j WEATHER ' Skewers and slightly raster Friday Saturday fair. VOLUME EIGHT. NUMBER 120. FEAR 20 DROWNED WHEN TR4M4OES INTO CREEK BRIDGE BREAKS, SWOLLEN CREEK SWALLOWS CAR ■ - o Eiffct arc Known Dead, Several Mianing. And Total List " JBay Be 20 ,SEVERAL HUNDRED WERE ON TRAIN IN ACCIDENT Only Oae Person Preen "Self * From Trapped Car and Tesla of 14 Unsaved DENVER. Col®., July' 12. — Uf>— Trapped In • sleeper on the weat bound Colorado Bxpresa of the Chi cago Rock laland and Pacific Rall „ way which plunged through a bridge and aaak in tha flood watara of a craak near Stratton, Colo., thla morn lag, eight persona warn known to have bean killed and It waa feared other llvaa mar have been lost. Coroner Orrin P. Pennr of Kit Car §on countr aaprassed the belief the dead might number 20- Railroad officials Haled only e* m., the water had receded about two feet, then standing at a depth of eight feet. A wrecker and crew arrived from ‘ Ooodland. Kas., and avttHWl "recession of the flood water* before attempting to lift* the submerged car Efforts, meanwhile, were directed to relief of passengers and work on_qther cars which were off the rallsrimt on the right of way. Morrta Oest, theatrical producer of New York, enroute to Derives was aald to have been a passenger train. 4 *"“■ ‘ If School Meit*Gather Here This Evening Rome 15 county And city superin undents of schools will gather at th Hotel Ooldaboro here at 11:80 this evi * nlng for an Informal "dutch" supper Dr. A. T. Allen, state super.ntendent of public Instruction will l»e In at tendance. No program has been »r ranged and no topic has been set for discussion- “We are Just getting to gether to an Informal’ way and f»i the purpoee of swapping experlenc BARIALMORT OWE R 1.6T8 LOJHI IK X Y. IS RAIDF-I* NEW YORK, July 18.-IJP! A totT almost one block long, reput ft bull ll»K l B WpU. Street and th- bar ex tW|VT e amny* $p the MU sural, THE GOLDSBORO NEWS .. . » , .;. . - ' ; . ' * ‘ t .■ ' <■ . V. * . • READ IN THE MORNING WHILE MINDS ARE FRESH—READ BY BUYERS BEFORE THEY. BUY. Unfold* His Plan jjlllplpiir mB- - - w w • ■. Several opinions pro and con have followed the message of George W. Wickersham, top, chairman of President Hoov er’s law enforcement commis sion, to the annual governors’ convention at New London,! Conn. Mr. Wickersham ad-' vances the theory that the en forcement of the prohibition law id particular and all law in general be divided between the -Federal and local state agen* ekt. - Governor C. H. Dern of Utah waa chairman of the con vention. REFUELING TRY : PROVES FATAL Hose Entangles in Wikfes of Ship and Pilot Falla 2,000 Feet 'DES MOINES. lowa, July 18.-UP) -4 PI lot Rosy Arnold' was killed ve n-lav when he fell Iroai the cot-knit of a plane “Greater lies Morses” 1 in :>«* >r.v I* cim.bed In an attempt *o make a refueling coptpct. .. > ' lhc 't; »*t r Des. % nines” was mak ing toite !u j-ep* «tlon***for re -t tempt st making the worlds re. t-lirc flight record. % '*„] Charles Gatcbet. co-pilot, escaped In a parachute. The refueling hose from the “atom City” became en tangled In the wing of flTe'” r, Greater Des Moines” causing It to tip badly. Arnold was tn the rear cockpit and Oligpeil down through the propeller falling about 2,000 feet Dr. W. H. Cobb Discusses Needs ot City's Hospital sr j "Only those In close touch f»TU> *h '| Institution can reallxe the^trea'I amount of good Jhat ha-< been a- i otit ; plished since Its foundation.” d.r 1 (I Dr. W. H. .Cobh yesterday In Its cussing the proposul f.rr the city tn match the offer of the Duke Fount.) tlon to give s&o.h(w! for a <>.v ai.-t a. purses' home for the G >■-' bn I o*'Pt a(j i ‘lt may not be amls»_or n.t(ni»:'-t lug at this time to revi.-w briefly th , humble ei*gin and mm-plcl-u - t> ginning of the Goldsboro II tspltai,' said Dr. Cobh. •* "Its first location wa« upstair, sh h wood) n building Which sKhkl wln-r.- the pnesent Park* r I Iling Stisti i'i Is located at the corner of-Cedtct an Mulberry street* After thi- Joj.." » [ > It was, moved to a -niall brick hutll tn gofl North J-)h «te--t opt» • t '■ old Jack Plac- R' tnalnln* here for somntim-'. I wi- f t:»l In the buUd ng was entirely, too snt-iP. and Inadequate for *he r-quit ment of the hospital, and so the uoxt to. i , tlon ysif in -.he old Blocuiuh refc-Jvucjj BALL CLUB GEV# NEW LEASE ON LIFE Hear Kepoii of Inspection (X Home and Re-Elect C 11. W arren as Sti|ier»fitendent JACTION OF TRUSTEES CONSIDERED VINDICATION OF HOMES AFFAIRS —PROPOSE LIQUIDATION OF DElir AND RECONDITIONING OF BUILDINGS The board of truste a of th , (»d i i Fellows 11 mie m.i-t ng here yesteidj. jin connection with th' six It di Hi . i picnic, re-elected CY Ts Wsfr-n supeilutetide nt of the horns, (rail Lodge officers In session a short tlm« prior to the meeting of U»> trn te-s took prellmln>iry s ward reconditioning ts building «. Re-election of Mr. Warren aj »in erlntendent was consldrred a vlirl e i tlon of the management ol*. the h mm Hla re-election was made on t.'ie strength of a report submit! -I by a special committee named to make ut Inspection of the home " affair: VB pointed by grand master R. K. Him mons of Wlnston-Kalem, th-- commu te* —Including A. T, Walston of far boro. D. F- lainter of Ogfortl anl Messrs. Griten of Greensboro and O'Hanlon of Winston-Salem—vls ted the Home here several weeks ago. Their report waa considered by a CHINA WILL TRY STATE PROGRAM ft ■ I)r- Chang Will Introduce N.-C. Welfare Finn in Chineae * Citlen The News Hareaa. Ry M. R. JkCNBAUtVN) RALEIGH. July ll.—Nortb Taro fllna’s welfare program will have its "influence on far-away China. It was riearned today wUen Mrs. Ka«- Burr 5 Johnson, commissioner of public wef- I fare, received a Jetter from Dr. H. C, I Chang, saying that he Intends to nse I the Stale's program In a modified, .’"form as an experiment In several towns In China. < t Dr. Chang, who ly spending two years In America as a fellow of the Laura Rpelman Rockefeller Memorial fund In order >• study the welfare I work being done In this country. . spent aL the i’ublic Wel- ( :/are Institute at Chapel Hill. When ’ he flturns to his native land. Dr. Chang Is to direct the school of public 1 welfare at Princeton University's branch 4n Peking, whlrh tmlversltr t*. . In part, sponsoring his stay tn Amer ica. * o , 1 t " The Chinese edttfator and soda' welfare WorketvjggenL-LhejtpJlre weds I at Chapel Hill, attending the WjsjpvAs . and studying the methods and the - orles presented by the State’s pnhlh r welfaßg leaders. / ; He came to North Carolina from the I New York BohooJ,—Cl r where he Is amending lecture- Wir ing the sumra«4. I which stood at the c-irnet of Rlocumhj , and K \V.iltftit streets In the grove Ini which the residence of Mr George i 1 Dewey Is located, and this same Slo-, cumb r> sld-tn <- wa - afterwards ot-.v i ! est to th;- property of tin I. O. O- j Home wl-sre it Is used as a redd.-ncej for some >f the faculty connected w ith i the Home Th Hospital grew In u-r ( ' fulne«». Importance and tn servic-i after It* location on ♦-a-it \Salim- and , Hlocumh street-, where it remu I for a few yeaf* ntitll the present lo cation wa* Selected anil the Goldsboro j i Hosplta Building wa» erected "I'rnm a mint huitihl • beginning 1 ha grown t > he -nit's- an in-tltu’ i> i, In th* community »nd It not ml , ■erves h ■ cltl*>-n . of Gol4»b >r aulj Wayne county, but patt.rets from ad j Joining counties are almost da 1 a I | milted for - h en attid j Is h God-aend.'Snd a refug- | t,> i h..-• wlth-mt m mey uipl w f.i -c j prlf* who are Vi k In, h uly and »h 1 need k" ministrations Util ,tn close touch with this InatUuUun (Conttuuod on Jtago 7) GOLDSBORO. N. C. FRIDAY MORNING JULY. 1» 2929. full meeting (if the trust es hAr.- yes terday. and wklli tn member us Hit hoard could he Imaieil who would dlvpige Its conteni«. U was uu . r sittnd that it gave th-.stawp of at-' t-ri'Vul lo III' pitilcl s up.l cotdit ons , noW obtaining at the, Rome. Th nut ter was considered by the trus ces while In executlVjg^missl.m. Tw inemlM-r ,'h , r-ached by The Newa last eveataß add each s.ated, howevet, ...at .... port would not be made public. A. laine of Greensboro . pfeslrl-td over the sess'ons of the’truste * ant the following full list of members waaMa attendance: W. T. Davis of (falelgh, M P. Jeanlwgs of Elisabeth 1 City; J. M. Lents of Wlnstnn-Nal-m. Mrs. H R- • Wklitaki r of Bnuthera ITnes, C .0. Hmhh of Goldsboro, and Grand Master R. F. Utinmons of W ns ! tnn-Kalttn. who Is a member eg-of* , i flclo- I* Grand Maater Simmons acting Ir I (Continued on Puge Two) PLAN A DIVISION OF SCHOOL FUND Amounts, far Tax DN trictn far Each ('aunty Saak ta Ma Knawa RALEIGH. JnP 1* -(*»)- The state board of egvstllaailon meeting her* today tent ajlvv'y adopted plans for the distribution ot the $1,250,000 fund set apart by 'he l»2t»,Gen >ra) Assembly from lh» iqual - xatloa fund for the heneDt of schol district a huv ng a longer term than ala months. The board odlourned un Dl the necessary mathematical caleu < ' latton for distribution of the “tax re duction" fund can he made,, which ' will require one or two 1 weeks.. I'nder the plan tentatively adopted all dlstylcta will be treated alike, both as to valuation and without regards to whether the extension of the six months term Is for less than two , months the limit for state partlclpa ' tlon under the bill. Extend Time For Meetingr New I .aw . ti The News Hurrau, fRy M. K. ItmiliAN) RAI.EIGH, July 18 The penallles applying to those handling welghta and measures In the Htate has hern ■Mipended until Heplemlier 1, by Rev enue commissioner A. J. Maxwell, due to the faCt-Slha' the law I n>* and It Is hard for dealer* tn comply with the requirements, and to the further fact that some of the pravlslons are not entirely deaf" and omy recently has an Interpretation of the law been made. Attorney General tt, Com mlaatoner of Agriculture Graham and ('oin ml salon er Maxwell recently lnt < r preted th* law. which la not a part of -the Revenue act. but Is a separate ata Mute. The Attorney General held that J the tax or fee provisions make them a part of Schedule H. license tax-», pof th : Revenue act, and .»y 'much in license fee* Inipos st * In the stalin' become suhjto* to tic [ penalties provided In-the Revenue A< t j tor delay In payment of | ituense taxes 'However, Mr. Maxw*ll feel-, that an extenaion of tlm-. In order to give those subject to the weights and nieg -ures tax u reasonable time and op portunity to comply w'tli the law. Is Justifiable He Is, therefore, suspend ing application es penalties until Sep tember J. \ IST II It \' h IN w FLORINV ( LONLRj TAI.LAH Ha ilnitf lv j (/Ft The State Banking Deportment I annoitnied that the Htyt Rank of llowl'og Green. Florida, had failed to open Ms door* toduy, bringing to * x teen the number of bank failures In lu the state during the past two days | - Big New York Shakeup . A BS' %A, SHFS • ■HHHHHHb » Police Commissioner Whslen of the New York police, dc cided his department needed jacking up and nigde change- affected almost the en tire force Inspector PS. Me Cormack. tinted as the “hard lioiled tr»t' will now hive thr job of -eci that the Graat- Whitr ' » T-itas down on tunc n MURDER CHARGE IS PREFERRED •'* . - I’arkion Man I* > Returned to . Florida to Face Trial In * T v SJ Jacksonville I UMHKRTON. S C , July f* (A») Karl WUntmson. Insurance man of Florl/fa and member of a prominent I’arktou famtly. was arrested her# today by Mierllf "11. F McMillan of Ktibcson county and I spoke Mr*. Henry Weil yesterday In discussing the offer of the Duke Foundation W donate S.V-,llob toward additions apd a titirsea' home for the Goldsboro hospital to cost‘slott,O#O.j"l don't see how Goldsboro could hold njr its heijd If the offer Is not. m***;’ went on Mrs. Well. “We should fee! ourselves more thnn ashamed not to take the opportunity presented.” Th- Goldsboro hoapltal. Mrs. Well told The News. sp-s»k ng from long knowledge of Its affairs, has grown Into the "big business class. There was a' time when v *he declared when women of. the-Ladb-s' B»nev:/loili P>- clety went personally and solicited f-»t the small fuffd-* n-eded t • run th >1 hospital In Its Infant day* That was • the day whcn-Goldsburo was. a cross I roads village and" tt* hospital need* the need* of a cross roads village- Now the effort* for the hospital re quire the uqjted effort* ofthe com bined cltUauship. | "J wonder how mauy people iu the 27 Pledge Support To Series “•Baseball Days” To Be Staged at Park PLAYGROUND TO CLOSE JULY 27 Swimming Mwt At Prrabvteriau Pool Announced for Thin Afternoon "w There will he a special swimming program ut the Municipal swimming pool thla afturnouii. It ; vua announced yesterday by R. & Robinson, director of city playground activities. The program will Include swimming, races, dives, plunges, exhibitions of dlffevpnt stroke* and under-wutur swimming. The programs are held on Friday of each week, and have prov ed to be Interesting feat nr ee of no* Grilles nt the pool. At n meeting of the playground committee In the community baltylng Wednesday afternoon. It was decided so continue’ the operation of Mm swimming pool through the first week In September, and to clone the play ground at the end of nopt week. These decisions were made because It la be lieved by members of (he eommtitee that the benefits derived toy the, children from the swimming pwol era more valuable. The fund saved by closing the playground e week earlier than waa nt first scheduled will be applied to the expense of runntpMl the swimming pool • week longer than was nt fjret scheduled c Th* firpt week In Beptember, Inter esting water programs will toe held on three days that week. A Water Pageant, a water carnival nod a Oral aid exhibition will be th* feataraa of these program*. Ribbons and medals wilt to* awarded the wlnaearsF ot the various contests- , . ■> -» c» McLean Children in Baltimore Hospital (By u k. nrmtuiii The hew* Rurauu. RALEIGH, July 11 Angus Wilton McLean. Jr . and Margaret Mcl*aan. son and daiigbtcr of former Governor and* Mrs A. W. McLrqn. nr* both to ■ Halilniore hospital recovering from operations for appendicitis. Margaret, who ‘bed been suffering with slight attacks for some time, was left at tiis hospital In Br IN mors when Gov ernor Mcl*e*n'sJji*rty started home from the ConfsXrate monument ax erclss* et Gettysburg on July 2. Wil ton. or "RuhlH-r" a* Ihe older son to known, was taksn up later. Mrs. McLean has been tn Ralt'mor* < with them all the time, while th* for mer Governor has made several trips to see them. Both are recovering nicely and hope to he sbU to. return home within a few days. - *g|g city remember where th* Hospital was first established. Tt was In Ihe upper story of what ls now the Fred Parker Motor Company building on the south west corner of Center and Mulberry streets. I thing that Mr- W.therlngton had a stables on-the ground floor. the rent of the quarters for little or nothing. Doctor* carried their emergency cases there There were no trained nurse* In (he city at the time. A celored women might have beer, employed to look in occasionally, and the doctors call •d by In their rounds “From the quarter* on Center and Mulberry, the h-»sp lal was moved to' Hie little brick house on Jobn^htreel, near Atlantic. A house now occupied j as a residence. And do yon know that, I have seen at that ohl hospital an | old-couple; and I have seen the suf-l ferlngs caused by that old couple carried to the fourth generation, largely because no one knew what toj do for them. “From the quarter* on John Street,: (Coaliuued uu Peg* TwoJ M JRB Today’s CircnlA&m 3,080 PUCE FTTB CBJfIBI Attendance at Uwt Iflffct'l Mneltef Jggmfteg U APPEAL TO LOYALTY Os BAIEBALL PANS Ju-** Banks m TM Basil . A new Mnee a*-'Ms. •*» *g# « may b«-osly tIHWIH fS tb« ooidshsrs hgacftelt <«• at b«*pH mg OI .tcrtkoUere held la the M < ham bar as Cmumim riiai IqR evening, when fl aft the aWMIMai present signed an ogre—eai la at* t»nipt u> sell auk wash ta Ska (a maindar as ttoa MMas «M JkMfe H tickets, seek bosk aoatatalas M tickets. aaS each Uokst to N hM for oao dollar. Under Si fM (toft* •4 at the meat lac Ihdt wwlic *■* Wednesday wtjl be tbs CM of a of "Baaakall D«w. k ana tt to w •sMa aaefc vaak Car ttoa raaaWMar of tko wank ... */ A T. Orillia. prashtsat as ttoa •»#. d*c la rad at ttoa elaaa al Mm metfiCt that ha was wash H*»sed w*| ||» playsd hara. Aa applet ta ttoa leyaKy of OaMt boro faaa will bo atf* flm ttoaaa who aicaad ttoa fra—aat Hat aMH begin their drive foe the agio at ttoajM • “one dollar” tickets, ead It la l» league baaehall la never yet known Oakdshara t» Hit l-efs get behind ttoe toad team aa that u will not he a'falters. H ttoa tattoto ever needed seppsri It eeede to a*». I believed the hope will eagle eat as ibis siaiap sod wta a haaato as thaaa ball asms* yet.” President oriffle told these rnrim (hat In his oplaloe tie teas had ha come discouraged to# easily jaet be cause the teem had had a little ItotoNlg streak. "W« were so tog laMpr.leaf season (hen say other feep ta (he league, and we‘r* bpisn aaTug longer (hla seeaea than say other' club Now. just because w#*r* Ige- Inga few aamee la no reason Car tht* terrible lag In Intereat, he said. Ifr. (irlfffn then told hkn audteaoe that ha was going to hero a talk with the team this mom lug eai that be weald like to be able to let them know that the people of Goldsboro were babied them. Herndon Tuttle suggested that S' committor he appoint ad to call go the merchants sad ink them to IK their employees off si I;Jo o’dlsdl one afternoon esch week to sttabd e baseball same played kero. ACtMa will be takes OB tMa auggasttoo with in the neat day or two, it wsa dectdsl George Dewey sad J T Ore**, aedkt made a brief talk In whlck they urf ed stockholders to do everytklag pot- Bible to swell tb* attendance at til snniea, and to boost the club is eraty way possible. The following agreement was sign ed by 17 busineea sad ynlaaalaadl men present: "We, the undersigned, agree to try (CouUaaed ea fagg _ r