! ' ' ,. .-. '. : J t : , Yol. III. 3cvoled to the lYotcclion of JlomeX 'ie Interests of t?ie Cou?ity. DR. GEO. W. GRAHAM, Charlotte, N. G. PRACTICE LIMITED TO THE Eye, J-a,i Sc miront. sop8 "" E. M. ANDREWS! 0 Pr l I .V; I ;j uui I 1.11.1 w v iimuiej wholesale and retail. CHARLOTTE, H. C (Noxt to Wlttkowsky Si llaruchs.) 8ep8 Gastonia, Gaston County, N. 0., Fr! I f jVIoiiNiNG, December 15-1882. y"" fg""1" UMM awrt i H. MM ll 111 aill IIIIMIMIMI "No. 50. 1'or tlio Oazkttr. RETRIBUTION. W. S. CHRISTENBURY, of Oaaton county, with ALEXANDER & HARRIS ! CUAKIiOTTE, N. C. Dealers la DRY GOODS, NOTIOSS, CLOTHING. BOOTS, SHOES, &c. Plmll alvrnvs be Kla1 to seivr-my On.ton and Lincoln friends. Cull and examine our ; stock. 'i'y PC. WILSON, DKAI.KK IN BUGGIES, 0 A R WAGES. PHAETONS, SPRING WAGONS, Zouts Cook J)lan?tfacturwff Company, IV alct town Spring Wagons, Chtmbns Jiinffy Company, Cortland Spring Wagons. COLI.l'UE 8TKEET. Opposite Samler & Ulackwoods, CHARLOTTE, N. C. tjanl'83 THE "MODEL MILLS." This elegant, newly erected Mill with Rn en tirely new outfit in now ready for custom. We have employed as Miller, Mr. David Hoff man, who is too well known for further reo ouimondation. Come and test our Mill. Sat- li. mnMn1ll inwi ..IMIM,., . fA U make money faster at work for us than at anything elso. Capital not needed. VVe will start you.f 12 aday and upwards made at home by the industrious. Wen, women, boysknJ girls wanted everywhere to work for us. Now is the time. Yu can work in spare time only or give your whole time to the business. You can live at homo and do thewirk. No one can fail to make enor mous pay by engaging at once. Costly Outfit and terms free. Money made fast, easily, and honorably. Address True & Co., Augusta. Maino. J. T. FARRISS, "VV atch-Maker AND jHas located in Oastonia, N. C. Watches, Clocks and Jewelry of all kinds neatly and substantially repaired. Call at the Martin Block no 12-1 ;Go. E. Nissen & Co., SALEM, N. C, WAtiON MANUFACTURKPS. TJsinir only tho best of materials, we ninke .tho liest of work, and warrant every Job. Wo Lave tho oldest, and Im-uvst -"Wiiieoii Works, and our Wukoiis have the best reputation ot any in tap Mate, livery Wilson bears the naiiin "J. P. N1SSKN, Huloni, P.O., N. IV Write for prices. Kcfer to all who are using our Watfons. GOOD FARM FOR SALE. A bo tit flvo mile from Oastonia and DiiIIha on Hie Kpeuet'i-'s Kord road, -ontaininu WO ueres, all in original woods except 2il uoron in airoixl stilts of .cultivation. It lias a very good lojr house only IV miles from the Air jLine it. K. Price S8.0U per acre. Apply to GEO. Y. CHALK, JrW-,-Ui'K. Oastonia. Water-Power FOR S3L,E A fine Water-rower for sale on the South fork of the Catawba river, with fifteen or fwetity acres of land attached, ulxnit one inilolroin Hardin Station on the t'hester Ijeiioir Itailroaii. Terms moiiiiato. Kor fur ther information apply to li. W. I'hai.k, ltcnl Estate Aircnt, Oastonia, N. C, or to M.D. Fiuday, on the premise. 0OOTS, SUOES 4 ' AND The most artistic, durable, and tho most comfortable, made, .- wo ask in an exa:r i- at ion and trial. All kinds of ltopairin don on short Lotioeand satisfaction guar anteed. W. C. TKAOUK, (Jaktoma, N.C. ByS'.v. C'NfM,i.ri). She pretended uot to know any thing about it and said "There may be other Eveline A's bonide myself, you know it in not me." It hud not occurred to her that her mnrriugo with Lee L would bo made public Jhrough this medium, publ ishing of mar " in the local paper, Eveline now felt very urii she could not bear the id&ruteoxnw ing u to her mothor, ho she went at once to tho luitel and told her husband she wished to tstart lor their wealeni home their secret was divulged. Was not this a fearful experiment ? She had launched her spirit's barque into an unknown sea without a beucou light to guide her, when her conscience had directed her in the presence- of witnesses in another course. Would it not I e easier or better for us often times to give those we love into the arms of Death, than to see them hang their young heart throbbing with warm life upon an untried faith ? Eveline loved Lee a3 she had never loved before ; and where love is, T:dth is stronger than reason in a woman's soul. He is now drawing her away from her childhood home whose chief wealth was the loving heart of that dear mother who has dono so much to make life pleasant Tor Iter. 8he has married a man who is almost a staanger to her, without her mother's blessing or even her knowledge. She is flying on now as fast as railroad or steam-boat can carry her, to her home in the OuU' City, where wealth fame and pride would bend to her will. Such were the beau tiful fancies that tilled her mind. Did she realize all the story of his short woojng? They went to the home of Lee's uncle who lived in the city. They were kind ly received, but without that ostentation that attends such events with the rich. ' as best bue could witU her new Ihutoh ri dings. ."Why. was ho so reticent? Her secret interest and curiosity soon boeaui too strong for her. She had noticed a change coming over his manners and his personal appearance. Evenliis con duct towards herself was not so consid erate as it had been, so she concluded to unravel the mystery, The old Undo was good company and wa3 pleased whenver Eveline linger ed in the diuingroom to talk with him. On this occasion just as Lee left for his place of business, Eveline' asked their uucle if he were uot tired of them and wish they would go to house keep ing ? 'You are both welcome to stay as long as you will" said the uncle. "J?oor Lee has met with roven.es of late : he may in time recover . rume of his money." "1 have given him employ ment and ho lives here because 'he can live cheaply. Hasn't he told you ? ' "No," said she "he thought it would be too great a disappointment to me, for he had told me that he was rich." She did not faint at this intelligence nor did she complain, but told her hus band thatjshe would be happier in shar ing the burdens of povev'y with him, than the ease she was enjoying. Eveline felt rich in that love" that gladdens kindred souls. What is wealth or fame if love does not exist ? Xo sooner did he coj.lido in Eveline his troubles, then his burden seemed lighter. With youth and strength and willing minds, why should we bo dependent on the bounty of another T T'hey were ere long settled in a cottage of their own, she as happy as could be ith the man who proudly called her wife and whose made before sho was married. "In less than two years I will eoiue back to see yon whether Lcais-willing oniotT" Tho mother in all the fullness of her heart asked them both to come. Eveline thought her promise ought to be ful'illed. Lee declined accepting the invitation and remonstrated with his wife against leaving him, I'.st some evil u.jyht befall herself or their baby boy. In vain he pleaded, she never ftt si te Pi tt 1 he f 'iat comfort to her but he died 'if la at the ago of three years, jf ne, kneels by his grave where -j ' A.. . . ... tv letrmany an auguisn freign- (hot lor the lovely bud that iL-lj dropped, for she knew i I u.1 been4borne away by angel's 2 heaven) but there waa a lux ijitcutial tears shed at this tipot where her spirit could ; wjth that of her child. And orina: forgivenesaf or herself behind the Age, and the Light Think ers. My comfort is in perusing history for I find that these sort of jack-alanters have been comine and going in the swamps of infidelity and skepticism' for nearly two thousand years, wliile the light of Christianity has never dimmed but grown brighter and higher with rolling years. I have no fears for the M.s Sarah Mauoey, pauper, 5.00 Elizabeth Flowers, pauper, 4.00 r Peter Brilhardt, pauper, 5.00 Mary and Cecelia Wentz, pauper, 8.00 Pinkney-Clack, pauper, 5 00 Lawaoo 'Reynolds, pauper, , 6.25 Margaret Armstrong, pauper, 3.33J Itacl:e! Brown, pauper,' 1 .66 j Christian Canipe, paaper, 1.66 31 fc Johnston, pauper, 1 .66 J 9.00 trip was furnished her. - devotion to her amounted almost to id 1 atrv. shieldiucr her from everv care that it lay in his power to lighten. 1 was not long after Eveline was set tled in her new home that sho wrote a long letter begging her mother to for give both Lee and herself, nsking to be remembered by her in her ieiitioii nt tho throne of graee, and "I ho Old North Btato God bless her." Who is more ready to forgive thati a mother. Sho 1ovk1 her utulutiful daugh ter still, though she hail caused Her so many heart aches : how sho longed for (ivi votiiit uoionnuip ntaili Wll 11 lit 1 i fate that snatched the sunbeam from iwhwiitn11Wiui. i..TmS n my home! What is life tome without j nw-rr. b.H, tho u.vt.rs at last mr precious daughter?" These wro I oonviiuvd her there was no hope. "Ah some of the religions of this devoted ! ,nust 1 U:u"k to me rall-V lwmS.: tj motlu.r j the hearts I resiguid for h;m? Set Two years had well nigh passed when ' dreams of youth ami love 1'i.rewell f Bhe reminded Eveline of her promise t Had mr liul ,H7 liviJ Lc ceuM lme Tears were jnhiseyes when. he bade his wife and baby boy good bye and watched tho trahTae i it bore away from him all that was dear to him on earth, lie was almost heart broken, and would not be comforted. .So lonely was his home without his wife and child that ho abandoned it too. He could uot live without them for even a few mouths. He joined a party who crc going out on the frontiers to shoot lndiiuis and buffaloes returning to the gulf cit occasionally to hear from Eveline, and when in tho ri;.ht mood would write to her ; but his aim eecmed to he to forgel'lier. To epcak ofliet to him would bring on the old melan choly. Not long after her departure be sold their cottage and deposited the money with his uncle for safe keeping. He seemed to have evil forebodings all the time. Eveline wrote hitn kind loving letters, but somehow they failed to "keep his heart in the right place." She remained longer with her mother than she expected. Almost a year since she had kissed her husband good bye, for the yel ow fever had been ra ging fearfully ami it was not s..fe yet for her to take the trip. Her mother was greatly troubled at the thought of giving her upagaiu, and the dei-.r little grandson whom she loved so much. "Oh said her mother" suppose you should both hi) stricken down with that terrible fever. ' "1 must go mother, I had rather be Lee L - s wife than to gUu. city. Lee L happened to be there. He had just returned fronrone of his wanderings. A change soon came o'er the spirit of her dreams. "Where is our ownsweet cottage home ?" sho asked. "The light w nt out with my wife and boy and I have been a .'wanderer since; I like the wild life I have lived and rather than risk losing agaiu, the prise I obtained by so much strategy I shall devote my life to guarding it. " "But where will we stay or what shall we do for a living?'' said Eveline. "The graps is our carpet, the blue sky our ceiling, and evening waits ith her purple robe I o deck the coming night." She fled from him, for it was evident revson was gone and his eyes glared like, a maniac's. The uncle spoken of before, told her that his mind had been badlj 'affected all the inie she had Leeu gone, but he hud hoped both hi.i mind and health 'would be restored on her return ; at times he would wty he L:.l buried his wife aud bat'y buy, then again won!. 1 talk to her, K.viug. 'I wooed you from your haj j y home, 1 dreamed you loved me then, but -you whinpered a false vow, away, nwny ; let me roam where jour ful.- e eyes end mocking smile 1 may never oee.'' la vain she strove to twine her trem bling arms around him ; sho wept and told him all her love ; he darkly frowned and thrust her from him. They told her how he strove to hide his anguish after her departure to escape either pity or contempt of those who had been his companions. She now remembered how crushed his loving heart seemed to be when lu lttd wtvl fron: huu one year ago. Wa3 it remorse of con science that tortured him? Ho had robbed another of his heart's precious jewel, he had rejoiced iii the conquest and could not exist without the sunny sphere of her love. For when distance had shut out the light of her eyes that Warned upon him in their happy limine, his soul was maddened w ith strange unhappy thoughts. Her name henee forlh must be a forbidden w ord to him. Lee L has luxm in the aayluni for several vvnrs Eveline- remained it w H t n ei i b;tl' rt H hCf I X- I ari siii an Bl wit, sett. prt no! liv lit( ant ver tbi lar on vo? t au re tl1 Hrirti ""T- i-..-t ituultr;! in. that Heavenly - ; hearts sorrowed as they wel agmn to the home of her .mother did all in her pow fe and cheer her broken spirit : her aching heart could not elovly and surely sank into ;s that the rankling pains and it we measure out to other isciencewill mete to us again, i , ormong, Hob Iityersotl, Cj. ,.t&nean any offense to anybody it do it any more, for ever i'that Jlormo'nism was dying, alism was about dead, and i ol's fantasties were passing comet, somebody keeps papers and, pamphlets to '"fcJSo, and one of 'em says I'm - . fool but am a fool because 1 fvei aiiles from a depot. That t."is called Jjight Thinkers, ished in your city and ad wral mediums there, and has vr messages from the spirit c 'pin from Lucretia Mott and iaby in baby talk. Now ir folks lives near a depot lo know "if this thing is all bouafide and licensed by it OHMthlrw -itMf,. broke aged of our people nor the middle-a?ed but the young men will have to tak GWMcKea SJipriff their places before long, and these neunicij( Mi.1!on & Co maiutain- " -attroetive and captivatiufaJ iug pauper3i ey will consider long au Xb Holland, county pbyeieian, ... r l -8' ,., J&Jh fiPires of the church- j (j Gu'.Kck, couou insfiau JaliU au JiitL poiuuf u , R W Q'tery, jailor, es in k'ia heaven-ward, I know of n other sign that does. The law makers have gone home I suppose and 1 am ol iligod to say the? have in my judgment done well as id as they have gone. It is a good sen ble wording legislature, and I hav hope of the countr--. for I do not be lieve that money can bribe or corrupt em. '1 hey have elected good judges, and they have refused to accept (Jov ernor Brown's gift to the college. 1 don't find fault with the governor for putting on those conditions, for it ia his money and he can do as he pleases, but the state is not poor enough to take such gifts. I think that South Carolina is just poor enough, and hop9 she will take it, but I wish the governor would reconsider and strike out the conditions and show a little more faith in the wis dom of our people or what would be still better, put a hundred thousand dol lars on top of it, and build a college of his own tip here among the mountains where he was raised. Cherokee Geor gia wants such an institution, for there are a heap of folks in this region who don't live near a depot. Atlanta Cun-ft'UuUon. 2.5a 42.25 wmWiouer-J.Q.40... 16 80 commissioner. :JrlC ANNUAL STATEMENT OF Till- BOARD OK COIWTY COMMISsmVEKS. . NORTH CAROLINA, .... i..i, . -.LAh.X iit' ..our pepole had caught the I ttou't want to move but if thei 3 anything in this depot business I tt: r Lav to sell out and g M; further fofc tl the contagion will spread We wiD :i know enough about the spirit lauciby waiting and I'm willing to wait. Theiii are a good many over there very dear to me and if they can't communi cate ixcept through some strange wo man ft a depot and a dollar for toll 1 reck 4 wo will have to live on in silence until 'iur time comes. Some feller sent mo I (b lugersoll's organ, published iu Indie iapoli, called The .Age, a huve doube sheet full of doctrine and devil ment n general.' "lrileies trod and the devil hud ghosts, and drums for recruits to the great liberal league which they Bay it diking that owiintry. It adver tises .lob Ingersoll's dialogues with the. Deity ind Moses and Jesus Christ, and spells til the rwei od names with small letter-. It- tolerate nothing but iniidel itjyuel every sentence is an insult to u bt li -fer in the bible or in Chrisliatnty. The i jgue sent a letter to Mr. Brown, who is a candidate for stato auditor, end d. awded his answer to utuo ques tions, lud .said that on the charaeier of Lis a:s-.ver depended- the vote of the lean1. Mr. Brown did answer aul said a;iong other'things : In i y humble judgment there can be no (rue morality that is not essentially Christiiu. I ov.all the good that I possess; nil (he go-'il that I may have accomplish d or eve i' expect to accomplish in this world. (1 tho iufmeiKV i the religion r r 'n1!. T" . - Te,.;.of Dtwls . i . ,-- rd of County :- , ij I . -?.'rtify tbat the following alrue and cornel statement of ibe ret'ci-;:!s p.!i J disbursements of the general cmt.ty fu:;d trotn the 1st of De cember, 1851, to I In Is' of I ,'C-M:.ht r, 1SS2 as uppiarspcr tnimt !es of said DojrJ : RECEIPTS. Amount of taxes' 'recei v d fr.'m all'sourc-.s for the year 1881, . brsniT.sEaKX.Ts.' Stephen "(i riuiais!y, pauper, Catherine Ramsey, pauper,. Amanda Ford, pauper, K.itiuie Arnold, pioper, Nancy Hiude!!. pauper, $5,9G.61 Mary ll.mper, paupor, Julia Cembt 9', paujer, Marvei George, pauper, Jane Wy itt, p.i',!;)er, Aaroa ll'i..li-ii', pi:i:pt"-r, Wullaco lVgr-itr, colored pauper, James H-.jar., pauper, '. MArcdiG hson, pauper,. ... Mis Sarah Ceiiceil, pauper, Mra J H Heatticr, paaper, C F Janett, repair:, it: poor bouse. C.irson it llur.ra. lumhcr, Wiiiiaai o:iv, Istejier i f po'-r, lUi Bwulev. e:--uiity e.;m.aisiot,cr, J tj liu'.iiek, county cJintii-ierar, Jacob li.ts.-r, c tmiy coitmiji.ncr,' TO Cleek, rcji Pterins voters, J 0 lViett, iron, R O Cosiner, rep ii: in at poor house, 7.00 J S Ooiuiirs-er cou'y couimfcsioacr, ' 15.60 R W Qiery, jailor, ". Ct W MeKee, ,l.eritr, John M Rhoiles, 11 -'idler of Dveds, O V B.is.ni, ooiwniitee, C V Jarrclt, makiaj; cefli.i, , 11 0 ( 'ostrer repairing poor lions-', Vi'iii;mi Odver, km' per of poor, 13.50 10.00 12 50 G.25 6.00 10.00 .5 6 00 10.00 J00 4 00 5.0'J 6.00 3.00 T.50 4l,0' ' 2.50 61-50 "1.20 22,1.) 1.37 5.47 19.20 4.15 41 70 2.00 3 50 1.0 31 William Oliver, keeper of poor, 69.22 Miles Withers, committee, 8.00 Miles Withers, examining lunatics, 1.00 Caleb Pasonr, examining lunatics, 1.00 A Eaton, making coffi i, 2.50 0 Hamlet, serving road orders, 8 40 (i F Bason, committee, 2.00 OJell & Suggs, removing raft at bridge, Margaret Armstrong, paaper, Jacob Riser, having bridge repaired, 8.00 Jacob Kiaer, county commissioner, 27.70 William Clark, removing paaper, W.illiarn Oliver, keeper ef poor, R W Query, j lilor, William Oliver, burying pauper, J A Eaton, making book cases, Eliza Mason, maintaining paaper, R II Glenn, jailor York county, S C, 7.65 J F.Rhyne, repairing ot jiil, 75 J G Gallick, county com nisaioner,; 12.80 R-W Qiery, jailor, 10300 John M h'hoiks, Register os Deeds, 35.90 William Oliver, keeper of poor, 59.1 2 J Stephen G Hon-.esly, pauper, 13.50 Amanda Ford, pauper, 12.50 Fannie Arnold, paaper, .6 25 Nar.cy Uaudsell, paaper, 6 00 Julia Combtst, pauper, 6 25 M-.rvel G orge, pauper, .00 Jane Wyatt, paaper, 10.00' Aarou Rmlisill, pauper, 4 00 Wallace Pegram, colored pauper,' ,400 3 00 2.00 3.33J- 3.00 64 50 29.70 4.85 3.00 5.30 "5M 5.00 8.00 5.00 6.25 5.00 5.00 s 6.00 5.00 2.66fx 1.66j 2.50 -34.20 of the bible. To this hallowed book more than all other books combined j R ' Q i iI ,r. d n nation indebted for the mag- tote, couiay naoi.ili-. s, are we nifieeii.Y of oiir frelfi.-tituti.:is, and the grand prosperity t'uit w it li beaming smih-M irradiates this "laud of the tree and homo of the brave.'' This'fiiered book is entitled to the highest eonsidemtioa of every individ ual, ut all times, in every place, and undei nil circumstances. Its teachings I revere, and its princi ples I i!t cherish, whatever in iv be tide. Yon My upon my answer depends the vote of the members of your league. If bo, be it. My principles are not iu the market. And the editor of the Ago save in reply : A::d thisdisre-pertf.il, impudent, lg uorant, n:trrow-niiu led christian bigot, iguvrt'.uniis and ass wu probably elec ted. So I reckon I will have to take back whrt 1 said, for I find that 1 am getting 4! I i . rr, ceuiity amrouuuic; Mores Stroup. jinahteiiiijj Vottrs, R W (uery, j iilor, K D Tiioiiipson, buil0in bralf, J .M M . bit -s'l, reisu.rinj; voters. C-'phas Sper.ei r, maicta'ing pauper, Williuii: Oliver, kieper of poor, ) John M R kkK-j, II g:s?ei of Deeil.-, Stephen tJ. lli'.aits'y p-pyr, Catl'etine'Rir.s. y, p:nper, Ainainl.i i'nd, paup r, Fu'inie Amok), paup r, Nancy II uh'svII, pauper, Ju!i Coaibest, puiiper, Marvl Hi orge, puujtr, Jane Wyait, p .up. r, A'-run Raiiifit', pnu;r, Wa!'ce Pegrani cdor.d pauper, Janies Uoaa, pauper, Marcus iib'n, paupr, Vrj Surah Council, pauper, Mrj J R ll.afatr, pauper, Sarah Connell, pauper, S.irah Mauney, pauper, Elizibath Flowers, paoppf"" Peter Brilhardt, pauper, Mary and Cecelia Wenz, pauper, Pinkoey Black, pauper, , Lawsoo Reynolds, pauper, .Margaret Armstrong, pauper, Rachel Brown, pauper, Christian Canipe, paupor, M S Joiiui,t.,-ini pauper, .."' Dolly Friday, coioi pauper, Isaac Rhyne, colored paup5, C Joheston, colored pauper, J A Morris, m king coffiu, E B Holland, county physician, G F Bason, etal, profession services, 100.00 J II Dorr, county commissioner, 1G.00 F W Thompson, ex imir.ing fuoatics, 1.00 Jacob Riser, county commission r, 11.20 J S Wray, deputy Sheriff Cleve. land county, 9.40 J B White, ceunly liabilities, 313.87$ Maurice R .binson, colored witness, 50 John M Rhodes, Reg;ster of Deeds, 70 00 J S Cloningtr, county commissioner, 7.80 William Oliver, keeper of poor, 60.46 ti F Bason, committee. W B Ruthilge.' listing taxes, F Z Sides, making ceflvi, II X (i.ery.jViilfr, J W MeKee, deputy shrriff, Ciirislian Canipe, W O Ha.relson, listing taxes, ti W Chalk, publishing, William Oliver, keeper of poor, B G Bradley, county commissioner, W A Pearson, listing taxes, " J F Leeper, listing taxes, Nathan Jenkins, witness, Andrew Caniinger, jr, witness, Jonas llouhiaii, witness, tieorge Friday, colored, wituess. Nelsou Shuford, colored, witness, 76,68 I Abraui Housor, witness, 40.10 j Chas Humphrey, Col'd, witness, 157-S21 i E vira B.illins-er, witness, . luniiiger, witness, -2tU 67 31.50 62.50 2.00 24.00 5.00 16 80 37.75 1.10 27.00 5-2 50 59.12 13 00 20.00 24 00 2.00 2-00 2.00 2.C0 2 00 2 00 2.00 2.00 l.OO 200.00 IlonJ C L (Judder, holding court, Comity conimi.-sioners Cieave- land cou'ity,tnait)taiuing pauper, 36.00 4.C8 j R W Q iery, jdlor, 39.92 7.00 j Kli Pasour, postage, 2 55 8t.S9 i William O.ivir, ke p.r of poor, 51.95 2t .50 ! ti W Clotlk, publishirg, 3.50. 13 50 j J ti U illick, county commissioner, 22.40 10.00 j John M R'lodes, Register of Deeds, 31 90 12.50 Stephen (i llomesley, pauper, 13.50 C 2 5 j A 'lunula Ford, pauper, 12.50 C.i'U Fannie Arnold, pauper, 6-25 C 25 1 Julia C niibfcst, pauper, .. 6.25 6 01 1 .Marvel George, pauper, 6.00 10 00 ' J ue W al t , pauper, 10.00 4.00 ' V iron Radisill, pauper, -4 00 4. 0i ' Wallace lVgram, colored pauper, ' 4.00 5.00 , Sarah Connell, pauper, 3 00 6.0G j Sarah Mauney, pauper, 5.00 3 (10 t.-Zibctu 1-owers, pauper, o.W '.50 Concluded on fourtb page.

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