Iwk ATHKR VOLUME EIGHT; NUMBBB 132 NO TRACE OF WARSAW MAN LOST IN DENSE FOREST DISAPPEARED LAST SATURDAY MORNING EARLY Government Offers lb Send Pkoe If Expenses of Trip Guaranteed NO ONE OFFERS TO GUARANTEE THIS SUM Hope Waning That J. D. Winters Lumberman. Will He Found Alive Though searcher* yesterday ton tin «fd to heat about the tangled under growth, no word nor trace came from J. D. W nders, middle aged Warsaw lumberman, who last Saturday dis appeared into a dense forest on the old Rtvenbark plantation near Mays vllle In Jones county. It was the alxth day elnce Winders entered the 40,000 acres tract of forhat and swamp land for tb) purpose of making a timber surrey. As the day ended, there was small hope that he would he recoveritd alive. Jones Aunty had added Interest to the search—which Is being pushed under great dlfflcntly on account of where Mr. Winders was last seen by offering a reward of S6O for Infor mation concerning him. The sections Is sparsely settled and few passable roads load through the swampy land which was being surveyed At points a man can more forward only by cutting oni n path In fr<#>t ah he progresses. Friends of. Winders had communi cated with Congressmen Charles L Abernathy In Washington relatives to sending an airplane from Fort Bragg to flj over the point where the War aaw man la bettered to hare lost ht\ way Reply was. that the gt&erameat could not order a .plan* to make the trip unless nees could he gnsrnnteed. At 11 o’clock last night, according to Information given The News by the New Bernian • one isd appeared to agree to bear the expense OT the search by plana. Tha sheriff of Jones county found some faint hope In considering the fact-that la recent months timber man hive been lost In the same for est. wandered for fire days and then mad? their eray out safely. The lor ried beat, though, which has obtained most of tha time since Winders en tered the forest was recognised as a factor which would act toward wearing sway the resistance of the man, about It years old, very quick a ir. jj \ Before entering the swampy for eat. Wtndars had borrowed a rifle from a negro and stopped to discard his shoes- for overshoes, according t otbe story of the blsck as related to the story of the black as related last Saturday morning. Winders Is wall *known In lumber manufacturing circles In this section At one time h—The xepplin works re ceived a radio message from the graf seppltn Just before midnight ing It passed cape Be Gala. Spain at 11 p. m. (I p. m. Kastern Standard time.) • Messages from the dirigible said that the weather cleared after seven ’.our* of aipadlty fighting opposing Winds and that the speed Increased from 46 miles an hour to more than * f ' . A On the earlier part of the flight, (he airship followed the same course as on Ms unsuccessful efforts to reach the United States last May and those •who were passengers for a second time developed their favorite paat tlme of pointing out landmarks of that her&llc struggle to regain its hangar. ■> By Herbert B. Baikal # Spesl il Staff Correspondence for AP Aboard Graf Zeppltn, 3:40 p m Kastern Standard Times -A stowaway was round Just after the sepplln left the hat-gar. He Jumped from the bnq the hangar. He jumped from the han between girders he would have en dangered the ship. Dr. Kekener said he would return from America with the next steamer and be severely punish ed. OH YOU OiVTMEAI. WASHINGTON. Aug L- (JP) The tariff on oats was raised from l(e a bushel to 16c by Republicans of th* Senate Finance Committee today their revision of the House tariff measure. Ask Farmers to Supply Data As To Loss In NeuserFloods With the horn-inn here on August 16 only fifteen day* away, prepsra itona will bo completed this mornlnir lor thr gathering of d»'» flood loss caused by overflow* from the Neuse River, W. G. Denmark, secre tary of the chamber of commerce, gnd A. K. Robertson, county agent, will meet at the courthouse this morning to rpake flnul adoption of a ques ttonalre that will be lent to land owner* along the Neuae and Its tri butarle* tn the county. “And please urge these land owners said Mr Denmark yesterday to fill out the questlonalre promptly. I'nless thl* data I* secured there will be no chance of relief sought for” ° Preparatory to the meeting to be held In Goldsboro on August 16th at which time Federal District Kng'neor, Major W. A. Know of Wllj mlngton. will gather data and hear residents ol the Neuse basin on the BMWSIIV Si Ul» 9t In the Hayes Barton section -in Rale|gh. but die government I*., mot letting any grass grow under its feet In a program of thorough inspection of' coiifinlng the pest to Florida. Ex tensive spraying was resorted to in the Hgyes Barton section of Raleigh tS prevent possible Infestation Mr. Lynn and his assistant* plan to make an Inspection of orchards and adjoining counties, accord.ng to word given out st the Chamber of Com merce. to detsrmlnc whether or not the fly has appeared here. Farmers who desire Inspections for theft orchards, W. C. Denmark, secretary said should write the chamber of commerce. * Where the fly appeared In Florida. It was necessary to destroy entire orchards In Instances that the pest might be prevented from spreading to vkier areas. WILL ORGANIZE TAX COMMISSION Wilj He Perfected at Conference, at Roaring Gap Sometime Today The New* llareas, (By 1. K Bontmn RALEIGH, Aug I .The organisation meeting of the new North Carolina Tax commission, composed of three members, as provided by the 192# General Assemble will he held With Governor Gardnef at Roaring Gap, where he Is spending the first part of hla vacation, tomorrow. Friday. s Allan J. Maxwell, revenue commls sinner, N. A Bethune, Clinton, and J. K. Norfleet, Winston-tfalem. com pose the commission a* now constitut ed, with Dr. Fred W. Morrison as exe cutive aecretary. At the meeting to morrow the commission wll lorganlse and outline pluns lor operation* for the next two years, carrying on the work so valuable to the General As sembly. during the past two years. In helping solve the problems of taxa tion In the state. Tyre C. Taylor, (private secretary to Governor Gardner, lef' this afternoon for Soaring Gap to lake up matter* 'hat require personal attention of thi? Chief Executive. He expects to return to Raleigh Friday or Saturday. tJ DEADLOCK C ONTIJH ER MOSCOW, Aug. I—(Aft Russia and Great Brltlau have reached a dead lock In their Ignition conference for the resumption of trade and com mercial relations and diplomatic serv ice*. Great Brltlan refused to accede '‘f/n the Russian desire for Imraedlat • appointment of ambassadors befote controverted questions were taken up river for navigation. Irrigation, power development and the posslh fttte* or damage being done by the stream to flood stage, letters are going to the farmers of this Immediate section ac-i Jcompanled by uestlonnarle* which The News Is printing at the bottom of this article. It Is sought to determine whst ac reage was covered by the flriod wa-j ters of 192 H. the damage to groVlng crops, how much of thp land Is under cultivation, whether any livestock was lost and as accurate estimate as possible given of Ihe Good, damage of 1928- The crop recipient of the letter I* .also urged -to attend the meeting at Goldsboro on August 16th In addition to the questionnaire, which Is being sent out, the Chamber of Commerce, county authorities and others will gather statistics regarding the possible tonnage that would b<- diverted o the water route In th" - (CaflUMrt 9ft Fm'TJwi 1J 1 GULD6BORO, N. C. FRIDAY MORNING, AUGUST 2, 1929 * Air Conquerors Call II a Day [ j - jjk 1 & - This telephoto front St. Louis. Mo. shows the new endurance champions of the air. Dale Red" Jackson, left, and Forrest l) Brine, who descended at St. Louis airport nßer their 16th dajs of comlnuous riylng. with a total of over 430 flying hours, or 160 hours more than the existing world's endur ance record. If special orders hadn't come from the sponsors of the flight who becantn a little panicky since a recent endurance crash, the boys would undoubtedly have remained aloft uiitU they had accomplished their goal of StHI hours. • CARRIED PISTOL * TO BIG DANCE O ■ - --- 9 So Norwood Uxxell, Negro, Will Fore Judge lUand in Coun ty Court *» ' Norwood I'xxpll, colored, was hound over o count* court under SIOO Iwmd on charges of assault and of carrying a concealed weapon lit a hearing be fore Mayor Jack Ml|l is police cou't Ivrrq yesterday morning. According to the testimony, of several witnesses, t’ssell drew u pis ol on l,eroy Clark, colpred. following hh argument- dur lull a dunce In the Little Washington section of Ihe cl y Tuesday night Us xell. who was srresttd a short time after Ihe Incident by Officer Parker, of Ihe local police department, chugg ed, that he" had' bees “framed” liy Clark’s gang, and told the courl tha he hud never owned a pistol. 'TJie pistol was not found on his parson, hut wes found between two houses, where the Clark Imy and Ills friends claimed they saw Uxsell throw II st Officer I’arker's apprvmch. charges of trespass uguinst 8 urliug lane, white, wits nol prossed with leuv/ Dave Scott and Luln J |lohl)S, colored, charged with rtwelvlng. having iu their possession for the purpose of sale, nnd transporting of whiskey, were each hound over to county court under $2 fined $, and the. costs for being disorderly. James Lane, colored, was charged with riding a bicycle on the sidewalk James was only 14 years old, how -ever, and after being given u warning of what Would happen to him if he repeated the offense, the youth was : turned loose. FITHER-Akli SON l»Kt>W>Kl> MONROE. La., Aug 1 -t/P) The bodies of Alfred Htnipwon, fugqier living near the Arkan-ss line and his 12 year ,Wl son Clifford, were re covered t<«lny IVom Bayou li'Aihonne after an all night search by the Ameri can legion, the Red Cross and farm i era Simpson ami his two ..(in-. Clif ford- and Clayton, the liter six year old, were fishing In a small boat, and , when the old* rst boy fell overboard-. ; The father, although not knowing-.how tj to sw'lOt, Jumped In after hint nnd both drowned while the child Clayton ' iWM 9«< BIG SUM PAID BENEFICIARIES InMuranrc t'ompanim I*rM Out 1139,000 in, Goldwhoro lauit Y«gr Policyholders and Ireneflclarles re ceived s2,u67.tH(Ojioti from Ufa Insur ance companies In the United Hlates and Canadg lust year, according to the* annual “Life Payments Number” of The National Underwriter, an In surance Journal. This Is .an Increase of S3ILOWMKH) over 1927. The Increase in 1927 over 1926 was $160,444,481. ■> Payments of Ihe life Insurance oom* panics In this stale were $33,706,900! and In this city $139,060. according to The National Underwriter. „ I ')' Payments In nearby eltlea were. Mt Olive $36,000. Htanlonshurg. $146,016, Know , Hill $13,263, Warsaw $16,878. The estate of W H. of Hlanlonnhurg received Ihe Urgent pay ment yeur, $150,906, , t & LIGHT 14ftKM* PLHISH IK KMPLONIOK LILLK. France. Aug I (4*» Rlgh' miners were killed und four others suffered gas poison today In an ex plosion at Kscarpelle mhnen near la-ns. The cause of the explosion was not determined. _JL ILI.INOIH GAM tax MIB OPLRATIYL CHICAGO. Aug. I—(A*)—lllinois’ iln*e cent gasoline lax law went Into ■ ffei-tsgwal midnight I Ills state was the las In Jhe United Statea to adopt a gasoline tax. Fans Must Support Team If City To Keep Baseball Goldsboro baseball fans must luf#! out In larger numbers if baseball is I In he continuer) Thfs is the word con-1 tallied In a letter Issued by the Base hull Club l ist evenlnir to the fans of the city. "The trail team only needs yous support,” declares the statement, ‘■but If must have It If we are to have baseball In Ooldsboro.” The siaiement follows: To the Baseball Fans of Goldsboro: The Goldsboro Baseball’ Club is faced with a payroll for which there is no money In the ti’easury. The attendance at the Just two games has been fairly good hut has been, too small to pay even the current expenses of th" team. It is for the fans to de cld* If'baseball Is. wanted In this town. The directors have stood the joss when rain and a poof showing •by the team could be blamed for the lack of support. The team ha* woe the last three games and there Is no £»¥»«« (9f tUu l*Vk 9l Iftttmt "UMI Had Stolen Snow Hill . . r> . ' * > Man's Automobile From Point on Center Street HIGH OFFICIAL . OF ROTARY HERE Harvey Kendall, in Uluruc of Club Adminii«tration, Meet« With l/ocal Council Ways and means of putting the Goldsboro Rotary club over the top with Its program for this year were outlined by C. Kendall, of Chicago, In charge of the club ad ministration department of Rotary In ternal Inoal. In a talk before the local club council at the Hotel Goldsboro last evening. Home twelve chairman of various committees of th* club were present to bear Mr. Kendall. 0 “I am nef out on a tour to make talks before the club” said Mr. Kan dull st ihe beginning of hie confer ence. "bu I am oift to get a personal I nc on ihe Rotary membership, 1 am beginning In North Carolina a trip which will carry me Into many of the towns and cities of the United States where Rotary clubs are located. My Idir. shall be to meet the Rotartana In (heir orflce* and places of bust neas and to confer with them there. “Your president. Mr. Waters, wan' the rirst man 1 saw thil morning and he toitl me of Ihe council meetllig to- naked me to appear before It. That explains why I am have. Mr. Kendall stressed 'he Importance of gelling new member* for Rotary clubs. “I am convinced that Rotary expansion ha* th* biggest opportunity from the Inside rather'than from the formation bf new clubs,” he declar ed. Mr Kendall advised that g classi fied lon canvass he madp of Goldsboro with the Ides of listing clssalflriUloas which are not filled. “I vesture to say that in m city tha 4ls# of yours, that I could find at least 4# la a very ittort Investigation,” h* declared. In’ereet In a club’s sctvttlss, he wen* on, Is determined largely by the quality of .Ms programs. He sdripod. Iflal a program for lb*"remainder of Ihe year be mapped out. and Presi dent ‘waters subsequently explained that'this had been done. , Mr. Kendall will go this morning to Klns’on to visit Rntarlans there. He has previously visited club* of Winston Salem. Raleigh, Greensboro and other points In the state. f-! Three Escaped Convicts Captured and Returned RALKIOH, Ang t. -f/ft-Three es caped prisoners- *t woof them osrrylng new sentences- wera re is rued to state's prison today. loyd Buckner and Frank, Hunter, both of whom escaped from Cary prlrffm farm sometime ago. were sent I In prison from Buncombe county car rying sentences $ to 6 years eaett for larcency of an automobile. i has been evident.lt 1* up to the fans i to have enough people out to the next Itwo gsmei to meet the payroll or It will seem that the people of Ibis . city are not concerned whether the , team continues In Goldsboro or not. If you are Interested in the team , and wish to *ee baseball continued I nth!* town It Is necessary that you : come out to these games and bring along your, neighbor*. If the people | of Goldsboro do not as a whole sup port the team they cannot egpect * i small group of men to provide th* | sport for the town. Let us not have It said thst Golds boro will not support s ball club. Come out to the games and bring along your friends. Call your friend* In nearby towns sttd ask them over to the game- The ball teanUonly need* 1 your support hut It must have It. If | we are to continue to have baseball > | In Goldsboro. i € Xl U9l<*4»W9 Cllb. 3 - Today’s Circulation 3,166 PRICE FIVR CHCIR BUIM It On A. C. U Track* of City and Barely Bacapad With Utm r 9 THEY DIBAPPEAR AND IDENTITY 18 UNKNOWN Automobile Hurled ('ompletety Around When Hit By Paae enirer Train The Willy-Knt«hi sedan of P. W. Dlion of BnoW HMI «m demolished about 9:40 laat night whan (track by Atlantic Coast Una passengertrain number ft at tha croaalnc on# mile aouth on highway number 4*. Tha ear had been atolan a abort time be fore In front of Wall** Department atore od Center atreet. and three boya ware aeen to leap from, the macb'ue and dlaappear tn oppoallo direct lon a just before the train crashed late the aatomohlla which waa atalled on the track. "ft waa tn an automobile with Manager Emery' of the Ootdaboco Baseball team." Bill Neel told the New a. "We were oomlng hi the dir ection of Ooldahore (tad atopped pa we neared the track becanse g train waa coming. We eaw the big aedaa atopped on the track, aort of calaeor . oered. There woe one boy out ip froPI trying to push It beekwnrde off the * traek. Than Juat before tha train hit. the boy who was puabtflg ran 6*l that war land be pointed northweet , and two othars jumped oot and spa that way" and bo potated to (bo porthooat. "Os coarse, we ihjMit tell uuwh about them becauae of tha brluht hut thoy looked Ilka bora la their toons." ' —~-t—-- —— ■ ——r j The henry locomotlro. with «••• lon onre behind It, moot of* thgna Pullmans, hit tha antomoMle. a glan cing blow on tho radiator, hurled It around loft the front of Urn ear la iba opposite direction from which It bed been pointed. Engineer Btrlchtepd was at the throttle and had applied hie brakes aa aooa aa he aaw the au tomobile, but the train did not atop until the locomotlre and about erne enpreen car bad paaaed point of tha crash. The locomotlre urns UOt damaged, and tha trais crew reeked out to lend aid. hollaring that eowe ona had been killed. Q Im 't At first Knglneer Strickland felt enre that the boy who had been at tempting to push the automobile off the track had not jumped tn time and had b#en*hlt. Ha waa still nndar this Impression urban ha pullad bis train bound from Wilmington *<> Washington- eo Into the passenger station dtpot at Tloldsboro. Ha waa grn,itly rellered to laaro through The Nee a tbit thorough search of tha et pin'ty of the wreck had failed to dis close any one Injured In the accident- Jennie Jones, negro, who heaps a small store near where the accident ocrursd gare praefigally ‘he same ac count of U\e accident aa had Mr. Neel. i V “We drove oyer from Bnow Hill to attend the show." Mr. DUon related" and we died several frldods frith aa. When we outne out of tha t hast re the automobile was gone. As w# parked before going In, my wife remarked that I bed better lock tha ear. and I tried a couple of time but the keys stuck snd I gave It up.” n 4 These wae eome dlfferances of opinion as to whether the boya who had leaped from the automobile ware white or r-olored: Somo Insisted one way ad some Insisted the other. ITAJ.T Afflttfl TOI’JIU FI^N ROMS. Aug. I.- (/PI- ttely |cc*pta the Yeung plan for reparations In the hope of admneing the economlo and political reoonatruction of Eu- , rope. Benito Mussolini. Fascist Leadar declared- today tellewlng a meeting of - adviser# In the Chlgl P*loco I* tkf