lari night that the troubleJtU staried when .Wens >t cam* to hat at the add of the second and popped oaf. lariaej of ’ r:nfif; to hts dngout .Goldsboro pliy ats «,-»orted. Wester atappad Ml IS* en the face, sad Schofield aa Injured hand. Umpire* banished Weafer, Schofield. Teague and Biekham from tha grounds, and New Hanover county otrtcersi rnurged them with dlaordarly conduct It waa flrat the Intention of the New Henovnr officers to Insist that Ihe Goldsboro players remain over untH this mornlag for trial today, hnt upon petition of Teague, trial was postponed until the aest visit of tha club to Wilmington. SPECIAL TERM y —W-GASTON CO. Strikern to Fare Trial on July 29 for Aderhoit 8 laying RALEIGH, June 17.—(API—Gover nor O. Max' Gardner called a special Iwo wiVk* criminal term of Gaston Hupcrlitf riuirt for M"ndsy Jaly 18 wllh Judge |{ Hoyle Kink of Lexlpg ton presiding. " The term Is for the trial of the case growing out of the fatal shooting of Chief of Police G y. Aderholt and tha wounding of two other Gastonia po licemen tn a gun battle at the atriketrs lent colony of the National Textile "Union at on June 11. Judge W. F. llnrdlng, sitting In a lot liens corpus hearing at Charlotte on June 25 held ti persons, Including Fred Erwin Beale, t hies organiser for the union anil three women organis ers without privilege of ball and rixe4 bn'l for eight others at 87MF each Fori y-ntite persons previously arrest ed bad ber>n released after a hear ing hv Solleltnr John O. Carpentaf. It Is expected that the defence will attempt to have the trial moved to another county. MNDBf Mt>H IX NT. IdHld VT Loll?. June *7—