The Gastonia Vol. XV1. Gastonia, N. C„ January 3, 18f>4> »■ — ^ wwwwagawageawBgMBMaww——gm——hp—ne— TEIPBSTAMD^ STORB. THE mtT MEAT im»All> OF IHB ABASOV EAOIJO FBOK Texas to motbota. Ws.htagS. BWMM Bm my»wy TUI ■M *■ ■■■/!»»« AW* Wat TI*Aa IWImmfV* tern. Waauihotom, Dae. t7_ThootretU or Washington am aIuksW lap—ihle. No such severe Infliction of lawpACu out weather law t*en known here for many years. The heavy enow falls of tbs afternoon waa followed by oohi rota and than by bit Ink wind* and keen fruate. and eonsequonlly llai streets and sidewalk* Art htld off la ridges of norm gated toe, which mods* loot) Mo tion elt namely dIBoult. Slight Sun las Of soow prevailed daring the morning, bot not enough to an ear over the rook ribbed surface of tbo street* Of the W7 Western Colon wires as landing from Wash IngVno to New Tor* osily two were In fair working order at 10 a. m. bCBAirrou, Dm. 97.—Slum 7 p. m. A straw storm of bltgstrd proportieni baa ragwl oanlwoowly throughout north eastern P*ito*ylv-ol* equal al most to the great storm of several year* ago. Only beal passenger trail* am ru'iulag. Hi rough trains on the DaU wart, Loekawane a*d Western. Onta rio and West am, and tba Jersey Osa - tral railroads am eopplstsly Usd ap by Immsnaa drifts which Oil Uw mountain cats. There it an satire blockade of ovary electric street ear lino, ead traffic lo At a standstill on ah tbo city thorough fsrva All seboets am otneed. teoclters being naabia lo get to Uw buildings in llw> otty and onttutry dwtrtsU. Destrwetive Hods am reported at Carbordaie, latt sa yet no particulars ore obtainable. Cmcaoo. Dme. arr.—After a abort Intern at loo toward* morning, the •now whlob Imd i«a tailing daring the grvwtor part of the Bight began to oma*d»wu agala with renewed vigor. aad aa <4d (aehhmedaaov atone la now la progress. Street railway liar* are working liard with aonw plow* to heap their track* olrar. I Hit Indication* are them will be a Uaekadebrfbreevoelog AII train* from the aorthwoot are re ported late. At um weather offlo* It la ■tatod tlw mow atong_i* geaeral throughout th* anenUy, and ell polata in litiholo report the worm atom or AM Seres is ■eUtmoee. Burma*, Da. *7—8eo*. sleet aad nsta alternately, thraogboet Ute Bight, filled Ua arret* with alaah and Impeded traffic. Three and oac-half loo be* of new Ml before It turned In to rain. Snow la bow fall lug and there la a high wind. All Incoming re mall are behind time, aad than* scheduled to depart are de laying their Ulus. Tdagnyb wire* are In bed shape, bet mregur reports from western Marylurd cities Indicate small hiissanls prevailing there. Stw a Were a* gSWSSere. Pittmubo, Dsa. 17—The snow storm bagaa at t p. m. oontlauad aatu UdOaB. Thronghool tbs night a bmvy wind nawssd aoeh drifting. The street wall way traffic Is greatly Impeded and iraiss on all railroads are from one sad a half to tuuz hoars late. ladlsaUeiia are that th* snow fall la over for the present. Th# depth of th* anow ad given by the United Slates signal officer to If 1-t Inches. St. Louts, Deo, f7—The mercury to siovrty travelling down Um tubs, and at 9 a. m. reuiststed S dcgrvM above aero. The first snow of the season Is fulling with ludloutioDS of onntlnuhig several hours. Reports from potato sooth of bote, isoludlng aovthorn Texas, sUU that wsethar Is ooM and snow (alllog IB maey phone. Dtrttm, Ml no., Dse. tl—The sold sat ware of th* so soon ha* Jost struck Dulath. Ttw mercury MeadUy lowurr #d with tbs wind biowlag » miles aa boot daring th* moralsg aivtll It to If degree* below aaru. This to Ua drat Uase la srvvral years that there has bare oo Uelghlag la Dsarasbor. Zawtillm, a.. Dm. »7—Snow bn K falling daring Uw afternoon sad •nntlooad at Intervals tone*. The gruond to covered to (to depth of 6 Inch** and (lelghs ara running. The ■wary stands about 10 abora moo. Clstslakd, O., Dm. tf—This city was visited by a heavy aoow Worm, as eompsuled by high wind, daring tbs sight. Btrort. railway tragi* to Inter tori with, and Uw sidewalk* ara btucfcsdad by high drifts. VuniM, Dw. W—Tba Iwavtoot auow In ynua fell bera daring Uw aigbt and ■omiog Know Ml aonUmwty fraai 4 p.m. until las. Trains ara all Ms sad atosat ear undfe to aws Dwraorrjtoa. f7-Tha waatlwr to stoar nod aoM with a light Sorry of aoow Mrly la Uw morning. O’M an, l. Blah., Das. IB.—Tor mm llaw past atortoo of rxtraoM dsatlto ' ttaa hard aoow fmw Bnyd aoonty mH various parts of Holt nannty I art they aaaaaad as lsymbiibli that Uw penpto hero hardly oradited thaw, lag a In dart, however, that Uw atoato* warn art to anS gigtonM. Tha situation Is Boyd osuuiy to hsd, sad If th* pao pto thara art as* halpad sons they will Starr* sr fraeM to death. /. H- «Mth, wha lias wbat h called the Three-Mile strip, on Ue tftsto Hoe, was In 0*210111 today, aud i be lefla men* harrowing etortre ot Ike condition of the people in hit part of Boyd county. Mr. Smith cnees ae a i ootnrolselooer from the people ot hie j Sretton to collect mppiisa. lie gnth 1 eiwl awstdenUto flour and prtveiatone today nnd tbrwarded them. Robert B. B Prattle. the tuff one | respondeat or the World-Herald, bat lest returned from a two weeks’ tear Into 6o«tliwestern Ntirwll Ip order to Inveetlgato the reports Id circulation of the dretitutkm la Diet portion of the Slate. The result* of hla search through the onuntlee of Buff-do. Daw eon, Llooo'n, Keith. H llehkuck. Chare, Hayes. Dundy, and Frontier may be thus summarised: In there onuntlee, parUeeUHy In Keith. Hmblns. Chase, Uayee and Dundy, the deetltstlon la extra me. Almuat two-thlrda ot the people In Uwue count lee are depen dee t upon ohuritr for existence. There le little nr no fuel in the wisely; row ships are le many (Jeers the nely fret. The re martsljy mild ermlher le ell that bes prorented laee of Ufa by exposure. There le no money la the county litas nrles to help the destitute, because In II ooontlee almost no tosae burs been collected More June. The shiftiest bare loft the country and only the ferns owners remain. There le almost so water there. Vo crops worn raised at all Uet rrer, exespt In the oooaalon *1 Irrigated district* and ditch Irriga tion la not pneathle In some of theta onuntlee. Iwcuute three ere no streams Moat of the destitute Ilya le end huts. There have been enly three crape raised In nine years. Heart-ran ding oases of iteettUition end suffering are beard of le erery township. The preernt wave wiB certainly ranee death to a Urea number ot arttim If It oon tlnreu nod no aid onwuw. Fud, pro yMnot end clothing are needed, end the railroads will rewenslly ship Umm free if rent to the county commis sioner* at the county seats of the stricken country. ■am tm Mm «m* mm* Mm «MM. 8aiLBTTll.UA lad.. Dae. 9&—Yw tvrday wmlng Wa l-ravi it, soeoM panicd by Minnie Maple and Huai* Hltchell. started from tbslr host**, four mlkss south of here, to attend n nriy tm lotlm dintaoL On reternlag Uia party became lost la I be wnmU, baing nascquainted with the leads. This morniug at I o'clock GOanty Commissioner Henry Oilman, also Ben* in Uw amithera part of tb* ooun tr. was awakened. Going to tb* dear b* met Leavitt, who wa* no cold ha oaaid hardly ezpiala whet was Uw matter. Finally Pit awn waa *>*ds U> sndemand and they ‘wool out to Uw boggy. Both Urn rosng Udic* wera anabts to speak wd wera noeowaekoea They srew aarrird to the koaoo god worytiiin* dims to factor* them to oooaeloowusa bat ap to 10 o'clock this morning all effort* had proved rutU*. Shu aid that regain ootwilmworas. am putsiioo of their limb* win be nsnss •ary. They are of promiaaot famltlw. A CsM Wave BSsrhaa nasMa Jacasowvilla, Fla.. Dee. M.—Ttw 00id wave ha* struck Florida and a dis patch in th* Timaa-Union Indlostm that It will prove a mcord-breakvr. At nearly all potow la Suotk Florid* the tkermomator la below fowling at H *’cloak to-night. Grant damage w •"“*«* ;»d vegetable crop* At 11 o'clock at JuaksoovUI* Ike tbsr moaatar stood at above. It win he several days before Uw ttw dsaaegs to fnitta wd vegetables can be aatlawied. Pauskill, If. r . Dee. Jaa. H. lotnrtami, a brother of Senator Gaa W. Robinson, wan found road user tiwGospH Mission, savwtk ward, early thin mnmli aao to death. Ha was olo* a oant cittern, and mayor of P< for Mveral tertas. He bad b dieted to drink of late, aid it posed ha waa aoJar the luB ligaor 1*M nigkA A widow children survive Kim. Nbw PiiLABitraiA, O., nee. ff. —Last Light a supposed tramp entered Vbe OewQ Dover Hulling Mill la e» almost frozen Mat*. He was kjrctad by Uw night watchman. In Uw more there waa fnoDd a Whitehall*) wan. npyaraatly BO yvata of agv, lying oo'd In death on Uw frant of Uw sbopt "T. r. D.” marked on bis skirl waa all Uw ideal ifloatlon that coaid tw teamed. ■Haan 0*44 la guaMk. OottMi, ML C.. Dm. as.—It Wan MOWtag ham at d»y light thto Morning but by tha tims two teebaa fail, tha waathar alsursd aad with a ktoh aonbwew kaaaa bseaasa rapidly ooU ar, and toolgbt to aab aa baa not baaa agyartsawd la B aaaia. Tha taareury at teMulgbt stands at U da greao shown aaro aad la falling steadily. CwsaLasTOB, Daa. W.-TlITawa and Oaarlor’s spmUl frowa Oaorga towa, ft. O , asya; It eoaiaauaad to •oaw ban this afternoon arid oonttn mm to Maw and alsat with strong oufthwaat a tod Mswtag. Tha tows to re had to white tv-algbt aad It la grow lag aoldar. --- ‘--—-■ hi KwoxYiixa. Than., Daa. ftl-Ia. laaaa s»M prsvalls throughout lot Tmtmmm Vaftay. Tha thamro water maftad tana 6 In 14 abora aar* during tha day. At H a'teaak to-night Um iwaroarT to dawa to 4. aad aara wlU Ira w so bad Mom teaming. » I I I I l frwJ&CK l oomoti tvm. mi. Lett night "Olnajr ” the Magant and Mlatld rraidanoe of Cnpt. and Mr* John 11 Odell war a Mane of Joynua •fdandor Uni oonalan Mug the Mar. rlo«i of their only daughter, MM OWa Makepaaor. to Mr. 8u>uaaraH Jastern Darlian. of Della* K. C. It waa ooa of tha carat notable wadding* that ever ta»k tdaoa In tha State or In the Sooth. Bafumtbn appointed boar the bmw nlhoant nMdewoe waaMod with gaeeta. Orer aerrn hundred larllatloM had Iwra taaoed. and Peace wan mwiy theta freer all part* of the State Bad Sooth Carolina. AlUiouyh tha wot bee wa faarfally lucUment and gloomy wltboat. iwrr •Wof war bright aad haeatlfai wltbla. Ptewaaly at Pm appointed hoar, hr dmd before Pm loot awawteblmm of tha dock had dlrd away, the bridal party, piQMednd by tha family, rUatlvre and a few tm card lata friande, aatmd Urn braatlful white aooth parlor. Baeta bridaMMId war joined by bar gnome man and they awtared tha room In tha following order. Him Pearl Dlsow, of Klnc'r lingo Ido. Mr. AJstonao Aeery. of Uorgaw ton! MM Mettle Cook, of Pomona, Hr. B. g. Pharr, af charlotte; MM Panaia Yooag, of Oawoord. Prof. & L Ptowar* of Trinity Odlaga; Mlm Nettle Parra*, of Kaodleann, Mr. MIMm Hartnell, of CnooardiMM Ma Wa ■IVcaUoaoQ. of Durham. Mr. Grow »md Bigg, af Oxford: Mm Juanita Oojtrao* of Concord, Mr. Cbryer Mo A11 later, of Aakboro; MM Iran* With •t* of Sayan aoh, Mr. A. Jo*m Yorha, of OuMutd. roeu mntM um groom, tana lag oo tbo armor bio brother, Mr. Plato Dor. horn. Than came tbo bosoUfel aad obarmlng bride aocompaalaf by her fbtbor. Mim A dale Hutalilneao, maid of honor, took bar ptaoa bdb tba brida, and Bar. B. F. Dlxoo,uf King's Mountain, stepfather of tbs groan, performed the eoroaioey. srsBIofl by »t. M. A. Smith. Tlio wedding march wmi played bp Miae Addle Wil Uamo, of Cbarhatte. with H. M. Bar. row aaonmpanylag ow Um flats. Tbo bride’s tralu was barns by Master Ar thur OdaiL MBs Odell woo an 14m) brida. dramad la a baanUfnl gown of white ant la wltb train, with orange bloaaoaoa and tvUo roll Tba aatki waa oorrrad with diMhaam loan. U wu one of tba l**ni Imaginable, and elmnalogty beoaaa tbo fair brida. All thoe'Mtamooof tbo bridal party worn fits bridn B ooe of the oaroteot and ■mat dutrming of woman, of Iwmdy oMpooUioa, aod ban hosts of friend* everywhere ^a to knows. The groom Is a son of tbo late Cat*. Plato Duf. ham aad la a rising and highly goab i»| attorney. la tbr baaoUfot dialog room a my ■anptnoeo and handsome eoltaito.. was served. Everything was bnuuP ^ Its etHrart stmvlioiiy. In the centre of the large table wa a basket «* JS**' *■»“•* **1 flarae. It waa draped from tba eootro of Um eril teg tomoboornorla whtta satin rib boo. Whiu upon worn mod. and •rory thing mi the UbU who while ex eepi tbo rose Bavwa. The toldo aod all ata In tba rra warn exqaBItely fur The entire affair waa ohnnw lerMod by that eharmlag Umpllolty which la always In Um best Um*. Every defiosey that enqld he provided waa them to ohara the taau of the moot feaUdkiue oulene. All who know Um splendid akin of Mr*, Odell waa prepared to are lho very pmtttrot din ing-room and the MixBamt banquet, hat Um reality vxorodod all eximeta ttona Mrona. Parts Hutch Boa, of Charlotte, and Leroy Springs, of Lta OHMer, wrro maaton ofoetataowy In thedinlnc-ronta. The bride proa I with a eoavw , end pUoaof graved an it. The aoBeattaw of ,, bride waa one of tba__r ■TOO. They ware am one ha ad rad In reoaJVr, all of them vtrgaai and east |f. The preaeat from tbo bride's fiubvr waa a baadoomo cabinet grand piano. Daring tba oven log elegant aad sweat meole waa tendered la tbo north parlor by MBs Kaw Qorrott at the nlaea, tbo M nears. Barrow [threw wethers), Mr. Garrett sad Mr. ILL. KMltfa Pho brida end groom Mt to-day at 11:1* o'clock (nr King's MoanUIn whew a rooepUoa will be given thorn to night. They will make their fataro huaro at Dallas. Aaron Baadall, who dMd femral mniit ha had hid _, otoda, tad p*M for It la *otd. Ha a Wo fTf?.'-1""11 •*00t kid Wial. ■4actad bla pan Wawrt, and alao a aan to dlf bW fraao and bar? btaa. aad Ml la tba aara of a IrVad aUrar doIWra to pa* tba banana « aaab. M to ita ■“ifi**** * u> lb« aaa •ho bauWdbu body to tba aaaaadrry Md aaoyb laW tW jaw who took abarpo of bli boml. Ha loft a apwrial rapuaat that ao prayon or proaobta* ba •Ho wad oyar bli roaMlaa. Raodall vaa bnrtrd la tba aalt of atotbaa that ho waa IwWa aunrtad la •ad that ba had bad for Ifty-da* yaara. Haoaly wora lha obHhaa thraa Uaaoa tlaa at bta wrddlapa and on* at tba toaaral of hW aoo-ttt-Ww. Randall waa a Paaicmt Ha bad ***** .<* .btoo Mat draw aaa Pawoirat’a land aad Mat waa aawad at a wtfl owaad by a Daaoaat Tba tubai'to b^ysy *•***•“* that It to about time that tba llnaariaa eroUmaot ta tba Mouth aguloit wooto •orbing for totMlvoa ahonld km U« rare* It to a tulle of tba “Old Sooth" •blab, bpwtnr oblvakta la Ita ortglo. oanuut ttanJ again* tba praottoal aaa* WMmntftoaM "h1**1 **• *P * waalatloa mm la trndaaad la tba Georgia Lagtototuiu Mtiiartotiig tha Governor to aatry out hto datorato apputot u women to to* oteaof BMlctaatLlbrurUo. Tbto ra* aaw»taBS.*sss tha Aaoamtfy who with toaaarretoa uU Southern Ideal woman; aad kaep her •Into baud! aitdWUad Ip toll. Out ■to* Of l ho ratnlotlon la tp* uam* at tha aamhura, ateun, and itoiietnm at, tha Mouth. Ha thought thdt th*ubar» uatar of too MoutbanTwomao wa* tot brtobtaat ml la lb* South’* bright btotorr, and b* protraaad amlaat doing anything to dim Ita brtabtaam” kU tola would ha we-U waf If auomtot* foe Southern wnawn taking oar* of tJeamarfews and If too* did not vU* la wort. Uafort aoetdy howovar, all of thaw hove nat ssri srs &.“bls would bu batter nit bunt tom. Tba Into Haunt, format, not only da*root at awppartlag thtnalm bat jompalkd to da pa. Hamm toauW throw tlj toaat ahataaba la thetr way. Tba atoraalUtoa of wooma with which toe radii d Timttoni ftato pawa ap to a tonateful am. but H doaa uot wltoataad tha hard aawO< Uone of I'Jta He look* Blew tar m aoawtatng ts mekt pretty MMtaa U, •MtatMag to drink hlghwranflag bMU to. aomeiblag umm fruw Uw workaday world. to guard, ohwleh, ond revere, UwnrctloaHy alwajo, prao lloaltr *h*a taoan. At |S5t UO. ww tap WM ho frit fifteen yen** «•*. ood his broadonlag butlauo brought blw no greater thook Uww that when br wont North for Uw Drat and aaw £rs..,tss?sy!,j-»£; Botibalaat dftaan yranWwdaoe Boafr to disponing tale aid doottarn woman, along wHh bar tad drapwa which arc tannttfut la wanes P«ratnr. would ha beautiful to lift ir Ilf* t*»m Dui mflL * practical thing. The doottam ^Jaa aaaant Uoa apoo men's draawa. Every day they atedrpaodlag laaa rpa poeatbta braralMb aupplag dev>J fir-w the partaaldoi**) ahteh tta^CWvalUi*’’ have placed Chew, and aaatlag about •am lag for thnaaclraa Uw n murln and eomfbrta of aalacoaaa Men Ilka JJonrtooa of Georgia oaoaa wall, bat Hanieon can provide for hut ona wtfo. and he baa eo light le any that Uw woman who baa aa bnatand in provide tor her, or who does not want a hiMbead to provide far bar. Utall not rraurt to aa houicehta employment •homey ohnuee to provide far Iwrwdf. Tlie Gei>rgia Lra|sialaf«In defeating thto rreoinUoa did a wrong and a ndWatooa tlilag. The average pu.cnt tehee little Inter rat In Uw aeliooi data a of hit ohUdrsta. Ha aauda the boy to echo"). New all hla daly 1c dene. He hea “loochad tb«”—uw taeatara meat “do Uw net." Ora the teacher “do Uw tret?” Wiwt la Uw “reel?" Abt there** the rah—and It la a rah In one of the cel tool logliati gnus inara, now In me. ocoerc tble arateeen, fur analala: “It It uarVot to dght coa t«>m wlthgraaaawr.” ffowtrurl The boy la ander Uw taaahar dir dve, or, *ey, tig Ivxart a day. Ha la aadar petvwul oueirol, ar enfibt to be, the other alghtam boon. Oee-fowrtb of hie Use under irabelat at aaho<4 tarra-fourtlw uf hit tla* not at aebo»l. Whore It the average ta» dorlag theta ttightrae hoe rtf Urn him eight hoars for dorp end one north; thee ww have alee hour* Irft. Whan dnaa taltaracage hay ipaedihean hour*? Dora ho speed two uf thaw W atady at rto^homo.^ Hardly. jbot^glra hi* Uwerae^trSTuw h»**bt ofMraJy ^ynnhl* daeii. at the Judea am, whan etargliif Uw Jety,—Uwa wiwt hremoet of the arrow heme Alii Irft. ■prat in tawfal, howoraUo pUy* Not _. *£■****• beads at* robbed with a sa^asttssr'** That a good ptaaanUoa tat atooa iiwaarklaja aada of two parte af ■aaly powdered olialk. Sift tbroagh a kae sires, aad Mate It into a paste ^U> water. Bah this writ oror the riaia wtB te raa«vad| (tea wadk with That aotteae padding la wmt» man aUraetteobehaktag fa gaaa ar pap oaar paaa, tbaa gieiM la each peneo •a ladlrldosl poddies; Uwa, when hated la eaa paa aad eat lata a *am bse nf idocaa, aaread with ataaala tha aassl way. That a aad raaad mirror apao Onnut*XijMki* ,utn** * Itaa, «a. it a peattiararater'ptoro ter tte hooM tabfa than say amount of •laharate ■mhialfirj. That prrfcaity hsrwlsss powdmd entering amt ter la mow abtalaoMa fur ptaaerefag tha dsUoata shades of piak. ««««, laroadar ha, aaad la ptatty oomblaattoaa ter Um popular'dssana of Berorlaa riaaan. fautoa aad Waae Tteta Uilo hair pillow to tetter ter lha baby'■twd than afcntharaoa. That tbs Indictees aaa af Ite dally tett to a moat mreeUaat aaa af tertf fylng Ite baby's body gate sstda. That tagreia rags aad orta Brussels •quarsa Msy te meoh laeprorsd by tha followtef proposal After tha raw baa hero tteaMtgbly bsstaa, it abaaid ba ■proof aa a riaas. hare d Booth faiths aawalag. a dose of That an eroeUsot aaa ter small la la tanking kttahaa sperms. They art preUlar thsa gjaghsm ar cal lea, aad ••■b eery mmk$. amntommaroeMeiBaasaMk D. W. r*iw. of CiM|*irih V. Y. •ayv itot to alwaya tot jm Dr. Uac* Vow Unmry la Ito toaaa Ml ala tartly baa atwaj*. foa»4 tto vary tot raaalta fallow IU ua*? that to woaM aot towtthowt It, V yawikla. U A. Dytoman Drag**. OatabUI, IT. Y. aajra that Dr. KJnr* Kr* Dtaaawry I* aa6oatoa41y tto tot Uoaati Mart} Itot to ta oato It la hU &iaOy for atgfct yaara. a»b It baa orror fatM t» 4a aH that la aWaal tor It. why not try a warty ao tow trtto aa4 MMM Trial bottlafiaaatOorry A Kaawaiy *« Oaaatrr artatowr—Ttoro woo a attune mi abwroh tMa arrtaa Wtto-Wtot «M totoak Htot Mtolator-I 4W not wa Mo. Vlh-Ttoa Vow 4a yon know than ■smsttcj*: setts —-- I .1 A Cotton Fertilizer. >*-» 3 •» ** nm"* *WlA * For Corn, Fertilizers should contain 6a Potash. Poor reault* are due entirely to deficiency of Poteifa. SvT*^^tm! T~ 9m*mVm*4 *—1L _«amw fc>u wombs, al MJirmr I j ■ Eternal Vigilance la tta prion of Hbfftp. Bat aarprio— far Boa fiaafa—aata fcaaobaap V s m» to—par Uaa tmr •to ri— —tot la low*. A total attar wM eu> via— you. HAXNA BHOS. Docs This Hit Yon? The auaegeaeat of the B^wltable Ute Aeeauwaee tfce'ouoUmel com a few Special SeaUeaC Sir tbia wank will find thie A Rare Opportonit j It is work, however, end thoee TMak thie wetterover cen^ fUir- Thanh aw aaaeaal opening for eovaebody. If h •toyaa, itwiCpappaw. Par* W. J. RoddeyT aemaw. kAMLLC %