SEW TO KM I«HTO* jMWwy ULM IM7 HUM gypifl" im if n liN-M lh| . M4I WW Iff! M My ’ WJI IUTW 0 . ■>. IM» lAM !*■**-- •x . , ■= Vat XC—No. • BRITISH MINISTER LEAVES TONIGHT FOR AMERICA /M » 4 MacDonald Coming On Mission ol Peace And Good Will to America H mpm Ru» Hiss h far Navy Lim- HtttfAtol Treaty As Raiult •# Trip O ; DAUGHTER IS COMING TO U. S. WITH HIM British Papari Give Pronin* mm to PUna for Reception In Aaaerk* london. Btopt JI —<APv- Prune Mini war Ramsay MacDonald wtui his daughter Isabel, and Um members ol bis wall offlcial party. leave London tonight to board Use liner Berengarla at Booth unpton, on bit treat mission whose aim la to make, with the co operation at President Hoover, dla armament pomlhta and the peace of tbs world secure Hearty expressions of pood wUI which appear today 4n the British pram of all political shades, testify to the high hopes of the net Km for the ■uoraas of what the premier has him* self called -a voyage of exploration “ With American aid he hopca "to give the world an energetic faith in stead of a iwsltstlng skepticism ” Ambassador Charles O. Dawes who has taken such a large share In pre paring the way fdr the British mis sion win not accompany Mr. MacDon ald'a party to Southampton, having taken hi* farewell to the Scottish lead er yesterday. Many others, however, wIU be on hand at Waterloo station tonight to wave good bye as the train puila out at fJOp. m Two hours lat er Ur. MscoDnald will board the Bsrengaria Be la lie of plana for Up raeepflon of tha British represents Ives in the U. 8 hare begn cabled here in great length, displayed prominently in the newspapers and read with widespread gratiflcatton. An air Os suppressed . excitement prevaded th* Prune Ministers house hold at Number 10 Downing street yesterday in anticipation of the Jour ney. which for two had much the character of an adventure There are Mire Isael. the premier's daughter, and hla private secretary The two wom en have bean much together the last few days, sharing preparations for the journey. It is a coincident which does not re rape notice here that the British apostle of peace Is making tha Atlantic trip in a ship which waa one of the forfeits- of tha World War. Tha Ber engana waa formerly tha Oermau liner Emperator. named in honor of the Kaiser who took keen interest in her building, and where witie on board MacDonald Will occupy RIBINSONInACKS FLEXIBLE CLAUSE Declares It Would Not Sole Tinas la Tariff Rato Ad justmonts Washington Sept tt-dAPi— Sena tor Robinson of ArSsiuis*. Democratic Bader, said tn the senate today that those urging retention of the ftaxibta provisions in the pending tariff bill as a “prompt' remeoy ‘ for coregcUng mis takes in rales between sessions ol Oon gress were speaking without founda tion In either face fact or consistency for supporting their conclusion " ~ - Robinson <m*ned the fourth day on the debate on the ealuae which au thor tare the president to change du ties up or down within ftO percent af ter investigation by tha tariff com mission Although President Hoover has thrown his Influence behind retention of the provision, a vote on the ques tion is expected to be colse Repub lican taadere look far the vote early next work. Robinson took issue with the posi tion of ttmator Reed. Republican Pchnaylyaflia. that the real question was whether the flexible prthclpli' be continued Thf flexible provision Rob.nson con tinued, never bad proved a quick met had of giving emergency tartfirtw- Uef and never would hie as long as the cost at production formula was* used la most Bases, he said, it took the commix'ion two years to report on ap plication* for duty changes After to—liming aU that tune, the presl fleat often rffUare to act on tha re * £. -*-*»■ di*. • . ta!?.., Sr A— . • * GOLDSBORO NEWS-ARGUS •• - • - t' •-< ■ ■ - v • Church Notice* Will Be Run on Saturday < karrk aaaeaaeaaeats will sp arer ia the Saturday afternoon te sae of The News-Argus rather thas In the Mandat morning edition It is believed that the annoanceasenU appearing la Malar day afternoon will serve bettor to acgaaiM the pabik la advance with Mender ear viees than they waalß if printed Maaday mernhtg Thoee la charge of preparing the aaaoaacemeaU will please take pat tee of this fact Announcententa to be Int iaded Mat arday afternooa mast be ia the office pet laser than it o'clock to- OFFER PLAOUE OF : -CMS. B.ATCOCK Stats Headquarters of Amer ican Legion to Be Located at Memorial BuiMiaf I MO At a meeting of the directors of the executive board of the Wayne county Memorial community, held In the American Legion room at the building Thursday afternoon at 4 o'clock, quarters for the State head quarters of the American Legion to be Installed here next month, were offered by the board, and thp^offer waa accepted by Col. Oeoras Jt Free man. new state commander An offer of a placque of former Oov. ernor Charles B. Ay cock, was also made by members of the Ayoock Me morial committee This offer was takA under consideration by tha board, and tentative plans lor the ac ceptance of the placque. aud appro priate services lor the cetemuny. were plinrwl ' Among other matters relative to the building, taken up at the meeting, was a recommendation far improving the) stage in the gymnasium The execu tive board requested R O. Robinson, director of the building, to secure fig ures on the coat of erecting a loft over the stage, and other improvements to be made on the platform "If we can get this work done, It wUI mean a much bettor stage, and consequent ly better play productions and other events In which the use of a stage ,ls required." Mr Robinson stated FLIODS Ilf INTO GEIRGIA SECTIONS jCB> , South Carolina Condition* are Improved as Rain Caaaaa Falling Columbia. 8 C.. Sept TI —iAP>— Although upper Houth Carolina today was generally past danger of serious floods threatened yesterday when heavy rains sent streams out of their banks, some sections today were still menaced as the waters moved south ward. Report received at the state highway department offices, showed additional highways closed by washouts and flood waters, while a telegram from Augusta Oa. said that city was cut on in aU directions by flood waters from the Savannah river Greenwood today reported heavy ram still (ailing. 4k hours alter the i start. The total tall there was BJ3 i inches up to ( o'clock tills morning Spartanburg reported conditions im - proving In that section r Communist* Fail to Obtain Auditorium i . JKk I T Charlotte. Sept. aT-<AP>—Unsuc cessful so far in securing an “auditor • luiki" to hold a protest mass meeting 1 against the staying of . Mrs DU May Wiggins. International Labor Defense 6 has announces! postponement of Ute meeting originally scheduled lor Sun r i*jr until sometime ftext week Liston M Obk. publicity director lor r the International’ Labor Defense, said - the meeting would be beld then "even - IX we have to ensemble on soma farm near the city" j»> ■ J * 1 C l."-. '* ; ifc THE PAPER OF THE PEOPLE IN THE HEART OF EASTERN NORTH CAROLINA' %• ' ' . « * ARGUMENTS ON IN v ‘ PEACOX HEARING Defense Attorney Contends Policemen Withheld Pert of Confession Story ? t* t * , White Plains. N Y Sept 3T— (AP» —Sydney A. Byrne, defense counsel as sarted in summation today that the evidence against Earl Peacox, charg ed with the murder of hja wife "waa not sufficient to convict a dag to my nothing of a man % He excortatated a police officer who waa one of the chief's state witnesses and who admitted on cram examina tion that he bad not told the whole truth in recounting a confession "That cheap cop." the lawyer said "was guilty of a deliberate attempt to murder this boy by his lying testimony, yet it ia on evidence like this that you' are aaked to send the boy to the electric chair You wouldn’t accept a story Uke that again*t your dog." As Syme talked Peacox set with one hand hiding his lace so that It could not be awn from the press tables Whether he was crying, aa ha has on several previous occasions, could not be noted Byrne tokl Ute Jury that Ute slate had lo glve a motive for Ute killing "There Is only one poeaible motive they could give.” he said "and that would be a desire to get rid of her. But there has bean ample proof given that he conaisteniy tried to get Iter back, that hp always wanted iter. There was no more reason for this boy to kill hla wUe than for me at this moment to reach over and strike down Juror number 4. •There la no motive and so the whole care blows up." STIRMDANGER IS THIIIGUTBE OVER No Word, However, Yol C—tol From Nassau, Big City «f f Bahamas - Havana. Sept. JT (APt Moving with decreased intensity from a point ft to 00 miles southeast of Key West end advancing In a westerly dlrec Hon. the tropica) hurricane which has lashed the Bahamas for the past two days was aisled ui advisory wcaUur bulletins to hate lifted its threat fur Cuba Miami. Fla . Sept *T -tAPi-Whlle southeastern Florida today relaxed to some extent the vigil lias kept the last two days for a West Indian hur ricane. residents of this section saw In continued lack of communicaUqn from Naaaau the porelbillty that Uie capital of thf Bahamas had suffered damage from the roaring wind re it swept in from the sea. Florida ! fear that the hurricane might strike the state in the same general position as the one from the Storm* of liTM and IS3I was lessened last night when fmrrtcane warning* hoisted along an kO-tnJJe stretch from Miami to Jupiter were lowered and replaced by storm warnings Dan Powell U Editor of News Dan Powell. senior, m elected edi tor of the Opldsboro high school New* Wednesday afternoon Thia will t* the third rear of Its publication Other members of the stall elected Wedneaday afternoon by voting of the journalism class are Olive Spence, as sociate editor; Louise Ward, humor and feature editor; Aaron Epstein, news editor. John Henry Pike busi ness managers Robert iKerty: Jasur.aat business manager, Henry UW circu lation manager; Ralph Oidd.oga. sports editor; Robert Hadley, exchange editor. Mui Ward and Dan Powell are the only ones on the staff this year who were members of the staff last year Last year Powell was news editoi The first issue Is scheduled to ap peer October Ift end et present there are e few contemplated change.-. Tlx* price will be fifty cents for the ame issues The News Is consider'd by critics as one of the beat high school papers-in- the state. Pleads Net GaMty New York. Sept 27 ~<AP»~ lharle* D. Waggoner, president of tliS bank of Teiluride t'olo pleaded n<4 gulhy today in Federal court to an, indKi ment charring mail fraud. __ i, ’ .-f 4 -• a' iflN \*i • r GOLDSBORO, N. C., FRIDAY AFTERNOON, SEPTEMBER 27. 1929 ‘■Torch Killer' on Wit news Stand _ ) , Kr Jm ink W ! i.-i Wl‘ : * /: :* - 7m IT - A "Yes. tbat’S tier picture.' said Earle Francis Peacox. sad here you see Ute confessed slayer of pretty DoruUiy Peacox. his brute of a year, as he appeared on the stand at White Plains. N Y , to tesUfy for ids Ilfs He Is pictured Iden tifying s photo of Uia girl, si town in Uie Uiaet Sleek and sullenly handsome, the face of the youth who first murdered and than burned the body Os bis wife, reflects little of the nervous ordeal of the sensation si tr)ai. Hundreds of women at Um door* of the jammed courtroom fought for a glimpse qt Um killer i ,• ' * To Consider Weed Priee Al Conierence In Washington An effort was launched heiy Friday to have Wayne county's cause pre sented at U>« conference to be held in Washington on October 1 to con sider ways and mesas of securing a better print (04, Eastern Nprtb Caro lina tobacco. Senator Simmons Senstor overman •and North Carolina's congressmen wUI meet with delegations representing the North Carolina Department of Agri culture, the Eastern Carolina Chamber at Commerce and farmer* orgamsa Unu to gp over the tobacco situation Dr. fiafnrr Poe editor of the Pro greadre Farmer, w one of three twha will attend the Masting and lead the The plans far the eoafaretau are heading up in Um offire ol Btmuf Mi id nun ls sud moat at the Mg iobs-ta cotupaiiMs have nodttod Mm that uwy will be represented C W. ItMto. prgS KMH of Liggett and Myssa, •will ff tend the cunhrence preaonmliy. Otar =--~ “-yt- ■ —ffsxa. •aixszrfs&zsszx’*. •„ —^ Creamery Questionnaire To Be Sent to Wayne Farmer i Questional re lor ms will be Issued to termers at the Wayne county fair Saturday in. an effort to learn just tmw many(i persons are intere.sted In Jbig a modern creamery plant in stalled in Qoidsborb. u was snnoun ced today by Walter C. Denmark, sec retary of Ute Ooldaboro Chamber of Commerce on these forms each farm er and dairyman will be asked to write his name and addrtaa, give the number of rows he owns, state wnetli er or not tie Is Interested in seeing a creatmiv in Ooldahuro. and say * belli I er he would try to arid mo< to« on hu» farm if a market for sutpM cream could be provided. Robertson, county farm apnt staled that while there are »• er, people who are Interested in '"**o* a creamery In this section, the ndalia tion of such a plant require*) ron elderable thought before U cailo be undertaken. Ooldaboro dairymen have found It annual lmiiosslble to fuminh (he show people at the fatr with the Bulk. liny a anted this week, Mr R.lrerLon .aul and It is very seldom th it the l«rm er* have a greater surplus than they can dispone of “To hftve a creamery i hat could be worked bn a paying bs .-tie. you have to havf Use cream, and to have Ute cream you have lu tia.e the coirs." It* stated "it s a subject that the people would have to think about before u is tasga! under scrioua curuUSeration Only s few of Uie creameries Ip Uie state arJ-i working on a paying bas»> now and 1 Uiey have beta runnltiK several year* " Mr lt«llms«i the opm* ion that at present then- are not aj sufficient number of oows In the rerun-] ty to make a creamery profitable. If. however, more cows are purchased Mini brought in. a creamei > might be operated successful!. In* staid :tunte of the iarnMM.-' snd dairymen are u> favor of a maam route, by 33*»aisA « — 1 ■ ♦ l com pumas which agreed to send rep - resents Uvea include Imperial To- I baoi-o Os., of Great Britain; R. J. Rey l nolds Co.. P. Lorillaid Op. and Um !! American Tobacco Ou Janie* C Stone, of KenluckCfaffßß repreaento tobacco on the FWdsral farm » board, ha* agreed to be preqrnt for the l meeung He Is expected to carry de .l tails of the tobacco situation back to . I the Federal farm board, and it is r | hoped that some form of immediate relief can be worked out. Wayne eounty farmers," it was da. clareii this mornind, "have been en tirety too slow in getting behind this ( J movr ment Their vbice hasn't been rsi'od oporUy in oinptaint at the robber price Uiat are being paid They ought to schedule a -meeung at tha r eourUiou,e v thrreh out ttie facts, and * Parjiaie reaoi-.nans to to offered al f j Um JMRtiiif in WasJimgtou on Oc-| ■ j taker 1 ts r ought to vmd one ol I our Mi up there m attend Uiat meet ’ Mg and M speak for'os '* Wftu* surplus cream migt* he ped 10 other creatnerte* and iMm dte pow 4 Os. U«u I tarried Both ol Cheat pocoibtntlew are being considered, but no hii-sty actum mu be taken to ettnei» l " * TO STUDT SAWMILLS f [IST CAROLINA Coperating Agefnri Hop* to | r - Nm-Arrn Barnaa, Kir Walter Hotel Raleigh. Hrpt. J7—An investigation among uie and .awnulu ol trie Mouth* f-entral Atlanta coastal plain cutting loblolly pun. one ot tin flehie tor which will U- in kastera North t->i ollna, In arlird lied to start on Uc» tobgr I. Htatc Por ester J. H Holman | de* tired today. , .■ '1 be studies will be carried on by fstarts ol ttie Appalachlai) Korea Kk j (ier tu nl But ion. the Purest Pro -1 die t Laboratory, the North Carolina Pin Aiuujciatian. and the State Ue partitent ot Conservation and Ue vrlulibent Headiiuarleralur the held j worsts Will Iw In UhfJfrut ol LAs trn t Voreater L A <Wkt at wind er. tom will also cooperate in the Wor k. A s ven >b follow - Industrial torrstry, inirp W» ot the investigation are i which Wim hut only good silvieul -1 turc. but lire protection and cloae uUl ' l7*tk)ii Wiias u otter a method of J i"<rp?iuaUm the sui>i>ty ot Umber to i J tula trgion\ and the Ihdustrisc which _ ■ M & Fair Draws Thousands As Sun Smiles; To Be v 7 r ir Gkntinued On Saturday OVER 3,000,000 U» to raster, day the Ural Mmm •d tahaeee for (MLNI.M eJe"tto! NRM rtwrt m.OM pow4i mi toe Amt* of to* thrr M« Thb would (Mii.g Ihr louk M far «Wa hmm. to a IttUr ever U7MN P««l» M|(l Waa »tUI earn ing la today. •»*«wl and It waa rspartag Utat m mmrr roald bo taken la wtMMNiI wwo II lilac rapidly aad It waa asp paaad that away far non weald Mac Uwtr wood lata Utla altar ta toe (air. m police HOT SMALL Only Threw Offeadtwra Up This Morning Bnforw Hia Hwmor —Nngrw CottMa*! Lat Can Hirm :Jl wmaamanankagai - * f - • » Pdir work la taking a anal toll in patioa circles for title nomine to toe Ami at fair weak offenders and only tom cane tip baton Kta Honor Tbon waa Pali* Thompson up far drunkenness PaU*. Chief Taw aald bad baas riding toabby hntagg «d> toa merry co-round at' the fair for over an hour and ha eoutdnt M «o 4 appeared toot he wna try** for another endurance teat but It Am nl|i ped whan Chief waa asked to brtok toe strangle bold Pails had on a llttie •urrol mare OMaf did aad M« voucheaafed hia ability la aland atony Chief Tew, kludhaartod and behea ini that Pane waa na raffle, lat Mm #< but It appeared that Pafig man ban imbibed more later for ha waa flnaMy brought In hut night. The night« aprae coat him costa. Ipm UUon area up far dUo/xb-rly conduct He had been to ids erne > li« i « to we the cnlldren aa aome y<er to hr |tod aevared filial tie* and wet u living wttli the family. Itw court In nrtlerad him to atay away. am eato he waa peaceful but hia wtre’a father testified that Toot w%* di Inking and ralalng caih so eftteera were called He aald Trim had brofcee the door down to get In Tom though* he daarrved some cunstderatom Mr letting cue wife Carre on him. be aald and the court ruled that be pay to and ooata. e Ed Kxum waa charged with driving a car while under toe Influence of whiskey It waa ahown that ha had hU two ears In hia meandering* on Arh and John streets last night thou* 1 1 neither car waa damaged Ha War bound to county court under 9100 bond it. LEGIONNAIRES . GO TO MEETING Delegates and Individuals to the nu UonaJ ri invention of the American le gion and the American Region Aux tilery will leave tomorrow and Sun day for Louisville. Kentucky where the <onvetnlori will start September 30 and last through October 3. k Col. Oeo. IC. Freeman will *0„ • • j state delegate and Mrs. J. C. Crone * i 1 CO aa stale delegate from the th 4 Ut*Uriel of the Auxiliary Kmaelt K <- lnon mi ) tii i|nn »-l -id to make tUr trip at. u fi v* nil r *4 intended going but had ».—l jJA this morning j v!9 Over (0.000 bietyvut un* in. »<aen made et Leulavtllr and ap <0 Wee (or 40POO more have been o- need. The member* frog- OoldMmi W.|l go in can and by rp.l. t t r, Sanitorium Society Meet* in N*. -illy Nashville, TVnh., Sept- t A sociological mnference at the HMel Hermitage and a medical cL ■*>’- unutrition at Uw Vandelb* br#ulta! by member* of the Vanderbilf- tea! faculty, occupied mnn|r' the Southern Tutwmilueie JL-* and the Southern de*Uofll l*tiou tahy, f* THE WEATHER M Cleady tewggM ami MM* 4M bp aJTfctor-1 11 ■■■■■■ton 1 ■■ ******************** PRICE in Goliehwrw THREE COW FaJg Officials Look tglttMn •■Ah f LIVESTOCK Ali POULTRY EKHIMTS ARE PRAGMSM Mcrril T.fce. fkal Por M » n «A Sprufft First For ' <istiuey Cow Yesterday and today' tbowgaffg «g fpupie. Uiawed from umfr tubarwttott m the Am few days el dm wsatt Iff a welcome and warming sun. turwaff out sud attended Um Vsyae Oeahty Fab m masse And they wilt egdtttffm so for the fair will nib Ihsesftt |K» urday lustoad at FrKßff For the first time the grokhda WttM resllv mien and so |«scliflj was %&' tiitcui*- r.iat fib fair und iqylway was breii*ltt to rrnl lift by having », wyg )KN.pte ui Um grounds uiat wa&Uiff wai. a maUcr of time wig not ffta* taww. . Last night toe flrewurta flttpttff Iftfl , the free trapes* add msksilj aoto. Ri front of Um grandstttott' tonkgttt NMA after round of aiytaust and ag AM l gigsaUr crackers and goomta wagg if propie clapped hands to gato mag oreniif Wide UMrtr sms M tMtoffttA iaUng dteptay of ntatoffUS IfftlQaNtS, T'day is anoUMT gHjKmttMl An/ 2.'* day and ttlKllb fitted free ts *Sgpmßß|x|M stag, vnta Today and tomOtofiSp pettp ■« to top the week returns far tolr msVK ti ll hMT Lhff Rm (told klto ’ * 11- i MFsttw gAffwsw ffß . HIP IPpBIK held the crowds down jpaff EApjfig Um< sun has corns out «M iffsff jflff- Ute Kiounds end rends lßMfftoH&£ ah.. liekl l»efc AM week came vretontaff tsm A/ttS and are planning to atttmtt mBB *nd Saturday, f Interest ThufkAat Ml lAfflß* Raff ffpff litssUak and poultry depsrtmmMa aod mthusuum was Iggnsagfl at AmMHRs »( blue and rad ribbons M tog JsflffMf placed these hiSW ifiirEff UH fflg. Hone racing was a gtoliulgfl tf ture at lodayl program and Ata Mk ' ••lay of llrewortts wUI again kg Ntt tonight. fen* ki iuttrw.t was tosws ta Ujtoi like 4 -’k and I»mttxy toloniiwx. ■nt tun.nut was itwß»Sfr*d to tha hcarsnre- of blue and rad udgiflc in Uiem departmsuts m/fmm . ‘cd on during UM day. N. f 'lff liny ton *>t irunn osvnar at |he APIA state grand champion hard flpA Jrraay »wme. statod MM ItojltdgpMa «d practn sly ail Aw eeaAff ffjffMi AR"' to* 'state and has never mm'mm tom R* * IF* Ms taa»ew hs#r..efi dtotonkm. Z of his htod 4 Ml fSSi K K fttoMlto AMtoMr Os AMto Kam. tiita cosv iy. mditoi U btaff of rattle and 3ff;ltoos. Rg WOW tog live *tock Bi*-otgd wffHttd k soAta pietr herd Op earns gadjtoßUp odi- Hip Mr MerrAK «Att tt dfltou prim i# nßereni 'sAfftoE toRAI Rr , a mu, lit Basils on* M IMi Ato>'H i. irti Wi a record of moaad AAIgH ... ti,. iiiat> mAfltafli n. N umber iftt. 133 b in »d A. m pounds of tmttor A G Spruill won brat prlaA sßJjto, pur* bred oueraoey CPF OUWVjfIV standing prise winners in the fflK d opart merit were B F Adams. S. As IJbvts. Mr arid Mrs J. T MrltaagAL Monk Rich, Thad Yalvsrton. FiaffA and Nat nan Andrews. Leon Daidb, )H F. Adams Henry DaVta, AdSrw Osg Shd Buck Kerr, the latar a totat toss Wm> entered a calf. Outstanding pries winasra far*swttiß wn U S TliwiJl. H M. uavto' T. a l». rr.i." J -I and K. A Jeffrey*. A dff, Am u i-nc-. A V. Wlinsgß I Shi Richard liriKhl Hgrker. In tlw iMNiitry mlmiW. T. T- WtAlf wen *waep stakes tu Dark Comtatt Otaa*. Henry Britt a*d MpM9W Afff* so.. liivßlmU* Island Rada; A> Ak Ui Buff Otpbikgloha; D. % rfJwti.reli. in White wsMdotts; IV. A Fflta. m L Aeon, and Breaks stato si-, in Harred Rucks M A AARn. to lew i.« ns. T . There are on exigwt also a tarffb taunh i a water (owls sod tkgtMgk Lindy Retake, Half Way Point ia Tea M.irscay. VcnegMla. HetX. ff.-UW Col Charles A flendbsrgto. AffttM* of serial bighwgprs. rested today al A of hair way pelni In Ms tr*ll-klidA| Ata mall tour fat 4h« Wait laffh, Rtatoff Autries us Mexico. ~ r 1

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