W K A T H K ft dgy esMfl UW^edwehcmen VOLUME EIGHT; NUMBER 111 NO WORD FROM ROME-BOUND PLANE SINCE TAKE OFF Uneasiness Felt J However, as Fog Was-p Thick Along Ist Lap William* and Yancey Header “Pathfinder” For Home it ' . 9:45 A. M. Monday HOPE TO FLY 4,700 MILE® N 45 HOURS Rome Already Making Prepare tioon for Welcome to Brave Americana OLD ORCHARD, Me.. My 8,-<API —Two American aviators, twice pre ranted from starting acroaa the At l*nlic by the wrecktns Os their plant aa they attempted a tak - olf, n.-lght • were belleyed to be ore' the ocean driving the monnplan) "Pathfinder*' toward* Rome. Racer Q. William*, pßo‘, and LewH , A Yancey, aarlcator, Je on I the take-off area though hny in« ,« coeered the beach and gave wlnlhiflty of leas than a quarter of a mile. The only report of ‘tie plan*, which took off at 4:41, waa from U L M. *Melka of tha coa*tegu*”d who accom- Pathfinder In an amphi bian Ha loat sight of tha Home h,.und 'plana an hour later. T 5 mile* Off Port £?■ land Lightship. She waa then going Lack of report* of the progress of 11l the diver and green plane did not 5* 'fUcover friend* nor Mrs. Gertrude .Yancey, wife of the navigator. The fog which cauded Williams to have \ 'a line of lime poured down the beach If to make a take-off waa generally all the ooaat. W * The filar* expected to make the 4,- gjflM mlla flight In from 45 to 56 hour*. pUna took off after a run of ■ vpboet one mite and beaded dee *oft,h gaining alttturf* of about lflf) feet a* ** If left the peach. Thy ship then made ’burtde awing and headed east on Course until loat to algbt In the base The filers pUnned to strike almoat * dee eaat to the tip of rape fable, N 1.. there they will bead east, south east, to tha “Corner” the Junction or ptenmablp lanee about 1,000 miles front Old Orchard. Their cruise wilt then follow the 4lat latitude, passing 100 mile* north of the Asorea’ and reaching the main land at tape Ortega I along the nor thern tip of Spain They then plan to crone Bayonpe, Trance, and head acroee the Mediterranean, passing over the leUnd pf Corsica. Three planes accompanied the t 4»ocp#-bound plane. A coast guard IMiiblbtnn Waa on the left, a small MhMakrtdal plane on the right and a ‘ Urge commercial amphibian close In Urn raar. she pathfinder seemed to be Just ■hie |c hold the 100 font altitude as It paeeeft out of eight. TThat waa the ’ celling Os the 'machine us computed by WftlUme Wore the takeoff. ' •/ H wee the third time In si* weeks J thpt William* and -Yancey had essay- 1 « ed* vtakeoff ■> The other two atlenlpts, both of i- which were unsuccessful, were made hi the Orem Plash, a slater ship of • Pathfinder r - —~ ■F IRfhfll. Inly g.—(APl—Commander k Piiliick ILrl* Bellluger, ssslstsnt U - S. Nnvnt wtCChe here and who p*r- UMpnted In the •ucee*aful Trana-At- E Mhtic flight of the 8. C.-4 ten years ,f 'ego, has made, arrangements for the \ reception In Rome of the monoplane , •-‘•Pathfinder*\ Jrhtch took off from |* Old Orchard, Me., this morning. A* soon Aa II becomes fairly deft- V* alte that the Pathfinder had a good , chance of attaining Its anal A mbs-.a . ‘ldr fietchcr. who Is now enjoying his • • tarn diplomatic vacation In Italy will Mini) down from Monte Catlnl. where ~ho u taklnb the cure. Thl* will be La the third time that the Ambassador YJ»a ‘‘interrupted vacations because of Kwleadfog flying guest* H« >ft W Monte Catlnl when It waa though' Him HgOhambertln and Lqvipe were head >d ter Rome taeteed of Berlin In Hep U r be mate beck from Lake Jjt rate# la t%# hop# of mew ns the ■ r.-» llbXted “Old Olory”- ghg the Tatfiflader crew will 'nm t-.» ■MudfU of spur Urge field- »' ' Jpf jflMrtv* in Jto»4ie apt nfii, a. te Mtteletf pa to which bn< £ M " hmuma fer e 4* r jrq OCIU lU.'i' HLm Vf|d* laVfekr mi’ •* r of MNk(Hf qigi 11 u PJsfi# l * phti Jii* > THE GOLDSBORO NEWS READ IN THE MORNING WHILE MINDS ARE FRESR—READ BY BUYERS BEFORE THEY BUY. POLIO*] €OURT HAS BUSY DAY Number (’harytt Urafure flcar \ injpt Given Twenty-One Defendenls .v The hot weather of the past several days has not seem’ngly had any ef fect on crime conditions In Goldsboro and this section. One of the largest dockets presented 'or Mayor Hill's approval or disapproval waa disposed of In police court _ here yeeterday morning. Twenty-one defendants fac ed "Hlh Honor" to answer to various charges. Disorderly conduct , was 'the moat frequently occurring count. Ten defendants were hound over to county court, and three were given SO day road sentences Walter Smith, white, charged -with assault on Bniimett Ingram, white, with a deadly waa bound over to, county court. According to la gram testimony, Smith attacked him with a pocket knife. The prosecuting witnesses' face an% throat bora se vere gashes. Km met t Ingram paid the costa for being disorderly. I-on Kd wards, colored, was bound over to county court bn a charge of running' a disorderly bouse. Life Odom. Leroy Grimes. Kva Carr, Alice Wynn and Lucille Moore wpre bound over to county court on charges of prostitution and vagrancy. Will Prltt, white, waa bound over to county court on charges of having whiskey In hi* possess loti for the purpose of sale. , ■ Lom Jackson, colored, was bound over to codnty court on two charges of aaaautt. William Hamilton, colored, waa hound over to county court on a charge of larceny. A case against Jessie Ro(f, colored, charged with larceny, was dismissed. Carmine Hill, William Glenn, and Jim Payton, were each taxed with the costa for being disorderly. Ed Scott, colored, paid the costa for being drunk. Loul* Hagan, colored, wa* given a sentence of 30 day* Indian for hdlng disorderly. Oscar Chamber*,'colored, waa flood 45 and the costs for, being disorderly. David Dler, colored, paid the cost*, for being drunk. Del Peacock, colored, was sentenc ed .If> daya In Jail for vagrancy. V Annie Johnson, colored, waa given 30 daya In Jail for being disorderly. A MOTHER BANK I%jfck9\Mk kailKii to ore* ' ml i - • i. LEEDS, Ala , July 3—(API-The Leeds Hulle l Bonk failed to open Its doors today. Of'lclala announced that the affairs of tjhe Institution had been placed In the hands of the State Ranking Department following a heavy run on tta deposit* Saturday- The Leeds Bank was the fifth to clqse |ta the Birmingham district wflthln the past two weeks. ; * 1 0 B. d. IJndnn la president of the In stitution. which was capitalised at and had a surplus of similar amount. First Application Under New Ban Law Made Here The flrat application for marriage license by applicant* under legal mar rlageable age to he made here slnctj. the now marriage license law went Into effect on T*uly 1, 4ns made here yeaterday when the name* of John Williams nnd Florence Johnson, color ed were entered In the new applica tion book In the office of the register of deeds. Miss Desste Grantham. I n » der the new law. John and Florence must wait antll next Saturday to se cure their license though per haps ready to start on their marital Journey yesterday, j John Wlltlsnis I* eniy t!) years of 1 age, and hi- Intended bride Is only | 18, According to the application mad» I jcrlerda). the man * motber la Dcllg Street Car Strike Ties Ur New Orleans Ir £ dMnrWii k " v Tbi* aerial view of Canal street, New Orleans, generally acclaimed aa the nation’s widest street, shows the famous thoroughfare utterly devoid of street cars in the neutral grounds, and packed with autos of.all descriptions on both sides. The populace tis the city arc get- Hag to work as best thev tan without the usucl RATTLER BITES SAULSTON CHILD Elhlc Comlm. 5, Renting “Fairly f’omfortabl>”»E«rly Hi is MorninK “Fhlrly comfortable" was the Infor mation from a local hospital yt 12:4u tbl* morning Aioncefnlng Iba c«ndUi«Hi of Elate Comb*. 5-year-old danghter of Mr and Mr*. 1.. P. Combs, wljo was TdllilPao the hand by a diamond-hack rattle snake al her home In Kaulaton township Sunday afternoon. « The little glrl^ early today waa be lieved to be Improving. She had been regarded aa In a serious condition. " Rlale wa* fcachlng to pick a tomato In (he garden v of her home when she waa bitten by the sqake. which later waa killed by Iter father who trseted to the scene by her screams of pain. Mr. Combs carried the child to Ijiflradge for ' treatment and at 10:36 Sunday night brought her to Goldshoro to aecure the unit verily serum front the city and county ho«H|i department. Her arm . was described as badly swollen ashen she raachqjt-—the —etty. After she waa given the anli-venin serum she was allowed to go hack to her home, with instruct'ons to return to the dty Monday morning. When she waa brought hack at 11 o’clock yesterday she was slhll suffering gre-ti pain and was ordered to iheoho*pltul FKVNfK PI NHIH TRIDL , WITH DIHTAYT t(H OMES PARIS. July‘B. (AP) Frances campaign 111 develop commerce WitliDi her fruit. l-'gures f<*p. the first ’our month* of the year show that commerce with her far flung colonies has reach'd the hlgh-eat point In history, totalling slightly over 4200,006.000 This Is an average of iSfi.noo.tKW u month, Algeria has the large*!' commerce with the hrtmelarid. followed r- -p'v tirely hv Moroc<o, Ijido' himi, Tnnl.N and Madagascar. ■ Williams, while the woman applicant’s par tits are not living. H»r aunt. >. Itora Farmer, of Goldsboro, I* her t legal guardian If no objections to. • the prop< ►<*ct marriage of the young i people Ik made within the next five da* s. license mav he Issued 1 to them - next Saturday according to the now - existing law. Cn* negro couple secured marriage - Itcen«e yesterday without having to make |he|r appHcatkm 'five-days in ■ advance. They were beyond the ug-> 1 limit contalnAl In the new license lav . This license waa Issued as f-i|- f , * —--■ ’ William Daniel*. 22. of Qoldshoi'' * townrhlp. to Su lie Burden, .21, also t of Goldshoro township. * , , GOLDSBORO, N. C. TUESDAY MORNING. JULY », 1929 HOLD FUNERAL OK B. F. GRADY Deceased Was One of l ily’s Most Highly Esteemed Men o * Funeral service* for R. K Grady, 57 year old Uoldaboro citUun. who died at Ills home on Park Avenue Sunday morning at 5 o'clock following an Ill ness of about two weeks, were held Jrotfi the home yesterday afternoon nt S o'clock by Rev. A. J Smith, pastor of the. First Baptist church. Interment was made In Willow Dale cemetery. Mr Grady,-who had been a prom inent merchant Here for niuity yPar*. waa highly esteemed man. of n quiet and IndtiKtroua nature. lie was a eL® faithful ‘attendant of the First Bap tist, church hern, und was a member of the Junior Order. Although he had C» been ill for about two weeks. Mr Grady had seemed better Saturday night and was able to get out of bed Ills deulti came as u shock to friends and relatives. .!» The deceased Is survived by his widow, Mr*. Ella Hmtth Grady, one daughter. Mrs. Annie Gradv Woot en. of Goldsboro; u son, B. F Grttdy. Jr.', of Lynchburg. Va.j t»o brother*. Henry Grady, of Grantham township, and Ed Gundy, of Dudley; three sla ters. Miss Betty Grady and Mrs. AMce Outlaw nod Mr*. Isaac U-wls, of the Dudley community. Palll>earers ut the funeral yester day worn: 11. A. Pika, Frank B - Isi 'tt s' Mi. Hugh Maxwell, A. A. Kdgarton. John McClenny. Victor Pale, II B I'nrker ami Kohert Jeffries. YOUNG WHITE MAN IN JAIL IhilphuH I’ctmitutDin t;f IlnbhvrM ville Is Charttetl with At lemplvd AssauK* Dolphuk Ptnalngton, young while man who has lu-en resld-ng In the Itobbersvllle section aluce comlnp to Wayne from Sampson county, la In Wayne Jail lu default of 41.U00 and ponding further examination- on a charge of attempt'-I criminal :i~ t ilt lie Is alleged to have entered the room of -i cousin Htindnv evening. W lien nuestlonesl yesterday he said that he *»* subject to sleep walking and did not know anything of going Into the room. fils' mother, who ( due t for him with officer', declared that lit*'mind hJid been affected as a. child from the result* of a fall from a wag on ?lte had requested that he be romm’tled t" the JMx 11111 IlmrpltaL Raleigh, hut this reqaest wa* refused Bond of Il.t’tKi wa* tlxcl by. JuT/e H, 11 Bland The young wamatt whose room Pennington l* alleg*<l t.<» !iav< entered was unharmed. assistance of street cars since the general strike which has tied up the lines. Governor Long of Louisiana has refused to furnish militia to the city in spite of urgend appeals and the inability of the local police to handle the situation. . m AT POOL DURING WEEK \ K 9 Water Progran Be HeM at Mu nicipal Swimming Pnnl Friday In splta of the fact that the local municipal swimming pmrf was aot open last Thursday, July 4. *OO per o i O sons were In attendant)* at tha pool during the week. The News Is*rued yesterday. According to this figure, an average of 150 persons attended (he pool swimming periods each day of Igsl week * The exceedingly hot wot her which prevailed during part of the week was believed by play ground workers to have been r capon slide for, the large attendance The Henloy life saving teal, whir,!; will he given at the pool at any tlms on request, was passed Haturday by Jack fittssnn. Life saving li taught every Friday morning, and there'are a number of local petfple who arc tak ing advsntsgf of the lesson*. Ah op portunity to lesrn to xw m l* being given to'every person who visits (he pool, and many who ars able to swim a little, are Improving rapidly under the tutelage of those In charg*. % A "Water Program'’ will h« held at the pool Friday afternoon *t 4 o'clock! It was announced' by Kd. Howell, who with Mis* Rachel Moye. is In charge of the swimming pool activities. The program Will Include race*, diving ex hibition*, swimming exhibitions sod several water events. >ti Bllfl'MktNt. ( MAHPION Ih-MOIII Y'H TOI RYAHKNT f Hlf’AOO, July 8 (AP)—The *n nual Chicago women's golf cham pion-hip opened at Butterfield today without a defending title-holder. Mian Virginia Van Wle, one of thu lesdiqg Women gplf.ers pf Ihe nation, r.efu-ed to defend her crown becaua*, -k dextred rent. - The Illicit use or possession of whlasev featured In eight of the 17 c.i*ea docketed for trial before Judge D II lllund In (ounty fourt here yes-, terday. A numlwr of other charges were on the d'wket. however. Includ ing forgery, assault, larceny, fbspoa lug of mortgaged property andhban .donment and non-support. v William Humphrey, negro, who Sat urday night * patched several articles of silk underwear from a counter In. Montgi mery Ward's here and attempted to make 't hi* get-s-way, was sentenced to four months In Jail apd assigned to the roads for larceny. Humphrey had Just a few days ago completed serving h similar sentence Variety of Charges Appear On Docket in County Court Find Opium Cache In > Baggage of Wiie Oi . Chinese Vice-Consul Say* Church I eaeue Should Back "Dates” OMAHA. Neb. July S.-IAPI Mis* Ross Sox. rice president of the Luther league of Hickory, N C„ today told the biennial confer ence of the International organi sation that "Sunday night date*” should he promoted and not sup pressed by the league- Luther (.eague meetings, she said, should foster and direct nyitacts between young men and £yffhg women. WILL ADDRESS POULTRY MEET Profmacr>Gliui of LoaMgoa Uni versity. to Dbcnra \i INnßtry A meeting ok Wayne county farm er*. who at say season of the year hare snrplne milk and eggs for sale, will be held at the Wayne tlonaijs Me morial Community building next Fri day evening from 4 o'clock lo ♦ o’- clock, It wa* aaaouooed yesterday Ly T. T. Briwn, cortty poultry agent. Professor W, M Ginn, of the poultry department of Loelslana Stale Uni versity. will he tha speaker >t the meeting. Wsyp* farmers, like many farmer* of other counties all over the cona try, have sometimes found It a prob lem to soil their surplus lam and dairy products when tha amount Is too stpall to Justify th# trip to tow* Again, thore th a flooding of the mar kets for milk, eggs and Ilk* products This problem had boon solved In a county la IxmDiaaa. and la snob a way that Ihe solution has provod to he very satisfactory, according to Mr. Brown. Protestor Olnn will sxptaln th* solution worked out tu th# Laiul*- tsna county, and wUl.uleo give some Intereating facial about the progreaa h«ln* made la poultry raising (a that •tate. '•* an i *4 ... a ■ i.e < ..i - se—fh* , . ' OTTO H. WOOD GETS TRANSFER » As Far HttMMUiiUrian Ruanaiiu, l.urdncr Orient Him to PriaaM Caap KALKIGH. Jaly i.— (APl— Otto Wood. North Garollna convict who has been held In solitary confinement on death row for the past 26 months wilt he removed to a road construet'on <*hmp near Belm*''tomorrow under or ders Issued by Uqv. O. Max Gardner today. Wood, serving,,* 30-year sentence for murder of a Greensboro pawn broker, bps escaped from the prison three tlmee, and also has escaped In Virginia, TcnnjMM, and W#»t Vir ginia and The Wood moved to Ihe camp quarters without th# rec ommendation of George Rosa Pou. pillion superintendent Ho said he was guided by humanitarian reasons only. for a similar offense In Booth Caro lina Muck Peterson, charged with forg ery. was bound over to Hupertor court f < ‘laud« Vernon. Alderman Ingram. J ft Wllkerson and Kara Odom were each fined |so an 4 tpe coots and given !MI day aunpensed sentences for op erating an automobile while under the influence of whiskey. In separate rases. * Alderman Inrram and J. H Button were charged with receiving and transporting whiskey Button was found not guilty, and In the cane of la gram prayer for judgment wa* enn yiiued upon payment of the costs and (Continued on page t) ■ ? ■' 1 ■ ' Today’s Circulation • 3,027 CENTS « AgenU Setsp »l $1,006,000 Al 8m PrMdM* Kntry M -/_ CULMINATBB TWO YEABB OK INVESTIGATION. SAID Alho MMvir HwMf 0$ Ptaiegs a# 80k m WMck * No D«ty PaM 1 BAN FIUNCIOCO. Jaty I~<AF>- Oplura rained at approximately •!,- ooo.oo* vki foaadviat* May By Unit ed Btataa CulMi oflleltlo whp amasß •4 op*a customs ud lull HIM be longing to Mr*. Ylag Km. wM* of Um ('blow* vto* wnaiil la 1m rraaetaOQ » Three thousand earn* at nplnm war* found la egrnn (arc* wardrohn trunk* and four aattbaaaa which had bmn brought to thin country kg IB* Mr*. *V*" Ytn* Kao and hi* wtf* war* preset aa Um cnetndM aaa epeoad dm Uruaka and discovered tßa contraband. la addUloa la the optea ttm a«to*rs aald thar dtaoovarad huadrada of piece* of aupmialv* allk aad flaa laoas upon which no daty b*d kaoa paid. ' Tbroa ptaoaa of kaggnga wßtaß Mru Kao elafuMd vara Bar owa paraoaal belonging* war* aot aaarehad. Bad agents war* atlll await lag ward fna Washington aa to thadr dlapaaal to morrow. TB* aaarob, official* aald. cahahaat nortlon with tBo arraat aid of william Man, termor hlart te «Bn Hawallaa-U S. coart aad two wealthy ; chteoao. ,2-jw »%- ■. - STILL IN AIE Wli Braafc WMmw IUmN If CITLVMK CITY, OaW.. July I—(AF) —Lees than M Boara aapamted th* hi pi an* "Angoloao" (ram a now aa duranca rafaall»g raaard aa K abated orar tha airport Bar late today. on tha arrant* day of tha flight tt waa “ararythlng gaiag flaa"- TBa around craw ripnrtad, aad K appaar *d tha pilots U W. Maadall aad B. t Raiabart Bad ip anaallaat oßaaaa to bat tar thta IN Boara, W Mojadd J*a» . FORTY TO TAKE STATE'S EXAMS wwaaaamaw & w This Nam bar Wadis Umm it Practice Lm it OM Nsctk *** • ; • Whi jjwws Vwhmi ■y MmRA»AS ralkioh' July A—-Forty add praa pact Ira lawyora Bara fllad nolle* of I hair intention of taking tßa Bar examination to ba gtren ky tBo North Carolina Supreme Ooart oa Aagaat if. according to Mward Baa wall, oterk. who la pradletiag that th* pamkor thla August will b* teas than tha usual number of IN or mora. da* to th* raaldanco rooulramaat prortßod by Wjr / p'* "An uppltoaat mast baa boon fide reatdant of North Carolina, or a non resident atadoat la aa approved law school la North Carolina." tBo laat legislature ante, la place of "Aa ap plicant from another State may bar* 'Much ceritfleat* signed by any state officer of th* atato from which b* cornea." The result la that number* of applicant* from Washington City. .. and else where, will not b* among thoaa examined thla time./ Applications to taka the axamlua tiou must be Hied by July I*, or on* month* before th* data of the exam ination. and mast bo on forms sap-' pllad by tha bup ram * (mart. CM* Seawall ramtads. The uaaal AujEK number of those faking the axamMß tlopa range*. aborap 100 ueually. White ihe January anmbar la nanally lea* than that anmbar. .

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