15h .tetania teettc. .SATURDAY, AUUUST 27, 1881. LOCAL NEWS. 11 AT EX. OF AUrJSMtTJSlK(l:s :w. 6 mtlis ; Space 1 Year ?, mills 1 mth il column U " $100.00 $75.01 r-0.00 S'25.00 50.00 25 mi 16.0 38 00 25 00 12.50 7.50 5.00 3.00 15.00 10.00, 10 00 7.00 1 Square , 12 50 10 00 7.00 5.00 4.00, . i Hnoh 6.00 2.50 No deduction -whatever, from the alinve except a dvcoitnt of2U per cent, for Cash hi advance. Special notices in local columns will he inserted at Wets, per line, aiwais m ad vance., . W. 1hai.k. 1'ub'l. JPORstoinCCS. OPEN. At 7 A. M. 1 P. M. 7 P. M. At 12 m. 6 p. sr. 8:30 p.m. sunday morning : .7:30 a. m. 8:30 a. m. F S. Hanna. P. M. IjOCA.Ij ioojs. . 'New Advertisements . .Turchitafi Taxe. 'Matrimonial Time. . Land Sale-L.M. Nolen. Sewing Machines fur sale . . Thompson & Rhodes Merchants. ' Dissolution A. M. k E. L. Smyre. TVlr. .Michael Carpenter liua been ap pointed a Justice of the Peace for Cherry- ville township, vice B. M. Curpenlcr, who haa resigned. Med, in Lincoln county, 23rd instant, Mi?. Sarah 'Maxtor, wife of Copt. P. Z. Baxter, an get lady of high respectability and a consistent member of the Methodist . church. Tlinmnoiin & TlUnAna rP Tt .tl'ia nmnra to the front with a startling advertisement and will sell yon Goods so low during the panic that your mouth will water to look . at them. 1 1 New Firms. S W. I. Stowe & 0"., is the name c( a new-6rm opened out to do a general grain 'business in Gustonia. AVe hear that Messrs. J. II. Crai;; & Co. will open out a grain store at Gus toaia pretty soon. The longest drought that ever occurred in America was in the lummcr of 1763. No rain fell from the 1st of May to the 1st Of S. p'ember. Many of the iniialiitunts 8Jnt to England for hay and grain. Rev. L. M.NV leu, who has just returned vfrum a trip to Caldwell county, says he saw two poplars 9 leet apart at the ground which came toeih. r 20 feet from t e ground and formed one beautiful tall tree. " The poplars are on the land nf J. A. Setzer, iDiiar Worriers Gup, on tlm waters of Yadkin river in Caldwell county. . lUHM I choice. White t orn lor snip ny Hag an & I'KOHAM. Col. W. B. Wilsm, and family of Yorkville, were at the Kee Hotel, Thurs day. We slept. at the Waddill House Thurs day night and fvei-umler many obligations to the three young, ludis who kept up such nice music until "all was midnight i and serene." TJazki - All we need now to .mike the Gazkitk a success isHibera! advertisers. They are few and far between. Ah well, if men who want to do business and know what we know, they would call ou us. - Married, in Gastoncounty at the irs- idence of Mr. J. J. Wilson, on Crowders creek, Thursday, Auk. 24ih, 1881 , by Rev. W. B. Corbett, Mr. J. G. Fersfuson, of York county, to Miss Willie K. Davis, of GiSton. F. W. Thompson, of Dallas, is one of those persevering kind of men who i tends to push his business. He don't wait for business to drive him, and will not keep a customer standing all day fore few cents. jRead the Advertisement. FOR THE FAKMEK. Tf yon don't want us die Sow wheat, outs ami rye ; -SuIwctIIk! then lor this Gazette And you'll have line crops, we bet. The Academy. Five hundred dollars lias lireii sn'i - scribed jafld the cit'zms will go to work at -once to erect a two-story building n Academy street- We presume there will be an opwsiog now for some experienced . and competent, teacher. The cotton crop of Missi-twippi is double what it was in 1860. though no more land is cultivated tlitn then. The increase is attributable to the dividing up of Hie plan tations, and the belter system of cultivation. Uulve-toii news : Uiirijlary is hecom- rlng a mile. too promiscuous in i,xa.. Ignorance, idleness and whisKey are bad i . elements in society, anil are as sure to I , breed crime as thai tflcct follows cause For Sale. About 8 Acres of good grove land for hiale, ailuated on the Air-Line railroad . aboct one mile east of Casionia. Call on W. Chai.c, R.al Estate Atjeu t. Messrs. Ragan fc Pegram, have moved to the old s'and of Holland & Wilson on Main Street. A great drought prevails in Switzerland. Water is scarce and in many places whole heids'have perished. The- majority against Prohibition in the stale is 115 931. The official count ciny slightly alter these figures. Died, at Lowell, Sunday, August 21st, 1831, Mrs. Candcs Iloanan, wife of Mr. John Hoffman ; aged about 30 years. Died, in South Point township, Friday, August, 2th, 1881, Sirs. Violet IluflMetlir, wife of Clayton HufTstetler; aged about 3U years. The Raleigh State Journal says: The Liquor Dealers Association will meet in 'Convention at R ileigh OjI. 12th. "To look uftir their own interest, like sensible, prudent men." The latest advices from tho President are not at all encouraging-. His pulse con tinues high, he is daily growing weaker, and is reduced to an alarming extent. If he recovers we will be surprised. Pulse yesterday 11 2, temperature 93, and respira tion 19. It.ux. A very good rain fell here last Thursday 'night, which was the heaviest rain we have had since the 27th of April. From what we learn, the rain wns general in the county, though lighter in some sec tions than others Yorkvil'e Enijui er. Just received from tho Northern markets a lot of Kali CLOTHING of the latest stylos; Dry Goods ami Motions with tneir must l in lirovcmerita, which wo lire olleriuir very cheap for cash. Ladies' DltKSS GOODS a Specialty. Come immediately mid iret your choice. J. Q. Holland & WHjSON. aic'T-tf . The Fall session of King's Mountain IPgh School opened last Monday. We will challenge any Hotel in North Carolina to heat the Waddill House for enter'aioing pretty ladies. It was j mimed hist week. II v. Thomas M. Lnwry of Mississippi. went down to Yorkvillo Friday to vis:t sick relatives nnd has been invited to (.reach here on his return. Mr. U. X. Pippin, of Mecklenburg, nnd Miss Rosie Gillespie of Yoik county, left town Monday. The latter is very much missed by some of her friends here Eddie Hart, nephew of Miss Sue Hart, at the Waddill -.ifjjse, informs ns, that he has n cently traveled through the Turkey creek section of York-. county and found mngnificen.t crops t f coru nnd cotton. Mr. O. V. Davis has rc-d-ived n cot kin circular from 'London, s licit ing c sign menta direct. It 2J years from, this date, Chat lottc will be a cotiparative baby to istonia in 'business and energy. 1 he former now 1ms the capital, the latter the industry, two more decades -and matters will be reversed. To Cotton Buyers. Th's point is one of the b'at in thin sic- tion to buy cotton and ship directly to Europe, or the North.. All that is needed are buyers who will come provided to buy lh cotton, nnd p iV fair prices. I- artners w'lhtn n radius of twenty miles, will hmil their cotion here if good prices are paid. At Hie Waddell House. U. M. Ki ITa.,d son, Miss Sallie Alexan der. Thomas R'tnkin, Charlotte N. C: J. Nan'z, (J.iiraey City, S. C; Miss Li'a M. Peck, Miss Minnie A. Smith, Mr. Johnnie B. Brat'on. .Miss Fannie It Mea- hiim, Mis Sadie W. Metis, J. D. CoVoek, 1. II. Barry. T II. Ensrlish, Y.rville, S. C ; Dr. M. V. Jewett. N. Rev. L.-.M. Dunton, Jnn:es It VV illinms. Greenville, S. C: H. B. AioAhsitr, niniislioro, S, C.; W. I. Stowe, Misses K nma and Sadie Garrett, Kiogs Mt; W. II. Hancock, Atlanta Ga ; Miss Susie 11. Pendleton, J, 1$. Mcintosh, Va,: G. VV. Lindsay, Itilti- mure; Miss Susie Jordan, Misj. Annie II in-, inn, Chester, S. C; H. II. Smith. Hun'crs ville, T' X is,; VT..P. Welsh, wife and child, Ms Katie Monon, Athens, G.; Miss Lzzie Cornwall, Chester. S C; J. B. M. Mcintosh, Richmond; R v. J. L. Wilson, Yoikville, S. C. Rev. T. M. Lowry, Aberdeen, Misr.; J. C. Severs, Chailotie, x. c. -- County AlFairs. The County Coinmissioners met on the 22nd list, and transacted basin xs as lollows : II wafordered that the real estate, be longing to A. M Suiyr?, situated in the town or (JastoniB, be assessed at $.(.), in stead ol ?2r5. th f irmer asscssm T.t. That Mrs. J. R. Hu.fmr b .mad- a pauper, allowed to remain at home nnd dmw 7.50 per quarter. Thai ull cast s wlier. in parlies h ive been not i led to npiearai il show cause why the valuation of their properly shoul I not be raised, he continued till the 1st M in lay in S. ptcmlier, next. Tliat G. W. M.-K.v, Sheriff, be r q iiie.I to iiive an additional bond lor the Slate taxi s to the amount ol OHO, and also an additional bond for llie c.anity, school und special taxes to the amount ol $17,000. The following persons were drawn to serve as jurors, at t ae lall term Saptiior Court , f Irirtl, iz: Daniel ll..ir..an, .1.. coii Kis. r. F. . I.eepi r. J.T lvLvu'ds, J. S. Baker. Chileon Brad cy, A. A Maa nef. J. i Holland, W. W .'Stronp, J..I111 M. S.niih, B. M.Ormaiiil. R J.G euu. E. f!. HulMeiler. W R. I'r use. F. A. I'aie, R. A. FaIN, Jr., R. A. Ilur,i..n. W. M. Bia.k, A. B. I'llmao, VV. A. tiriir, J.G. Ui.Urw....il .Ko.ce Weir, A. W. Carp.., ier, t. V. Hunks, W. D ll.tikin, C. P. Jarr li. C. 1. Paa.ur, F. II. M- Arvcr. .1. L. To. rence, .1 . J. C. At.d.rs. V. U. Hol land. Alfred Fer.iso.i, J. J. Oi uiind. VV. A. Fal s, Jr., J- ho C. Friday and A. C. ldckso". After auditing th usual county claims the' Board i.ljonimd John M Uuodis, Clerk. The Raleigh Journal, (Whiskyite) says t " A frugal set of saints, those of the Bap list church ol Gatonia. They hobble the distiller and the dealer nnd obstruct the farmer in disposing of his surplus grain nnd fruit ; but they are very curelul not to " prohibit " tippling or even drunkenness amonL'st themselves, provided it be not in dulged in where li.pior is sold or drunk as a beverage in ote. r wo'ds, in a grog shop. Who cares to "fellowship" with Dcicli whisuy-di inking Baiiits ?" If our Raleigh contemporary was posted ho would inform his readers that there is neither fruit nor gruin in this tection for the distillers. Strange to say, no fruit has been borne in this whibky-muking section for several years. Our Outside Contents. Lmbj Jane (Jrry, hy Madume Do Stael, is a true histoty of one of the noblest young ladies that vi r met tueh a fate. It is informing ami interesting, Smiix, is a very interesting and exciting article. An Ohio Girl's Fool, is one of the curiosities of nature. The Conscientious Postmaster, is well worthy ol perusal. Business l)e fore Pleasure, is well suited to our prtsent wants. Pining for Exercise, is highly en joyable. Winter Oats, is to f.irmtro only. Making Things Oner, should be read by ad cross husbands. Slate und Rdigiv'i News, is well St h cled and inleiesling Minder of Pretty Jannie Cramer, is uu otlur cruzy dodge we presume. A Few Suggestions. Editor Gazette. I ask space in your valuable little paper to make a few su-g. s- tioiis !o our tanners, in view ol the ex tended drought many farmers are despair ing of getting their lar.ds broke in limi for wheat. It is the experience of all that the earliest plowing for wheat a best, that wheat sowed on hue plowed hind docs not do so well, that is I lie case in ordinary sea sons when we huve ruin enough lo pioduce large crops td grass nnd weeds which ex haust the available plant food in the soil. Such crops should be turned under in time to decompose before wheat is sowed. There are very small crops of vegetation on land this Su iiSoo on account of I he drougM, ami instead of exhaustion, all landd are rested and will be in good condition for setd if not bioke b. fore Ovtoher ; or landf broke in September and O.ttobt-r. alter u very dry summer and fall will do as well as if broke in Augus. Corn and cotton lunds will be clean an i in the bist possible condition for small train, and toe w.,eat crop is ulwuys goi-d alter a dry summer. Coin and cotton crops will come (IT much curlier than usu al, in laet, gathering the fall crops will be a light j d), must farmers wid have bui lit tle to do bat to sow small grain. O-Jr (arm. rs should ow large. crops of outs, rye aial win. at. . The best lituo lor sowing ou'8 v, September, bat may ba sowed as late as the loth of October on fair land, live is a good cop, nearly as. productive us corn', much easier ruiSid, a surer crop on t'.p:Iand and -tiliould be, sowed e.iir.i; tune us oats. Toe b-bt time lor sowing 'wheat is Iroin loth of Oo-ouu to loth of November. SSi'dl'tleis larii.ers geneially sow their wheat loo lute a-.u raise poor crops of poor weeat will; siiiiit, uotk.e und tue.v. Sow cIcau seed soaked ri b U'-slone, a,d clean wheat will be the result. Hoping these hints may S.) some good, I uiil very rcspectlully an exji rtt need Faumicu. . ClIKKHVViLI.K, Aug. 23, '81. For comfortable wear, a genuine fit and wan uii ted woik call on W' C. Tk.vuuk, the hit bout and shuo maker in this section. Shot Wliile Drunk. Itrtnils of n Homicide In I'niou Cuunty licy Srerext Hhoots IVanh lltlm Who JHt's Almost ltnmetliati'l y. Salii'idty evening last, in Union county, four miles weat of Slonroc, Key Seer 8t shot and almost instantly killed Wash Helms. From a gentleman from Monroe who was in the city yesterd y a pepot ter of the Churlotte Observer learned some of Ili3 naviculars. feectcst is a farmer and miller of Union c unty and Helms' was an t nnloye of his and livnl in the same yard. They had been in Monroe Saturday and bad semi thing ot a quarrel during a settli ment of srine ac counts between them. Helms was drinking and all the way home he was interrupting and stopping Secrest's team, driven hy a little son of the latter. When they reached liome, Ile'ms . followed Secrrst io'o his Inuse. continuing to curse anil make him self verv oir'nsivt1. Secrest ordered him out f thp house .and lie retired to the cup I p ' where lie stii: cursiil nr.n ilel.ea It-.ecrcst. Mr. Alexander, father-iivlaw of Secrcst , a gentleman between S:) an 1 fid. went out and told II law to ro away a:id nut make such a fool of himself. "D ni'i cdl me a fool," s 'id Hi Iiim. " Why th it's j ist what your arc now," rcphed the old man. Helms siruck him in the eye nnd knock ed him down. Tin' blow was vi ry -sever-1 . and it is said Mr. Alt xan.h r is badly bruieed. Secrcst and Helm's wife now both, came nut. The wife attempted to lend the ilunik en m in nway, and Scores! to drive h :n He struck Secrcst nnd knocked him down, but either While falling or while eettin,' up. 1 1 he witnesses disagree), S crest fi.d. Tiie ball struck Ili-lms jasl above the In art and rns;ed upward, lie stru'.'ule.l toward Secrcst, strick bimscvtral blows and tlicn Icll. lie died within llwei' m inn t: afi.-r h was shot, lle'in's wife, il is sal. I. had hold ol him. trying to kret him uway, when the lllllll SllOt WHS tired. S.cttst m.ulc no hIIi nipt tiH"0apc. nt dclivTrcil ItiiiH. If mi t Die nnllioriiirs'. I le is now in j it in M nr lie is n hroth.-r of Hoke S.cl.Ht. hist trial (W1 year HiO for till' murder ol It i r wife und actiiiltal on the plea if insanity will be reincnitiercd. lie heats a vrrv good cliaractrr in Union. AVt There, is 1 "Jiapa not a more odious character iu . .e world than that of a go between bj vhicli I menn that creature who c'tmc! i , tin cars of one neighbor every "inn ov? observation." that hap pens lo dro yii the month of another. Such a per1" is 1 1 1 sluh rer's herald, nnd is a!1; , slanderer lo t'r more cdlous than the if." "P.rnndy Is Nisflicr Is r.i When lhp- . The Uovil . , !y any way yon mix it, r anyhow you tlx him, folks K'O lo hed ; ' jiiiiK in tlnj niseis' ht-ads.' xot rsBVA 'tint ton . ahsozute riiomr.uKjx. The Chairman of tiie North Carolina State Prohibition Committee says: We shall not dissolve our committees, The license laws sho'ild be mads more stringent, B'id local option should be given io those localities where tint tei-plc desire it. One th' ig is evident, the people are not prepared fi r absolute prohibition. D VR IBLE WHITE W A SI I. Take a' arrcl and slat 4 a bushel if fresh lime io it, Oj coverine He lime wiih boil ing whter. After it is slacked add cold water enm ih to bring i t'i (lie consistency of good w! ilewa8h, tht- dissolve in water and add on i pound of A hite vitriol (sul phate of z c) am' (ir.f quart of fine salt. This tk'-. tine '..lifwaah that will si-k US well e.s twinf. ft ow S Its duru'oiiity chiefly to the vitriol, which hard :tis und fixes the wash. Se'wiuff Machines'! T have three (rood SKWINf MAf II INKS for sale t!ie V,-,-ii, l)oinesi:t; and New Home, which I will sell i-heap for cash. - G. VV. CHALK, Pntilisher. o I offer my I'.antation situated two mil from tiasli.ie i. lor sale. It contains 150 acres of trood coii,iit land. 5t) of it lieintr io woods There is a -erv (rooil cottatrp tiwellin and tail iiouses t it. l'riec, S-,Ohl. b. M. Ntir.KX. Or G. W. Cii.iik, Itcal Estate Ajrent. Atiteat tee MERCHANTS ! All in. rrluintor this count v wlioliave netr- leeted o:ake ii return of t heir pnrel'.ase-t'ur the six months endin-jr .lone issi. as the iaw diri i-w. will please (rive ir tie-ir eai'ly at tention a further time cannot U Liven." JUHX M.. Illli II U.S. l!i'L"ist'-r of Deed.' Dallas, x, c. Augr.Sl.'Sl. " It DISSOLUTION I (iiin t,t A.M. & K. U-SMY HE has t'es lay lii-i ii dissolved, liy niatoal consent, K. 1 .s-tnre w-iilitlrawin;. 1 he htismcss will In' contiir.H'd liy A. M. Snire, vho solicits a eoutJ'.ioali'm of the iilieral patroiec'V which ttie old linn received. A. M. x v.. I,. SMYKK. ' Gashi.nv.v, Ana i d. au:.'T-ot MHTIC HAYiN'r. mssdLvr.n ora INU llou" liosim-ss all fields doe the old firm must tic ttV d at o'teo. A. M. - V.. I.; SMVtlE. GAyio. Thompson & Rhodes ! DALLAS, N C ARE DT in KKMIN'KD TO KEEP AHEAD dine Hie liest and cheapest t'loth ontv. 'i'liey ktp every descrip-' inv in tiie ' (ion of ("I :i a-1 I ieierw-aro. .1 n.-v sell lii-'ht Prints iii ; and other i. - the hiirhet un; turnips. W ill t , date tiie poo -. sold. Don t i n', it will cost . o, Goons. e. nts; I. awns at si,- ceiil.. - in prnpertion. Guano of ! lor wheal, oats, rye and ' and sell t orn to accumino-n-1 t li'-v will- not lie oii'ler io call and see for yourselves ii'ilhiiiir to ex.uiiine their auC7-lt IsTOTIGEI T"Tavinir ipi:-.;.itied as Executrix of- the last' wiil of jlwin M. llerry, deciaised, I hereby nnrify credi'ers of the estate of said de ceased, to prci-'-nt tlieir claims, duly authei' tii ateil, witiiei the time reiiiired hy law, i r this notice wll tie pleaded in Oar of their re covery, IK-l toi-sto saidestate will save costs liv-inak'-: .e''l:ate a-nient. N VN( Y .1. lillliKY, llvecotri.x". AukM's lssi. , 'lr Till I yi .11 K )l . TlilAK'MAl, Till lis. now in its fourth ar. td' clioice reailio'- loi: boi li old and tiuiiLr, and the only paper el the kind - published in this country.- Kaoh issee coniaie.s Editorials, Sto ries. 1'iieli v, Mis--; TH13 t eellaneoiis read- MATRIMONIAL 1 7, irci: pondiier Ad- 'P I 1I J-2 !i vertiscmente from la-'i' s and srentlemeu. who want to cor respond wiih you. mly fo cts. a ,ear or six moiiihs tortiaeis. Sample t-opies a cts. fir cuiaiion ta.OOti. Ad t-rtisitm- rates reasona ble. N.'iie- tins papi r and address all orders to Will i M t-tl.. . fcr- .V. II. anally Sheriff s Sale, Ily virtieof an execol Ion in my hands i favor of A. li. Tit man. Adnunisteator ol .1.1 b V rir! t. und a; ainst ,laeol I.ineln tycr. Waive this day levit I uroii acres, more or !., i I 1 Hid tu ieni ii to" sai I l.ioel ei .w lyimr in 'iasteu cooiity, adieinim; lamise: .los p!i l!i Idle, S. N. t raiir and ot hei s. an 1 io satis: sa d c. euiion, v nl sell said Lands a! Public anetitui at (lie touri Louse tioo'-ei lia1 las, tor easa, on Mondav. S, pit n. tier ato. lsl. . (,i .i. W". Mi .l il. sh, tutV By 5o. M. Arai.-t roiir. Deputy Shei iiT. Auk. .", Is. . auHMt I wt!! sell nt public auction to the hiuh et bidder f u- cash at tin1 t'oiirthiiio in ! Pallas on Monday t ie o;h d.iv of S,pt m- bcr, - IMS I, a tract of band situated in tins Ln coun'y on the waters of t'rowdur's coek, adjoining lam's of W. IV Glenn, ,1. F. Wilson and others, cnt'tininir. 17D acres more or Ion. The above land levied on as the jirojK-i t y ot ,1. 1'. I mrence, to s itist the taxt on the nam- for the yi.ir 1SM0; amount -of tux due. $1 l'.jo. K A Will I l"x--!iciitt j and l ax Collector of llaton countv Pailas, 'Aug. 1, 1SS1. .iiit' It I Administrators NoticD !,00 Acres cf Valuable. Tlio tin lerin. J, Adniinistr t r cf M:irv ; V r ...,-. .t..'...,.K...l ll I t, , .;., r:llv, v, ;i .,, ... iu.-Miit th.-m f . him i.tom-ilv u. !.,. i,-.t,tl on or M.f,.it tlt 2 ml diyci July. ISSJ, or this notice will he J'lcaj nl lur . I their recovery. K. rS.XDI I'KIJ. . AdminiKtrntor of M.try Feiiiusjn. d.v'd. P. l ' ts, X.'., July 2, issi. fJvtrttiscmintj!. WllOI.F.S Vf.i: AND RE I'M I. hKAl.Elt, J. Ij Xj kinds A ri Id. CIlKAP I3KDSTKADS, LOUN'OKS,' PARLOR AND CIIAMPKU SUITS. ColTins of .ill kinds on hand.. lotte.'N. C. II ST.WDS AT THE HEAD! 'lite Ziyil-7teuiuiv Tin-; PEurirrioN' op .sewing maciiixes. Double 'I'lirrn.l. I.m-k Still li. Automatic Srlf-lS-S"'ng Teuslo.k Tuke-tip. It Iletjuires Ir Itelurns TiCast Labor, b,st PerCect Work, ; ,.', ?.r.)..L V .u i. li-..,L,'):-1A"oi k. Least Instruction. liost satisfaction. j 11 'commended by the Medical Facility. Ir j econoia:.' s the must-lea and spares t!i" r'- nerves. 1-leerv Machine ira.irant.-ed perft rfeet- K IKI'IH:- I y new and ivarrauted toi' ti e years. J wanted. Address DOMESTIC SM.;C0., tja:n ItictrMOM). V.v STo. 31 S. Sharp ii(it.Ks.vt.s'li-:.vw.t! a:; a M vs HDOtS (IP V 1 i Alwavs ho sure .that (ho rame of T. J. MAGUUKIli. & CO. is on every piir Duv no others ar.d yon v. iil be i !i jisc.d. ' These Celebrated SII0CS are for sale by J. Q. Holland A: .Viison. Gastoiiia, is. C J. 1). Moore, Dallas. 11. (J. (1. Love k Co., Garibaldi. J. R. Falls, rieasant Kidw. GEOEGS u::Ai.lNt ZE TT -R 3ST Z T1 TJ JE& IE Oner and VVui fioaiiis l'i'Jj "laiii and 3, 7 and U So. lilii Stu, lUcltmond, 'ir'Jinid. my2S-.1m 1.216 Main and fcrnrr 13th Street, Hk'limoiul, "i 1 11 Oils ol j3c5i3C!Xix3tioxi. Kerosene Oil loacl CllAii LOTTE MARBLE WORKS ! A? ..'VVv ft-.- ; PK.U EK IN j iv:0.uv;ent5, I I I iUiL'&uiuUiiJLlfc i r ,;A 1 i- j ( li VKI.O'ITK, N. C. ; -; S .li i u-don - w ivan j '-:' j tee. I or n-i ,'ii.ir.j. V. " " v-" .- - Blrtcksiuitli Shop: 'the rn.I.'rlijr.' d would TO?;ortl.ilIy :n t'orni tiie I'liMie that tl.cv have rt u'.ovfd to l ,1. U. Warn li s old stand en Mam etiv.- t, I anil are ii,-w preji-.rcd to do anvtl'.int. in ! their line on Mioit notice and in a woik I man like manner. Mope all will tiy uc. i V. I V liirpeeHullv. i " 11 N KINS tJCINV. jtel -'i-l'm l VSTONiA, N. (". FOP. SALE. , 9 On I lull an Ci.tk. fmr and ahtlf mi'. wet d liueehdon, and he iu:Us IV. in t In iry v:l!e. lrt ' aens N-n-iKc 1. ttetu land j and :" acres t Spleu.li I .Vi -i-I.i-v in u" ! joider. I ar.d . at i. to .M.i :;uli Mis..:i Terms 11 dv e y. Apj.'.v to. i L V 3LACK O IF I. INK OF West Trade Street, TJhar- ault-ly & Co. M'TI'RKRS Ol-' Street, Baltimore. t.jal'82. P. STACY, ix bv the Barrel or far- v - ' ' ' ni28-tf - MAMTACrrilKK OK I)cin (tad Anicfcait ALununcnts , Headstone, 9 Tnllil?, JIurttles, Sc., Sr.. Sc. , l- Ml'f.t. C " site Piist I'iiureh. il.-I ' ci; i 11L1. N. 0. Oct tl' Kxecuiion Hnie. To s.i'isfy an execution, in lf.y I-inds in favor of iWvri VV. MiKih', jdaiiuil',' against Jacoli l.iticU'if r.ilef. nj .nt, I w ill t-eU to il:-- l.iahcst li'Vl ier it public anctioi' a. tic t'ouit House doer in I al las, en Mod- -day tho '-"dh day ft'- -S'j fcmh. i , ISM, all tho riuh'. ti'le and it.t.i'est id t!ie si id .laceb l.iui bei..er in a trait f l aud ill Uastolt cuiitv, i.di' iaiiiL; tiie lu nio'cad of Said ,li -.vt. th . lands f S.tmc.i 1 ( 'ruifT, Kli i.ii-i!iiu-r aiel o'.hc's c-'ii'.unir. sixty i.' ae:s ni'retr let--, l-.vel on a tilt, fnilv ,-t sail ii, f, n eiTit. tt,;s i'.Vh .lime, li-'-'l. " ,!. O'.l I'iiOM-M-.Kl.l'.i;. I rer. r f ; l! is'e'ii (.N.unty. at lee h j . li'l, a! Ie.t j , ,te rei 'iea.-e ' -I. J. aa. t'.-'ii on "Mtiudav, tw i.'cl i k, the fol ' ii '. - i i ! y, vi : ,-'-.' i s ,oi .: ;4t -U i - 1 i. A. I'llAll-id.V, od.!iin;strt r VY'u.t-a-r i VV" O ' " ' ..--jr'a ill Ir sans, i

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