GASTON' r 3 7) f voted lo V Protection oflfoml and tie Interests of the County, T SA T G-ASfoxiA, GSTosf County, . 8vtubday Moiling, August 13, 1881. No. 32. I ""i7 " C A KM EX fpi.lNAMVM. .Tady mine, slnoo you are rich 1 1,1 , ChurinlnK, ouhuary lore, jA-t mo enter, 4eq,, Umi ,tyti'hcii, Whure T novw w.ftn before. .Tench mo arts of tijUnir, boiling, How to muko tho pot-au-kku.; .1 Khali lio contented tullini ITh($few)i,th you. Tench mo to dross duinty dishes. Soups and. ciuTi(ii ;ith their rloei, . -.Haw' you crisp Hkm httlo HhIics (Known us whltcbuto In a trice. You muko omelets that, would lure a Hermit Into WjHd cjiccrs, You're, a pqat hand ua a Vcrxb, ', . ah .ccujoy Men may come, and also uio,u go .As tho Laureate hue tvld. Hut with fowl A l. M AHLNOO Will affection nw'er wax cold. . Siloes of a Seven minwn Well may servo to fan tho Hume.; Sweetbreads of tlio-tonder lamb ov Saucb-SuimikmbI :Better fur than art ivst Iietic, Crowel-work mid peacock fitDM, Aro theso studios dietetic. Carried on mid pot and pan. This Is woman's true position. In the kltelien's lnmost jiook. And n huly's nobles infusion Is-t.) cook. BILL ARPiTIWS. 'WHAT HE THINKS -F AFFAWIS,. -The Streak of Original Si,a that Makes People Envious jpf 0$e Another, &c. . Allantu Constitution. There ia a power of comfort in -piceting .with a happy-hearted ninn, nd especially a (woman. Whon I go to Atlanta most every. ihody is too busy to talk 1-ng, and by the time they get through askiug ah;'"t the .crops and when t came down i-nd when I'm .going back, the interview is -about over, and J move on w,!i,h my organ. But I ,know some genial fipws .who make me ,feel at,hoiie and cheer me -up nod ore al ways bright and huppy. jl love em, and sometimes JL lb,iik that if i was in heaven ,(vnd an angel wiva o jO'ine and tt II me that ,pne of cm was dead and wus a knocking at ,the jrojden gate J .wuwld nin 3ry to .meet ' rtiijn and give a wi'eoine,. I was In king lo ,pne,qf.e,m the other.d.iy ubout life and how ,tp 'Lye .and .guys he, '' youre riuht, sir pu are ,r,i(jht. It U as Arse us the gospel. Vlknow nil .about, it. jL'e.btMi through 8re ,Mltl ibrinwtpne since the Vur. j ve been roasHd ,in a .cr.ucible but a kind Provi dence has brought ,me out and purified me. 1 was boio do luxury and u generous lo,ve of my peopiV, hut the iiifernul tf.'nr swejit away my foundai,ioii8 and I hod to knuckle down to work hand .woik. 1 have toiled nil day long in the town uud -walked home, five niik'S, after my day's, work was done and then taken mv cross-cut and put my ... w r dea little boy ut one end to balance it, and awed the wood for next day. Eawed it in . a . I T II..1. ...... 1 I. a ..A ttnfica Hie ilara wnen l cuuhiii i occ "ic " the log. I have plowed n.y little new .ground willi a steer, my shots out ut the tm.a in,l on nld i tirw-storB hat on ni7 head. . I lVl.v HIIU ...... j -and by night I wus ao Tlrtd I would lay ' down in the corner if the fence and paut like a Hazard. Many a lime I huve wuided to be a child so that I cmild cry and not be ashamed, for I was not used to these 'things, and J.heyjvent hurd wiih me. Bui there was the dear .wife and the little o.hil- ' dren, odd I didn't duru to look back, feince ' thto I have compared one yeurwi h un otber uud it got better clqwly, but surely better all the tipe, opd n'ijw ,1 am i ich, thank God, for his mercies. I am rich, im mensely rich, for my little homes puid for, and tho fruits und fl iwrrs 1 planted ' are mine, and we have good health and de cent clothes and plenty to eat and boorfs to read und kiud nubors, and u!l ry s.tlury . meets our daily wants, andVanderhilt has no more. Tho difference is that Vuiidei biltdoesu't know whut be wants. bulI do. .(Therefore, he buy :i painting for a $1 00,- . 000, or a thousand dollur carpet, and the poor fellow is miserable because his jaoney ' won't buy peace und happiness. "Now, 1 am raising my boys to be farmers, for it's the happiest life to live. 1 would rather they should ynai:e a hundred 'dollars clear at farming than a thousand at law or medicine, or ten thouauud by ' epeculution. It will do them pore good and pay better in the long run. ' I would rather sit down to n.y own bread uud but tcr and milk than the richest .least that roomy will buy." That sort of talk suilB me exactly. ,"Vbe truth is out people cook too much and eat -too much. The trouble or having coows and keeping em and ulways spreading a bountiful table of meals and sauces and pudding and pies is the curse of the do- "meitic" circle. When c owned the niggeis "and the little darkies was a hanging around the door in their shirt-tails waiting for the Krapa and leavings it didu't tsatler how 'much was cnoked, but it dots now. Lvery family ought to make their own light bread 'and prepare their owo pre-ervea and pickles always ready to entertain u friend .willi simple fare. TlieK werlasling diiuxrs lwit,h two or three course ieem mighty tiicn .bimI hn,pvtahle, but the wear and tare iiid .trotilile of 'Vol U aior.o than .thcy jii ,wortli, ii.nd ihey will kw roor niair''' ,U08e tv .t-he Widst,(tfie u II ills life und len(ve liic,cliildr.e,ii pe.ur hen he dies, 'f'tuvi a pardonable fir lie ,mi,xc(l up vit,h i (li'tle ,ei.vy that Jteepx iur jpt i pie on u jdrnin.- u bm of a len.onile , ith iwliky in it. J.-cl eveiyboily is invious more or hfi. nr it's humun nature, p hrH.ti v,itliXiii, und it looks like .wu ,c.iir'l help inn.diii it i.n .down. Kiood pei filt ate', lis iid I l,ey ,ilon'l know it. Tihe (foc.d w.ile wi.uliiiiil hanker (liter a new carpel if ,l rs. (J ibor ,fnnt'S dulenl limve lijiie. f one .wan itl' ( in if ahead ,nf imollier it's ,vtrv nuinrul for ps to want to eulcli the .coat-tail ,a0 pull him back a li'tle II I lie drnuuhl hums, up til.;. cr"p I don't got,$I' and wiep t'lTmue my nubprp .ure io the sane .fix yiiere'j) u siriii,k ol iu .lpniiini! down evveryliMl;y'ja 8iii.ic,.biii t ,h w. u,re a'l ri'hl ch-ver and kind, und love our ,p 'ple, especially it they dmi'l u it ahtud of u-i or Jtei p just a t,i ,tle ibehiijd.. Well. I huve bei;i,uji flhuyt the cupitnl for a day or two -loifliing un ,und perusing the iim (' tin j-S'tor uud the l-d'1 8 in the jwilluy. The ladies ,!. ,Uel W'U'ly pretty un.! sweet, .o,f .course, but ,wle,it js their swe, i!ie88 torne. Well, I did sui'.oiie Kood-looking ,(nt,r'nly woman up Lhnre, mid if lliure Ju(J half it ih Z'H -Utllf chiips ,clusten:d tv"o,und li,Jculd ,huve dreumed I was .at home, ba king iin ithe piisliine of a.queen. The law-mukcrs are a goi,d-ooking body of men, pud I Uiink are doinu Aher level best lo p'eafu their constituents and be sent buck ugpin.. Yhe watch .t. ga of the treasury a-re nunierou.Bi und nui y, ,(rid whenever a feller wants tin appr piiutjon you can hear Vm nark for h;ilfamili;. (I'he trouble is that whtn a bill .curing ,up ,o ffi.lliT don't it now whether , his ,peole arc :for ;it or agin it, and there fore he generally votes no, I think lie ooxlit to have time to go home und confer witlr his consli tueOw Qti .ftverj'tliing tUiat .comes up. -Voting no is a .UVsiht-J safe plan, for il i he bill passes and turns out to be a good luv not)Q)l is going Ko be poking into (he records to e h w he voted, but if it proves to be a bad law he can swell and ,31 nil und say J voiuJ tif"im itiat Mlf und priAve il by the record, ami then .tiie ,penplu will send him buck again. It's a gm d plan lo giisoect every man. who wauls the legislature lo do anything for him. The presumption is he's uftt-r some devilment.. There i9 Mr. Price goin;; round und talk iii!; sw,e.el ubi(;t the D-ihlenegit colleue. Nop jpu see he is after money. lie wunts to build up D.ihioiiegii, and what good ia that Kiting lopie oriWuinsville ? And I he 'Isuutiu asylum wants a hundrtd thous und dollars and that won't help any town but Milledgeville. And there is a cotnpuny who wunt to build a ruilnud Trim Uaiins .viile the ,Quiiiet(Ville, J;ff rsou ,ut,dJug 1'u.vtjrn iPuc(fie. Why that old la,7eru has been there lor filly years with iia Venerabu siL-nbouiid a B.wiiijiMg to the brtij5- a Jug o.i one Mje.mi.l ,e.mei tainint'iit .fijr jjiiiu und beast upon the oiier, and n iv tliey want to wipe out the old lundmurki) w d din Branson swears ,ii w.ill r,pm ti e .country.' Farewell, oldsinj li,rewell bioi(:i suuej farewell ju. If these ,fleis(l;ei1p i n build ing ruilroaiis und pulling up leltgraph wins, I wunt to know where a un.r id vii cun run lo when the sheriff" ,tru,r him ? And lure is Mr. Cole wuiiis.a.cliathr to build u road to H. me, und I thought I uoiuse. they would j.isl give it lo hint bolus noxious; but some say it ought lo through Ui.rdou uud .Muriuy and Wulk.r, and John Branson 'wants il lo slop at Kingston, ao as to make Kingston u port of entr. Smnt si.y thul Mr. trie wauls to kill he Mate rood and iheu buy il and thai John 1ianson is in cahoot with him. Some tt.iy il will liumuge J:e Brown, and sonie.saj t'-ere(is u(eui in the meal tub or a mure's nest .o the burn, b -mesuy Mr. Cole dmi't ioti !rl to build a roud at all, but wniits to .-k'er m ijie les.-ees and buy their sti ck f- r .1 ?omr. I urn ulraid Mr. (,Vle is u bad in .ii- I lliLtijiht Mr. Si m J wusagood man, but a feller told rae ihut, in his opin ion, Mr. Si-uey got on sprtes, and .every tu;ii; he got on one he went lo tlirowinn away his .money on Methodist collegia ,y.e suid he didu l know auyilung about him. but from the way he.kepl on a dmiy il looks like heaspretd. Sai he, "I got on a beudii . ysell last Clulstmus aod give ua oigui. gribdtr live dollars." JYell, I am right soiry for Joe Brown if it's going lo ruiu him, but il' curious lo ma why Mr. O'ole dideut sell out his own stock Ik fore he begun to tuiu the lease, for they say be uud Jte lown have got the same interest and all Hie oilier lessees live awuy up yonder, and I've been wondering why they dideut come down and raise a fusi over this business. But it's all nothing to me that js. not tnuch.-.-and I reckon these law-makera wi Jieep Mr. Cole from stculing my land aisl curr .ing mTmy wife and children to purls Unknown. I'm suiiifitd that John BransfMi ti.ct .ftie , and stand up like a Unit wink for liiiht anil liberty. Solomon sajs : "In the .multitude I'k-'oiihs. I thi re is salcty .; and thoiiL'h .yo.ui hiild bray u find in p jnortiu (villi a pestle, yel .will not his foaiji-lijlt fs ,ilemrt Cr iii hiiu.''' J 'in going hum" to pull fodder. There's no law again .llnit I nckon. I come down to sic what kind of u law iley would puss urn! I find I was n istnken ..bupt every-" body Voting on il. O ly freelmldeia .fun ,c .l.lor the eh f1 ion. but everybody cm vte. while mid blai,(c, hind or no luml, C.illlejir no cattle. viijgnbone. dai key who stops in Hie sc.t'le.pieiwt 4y .tliu mansjaiiees'! (or a wtijf or two, has o us bij u vole as I have Well, I ' ,r .o'tmu t.hut if I wi.s a mi'iobei und vv.uiii.d to.cmni' buck niruiii w-m'd imv.' (ix"-l it that wuy too, Mny theoi'd Lord help us all. B.I;i.t. Ai p. flLAMI.D FOOLS. When Pavy CV' eki ll wall a nu r.ibw nf Qoiij! U SH lie whs ail I ii g nne.dn.y in a holt I loiis'iiii; liii shins, when a senator Iroin M .ssucliusi tis entui d. Approiiiiliitig .the old frontiers .Ciati the latter Said .; "Crockett a'liirgp procession of yom constituents aie .piarcliing up the sti.ct t. y ou Might to go out ami greet them." ' Crockett .hurriedly riae and wmtoul upon the hovel sU;ps, w-Ihmi jt-luri2edriiivevr muhs passing by caught hisi-ye. He (piiet ly jvatqlinl them .uniil the last one , hud panned, and then returned Ao Wis 6e.atby Clip iKove. I'he Mnssnc4iueitls i nutor still here, and ns ihe redoubtable Puvy .drop ped into his chair, asked : " Will, did youi your friends?" '' (Oh, yer," wa9 Ihe response. '' They look remarkably well, too." " Did you ascertain their destination ?" "Certainly, sir." " And where .ware they going in such a solid body?" Ci'ookett turned to the Senator with a .quiet, calm expression, and replied : " 'i'he fools were ell going down to M,(isMCy inset Is lo tench school;!' ? Aod ithoy gn -d a jnomcnl into each other's faces and sadly walked away to take $, eooiul glass. nip WEALTHIEST CVWRED 31 AN IN GEORGIA. Atlanta Dispatch to the Cincinnati Enquirer. His iiameia Henry Todd uud he lives ut Dnrieti, in this State. a .youth his master died and him his ifreulom ns u reward for his faithful attention duting Ihe slaveholder's lad sickniss. Vourig Todd was so tstel med by the liimily that they insistidnn his remaining in their employ and paid him a handsome salary. JJf. iip a sort of usslstunt oveiseer oo tho .planta tion. By the kiniPy uid of white friends he soon hecme n land-owner, and llien a pre spei'i us hum r. In n few years his itffiirfl showed t e result of industry .and ,0'itnrul. hiisine.-s talent in a simg little .foil line. His quiet uihiiinr ami strict op riuhtuess en rdul him limn the bitter pr.juOice which in those dajs In th rcs lelt Inr the uyerage '-free rig. er." Henry T"dd soijn .hud mom y en ugh lo hold Hla.ves;l)imsell', and he purchased si vera I us a matter of economy. When the Confid erney fell ,ic lost twnn'y nettroes ni d sonn trii 'it y ,in a'e ;bonds. This severe Mow ,wC in a jjiensure c pnteriieted by his good fortune, having on Inind a crop tif .Cotton, which then de:r.;Jed -fifty tv; Isti pound. Alter the war he .com bund his luroiii!" operations, .but also engii.rd in the luuiher bpsines. His reijutkulde suc cess conlinued. pud tu-daj he owi.s two large lumber mi U and exp.rU very 'j:'en- sively. II.' is ve years o. and has an excellent iducution. IJe is jVnrtblOO, Ot C in good investm. nts. lie livif 111 3 heat country home surropuded by u fan ily of five childien. who n joy the loxurirs of life. Kery su. inner they have the con I and sp'tul ihe hot momhsut 11 hoiue wliieli they own in one of the cool -mountain nooks of Xorih (Jeorgiu. Ileiiry T.nld has Cure I (illy kejit from active participation in poiiiics, though he has frequently been fioljdted to be a candidate. 11 has con stiinlly voted Ihe Dcmoefa tic tickitund hi(d Elvays warned his colored friends against ,tj:e carpet-b iggeis who have deceived nd swindled ll em in Oeurgia since Ihe ,war. ,11 i example is in eviry way healy for the r.egroes of Georgia.. I le is public spijied and genrrnus, giving fredy :o churitnble ohjrcts. He has edu cated his children well aud wiil leave I hem rich. Rains are pretty general in LmLiana. Immigrant are pouring into Tera im SIMM or mi: wSa theii. yt-Tj7i,e,.ay mutter enough to fnrrcaet the tteather l!;e Prolesiior "'a and Mr. yen to it Iior if people will only ' lu'ir -aiinils By closely teauji u.-i.! .-t.. dying the predkdiuis of these al weuiia r Ureedi rs we iiive (Uducied the following rulra. by wliiiihe inn lit a ull hi:! foiecasts. Ilii d can ol llm weather are not made until the Jay. in x jhii intensely blue sky ii dieates a lempn- raryjun8enee ol el.iiKl.j. Loci, r other cir- cii(.l tui.tca, ugnin, an in ly blew s.kv ind iiitts u toruudo. iii'.n a woman leavis a piece t I m ho onl. upot) it, ri :u ulnn- h. r l.ubui.o wi.l (reud i; is a (It ml shore sign ol a storm. il,as:in i iks bei.ind u bunk ol . it' 4 cioiit A u.d the -clniids liui g low all uroin.d Il e CT z , and uil over the sky, ui d '.he air dnnp, und tin re is u line diizz ii inisi baiwiiL', i he ir.i:c":. us aie there i I e a riiin s :n tthc fi in the Ui.i id .State- or 0' When il liii I.' Ill ljO litis to thunder look out for Vben u pi n gets ,u,p in the iiLht 111 d lop punti'.y hell in theduik, ebiuirpuie pottle w'.hout ll-els along ll: ar.d liin.'-ks I any liilul tie in lo H i .floor .and breaks it, jl is u sit nth le is toil g to oca dry spel, so,v.:!i 1 r.eijji.t i.'cli t.k in ij.e moriiHig.. When the shr'u g millit.eiy dp. l.ii g ure nd.vei ti-i,d loi ll lor hrijilil tunny .'.viaiier ull uf'i'Ui d ti e i .use, ilh treacherous calms und :risjiig bprnniettr indictfiive of Euddeu tempests 111 d iiiAan tt tiipprutiirp. 'Vliin ll eciiiiJIe bijiins to vihrute with irrcp.ulur, s in.n.i.dic ,!ii(,iiitns nliont ont o'ciick in li e iniri ii g. h ( k out lor signals try ,'.0 r. nn inber while ji.u put the puniiiirie Ihe lust lime i u nsnl it. V l.eti Uie y unsji st boy ii t,!ie family comes home three .hours a.ftei-school iliouts with his l.uir m:d his shirj,. wrong side out, look-out for a spanking href Z'. To see the bend of ihe family ft,eiiiV3 in his 1 ivhl '.nind pn.u!:i t, .then in the lelt-hand pocket, then .in his .ve?tpnokels, thin in his coat pcekiti, in. d then ut his ceiling, iudi cates, 'no change." if he tiuMenly sto s whistling at the cciling'ai.d 1 xpei'ds bis luce into a broad grimace of delight, it nieuns "uuexptcled euiaae." ' If Ihe sprirg bonnet comrs home trim med on the light side lurpha weunr's sent in church. jind hus to mure .'prigs and three dandelions limn the bonnet' of Hie wwiiii in the next pew, it is ''set fair." I'he weather dpring the -whole ol. 1'l.i.i Us giving weikri - ... () .! . An unusually large number ol spidirs presugis u very mild or a very open wiu ler, us the.cuse- If th.? corn husks are viry thick, the winter will be cokhr than tiie summer. II the com h.psks are very- tMn, -the sum cier will be warm limn ll, 1 i r. If hu.-ks ari . i ; r i otl.iu nr r too thick, the summer" 'A.i.i l jrariu aud the winter .cold. If the weulhi-.r propliet predicts n riii-v season umi il'cns to ruin away nut ::i Cuiverus county, und is as dry us u hoiu all ovw thc retfl eif America, this rain nms; be set down to ihe en dit of the wipthrr breeder, ned all dry tune counts no'liii g. If the weather breed r- pmlict a .very dry month, and the rai.'iii-' fluids st't;. ) all the country in oi-e wild drowi.i: -g de.'uje' except Ne-wloii Tppir Ful 8, M iss., lln ii people must sny thul sure -4'iiouuli oid Vein or faid it s to be Jry this Si ill. il i- j 1st un w 11 to lu'ar in mind wheoyru rt;i.l ihi: wiid 1 roam 'sticatimis of Mr. Ver.l1. r aud iiis c' . lival, that a rain fifteen hni.iliid n. .. ? .-qintre im mere iimkis a 'rainy day . n this continent than a lly-speek on tl.i--dome of ihe Capitol, makes li e Uislrii t of C- hini'iia, or even al! of the dome, black. Anv bodv can say, "ioere will be ui.d"!faiii!er storms und cyclone in the ;Unitid 8 utes during, July,"' und il would he a inij-h'y safe thing to bet money on. What 'we want, what lln" country clamois Tor, u a t.:in who tell :is when and lu re the cyei, 'lie is gol.iif to stiikc and wh.oll il wi 1 I it. And up to dale that aiutl hasn't said a word about ihe lU,b ttnihtte. Fo.hhr pulling uo:n on in A'anna iaii Antonio, T.xas, w to have a !.hV rtlti I ntel. Cot ton .mills are lo be built in .Houston, lixas. 1 1 Ti J oinrge crop of l.')ui; i.ina is a failure this year. Carpenters ard masens are busy all over A la bums. ,0. , - tj I U.-i OOO blile'S Of 1 Si'lnm 1 xpeets to set coiton 'hie Austin. . Sun Antonio, Texas, will have a col ion seed oil mill. Quite n nuii.b r ol malarial fever cases in Lillle Kock Aik. CboW is killing the hogs in ijome sec tions of Kentucky. WAN TED ME C II 'A SJCJL ED V CATION,. X. O. Pbirunc. - Why ia it that Southern parents are teaching their sons to bu maatir5 of almost everything else except mechanics? Noth ing pars so well as mechanical art. Xoth" in;; ofiers so wide ti field for ust fulness 11s iin-r -ha rdes. It is not merely cotton mills und woijen. mills which want overseers und engineers, but iron works und iron manu factures nf every desciiption. woodworkers umi wo. d run 'ilacliireri', coal ciining, min insf for in her ineluls, tnd x inroad engin ei ring uiid eorisliiCli.iii, C!r.i-li' ps, all sorts of textile in;i.ul'.,ct!irv, a tin: -. id branches of ineehanical jogenuity whicii can be prof- iiiihly filled und worked only by mechani cul training and education. It setiri as though persona whose ol-ject in educating their son? is to em b le thim achieve success could not shut their eyes to so vast u field except through the binding"' force of old ciiHh ms. Our section haa all Uxa elt.menta of iinileiiul greutness, and we are learning lo 'use them, very slowly, to he sure. But if we haye Xo go to the Xorlh or to Eu rope for tiie trained ai d educated minds and hands to woi k up these possibilities, then we ure indeed speud-ibrifts of intellec tual force. Arc we content to call upon oilier to. entir into our inheritance ? If not, why do we not ti uch our children to do that which must he done, the doing ol which biirms profit an J honor? e' cannot gel ulong without mechani cal arts and uppliarcts. In the present state of advanced civil'ziition we require a thousand times as much produce of me chanics as formerly. We most have cotton mills, Woolen mills, jute mills, paper mills, iron foiinib ies, nnichine shnrs, ruil mills, cur shops, fuctor'us ef w.tlirr products und wood wrk,- sjw mills, grist :nr.:'K agricul tural machinery, und a thouped varieties ol industrial enterprise. -We .shall get them, to be sure. The point is not so .much how 1 we shall git them hut rat her -who shall j furnish Ihe ((Incited braj.rjj to .-build aqd j run tin 111? We c ui buy the .arc- .irv 1 brains in Eurooe. or in tiie North, and let 1 the .brai'i's of our children' be westc-d in over-crowded and profiileyi prieTessions. We can put strangers in possession Of our ,:ioIies, and let our, childien starve There is iio law au'aitst il, 1 .wept the law of na ture, and we violate thi.t; every day. But if we. desire our clitldien !o inherit ou, wealth we must train our ehildieii to take care of our wealth. If we wish our children to dinot the next generation 'of ihcuu!h, we must teacii them lo he hatters uo.l di rectors. .Overseers, engineers, inieLatiie'S' Iraitiid superintendents, these will not grow out of the natural soil Ike thistles. Masters of men art made, not born ; educated, not growu ; bu:lt ujrur.d cultivated, not tralu ed on supports, like vines. Let our wtnthy nn-n, inslend of seniiing iheir soi s to law und medical schools or commercial colleges, ei:d them .yorth or to Kurope to the seliootj of .mining and rngineeri;, .put them in the great m ichine .slioos 111 d niiir.'.iliicMiring estublisl menls Ii,. i-, Hi d leiu n li ein .the pru'cl.C-' and. theory of the in. clianic arts. We know ol'c .tion mill eng-ine'cra in the S. nth whose income is f..r i-' excess of that of any lawyer iu the. cot to-; culii r.!e-iiiii.".i one who ) I. u r the constructions of se . In our own city we ( all t. man .v-'I'O gels ?U"V t"' for sti the construct ion -of-u ni.n.ulao lishmcnt . now bein eriCled States. We supervision nulls. 'id a younr : .'i.-ii ii o.ver V CW-t-ib 1 0. The S-ulhern voun' men who ub..i.'Jon the .i. i.- 1 . :. , , 11,., ft .1 1 old traditions and m t into the new nld 1 , " ,. , , , 1 liist ,ca:inct faii to aehie-ve Lrlune acd fane , '.' .. j 77.' NEWSPAPER. as the I here is no Ivek so instructive .......... .... L-.i.... Ii, .1..., c. ... ,-v' to r. ! t , . , , t. . '..i - 1 ; .1 i uneleT your coat, or sm oberlia,uU,d ,by de itscoiuiiii s. It is not on ly the vehicle of j . ' ' , . , , , purhxee wid a bag of chickeu on your the elie. nest, but iho west inneeer.t and;' - I.,' , ' . , , 1 1 back, duan try to shirk de .consequences l-'asl cleg'.i'-r sourc.s (d p.easuro and Imp- av 1 . " .:i,: ;0 M by ploadiu insunily Detroit free Pre. punss. A;iiT i:i a Iiiiudy, is sure i e lo be the una: s of inier.stii ;.'. ii.o.rcii g 1 or phasing almost eviry nnmber of the ; lamilv. esi eeiallv where tin v live 111 the ' I'ounll V. ai d See and l c..r hut little that is ne . I i the e'l-nrse ( f the year, a wtl' cond ie'te.l pair conveys information on a in.'s: every nil j il, er at least. excites f!.ri:i.-.i'v u.J ti 'inirv on ail sulitds. To Know w 11. it -1 i.e.,... ... .... ..., . -.,vv is a m. sl 1 eeisi!y,,;::i -t pita irg and most instructive ; und thi- kir-J ef knowledge can 1 nly be e bhiiued .Vt m new spnp;rs. We would vi mure to iffirni that there never t,-a8, and mver will be,"in acvuntry eitua. , t ion, an 1c.11e.runl laniiiy uo iukcs a r.tws- oH'Hr. as il is impossible that a family ehould i ' ' ' i not bee-oiiie' in time well informed, prcud. d i iHy live scflVii nily sec!uL' 1 t j be t r . n on the par r a!l ' source of Hmusx'u.eiit. The dullest child who hates a boo's mill, in raioy weather, tcal up to a newspaper, read a marringe notice on advertisement or two, and rut it down. The next time probably he will become bolder and get through "a horrible murder." Soon be will read short Ules of fiction ; then just before election time, he begins to peep into politics, and even to read political speeches. Last of all he attacks foreign news. By tfiis time his curiosity is on most subjects excited, and he is lured on to become a reading and well informed man. It is strange that any family, as a measure of economy should be without a newspaper. Children ace the world cheaply at home, in a news paper, without the danger of bad associa tion or the expense of travel. Printer's News. Letter. .'.-.'.-' ABOUT CHESTNUTSTHE BAD BOYJjS - AND THE GOOD OLD ,i.4.V ' "Any chestnuts round bere?'' asked one of the Ifcree boys who met an aged, benev o'ent Jooking farmer out iu Montgomery County. The old can hesitated. " You don't want to steal 'em ?" be asked. "Oh, no ! We just wanted j0 find out." "Well, there's a few trees back there ; but if I thought yorj Farted to steal them, T wouldn't have tcld you, for the owner has gone to town. $t you're bright, hon est looking boys." The boys blusbeJ with, the pride ef conscious goodness. "When will the owner be back V - "Well, iKt before dark, I reckon The boys respcptfall.y thanked the old! man, wailed till be got oat of sight, jumped the fence, am. were sejon-shaking; down the burrs. Th sbakiog wa eay ;: bob the- opening of tiie e&eitaat? ba-rrs was more difficult and Hojilcasnt. AU test, the boya had a spleiiid pile of1 handsome brpwo. nuls on the ground an if t bey'10 . put them in the bs&s. they, brought? with. them. "Pleflsc ?.n 'fc iolie any more, trooble,"' soid the bentiole;i,ohl rnao, who stood byy Hi" fence, beaniiaj kind'y on the startled,!. l - j 'f. not- 3p.8tHng .as I. once was,, and L fedi I can'., holdi Id ibis dog much .. longer. . If ycu.'Ii- hcrrv, though, I sess I ; ', can kec;- hint-He? till' jpu-- get to 4ae sail- -road track. l'bws. Tige, sir !'' As the 'boy TgelKd.'; bupk freo tfee rail road fence; tileVvCoald ;see t ha' eld man scooping the rtsuijJrown.; ebesiauts' ioto.,'. twc-husiiel ba:. 7.V ANTTY Q'JNSIuEll EJ. ' What I way going: to remark,' began. Brother Gurdi ua-1 it 3-hour arrived to. call the Lime Kiih 'Jiab tr order, 'omto. usk who among j3i am inaatie ? I shoold. like lo make cut iiat as soon as possible, and I 'hope dat do iuaartc wilt feel back-, wurd about handiD h !v.s natne. You look suprisetiy- oontioueei the old man, us he wulked sp ane? down m f root of his desk, 'but I am cife sutisSed that we have at least a degen booties among, us. De man who sl ot de President cooldj read law, and plead it ; be couli cheat, lie, sw indle, bilk hotels, boy and sell, come and, go, pu3h his claims lur efkfe and go on, lor g j i nirneys, and yet le anv declared lo, be cr;.zy. Xo one eber knowed it till he became .'an ossasin. If he hadn't tried to. commit murder he wonld still be looked, upon as a deadbeat instead of a lunatic. Now I propose to take time by de 4 locl and. make a list of de lunatics in our club, fur de benefit of the put let ce. Iet each, assassin stand up as his uanie is culled by de feckretary.' 1 ne st crciai v v.eiu nuougu me- ion 04 Iiis usi-. i! sins song way, uud not a member c . . .i k ii. ...11 :.. sK..l vp. ' Wtrry well,' said the prt sident, 'let de U-kretary make a cote cf dis. You have a" gi'il'y te bein perfectly saDe, an you inu3 take de consequences. If nry one of you walk out ol u grocery wid a codfisb TOVGH YEAR US WitRMSl. Old Uncle Mose went into Levi Schaum burg's store-, on Austin avenue, to buy a silk 'handkerchief, but was almost paralyzed on learning the price. Levi rxpluined that the high priev ot silk goods was caused bj some1 disease among tho silk worms. I low much does vt-r usk for dis heah pie-cc oh tape ?" asked the o'el man. Ten ce:its," was the reply. "Pen cents! .tewhiiikius ! so de tape has riz too I 'spese de cause ob dat im btcase dar's suinQii de iimtta wid de tape wutiis. Dis seems to be gwinett-r be a tni.rlii ? lon.rh rp:ih mi wuma Bneliow ? tcsa Sifltni. A !ub ii I'jptist State conventioo meets new I in U j.itsviile. Western Kentucky, wiil oaly mke a bjf crop ot tobacco.

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