WKA THE* Purtly dandy and aksvws hi tt* Friday. HmtmHmj : VOLUME EIGHT; NUMBER 138 » *, / 9 ■■■•■us= ri' i"", ill , ■; >'■-■■! .u. --- -..r.r, ■■■: ■ x::. ■■■■'■ r:,:' —" r DR. JAMES SNOOKS REPUDIATES HIS CONFESSION Insists That He Struck , <> T' . Miss Hix Only Alter He ' Feared For iHis Life . Declares Excitant Drag Found <1 in Sandwich Wan Pl»c*d There By Girl DECLARES HE THOUGHT SHE TRIED TO SHOOT Mien Hix Shouted “Damn You, I’ll Kill You” An She leap ed From Car COUWOUB. Qhlo, Aug , Dr. Jane* H. Bauok, on tba stand In bis first degree murder trial today,' repud ati d M* and declared I tbat kt could n qt remember baatlng and slashing to daatb Mias Theory' Hix, Oblo State University studant, as| tba culmination of their three year illicit lore affair. * ,| Tba former profaaaor, bis steady composure twice shaken by tears, held! the stand ihroughout today's session, beginning with a recital of events leading up to the girls death on a lonely rifle ring* near here the n'ght of June 13 and accnalng his cyptov* as Intlmldatlug him Into signing a con*, tension before he was turned over to prosecutor John J. Chester, Jr:, for cross examination. 4 Hnook, hoping to bear Out his plea of temporary emotional insanity, told of the automobile ride be and Mins His took to the rifle range, saying that on thy way ha took a sandwicn wb'ch the dafenae contains an c no tional excitant put in by the woman.. He declared that they guarreled When he said he had to rsturn home aafly to his wife and that Miss Hlx anragad threatened to kill hint. In a si niggle he said aha reached for the gun which ha had taught her to ase as a resalt of hla aklll acquired as a former membar of tha Halted Slate* Olympic rifle team. Ha told the Jury he feared hie life was in danger and that he struok bar ovar the head with > a hammer. •Tha flrat blow waa a light one, he aald. He then struck ber twice more, and then could remember nothing until her body was beside the machine and - "h/waa sitting on the running board holding hla haad. The state rhirgee that he beat her with tbe hammer until (the was ln srnslhle and ,t|ten altt her throat with a pocket knife. Dr. Suook testified that he struck the Jlrst blow t«iN»rotect blwseff from an attack by tha girl as they sat iu hla car parkad on a lonaly rifle rang- The blow stopped her, belaid, and jumped from tbe car shouting “Damn you Ml hIM yoe. too. Her purse was In her hand, and the del- ndant. fighting for hla life from the wltneaa chair, declared he though! the had a platol In the purse and was k-.vlng the car to shoot him **l was sure she was going to shorn me. My only though was to stop her 1 spring aftar hPr and struck her again.” “Hr Snook at any time that night r/hen v<.o struck the first second or “*• *►.(,,« blow, did you Intend to kill Theora Hla- Max Beyf'rt defease et to*u«v. asked. •H >avens so, she was a good friend of mine 1 sever thought she would do As ha answered the question Dr. 0 Snook ’a V0S!» broke again, he pulled off hla nose glasses and rested hi* bead In his hand, while he wiped the *’ tears from his eyas. His voice was so low thst attorneys on both sides asked for the reply to be n ad by the court reporter, and no on# knew what It was until the re porter's vo'ce carried It to the tense I court room. As «be ex professor sat shaken and trying to *> on. Prosecutor John J Chester, Jr , suggested s recess which the coart allowed. The story was the climax to I)r Snook's account of his 3 year love sf t»tr with the medical co-ed Jt had carried them to the New York Central rifle range, where th<y aat in hi* parked car arguing because he ntended to leave 1 town to visit his. mot her at Lebanon. Ohio. y The girl attached him. V said aa the quarrel graw la Intensity. "1 tried to above bar off and rea<»- •4 to gat something to hit her. | pot a kmrrr lying on tha shalf back (Oama* « tw?i * THE GOLDSBORO NEWS <■ 0 N ,i » % * READ IN THE MORNING WHILE MINDS ARE BY BUYERS BEFORE THEY BUY. * _____ . - - v GARDNER WRITES TO WICKERSHAM Says Aroused Public ('onsciaus ne** Needed to Supprcmt Crlnc Si- | RALEIGH. 8 No aub atantlal progreli can be made toward law enforcement tbe absence of |an aroused public opinion Governor. O. Mux Culler declared today In u 1 letter to tfeorge W. Wlckersham I , chairman of the national commission I on law observance and enforcement.' I Governor Gardner’s latter was lu , answer to one from Mr. Wlckersham I asking for suggestions and coopera tion. O 0 I "My own feeling la tbat respect fori aa obedience to law Ik a matter of in dividual responsibility,'* Governor Gardner saltj. “and that no substan tial progreas can be made toward n solution of the problem In the ahsenc-* of, an aroused public opinion. Any law : Is enforce hie, I take It. to the decree —and only to the degree that It Is supported by the conscience of the contmunlty. Saying that If premise vn cor rect Governor Gardner suggested that the governors of the several states rould perhaps he of service lo the commission'? Kor one thing. .he continued, they could call a conference of nll'en ; fnreement officers, sheriffs, chiefs of polices, etc., and discuss the prob lem and out ■■ of such conferences might come such suggestions plau* that might lie of practical value The discussions, moreover, could not fall to have an educational value nnd would tend to focus the public thought on the seriousness of the problem. «— Upchurch Pleads Guilty To Bad Check Charge GREENSBORO. Aug 8 —<JP)—Rev. C. A. Upchurch, *upei%tendenl of the North Carolina Anll-fyGoon League, and an ordained Baptist minister, pleaded guilty to giving a worthless check for $5 and today was ordered to pay the cost*. An melted throng packed the courtroom. Rev. Mr. Upchurch stated that he cashed a number of checks In Orepne boro the week-end of June 19 for which Ife bail no funds in the bunk. He was not aware of the 'time that he had Insufficient fuoda. he stated. J. H. Byrd, barber In a local estab lishment. cashed the check, which re sulted lu the minister being brought Into court. "I would cash another check for film this hiornlng," Mr. Byrd said on the witness stand letters were written. Rev .Upchurch about the check, hut Mr Byrd and J. C.- Barber, manager, of the barber shop, said they had receiv ed no reply, and the warrant was sworn out against the minister. Says Men Tried Peddling Booze to Filling Stations “Sheriff”, said Deputy Murray Byrd of Calypso, calling Sheriff W D. k*raiit yesterday afternoon, “There are some men coming toward Golds boro In a Chrysler roadster, and they have a load of liquor' which they have been trying to sell a« every filling station. If your men are <Vnt there shortly and they haven't sold the I'quor before they get there you can round them up.” Sheriff Grant entered his car. depn-' ty llales accompanying him. Deputy Kornegay followed In hi* Model A Ford. The officers stopped this *ld» of where highway number lo* ruu* Into highway number <•. They asw a Chrysler coming There were three men lit it; tt was the same kind of a car Deputy Byrd had described.- The officers signed for the automobile to atop. It didn't, but It's driver made a two gqrheel turn Into number 102 And wws gway tt full «peed Deputy Korne gay waa like first away la pursuit PLAN ATTEND CONVENTION •i * 7 ! . Wayne Counly Coiwlmlioners to Be Present For In Aalicvlllt ,4 All members of the Wayne county hoard of commissioners plan to at teud tbe annual meeting of tbe state aaeociatlon of county commissioner* and the unsocial lon of county ac countant* to be held at Battery Park hotel, Asheville August 13 14 und 16. *i nesday night the meeting will open with uiaude L. McGhee o( Tran kiln county president, presldlna. Wel come will be extended the convention I by Gallatin Roberts, mayor of Ashe ville: by K- M Lyda, past presMeut of tha body and John A Goode, presl , hent of the A she v lie clumber of coin merce. Response will be made by B- B Williams, of Warren county, a mem ber of the stale board of equalisation The annual report of J. L. Hklnner of Warren county, secretary-treasu rer, will then he heard and commit tees win be appointed, Wednesady the convention will be In vetis’en all day. M - —g-s,- b Pres ! d''nt McGhe? will open the morning session with the annual president** address. B n. ftoushe.rty of the stale hoard of equalisation will speak on “The Distribution of $6,6©0,- OM.’* Col. J. W. Harrelson. director department of conservation and de velopment, wll Italk on “County Fun ction* Necessary In Conservation and Development’’ and Charles M. John son, executive sefrelary of the countv government adrlaory commission will lead a round table discussion on “County Problems.” * J * At the afternoon session Thomas 8- Hollins will dUcass “Who a County CaramtaslonefT' and the del egates will Inspect the Buncombe court house and rake a scpnlc trip around A*hevllle. A banquet will be held Wednesday night with Thomas J. iftrklns, United Btates district attorney, as tbe speaks er. Thursday morning Dr. Charles O'll, Laughlngliouse. state health officer will disease “North Carollntan* of 1849.” Dennis 0. Brummltt. attorney general, will speak on "Foundninen tals.of County Oovwrnmenf; ” "Bcoir *s « . omy in the Auinlnlstration of the Au»- trallhn Billot lavy." will be discus sed by J. Crawford B ggs. chairman, of tbe stale board of election* and after the elections and selection of n-x» vrar« convention city Ihe meeting will adjourn. ' « o XRIKN RKfiIHD NABHVIIdiG, Tenn.- Aug 8 - “Bunny Jim" Poole, blown to the Nashville club of the B'ltithem as sociation bv the winds Os chance after being released, outright by tne Atlan ta Crackers at the opening of the sea son. bid* fair to break Ihe lesxue .0 home run record With 1» games yet to pity, the rec ently discovered slugger I* onlv six , homes behind the mark of thirty, lie traveresed the circuit hi* twenty-south time yesterday. Sheriff Grant followed, accompanied by Deputy Hales„ Kornrgay stepped on the gas un til hjs speedemoler was registering B© miles an hour, but the Chrysler was Inching away In front. The speed ometer registered S 2 tulles but th* Chrysler ahead crep on away. Bee- Ing that the Chrysler was going to outdistance the Ford. Sheriff Grant stepped on his Stud*-baker, pisiied Deputy Kornegay. and began to over haul the Chrysler. One of the men hurled a bottled of whiskey from the fleeing machine. When the bridge wa*. reached this side of Grantham's stor the Chrysler did not slow down though the highway Is unsurfaced at the con nect oils lu the bridge. It staggered, swerved, hut rlghtisUltself und (till tlnued to flee. “I was afraid they were going to kill themselves at that point," said Sheriff Grant. Tha chase continued to drantham'a (Continued on page 8) GOLDSBORO, N. C FRIDAY MORNING, AUGUST U, I»2» Notables to Make Zeppelin Tour wj Wm 5 * *• 0 •. xf The passetiKCt list of tho Graf Zeppelin, on her world tour, twill include a distinguished assortment of travelers. Among the eighteen will be Lieut, Commander Charles E. Rosendahl, left, “of the United States Navy,, noted lightcr-than-air expert William B. Leeds, right, the tin {dale king, will also make the journey. TOBACCO BOARD , TO MEET SAT. Wfll Make Final Decision on ‘Governmenl Grading for Goldsboro At a meeting off th*- ..local, tuharco board of trade, leading business men, t and tanners of this -css op, to be held In the local Chamber of rooms Bnt urday at ll o’clock the flphl opporHinTfr - To elfltsr rcj“ct or atreept the foderul state grading service lifter, made, tbont two weeks ago. will be given It was announc'd yesterday by Chamber of Co'tunerce officials. In a telegram received Wed nesday n'ght from K 11. Wilkinson, of the Ketlerql depart mi nt of Agrl tulture. the secretary of the local or ganlxtitfon was requested Ho call a meeting of all parties Interested in the securing of the grading service Let ters' were being mailed out ysierduy to these* people. -Q ** ■ * Mr. Wilkinson was In the city h*t Baturday to outline (he, plan of the service, following the government M f*T to furnish griders on the local market, made by C. T. Cage, statis tician, about two weeks ago Only * small number of Interested parties wu* present at this meet lug. bowdver. and- it qtas decided lo postpone the time for the dertnlte decision Mr Wilkinson announced at ihxl time that he would be back through here one day Oil* week. When Ihe offer was made Ihe ac ceptance or reject lon was left np to the Warehousemen, buyers and pat rondxers of the Goldsboro market The, government grading service I* said to have been successful on both Vlrginlt and South Carolina markets Tor the past two seasons. The Golds boro mat-ket Is the first In the state to tie given (Re opportunity of the government grading service. • , . !». J It IIIIH AKHt KTS H( II MI.I.IN'G WII.L IIGHT IN NtXK'O • *■> > - - - - o .HITIKANB. Wash, Aug H <AV v‘ Joe Jacobs, manager of the German heavyweight contender. Max Schmel- Ing. liasan lion need that It was “vir tually certain" that- Schmellng's next fight would l«e In Agua Calient*-, Mex ic«>,, “cither so I’romot.ar Jack Demp sey, or ngulnst mauler Jack Demp sey.” Jacobs said that since the Madison .Square Garden Corporation had abandoned negotiation* for a Bchmel- Ing Sharkey encunnter the way wu* elear to accept "a better offer from Dempsey." Dempsey, he asserted, offered hint $125,000 with Ihu oplio nos 2f* per cent of the gat*> receipts fora Thanksgiv ing Day bout ugaiust an unnumed op ponent. TOSTAI. Ki l l lI'TS IX HI. \M ‘ WASHINGTON. Aug 8 -fd*t ’Hie l’ostofflce Depujrtment tislay reported total postal receipts sot; July for flfi IndiiHlrlal < 111-gs were fJ.IVt.OXH lu. an Increase of 7.88 per cent over July last year , PRELIMINARY HEARING SAT. White Men to He Charged With Robbery of Jordan'a Store " 'A» at Hmith Chapel James Du map. Bote l**e. Jim Car ter and Colonel Hlrlckland, will b£ given a prcmllmlnary hearing before a magistrate Hslprday wonting charged with having robbed the store df J. 8 Jordan of Smith Chapel Section of about Ifiuo worth of merrhudlse Tuesday night. Officers said yesterday that they be lieved they had sufficient evidence to' warrant holding the men to county I court, but continued a wide n-urnl} In an attempt to candy, 87 pair* of shoes, cap*, cigarettes, cig ar*. sugar, tobarcy, knives, shirts, pants overalls and a number of other articles. The Investigation Into tjjv the case extended yesterday to Kinston Wayne officers believe that the robbery com mitted near Biiillh Chapel, west of Ml. Olive, was done by the sathe hand which has been operating both In l.enolr and, Wayne i-hunty during re cent weeks. A wagon load of meat wqs hauli-d away by who broke lulu Ihe smokehoui-e of ' I|r Parrott on highway number 10. this side of Kinston, and then a few nights liner s truck load of rgru, was haul ed away from the same Lenoir plan taihqi. S 9 KI MHItNN TO III; TKIKII TOKIO, Aug * !A*l Itengn News dispatches from Harbin, Manchuria. said J't Russians who were ar iesled in Ihe raid on the Soviet con sulate May 27. lipd been charged with Communist plotting and committed lo! trial.' f 5,543,000 Bales Cotton Estimated For This Year NfeW OR I.KAN’S, Aug 8 Cot ton pries* stumped approximately $2 a hale here tislay following publica tion of the government i rop report giving an Indicated crop wf Ifi.MUtnfl tiali-s. which Vu* evidently luryer than the trade expected Immediately after resumption of businen< fidlowiiig the usual 2u minutes reci -s for reception of the report October traded to 18 11, and December 16 Cl, or I'J to 41 points down from the price* ruling J'l-d Ire fore the report was is-ued NKtt YORK. Aug 8 (Ah Cotton futures dropped utKiuf $2 a hale on the New York Colton Kl'hangs to ilay. on puhllrailon of iffe government crop estimates The calculation .of,the crop at 15,543.W»0 Irale« Were larger than had lieen generally sxpwcted, und causeil heavy selling. WASHINGTON. Aug 8.-U/PJ A cot ton crop of 15.541.h0tr bale* of ran* pound* gross weight ts indicated for this year on th« condttiou of the crop Capture Rum Runner, His Bull Purp," And 27 Gallons oi Corn DIES IN LOCAL - HOSPITAL HERE a Had Been Sick For Several Month*; Funeral to Be Held Thi* Evening V f After gp-AIInMa of. several months J>bV d*vls, 70, died at- a local lutkls city at it: lu this morning. The d ceasrd waa a well katwn cltlsiit and highly estesmed la hla netghho U - td. Surviving are three sonat J. w, J)uv s, rs Re tlgh; W. K and B W. Davla, of Genoa, two slaters, Mrs- H. T. Davis, of Brogileti town*hH> an 1 Mr*. Rh hard Parker, of Raleigh, Funeral services pill be held this afternoon. POSTPONE DATE TARIFF DEBATE --a - ’■ Senate Will Not Begin to Gon • aider House Tariff Hill ' Until BaiH. fr v- MAHHINGTON. Aug. |.—(4B—A two weeks postponment until Stp tember 3 of Ihe beglnnlag of tbe Sen ate consideration of the tariff waa decided upon today by party leaders Und»r an agreement reached be tween Republican and Democratic ah left-an« the eenate eobadaied tai% convene Anguat Is. will meat and re cees over (hfM ill Mflgdg Mill jur temper X when the HepuhTlrsn mem ber* of the finance committee will t have the house., tariff bill lu shape for floor dlaaiaaWm. While Itmtbllaxn leaders have been hopeful that the measure could be made ready by the earlier date, they reached the definite conclusion tislay that this was Impossible and Immsolately arranged the |hrs* dhy rei fs* plan with the Democrat*.' The meeting days will be Mondays and Thursdays. Senator Watson, majority leader ami member of th# flasnoe committee who made Ihe recess announcemeat said the committee would heve com pleted by August !» the revlalon of the rate and free list schedule* of the house hill hut »hfj the additional time wit* required lo consider, changes Ip administrative provisions. I viitkh rownjffn to pile I P FOR JOHN U. POLLARD RICHMOND. Va. Aug. <S.— Uh — John Garland Pollard. Democratic nominee, hud 101.747 vole* this morn ing on the basis of unofficial reiura* from 1.570 precincts of the Stale's I. precinct*. -The vot# for hla two rivals, G. Walter Mapp and Rosewell Page, In Tuesday's Democratic pri mary. was respectively 29,171 pnd 4,412, on August 1, which was 49.4 per cent of * norpiftl. Ihe Department of Agri culture -tfiflay announced. Inst yrnr's crop was 14.478.000 bales of 600 pounds gross weight, while the August I condition was 87.9 per cent and the August 1 ten-year average condition Is 67 3. The Indicated crop 1* estimated on the Imsls of the acre age In cultivation July 1, which was 48.9f,5.f1»») acres, less the 10-year aver age abandonment. The condition of the crop on Au gust I anil the Indicated production. Is r><Mi-|M>uod gross weight lisle*, fol low; August Indicated Hlalet CoudltUu (rep Virginia 77 44,000 North Carolina 68’ ‘ 787.000 ■South Carolina BA 909.00© Georgia «!) 1,182,000 Florida 70 25.000 Missouri ............. 81 174.000 Tennessee 81 - 468,0iW Alabama 71 1,317,000 (Continued on Pago Twoj Today’s Circulation . 03,214 price Fin cum t*»ey*a Chapi HkUm on Nm> bee 10 Sees Exciting Tin* in Chase ROWI.ANi) SMITH. NEGRO ATTEMPTED TO ESCAPE • i After Swimming Crook, Finally FoN Ex haunted Ani Was PlncoS Under Arrest , ) Roland Smith, negro, of RWardela, •nd hi* prtae bull dog "Sonny Boy ’ war# lodged In tba Warn* oouaty Jail yeeterday afternoon charged With t ran agon Ing whisker asd restating as ameer. Aided by clttseo* es the Casey Pbeppl aeeitoa, V mile* agat of tie «shy, depettes Caro) Smith gad ioka Korangey and Offioer Ohlnh Itiodea captured Smith after he bad and* a break from hi* ford Automobile la which he eerrled ST gaUooa ot wile key Deputy Konaytay and OfMeer H hod si were an route to Kfnetos wiee they peaaed Deputy Smith following the oer drlre« by smith went os high way number !•. The offteere tamed :* their oar about aid fell la Use. Depu ty Smith, ou hi* metoreyeta, gar* auch hot pgrault tbit the Ntgro halted hie car oa tie right of tbo highway, hot kepi Me motor rous ing. Koraegay and Rhode* rutted Os end placed thelf ear directly Is f»UUt of that of the Itegro. Deputy emltb bad atepped up if |he running' board, and ee the car of. the other officer* atepped, the negro threw bD machine Into feueraa end putting eg oil bla gm hacked down the highway. Sonny Soy an ugly looking buTTdog, with Mb master, and degaty teatth feared to TSy hesda on tie negro lent the dog site* him Dot gwlltng hi* ptatpl he punctured g flrost ttre of the negro’* car. Meantime the other odfleera bad tamed their car about usd followed Nothing (taunted, the negro hoiked hi* Hat-tired machine until H struck a pin# tree. Then be toek be tin woeda. Sonny loj aeeempogylng him with Deputy Smith at their heeU. Turning Ms gMumubWe tote the aide rued. Deputy Kora egay eut cdf lb* nagro and hie deg ee tboy emerged from the woods aeme Metises away, haring pat aeme span* between them aelre* end deputy Smith. The nefte tamed hach Into the woods MIMS. The negro waa awallowedup ta the wood* hat emerged at aoetber Pitnt and two youth* of the aactles, Mr. Casey and a Mr. Htnaant. attempted to take him him Into cuetedy. He draw a half# and drgye them away. Deputy smith bed bed time to get bla wind bach aed renewed the ebeee afoot, by Hluaaut and Cnaey. The hunt led acre#* a creek, the seg ro awlmm'ng end the three puiaaera doing llhewlae. Oa the other aide, IhS negro con Id run no more. He eeob ruhauated. and waa pieced under ar reat hr Deputy Smith, who endued, pouting, i moment later. ®eea after the ram runner had fallen exhausted, officer* *a«d. he attempted to draw hi* knife on (he young men who ae accompnnled Deputy Smith, and de alated only when warned that be dm* the knife at bla own peril. Sonny Hoy. the ball dog, made ua effort# to attach thoee who lid hie matter away, but aeemed determined that the maatar ahoold not Rbt out o. hi* a'eht. tJ»*t night Soony Boy the celt runway outalde his master • quarter* In th* lull, and tailor Cud dlnaton waa rowing that ha’i blamoi If he were running a dog pound The negro told officer* that the au tomobile he wa. driving end elec lie whiskey he had been hauling belong ed to a white man. but he refused *° .IhMilee the name of the man. Wh, ' # he wa* a natlre of Rlrerdale. be ed ded that he had been residing la Kinaton for •oraatlme. MAI HF.T4TM FTABI.E BFTKKR HRK *KS SEIOBP NEW Y‘>RK. Au I- (JPh-Tht can ard liner Mauretania paaaed Ambrose lightship at 10:52 A. M. (E. 1). T.> to V day, completing the croaalng from Cherbourg In 1 day# and ZS hour*, bet ting It* own record by 3 hoars and 31 minutes, but 6 hooVa and If mia ul *n behind tb« roord of the Nedfth Lloyd liner B/emem

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