. WEATHER ***% »W1 petty, tenant on the King farm. teatl-jk fled Mra. King had a fear of ‘becom : * iCopUuaaf o* p*g* . I* THE GOLDSBORO NEWS v l 4 * Wgr ’ ' \ n, READ IN THE MORNING WHILE MINDS ARE FRESH-READ BY BUYERS BEFORE THEY BUY. - • S . ’ _ V . ' V * ’ , • ~ . - *■ FOURTEEN PAGEB TODAY Graf to Make Trip Around World Soon LOH ANGKKKH Jnly 6. IAP> U. tart l-ange, woatern repreatn taUye of the I,uft*litrrt4lu geppe’ln corporation of ed the recelp' of a csjnv from Dr. Hugo Kckener, commau ■ der of the *raf xeppeUa, Informing him tte ship would leers Germany oj/lbjy *8 on k round the world 'cruise. / All errahgemcnl* for the night of the fanuMi* trana-oceanic flying vesael hay* been completed, U> Ijngo aald he was Informed. The proposed cruise la expected to re quire tg days. MRS. W.T. PELT DIES IN RALEIGH Remain* Will Re Brought To Btooey Creek Township For Funeral Today^ Mrs. W. T. Pelt, *7. a native of W*yne county and widely connected here, died suddenly at her home tn Raleigh at > o'clock yesterday morn ing Death waa due to heart failure The remains will be brought to Goldsboro and funeral held from the residence of R. 8. Hare In B*.may Creak townahip this afternoon at 4 o’- clock with Rev. Tennyson bewn of dbs 'i irwiiti i awn Mwmnnii - ■ Mrs. Pelt la snrrlved by her hu»- be r d nine children, her mother, three brothers and two slaters. ’’’he mother la Mrs ** P. Harriett of hit aioa. The breher#:, .. O. Bartlett of Sanlaton, W. D Hart led. of Hreenehoro, and Fred Bartlett of 120* Fast Walnut street The *ti**rs are My*. R- 8. Hare of Stoney Creek township, and Mra. C. A- Jackson ot Sampson county. Clerk-Carrier Exam For City Announced An open competitive examination under the rulpjt oi the United States Clrll Service Commission la annqjanc ed for the position of clerk-carrier In the poatofflce at Goldsboro. Receipt of applications will close August 2nd Applications for riltl* examination must he made on the proscribed form, which, with necessary Instructions, may be obtained from the commis sion’s local represent Ed F. Ba**er. local secretary, board of Civil Service Examiners, at the postoffice. Golds boro, or from Hecretarv, Fourth U. 8. Civil Service District. Washington, D. r 'V All persona wishing to take Ihl* examination should secure blanks and , tils their applications with the secre tary. Fourth IT- 8. Civil Service Dis trict, Washington, D. C.. prior to the hour of cloetnJ*bustneaa ob August 2 The date for assembling *or*c»mpetl tora will be aisled In’ tha admission card* mailed appllcanlaftiftei- the dose of receipt of applications. DRYOFFICER IS ARRESTED | Charged With. Being implicated l In Murder Durijig Raid I I ■, On Farm 1 1 TKCUMBEH, Okla . July 'AP> i W. W. Thomasop. Federal prohlbl tlon rnfprfument offli er. who led » , i|g«or raid on tha Jam-a Hii-h faint neai I fre Thursday that r united n"|o w-rn to "ft" place »l the time Ih' tnonev wis t*k«in.'lt wa» sai l. at>d Ih- n ih> - .V ' 'd these people w*r« n *t k ’omt. . 'curding to ih • pollen. Mpt. Ct'iart, who work* In the of ft * Hi tiie f mpnclty of ho'kim-p r. htiu fdb* out of the off I* to welwW some chickens for a man. 8b • :•> • the‘money, In bills of va-l iu t de n iminsllon, laying on a Kiunt-ir. >Mien ah* returned * saw minutes later. th< money hail dl*a>'pevre 1 G"leer* were Immediately ti.Ul f|e<| of the theft, and an Investigi llou was begun at one*. The fa-t that the n«m« of all the puit'l' ||(. th" plant at the lime the theft er * c*rred. could not be aseer’nind'l will make ll u hard lo rale the Ihlef, ll Is bellevut. “- WILL ATTEND WELFARE MEET Buprrintcn4«n(H of Wrlfaro Tn Gather at Chapel Kill Thin Week - •. R. H Kdwards, superintendent of public welfare In Wayne countv. will this waok attend th# North CaetsHns Association of Raperlatendent* of Public Welfare which will' hold Its annual masting at Chapel Hill on th* bvenlng of July 11,'In connoctlon with the ISth annual public welfare In elllute to he held- there July 8-12 At Ihl* *««*lnn. l ln addition lo dlscu*- itona, offlicr* will be elartad and committee naiMrsh A. W. Cline. Win *tnn-8«lem. I* prealdenl of the Asso ciation; W. I*. McGlouahon, Wilming ton. 14 vice-president, and Ml** l.udl* Klfort Weal.KM. I* *eerel*ry. The meeting will follow th# /bupleaquc dinner tu b# held at 7 o'clock. .Admlnjitt ration of the Btste Mo It era' Aid fund will be 4!«cu«*od at the welfare Institute by Mlse f.tlv K Mitchell, of the Ktnle hoard of cborl Mae and iinhltr wellara. Ml*# Mil chell will *p**«k on Monday afternartii at tha »e**ton, lellliVg how the ItfHt.non In mothers' a'd Is n-e-l a* a pen-dim for worthy widow i with 'small children. Dtp'Harry W franc, member of the University fnrulty and director ot mental hygiene of the Rtate board wilt speak Monday night on “W hv We Are Wb*t We Are", and on’ Wedrtc* day afternoon on ''The I'ractlarl As* peels of the Scientific Hln-ly of th fhlld Before the Courts."^ Tnesdav and Wedtesday of the In stitute will he devolrd to a atudy of mental hygiene, with Dr.'Georg* M Pre«ton. of lommlsslone of mental hygiene for Maryland, glv lug a lerles of addresheaf followed h> round table The eatitral theme for Thursday and FrMny will be the Juvenile court. Francis II Hiller, New York flty. field repr* sentatlve of. the National Probation .\asoi Isllnn. will discuss prohatl m and tha ntiliaatlon ol rommunlt'v re sources In order.to prevent delln e* Uiteney. Around 2M welfare workers, In cluding all ol th* county xiiperlnton- ( dents of public welfare, are expected to attend. To Maryland and Bark In Day’s Time, Record - To Rockville, Maryland, and back In one day. about 7(N> mil**, I* the record which Deputy Hherlff Kruest Hale* set when h - went for a |rt«- nner In the Maryland towp on Friday. He left Goldsboro *t 6-o'rioek In the morning end at 11:50 p. m. the same dav he Wa* back In Goldsboro with his prisoner John fbadwlelc, Negro fhadwlrk.ls charged with abandon tn«nt and noil-support and on default ot bond I* indppd In the Wayne couu ty Jail. ' __ Watch Husbandg Set Record * f << hi Hr M ‘i ! I I , * mm -1 U ,mm JmMm / H wlfli ni ULM I' *■MHIHHHHHHHHHIume.'. .mJ Mr*. Hynm Newcomb. I*ftr>an4-Mr* lloy L,. Mli({i«y, whoee huehaada piloted ifie endurance High) of tha “Tlty t jf flereland." apeni moat of their time al Ih* fylng Held a* the battle against end we«th*r ,w*» won. Th* la aert show* a c -niuct Imlweqn the aurae plan# and th* endurance flysra. !!.«> ■■•■ygHn'l lo »'■■■ "f J/iJttff b utyuMse *|>4 Rt eecond L . League Adopte Split Seaeon; Second Half Start s Monday Tomorrow. Monday. July • wilt ae# the beginning of the laid half, ot the I'.axlern Carolina Amaur's frlat split scesi-n tl wa* announced hare yes terday, follow lug a decision reached lo this effect by President W. G. Ilrahihaiw and other league- official* Tin- decision tn divide the HUM Kaa tvrn Carolina league season Into two h*lv«J# came yesterday after Praaldent A T Griffin, of the haee- Isall 1 1 v•*. and Mann***— Moore, of he Hot ky a ' Mount duh bed finally agreed lo the split season Offtejkls i*f Ihc M»> 000 Mora Lba. efWnad «ir pippiE ' .{i PRINCIPLE DECLINE RECORDED IN COTTON The New* Tataria tea Fneta ft* ■ A M »e « r * \ .tnorar mm mm 'aSMprlMi Principal Wayne county arapg tar . «*• mx Mta brongbt ptoataa • • gross return of tT.OYajM. anwllag to a (abalalla* •ntahUtil yataarday by The N»va frma uWim oarrtad In tba r»na Forecaster. Xtttata i leal lon X tba i*ta aad labHl wt reporting aarrtaa. TWa to aMtata malaly fiaa.Maioat thaa «to MaUa •4 from principal *■* Mr tbaaew •6a X 1117, vbaa tba total taMU to «7J7UIt. 1 V Tba greateot iaeraaaa la teaaaaa for Wayaa tanas tba pata yaar fee tot cotton ta uti ta.tr Aw'tom plantta »»< oaly HJtot btaaafea- Whlcb brongbt a total it lU^Vf. been prodaoad wttb a «roaa«alM'X tuiß.au . U.NMM. la tata, Wam'toXirf with tba prtaa it aaatl Mi Nit. > x tba aiarb aat by aatatat m ttaaaaa lo 4TJU farMoba* tba CtatMta -to total X |*ta.tT«. m k ' A total X MbUta waatb X MM fa tal naa vaa aaM tMta aa MMP X 1M tba Kalaleb baMtatoi M*wa bi Itl OOIttOIAB. lowly iwwt potato eaaatty IMMK waa realised ta Wgvtoa aaaMf taXM HU B. tba beltatlb tatal I Tweoty-sta tbowaaMl aX Meaty -three name X aata brongbt Wayaa county fanaasaMM*. ‘ c„«i‘y P wbaa tab Mras-waro ifcataC bringing eiaotty M.tat tata'Ms taai* X tba growara, tba toMtotalJlta'WJ^ tram l» Wayne aaatar MW* Forecaster llata. j . * .. Peanuts raa tba btta lb MRMIh vitb oaly M ta Wayaa aatopur toil ta acreage l?ra*gb« tba gT9WW IMta. Wayaa eaaaty, auuurtaag »a Mb a hu iiaiia baa a tyM! aaraa an es *Mr ««• of thl. mhwm aaty ttttai wata demtod to tba abawp antilMt ftM ducts. “PATHFINDER" MAY HOP TODAY .Rough Caudittoat es Beadt Prr ranted Imn TlkeOff YiMwidnj *. (ti n ORCHARD. M*.. Jatr t— old Orchard beach waa toataM fairly imootb by a blab tMa late talar which gara bop# ta tba oraw of tba monoplaaa Pathfinder that a taka-Xf for Rohm could ba aX« aarty to morrow. I«ewta A. Yancey, navigator X tba plana. aaM ocaan waatbar repwrta etUl held farorablo and that tba arafaXwl riiahi wonld ba iitaaglii aa Intar than «:M Iwanrrsw woratag if tba »mnothneoa X tba baaeb warn bat again ruttad aeatn by tonight's tMa- Yancay declared tba plaaa woaM be prepared daring tba nlgbt far tba flight, but that daftalU daatXaa on a •tart would not ba wain aatll « a. at. A taka-Xf aarty today waa abaa donad afteiXß waa fonwd that tba . pounding, braakaro of utal nlg*t bad not Ironad not tba iJt Mia ragway neadad for a start. • Bafora today** high t Ida hnd swept It afaaatb tba M- « tire t r. v ml la baaah pranaatad a corn ruaetad effect wtlh no itrotob as Md , send more thaa tat