. ', ""'. v 1 J 4 r: v...I ,!m: ,:.';;: 1 J : I t; .-- fir. i J 'I ' ;'. , &cr,o.e(tJo the .fy'ofc'ch'on of JTomeand Me Interests of the County. Vol. II; " GaSTONIA, GASTOK,GoUNTYNr. G., SATURDATMoilNliffG.'.ltoiiARY 26th., 1881. 'ft W:V: -' ' 7 i. t--., if. ... , f .!.,,.. .! . ' ' -. j. .: ,. . .: ' . i i .i-.t . ' , ' No. 8. 4v -ir"-""'"5"' Sf"- ii fWI MM Ft fl .i' J.B V B-E'A I, ' '' ' - " ':-,'k : "' ' Manufacturer and Dealer in , CO 3C i '..Brackets, t ii CoilNISHES, m Win - ' - ' Wagons, Buggies, &c! 'Also Burial-Ciaes on .band of the beet hiu'k .' Send" orders pnij for. price list to - s Gsatonia.Tf. O;' ;,vC.NT;RAIvHQT.EL; :d F s. iiiPscoMB, ptp. , JSew-jiouse and furniture, rormscarnoted . . electric, .bells, .attentive- servants, .location central, fare 'the very beet, j Terms, f i.OO a Jy. flV.no . ,a, week. f36C0 a wonth. Drumfnnrr. stopping lOvor .fc)nnduy..81.50. , . unly a tew yards tion the Iron bprings. Sep25tcjan I; :ia . '..- IMPOUNDED. Sungit Rotk fi'moHt all New Knplat.d Villiig(!8 can boust of a Sunset llnck nun h low, gray, tiimiiliis, crowning 'Ihu .top of ilielon' hill ou whose ensti rn Rloio'lny the IminlL't of Tcverion. Hamlet, I fall it, but it ca'M ilaell' a town, eveu an a dwarf tnay himself uo old t))an by virtue, of 'fbc'j'carB liO-lios Bfen .but for all itf cen tury of epr.rioric?, Teverton wusfdr s'zj anil iniportancp; a liarnlet still. B'lihdlnc; on.npi:iliJjof,4 and looking westward the firBt 1li ii ; lliut met the eye was low stone wall, pr rced with iron doors', above which tract of nnudow-!and, on Whok: sulfate gffinite . bouldecs wtrp . more conspicuous than was "the cripp stout herbage that im Bfdd(d (htm. we chu'I and we won't settle it in that lush ion. I with I uould be )ou, Ditha, und do as you would do ; it would dublli ss be a grout, deal bi-.ttrr fur tne. Uut wlmt's the use of wifhinj? ? I Hn't be; it isn't possi" ble. I nm, and must continue to be, niy Imd, fooliali, cniitMdictory self; and you are an ungel.'. (Here a.enift embrace.) ! I don't know how I feel, or what. I want, and shan't know till lean get il somewhere to a distance, and put lhat boy in proper ier.pectiv. He in too near by half as it ii now ; lie blinds and bewilders int. 'I can.'t see clearly, or determine; so, discretion being the better putt ol valor, 1 shall fi.'e.' Kitty spoke merrily ; but Judith, withou' we7e not' fa7 fcnflir,i-lLatBLM 'Jli,;) ou Kitty-Cat. Well, if yon must, you must; but what shall I do without L. R, Wriston ' ' T. 3; Moore, W. D corner, 'i'ratlo' and Tryon Sts., ; CHA RJLU TTE, N., And Drleri in i -1 "; i i .. TARNISHES, J)YE"si'dt'F&, i ini Bun, imu miMj oin- j Mie 6aiu, i uvn. alter a d.iusp i. i I cd into an orclmrd-hung valley, . beyond . ell. here we are at ton. Le('8 climb th ttl.w.l, .A.. ..... 1. t'. ... L ,v " ,K"up oi nooiy mrmed lulls, rota, iviny, ana sit just, where; we sat that tjplied by forests, ad Raising sharply de- fit'et night when t here was t hat remarkable imea pointed- crests to tlie sky.- To north, J yellow sunset, the niht whci) Ben- Vby .u-ouuiut Fireicneo a lar Diue expanse of w"a i s rue matter ; in change vr"e for qisinnce, rjolhid Vith villages, with here Kit,y. stopping short, had given a sharp aj)u,u;ere tracks oftfevk. woodland and in' exclamation of pain Inne or two pbrces the silver Rlesm of dis- 'Oh, Judith, how unlucky 1 that stone Jant. pomw. It was a beautiful landscape, u'd under my foot, and I've twisted my ei-peciaiiy im ine aiuninon light of golden ai'Kie, i m arraid. Help m? to sit down September., and' the wonder was that only Perhaps the pain will go off in a mirruto two persons hud cared to take the easy "r two.' walk for the purpose of enjoving iVTi.ese But the pain did not quite go, though persons were girls, of nbout the sum? Judith unbuttoned the boot, and chafed the neigni and age. wlm, as they climbed the I slender aokle in her own -warm hands. long hill, side.'bjffsiae. lfept ' close totreiher, ' ' It'a better, thouh, declared Kilty. as I hough contact was dear and desirable "fter 'I'Ip. ' h'e decidedly better, and I to them both.1: '- can walk. I thiuk. if ron'll for mi.nU rvr .i ' - - 1 J. -- . - .. ... vi ine same be and height, jet nnthin? rnr- . . .... But the first PtopJirnnaht-.xecje.wjid jale- ness, and a groan.- . I What shall we doT' said the- troubled ' Mydear goosey don't I ok so terriSud. It's a simple enough business. I shall sit here quietly the ankle loes well rnouh while J keep still and you wilfplease rA town the hill to the Barrett farm, and treti Mrs. liarrett to send little Seth to Mr. Barrett, wherever he hannens til lie nni red Ayrshire she, whose horror from a safe pluee, away from that deronring cluldliond had been a cow, to whom the beast,' quavered Kitty, fear of a lion was nothing in comparison !; No exact report exists with regard to It was too terrible. . .'.. l',e prdceedings of the next few minotes. . Fright no less than her disabled ankle, Suffice it . to say that when Judith, ispeed kept her ptfectly motioaless. Even had ing on in advance of the carry-all, reached she been ib!e to stir, nothing would have the scene of action a quarter of an hour induced her to reduce. Jhe distance by an later, she stood transfixed at the spectacle inch wh tan lay between herself , and the of Kitty, sitting on the topmost ledge ol terrible creature which was. row cropping Sunset Rck, her hand fast held in lien's the immortelles. Frozen.by fear, she sat, and such a pair of happy eyes and blazing her one .ppe being that J iidith might re- 1 checks as could only betoken a crisis of tucn ' soon, . when suddenly the soond of blissful desciiption. manly f.mt stepi on the roud restored her ' Why, 'how did Ben, when did yon faculties of speech, or rather of scriech, get here, and ; ho did5 you find out where and with wild and desperate energy, she Kitty was?' demanded the amaz'd Judith. screaavL ' Ob, please come here, whoever ' It was the cow,' exclaimed Ben, wav J""TO . .' SOUTHERN NEWS?" np -V fc, . u Ins his hand toward the Pound. . ' I'm ao- anu ing down now to order a palr orsTlter-girt Mtiuhxti, &hiMgt 'it. . .' -it ' j - j; y. SE.OJ:OL'R 0BDERS TO J. Il.EDDINJS - .- v.-' cnuld be moredn-siiuilur Mian the type4 to which Judith Adams acd Kittv Roach be longed a dii--siniilarily.. which,- however, ratiier helpid than hinddred their friend ship, ds difT.-r'ences in iysejohun do. J,, ilith wss'Btron'g a';d fair, with honest blur pyes, and a steady, per sible ' face, which wnuoui Denutt, Imd tl attraction of thn. rougir womanliness in its every line and curve. (Kitty, v Ivid, impiij ive, ,qnck tongued,, with, the d w. 'A.f. fw-Iiitf a d the gleam of fn hIwhjb ready to hap to lief brown eyes and .'mobile' month, iinssrssi'd iiiIJllof-,i.hax jmd j.jhe 1 qch-ci which is popularly a'tribnU-d to the .artistic , tentptnunenr. - Without claim to 'absolotc (;( flius; siie Imd uiidfrp'iitd -Uleiit. and of a very ' veisulile character. At tempting jruu.y things she, up 4o a. certain point, ! sncceeiled in all". 'Her qr.ick, deft, nervous fihgers found nothing difficult ; but this very'facility was a diladvantagf' and n danger, ' and iielrj. her back from feu I pro ficiency.; Tu J y,diiJi,. whose mind and lahiy were of siower habit, Kitty-appeared a njTacle Qf.clbvcrnFss. Kilty herself .knew - -vjujlluvu jj y y j p STATIONBBY, a . i r. j-. -. i - .. ...-v.. M ox ihiiartkji r-?i " r v- ; TABLETS, Trdtttretjpp" fstt'fwdtriai. Church . .. ... CHARLOTTE, v r. ' ucttar, uJidHitfd iiKjrntrtts'irr which she di splsed her own sh.trt-comihgs riiost hearti iy.-' This afternoon she wus.in especially oispjrued mood. -'iOi-auani.aara fa mnkd .;t.(bi ei her W.iv. aild to do 'snmethinv' I nnl, . ! ... ' ""ft1" not, and -wiilon I tluii rtinit tifjifir-..,.! have deci.ied to go,' slia-was savinVto : ' ji'vf.iiiwjirf Orurt-Houtiii" i -' and pat, ' pwmpl attention to butiiiats. . .MMLvct Mttute loaal. 1 . . Gurltte;NC.r,'; -1C June 5 tf. t.kt. .. L I'Ufkrtta, KoVtUGaralina,, "Practice limited to the yen Eap ' arid 'ter'oe;wirn-t)fiJdBC8:IAIiara.? Judith. .h'.uj.,w.r(y if.jou. feel so badly bnt it ?; persisted her -friend. .', . 've.'l"i;jroji ajreaily. I go beCnii.se I ainirant.to stay. -1( I do. I hall cet into w,f?el6Sr,.,?.f aw'ful'ic'rlip'p-,''! ni conyM.ced ijher. I, shaJI say -yesid be sorry, or lse I ifehall 'say ? no." and "be RoMv "iiii TBe onlyf n.i?,. poUmgjtJ.my miuil js jiado up,ud I can't do .that with out gov-away ; but, oh dear ifb'a rVat horfier,, when we ir so c'hmfo'rtabl.-'h.-re, and f-'do so hate lhaidea of joininir K'ta'an, and gating in' with the Rippons and all tlurtisot ? . , r - ' : . ' Well, limuk sayi aga'mtlrat 1 .1 u.ot understand it,' riefslBted the practical Jui litll. ' Tfou ilorff waot to Sny' yen,' and yoa dop't wont. to ,aay '.no; and ull the time you Hke Ben I am sure oii do. )f I Was' In 'o.ur.'place.tT think J should 'k'miw my own m$l, better, abd.wliat wanted .tMy, Kitty . '. 'Of course you 'would, yoo wise old Ditha- Tf if Wag yoarBn instead of my ucn,f don i,l know exactly how things would be? ,yu would weigh .the mailer duly; takinplha afteroooryrfor it, t0 us not ir riMerfure 'with. ypor. nights' rest ; ton WPU.U1 take It to church with yon. and pra? wer it. or perhaps- open the. Bible at tan- ask llim fo 'tackle np the carry-all and fetch m. Timt -s tt tcr r.t o?t : ' don't be worrf "'j"'t"w" "' - i. a. -1 though. ." BL'mrrs.-joii e&.iouldn'r Jovr ittlp me In n lets conspicuous place than thisf .rtomriiow 1 don't lancy the idea of sitting here alone 'to be stared at by the people in 1 1,. If;...... : II ' ii , tr tnr .iLiilliilllJ llliuftr Mliyt- 113 wiey (JO OT. Oh, I know. There's the old Pound ; I'll L'.o there.' -' The old Pound?' ' ...'Didn't yon know that that tiling over there was the -Pound? Dear me 1 I'v knowo about It ever since that first after noon.' . Beri told me, I think. It always seemed rather interesting,, somsho, but I never took the trouble to go inside before. They haven't used it for years,- I believe, but it will tnik a very go ul retreat ti il j jvu n'i uiii-K-. jiiai as gooq as li l was a cor er determined d I. I A,. 1 . - uhik waerer. asKed a voice abovethe wall; close, very close, lo Kitty's tips to her horns appeared a head a well known, ' .'-Yes. it was ihecnw. i re.li--,. -ai. hamW) head, with thick ed Kitty, the sparkle of fun disnlaeW u.j .uuu, nmp uno oearo, whose ends linrerinif dew in her brown eve i. ... meiiw into warmer color still -the head all the cow. Had it not been for that dread in sliort, ol B-n H.zrd, Ihe very B,-niV ful animal over there, and the mean ndv.n min from whom Kitty was proposing to "!-'e which Ben took of my helplessness run away me next d iy save one. Poor and my unprotected situation. I should iviuys runn ng was the latt thing possible never have been so' She paused for a now. . ny, whatever does this mean ?' he demanded, while Kitty, flushe.1 and half crymr; b?tween paitr, Vexation and alarm falterad forth a lame explanation,' '!50 Judith went lo get Mr. Barrett and the - carry-all,' site concluded.. 'And I catmi in here to be out of -the way and theTfanme one turned that dreadful caw in, and oh, please, won't you drive her out? I am so ufraid of cows 1 and I am expecting every minute that she will discover I am here and turn upon me !' , '' i,.think. that wouid hardly be rigb,tt' !,Tid, .'lit would be 'an interference with UowiHanthoritiss, and might mike .'.rlejrtAiut I'll' tell you what I'll do' iiy j ;;U II sit here on the wall close word JIappy ?' suggested the daring B.-n. ' Well, yes,' said Kitty, meeting his eyes with her own. AnrKthen, Judith notwithstanding, Ben kissed her. The curry-ull wheels were now heard on the road below, and Ben heliied Kiity to her feet. As he did so, the cow in the pound niie i ner bead and gave a prolonged nioo-o o-o. 'Her blessing on the cneacement.' whisn- rred Ben, as he lifted his fiancee into the carrage. And to this day, wlien any little tiff arises between the married lovers who are lovers still Kilty, with a pretty sauct- nio-, m wooi io suaae ner . nead ana mui isyv, anil if the animal makes the I "" r' ' An ,hat rei1 cow 1 8ue uaa mu5h to fatlrpt at violence, will jump over aoswer ,or- Jin per '$ Bazar r- act, you, even if it costs aie the ,'PjfOl my blood !' - n, don't be absurd. I would mueh fve..he cow turned out, or be help- VIMlf -f ' i .know yoU i uiav. laveme it WQU III - i . -. j - - 1 - : 0U.- ,i am not at all atraLl of cows, --i-f-.v if un Add, Innghiog gayly, thoiirh with a brow twisted .by num. .Kitty linnhf d across the road, and into the small walled inelos- ure opposite. ! There that- is beau'iful;' she'decliipcd, dropping into a corner..' This wall mukts a good- b tek for me to lean against, 'and no one'' but yV,u' wi! s'usppct that I nm here. D in'l run. and don't heat yourself, IMiha, or yonJII hare a headache to-morrow.' I'm doing vefv' -rf!ee'lvi? and d'.b't iil.W wntir!5 a bit. T.ike' your time.' AVith this iuj.incuon Jdditli departed. Fih" a few m fnenfs her fxitsteps were audible on the stony' road ; then "they died away, and perfect quiet took possession1 of the .bill-top and the old .Pound, broken only by the drowsy chirp of ras,hopperff u the jolt yellow grass. S i silent was' it tljaVwueo. t flyjnj l.lid skimmed across the wall. wKh"a sfiar'ri pull to h'ls 'm ite, Kittv Quite started p: her cornuri . About her stretched a crapct of low aromatic growl' tai sy andfwret-l'eru and white-blossomed ImmortrlK-s.wiih her? and there a tail spike of golden-rod fi.iuntin its yellow fii. The sun was Hearing the bona ui now. t'rim.-ioii til ls -fluslit-d the softy valley dis tance, and little fl -pts of -iwe and purple cloudlets b.-gnn to I! ck Ihe pure sky over head. Afivr awhile Kitty hgard-ilieratlh' oltheptage wheels and the snap of the driver's whip, as it crunched by on the steep road. , I'lieii came silence airaiii, bro- Tm T. -1 fr 1 f "J 'fii'n ' np here . gome, line - i v.',i-, -...,-. day. si opjii, ami read a passage for d.r.v.i,,,,.' s ken. a little later, by the soaud of distant Atinf : . Pdraia m -,..t " ... I ...... ui'n i ri-vuiiiHU'llll ; IlK'll havipg made Up 'your-iniiid. you-would .' -the' Stale Und- United Ktntt.i Com t, corrf Jnformatiotl,- -Jbstrtnls' bfTtllt, Jf re jr, ;, TurhMeil'folrtm ptnsalio . , Office, N.-K. cor. Trade nd Try'on fs., -. ClI ARI.0 ITE, N. C . ' mar6-ly WANTED. i1" --'-L-l Twenty Hands to pick cotton t S cents per hundrrd. It has not Wn )) k l over Aj.ply to G. W. CHALK. sit down on that rock there (lakin- the precaution to sprfa.ra blanket lnwl first; for, 7iur of dampness), o'law .fTy,vir gloe, fix' your eyes' on Mrddkj ..uii1umi, and aUci a'pensire 'yv And you would coma down the bill oh Ben's arm, and be happy ever after, aod - what in more, de- . rvB H. Bii 1,-oU dear ! me a t.it- Cm - -' Kitty, for s::ame ! illwhat about jou and yeur Ik-u ?' .Nothing. Ou'y I urn I, aud he is he, so vo.ces, wtncli she gh.Hsed to be tlio.se of peoph; on the lower cross-roads ; but th: y did not C'liiie near' her retreat; nor wa she startled wlwn a soft Ihudofjioofs drew a foot Ben'. might well, say o. lie wS leaning over the wall pow, and the oright hazjl eyes were very near indeed to Kitty's downcast brown las'iea ' Xow tell me," proceeded Ben. dropping the bantering tone for one much more ten der " tell tne, Kilty dear, dearfst Kitty, what did you mean by plapning to go away, day after to-morrow, without saying a word about it to me?' '"How did you know V , . 'Mrs. Burnet gave me a hint ; she felt sorry for me, I suppose ; but I shonld have known sor.iC'hnw if she hadiv't 1J ow could you flri so ? Why' did you, dear ? '"Hen,' I'll tell yon,' said Kitty, with sud den nsolu'ion. I was -I was going away because I'm ufraid to slay ncir you any longer1 'j'ust now. I d 'm't know my own mind. ' I'm afraid of making a mistake'.' ' The 'mistake of saying ' no ' to me?' ' 9f ' ''ie trul" iSi y0' bewitch me somehow- when I nni with you. I can't J'hlge, can t tell how.it is. I want to look sorx-rly a( live thing, to decide as a rational womno; should in a matter ol consequence.' ' Kilty. . there is nothing rational about love. I don't, want you to decide t mt wav. If yu'do, all Is up with me. How cruel of you tu ihmk to ro!i hi of my one chance! Drtn'-t ? know that ih?e you leave me and go away, I shall feem in jour eyes the un worthy ' creature that I aiii,. that iill men Kitty Juust be, of anything so precious ns your- .-eii, your love, your sweetmss, your pure ardent nature. My only hope is in winning you against 'calm judgment and common jci.sj ; in making you !el that with ail niy fiults, and little as 1 deserve it, I love you so mueh as to he worth just a little fur love' sake. Oh, Kitty, listen don't go ." ' Ah, Ben,' cried Kitty, flushed, qniver ug. pleased, moved, I ought not .'.But precisely at Ibis jmcturc the red Ayrshire raisid her head, gave moo which to Kit ty's cars w;.s like o threatening roar, and chargid at a brisk trot directly toward ll.eir cormr. Kittys words broke into a wild shriek, as, jumping to fer fetl in com plete disregard of the sprabtd ai.kle, she slntt-lied her hands und cried, 'Oil, IWn, save, me ! save m ! In one & con 1 he was over the wall. An- SOME VERY OLD PEOPLE. Paldo Lumar, of Mobile, was knowo to bo 110 years of ae when he died recently. Philadelphia buried during 1880 118 0uld in North Carolina exiata orinefn.! persons aged ninety years and over, and 9 ",e cenlral and western parti of the 4-cenu-Jiarians. . . state. The vie d ha. tw Aunt Rose was the last remafmna-criiciM r ' r'j , d,;nicmbei of the Cumberland Street Bap- sir. Spencer Cochran, o f Virginia aged tist Church, of Norfolk, Va. She dfed re- 92, on tha 14th. married Min Bethanv cently at the age of 97 years. Hubbard, aged 40. The granddaughter The poet Burns was a neighbor of Mrs. und. ffrea'-Krundduughter of the groom Cunningham, who is now 102 jiears of uge, "8tof'J 'JP" ,he couple, and hit son married them. Railroad business in Texas is immense. There will b no spring Tair held in New Orleans this year. The Alabama papers report prospects good for an abundant crop. A Spencer connty, Ky.f boy tweWeyeari old weighs 144 pounds. Waco, Texas, haa five trotters that can step inside of three milium. There are in Texas, and witbin school age 6r,000 illiterate children. The Texas state treasury showed January 1 good cash $681 95. The entire taxable property of Texas is 303,000,000 in round numbers. ' Biihi p Keane, of Richmond, says there are 18,000 Catholics in North Carolina. ' Dogw.od and persimmon blocks are be ing shipped to the north from Virginia. The orange trees at. Ocean Springs, Mississippi, were not killed by the snow'. Senator Lamar bus some fine Jerser cows at bis home in Lafayette county.Mies. The Mississippi papers are crying out over exorbitant freigb charges by railroad,. Three brothers named Caldwell, livimr at Knoxville, weifh 666 pounds avordupoia. Last year l.fiOO.OOO pouodt ofconnr was taken from Ore if nob. Ash coanf. North Carolina. Forty five persons hare been burned to death in North Carolina during the part inree monins. Quite a number of counterfeit 910 gold pieces are in circulation in Wilmington North Carolina. ' The two Catholic schools in Lexington Kentucky, received annually $1,000 from the public fund. By a recent revival of relieion one hnn. dred and fifty members have been added to the Baptist church at Staunton, Virginia. The Jacksonville, (Florida) Union says If no accident occurs the largest orange crop known for years wSI be produced this year in this state. RULES FOR PA RES IS I. First give yonrself, and then vonr child, to God. It i but givtn- hlra hhj own. Not to do it, is robbing Uod. 2. Always prefer virtue to wealth thi. honor that comes from God to the lrnor that comes from men. Do this for yourself. Do it for your child. 3. Lt your whole course be to raise vour child to a high standnnf. Tin nf ort, f...- w - - " ww CIUD .UIU living near Glasgow, Scotland. Robbie was a visitor to her elder sister, and she repeatedly heard him cracking j kes with her. After KviDg a century, Lidia Slaughter was lrez-?n to death during a recent cold snap in her cabin near Boonesville, Mo., as was also her son, Henry, aged sixty, who lived with her. They bad plenty of wood, provisions and clothing, but were sick and he(p?css.J Johanna Murray, of Alleghany, is over childishness vo.,reir n t - " Ot. I. .1 .. .1 " 01 Ke. one nas just oeen sent 4. Givnn hM,li. . to Ihe ,-ilv linmo r. . I?. il 1. " OUl WDed ,,: :: . ": r r :, rvi yacom require rromnt obeoW tc" u,s lms " "'mgaione in a I 5. VpIPP ,.. . . Wretched ho vel and M.nnnrteit ..1ul K . . " """" ,u CTWnJ "e '"i r,,iu wv.w,, "j o an nkvt .n.c .Klgnours. it was teared she fi. (,,itito . .... :. would freeze to death, -' . 7 . . -Vl-jr wunyoor Cblld . 1 ,n nil Inn,,., . x 1 " 'uniui jiivs anu sorrow. Danie Alexander, of Pharln'fp V O. 1 o a 11 n.i 1 L 1 ... .. .... .uu never nvmt . owneu as a siave, Mx-pnen Alexander, col- child until yoo know that he deserves cor ureo, wuu recently ai.a 10 t.w jozud year, rection. Uear its story first and fullv He whs strong and vigorous even in his ex-1 8. Never allow your child to whins and ireme oio age, Having chopped wood and 'ret, or lo bear grudges. 011111 mvs on the day before his death. He 9. Early inculcate frankness, candor did not pretend to know George Washing- kenerosity, magnanimity, patriotism, and ion, out wnen you strueK him on Andy scii-jeniai. Jackson he came out very strong. 10. The knowleilge anj fear of the Lord Mrs. Letitia Ewring, of Elders Ride are u'e beSmng of wisdom. Pa., bade her iufahl son. who is in his It Never mortify the feelings of vour . 1 .. . . 1 Cth year, un uffectionale farewell and then cl"", bS. DP.hW'ng it with dullness, neither peacefully yielded up her life. She wag in her 108th year, and leaves surviving her a son 82 years of age and a daughter It years of age. She also left thirty-two grandchildren, over 50 great-grandchildren tnd several greal-great-gr .udohildren. Columbus, Mississippi, is to have a SI. 5 1)0 skating rink. to be erected neur. till a totid '"Haw!" close to her rur niiide her jump, and at the same moment I hcr saw tlie cow iu full retreat, and Kit a biif ltd cow vaulted into the Pound with a bounce and a clatter. There ws a rattle of burs, and dunce of boyish b.otn 011 ihe road, and before Kitty could realiz; the situation, and scream, it was too late. Tlu boots were furdowu the hill, and theit was she. Kilty B c(i, shut yes actilal'y .shut into the old Tivtr'on Pound with a ty in his arms. . Take ni away,' she sobbed, hiding her eyes on Ida shoulder. . ' ' you promise notto go? Will you promise to-listen ta all 1 war.t to suv?' de mumleil the War? Wn. 0!i. Via anything, dear Ben.- 11! pro- nuse uo thin- il oi.ly ytu wdl help me to retxives as r,j 52.000 r annum, A new state Iiou-k; is soon iu Austin, Texas. ; A Hart county, Kentucky, guLea bents :ust sweet sixteen. 1 nerc are a large number of tax d.-lii.- qMenls in Mi9iss;ppi. The Mississippi is booming with a lare amount of drift fl ating. Chattanooga ships about 3.500 dozen eggs per week to New York. Iist Tennessee Sunday scliool convention niet-ta ai Kogeriville, May 12 aud 13. Augusta Evans has an income of between $4,000 and $5,000 from' net novel. Raleigh, North C.irolii.a, haa rcc ind nearly 59,000 bales of cottoj this season ,. V - Thlt All K If I m . .... ... ....--vM.i i.i .iiempnis, i en nes, ec, inspire, it with self conceit.--oyWci,. Louis afartio, a Sherman, Texas, man has sold 2,600 pounds of venison this seasoi:. The death rate in New Orleans for 1680 was 27.7 which is about the suae as London. The Charleston m.irtuiacturinjrcoainanvf books now show collection of nfwi Collectio: s by bell-punch io Galveston 10 January in the saloons amounted to 565. On Friduy Houston & Bro.. of Greerta- boro, N: C., bought ninety thou. id rabit skins from I wo firms in Virginia, i Ta o h i-iored acd fifty additional ontru- tives will be addi-d to the Camperdow o cotton mills, at Greenville, S. C. - A five hundred pound bear, yieldinr twelv-i gallons of oil, has recentlv been killed near St. Augustine, Florida. When you see a young maa sailing- down the street shortly after midnight with hia collar mashed down his neck you can mk up your mind that tharel a young rirl crawling up stairs not far distant with ber hoes under her arm tod an Mtinguabed lamp in her Land. X

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