| WRATHB »• VOLUME BIGHT; NUMBER 114 SIMMONS WILL CONTINUE FIGHT AGAINST RASKOB * ¥%JS a ■ • Tarifl Statement Not To Be Taken As Act A £ * v * To Burying Hatchet J “ Repeat* Hie BUa 4 ea Party Con-' trei la latarvkw with evNBB'V v INBIBTB RABKOB MUBT BE DEPOSED A« LEADER —4- # Claim* That Raihab’e View. Parer New WAtftmOTON. July 11.-UP)- fgoaator Simmons. DMocnt, North Cnrolla* who opposed Alfred K. Smith la Um lest eempalgn, plans to coatlan* his flats to overthrow the “control sod doaomiantloo” of ths party by "Bsokoh, Tammany Hall and Its af filiated organisations " The raaklna Democrat of the Renats Qeaaae committee made this assertion today tb denying report* that hla re cent statement eaaaillng the house tariff hill. Issued through ths Demo cratic National committee, had. “any connection whatever with the contro versy within the party over the coa ° trol of Its national organisation.” He said he thonght h* had m*d* this ataar In his conversation with Charles Mlohaelson. puhllcltv direc tor of the National Committee, who * had ran nested the tariff statement. t and who. he added Also had himself expressed strong opposition to the MIL. He had no other purpose he added, than to “promote the fight against a bill Which he regarded as “discrimi natory. unfair and dangarons." The senator added, that his own views Ip the tariff were not the view* ■Osdlfcß—UDl» ■yrm>ln*iiHhA ill Raskoh, chairman ‘of the National Committee, nor were they the view* expressed by Mr. Smith In his cam paign speeches He was gratified, therefore, he said, to find the Wash ington Democratic headquarters sup portlag hla attitude on the tariff. A* for the newspaper speculation regarding the sfcnlCcance of the cir cumstances. Senator H1 turnons said there had nA bean and would* not “any abatement'' In his contention and Inslstsncs that ths control of ths par ty national organisation by Rashob and Tammany Halt “should ceam or ho overthrown.” He believes now, as herslofors. ha went on, “the perpetuation of that control will not only be an obstacle In the wny of present party harmony but a menace to the future prospects of the party." ~ Regarding a report touching upogf; a probable meeting between the sena tor aad Jouett Bbouse, chairman ot thy national organisation execiglv* committee, the North Carolina Senator said at tbs time Mr. Mlchaelson visit ed him the latter Inquired whether he would be witling to make Mr. Bboafee and "I answered without hesi tation that 1 would" Both |tr. Shouae and Mr. Mlchaelson are gnnUtmsn of character snd stand ing as man and democrats," the sena tor aaid. “Both of them were Inter ested, at 1 understood. In frank and ~—Bint us I discussion with a view to com posing ns far as possible the unfor tunate differences now existing In the forty* and with that object In view 1 assume Mr. Mlchaelson made hla Inquiry of ms at to whether 1 wool I .meet Mr. Shonse. “For my part I can see nothing uu nasal or sinister In representatives of both sides of oertaln controversies meeting la an honest effort to brine about party harmony.” Wilson's Coolness r , # V % Prevents a Crash The why of an apparently “stunting" airplane low over Ooldaboro Tuesday afternoon was explained yesterday, and the explanation revealed how the coolness of Dnrald Wilson, Mt. Olive pilot, prevented his Travelalr plane from crashing with himself snd two passengers, M. fl. snd N. 0. Parker. Wllsonvjpd it hanking hi* p»n# while directly over W-rity when a gust of wind caught the ship on the turn and tgraw it Into a rtlv The mach n • had . fallen about IS'» fe’t when WII- ( son's frantic work ng of the palled her out of the dive and oatq an j THE GOLDSBOM) NEWS BRAD IN THE MORNING WHILE MINDS ARE FRESH—READ BY BUYERS BEFORE THEY BUY. Tb Tell of Unique Marketing System How a uoulstana Parish has solved the question of a market and fair price for Its poultry and dairy products will be told by Prof W. M. Ginn, of the poultry staff of Ixwlslnpn Slate University, at Um Memorial Community building st jf o'clock this -afternoon. The nesting will last only ona boqr aad ooaltry raisers and dairyman are mpectally urged to be present-'ln he l>oulslajia Parish ths coopera tive system Is worked by the hoard of education and ths county nup srintendeat, through the consoli dated schools. Product la handled through ths schools by teachers and students and Is declared to have been a source of profit to those participating. KENNEDY RITES HELD THURSDAY Founder of Kennedy Memorial Home as Falling Creek Die* At 84 Rnnera) services fo* William L- Kennedy, U, “Father of Kaaaady Me morial HonMJSLjmpUst Orphanage at Falling hrid toko Oedar W TfM - M w w" clock yesterday morning. Captain Kennedy died In n Kinston hoqplUl Wednesday morning of Infirmities of old age. r " Dr. R*. W. Spillman, Rev. W. H. Moore, pastor of the "First Baptist church of Kinston, sad Rev. A. J. Smith, pastor of the Goldsboro Baptist church officiated at ths final rites. Interment was In ths family vsnlt at the “Homs” In Cedar Dell. The vault was built by ths deceased for himself and his wife several' years Ago His wife preceded, him to the grave about 11 years ago. ▼he work for which Mr. Kennedy was most widely known snd ths one for which h# will he remembered was the endowment of the orphan's hom* at Cedar Dell at a cost of several hun dred thousand* of dollars. He had no children of hi* own. The only near relative surviving la a sister, Mrs- M H. Wooten of Clayton. s In ths early life of Kinston and this part of ths stats Mr Kennedy played a’promlnent part. Cedar Dell, shout six mils* west of Kinston, I* typlcsl of the ante-bellum mansions seen In several sections of the sqplh and re flects ih# success which greeted the early efforts of Mr. Ksnnedy a* a far mer and general business man.' He was a member of the group founding the First National Rank of Kinston ard was for sometime s director In the Institution. Although not a member' of any rhurrh. Capt. Kennedy worshipped w th the Baptist* and was generally considered as one of that faith, in addition lo helplug In the founding of the Kennedy Home the deceased arec«- ed a on th# grounds Mayor Dismisaes Charge Ot Selling on Sunday Only two charge* of a Ike nature war* brought again*! defendant* wh > : appeared Wnrr M.ivrtr Jack Hill in polloa court ye*serday morning i Variety wan .apparently the order of i the docket, and almost every one of i the all ca*ee dlipoxcd of ha I a "dif ferent turn to the ln< Ident« *ttrr Mind ing the charge. A caae agaliuit * K Barnea, local , white merchant, rharfc*-? with *elt ng good* on Sttpdiy. »»« dlMhl**elj on account of Inaurfletenr evldenr • that actual sale* of mmhandlae wer. j mad during f'abhhth ho'im A nelgb , bortifg. merchant, a Mr Walker. t<**- 1t fled that he had »een people In M-. Mani a atore on ttuuduy and had aeenj them leare with package*. Uffleer* i "• ’ - j . S earn HUM ■ —-*h|m —* . - ' T-* •'ygT*—riLTig J’ — California Wins Endurance Record Honors Picture above I* the “Augelnno." being refueled in which K. U. heiulmrt and L. W. Mendell broka tka moat recent refueling endurance flight record. Just what the final record #lll be depends on how mneb longer the two flyer* and the motor can stand the strain. They Bovs *■■*. tt (lying for 10 day* over Culver City, Cnl. Culver City Plane Nearing .300 Hours t Steady Flying CULVER CITY, Chllf., July It.-(A P)—The question of whether man or machine Rill crack first under the strain of unstained flying, a drawn eftcdlgt in W"WM*irrWßwen(HlfßrTne'«u -preins battle between flesh and metal developed In the record endurance hart On their tenth day In, the air, the pilot* showed uo Digit* of weakening and the single motor of their buhl biplane was bumming along dssplts whai th* airmeu thought what might ha a sign that wear snd tear was having lta effect. In a note dropped to the airpftrt the men said It was believed the motor was getting “a trifle noisy" but they added there was nothing seriously wrong. No further mention was made ot th* oil pump which caused aome d fflcul ty last night. Near the 226 hour/amfrrTf / appear ed that Mendell and Kolttbart, who have rightfully fstabllshed chlntrttr being “lough itonibrea” as they all tbemaslves, might reach the 300 hour mark and possibly exceed It. A message from Mendell said: “Mo tor running fine. Rend up lho gallons gasoline Bp. m Rend us some win dow shades so we cau privacy. Tried take bath, but four airplanes flew by snd hsd to quit. See you next week—Mendell.” Alleged Slayer Is Taken to Hanoyer • -■ WILMINGTON. July 11.—t API Watt Smith, formerly of Rockingham, alleged slayer of B. Brown, Brunswick county youth who was found shot to death on s high wav three weyk* ago, was brnught'to the New Hanover Jail today tor safe ktejrfng. following his captors by Sheriff latwls of Hruna -1 wick. * 1 , .... lion** and Strphenxon, of th> local police department. went to the ttarne* •tore laat Sunday, they tout If ed, In anawer to a tel- phou * r ill telling tha, the men haul *<» aelllng grrode. 'Th’, offlrera declared that they m* a ne gro leave the atore with a buiull ■ but Tha they did hot kn iw what |t con tained, or whether he bad bough’ It or not. Mr. tturnrii, hlmaelf. made n »!«* ;- mint, arlalua to til* fact and gent ten* latlng » goromly e** h«c did ao II • refuaed to make a ‘-p almirtit tinier oath, hut proceeded “tai'tell 'he court that ha waa not doing auv mot •; to ward violating the Sunday cloalug law t Continued on paga it ' GOLDSBORO, N. C. FRIDAY MORNING, JULY 12, 1829 IINNETTE SEEN IN MT. OLIVE -yay...- Abandon Search in River far Mining Man Aftar Report Received 1 Preparations to be«in dragging Nsuse river south of* the city In a search for John (5. Jlnnotte, carpenter, who disappear*! from his homq on Rlocumb pi rest Tuesday mwrntng, were abandoned yeqierday when nows was received that Mr. J unette had been seen In Mt. Olive Tuesdsy. Report from relative* that he hsd visited Ml. Olive allayed the fears of members of his ramlly that he hlmsdtf bodily harm. Where he went after leaving Mt Olive- Is not known, ant no direct word ha* been received from him John Moxliigo, of near Mt Olive, tulk ed with Mr. Jtnnette In (he nearby town Tuesday It was teamed, hut being bnsy about loading soms t>re duce said only a few w vrds In him Mr. Moxtngo songht to locate him af ter he hsd finished hla work but could find ho trace of him At the reqnestoof Mrs. Jlnnette, rel atives had yest-rdar morning secured bouts and gone to the Seme soiitfc of the city to begin dragging In an effort to locst* the missing, man. Word from Jlnnette that her husband had been seen In Mt .Olive recalled them ffom Ihelg task. The local carpenter left hi* home before breakfast fnes'lay morning. “ HANCOCK TALKS » FOR HIS RILL Ihhuch Statement Answering CriticF-m# of Dr. Hunter of CuHowhee The Yews Bureau By M R. 11l \N .tilth RALBIGH. July ll.—Breaking u si lence malnta ned since he argued ef fectively and convincingly In behalf of his measure through many day* of the last General A«*< mbly session, Frank \Y. Hancock, Jr. of Oxford, li:m come to the defense of the Hancock school bill, nowThc State's school Jaw. In a statement answering criticisms aimed at four features of the law by pres’- dent H T ‘Hunter, of W.-slern North Carolina Teachers College, to a group i of summer school teachers at ;he Cullowhee Institution. While Dr Hunter enumerated ey eral features of the law which he con sidered excellent,, he mentioned four, which are object Umahle to the *m|j i* tlonal fore- s of th» Htatq. In bi< wiairmeitt, Mr. Hancock takes Up theiv I four ob.t ci lons and defends the power (Coutiiijied on Page Two) " REPORTS MADE TO BOARD HERE Lack Romm Jr. “ !»f* 01 HAapiUl fie Ike MUR BBU HU there are 131 persons confined In county homes and Jails of Uta state who should be In the hospital. It was repotted to the 4o4rd of truasoos of the Institution In session.b»r* Wed nesday. The total number of patients on th* hospital roll now la 17M. it was re ported U 77 In the hosp'tsi and ths others out patients. ’ V * Data submitted to the hoard on the cost of operating the hospital, reveal ed that the per capita coat par day; la 12,5 ccntA, of which 17 centa goey'for (nod and th* remainder for food, med ical attention and all othar Items, Itcporf of Rnperintendant' W. C. l.lnrllls showed that the hospital ha# 1,450 acres of (and most of which U In ctiltlratlnp Sixty different aril cl«« are produced on th* hoapltnl farm which Is worked bf th# patients of th* Inet tatlon There is also a dairy faun , Another Interesting fact Krought out was that the hospital not only liras within it* Income hat actually has turned back Into the Ktgte treas ury In the Igst t yro, yegrs about »M,(»00 Members of tISe board of directors hsre today were , Dr. j E. Hart, Wadesboro; Dr. fl. W. Paschal. Wak# Forest; 1)r John D Robinson, Wal lace; C- P. Aycrtck, Psntego; I*. M. nine. Gibson and W. J. Boyd. Green rilla. q, t , 11., I 1... .M. -1.. .1 m ■ - rOTTGY HRIYGR m itytr a pormi ■■■ -m SAVANNAH, (is. July l-l.- OP’)— The first bnle of cotton of th* 19i#-30 season was sold today for forty cants s pound at an auction on Ih* Savan nah Colton Exchange.' Young Men to Seelf Members For Woodland CoOntry Club To secure 50 new and paid In mam lu-rsblps in th.e Woodland Country Club from among the young men of Goldsboro wtll be the object of a can vass to ha made In the city beginning at 10 o'clock today. The canvaas was dsetd -d upon last evening when a group of nineteen young men met *t a Inncheou at the Hotel Goldsboro. Lamont Kdgertoo, acting a* master of caremon.es, explained that the group was Interested In organixlng a social ) tub for the younger men of the city and* that the meeting was called for thi purpose of deeldlug upon ac tion to be taken. In tb* course of dle cuSaltm It appealed that the hear Im lerest* of all cotild be served by as- ULatiug with the Woodland Country, 200 Attend Masonic Picnic at Worrell’s Mill in Grantham’s Story in The News Brings Family Aid -W 0 Th* report of a Goldsboro family Including a alck mother and seven children. In dir* * clrcqmatnnota. which was carried In Wednesday morning's Issue of The Neir*, ha* Drought a hearty response, accord ing to Wayaa county welfare de partment officials, who .reportad th# oia*. By Wednesday evening •ufflclant gift a of had*, mattress**, cooking utanall*. a atov* and other articlca had heap contributed to relieve the deplorable condition of the family. “We wish to expraaa our appreciation to thsw who so readily responded to this call for aid for a needy lamlly,” Mrs. R. G. Howell, of tbo Welfare DepartmaEi, dAnlared yesterday ROSE COMPANY GETSCONTRACT Will CMMtTMct BulMtac jU 8L BUebUOi'b HmpHm tor $759,784 t W. P Roe* Company. Goldsboro contractors, wore yesterday awarded th* contract for ths coopt root 100 of a madlaol building ot Bt. BMoahotk'a Hospital, Washington, D. G„ on tbotr bid of 1738,7 M. This la th* fmwth government contract awarded the W. r four projects totaSS^^pprS? matalv %iJfSjm. The Bt pllxabeth's contract, award* *d to the docnl firm yesterday, la f five atory building to ha ballt for the hospital maintained by tb* Fodtml Government for In tan* soldier* aad sailor*. Work will kogln In tb* ooxt week and will be completed wltbtn a year. . The Rose company ta now complet ing the second anlt of two conalruc- I lon Jobs at Camp Bragg, totaling 1718,000. It baa well under wny lb* erectlod ot a veterans Hoapltnl at Oleen, N. 0., under a contract of 8484,- 000. loollng contracting firms through out the country aohmlttad bids on tbo projects w|iich wore awarded tbo lo cal firm- FAISONSELLING LIMA BEANS NOW \i’W* -'■■■ wm Prictm «f $2 !• $4 • bgaket Pro valM on Market Ytalar day Monilag .to , | J While the cucumber season Is dwindling away, th* lime boon season la opening on the Fslaon truck mar ket. Th* Nawa was told yesterday. “Lima bean* war* selling down there for 13 and |4 yester day," remarked J. F. Williams of Mt. Oliva. “I guess (hey had already sold 300 basket* during th* short time that I was there, and they were exporting to ship two cars during th* day. A whole lot Was going by axprosa and mtfrt going «mt fry truck." Club, bolter known u the New Coun try Club \/ ThiimoH H Norwood, one of \h* or ganlaera of the «n«>dlanrt dub. Inklr- Ini an outline of the atatua of the or tanlaaiion, said that If 50 new metn bera were secured. ea«*h paying for one ahare of oomfnon mock, that anf* flclent funda would be In hand to In aure atarting work on a club houae. Stock In the organlaatlon la at SIM a ahare. All of thoae preaent at the meeting laat. evening pledged their support to plan for a rantraaa today and fait laat nlaht that the M) meinbew need ed would be aecured within a few houra time An agreement will ha - (Continued on page I) iOaiy | urauMMi 3,083 . pucm rrrmomm Grand Master PlMail ate #te •riateaMPrteter Mate “"-^A^snuc Grate Master AaksVanter Fhft iai Oaafc Maa>tera If Jate Addrwaaaa lr Urate VMM X. f. Phoanlx of Qraaaaharo. fa» fttJlW phmai*. ate Um InttUMllX S eh floor* 6f tka Mill Oraah Step. loavilla, taatnrad tha Mnnlt MM* at WorralPa Milt la OMIIMI Ste m.mbarb of Um OoMahoiW Mi MMte itegoo. with titer lappa, Mi MM* bara of tba Mootorw Slkr MM la #■ tmdanr. at tha ■jt G •no. by oaa-thlrd Shorn W*ah ■•i In anrly j aototeP oHaaMSp PST mi to a iitef teto ate MS Pte* took a look Mlianr* ate pP tea affair wootSatka half MMSte vary iittto tea hte PteSMpte*- tag Crook ayklM of SraafNftPi tePf* tba gieala mu hoM. MteiTp-Pte* rail* mu, oahr » SrtoatoaoaM la botbar tea alrnlftr — la tha cooroo of Mi aSStoMteaete rl tat too tor lanaor oiolwi of UM Falling Croak Ites* tetoh te SM> tor, to ii iasai afUUStel Pp tete othar IteP . ;u, 4 ™ £ tor. ■ teooMi. 4ipPP MNfc MMMNh national fate ■atohtetSp Ml l»M l/odga baa now raaohai • teM «t IMF. •a# ate ikai Up aaai to teas step ut.rod tbraagk M tejttlMtS woman who am WttUßg PteLto«i through cotlogo. ' * \ talkor, congratulated CUM PPM P tha flat worh. lt to detag ate deetorod that Maaooiy to giowtag atatelly ate, ■abotanUaltf. > _ Mr. Frootor, aapi toilaalMl M MU’ Orphan**#, atnea hto rofipplp of tba Rooky Maaat tfclhatet'paste, poatorata, told of UM tef* ** Maaona of tka ateto art Sotos far UM fatharlbaa. Thera MO M* drao bt tha Orphanage, ha lagartoi. and Hi at. H. plaadad wt* Maty MooM pr.aant to pay a to* M Ogfcte te tha purpoao of leepeettaf tha hM* aaytng that It w«gM giro kte toegh ration u to tha praattooMlßy if Ilk* •onto Tha mam bar* at tha Mill Ore* i.odga. B.ntoorUtok attaoSaf She ato nic it. » body ate they nggoatoi Oranl Maatar PhoMtS to Iptel thalr nawl/ alerted ofltoafa. TSm lapte* »lv» or, mftny wop ho S to g ft to* near »>t Vd mill ***,» at the Mo. Following tha atemooa. gharhaaoo and picnic aappar MM aarvad, which I aft nothing omry Mho •latrnl. i rwqu.nt axprOfttaaM as gratltode towird Mr. Wante lor hortog gor niiit.d tha aao of Mi gtooator the af fair war# heart. / Bandit# TahalMOO -Two yooog mao koto ap a down town Cigar atom toSoy and aaanpad with MJW hi oodh %bd lawalry. Tha proprietor. Nathan Wtaar. ate thraa other anno worn Itaad up ago Mat tha wall. NTh« Boyi Burned To Death hi Kent IXJNDON, Jtrly ll.—(AF)—lilaa boys wore burned to death to sight In a dummy house which collage* *d during n fir* brigade at Dllliag haa Park* Kent Th* haps war# spectators of th* fir* drill. The boys w*r* wWhla th* kolld. lag whore they rrpreeealid tk* *o cupants to h* rescued ky HIWH* frou| an Imaginary fir*. H ** **** known how tb* stmetnr* **u*kt Rn, hut spectator* a* K BIM aad suddenly fall la W— before they could he rooaood.

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