‘ ' ' '■ ■->- < • VOLUME EIGHT; NUMBER lit SPARROW SENTENCED TO 5 TO 7 YEARS IN PRISON if •' ZT' *" ' " ■ ' . 0 » • - . * * :•,*»'» :• *• I J. a« II at _RS 11. Ift a* _ A n n n- - Pleads Guilty When ,< | • Arraigned in Duplin I . Superior Court Sat. , Ed McKHumm and Tom Jofcnaor Appeal Death Sentence la « Booey Murder DUPLIN COURT PROBABLY SETS HOMICIDE RECORD • 0 • Three HoMidde Crocs Mepeoed dud Tee Other* Are Ceatlnaed a Three homldd# cum were dlspo* •d of la sentences passed yesterday by Judea F. A. Daniels In Duplin ceuuly Rrperlor court In Keuuaavtlle, probably eaUbtlahlna a record for one day In a Superior court In North Caro lina when two defendants were sen tenced to death la the electric chair, another to life Imprisonment, and a third to U to M years la State Prison. .1 K, D- Sparrow, Kinston rum runner who shot and seriously wounded Deputy Murray Byrd es Calypso when the Utter attempted seise tils load of whiskey, sis sentenced to senre from I to 7 yearn In State's prison •" Alter the SUte had Introduced Its evidence. Sparrow changed his plea to ratify on the charges of assault with a deadly weapon with Intent to kill, to transporting and to carrying a con cealed weapon. Sentence pass ed by Judge Daniels Just before court was adjourned about 7:80 last evening. William Wrenn. Negro, w!|o wdx with Sparrow when he shot Deputy Byrd, das declared not guilty of a change of transporting. The evidence seemed te warsrnt his content that he wan simply gettlpg a lift from Sparrow whan the rum chaae eom dtjeaced near ML Ollvg and eadad in tha gun battle aaar calypso # f Georgs W. Albritton. Jr., of Calypso ' and the Negro went on the stand to taatlfy tbit Sparrow had demanded "put your hands up" to Byrd when the Utter attempted to arreet him and had fired almost Immediately. The deputy the fire, shooting Sparrow's pistol out of hta hand and a' part of his hand away, but fell seriously wounded. Both Mr. Albrit ton and the Negro testified that Spar row fired first. Ed McKinnon and Tom Johnson. Negroes, were nentenced to die In the electric chair on October 10. after they had been found guilty of murder la the first degree In the killing of J. H Boaey, Ugrd Wallace strawberry grower. Counsel for the Negroes gars L -— -notice of appeal. Mr. Boney was mur dered and robbed of several hundred dollars. 6 Mniriwatn an tha stand Friluy morntßg Sauted the killing pro fessed Iguoraaoe that he knew any thing about the murder until he Wat. returning to hid house from « show «* the night thb body was furrd lohn«on al.n denied the killing, but testified he saw McKinnon on that eight beside a small mill pond coant* Ing money which he said McKlnu.ui told him he "got oft his boss." Me Klnnon. ha said, was counting the I money and became frightened hy a rurtle In the bushes and fled, tearing | one pile which Johnson lacked np. Johnson also told the court I ha’ McKinnon tried to make him ke*P quiet abotg the case after thi iwo had been locked In the same ceM ai the KeuansrilU Jail Johnson, how ever. he said had previously told hi* atory about tha money to rural officers In Robeson county and also 10 au thorliles In Kennnsvllle. They teatl fled as to the same things he said when they took the staud. Clyde Sloan. Negro, waa convict ed of murder In the second degree la the death of Esq W 8 Teachey. of Tin CltJ. a Oll J*die Daniels sentenced him to from 14 to 28 years In State’* prison . The evidence was that Sloen shot Teachey to death while anothei Negro grappled with the white man The kill!*# waa wltaaesed by Mr Taachey’s 18-yaar-old son nnd the Ist ter told hta stdry In court William Lee. drew a life Imprison meat sentence In the Penitentiary for the murder :>f Ollln Mnytterd Lee hal ’ been con Voted of the murder In the January term of Duplin court bt)t had been granted a new trial. He entered a plea of guilty ns an be trn lasi U the Slajinf jester day. . . . . v -. 1 THE GOLDSBORO NEWS READ IN THE MORNING WHILE MINDS ARE FRBBH—READ BY BUYERS BEFORE THEY, BUY. „ i 4 ■ 1 h FOURTEEN PAGEB TODAY * I — l J — ; — n . 1 """" 1 ■ Stolen Egg* Stops Snake’s Get-Away^ .... D ( blckgn snakes cau'i g,-> ihrough j certain of wire sanes after d they have had a meal of eggs, ac cording to the latest snake story reaching, here yesterday J*. B. Scott and W. H. Grumpier were 1- on the tatters farm yesterday af y ternoon about 6 o’clock making a n d'Hgent search for guinea eggs ). when they came across a large e chicken snake in the chicken lot. - The snake, which was said to have measured six feel and three >, Inches In length, had just com -1 pleted the process of swallowing three eggs, and attempted to make r his get-a way when the men came d up. Reaching the wire fence sur -1 rounding the lot, the reptile ai i tempted to pass through the holee, 1 but 4he eggs he had swallowed were than the holes, and he could not PBT* Mr Srntt ptt4 * led the snake out of . Its predlca -1 ment and then killed tL 1 ■ 4{ MEMBERS ■ ARE SECURED r „ New Country Club Director* I Hat As Well Get Ready ~ I BuiM Home , The directors Os tha Woodland (towwiry Club m«y as wall go aliifll jrlth getting plans made for their 1 Hub house and for the beginning of * construct'bn 1 At n luncheon of the younger men 1 of the city Thursday evening, II was 1 announcred that If 60 new ajfd paid In ' memberships were secured that 'lt I wpuld be possible to start the club * home. Incomplete reports'from the 1 canvassing foams lasi night showed ' 43 names already turned In, apd with ’ several canvassers still to make their report. It appeared that the total number of new would run , well- It) excess of fifty. r The new members as signing ves . terday: 0 Henry RiaaclL Herbert r Home. Fred Parker, Jr. .Inland B , Rdmundson. Edwin Ipock, Howard , Slmmorts, W- K. McClure, Wyatt Blake, Frank L. Peacock. Jr., Arnold I R. Edgerlon, J. V. Marchanl, D. W. Shleldcr, Harvey G. Monk, Kenneth B- Finlay, Clifton Daniel, L. L. Kd t gerton, Chas. D. Barham, O. P- Mat ■ thews, J. Bruce Ellis, Dr. C. B How ■ ard, Abram Well, A. J. Jenk'ns. W. J. > Crpwfortl, k. Vaughan Jenkins, W OTCrewffcrd. W D. Mall land. D D. Wooten, B. H. Thompson. Marvin | 1 Thompson, Leigh Colyer* Jr.. E. R I I.ane. Talbot Patrick. Kirk Cutler, Joe Cunningham. C. P. Britt. L B. Ed 1 tnundson. T. R, Robinson, Jr., Oi»* Norwood. Hsyi Norwood, Henry Well. > Dr. M K niykell. Dr. Donnell B. Cobh, 1 J- * Brjdjera. j ' uM Capt. O’Berry Discusses Additions for Hospital "There la not a man or womep lirl town who does not feel that lie or she! ' wants a brick In tha new addition.”j declared Captain Nathan O'lWry.i treasurer of the Slate of North Car<>- 4 1 Una aud Goldsboro’s leading citizen. in an Interview yesterday eoocarnlnw., . the proposed erection of an addition! i .ind nurses' home for the Goldsboro j f HonplMl to coat |lf*o.(Mst The Duke | I Foundation has offered ti give B§o,-i HK) «fr the protect K .V city will I rs'sc the othei ss<i.t»mt l e 'You want to know." said Captain M'Herry. "whother or nm a a cttlsen ,f Wayne I'ounty. that I am Inter •»ted In th# proposed |>r»grain for Wayne county to ra’ae S6i*.lsst to meet t like sum that will be donated hy *uhe Foundation in th>‘ event Wayne! r t ounty raises this autr I uphesltnt 1 vilx answer, yea. tbs. ■ ant deeply j * r <-ted Ho should ivny one.els™l * a Interested lit this spit mild work * ib • lias kno-vu ahou 1 U • great good ejat the Goldsboro Ho p'lal Jumi done * sutfenug humanity- FRENCHMEN TURN BACK: POLES DOWN John D. Sink* One ;i^WK', I. k li • vV'f:. ’ R H m WT, M’ BIKJB. j 1 John D. Rockefeller, Hr., posed for this exclusive picture on his private golf course at hts PocentHo Hilla es tate near Tarrytown. N. Y. All the thrill of making money has gone from the r|ch all magnate’s life, and at tha age of SO. Job* D.. Sr., finds more thrill In sinking a ten-foot putt than seeing millions grow. WMrMUSTBE OPERATED UPONI _T~ ■) Ahwttw DeveiofM in Chest and Will Be Drained on Monday J ' ' LONIH>N. July 1» (A*)- King George must undergo another opera 4 tlon on Monday for the purpose id draining of absecesa la the right side .of hts chest state da bulletin Isaued at palace tonight and signed by six physicians Ills Majesty was vtaited thl*. after noon by the Prince of Wales. The King only recently waa obliged to cancel bis usual , summer visit to I-aodrlnglium on account of the stale of bis health after a during his convalescence at Windsor Castle In June. It waa Announced at the Palace that no further statements cohcerutng the rondltlon of Hln Majesty wpuld be la sn<*d until after the operation on Mon day. W TI.KM LUTS PROMOTION WARHINC.TON July U— <APJ— The pjomotloii. of Brigadier <}»neral ' Smedley I). Butler, Pulled Hlates Marine Corps, to th ■ rdßMnf Major jUeneyil. was spprov'ul to4R.br Fresi j dent Hoover. - I "I rei -ill .sljtnJl eight'' nor twenty I years sge l wni n the mu i ntent was t fust Marti*! to 'cn*i 1 th" Goldsboro i'H-e i*iytl lb" great cpthuelMiii that uie ulled among all le-r |M-ople to en ct HiU building, every one who was able and those that were not I comiUnited their mite for-the »r*c-l j ti*ui of till* building It It n remark I able coincidence, but nevertheless jlrue, there was some man in Jail In ! fjoiUshoro who heard about this move-) i ment ami sent for a solicitor andi made a contribution In cash that wan the spfr.t tbai prevailed In county about raising Ibe nmney for the erecHou of this building "The erection of Goldsboro llos ptl. 1 has meant allevUtloii of suffer ing and perhaps the saving of the i llvus of many hundreds of people wh > •J were too p< or to pay to entar there j,Thelr <re4'ords Will show how many tlioussada of unfortunates who cottld not otherwise have gotten fßto a hosplUt have gone (here, been treat ll'ooUnued ou Page Twoj - (SN.DSBOHO. N. C. HIINDAV MORNING JULY 14. I*l* A|>d Man (.ailed Froiii l)aiay Si. Home, Beaten and Robbed TIMING WHITE’MAN DEC OYB L 8. LEE. 74. TO POINT NEAR KORNEGAY STREET AND WITH PARTNER AB - AND ROHH HIM OF $1|.75 s'? ? • , J. 8. te.*, 74 wa» evil-.I from home ou North Daisy street at 10 o'rjock 1s t nlghw and si a'jcunt p »r' K< r4rg ly at reel. In the rear of hL resldrnce, Wa. a.saulti-d anil robbed of |11.7(. . "There Is a man over on HSrne gny street who want to s m you," a young whl'c mat, nbouA 21, wearing a bin** .ihirl. 7’ Id Mr. 7. e wh ui h « rime to door In »n.*w«*r to tha knock. They Iwo Htsrt'*d t tgidhcr an'l the visitor turned In the direction «’ Park ayjnue. tThert, Is s nearer wny I lisve ent through the hark Idt." said .Mr l<ee J "luM’* lake that." lau* walked In nnd the' SINUERS GIVE CONCERT TODAY ■ 'kg 1 100 Negro Singers of City to Sing Spirituals of Their Race Onh hundred of the beat trained Negro singers of the city, together with a visiting quarter! from F)»yeit«-i villa, will render a ooncert at tha Ma son theatre at 4 o'clock this after noon Thd singers have been practic ing for several wptefca and will sing the songs for which the race Is lem ons. t The program is as follows: ling Chorus^ \ Kseklel Saw of tbs When! —Chome. | Bel action— Thompson Quartet. I Tha Negro National Anthem—Chor ea My Lord. What s Morning Chores Selection- Utt la Washington qnsr tat Hand Me Down—Chores. Carry Me Back to Ota Vtrglnhy— Chorus. ttolertkm'-Gnest quartet. Fayette villa. N. C. 4 Steal Away—Chorea. Old Black Joe—Chores. Selection— Dillon High Qnsrtal. King Jesus In l.tslfAlng—Chorus. Nobody Knows ttje Treble I Rati— Chorus. ~~~ | Study War No More—Chorus. I Wav Down I'pne HwSliee KIVW— Chorus. tiod Be With You ‘Till We -Meet Again -Cloning Chorus- , Public Hearing On » Budget. Mon Night A public hearing Vp the city's bud j get for fiscal year will ] be held at tpe rtf'y liall Monday eve nlng beginning at K o’clock The lu»d | gdi I* expected to be adopted at lh«. meeting. The msttar of a report from the toning commission and a report concerning the offer of the Kol Well home to the rlty for a public llMtepr are experfed to be acted on at tbs' some lime 87a PCtfMIYN Dll; IS H.GOBN TKHKRAN, Persia. Julv 13.—1 AIM At least 27f> persons Uretro klltjd nnd kevnrai villages wiped out In Dm-ds si Tatii Is on Tl.urs Uy und r stood in have been csuso l ny a irloud hng‘* Beach Bound Plane PlanH Stops Here | Goldsboro w II he a regular Htop ou a proposed week end airplane I paitnengor service ’ from Rocky I Mount to Wilmington, J. K. f-’al houn, manager of tha Coastal Plalna Airways of Rocky Mount announced while In the city yns terday. Date tor the tnaugnraiton of thy service has not bean set. Mr. Calhoun said, but It la ex- I »p tried to be started before the | end of the j summer saaaen. The C oaxial plains Airways la a suh sldlary of th* Curt lee Company. • which 1a this Week starting a reg ular weekend passenger service ft ipi Raleigh to Wllmlngfort u J i two talked “I came to see you last ) HMurdsy eight-sod you wrr n’t hef.*." 'explained the v altwr.'* J t 1 Ax they reached a point near Kor nrgay stfowt, the young man sudden I ly struck Mr. Lee In tbs back Os the bead with his flsi- Tha ag *d man waa knocked tn th ground, but rame up In a moment and fbughi ojit to de fend himself. As be arose, the young nun struck him repeatedly In tha iscn, hlackenlnik both eyrt., aA*r«Wdiy bruising and ruYllaa the left chsak. j Htiddruly the young assa'laai waa Jolnad by hts partner, who coming j from behind forced Mr. Ia» to Jhe ! ground and began choking" him. Ax on Cage Two) Solv4 Mystery of Robbery Court €o* A r reeled yesterday by plsja clothas officer Cblak Rhodes. Lea lar Hnead and Roacoe Raker, padroes about 13 years of age, | confessed that they atolt 1461 In cajih aad checks from the Coxajil Packing (Company on July d. Th# j boys carried the officer to an empty houss near the Gulf sta tion on James and Mulberry and showed him wl\ere the checks and Canard's bank book werA hidden. I The cash, total'** 8116, was not I dlscovsvred. and had evldentaly I j been spent by the boys. They I ’ were lodged la JaM taut nigh* end 1| t will be turned over to the Java- I nil# court. I ODD FELLOWS TO MEET HERE Hop* to Have Graoii Maxtor Present for Dtotrirt Picate Efforts are being mnda to have Grand Master R. P. Hlmmonx of Winston tlelem attend the picnic of Odd Fellows of the B'gth District at ■ the Odd Fallows Home hare bn Jtffy It*. II via learned yaatardsy. Mem bers of ths Odd Fallow lodges of Mt- ( Olive. Rocky Mount. WIDon, Ter- ( boro. Elm City. Spring Hope and | Goldsboro with their wives and fam- Itlea will gather for the occasion President Smith of Rocky Monnt expects Odd Fellow* nnd their lam ! Ilian in attendance al the picnic will; I reach a total of 2oe people. C. O. Smith, LloV Waters, sad F < G. Smith are the local committee la I j charge of arranging a program for the < effsir !l In Forced Landing, Plane > Ruins Some Roasting Ears M * ■ r • A* It t«rne<l out. the principal damage dun* In the forced landing *. of. pilot Wiarren Pennlngton'a Cnr tla* Mubin monoplane Mar Griffin pitrk yalerduy afternoon waa the da atrnctJon oI aeveriti d»*aen perfectlr rock! roa'n 'ear* In reality Pilot Pen nington of the Coaatal Plain* Alr waye, and b'a paaannger. Mlaa Adene Royett. of near Goldaboro. tnleeed poetlhle death liy a bare eight Inehea I “I «u mi over Ihe city about I ,ton feet." Mr. Paanlnaton told The Mena ■ ■•arid we went Into a cloud I turned oft ibe motar to <»nie out and find ntyvelf. and when I twitched her hack an ehe *w d< *d I gueaa we were about l.ofttl feet high lhe*» "Brace v ogreelf' I told the voting lady, "we aid going to have to make a forced ItMldlna Hhe milled and 1 caught on the eida of the plane,” "Mow did you feel when you found youraelf up there without any pow er’,’ The Now* naked ' ”1 didn't hava time to teal. I waa thinking of the plana.” replied young Pennington, young In yenra but aged In agHnMof! experience. note of hla Babin In FOURTEEN PAGES TODAY Strike Trial Judge I ■ ‘ t M Jr/ m ■ < special term of Gaston Couaty, N. C.. Saparior Conrt. Spec ial Judge H. H Sink will noadnet the (rial of fifteen men charged with murder is «mxt r ll*ii with the klltt** of Chief of Police Adderholt of Gm toola. N. V. the chief met hie death during a riot at striking mill haada. PHILADELPHIA T SEES GUN nCHT Three Me* Left Badty Worn mM Follow in* Gaagstor** Ga* H*tU* DELPHI A, > gone blsaed tram a apeed thrap men lay wounded a* the pave- 1 meet. -- A The victims were Samael Janehe 1 also known aa Samael Ro**ere, M:' Alexander Segglt Id aad Aathaay. Plclrelll. >l. Jacobs waa wounded I* I •he stomach, neck aad right aide. Physician# said his tihaaeaa sos; re covery were slight. Baggie was shat In the stomach am! side and Plclrel ll In (he nee head fees. Poltse eaM the shooting was the oetgrowti at a liquor w*r- None of the woasded nten would talk Young Men Charged With Selling Boose Daniel Lsae aad 0. Smith, younp white men. were lodged la Jail J>ae terday on a cheat* of do****slag aad selling whiskey. They were arrested by Deputy Sheriff Ernest Hales who caught them" red-handed aa they mad* a sale. — V 104 MT GUARD OFFICIAL DIRS SEATTLE. Wash., Ja>/ !ft-»AP) —Cxpta.n John O- Bevvy. *B. comman der <»f tjir Northern DMitoo of th* the I n i*d States douxt Guard and wdTl-’xnuwn Slipping meti, died her* yesmrdnv Iha dlrrctlon of tha landtag field, bat lacked aeveral hundred feet of hav ing aufflcloot altitude to glide onto It. Realising that he wua going to get on the earth before ha got to tha field he picked tha parking apace In front of Griffin Park The plane glided un der the telephone wire* extending from highway 10 to the field, hit <m three point.-,, and took’another glide, barely going under the telephone wlrea .which extend from the highway to l>r. A. H- itealey’a home by eight Inched. Pennington eitlriflCod and and plougod through a conWelii to atop In a bean patch. Penntngton'a anperh handling of hi* plane had aaved hlmaelf. hla paa Henger. and hla ahlp Mlaa Boyatt waa amlllng when helped from the plane. Wrlklng either of tha telephone wlrea under which the ahlp gilded would certainly have toppled her with possible fatal or aerlooa Injurtaa to the paaaeogera- Exnmlnatlon of the plane after tha landing ehowed that the wire con necting the throttle with tha carttn* rator hgd broken Inside Ita protecting (Continued on Page TwoJt - M* ' 0 \. t * ' . V ) -r. . *%* ‘ f « < f m < Today's CMiIIm 4 3,248 * ." v ‘ * PRICE FIVE CENTS OVER OCEAN AIR RACE IS ENDED ON THE IST LAP ■i r ° N* Rom Fw* Pleae Tarata* ifcdi Haar Amree Polish PIMM KIWI VWMi Dm S 800 Nmt Aim rM nm 'treae-Atiastto air toao mu wmM Um “Mm MW*" With about 1.00 witoa of Um roata behind UMM iMt liHU Um fUMI elrtaea. ‘CoM* m 4 MM* tamed s hMk at the Mm tar Porta. At taw hm Um IMr Pottah rtndo MptA nwakl end Kabela tape mvoHeaopi MfiMte motor troObta to M«M vlatatty and to ta* ta*anMr ta** of Um Jm to Mplota Osoto* rtilw-l of fha earned It to Hot* hem def to Mm«r adreree weather mtatat J The Pottah ntata et nt" at. MoatomStaaUFltab > h -MW aorta* "Mr oMtar hm troohle." Mere* Hum (Ho hoere Infer IwU Following Um Marta report" not o Ther kept afloat Oa ti fraiehlev —b— o- ’’ picaayq tl^a Mm "Uatte * Bewler wetted . ¥er- Bhle weather report ta Otal^Tta rtight (root Chtaac* ta Mat Ceptata AIM* AJurmtavf. I Stall (Iter, wee at lot**. ChMta «*• teadiec te take ed prate* '*Sef for Mew York Ml the ta* Ml s f( .Jh r night from taeahhatta. t' ta Lee A ape lea. Meeheet WtallW Ited to taka an * olta* tar Mtar, terk aad beak ta the PoaMta One*" again la Si hater*. . , Meanwhile to CaUtatata, M. A Beta ken aad L. W. Meadatl were rahtatag after epending Ml homo, Ip aMk** and » eeeaßds la Um atr tar * tp* . r. fueling .nd.re.ee rewti The M record, made a few dare ago ***• k liltle orer ltd hoar*. Prom (tea rraaoteea eaata oraii tk* three new attpatoto ware kata* **•■ ned Krlk W. PVtaMf W#l Its Ha* Hawaii to Ua POMdltaa aad *Mfm to Lea Angela- aad Mow York. The Raaelan goTereM*t*o edreaee porta wae mapping out plena far a •OT* flight to etaij la Maaeow. Ltat Harold Rom ley ta ptaaataf 0 npa etop night from Teooaae to Tdfcp* , - , — r j— rnrn—i —- » Mrs. Best Diss si Home Near Plherifc Following aa HlMaa o# aaenrol week*, Mre. Tom Peat died at her home near PthewUie at am otaodh Thursday moralag. Ike ta aaiafeed by her hue bead md ala ekUSro* Ska wee a ten the wether of tdo eUMfM who prec ended her ta the ipoo* Hhe leevee hehWl her eeem broth era and two atetore, I. O Woof * •*- faet. W R. Went of aaar Pftaoata* H T Went. MrodU Wait. Oita IN* end Royal! Want at aaar Ptkeellle aad Woodard Waal at WUaa* Mr* ftp hoe Joaee ot aaar Mheellle aad Mr* Thad Crawford at Ooldabora t The daaaaaad wae a fatthtal aaaaa- _ her of money Creek free WW Me* Met Cberoh. Mar taaaral mo aoa(ta*- ed from the hem a kg her taraaoo VOO tor. Mov. 4Jo*eo Welle of Prtaeakea after which ahe area tad to ta* total tamlly woutaatPOtaToWM.

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