Immasy ...... IBS! IMI üb-b .Eh. IRU IBM IBM— Nhg . ttJfi IBM IBJB-IS .9# m» MM MMM Ostehar IBM MAI IBM— —————— VaL XC—No. 4 BELIEVE THAT FLORIDA HAS ESCAPED BAD STORM COBH DISPATCH IS THAT ILL DINGCR HUS NOW PASSED 90 MIU W»d Blowing ot Bi mini, Fow Milo* Off From Miami Today SHIP AGROUND BY HIGH winds in Bahama group WhMOtUm ProdicL Wind of Gnlo Forco in Sowtkoo*t Florida Tonight , '(» Havana Dub*. Sept. M~(AF>-AU •torn danger along th* Han coast of Florid*. vhksb bad and* great prep aration* against a tropical disturbance which eu yaeterdey oeotened In th# Where**. va* today thought to be over (or lb* preeent by Ouban weath er expert* Thirty MB* Wind at tile I . Miami BUninl. Hspt to —(APi— About «0 mites due east ot Miami in the n* ha tam reported to Tropical Radio and the Miami Bureau thia morning that tta barometer war MM with I* BUMe of wind out of the north The weather report eras the first com munication wfth Bimini sinoe mid night Th* maatage was timed Ha The Tropical Radio qtoo received a weather report from Wttk End, Orand Bahama Island* off WMm Beach Ooaet It was limed Am end said a » mils wind was NMhg franj, the northeast, with 'barometer an Weather Report Washington. Sept. M—(APl—Th* weather feAraau this morning uouad the foliowtag forecast for Piortda: Übld IB lOUUmit probttUlv ehnwnre in west and north poruous tonight and Friday; moderate north east wind* over north and central portions and fresh to strong shilling over extreme south portion, reaching gait lore* on the southeast coast." Miami. Sept. M.- (API—A message teem the British freighter Dodtlrs. grounded at Adaoo Island. Bahamas, early jsetento] by Hurrlcan winds, to Tropical radio at 10 a. m today said the crew was abandoning the ship- in Us lifeboats, but that the captain, radio opantior and one other were staying aboard. Havana. Bept M.— (AP) -Local weather condition* took a sudden change shortly before noon today and there wag some fear that the tropical storm had swung around and was headed thia way. i Clear skies, moderate northwest winds - end sunshine gave way to rap idly clouding skies, almost Impercep tible swerving of 14 mfe* per hour winds to a southwesterly direction and storm clouds obscured the sun. No report was made by etiher the National at Baton observatory. Pear wag manifested In some me terological circle* that the Bf hr ms storm last night curved and missed the Florida asst coast and again re newed it* headings Into the Florida straits between Florida and Cuba, of fering soma aahger to this island; danger at toast of rising winds, heavy rain* and a pounding sea. The skim over Cuba at noon today were restless with scurrying steam clouds swept southwest went. ENDURANCE PLANE IS FOBBED DOWN Heavy Fog Pravaats Flamingo From Making Refueling Contact V Indianapolis. Ind, Sept M —(API— Fog so heavy that thy retutoiing plan* could not be seen forced the In dianapolis Flamingo plane down at IB ooclock this morning In its sec ond attempt' to establish > new refuel ing endurance record The plane had been In the air 14* hour* and M min utes. Lt Waiter Feck and Lawrence Oen aro hovered over their home airport ail night, fighting ram. tog and a low fiytng oaf ling. Despite the murky weather, a contact with th* refueling piane was made early this morning but It wag soon broken and the Flam ingo received tittle guso^ije The fog became thicker and th* Bm pUite Iffifii ig tong. ( GOLDSBORO NEWS-ARGUS THE PAPER OF THE PEOPLE IN THE HEART OF EASTERN NORTH CAROLINA * ■ . -. ' * y _- . LOCAL BANK CONSIDERS ENTERING BIG MERGER Weed Average Mounts to $15.35 Wednesday wILJZdLy 0 * « 14*» per Sandro*. Ttda to a derided ha aged. Shertß W. D. Grant es the that th* prtoa* aa aB g*ed grade* la steadily larreetoag- FIIEIAL SERVICES FIB MRS. M'KINNIE Ritas for Balowad Woman Hold From Priwcatom Church Thursday Morning Funeral services for Mrs BelUe Brothers McKinne of Ooidsboro and Louisburg who died at 3 o'clock on Wednesday in a hospital in Raleigh were conducted from the Methodist church in Prtpfceton at 10 *! this morning by her pastor th* Rev Dan iel Lane, of Louisburg. assisted by Rev. Doom Stott, pastor of the Princeton Methodist church. interment took place at noon In the family plot in Willow Dale Cemetery In Ooidsboro. TJie services were attended by a large assembly of friends and relatives from different cities all . pear the state, among whom were the Rev. F. B Love, pastor Os Bdenton Street Meth odist church. gaJelgh; the Rev W V, Mcßae Pastor Tgl St. Foul Methodist church in Oolttoboro. The services were held in the Princeton church, la which site had gives most of the year* of har life and where services had been held for her husband. She was laid to rest by hie side <» Mrs. McKlmme was one of the most beloved and saniUieat a fwomen in the state. Her life was filled erith loving car* for her ramUy. kind deads to her friends and active service in her church. Her friend* were all who knew her. "Mother McKinne was the name by which she was universally known. She was a native of Wgyne County end spent bar girlhood In Ooidsboro! and was educated in the old Oolds boro Ooiege She was widow of the late David E. McKinne, of Princeton, who was for many years a member and most of the tun* chairman of the board of directors of th* State Hos pital at Ooidsboro. Mr. and Mrs Mc- Kinne spent the years of their mar ried life in Prlnoetoh. where they were staunch supports of the Methodist church, and practically built up the Sunday school. After Mr. McKinne* death. Mrs. McKinne made her home In Louisburg where har three sons were located, and moved her mem bership to the Methodtet church there She was one of its most active mem bers and was prominently Identified with the work of the Woman's Mis sionary Society Since her old eat eon, P B McKinne. moved to Ooidsboro. a few years ago. she hag spent much of her time in this city. \y Mrs. McKinne was a sister of the late Dr. J. N. Brothers who was tor many yean a physician at the State Hospital hare, and did* while in IU service. Surviving her are three sons, Prank B. McKinne. of Ooidsboro; David ■ McKinne. and Malcolm Iffr- Ktnne. of lxftneburg; one nephew Henry W. Brothers, of La(lrange, several grandchildren and one great grandchild. ..'_ . . ' S •o - V MRS. C. HOWELL PASSES BEYOND Mrs. Charlie Howell. of Qranlham township, aged 43. died last Friday immediately following a stroke of paralysis. She wag buried in th* family bury ing grounds near her home in Gran tham Baltwdey efterneon Long a, devoted member of the ChrtstAn church she was much toted in her community and by all who knew her Bhe is survived by her husband and sis children, five girls and one boy. LONG DEBATE AHEAD Washington. Beptr M. 133P—(API— The senate, with the opening attack of Democrats and Republican Inde pendents in mind, today laced the prospect of a lengthening controversy Jrer the flexible provision* ot the tar iff MIL GOLDSBORO. N. C.. THURSDAY AFTERNOON, SEPTEMBER 16, 1929 * s T- s CANDIDATES FOR LEGION POST , Wf I ft, jmIIJH lM.«ulihr , r«i FNote Hire. William H. Cud worth. Mllwgukee. Wle. (left), end Mrs. Freda Krsmer, Madieen, • 0 . ere eSndidete# for naliongl preaidsnt *f th* Amerlesn Legion Ausillsry. Th* eiedtion will be held In Louie villa, Ky, In October. Litter Ot Six-Months-Olri Pigs-Weigh More Than Ton WIN* to it that ha* attracted most interest at the Wayne County Pair this weafef Th* aMtotßrom* wHh da dare devil gpato rtdenf No. guest again. ■pace suspended only by their teeth V No. that* not it. I w*H ten you It is the liter of Du roc pigs belong ing to Aaron Peeie of Nshunts that weigh more than a ton and ere bare ly six months old The pigs were fed by him under the direction of Prof O. W. Warrick, agriculture teacher at PtkevtUe Aaron is a former 44 Club mem ber and a farmer student ot Vocation-, at Agriculture of the PUtevlDe High 4 school and Is now centering hi* atten tion on growing hogs For one of his project* ill vocational agriculture He secured a gilt and ties reared two litters previous to this. He decided to enter the third litter in the .Ton Utter Contest ’ His sow farrowed a pigs and a runt One pig was de stroyed by a tox and Aaron decided he had better include the null for wedgewood This to the first ton liter In the, county and is on exhibit at the Wayne County INUr to show Wayne County farmers what can be done erith hogs They* pigs were IK) dag» old the lath of'September They were weigh ed yesterday sod witnessed by several interested people The nine pigs weighed a total of 2196A lbs; the heav TWO ARE INJURED 111 till COLLISION Beaufort County Deputy Sher iff It Not Thoutht Ser iousiy Hurt D M Jones, deputy sheriff of Beau tort. Carteret county. »u in the Ooldaboro hospital Una morning with severe Cuts and bruises about the head and body, and C L Hardy, negro o( near Kinston was in the' insti tution suffering with imluful cuia from injurtee sustained in a head on colli - aion on highway 10 near Adamaville yesterday afternoon about S o'nock. Jones, who together with tlv Hardy negro, was rushed to the haspttfT im mediately after the accident, was thought to be seriously Injured, but It aaa stated at the .local institution this morning that unless complications set In he would probably racofor. R M Patten, employee of the Ben. Jamin Tractor company, of Raleigh, was driving the coach In wtflch he and Jones were riding tn the directum of this city Hardy was driving a truck belonging to W F PHdgrn, Lenoir county negro Pridgen was also rid ing on the truck. „ According to witneaaea, the car In which Patten and Jones were riding was on the wrong side of the high way The car and the truck met in a nrkd on collision about two miles from* nere Both vehicles were practi cally demolished Patten, wpo rseated without serious injury, was released by Sheriff W D Grant undey foou bond, charged with reck.ess driving oi an jutcmobile i There . were no charges preferred against tlie negroes. Borne whiskey I wa: said to hav I" n found at the sc t r.c of the wreck by oil icera of the •tagrifl'a department. lest pig weighed 373 1-3 lbs which made an average daily gain of I 4-1 the. tor one week, and the smallaef which was the rum weighed IN toe. white the night largest weighed anti 1-3 Bto.. and averaged M 3 tea mother at weeks *M aM a re cord started ea Rom. Amw kept so accurate record of th* east and amaubS of feed consumed by these ptgh The following rations hare consumed by the Utter: , Eighty two one-fifth bushels of corn at SIM. par bushel $103.74. i lure hundred mMJUyr pouud# at flah meal at MOO i*rrßD lb* SI4JXi Two-hundred fifty pounda ot Red Dog at f»Ao per 10g lb* MM One hundred Maty two pound* of Cotton scad meal at 43 00 par 100 tba $324 Three hundred fifty pounda of .Corn Meal at $3 40 per KM) lbs s*.4o. Total coal *f read 113455. This make* the cost per pound of galp Ml 4 cents If these pigs were sold at market price F! O. B Rich mond 11 cants per ix>und. they would bring 4341.46 The-ptgs at weaning age would nave sold at IS 00 per pig or a total of $46 uO which would give Aaron a net profit of MIM. "H you can produce corn lor 75 cento per bu figure out huw much profit he could have made and also, how much you ran make.** SHOW WIMAN IS SERIOUSLY SICK Midway Fait Lady Taka. M denly 111 This Morning at 11 o'clock Mrs M C Stevens, whose show name is funds DeHaU. and who per forms 'as The Put Lady in one of the 'midway Attractions at the Wayna fair here.'* war ak<-n suddenly 111 while resting between sets Jhl* morning about 1115 o'clock. Bhr was rushed In an an bu lance to the Ooldaboro hospital, where her condition was said .to quite serious Attending physician.* stated that she had ap-, parently. developed pneumonia Mrs Elevens had been auttenng with a Mvere cold for the past day or two. d was said, and Una develop ed almost suddenly Into a more severe Illness this morning. An ambulance was Auiroboned from a local under taking establishment. A physician was aha called, and after makin* a cursory examination he announced the woman's condition as being criti cal and advised that she oe taken to the hospital At 2 u clock this afternoon. Mrs condition remained preeti cally ui< banged _•. MEETING FOR TODAY CALLED A tm .‘ting of the directors of the ex ecutive board of the Wayne county Memoi *1 > .immunity Jjuilding b> schebu '■<! to be in aeaaton thus altei noon at 4 o'clock Plata for the build* mg an.f Its the fall 1 land a iter will be discussed at this j I meetlt. it was announced A more j ! deflntt. outline of thstjprugi am of ac-j e livittas it the building during the com ■ mg at < on will probably be available within me ucat « »*«. J Grantham Takes First Place . . In Vocational Agriculture PIKEVILLE AND NAHUNTA TIE FOR SECOND—TO AD . MIT CHILDREN FREE AT FAIR IF ACCOMPANIED BY PARENTS ON FRIDAY All eciiool children in Wayne coun ty - will be admitted tree to the fair ground* when accompanied by thetr parents tomorrow. Thia to taping done due to th* inclement weather of the first part of the week and for the pur pose of giving a* many people in Wayne county at as low a price as possible th* opportunity of attending the fair Until today the weather conditions ■ve prevented perhaps thousands of clUaans from attending the fair and it Is for Nils reason that official* are again designating an official school children's day. Th* adult artmlmume tomorrow srtll be fifty cento with chil dren free ■ , "This lute been a disastrous week lor u* from a financial standpoint." said Secretary W C. Danmark this morning But there to time, however, for bustneea men and farmers to at HOUSE TBOIP HIS; I MM ESCAPE Trwaf era Plunge Into 10 Feet tof Water Near Columbia, ; s. c. Columbia, B c . Sept 34 —Heavy rain* approaching In eonw *r-tTi"rrf the inteitoMy ol dowoppprs have Bond ed out this section, closing state high ways and damaging crops and bridges Nearly * doaen hotase of the head quarter* troop of the sixth cavalry en route from Ft Oglethorpe, Os., to Camp Jackson, at Columbia, were drowned In an attempt by the MX) men of the organisation to cross M creek near Greenwood Four members of the troop were perched In trees at noon, white fran tic effort* were being made to rescue them. Eleven other troopers were fished out of the steam with rope* The troop had just pa mart over a one-way bridge scram a narrow creek and plunged into, water 10 feet across the highway. Fourteen men and thetr. mount* were swept down stream Lieutenant J. P. Ryan of th* Head-: quarter* troop plunged Into in estream to aid a private named Evans. CARS COLLIDE AT JAMES-ASH A dievroirt truck being driven by Julius Held negro, and belonging to the Musgritvu WhuD-.-mle company •sashed into a Ford tobacco truck being driven by W H Kennedy of Mount Olive crashed this morning at the corner ol James and Ashe No one wad ijprt Retd going north when he collided J with the truck which was filled with tobacco being brought into the city. Tin- rear wheels of the Fond were knocked off and the rear of the body torn up. Witnesses said that Reid waa running about 35 miles an hour. Officers were called to the wreck and bond fur Retd was fixed at 5100 Oilier than the tent and Mulled tobacco, no damage waa dona Need For Better School Attendance la indicate ' The followtnir statement. wan re leased here Thursday morning Realising the importance oI regular it tendance in our tchoola. not only from the point of view of the welfare of the child, but also from an econ- 1 >mlcal standpoint, the Division of School Attendance of the State Board of Public Welfare haa furnished the, following Information regarding the' school attendance in Wayne County. Hie figures include both white and colored schobt "According to the recorda of 13g 'i*. 7*3# children were enrolled in the | school* in true county, ut that lum ber 5325 were present each day. and' *>l4 were absent every day during the school year The per capita cost for instructional service for last year iu not available but in lwn-m this twmiy spent $27 33 per white child, S •MM per colored child Which shows that each year we are spending a large sum of money lor which luilj value ig not received due to the tael tend the fair and lie Ip ns meet our obligation* whan th* fair la over. Our exhibits are bigger and tattler than ever before and with the support ot the people we will come out all right in spite of the weather 1 ° Only a few of the prism awarded yesterday were available .by this after noon as the Judge* did not finish until after « o clock yesterday and were suit judging today Tile method to be used will be, ac„ -cording to preeent plan*, to have every termer present write hie name on a slip of paper. Theae will be dropped In a box. mixed up arid une drawn out That on* will be the winner of bull. Judging was done In xmet of th* de partment* yesterday and four voca tions I school exhibit* won SIOO aach. Grantham esme Ant featuring swine; ((’oatlnued oa gage I) ASKS POLICE ' FIR-BIS BUM t / Negro Runs WImM Officers Swnrwli Horn*— to Station Later fwr Bows* Praston LofUn reside* in the otty MU m the result of not thinfciiu be forehand Not that perhaps he dun t thßltj but It la evident Chat n* didn't cogitate on the matter iecuveaoiwh Lget evening about 14:30 of doers Lancaster and Bam saw «««««* liquor go into Loftin'* house on Deversux street and they immediately went to to search As they want In LofUn want out and stayed out for over aa hour. That didn't deter th* officers far they had found a gallon of liquor and brought It Ig and were preparing to go out after LofUn whan be appear ed at polio* headquarters. rtf entered the piaa that the rum was medicine and that he needed it bu'. offiaon didn't think he was that > tiy *o they popped him in the jug t ere he will stay until Monday's c inty fcourt. )Rs Honor ruled thia morning In Hits, th* only case to coma up in po lice court, that ha was to b* tried In that court on charge* of having in hi* possession whisky lor purpose of sale. Kscaped Prisoftlr la Retaken in Madi«on Raleigh. Bept 3g—CAP) -State pris on officials announced today that Wodrow Lewis, one of the seven youthful white prisoners who eacapad from Cary prison farm last week, had been recaptured at Marshall and was being aent for this morning Lewis makes four of the seven that have been returned to custody. He was sentenced in New Hanover coun ty in September to serve three to live year* for iarcency Th* three youth still at large are Loyd Buckner. Madison county. Frank Hunter. Buncombe county, and Ernest Miller. Gaston county . day during the school year and are not taking advantage of the oppor tunities provided tar them "Since the number eg teachers per mitted by the slate eoualutng board la baaed upon the average dally at tendance. the county is farced U> pay, j for extra teachers to care for the alt- I nation cause?! by pour attendance Due to the low average Attendance In our schools but year, this county employ ed and paid'l mm local funds 47 extra teachers, at a coat, according to the ! slave sverggr, of. over SWOO each Itie additional financial burden could In 'A large measure be relieved if every 1 school child in the county was kept in school regularly. "fii increasing our average dally at tenuunce we will not oiuy be giving uu ennuren oi our county tin oppor tunities Shinch are rigutiuii) j nut also lessening Ule uuiuni ul llie • local tax payers. . I —— 7 I THE WEATHER ] Friday: moderate \ Wfaß% PRICE in Goldsboro THREE CENTS IF SUFFICiEITLY W HTTRHCTIVE ill MEMBER This U SutiniK M>4> Hw* day Morning by W. E. Hr—4 VU> f. NEW YORK TOM FORMING A BILLION DOLLAR POUR Would Aeqnlm fl fN..rt «* Stock in 17 Nortk Cmliw 0 Books ' iy! mos TO vm k a New Yerk. Sept - lIWI °**»s* F. Bamk pemtimß t$ Mm JMaldmAi Rff^^^dk^^^B P*» -P~< I* ..teZLg he JSS; Uvßte* to after Malm. Be toms aa eSMaI deals I es repegsg Bm Charlotte, N. C.. that (lie rwyiia Now bad arranged to any Nertk Ciretto* teate. *-mm «M wnmm M cashier of lbs Warns MMNwd gam ““dm way in the slats: became a Meath*'« £ attractive. «S Win £nd> , * restarts? aftanwan paid naa wnp cspttallsauaa as ttSSSS^i NM^niW in* interests, ndf censor mm of t*» tfa* of n ham Ullißp PPP «T 3 rLTLSitjrr rsaay approved tko aafakMan ana tks only thine ntaMW aatten U the vote of the NaafehaMno Involved banks and tbs Mgw TW banks will In an prakaMQr Mnßl Ha billion dollar mark. Tbs MhNft* ■» of tnvotvsd hanks was yastnrday fla* rn out b f j Bwood Oat. praNdant as the Ooramerctal NaUaoai hank if High Point. .JT“” wLnrdil ml man itjift. Pidsmv kank. of Dartaua. Warn* National band, OettWer*. Merchants and Paraura MhtMnal bank. Charlotte. Pint National hank, keMabart. Plrst National hank, TtlnaMatMl - Bank of North Wllhikliai. Nassh Wtlkesboro. BUdn Ns tonal bank, Bkta. Pint National bank. Manabn ’ Plrst National bank, Mahan » Pint National bank. IPikNfL, Bank of Lenoir, as Lsaakt Pint National bank. Wedaabor*. citiaens National bank, (laaiarta. Pint National bank. Mtrthy. Mr Cos loft for Now Tort Wainaa day night to attend a conftwas to and said that several officials of otbtr North Carolina banka would also be in attendance Whooping Cough Lead* In Child Dumbm ■slots m kept. M-(AP) Tbsrs wars sac cases of whoping oowth, Ml aaaas of disptbsrta and lit aaaas as marie t fever reported to the SWM hoard of health for the weak ending September 31. There were aW Boa oases of measles, nine of nnalMdn and 37 of typlioid fever reported. Whoop ing rough showed an Increase of near ly aoo rases over Uts asms week leak yearv wtien only M aaaas wars raport rt The same week last year at eaaaa of diphtharls and M of scartM force were reported. Graf Off On Trip Over SwitttffUnd Prledrictuuaivti, uept rue srai aeppenn took ok uus start ing lor a flight over t nUeerhad RhS tfi«lMe ckrriea » i

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