PAGE TWO INTERESTING HAPPENINGS IN MONNT OLIVE AND COMMUNITY r» _ SOCIETY I -* * ' T ‘ r / ' Rev W. M Biker ha* beea it Wal lace the P*»t wtek holding _a_»#etlng ~«r -XI - vjjt 4A I / Ik w _ __ • I WHAT HAS HAPPENED SO PAH Hobby Doyl*. fr, n<-d by Dapper Don Wilke* ard bl» sane and **n<»i,<*d to pr.w.n for ISNniy j>ar» (or jpQlng « . bottom**. la anted to csenpe from tail ' |v hi* li*»ie*. Ho’lx Hrebe fa aulatad by Johnny tba Hop. a top* fiend, aba hide* Bob In a aai rat room in til* apartment. Tim' day aflar Bob s*-'• rr.i'im. l*no Wilkes l> visited ttr tola a pollutant by■» o»ar-dn »e*d y woman, a***, Who dtmamla money to help Mika, one of tba •atm. who t« Jala up with a gunshot wound Don dnpurs, tout fli,»ttv *lv,» tho money Ua baa bon giving Beebe motwy. UUmc tier that It la due Hob hr, and t* mammy in I®v» with bar lla susceate Ihst J■ vlalu Hobby, but luat befora aim leaves him the defective arreatn Johnt\y.— fo ta fO on «*»to ftoa elory CHAFTBBMX. | TE had protested helpleaaly on hi* I! way to headquarter*, but HI if It ad abut him up • "What have I dost? Juat tall m* what I'v* don# I" "Ton'll And out toon enough. And •hut your ntouUi meanwbilp " Thera tarn* over Johnny'* heart a nameleaa dread Bitterly, he wDhtd now that ha had taheo a larger abut of the drug that laat tuna. If thl*. wore off, befora they war* throuab •frith him—l „ BUT Myera. newer rnlaalng his grip from Johnny'* agin, guided him Into Inspector WUmot'a office. Tile In epictor was out, bat Kelley and Tommy, twa plaur elpthea men were sutlhg then* looking through th* nawapapera. They glanced up on, ° pectantly it the eight of Biff. "Dwvsllif" JdMwy Tha dateettira pttahed Johnny Into a chair, alarcd at him tor a long t,me - rtf dafacltb* peaked Jog egg Ist* a chair and flared al him tor « long Urn «. ■with a soar mirk. That ha bsrksg suddsnly: "tinvia is la thla town laying up aomswhars. and you know whers that p|ara la "f don't?'’ Johnny muttered. "Whst makes you think I'd know M “because of the run ground you gave ms today Bacatka# of a lot of other things I'm not telling you. smart bay " “I was only doing that for fun,” Johnny said. "Yeh? Wall, that's all ths Pun yours going to have." Ke'iav the youngest of th« detectives snapped “Where's Uoyte. Johnny?'* inn lirars demanded. "I don't know," Johnny repeated, but there was n whine of fear in bis y»i<». BiS turned, nhddtd to the uthet two. Johnny's nerves Jumped Its ant o« the edge of his obair. gripping it wishing they’d Jet him go. Ho y d give up try ing But el _Btft g nod. Kelley turned * off tho bgbt. The room wa* plunged Into instant blsKne-» at the click as the switch. Out of the darkness ~ , If cos Johnny's frightened voice, like '5 j, (Be voice of a aca-cd child "What are you gam' la do? Biff —you ain't torn' to beat me up?" Bill's voice 'was u? a bed habit,** Biff went on la his leisurely way, as If be had *ll ths in tbs world "It's going nu don't get any Snore of the Slutt. They tell me the ,rains is bad—l ke a big. strung but 4iand had grabbed |mur Ir.wdc* in awtui grip and was xpiers ng I've hoaid them ysih 1; don t sound pretty—" "Biff. for Cod's sake, put on the light, I ain't dot. 1 nothin’—" "Lots of fellow a w 1 ypur trouble, 1 Johnny, have croahe 1 rigid in here 1 .1 vs seen 'wa later- right over In that hUle dead house 1 was telling vuu about. Now then, Johnny, vou're going te teil ns what you know, or we re g juig TO to, k you up here i without anything'—,' t that''- without worthing that you >• tta have** The. s 'waa a duSdsii ca< initiation bto Kelley t Hhff, he's «h*wli\g aomethlog " •it bad leapt forward, graph, d JehJfcy the Hop. wlule the other geisctlve switched ou the Hghi. tn bother /lustntit, B.ff 'had Hubby poyles uu* s or to J'eebd ‘ Jn his ftogri/ X He tvieoed • triumphantly " upon Johnny, whose 1. re hmt turned the Color of a*).<« •4o you dor* know anything, hskT' hiiittl U*W. ihMs I'll 0r» JtJU iw ftuittlii is isdktt k£ im for the pit (tor Hit Al b.ierlah church there,— H.Gpi, ttariwi U back {tome after an appendicitis operation In th* Goldsboro Heap!tab—Sir. tfn4 , Mm. W. (I ().,/> retarded yo-ferdn' [ to tbkir home In n boro aftn mind. Spit It out—tell u» wbsw « Doyle |* ghd I II thr. * you out ol here Give 0* on* bit ol aifumrot. and you know what happen* Juhnny a &g*rs tvs uted together HU voic* w»* a dry reap of agony. ••Biff, for God - * aahe. have a heart * Doyle and lit* girl are the only t" 0 frietula 1 gob Don't m»*e me cr-a* am I" - , Johnny K^u»al» lie saw the hard n«uth nnd cool , eye* of Blft Myera. nnd hi* pleading died sway Til IT tepned forward “Tour ten ar.-ond-v t» annerat op Tommy, you can take him "No! No! Don't touch me" ny screamed bidden tiy. "Oh my C«n —l'm •questin' !*' , ' Ut rocked himself forward, «n<* buried Jil* head In hi* hand* In a law, scarcely audible u>o«. he said: "H* »—ha a—be a biding up at mj houae '' "Tou'r* a rotten little Hot" Bid aald. 'I waa up there today listen kid. If you don't corn* clean. Gos help you—thft'a all'" "I tell you hr* up at my house. There * a panel behind Lha bed. he* . In th* attic." Blft Myera got up H* laughed, llftad hi* puny above hla head "Upt out of here, you S'pifldlcr!" h# aalfy In another tone. Ha. turned u> tha olhera "Get out the car, Kelley Take Qorrin. Sebwart*. Crombergt and Dick Brown. On the button thia ta a big night." Johnny lha Hop crawled like I dying man through the doorway, ant found hlmaelf on the street. 11l stood there ip a kytid of dare, brushet hie hand over hla evea once or twice, muttered to hlmaelf. Then, ail al once, hi* .shoulder* went dow-n a* il tn final aurrender. Ife felt in hu pockets for money, thru jumped Ini* * 3 , .M* V I a nearby cab, jnd g'avedhf address „ of Beebe ttarrdtl * apartment 1 He scarcely knew what Was mak -1 Ing him go there now But seine- 1 huwlie had t.i tell her, he had lo admit the tiuth. It wouldn't ai|uar« * things, hut a wa; Ibe only thing be could do, “■ Vn .Wx'iiWntiun But when he opened the door of Beebe’s place, and saw her wild eyes, saw- Mary -standing close al her aide, and Ikui Wilkes with them. „ he knew alrmdv itrSt they knew, too I How could they? Tiler* wmiii’l time y*t for the police to nave ar reeled Hobby Hut lie saw accusa tion on every fr.< . Then to chc inii»t out; "Oh, Jcl.b -ny, you didn't fjue-tp-vdu couldn't have done matt". "I did 1./ ,d to. It * what I came lie:e to t. ? ,i« Them was a r.hort laugh from Don. ' "Vi-,, you o' You « -u-r hei oIC tylf all rumt! It I hatin't ii.turc.t out W.|» V.-:- «!e-i.-, yvU d have k- p? y■ r hum.:. mi '' »-r . , tie, he’s nuce waa like n wait of despair. "Oh Clod they'll twite iiini iigam * I'd) trvi-r see hit.* again --Johnny, how could you" v "They witc lock me up —tike the emir owae from 1 couldn't stand it, Beebe " ' "Oh, If I d had -. i . Since 1 ctnild 1 1 ■' ; hy -.uric-i Dappup l>on nadded consolingly. "it's a ptiv you aliicnrt-J the tit Ur rat lo know h< d IVI y -1 dn't you tell m<> yr. dead "I did teh Vi'it, I dot f" alia cried.- though she ocarcely- seemed to know what it was she was saying .* 1- or .S ir ! ' ■■ „ -in d , .to retuen 1.1 I - . puts lifeless eyes.' "Tidd him what - ' he a/Kcil "1 mid 1 1.- - ■ >.. I hr,, but t didn't t. hitii where " "You told him that! Hut ghe did 'c ...1 • • r .Tin; clung to Miry n>w in he! anguish, and | >'<•-.* eimust In ruhapse, srlth aobs ;go i.,-i :- .> 1 se, truterad: what are we go* ' I it'll' t .1. . I k- -IV U I j can I siov here, l'm going , . " "ih'-ingf Where?" Ik n Wilkes j 1 o ui't I !■ w 'i •• 1 .'1 1 ir j ter*—to I've /t ,m be there Oh, I I'm half tiuf of my u ml. Will you | conn* with nut. Mary?" j ' ily laps uuuid-.-,'* Don mid at i lh«t ns gi-ptiy as he could '"l U take • 1 ; . V , * i • -«* i to tnvak down y . • ■ H dtsprr , ' -Ml V I! I f I f lollowrd thiSm. Al the .1 : 1•« it er vtsee lu« TC av, at-shrieked lhroug;i th« city atlglit " 1 Il "poo 0 :..,im«thlng hr tan crHlrlMg Kor In ,lance, we, ahquld not )U(* to bo nd il genet :*H,v sloppy W ll t rarrleas , , f u Itol In tho iwu k urt of «ui atot Mng when we did not know th* hole was there, JJot If MMffi jontou i wHh kindly'tntenttetl *ltoul«l wlncerrly < (Uiipliincnt unr general gel-np uu I , ilien |nilmate Hat won cthlnK wna wrong tu the >;ar and houhl he ut t..nd“d to. we . hould thuiig him and IL' to 11‘ the IWilible Wi wmttM I.iion- WR U|> th«t holer 111 chunge ‘ nr -lt« king#! , o uiclMiHe ago in. tltt-ee column* w coini'lii n oled u certain nign erect, <1 l,v 1,. ,(iolilhitoro of t’offi i.irci mentioning pirH-ulurly the i t hr, * pit a 1 it' • onv ved by ,li i'hep wi ueked sum d'o ly point out mitticlhilig that was w rong., We Imped that , • ,n,e cJtDen of Uoldetjoro would have rotlr«l t|ii’ error In eps'lltng and . . === \n advertisement for MaYIS • as Zane Grey famous writer of Western stories - f ? might write it. •. Is the tiull yi'llow glow of a smoky lanty sat the Sheriff and his- -e l *< tlejiuiies. It- uxts hot in that room, ami' still, save for the occasional , x / click of a bottle of Mavis bring ojwiwd, and a throaty gurgling as the Suddenly the door burst often, and frameil in the doorway crouched j .. ' the Hitler of the I*urple Sage, sworn enemy of the sheriff. "Tlut't / f \ wouldn't have the nerve to vome oaten them hills—didn’t yeh?” he \ growled, his guns menacing the now tt*nse rangers. "Ineptr went crazy, jtf Ir ’ ' V siltin’ and thinkin* nhoot the smooth vhmidcUe Jlavor of Mavis —/ .i. ,t tigerish spring, and the Rider seized the half full case of Mavis, f Jmajp £y $3 ami leaped out into the night. Swearing over their loss, the Rangers ' Jp ■ followed on fy &/&***& shadow disappearing down tho road, and to h< y the elalter of linojhcals, the clinking of Mavis bottles, as the desperado, with liis load of ehiwvhite-Jluvored goodness, spurred away ▲ under the glittering Ari&utorgjugs^ . •y* * • «r II yC \\ IS i* mifly-10-srrvf! —like as ft (up[i!i‘rnrntary foorl to cltil - • X»A a cltiHolulc milk->lmkt’ in tlr»‘ti injAihlir mThwil limrlirt>oin .. ■ bfiltlc. Pure—Pastcurixed. No Try tltisthirst trrat tmlay. Sake pn-MTvatives. acartonofMavisonyourwcek-cml i. It’s Hrlic ioud But dop’t forgrt auto trips. Sold fit grocery stores, fe fS* /V! that Mavit* is tu> \> holt 'omc aud Imit 1 1«- definitely foi ertiietont from .*ii> Impicioikn ta t., In uittl lakes, klniily I ~ g ” After a d»> or twa rjtc Vess remark- i od eiiiiorjaity- tluit hi* intlug wan tli i eryi.itg ueud 'of all thw nlgnl>our.l*v It ) w«i ottly nfter wiiiilug for day* and 1 days for its Indicated ;><>iu«Hinw waa Uncreated and panning c.ud repaasing I i|i« dial orbing stgii that *we pointed < out the thing we though needed ut- I <» j ant lon. Kor gotne reaaon the editor * of The Newtt saw fit tu pkibllah -our 1 cooinieiita In Hie form of u letter prrUupa in order to get thram reud. I l why Ihijf Mouut Olive folks * are "hot up" oyer (hla t hing while Goldsboro In undlalnrbvd'. It U lie- 1 . Hi,' Gobi • 1»m *i pn I>h> Including 1 Mi.,; very nne gentleman the Hpcra- * In th* renter of th* polished tabte In the din ing room aud several wall vaars held Cjuatcrs of the aatue popular flowers i entering each of the card tables was a pretty green bestud filled with flame-colored nusturtlums and tied on each handle whs ■ bow of lulls The senson of the great naltmVl holi day was acknowledged lu red-whlte utid-bliie tallies at lathed to small silk flags. t* . * Mrs. Clarence Britt won for high score prise n vase of violet hsthopow der. and the 'consolation, a kitchen utility set, went to Mrg- laiuls Sher* man: • Mrs. H. C Kornegay and Mitts Mac khr Ktowers assisted the hostess lo serving lued teu nnd sandwiches bs forr the gmne. and Ice cn-ani. cake and salted nuts at the conclusion- Ktammljsllr Matter M~rp*rd Hev. It--U Ikrothc jputrffiinces that I C. Ciisfeii. of H|cj»(lersonvll(e, will assist him In thr revival services so. commence In the ' Its ul Methodisl church next Manday, July Hm four* tuenth. Mr. Costeu Is *u evangelistic singer of eotdMariMa 4i*< v I ((uubiless reuiler valuable i i ■ to the pastor agil the S> . ’ ' ‘ " * mint iiuvi* rwkh fBI.KBK .TK VBI KTII Among the Mount Olive folks, c > brat in* the Koiw tll )tn. Mrs- -M • C. 8. Cherry, Miss !' '■ ' Miss Kruesltn«» Flowers. Mirs S d,i M, II Wubten, Mrs. Hobert, Ilolmvs, Ali Kva D Flowers. Mr. an Jf 1> Andrews. Misses Mildr-d Audi u - :,.i Krrnn nulls. :i! ’'l !.ma Oll\ r •I Swattsborp; uud I. <1 Biddle ~ Wll Hum Rick*, at While I. A ’ 7 - I*HIH«»TKK.s Mil l. IT I HIT HAI.KICTI. July S (A I' K,!l, I land and Raytnmtd K nnt prls, i ,t* who escaped ir on C ih-d-mm , prison farm Friday, wer** Mtlll at bug .|oiiifilit, state )>i )-,,*, <»f;. sal, T< p . ’ ed, though search for Mi- n,, t , tinned. TUESDAY MORNING. JUEV 9, li>> ——■paw— I KELLY HeUs new concern ! Krllv is President of Mount Olive's Newest Enter* * prise At a tin * Orta of the. stockholder* (.f i,,. N'<.rthin «u elected f.t- i.i. 't i f Oie rbiioirn. I- ¥. Wlth crime! v president, J. J. Whlte and treasurer. and 3. s M cun-ral manuiter. • *fl ■ • nt» rp> I-. 01* it corporation located l.:i Mount Olive f<»v the manu facture of hardwood stare* and hit ai>>- • kj>• • ip o-lty of about fifty thon - ,»nl • t ; itbrr* uaotl la kum. u*k ■KiU ndi, a lar ■ supply of which i'rTttlsMe--4* —tti“ K.cUiiJ.V of Mount 1 Olive, . .pi dally In Oo*h< n 'Swamp. Insf ~| („ tmlny nlr-dflnl ,tn tti,r old v th • ,r nipauy’a suave* are put ! I" • »Ut ! within >t|i d|tl hours. The plant in South Mount Olive on !i<’ ailloltilug Warron’e !<.. (.h/ihlh-ra arc J. El K<-11 I F Witherlmrion, J. J White-' hurst' s S Minton, K J- l*ope and, if. m. cox;" - ■*' ~Z , SBv