• WEATHER Psrttj eiewd; fel tewed by laent tbaaderwbewers Thursday slteraeoa s* alghL VOLUME EIGHT, U9. COUNTY TAX RATE FOR THIS YEAR SET AT sl.lß 38 CHILDREN EXAMINED HAVE TB: TO BUILD SANATORIUM .4 -. ' * . * —. • \r*rr> ; . • * County Board Approves Budget That Will Save Payers $9,600 in Year Rate for Levy for J*eml ' Year Wan 51.20 on SIOO Valuation '«* LEVY FOR 6-MONTHS * SCHOOL CUT 9. CENTS The Comparison on Ratea for This Year and for I-a»t Th* Wayn* county tax rate for tb" 1 year which begun July 1, will beJH.IB Cent* aa comparejl -with $l2O for the peat year under the county budget adopted'by the county board of com mission*™ yesterday. The new rate. It will be seen, I* I cent* on the SIOO ▼a I nation lean than laat year. I>if fedently stated. the' taxpayer* will pay tnfb the couuly $9 .two leaa this year wlitch started rhe riest oT the month than thejj did laat ytar. The total bndget requirement* are estimated at $743,584 92. and the total estimate of expenditure requirements a* The total tax levy for the new year Is divided a* follows: general fund, li cents; poor fund 6 cent*, road and bridges 30 cents, debt service 8 cents, six month* schools 60 cents. A comparison of the new rate with the old rate reveal* that the general fund has been Increased by 3 cent*, that KJfftor fund has been crested, that tbs mads and bridge* levy |* In creased by Id cent*, that the debt ser - trice levy I* decreased hy I* cent*, and that the six month* Hcbool levy la decreased by 9 cents. The ten cent radiation ly the debt service levy this yesr a* compared with last is made possible throuch applying the $43,000 which Wayne will receive from the special gasoline tax fund for debt purposes llml this fund not been applied to debt service and used for road malignance, the ten cent levy Increase for roads and bfldges would not have been nstfes sary. & The rats for the past year was ax follow*: general fund 13 cents, Rond and fridge fund 20, county debt »erv Ice 18 cents, six months school fund 69 cents. * * A summary of the budget estimate as adopted yesterday will be found on another page in this Issue. ELON GIRL TO return home : 0~ -j Attempted to Ehd Her Life By Jumping Into River Near Waycrotw . . WAYCROBB, fla., July 17

A young woman held here after poMce ssld she to commit suicide by lumping into the Hetllla fiver, today was Identified a* France* Teague of Klon College. N C. Before Identification *h > gave the name of Thomas She declined to re veal the name of her parents.. Police quoted physicians as saving she was temporarily mentally unbalanced. Mrs. C. E. Tspacotl of Kim
    —A telephone message t:> the Bi. Petersburg Times from It- Bera*ot* correspondent eerly tonight -aid a large steamer was apparently horn ing off the coast at that point The Coast Guard base her hr I n > report on the strip hut was investigat ing. The radio station was trying t * raise all vessels that were* In thst to- - . J THE GOLDSBORO NEWS READ IN THE MORNING WHILE MINDS ARE FRESH—READ BY BUYERS BEFORE THEY BUY. 2 ARE RETURNED TO COUNTY HOME Civil War Veteran Had Strange Collection in Hitt x Pocket* .Needham R Whitfield. 84 year old 'inmate of the Wayne county home near the city, and Will Wilson. 39, a three-day resident of the same Insti tution, were yesterday morning re turned to the counly homo alter an absence of" about 24 hours on tbw part of Whitfield and an absence ot only a few .hours for Wilson. Mfhllfletd. who declares thal he Is e Civil War veteran, was lodged Ip the city jail Tuesday about noon follow Ing W arrest by Officer Chink I Rhodes on a complaint'•by a resident, of Houth Goldsboro thal the aged man had gone Into tbelr housn and. gon r to sleep. He was arrested at Barrie I *’ store In little Washington, and whey taken into custody, had all the pock els of his clothing filled with various and sundry articles. Among" the things In his possession were a pint botllu about half ' full Os alcohol, whirl ihiF old man claimed he u*ad for nibhlqg purpose*, an empty pop bottle, two small bottles of atrychnlne tablets, lotgrcco, snuffy a small amount of money, a knife, and other odds and end-*; Whitfield, who is small In status and Is feeble, Is said bv officers to have a habit of going up on people’* porches and lying down and go'ng to sleep. He has heen locked up In Jail on several occasions, and oa one of these, most recent times, scratched from under the wire fenee surrounding the county Jail .according to his own ad mission. The old man get* the "wand ering bee” every once In a while, and when one of these spell* hits him. makes an excursion Into town He has heen st the county home for a num ber of years. Wilson, who was taken hack to the home yesterday along with Whitfield, was brought to the police station here afterenn Kdgewood resident had call ed the headquarters and told officers that hod been frightened by a man- According to the police. Wilson had left the county horn* earlier in the day to come to town and gel some | clothes from file home of a brother.• said to live here The man had lost his way, and In attempting to get hfs j hearings had asked the lady for sotn? Information,* It was said. Wilson wa* seriously Injured la«t fall when he wa* assaulted and rob bed while riding with two men from Raleigh to Goldsboro The Incident oc curred near Smlthfleld. and V' IhoV was removed from the car and left alongside the road In a aemt-cnnsct nua condition. He was brought to a local hospital and It was several dar» before he recovered. The man hail been staying with relatives here un til about three days ago. He was also badly Injured at Spartanburg. 8 os* to an Mt i tlmalttm from Russia lit thl* no ttf Sov el laloii .aid that all mem* * I, > aching amicable aarwenstni haii ' been ex*haiisted. Th note placed hy entire re p m * •bllln for all CO 11 requeue m ItpofT lh Chinese It annotttieed also that'all Soviet representatives ami c;>uux« Her 1 i fflcial- an! all goveruuient com me r a rial representative* would he recalled I at once from China. i It further declared that all Soviet j New Farm Board Starts Big Effort I) / iliWa mail li . Mr \yr\jP » President Hoover ..it with Ills newly crested l-arin .x«i i . to ilrsl gosttlns In V.aahingl m, I». t’. lo right, sluing; v J.lines I'. Slone of l.oxiogiou. Ky., vlca-ch •nm. o. reptc cnilng tobacco; Secretary of Agriculture Arthur M. Hyde, cx olflco thumber ot lb« board; Pr» Id d llwr. ' bixaoUer 11. l.eggc, ( balnnan; ilhsrltt, 11. Teague of I .os Aqjtclcs, Ituit uu ug Statidipg Wlltla o b J".«;!»■ II of Norihfl-dd, Minn., dairying t'harUu S wtlson of Hall. N V. blistern ugrlcul iual mime-is spo u n tail William:, of Oklahoma f’dlyv'cotlon and C. B- Owunan Ilf Karmlngton. Mrj; live -arnrit; ~~z~ r To Decide Baseball Status at 8:15 M. Whether or no! it will he ptis aible far Goldsltoro Id finish ih<- season In Hie Kaslern North f’aro -11 it it L’ ague Is expect m| Ip h<- ile termlpkd M ‘a mass meeting lo he livdd In the chamWr of commerce rooms at 8;1R Ih1» evening Every body who Is willing to iki his pari In boosting attendance at the games here 1« Invited to atieoW and the 176 siockholiiarx lu the baseball dub arc urged in be then II 1* generally agreed that. If means runout lie found lo Incroane attendance at home gamer that Goldsboro will have to surrender her franchise. Already the elulj U faced with a deficit ranging from $S.Mft lo 7.1H81 forth» current sea »on HOME REPORT TO BE GIVEN -< • A ' o Kyts of North Carolina (Hid Fel lowh To B«* Tamed to (’ity . . Today j eye* of North Carolina Odd Fellow* will ho turned Inward'llnddx iHkyo io* lowing appointment at the Grand Lodge meeting In W'linton. bo I t< u-t rece ved here yesterday hy member , of the trustees sent their contmi: were not discin' ed. Odd Kell iw- of Goid.boeo. Wil - >o Tarboro. Elm Clt* Mi olive R Mount and l-prinx Itop- nr> t»|>ect. I lo gather for the picnic Ills morning & 1,-tats would l>" tecsllid from th* 1 ItTflnese KaAlern rail *a tbit .ill, rail way communication- between Soviet i territory . and China would b »u»- I l>eode* I'cklng Mtikdrn agreement of I'tlM : It do lilted, that 111 • I'll It'X: tepl, to- Itus-Un ulllniat.'m wX uu-. I factory In content and hypocr.tlcil In . . ! 4 Oo^. j {wifUaucd on page 5; • GOLDSBORO. N. C. THURSDAY AIORNING. JULY IS. 1929 ♦vo \ W . FIDE DESTROYS TOBACCO BARN ( harle* W. Itexl of I hompeonV Chapel Suffers I/imn of SOMI , A tobacco barn eootaliilug 4&ti litlcks of curing lobaVjcn hot oiging lo Charles .W, Best, oh Goldsboro route & near Thompson’s chapel, tut , < om pketetf destroyed - hy fire yrtt*rdnv looming hlkiul 3o p’clock Ms Real '* Ison was at the barn, but had drop I ped off lo sleep wbeu the f re slarl | i«d Mr. H«sl gone in bed, hut hup Ipimd lo see the reflection of tin ‘ hlnse frnm s bed-room window lie left Ihe house Immediately but when he reached the barn Ilia blase I gained such headwat as to render e*- llngulxhlng It almost Impoxslblg. v Mr. Best estimated his loss at ap proximately S4OO. Which was no! cov ered bj Insurance. A stack of woel. piled up at one end of Iho ba|fl. wa sav»d. but another pile pf tohaev •» sticks was burned before they could the removed. Mr. Hesl told the New.- that In hi* opinion Ihe blase started when one of the cnrlng ktlcks of to bacco fell on the hot flue Inside ihc barn. * * . HEART ATTACK PROVES FATAL Duke Univ«ril*y S(u«4en( Wax In Swimrainty A( Lake Junalu-ka I.IKK JCXAU’HKA. 'July li Howard Ashley, 23. of Boone, N C . died of a heart attack slide -wloit, mins-In I,ak<■ Junslttsku toduv \ b e lev. an expert swimmer, hud lust no lev.-d the lake about 1 p tn . w lt ,- n It illsappcared below tb" stirfaie. Com ti,t»t..iw hrougbj him to lie slior: but he'falled to respond to efforts at »r tifklMl respiration > Phys'etafte after an egantinatlon -aid thst death Wav-dll I t b'art fait lire \ ltlev~»a ciadiVoed ti oti-llok t imi’i tv the pc t h,V. wn do *YiC fur. bet ■♦l Ml > Hum mer school. .|*ATIIUNDKR M'lW »l> t t h«»i ki.kt imn la* IVitirgct, Kronce. July 17. ■ 4*) —The American transatlantic air plane I’at bflodr, with Captain lewi A Yancey and Roger Q Williams, landed at the l.n Ikinrgnt Hying field this afternoon from Rome vVilson Snow Hill Road 1h Approved Ihe New- Karrwu Hy M. M. 11l NVIfiAN) If Al. HIGH. ..Inly 17 A new highway, from Snow Hill t*i W!l --sjn, was put on fjte map of th • state highway kystetn at the meet ing of the stale highway < otbinls don todav It |< in the and d. , i cl Cotnmi-s por’lms fn their districts. No Word Yet From John (>. Jlnnette An entire week had yresterdny passed since John G. Jlnnette, II yesr old carpenter of 1.09 8 Slo rttmb street, disappeared from b*t hom*>, and daring thU linn hU wife and chlldr >n have r* te.ict! ao d rect word front bint. »nu only one report, from a relative I.* Vtt cjlye to ihe effect that the misa- Ittg flJsn hud be n seen tfn the streidM there thday ha li his br»m*» here. Tfll* relative ev*an *kok Mm for a htlnnle or so, but rheo |'* .*t Ih it teaching ag rlculture at West Edgecombe high school 111 I d ran were fonad to have the "adult type of tuberculnala, and we think It very necessary Indeed that they bava sanitarium treatment aa early as pos sible. a* they are possibly Inf ctlons lo those with whom they-Mye." Two. children were diagnosed aa having tuherculoals of .the neck and 1t Is urged In the report that they should have X-rajr treatment for these glands, combined with dletlc and fresh air treatments. If they cannot get these, together with X-Ray treat menu at home ,lt Would be well fori them to come to the Santtorium " Twenty-four white ttdMjten col ored caaea are classified ous” in Dr Yoder’s report. His report continued:" « *’|n some of these cases I hav* rec ommended that another X-rny p'nture lie made of Ihree months. These, case* shin'd he considered very much as the active cases above mentioned The parents should he Instructed to give them plenty of good, nourishing food. Hey should he urged th have the chtldrsn lie down for at lea*t two hoars each afternoon, and the children should not be allowed t Vitake any strenuous exercise, such aa running. Jumping ball playing, etc. and they should spent at least nine or tan hours In tied at nlkht They should ulso have t’ontlnned on page 6 _• •_ cr_rr a* I have sod having studied the sit uation from everV angle and travel ing tbl* and adjoining count te*. wrote Mr. Oraht. (‘‘'find the farmers anx'oun to market their tobacco In Goldsboro. If the cttlsen* of Golds boro and the farmers of Wayne c mn ty will come to our aid there Is not the slightest doubt tn my mind hut what we can secure two eels of buy er* Jor this market by the first of October. The tobacco companies will give use buyers If we can get the to bacco here for them to buy. but we can not expect them to furnish as buyer* unless we can furnish them with tobacco "The warehousemen lu Goldsboro (Continued tn PH« i), Today's Circnlatfoa 3,076 pucamicMi ( ummtHMion'cni l*r>»W> far !•» $25,000 la NMw far Com l, Baattarhua DELEGATION APPEASE TO URGE NEED BANITOEIUII Building la ba PratMaf la Goto (or SO Patiala AaaaraO -1,,, * W V M county will eoastruat i ta» bercuioeia üßttarlaai u oaut (OJO Hom«tia« during the irmpt yeas, It *u by the ooutl Mari at county comaisdteaam la Mwjlai •ion yesterday. Aa approyetattoa ter th« ssnitorlaa «u ant mada ta U* budget Adopted ter tha oarrrat mar. but the county wOl aa* Ha oredJt, either In the torn dtMdrt tana note* or boaOa, ta ematteg tfta hdd pitei Definite appraml ad tke pun iest wee gives altar a Oatefadteb MM appeared and arpad tta aeaawMy te the ('omiuleelnaam. Among theae petti naMd One Mart for the aanltorinm ware ttm ML S Rnblneon. Urn. I. K. JOaMA MM. P W Dnrtn. Mra. B. O. Thimpgaa. % w h. a with, Judge, o. I. Maad. W. A. Dean end Dr. Ip W. Oerhett *| n. nmtmt —lm |ka Mma|>. Am ' MMMEE Rankin over leap would atlaw |1 pdf daypPfkOEll It wan arguAd to tfciMMbAMMtl that from*! etaaipdMi M carry Interest M|fß aa UaMkE n county inatMattea with the OMN ateteh wtll -M made available, It la >raaaaat taamM n eaattorteai that will neeemadgde It patients It 1a eepaetad that It *Mh* erected on ooaaty prep arty aaar tts present County Heme, and that Che r •election of plans tad awaMMo «• & contract will he toMd MIBF ACTR ACOMR TOLL RALBIOH. July M. m Ms *’ , tomobile eccldeute eaaeedad hcahttp during June aa the daaaa ed peredh* meeting violent deaths la North Ott rtiinn The monthly repeat