J . . , . .... i.7)cvolc(7, lo lic Trotcclio?i cf Home aft ft tic Interests of the County. Yol. 11 f . GAOavr.A,' Gaston Oountv, K C-;?S;ATj:EDAy. Morning. August 20, 1881. Np. 33. ME" Yo iiii'ii of business, Htrp tills way, l'lcaso not loo w hut 1 have lo say ; 'TIs simply this I would nil vise; Do not forjr't to mlvortise, The efforts of uu honest Jiyuii, When made ncconlinir fo this plan, ('nil sciii-cely fiii I mici'CHS to lil iiiR, Ami wealth will In' ii ccrtiilii thin).'. How Is it wll h the stlniry knave ! JH'slroiu all his cash to nave ; Jit' riiIiih no wealth, n n 1 wins no prize, Hecause he (Iocn not advertise. Suppose the jcost seems ruther high, 'Twill surely pay you by anil by. And all the world will soon despise The niiiii who does not advertise. Why should you wait? Jt will not pay; So send your orders right away- Straight to thisjhiyt, where friendly eyes Await to see. you ad vert me. This sheet,, my friends, is Just the thing ; Success It cannot fall to bring, If you woulil be uilnilitVil wise, In this sheet's columns' advertise. THE COMING RACE Fr The Georgia Governorship. Mil Arp lim it-it it fall from Onr nflhf J'ftttlr, Tttyrtlirr with a ttranmt fur the Temp trnry VarofTrn Ihillitrt He Mnkrn Sum Itetnarkt on J'tilitim. A'lantn Constitution. I'm not a caiididutc for uovt rnor. No body hut one Minn has tnlked lo me about runriinp, and before I left liim lie wanted to borrow ten d lira; but I do want lo say something fur the fann-rs of Gewgia, and if standing up m them forces i ffiee up' n jjii in thedistu-it future, w iy I can't help it. Tom Hardemen id aliead nn that lin , . urn lie is a ureal and good niun, ur.d I luj . I hut sm: day the people will delight to d h'lii honor. J !' long service, ni.d good service, .and abundant npe.fi ; und inii lea in.iiitonflici.il honors hcwilLffet liis re wurd. I'm young enough to wait myseli but when a good man gets a old that the Jife insurance . contp mies won't take him the j)i'i pie ought to take I im up ntid cm r hnn for tic good lie hup done. And Uu n V Colonel H ount ond Judge Simmons nnd iSpc.iker Piicoti, all ri out Muco.n, too, ai d il Mi con is bound to lutnisli tlic jiovcrtior J'm confident wi-h uny of 'em,, tor tl ey an all ood men. Ki'her ( f 'mi can govern jne, in (1 I wish ti at every body was us Ir.ictable as I am. The best' school for a mm to go to to make u good ciiiz-n and work well in harness, is to get married to the right sort of a wo mm. Toe general a sembly of farmers has just adjourni d its jjesdon at R i.ne. I wish i Ley h ot p .:r to nuke laws and enforce 'cm -that is lo 3iy Jaws abi ut lurniin, and fences, and cruim. and stpek and dona, and everything else thai concerns the agriculturul intenst of the state. When farmers get together in cuii cil iliey can talk sense and they do tdk 83 ice. but hen they cmiit! do.vn tj the legislature they are overshadow d by the liwyeraand they feel sorter subdued In piuse they cun't talk as glib und d n'i know as much about pprliumeutary law and so they don't get their risjhis 'I'll icgislatnre i everlusiingly Ifgiduliu for merchants, inanufacturers and railroads, and cities and towns but it is in rial Ijtih they do for the fanners, ''ny probci esrery intt nst but t iu agricul ur.il imeri-sts JItre is another bill introduced to protrui the wan hou-inin. Tne (.inner work', and plows, and hoes, and dis all the year, if ml when be gets a bale ol cntlou realty for market and take it to town, they tnuk Jlim take it to a wun hous - in d pay hr weighing and for a month's storage, (f he . kills a beef and wants to peddle l! around town and sell it liinntlf, they line li'iu fur doing it. It's not so in alt cities, but it is 8 i in some, and thut right in the face i f ' 8 Judge Lumpkin's decision in 'lien. lit! tliuue's cu4e. where he s.iid. ' Uod iorbid that a man who sweats and toils to luise the necessarjes of life in this land of lib. r ty should be prohihiied rum helling his products to whom. Ie pleases at d when lie pleases und where he pleases, free from the limitations or restraints of public or private corporations." Towns und ci'ies are getting too c .meq initial. H raine they h tvo got nearly all tin m in -y in the laud. I hey inngiue they mule it, when the truth is kn )n, tlm city in TchanU m ide it out of the country in -reliant! und the country m-rctiaotg nndo it out of the fArnj-rs, and every 8e.sion of the icgi9 aiure iney put in some new i bills for liens and dead f.il!s until tiny have got so many that a lawyer can't hard ly tell which is h be$f rem dy for tiii cli ent. The farmers want encouragement and they don't get it. Here is bill in the legis lature to abolish the agricultural buri.au as a public nuisance, but the farmer conven tion says it is a good institution n I we want it. Here are nomrrm hills to help the system of general education and give tbern money, but thre is n dhing d ut to encourage -Uie farmer or elevate his p si ion. The agricultural bureau onght '.o ho enlarged umlhuve an fxperinienlul I'uriii ut. t.ichcd bo as to furnish us with the bi'st cotion Bird and the best corn und wheat, and seed of ull kini's, and the best ferlili- zers, niitl l;e uble to recoiniii'Mid lo us the best p'oivs uu I cultivators und oHle,' itc()le men's. There is u little book on luruiiiiu publish 'd by Hie Apple-tons that don't cost but ten cents, mid it's wor h ten il illur-i tn any f nincr umj it i.u.'l.t to be distributed und put in the h mds of every tiller of Hie oil whether h wants jt or not. Oar farm ers must be pi-rsu ided lo get out ol the oh ruts. Tue S ate ought, to -Iff -r a po-mium fur the best ucreiif cittoii an I com a i l wlii-nl and rice and lohaccn in every c ui g'essioniil district. Kentucky uuve u tliou uud d"llaN fur the Ileal t'u.itisi- o.i pr c i ctl firmi'i. T'-iin sei Ua AppliouV lillle bo k taught in all .)!' In r jiubiie 0oluaU. 'i'luj fiu m -r. and m chuJiiu. puy neirly n I tlie lax s a id sup ior the siut. gov rnnienl, for th y uie the chief Consuni- es ol all tliut the hi rcH tuts Eell, and tl e un-'ehuiit puts on the price lo ever his tuxes j ist like he din s to c -ver ren! und clcik hire. It's like the fifly th.MH.iinl du- luis that goes into the stute treasury Irom he tin. i no dealers. The I, inner piy it at last, for the dialer pu just thut iimc'i in re into the price, ltiilrou 's have their syndicates und tovo- und cilns have their chambers of comtneiC't hut the farmeis ion't Imvea lythin. To - dry drought may e mu und go- and the o ly ciuctii is whether the crop will pry what the burner owes the merchant or not. The convention it II ane fnys vep'iglit to huve a no-doi! law und u no- ente lu-v tmd why don't tlie legM,.ture Buy it too. Mr. $iniili, ol Ogle thorpe, says I misiind' rstooii him about free holilets voting ami that anybody cat; ote. Weil, il I did he know tint ilia 's vl at In- ouuht to have said. Toere are fiv e hundred niggers in our county, who hn e nt-nhtir l unl nor c it: It-, an I t icy will vote .very tiuie fur someb -dy I'ae'a cattle to run on my hind ui d keen mi evorlastiin. ly nulling leticis And they willvou- or tlie"-r l.tMiti doiiS to kill my sheep. I bought t o fine ones-two y ra 8 ago uid the d"gs tilled 'tin all in one night. I've bought ten ui .re lately -ml if they sre killed I eha I ehurge 'em to Milutr aid .Tohri Brutifoii lor they might put in a bill ui.d uive us u local option nnyhow. It's a power of ii. uble w.itching them sheep. Mis. Arp mid the children ure always on the lookout tor dog., und if they see one a quutter of a milrt i d' on the plantation, they begin to holler and 6t-reum ' Here's u dug! yotnler a dog, c-ome quick," or tney blow the horn for us, und we run for the gun and go for him. I tell you what, we have uluiined the settlement, and the dugs Imd bi tter stay u, lioirie; i i the d.iytitn u iyh iw. ri ll I hud a big tim.- the other night. I got uitn some old schuolinutes ti at I used t' run with nigh onto fully yeais auo. We usid to seieuude the pretty girls uOout Athens together, and so we got a riddle and so uie Hulls und got urotind u piano und we uli-o' young uguiu, uud '.lie wy we did km ck hurt)) uiic juice out ui the good Id liuKB w.is u Colston. We hud a nice littii uuiln i.ee ol fyinpalh zing wives und III 'tilers and aSloni-iied Culldl'ell, und We pi i. d uud plu id till the peispir iliou roiled down our veii-ruli.'e cheeks, und p.'ople stopped on the hidjwuik und lis t-ued and looned in with wonder and uduiiiuii.ui. 'I'll, re as the C"Siuek, and Xonua, and tne Devils Dream, ai-il Hilly in the Liw gi iui.ids, utul the Ai kans iw 'J'ravellei , und i.uu X ggei K in, und Uel Illy Money on lilt- liub-tuil tiuu. and a I. .rill und so on, u d ttieie wete some other aweel includies 1) a we lia ljiuilled lor our eu. ji lov. 8, some ol wliiiui uie av.'uy upto lli und Souie u i ii und some- wvst and so.nc in heuveil. U w w did loyo -ll)i8e girls. O.io of 'em kicked me three tini s, but I ulways did believe a te loved up uud 1 uiu right shore but that she has s,eel uud tend, r thoughts uooul hirt yel ; sn y be il l had tried her oiieinOie lime sue rbut 1 w u't nhow tnyse I to indulge sueli a thought, lor then so i nt other Itliow would have got Mrs. Arp, und that's it picture loo luonule to conti mplute. I'm content with my ile-ln.y uud wouldn't change il il I c u !ij . Thosi. Aiueusgins kept bo..ks, ihey did, uud everytuiK- Ihey mule a victim tiny put his tiume down. My Iriei.d C ile lohl uie his lume was down on Hie same b.i k nine times, ior he kVod her lo dislructi u, uud popped the tpiesiion every ilirec inonttis until Ii (ii 1 ty she made him p jnit-e not to usk her uguiu Sj jujl b. f. re lie quit school Ile went to see h-r, mid iu the ugooy of his soul, says tie : "M sj Sji.ui, heivouly crea ture. I wont ask you any in ue to h iVj me, but as a lust parting Uvor I want you j j-.l lo put my name duwn again," und she put it. Wc wound up our frolic with some burr letiltl opera Uv l' Vt-uerabio palriarcli, Iter which (he little boys luuned the ti.inda the good mothers smiled, the girls cluperd their hands and we retired beariog our I) usliiii; honcm with childish 'iiodt-sly. VVheti ahull we three meet uguiu ? Jln.r. A bp. I S. John Branson fays that Kings ion is lo(ijng up. They cleaned out a i II lust week und the dog fennel crop is g .od. n. a. The Brayton Murder. A Vigorous Denunciation of the Cowardly Deed. R--V. Dr. (Jrn-r, in A. R Preshvteriim. L'St we k near O'lirtl. S (J.. on I In Air Line iiilro.id, T.i mi h L. Bi-iyton ll.puty Co 'lector IJ dtid .StutH Internal ll'veniie, wis shot, by u mffi u by 111 ii inn' of Mt-Dow. Tiits mm Inn been sys tematica ly and deli inily vi ilatiu tin- tev euti". luws. , has beerjrjiiiniiiif iipdljcit lis'illery r yeuri ai;d made his bo.isis tint no mm dire trou'du him. Mr. B iy l in, mi j.jf of tiie law, who bears tin ev-c-llent reitit:ition, was not to be frighten ed or bullied. T ic loll iwi-ig pirtic tlar will indicate the character of this ou'rug.-. Su ;ii nn lining !iu , c ild-b!o id.d in ir- d r demands tilt proinptist, most vigorous ,ii nisiimen'. It is sue I a dt G inci- of law Jticii u breuc'i of the p ne; of u c immunity us c 1 s f r all the pow. r of the Siate. Ii i a sad laniHiitiilioii tl.it public seiititr.cut quietly tolerates such a lile as Mt-D )w has been leading. Tne (uvor which t.ie com tnunity shows to such men ' makes them deti.nt. Tney leel that they have the right to muke us much whiskey us. they pkuse without leuve or license. And when the ll'ender id reported und the i.llicers appear n the ground everybody oiunds aloof undi looks coldly on as if the mm wire t .e sub j ct of persecution. JIj is q nek to see ull thh und he is emholdeti-d by it and is r?udy to say tp the offiuvr 61 the Jaw. ' Now t lUeh rne if yoil dare !" The result is, a de termined resistance and blood.slnd and :uu -der. Et ii then, in I he very presence ol the awful trug.-dy, the ootnuiunity dnesn'i move 18 Iktle Guer ; it is well if it dots not hui bor the uiunh ler uud h Ip him to 'Scape the c!ii elusof the luw. I men wete as much in euruesl mid u3 vigor. .m iu their etlorts to bring lo piiinsliinL"it the distiller and retulers of whisky us Ihey ure ll;; ne gro that violates his c.mt raft we woodier a revolution that w u'd v. ry soon disjieuse wilh the revenue ouk-ials, mid thut would rid us of our infamous. traffic. We presume hMcIJow is now safe. In uM proba hility lie has u son or brother or brothei-iu-law ihat is reaily to rebuild hiss. ill and begin op erutiotH uguiu. Verily, t he p -ople ii'i be cause of strong drink. O.i, the shame, the shame! A CHICAGO (URL AT CONCORD. A young aty on the wist si !e has j isi' letiirued ft tun' 1 istun. While there, I pr uncle, who is a r. porter on a sporting p i per, took her lo the -Summer - ijeliool- of Pnilos.iphy ut Concord. S ie heard sottie one rei d mi ess.iy on " The Absoluteness of Ahs ilutisni," uud became inlutuated with the d it-irine taught. ' Ohawle.-','' said she to her lov-rth- other 'evening ( le is a e'erk in a harness store.) 'Jli iwl -s, d i y .u realiz tint yo i Cmiiot (lill-rentiate th- ;n hsj il iblj aino lulei i-ss of the ubsolute?" "No," he replied, -'to tell y.u the trudi. f don't;' and. us it was the first time he Ind s.en her since she got back, the suggestion uttered stru'-k In in with Solll ulul'lil. ' Do you ever stop to inquire." she be gun iijiiin, ' into the ineli kii in ur the riiilini utaiy incipience of th rhups ulica I cougm -iiuiii ui of your liioiwhts of Ijv- ? " ' VVull, not to speuk of," he said. ' I'lien, if there is one drop ol b o id i i your heart that pulsates for me ; if there is one conceit, noose ipic or psycologieul. that in the iuc igituncy of your dreamt, or in the prrq-ihiiion of your walking hours, abs irbs a Ihoug'it of me, I neg tuat y ui would eliminate a-iy abj'ru-c or eq-iiv c i1 purtides ol distrust fr un the prjfini.id and ull transpieio is jb.-i Tina it vol your love.'' "Ureal heavens, Maria, have you s.val lowed u dictiuiiary 1" " So, have not," slie said, with a look of Stern and forbidding displeasure; ' I have been to the School of Puilosophy at Concord." VADliOI'IlOlilA. A tJermun longt Ic n-r, t ighty-tiro years old, not wishing t ' carry to the grave with Ii i .it an imp.irtaiil secret, had it pub lished in l ie L -ipsi J mrn il, a recip lie had usl furtiity yeirs, ami which he says liuisivcd several men and a great iniuilitr of Kiiiuials from a horrible death ly hy drophobia. Tlie bite mint be bithed as soon us poisibL with warm vinegar, and water, a id when this has dried a few dr -ps of muriatic ucd poured upon the wound will destroy the poison of the iaiiva. uud relieve the pati-ul Iroin all present or fu tnn dargi r. Whisky's Influence, A Vruttk'n Man llrrtik 111m Xnrk. Milton Chronicle. On Monday last Mc Phil McSherry. unl'ishuiin by birth, who resides n ur town on tlie other side of the Dun, in Pitt sylvania, Virginia, cnm i to town und spet.t the day imbibing liqu .r freely. About Fiiiisct he stin ted home und aimed to cross the ruilro.nl brid.'e tit this place, lie hud walked the freshing lo within a s'ep or two of I he bridge,, wlu-n he fell off to a i!i!ance of .'10 f.-ct and broke ids neck. T.ie d ceased hud fnq i nlly walked over it when undi r the itillin nce of liquor, and Ii el been heird to say h c -u d walk over 'letter wlu-n le wus diu.,k than when sob r. Mr. McSherry was 50 or CO yeurs old and a Cupitul fanner, lie lenvi s a wife iiul u large ;uiiuber of chiidren to crieve 3 us and it is to be lint cd this j i ...i ;. ;., i. i........ i .i.. over sad cu8imlty will be a wurning lo whisky xiilpera. A SOI HER NEGRO KILLED. List Mond iy a negro man ' bee imc in- vo veil in u diiri'jiilty with Tom M.iwery of S ilis'btiry, ut or m ar Albetnur'e, und Mowery Cnlclthe fight by breaking in t ie n'-gro's.sku'l with a rock. Wednesday the negro dicd.niul tsvo (,-Qi:ers from Albt nnrle went to Sdlisbnrv, where Mowery keepa a livery s!ai.le, tc arrest him, Tney 8 cured their prisoner and carried him to rVlhemarle fur a preliminary trial. Whih the trial was in progress a Itiund tf Mowerv's rode u horc up to the court house dour and dismounted when Mowery rushed out, mounted the horse and ut off. He-was closely puisued, but m minted to leave en ry body behind und made his eseupe. I p to yesterday he hud not be. n captund, though the .i fillers are en his track. ANOTHER DEAD NIGGER. :The nit ghd lemains of Wallace Honey, rolred bra!;i Biuan, was broeirht here his! Saturday on the freight train. A fjllow braki-aman thinks ll .u-y cm nshep on tlie brake w in el ubmit Ihr e In t iid v tin: top nf the .box Cir alien the tr.i n pis-. S 'd under a bridge ' whteli kncelti d h in . tj mder the running ttaiu. A year or in il tigj lie lived here und v .9- vo'y u:-s j. ' ). which fact lidded lb his it ck Ii S3 cut. duel above staled raises the prrSiimpli il lh:ii he-was not F.iber when ki led. He was taken by his Wile and fridi.ds to Sue-lby. - Western Carvluutra. . NO PLACE FOR CHRISTIANS. Th- Detroit Post sins thut a circus clown in Virginia took occasion the other day, at the- .close of the performance, to sp uk plain ait I vety scutching words whio i deserve the sober at' em ion of many mor t iun those who heard tlictn. In his painted face und mot I led gurinetil lie sai 1j We fiave taken in six hundied dollars here to day ; more money, 1 venture to ay, than u y minister of the gospel would have re ceived for ii whole year's services. A large jiorti. n of this money wusgivt ii by church members und a large p.irti on ot '.his audi ence m made ua of iiieiiib- rs of t'.ie church. And yet. when your preacher tis.ks you to aid Ii i in in supporting the gospel you ure loop ior to give anything. I5.it you come lure und piy dollars lo heur tne talk non sense I am a fool because I ntn paid for it; I make my living by it. You profess to be wise, and yet you support me in my lolly. Put pi fliups you fay y. ui did not conic to see the encus, but the animal..' II you came cimply to see the animals,' why did you not simply look ut them and the-n leave? X ov ia not this a pretty p'ace for Cnns'iaua. to be in? Do you not feel ashamed of yoursell ? Vou ought to blush in such a plaiv us Ihis !" A CI RIO Us MACHINE. The Pennsylvania raiiroud has iu u-e an automatic track tester which discovers tauits iu the tr.u ii not ordinal ily uppree-ia-ble to the ey uud ui ikes a iciord of lliein which indicates their pr.e s- locality, und ul! this while the mm liaie is passing ovr I he road ut from fi teen to twenty-live miles an hour. It has tlie external appearance ofabaggige car, but in idj isnttel UP ' with sell registering apparatus, electric , clocks, etc. A bad j mil between tin- rails j registers i sell by the j !t it causes to the ' delicate y-hnng car. F.rrors of level in the ; track are lvC irded by pencils oo ruled pa per, und so nicely urranged that variation of on ci,-l-;h of un incll ate made manifest. Il the gauge is toanariow or the rails Have spread llie fact is noted by anot h. r app.tr atu?. A" ingenious tioie uud distance register tmbles the observer 1 1 Soc.ite ihe ii:iH-rln-ti 'n3 recorded. A machine of this kind, ke't C iniMaiitly goi ng over a laiir ' td weitid lie .-cutCi ly les c r. till tn.io l..e !r..e i. u.iiUi r i;t -i.-c-jveritig sourees i f ia i to travel. COV "HOYS' FUN. Wild WtMlffn ltlona nf Wit, Humor and J rticttr.iti ookt'8. Tusco.v, August 8. Some times ngo a crowd of eiwbiys went to a certain restaurant, in a small town to the. north, and util ised th-m-elves by sho iting at the plates in front of the board rs. Tne guest- stmjjjiily c inclUile-l thut tle y were no longer htingry, u get einl stump, di was made, and the cowboys j ijed the fun. 'A c -iwboy cam t into my place once near Tomsbtoii," Hiid Jerry 15 mton to mi a we journeyed across Ariz mil, "und began firing nt my ch uidi.-li. r. I began to fire too. und sour the cowboy dropped in his trackp.' In another village, not long since, I read thut, ufter a c rlain congregation hud as sembled in I In; evening, a number of c w- boys entered the church, and one of th m exclaim d, Seeiiow n. urly I eah f hoot "the ee nut ol that fool of a preacher?" Tne prencher stepped down and out, uud the co igr gitioti quick y dispeised. "Curly J5.ll," who ki led Margin! White at Tombstone last year, with hif gung one day. entered the church at Cl iirleston, and I ordeiing the minister out of the pulpit, coin pelli d him to dunce in ti e most upprov d style before his - congregation. Th" gang guarded the doors, and ullo'wed no one lo escape until the pei form nice was ov r. Anoih-r reverend gentleman not long since ni' t ty cowboys, and on being in vited to drink, ' politely decUni-d. "" n drink with Uiordie right here," said one f the desperadoes, point iug u rev ilver ut the niicister's head. A'-id im-nediatelv he took the biggest drink of -.viii-lc." Ii h a 1 ever taker, in his lit'e and even Xeal Daw John Ii. G uigh, ni (lov, St, John would not otherwise have ucied. ' Johnny B hind Ihe Deiie-y' "Bickskin .Sam," "Dare devil Tom," uud 'L g'itni.ig 15. il" are celebrated for their wild i xploits aiiil s irry will ba their fate it onco they come w ithin i he power ol the law. A few iluys ago "15ne-l(skin S.m," says u San Francisco corresponuent, bought a new gun iu a st re on Ihe bind :r. and celebrated Irs i urchuse by riding through the streets and in.iijg I off. A great excitement was Ihe e..ii-ei)'ie-ue.e, and m m -d men on foot und ii bor e it one - guthend uud gave chase. Sum. iioAevi-r em ! ,1 th-ni, and ufu-r hav ing no -ui ni urn uint el f el : 1 , C iltee ill und gave- hi i self tip, a..d ihe next duy pu d u hii.ds .iiie fine in o the i-ity treasury. It is related ol the notorious J.ie-k S ude, j who ut one ti. re .haunted the region o the j noith, und tl'.in whom no nine desperate cow buy has since appeared,.' that .on one occasion, Cding uu o d enemy tied t ) u post by his (J.. civ's) Iriet.-ds in such a po sition as lo render him helpless, he sho him twenty-three tim s. taki ng care i ot l" kill him, cuising all ill- time in the most f ut fill maiitier, und taking a drink between every two sh'ts. While tiling the fist iwetity-two shots he would teil his victim just where he was going to hit him, and then send a bull t i the sp it indicated; Seven of Slade's c unp mions w itnessed the pr'ucee.lings, and thought it was c.ipital fun. U..ub'e-to .provoke-tr sign of fear Irom the heiplesi enemy, he" thrust his pi-tol into liisninuth. and ut ihe twenty-third shot bkiw his t n -tny's head to pieces Slade then cut iff the drs, which he afterward was uccustom d to exhibit iu saloons, und, demanding diiuk-i on ihe bloody pledges, he wus seldom refined. On the frontier these ejwbnys are feared more th in the A-uclics. ' T.i -y sho i: at a man's hat t'1 s-e the nun jump, an 1 then shoot the 'nun if he d. mur. 'L'uey cmc in crowds to the sin ilier t wih. braiulsh Iln-ir weipons in view of ih.ecilizms wliom they meet, and then help themselves to any g uids or whisky-. wli ch they m G iJ. Tuey drive cattle across the Mexican border, where they sell .'them to their . Hi reader fri- tids, und then Steal '.l-.e s.ima c tile and drive them north, where they sell them again. Muiiv of the fai ni rs on S mte-e nud in L iwvr St. M i'tht w's ure hauling tlureorn, which is f .iiii g down in ih ti -I Is to their b.irm us forage. Yario-is opi .ioi s have been expressed us to ;l;e i.i.Iii u f so inue-li C rn. S""K believe ii ilue i t'r-ly to the disastrous drought prevailing ; others that ,i ls ,iue lo the v.oo 1 lice ; o hers again c;mr!;,. jt ,ou brown bug which cuts around t(, ?, jki wj,je ,!,,. atti ibute thedisaster tJ a sma,, Wim wllU.h C(J.4 jl)to tiltf bJ CJ0,9 jts K .r ,.j thvse thi-.ries I proli.ib y w ill produce the 1T el, but it nny be referred, direct 'y or imiirectl , lo the tlroulit. Tl'.e State iin tvgr iti m c.-nventio'i of Fi. rida-, ni'Ats in Jacksonville, August 2.) ii. l!ti inn has male cotton mature three w. '. -. -iiitier in fane 'ections of Alabama. S." ' .' - f lunl t.ow inter D -uref. Col., ae.d tune more nrc soon to he added A CHILD BURNED HY LIGHTNING.. A most remarkable disaster by lightning occurred at Ashley, a Buburb of Wilkes barre, Pa., at half-past three o'clock .Sat urday afternoon. There were n few clouds in the sky nt the time but no sign of a storm, except far off to the west, where a few 'thunder-head"8 were visible. No tain was falling, and the atmosphere was close and extremely hot. At the time named above Cora Deardon, four years old was standing near a window on the south side of her residence, drinking a glass of root beer, The window was raised abont ten inches from the sill and the child stood about a foot from it. Suddenly a loud re port was heard and the little girl was sent flying across Ihe room. Her .mother, who was in another apartment, ran to her aid and raisfcd her from the floor. The long ti iwing hu'of t!.child was io dime, - which her m)ther soon extinguished by wrupjiing her apron about the head of the suff.-rer. A physician was subsequently ca I d and it was found that her neck was ' ncircled with a huge blister, her face burned in several places and her hands badly ii.jurid. The shock to the child's systi m Whs terrific, but it is thought that no fatal result will follow. The bolt seemed to c me from a clear sky, as no more thunder was heard until night at 8 o'clock. 4 MAN MARRIED TO HIS OWN AUNT. Buffalo Sunday New?. Charles F. Bazine came before Judge Lewis, at the .Municipal Court, on decora tion day, with a blushing lady, considera bly old r than himself, and wanted the In. Iter knot tied. The Judge asKed the n i ine-3 and ages of the pair, as in duty bound, and was told that the groom was twenty-.'eveo and the to-be bride, whose name was Emma. Ferguson, thirty. He tn iitghl there was a difference, but said nothing, and tb? wedding was duly cele brated. A few d iys luter the Judge re ceived the following letter, dated Logans port, I ud : ''Hon Judge Lewis : "Dear Sir Did you on the 30th o,f May unite io marriage Charles 'J Bazine ami K-nnti Ferguson ? The young man is my only son, aged twenty-four. The woman is my only sister, aged thirty eight. Is the in irriage a legal one ? It that is the law in tne State of New York I implore you, in the name ol a Christian mother, to use your influence to amend it. 0 . "Matilda TSaztse., ''P. S. See L?vtticu?, eih'.ee i c'.iapter and sixteenth verse." Judge Lewis, in reply, stated that there was no law to prevent the youth from unrrying. lis, uncunonical act and his marriage were areas legal as any other Leviticus isu't law in the State of New York at present. - 1 0 CURE DIPTHERI A. Take a common tobacco-pipe, place a live coal in th bowl, drop a little tar upon the coal, draw the smoke into the mouth, and discharge it through the nostrils. CURE FOR A COUGH. A pitient, who, for oesjrly two months, could not piss u night in quiet without large doses of laulanutii. has been cuteJ qf a most harassing cough by suet boiled in milk, '.'".' 10 CURE CHILBLAINS. II lb the part uB -cted with brandy and salt, which hardens the feet at the sima time that it rem ives thi intlimmition. Sometimes a third application cares th-j m .st obstinate chilblains. " TO CURE A WEN. Wash it with nuitiin salt dissilveJ in water every day," and It wiil be removed in iu a siiort time. Or mike a strong brine f alum-salt ; sim n-r it over thi fire. Waco thus prepared, wet a piece of cloth in it every day, and upply it constantly lor one r..o::tb, and the protuberance will disappear- Thirty-three deaths in Persacola in July. Petersburg. Ya., covers anareaol2,20Q aei es. H;r.ning'iam, Ala , contemplies street railroids. Jieports of rust come from many sections of Alabama. A it'wd deal of wine will bs made in Nashville this season. Dredging at the mouth of the Mississippi river is progressing. Texas bus 131 caanVjes,- which is more than any other state. Some 6S.C00 colored children attend Yirgitria's public schools. Ail the churches in Falatk. Fl.. w -gt the Catholic, ure without pastor. ur - in . n ir "niwni. j, in