A.. ." ' , PTATP NEWS. The relicof tliu late Hon. llurton Ouige ,died in Salisbury, on the 5lh inst. Miss A''di Jlcnry dial in Newborn, on' .the fith ins'., in I lie 2 1st year oT Iter ago. A tobacco factory is beina erected ot . Iiarpesburg. The magistrates ofFor-ylli are consid ering the cost of a new juil, Mr. John V. Ficot. an educator, died in JTeitfort county on the 7th inst., of ty phoid fever. liichnrd Tucker, col, a former Senator (fron Craven county, and a trusted servant of Jndtfe Gaston, died in Newbern on :tlie' ,1211) inst. ''lie artesian well in Purhnm is now over 1,000 feet deep. It is expected that water will not be reached under 1,800 feet. The c(.rner-3tone of the new building at the Orphan Asylum will be laid in the early part of September. Prolific snakes infest Chatham A large one with forty two young ones was seen in that county one day -.last peek. Taking the wheat cop generally over Catawba county the yeild per acre Las been larger than in any previous year. There was a full vote in Chatam at the late election, the total being 4,040, while the vote for Governor last November was 4,047. '' ' ; The drought is alarming in the Wintton section. Upland corn' will yield poorly 'and tobacco is afflicted with "dog-ears." The appearance of small pox in Mi'chel county has caused a stampede among the hands working on the Cranberry rail-, road. " 1 Mr. C. C. Whorton, in Pamlico county last week, killed a rattlesnake, measuring 7! feet in length, inches in diameter, , and 9). inches in circumference,' with 15 rattles. It isBtated that the trade in pine straw which wos started in Wilmington about two years ago, has increased so rapidly ;that the demand cannot be supplied. The leaves are much used in the North for stuffing mattresses and other purposes. ,The Treasurer .has ,Jcji'ded that the revenue laws does not authorize agents to sell machines of other manufacturers that they may take in part payment for the machines of the manufacturer or compnny for which they aci as agents. A man in McDowell county recently procured a license to marry a new love Meeting an old sweetheart by whom he ;(if.d teen rejected many limes', he proposed again, was accepted and married ber. The Grand Lodge of ftLusor.s will be convened in special communication at the Orphan As,) lum, at Oxford, on Wednes '.fjajr, September 7, 1881, for the urpose of laying ,the,porner stone of the new build ing at ;ihe asyium. A large water spout formed in the har bor at Smithville on .Sunday afternoon, .about 4 o'clock, which -was pronounced by all sailors to be the largest they had ever seen, either upon inland waters or out at sea. ; 4Uol. T. M. HuU, and the other Holts, ,&i;e .enlarging' their factories in Alamance county. The Gad s Brothers, the Line bergers, the Rhynes, the Masons, and the .Tiddys, of Mecklenburg section, are follow ing close up to the Holts. , Prof. W. H. iiVave. who is to have Ut2 selection of a bar.d to accompany the North (Carolina brigade to the Yorktown centen nial, has paid the Statesville Silver Cornet Band the very high compliment of selecting as many asve of its members (or the fctate band. This organization will be composed of 25 musicians and Prof . Neave has 90 bands to select froni. AS OLD COIN. Mr. George Shepherd has in his possession one of the oldest coins, perhaps, in our country. It was dujr up in his mother's yard nearly two years ago. it is cf a y?llow 'color and about the siz-j of a silver hclf dollar, but is a great deal heavier. This coin was recently submitted to Bev, A A. .Benton, whpiaoed out the hieroglyphics Jle says that It .is a coin of the tim . a'. .Marcus Anrelius Antonius (whose Cjii.ro is on one sid., .the adopted son of thr Kmpe ror Hadrian, who reinned from 1 08 to 180 A. 1'- On the the reverse side is the fuure of Piety by the Altar, .in the act tf mukinj sacrifices. The U under the T A may stand for Gallico or Germania, in which country the Emperor campaigned against the Murcomantii A. D. 171. On the rim are other characteristic letters nnd symbols. This coin consequently is about I.CQ0 years old.. FuyeltcviHe Efamiutr. . There ia quite an Italian colony r.e ir jBrenharo, Texas. Rev. W. H. Murray's Texas farm has a dczen horses worth $00,000. Cotton in Mississippi is fully one month earlier this season than lual. f . . The blackberry crop of Pulaski crunty t,hi year was worth 83,500. Mechanics and laborers cannot keep up with the wotk in Norfolk, Va. Two dollar and fifty cents refused for rorn iu the field in JJa'b county, Ky. RELIGIOUS NEWS The latest from Bishop Wighfman rep rcsqnts him as improving. Ilev. J. A. Mundy nnd family, of Wnr renton, N. C, ore ppending the Beascn in the mountains of Virginia. In the last issue of the Biblical Rccoulcr is an excellent letter from Dr. Pritchaid, descriptive of his northern trip. The general assembly of the Irish pres- byterian Church, by a vote ofl SI to 109, has prohibited the usjof musical instru ments in religious worship. ,Rev. a. B. Cobb, of Chapel Hill, has been quite sick for four weeks. He .is now improving, but unable to fill his pul pit or attend to his correspondents. Dr Thoma8 E. Skinner has consented to preach the annual sermon before the Young Mien's Christian Association of the University, Sunday afternoon, September 11. ' Rev. A. C. Dixon, pastor of the Bap tist church iH Ashcville, N. C. has re ceived a unanimous call to the pastorate of the Freemason Street Baptist church, Norfolk, Va. Bishop Krastus Otis Haven, of the Meth odist Episcopal Church, is dead. Ho passed away on the 2d of August, at the age of 60 years. He wis cousin to the celebrated Gilbert Haven. A member of the Presbyterian church in Venango, Penn.. wos suspended from the church for dancing. IIeTrppea!ed to the Presbytery, and that body sustained the action of the church by 2 to 1. Rev. Daniel McGilvary. D. D., recently returned from the Lacs country in the em pire of Si&m, has arrived in this State, and is visiting relatives and friends. He has been in this country about a month, spending the time yrith bis family in States ville. Rev. W. S.Lacy, pastor of Euphronia and Buffalo Presbyterian churches, wi:l spend a vacation of three weeks north. He has been invited to fill one of the pul pits in Newark, N. J., during lii3 absence. His pulpit will be supplied by R. v. Dr. McGilvary and Rev. Dr. Neil! McKay. Rev. Dr. Patterson, of AVilmington, ia noy at Augusta, Go., where he is in charge for a short time of St. . Paul's church. "Week before lait he delivered the prayer at theiaying of the corner stone of the new Masonic Temple iu that city. He will probably pass the mouth of September in Atlanta. The Northern Presbyterian church has this year received 25,344 members on ex amination and 21,645 on certificate, and the tota,i rumber of communic mts is 5S1, 401, being a net it.crease of 2,730, The Southern chruch received on examination 4,839, and on certificate 3.231; t,I;o pres ent membership is 121 915, an increase over last year of 1,887. Neither church as many this year as the year previous. The percentage ol increase is in favor of ofthc Southern ('Lurch. THE MURDER OF PRET1 Y J AS IE CRAMER. A telegram fiom New Haven, !"nn. say3 : The case against Blanch I) 'Ughiss alms Annie Keams, for perj iry, in West Ilayen, has been postponed to Thursday, August 25. It is believed ;to behe policy of the State not to press the case at present but to keep Blanohe Douglass under bond It is said that the authorities have informa tion showing that Jennie Cramer went to the West Haven shore on Thursday after noon, August, 4, in a horse car. The driver and conductor saw her get off the car at the Bhore. She was seen again at 4 : 30 o'clck that afternoon, when it is believed she re turned to j.rew Haven. This makej the alleged Thursday night trip to Eu;t Haven possible, nnd the night surper at Redclifl's probable. Sheriff Peck returned from New York Wednesday evening. Tho object of his visit there vB3 to eecure a handker chief belonging to 3'anehe Douglass. During her first examination she held it in her hui d and kept turning it around and looking at it. She said u. her conn-Snion to the jury on Tuesday night that in one corner of the liankerchief Walter Malh-y had written -231 East 35: h street,'' and the nf ,t..K :. . r . , . . name gi mc jjruyricior ui me nouse. 11 is known that in her confeacion Miss Druglus ciua in ik-i ciumii uiui sue m not s"e Jennie subs'quent to II o'clock a. m. hurwiay. Angus' 4, und she denied that she I:new of the murder or that the Milieys ha.l revenled anything to her jegarilin- it She said that while fhe was in L;zzie Bun" dy's house in New York, after her Cist examination, and before her arrest for per jury, Mithal Valley, of-New haven, called on her and asked lu r bo7 much the Malley meaning Walter and James, Jr.) Lad paid her. l,e said that Walter paid her $60 when she took the cars for New Yo.k. .V ichel asked her how much would induce her to take the next steamer for Euripr-. She replied that she wouldn't go to 'Kumpi; that slio was going to return to New Haven She said that on Yednesday night, August 3, when she and Jenuie, Walter pnd James were at Edward Malley's house, the girln drank ten glasses of wine each and the boys one. She retired with Walter and Jam"9 up to their ntom apparently uticonniou-. John Duff is report; d lu re to Lave fiVJ tr CanuiU Missii-sippi produced the largest amount of cotton in 1S80, the number of bales be ing?55,8C8. - The Mississippi river commison will build ninety barges, nnd will lJaSg five steam tugs. A live oak tree in Micanopy county, Florida, measures six feet from the ground, twenty-two feet in circumference. K ' . The increase in assessment of proj.eity in Montgomery county, Alabama, made by tho assessor, will be in the ncighboihood of half a million of dollar;. Com-mbi'8, (Ja Jan. 17 1878. Dr. 'C.J. Mefiett Dear Sir Last Summer when our little- irl was teething, we tried a great number o'- prcsoript ion's, but none of them relieved her. We finally had brought to onr no! ice your Teethinu (Teething I'owders), and used them with the happiest result. They cuve lu r a speedy and pi i oiai ent relief. 1 very heartily re commend them to other. Yours very truly. G. R. GLENN, President -Lulunibus Female College. Jts speedy cures of Siires and Eruptions upon the Skin have been remarkable,1 GOLDTH WA1TK &SON, novl3-lm Druggists, Trov, A In. From C. D. MeCniHY, Newton county, .Georgia. I take Rroat pleasure in recom mending to the public Dr. Gheney's Kxpes tprnr.t and Group l'roveiitivn. Mvlittloson ikaduEcn.p groat sutlorer from Spasmodic ( roup during tho niglit. lie. Cheney, about two years ago, prescribed for him his Croup Preventive, which has most miraculously cured him. I find it equally lionehYiul in all cases of Coughs. I consider it a blessing in my family. Every ono should keep it in their houses. For Sale by Dr. It. H. ADAMS. Gas toniu, and M. V. JONES & CO., Ki g's Mountain. All creditors of tho ectiita of Harvey Billing, deceased, aro hereby notified to prjsoiit thoir 'claims, duly authenticated, on or heforo tho 4th day of July, 1882, or this notice will be plead in b:ir of thoit rttov ery. This tth day of July, 1881. JOHN 11. HHATG, . Administrator. fl1 f Outfit furnir-hed free, with full in j) I Vst ructions for conducting the .most profitable business that anyone can engage in. i he business is so easy to leirn, and our instructions ars so simple and plain, th&t tny on3 can malio great prcfiifs from the very start. No one can fail who's wiling to work, Women aro as successful as men. Boys and girls can tan large sums, Many have made at tho business ever one hundred dcllarsin a single week. Nothing liko it ever known before. All who engage are suprisod at the ease and rapidity with which they' are able to make money. You can en gage in this business during your spare time at great profit. You do not havo to inveBt capital in it. Wo tako all tho risk. Thosewho need ready money, should write to usat once. All furnished free. Address Tiiin & Co., Augusta, Maine." " isso. p IT TREES! 18- A Fine aaiostmant of FLiUIT TREES, andYINES for tho Fall of 1380, and Spring of issi.at low rates, at The Grange Nurseries, (Two Miles South of (Garibaldi, N. C.) M.JI.HAND, Proprietor. lfT Send for Catalogue "2 . seplStf : A FULL LlNS. pp'- Drugs, Patent Mi'dicines, Oils, Varni lies, Ready-mixed and Dry Paints, Window-Glass, .. Putty, Fine Soaps, Perfumery, Dyo Woods and Dye Stuffs, Sponges, Brushes, and all articles kept bv Druggist gen erally can be found at tho DRUG STORK. Physicians Prescriptions carefully com pounded. II. II. ADAMS. R:MrMARTIM' II AS. A ('HOICK I.0T OF CHRISTMAS MODS At his Old Stand, No. ,1, Air Line Street, next door to the Uaz'-tte Office, Ilia friends are respectfully.' invited to cull and ex amine them. Bespectfully, decCo If It. M. MARTIN. Louis J. Ilossieux, MANTFACTI'IEKR op AN!) - Double CI a i -ited Fliu I CANDIES And Wholesale Dealer in DOMESTIC AM) FHRE1GS FFFITS, Canned G noils, I'lck les, Jel lies, Cakes, Cigars, Tobacco, J-c No. 1412 Main St., Richmond, Va. iny2S-r,m I.. R. Wiinton. T. J. r,oro, M. D iVvioton & to.t Wholesale and Retail N.-W. corner Trade and Trynn sis., CHAHf.O'l'TE, N. C, And Dialers in I'ARSlSllES, U YE 7 VEF.S, DRUGS, tcdicinriJ, ntcmicatyc. C. & L Narrow Gauge HAILUOAD. SurBiiiNTKxitusT's Opr'icn, ) Yarkvillo, N U., May 2G, 1881. ) Tho following seluidulo willtakeoll'ecton thie road troiu and atler this day : , goino Koeru Leave Lineolnton " Dallas at -Arrivo at Uaatopi'u at Loavo (Jastunia at -" PleftNttut Uidgo at " Crowdor's Creek at " Bowliiifr Orton at " Clover at' . -Arrivo at Yorkvillout l.eavo Voi'kvillo at - -" (.riitliriesvillo at - 7:00 am 7: 15 urn 8:Oi) am 8:20 am 8:3.') am H:r, am 8:55 am - !;10 am t:50 am 10:00 am 10:25 urn " MuCommllsvido at " Lowrysvillo nt -Arrive at Chester at poix" Noini!, Leave Chester at " I.owrysvil'o at " Mit'onnellsville at " (iuthriesvilli) at Arrive at Yorkvillejit- - Leave Vorkvillo at -" Clover at - -. ' Howling Oreen at -." Cvowder's Creek at " Pleasant Kidge at - Arrivo at Gastnnia at - Loavo (instonia at - Lea'o- Dallas at Arrivo ftt'Lincolntnn 10: f() am 11:00 am 11:30 am 2:00 pin 2:30 pin 2:50 pm 3:00 pm 3:25 p:n - 3:35 pm 4:10 pin - 4:20 jnn il:30 pm - 4:10 pm 5:00 pm - o:10 pin - 5:35 pm - G:30 pm rintendent. James Masbn, Stipe RlCiroOM A.D DAWILLE-R. R, PA.nSi-;:GKn dkpari'mknt. On and after June 5th, 1831, Passenger Train Servieo on tho Atlanta and Char lotto Air-I.ine division of this road will he as follows : ' V. S. I N Y. I II. S. EASTWARD. '; Mail, j Express 'Fst M'il !Xo. 43, i No. 47, ; N'o. 49. I A. I 15. 1 (.'. L'vo Atlanta..; Arr. Suwaneo Dl " Luhi....Ej " Toccoa .V " ,Sonoea.C " (Jreenv'lo.ir " Spartah'g. Kj " (lastonia. .1.; ' Charlotto. M1 4.00 am; 3.15 pm G.30 r.M 5,18 am! 4.37 pm -7.15 (i.54 am! 0 5!) pin 9.0 (i i-m 8.14 ami 7.15 .ml'0.1() pm 9.20 tipsj' 8.-10 pile 1 1,25 rM 10.58 am; 10 20-nm; 1.00 am 12 Hpm;il.40pm 2.1! am 2 36 pm; 2.13 am! 4.31am 3. 35pm; 3.15am; 5.35am I U. S. ; X. Y. i ! Mail, I Express ; .Vo. 42 .! No. 48. ! u. s. h''st m;:i No. 60. WESTWARD. L've Chariot to -M " (iastonia..!.) Sportan'jT K! " (ireenv'lu.Hi " t-'eneea. ;; " Toecoa 1' " Lula....t; " Suwaneo ..D' Arr. Atlanta 12.30 I'M 12 43 am i .27 pm! 1.43 am 12.3'' A M 1 17 M 3.12 am 4.24 am 5.47 am 6 53 am 8.09 am 9.22 am 10.35am 3.50 pm 5.0" pm! 4. ('Gam 5 18 am 7 02 am 8.15 am (i.Ol pm! 8 01 PM; 9. in pm! '31 AM 10.,j8PM:l0 54AM, 12.05 am'12 20 Pm CONNECTIONS A with arriving trains of Georgia Con-.h-al and A. & w! P. Kailrouds. 1! willi ariivimr t'uins of (JiMiriia Ctn t-al. A & W. P. and W. ,iA. Kaili oa.ls. (' with arriving trains of Georgia Jtail rcad. 1) with Lawrrne.'villo Lraneh to and from Lawienreville, (4a. E with Xoi Iboistein Ra,)lroad of Geor gia to and from Athens, tin.' E with Elbeiton Air-line to and fiomEl berton, Ga. G with Columbia and Giconvillo to" and c..T, r,inr,i,;., ,,,! riiM-iiwhm s i: H with Columbia and (ireenvilla to am from Columbiu and (. tu-.i leston, h; I,. K wi'h Spnrt'i,hiirf nnd A.hVille,- anil Spartanburu... Union and Ooliimbiii lo and from Hend'Tson and Asli.ville, uud'Alstoh end .Columbia. . L'with Chestrrit I'ii'ir Narrow (Juage to and from Linoulnton and IMiesK r. M with C , ('.-"& A 0. G -U. k and A. T. & O. for all points W..st, North and ' Pullman sleepincr car si rviee on trains Nos. 47 and -IS. daily, without change, be twem Atlanta and New York. A. POPE, (Jeneral Pnssei ger Aent. RAILROAD DIRECTORY. The folio winjr table shows tho running of panssi nger trains to ami from Gharlotto, on all the railroads (Washington time).: RICHMOND A DANVII.r.E. Ara. from Rieh'il and Goldsboro, 12.30 a in Leaves for " 4 o5 a m Arrives from Richmond 1.20 pm Leaves for " 4 03 p m ATLANTA A Ctl UI.OTTB Alii UXK. Arri ves from Atlanta Leaves for " rrives from " Leavos for " 3.60 a m 12 30 a m 4.30 p in 1.25 p m CHAHI.OTTR, COI.I MI11A & ATtil CTA. Arrivesfrom Augusta 4."0 p m Leaves for . '! 1.25 pm CAROLINA (iKXTKVi. Arrives fifon Wilmington 7.00 am 1'aveB for " 8.20 p ni Arrives from Shelby G OO p m Leavisfor " .60 a in ATLANTIC, TKNNKSSKK A OHIO. I,eaves for Statesville Arrives from Stat cavil In 8.15 p rn ..45 a m SE.D VOUB OH DELS TO J. li.EDDlN'S I'Oll- BLANK BOOKS. ' SCHOOL BOOKS AND STATIONERY', CHARLOTTE, N. C asTGia no xtvji vox, mm niv jo ,.t0AnTf,ot 'St 1! ptiu t ff)TTTOlTlTl!Kjr JSAO" IIIH 80.1110 a.,ti,cv )Mtiiii'i iiiiiii4 uujxa4 oc(,t, aii ajo IJ juiH iuy atuK afll ik in ai.liiiiAd an t ii.iniAl it. HT"""II II X.IiA M1U V3jM ( (0ll HIH.t -iiArt PIO 'auoKii 'anix 'iiAiils ki i m -1"IAV Ju.i(j 'ii.iif uoun ')I.M "lU.IO W A I S( 'OJ IIO, 'BJHW.l -KI JOOH K..IH NH9II.IH! .lOtk UOjp I '.ioiiittsj rit,u.iiIm BJ.in.) )"i noij.vmji;) axauil on) ao.f -II.KIJK llOI) IV Hll l )1 Oflli -fip IMl.lalj iii.ioj A.l..i 31iii I'uu 'iau.( lHu. '"Jl'li'lM .is KiiUiii f..nqiu.l.I ' i l,l 'us' 1(0 'tmdiiaiuuf Nirti v.nris piiu KtHi miunoiu, 'niu.ids l u Jin.i! 'flil.i 'kiIU'S' ! U10 kJi:iII-"k; 'ui ) uii II a i to IlN'ri.4 KVItilll '"11 o e'UjutU I.-U9 so.mj A'lH'.KKlri i.ii.u PJHI IO .i.iavoiI fliiiioi otii A"q i i.him io .10 at.ioii amuiiiiiv II .lo 'oo.iois' -o.c f.-a.(.ium 34hiiiii.ii.i jo 'ii.iiipiin-i f , i.ni( .10 iu.i8 (ii.tvu iiujo Hi OS u ID B.W.lll Ki.ll.lll A lll A.I.I.X'jl MSIIOII A l,IA :( Apoqoiiioa ac( p.ip.uii b au.niinii'i .irumoAi XinniTi.-) oju iioi ni.j:i oui.irr on i pun ifi.M uiiuinif iiodo w.)o.u.i Kir l'(! sihiui) uoii!iiiiiiiiU! tin iipm o o.iini -niiiiiioo out iiiiixum anon oiii !ll OI.SIIUI 1HU II.IU V.I19llai luubo uoanoiujAi m iiioiuiiri'l iiuujsuiff on i ityrifl imi.in'jr.i jo mioj A"j.iao .to.i ,i"l 1 J 1JI M OKiii.oI pirn ooeul nAoiii oiii.npoiu it si if -iiiuif pun Biunpio.ni IO j.!I'J Oljl JOJ 90Ti!l0.l 0B8 jUO OIl nil p.IO.U Oil 1 It" KIIOHll'UOl 1IA10II 110011 b'lll UMlllIlll'I HllUIKlim UH3XJU ot( A.uiu,)j v o p.uil u uuiu oJoui JOj j:svaa: an? mm hoj 11V JO (j C Outiit cent freo to thoso who w sh to V cniiiK0 in ' tie most pleasant and proii- tablo business known, hverythinir new t'apital not required. Vi'o will furnih you evervthinur. 8 10 a day and upwards is easily mudo without staying a'.vay from homoovcr iiiu-ht. Xo risk whatever, fllany new work ers wanted at onro. Many aro making for tunes at tho business. Ladies ,;naka as much as mon,.' and young V'8 ,lnd Kirl9 wako sreat pay, No one ivho is willing to vol k fails to niako wore money ovory day than can be mado in a week at any ordnaiy flmployiiiei t. Thosn who engage at onco will find a short road to fortune. Address II. Hallktt & Go., l'oitland, Majno. . lieaS ifc Brmnfielcjj Manufacturers and Dealers in Bracket?; Cornlriies, Wagons, Buggies, AND 1011 Also P.uriuICasps on hand of tho best nuik Send orders and for price list lo 4!.AL IIRUMFIKLD, (instonia. N'. C. E.M.ANDREWS. "Wjtftloi-iiilo iiikI lN'lntl 37 XJ XX 3ST I T TJ X. 33 ! Charlotte. X. C i2-y T. M . PITTiM A N ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, ' jvjruite Court lltiiix?,) Pnirtirei in the. iS'tnte and Fulctil Ct-wit nail prompt attention to business. I'll! ifi n'.itnh' Iimh". Gharlotte X. C, IC Junentf. II C I P VourHcivcs by making money (iLLr when a golden chance is ottered, thereby always keeping poverty front your do(?r. Tb' He who always tako ailvantft'TQ of tlio goml eliHin es for making m w'j th fl aro ofli-ri-d, generally beeomo ' wealtny, while those who do not improve such 'ohan cis reiioiin in poverty. -Wo want many men. v.-omcn,t,'irI and boya to work for us liflht in theirown Idealities. Tho business v. ill pnv nioro than ten times ordinary wa prs We furnish an cpeniivc Outiit and nil that you need, ireo No ono who cnga gcsiailH "toiinike money veiy rapidly.' Yon and dc vote your vhole lime to tho work or only your spare iiiomciils J'ull informa tion nnd all that is mtili d w-nt fn. Ad dn sa Si iso & Co. I'iuII"!'!, Miino. mm m i aviiaatiuuuuiu u 11 1 s It Piters. GAZETTE Pvbliahcd Every Sat unlay Morning ' ' ' H AT -A JTome and Family NEWSPAPER Fo (he diffusion of , General Ktion l eilgf, I'i'pvtar iteudhtg, Sc. (j'astoniu being . in Ut centre of the wuiLy which contains in,nre fuctoiies than any other kcounlT in JJori Carolina, h destined to -become the- Future Trading Point t . . .1 -AND- Depot for Capitalists. Therefore the Gazkttr, rs an uilvertifing liudiuin, nili be Feci id to liouu in the Sjluie. ; . m s . One Year, in udvanue Six Months, Three Months, 40 Liberal -ctMrncth for f ecial advertise, ments will bo made and solicited. -ioxm- Is complete and we solicit orders for inn Heads, Letter Heads. '.'- TsT,ote Heads, Envelopes Ilrul 15ills Jlanks, Deels, ic, c, &c, Ac, Ac, Which will e executed o Neat and Cheap; As can be done in the State. Cliattel Mortgages, D my Tickets, iShow CardSj J'rograniines labels, Posto ' Cards, -AGENTS- To every Minister of thewijse! in oir; Tcrritorj, who wfii receive and forwar' subscription? to .us, we wlil mail Ires of :i fl . II 1 1 ' charge a copy of the Gazr-it. Geo. W. Challi 7 ""ublislier. No Well Replated Family :HIIUL,I)IE- WITHOUT I OBOFFICE