THE GAZETTE. TWO Min at. jakuamt It. tar BUSINESS TALKS. Aiilrta.BMU taaartad la thia col u me M ttaraaa a IMc l« am loaonlaa ud 6 imu aZaefiraaat. tnaaruna Ibevranw R. T. Harpn '• Uouae aud lot fur Bate. TJEAt'E —II Mild red tnahflf wanted A by P. Id. 0allant. FOB 8A)-X. — Four arouud-hai d Uurgtra cheap!!—Anntinuif Fur niture Couipaov. CASH KALE at Morrow* Hill eleven o'clock A. re. Jan. IS. Hurtea, anulre, cowa. ealvea, wagotii. grain, forwgv. Ac. Biiug ilia money aud gat the bwnfulur. LOCAL SEWS. —Tba Fiialori le-glalaturv OflivrDrd yeaUrday. —Our Old Furnace correapi-ndenaa did not reach ua uniII Wat nijrht--too lata for publication. —Tim Hlx'i Rrhail at Chen will.' and June* Kemunry at All U. aliuv will n-lebrne Waililiialmi'a kirtlr-day with alaiarrato ■ xriclaet. — The Bwguirvraaya that a private la*nZ will pnoianly l« oprue.1 toon ill Yorhville b. Ur. S M McSerl In Urn old BlChauge ta.nk talldtilK. —Mr. R. B. ft Hide, iif Zeno, reo-at ly al»ug titered a Ib-Hiumltt ulO Hug that uelteU 40K |*.u iu- Tie- hug Waa fed utf Lh«u mi mi MiiorU— Yurkvillv I JBffirer. —A* tin- UurliHOj Son truly reuuuks. Uhs Is so off year in politics, but tier, tbrre la the leg islstuir sod tlw tuwu elections U> tuake life tolerable a while longer. — We had a variety nf wrailwr Uit w**fc. This week U>r weuthrr hurenu la giving ua snow, rain, Ice, lliuuder au4 IlgLUiing and rubbing It la along wiU< the mod. —Bheritt ,nxt S.X-..IT Uullln WWV lo nave ekeln.lined low..a Ilila weak, wul lllf l«l Wex 11 lei pi evented. The ah! slant! cau’l gel uul of Jail un til hr luta Brat put the new .me in. - Vanoe County Late* Ue Cake on big hugs. Til* Heudeieon Oold Lmaf tel la uf line that netted 810 pounds <nd yMdad But pound* of lard. You Oan read alaewbeiv of wUat * time they bad cleaning him. , —In Hi* ease uf L L. Jroklus va. The Gastonia Colton Jdaiiufaeiuiing Company, a«li for reoia, llw Supreme Court Ua* granted plaintiff a new trial 04) Ua ground of err lam delects lu the ruling* uf tlw lower o>airt. —Mia Jiallie Byers, wluae (high was fractured by a fall last week, i* still very sick In 1> dla* btie la Ull yrar* of agw. When lln* 1* considered It >* believed that she I* gelling along al most a* well a* could be expected —The Washlugtno eorTripoBdeat says tbat txaigrvaeaieu Bower i* aflrr tlw halance or the HepuUn'ipi post masters, of whom about 3d *1111 re male Id «.Alce in hU Oislucl. He gwwli* to make a clean (seep of them. —Bev. G. H. Chinch, who oordact ed ■ meeting at tin. 8»nits', oburob In Gastonia about two year* ago, slipped and fell on the rivets of dlatewvllle last hwturday and latike bl* lag. H* I* pescor of ILeSutosville Baptist church. — Work on the nrw bank hnildlng wss rcaamed by Memra Jenklo* and Bugs* Monday. They Solslwd the brick work Tuesday If bad weather daea not Intel fere with tits wo*k. tk« moot wnl' be ready for occupancy by the list or the middle of February. —Thu question I* »>inalirar* naked, What ht the Gaistt* going hi be worth Uils yeaif Wilde We shall try In make It worth a great deal more than HSU. the sulwenption price will re main at tbat figure fur the precept. At only $1 «0 a year, the Gaxmi t* •keeper than Bve cent cotton. —Perhsp* the only nap of Gnaton amuty In existence I* tin. one drswu by Urn late Colmel R. W. Bandifer. It is *b>ici S»> hr 4H Indies In sUn, and la a Bus piece of work. Tlw map w <a drawn several years ago additions being made from time to lime to keep It ap lo date It la now, we believe, Ua properly of tlw county oninmbe Mewrra who will pmarrve It for lu greet Intrinsic a* well a* for a memento of one who wae fnr a long time tlw bos id’s attnrnay. The map wae loaned last Monday to the Mack leuburg I roe Works. There will be rcHrtoua aarvloee at IbwDff City n«.jr> dahbkth afternoon SI half poet Hirer o’etook. Her. J. M. 0«rH»n of King's Mountain will oon duet tbeeervleea. TlllWMlI Oktor DrlMUn. nr. H. SewlwM. a State Detective Of Wowth Carolina, waa In town an otRelal hualarea last Tuesday. Ita la what the papers call a "apy1' and la aald to be (lov. Tlllmau'a rarorite. Ha waa not here « any dispensary boiluaaa. A Averts* One of the prettiest calendars of thla nr any other season la that laaued be the Flower and Shelley shoe maoafao torlng Cnaapeny of OalaeavlHe. Ha lt oeoslata of thraa ao4 beautiful atrild fawrw ahoat half Ufa also which tbs artist’s brain and tiwlltbographer's art aUbe have bran taxed to make war feat. We aebonwledas with pleasure rasaiyt of two ooptaa from the ootnpw ay. Mr. E. H LloWbarpar Is the tonal dealer who handles tha company's hoaaa omde ahoeq. Hr Joseph Holland and Mlae Annie Wtrlteetdea were married at Hardin the third >4 Jaiinaryi-y Require U. D. Friday. Thla la lt« Mad oouple the Raqalra lias Had Uwether and ha baa bean a mattHtrate '># and on fur do years. He aaya he d.wac’1 priah tMa part of bnatnrwa muab—JuM etmugw to baas hU hand in. Tastardav (W. dnaaday) «fter»orm at Ups raatdence of tha brute's father, Mr. Jta. Baichfnrd near Delmont, Mr Robert fwvper end Mlaa Laura Batch ford were soiled In meat lags by Bee, w A- *h>"- I FiaaiWAL auTH>«. - Ula Ferrle Kendrick, of Pinirvllla, U v tailing Mie Mary Moot*. — Mra. Mary Ward, of Charlotte, la vMUng al Mr. J. A. Uunter’A — Mra. K-dr’i J. Cr<lf. and Mra. J. D. Smith Flailed lu Della* tins weak. — Mlaa Ann* L. Janklna, nf King* Mountain, la a vlaitnr In Ilia oily.— Wilmlnxtuu Star.jAU. 0. — Mlaa Annie Well* of Mt. Unity *i» ted Inn fraud. Mlaa Mattie Brad ley, a faw day* last week. — Mr. (4*orge Heath, of Shelby, has lews Vlaltlnc hla brnlbar tn Uertonus. He returned home yesterday, —Mix* Sadie Adem* tettimed to her home to Rock IIill, hint Fiirtny after a plraaanl visit to imuni* in llaatonta. — Mi John Wlike*, nf the Meckleo lairg Iron Work*, p**m-d through On* Umta Monday un III* way to Deltas on busltama, —Mr. W. M. Wilson la **rlou*ly 111 *i hla home. Ilia brother Major Jno. F. Wilaou, of Melden, wh* down to see him Sunday. —Mr. Robert Gardner, formerly en gineer ei tbe Belmont Cotton Mill*, at • Ilia uleOe and no* of GealnnU, waa here Monday. — Cleveland Star, — Mr. Will Cornelius, of Statesville. *<wi in-law of Dr. E B. Holland, of Dal laa. al leaded aervloaa at Use B*t> tlet church last Snodiy morning. — Mr. Crown Tem-i.w, who ha* hern aftrading the U nverally, left Monday night for Columbia, when- he will «uter South Carolina College, — Mr. D. L Yount ire ■•nrvr nf L'o coin o>umy. ami 'Ir I.. B Wellurn* atinrnry, of Linc»l-ton, were In town yesterday oo a short business trip. — M is* XeIHe P*re, who list barn visiting her sister Mr*. B T. Mortia, for airoe months returned yesterday •fi«-rDO<>n Ui Mr Luma Id Aberdeen. -Mr. J. A. Hunter, recently mana ger of the Clover Manufacturing Com pany** Store, ti .a tnuvel to Oaslouta aud occupies lilt residence on Weal Main Street. — Mia* I>iaxle Balk la ntlll detained tu Lancaster, S. C. the erllKial lll uem uf tier brother. Mlaa Mamin Laive, the meanwhile, baa cliaigt <4 k*a Ba g’s i-luaaea In the luatlluta. — Mr. Lcoins linllund. sun of Dr. sod Mrs. R H Holland al Dallas turn been coaiwlled to give ap bis studies in the A. dt M. College ou accnuut of poor be«lill He CMiur lujme yesterday. — Mr Oaoar While and family have moved back to Oaatonla. Mr. White waa Hiiperiiileudenl of tba Belmon' Mill* in Shelby and left there to ac cept i lie SaperuileBdeucy of the Mode na Mills liera. i . —Judge AraUtrad Burwrll passed llirnugli O as tools Monday on Ida way U> Dull**, wlieie he appeared before the •ouiuiiamoMeie ns eouowl fur Mr. A K lx>fi in In the matter of lita bond. He w«a weialy greeted by bit old friends in Dutton. — Mr*. Leroy Morrow re’uined Mon •lay from 11 iinleravllle wlilUe-r, as wiu inemloi-e-i last wark. ah" had lieen called In l*-r simer’s f-rlal ilium*. Uln Rota Muart. imuo-dialely after her mother** death, frtl dangerously 111 with pneumonia, and Is still very tick. — Mr. and Mr*. Frost Torrence visi ted tills week at Dr. W. J. Turreuce’a al Crowdrr** Crsek. Mr. Torrance put In bis time gunning and returned Tues day . Mr. John C. Moore was In the sport also. They report 76 birds latggcd in two day*.68 of tliem tlie re sult of tbeir day’* gunning ou Batur day. Mat. Bsttkrwr Mm frm Waalaaaa. Major Uriah tf nil hew a nf Dallas, has sold (ml In* In Mr. \. J.Wrmayel and will retire frniu nu-oness. Wr learn lhat lie cinleioiiUtrw arlling hbi larlel properly »t>-1 moving back to his native henllli In Teoneasaa. Mr. Oem ayel baa bought ti* thick of goods and rent* the stifte. Ha Is a Fietiobmao, he nay*, and waa a peddler until be bought ont MaJ Matthew’s stock. risviaa Si aasv Cw*. The oraaga groves In Florida are In a laid way, many of them having been killed by the recent cold. As to the preaerl crop. It la frown. Mr. T. L. Craig, of Qaatonta. waa lu Jackson ville and St. AoguaUno daring the anap, and eaya be saw the oranges oe the tree* like ball* of Ice with an lotcW hanging down at the lioUoin. Ttmee plaours whose grave* eaeaped are In good aptrila. Prises will ba Iwtter. Mu Mina. Mow that Capt J D Moore has re tired from tile mercantile and hanking baelneeeee he will derate ail hla lime t«> deretoplag the Mudeu* Cotton Mills of which ha Is Secretary sad treasurer. H* I* using ail bis sow gy now to gat the mllfa to spinning within ninety dare. Tardy delivery of machinery Is the source of dkay ohlefly feared. Tbe new hollar has ar rived and t« now going loto plane. Tha Belmont people are wording for a new public rna*l. A petition for tho aaaac algoed by Jno. F. beeper, A. J. tiallh end many other* of that outa aonily wee filed before Uie eomaiM a loo era Monday. Tha road ta to lend from Jon. Mitchell', frrry over the Mcdaof retrain Hanltt and ioerph Poi»t on rottd near Cat hey •» Imuaa. Tl* board ordered a notice to be potted that the metier woaVI emu* up for oo'ietdaratkM at the February meeting. f Ttie fame of Mr. 8. B. Foy'a rad rao*Ur that to mail white It (till going tha rounda of the preaa. Tba Item ha* appeared, wa inppuae, ta twenty-dr* paper, and la pond for taveral a lore Tlila Idrd, wlu. Uie aotltary inception Of hta eooeetor a bo pvnetoated rtl«a..„ Petal'• prevarlaatlona ao uooomfoita Wf, will perhaya ha Uie rival •Maly advrrtiaad rooetar In the ao ncta nf hlabrry. When ha learn* nf btahenad and aoAlen fame he ought to wtiah till he'a rad again and than walk over to Bailee and ahaka head* with the we-kWaa mf-pnatmaater. A* a pair of 0eaten roomy «. i.brl t lee they ahould be lotaeaated la ooanparlag P®»^* MTOCHHOLWSB** XKT1X*. ■ «MM MUm IhImM. The annual stockholders’ meeting of Ilia UutoaU Cottoo .Uiuiufacturiug company we* livid jvslrrd.y afternoon, A dividend of l»'i |«t cent. was da elttied to ihv stockInildcra. Capt. B C. G. lore eg ra-elreted prwskJeut, like aria* Mr. Jim P. Jpove, Secretary nod Treasurer, and Mr. Gao. A. Gray, Super In tvudvDt. Some changes In the iD'rcantll* d* partiu-ot wire wad* and ooofirosad. The Grocery drjwrt mat it was s»M to (Apt. K. C. G. Live, and the dry goods department to Mr. Jno. F. Lore. Tlie hard wars store will continue uuder Ibe prawn i maiovi,vnu»ir. Tl « rapoita i f the .'flkera were flat U>lng, ami ilte Inisinvx of the oora paey etiosrn 10 be In a Oondltlou of flue strength and gratifying prosperity. rueru bo imd t» talk. ■* aura Year Ad WUl Ndp Tea Bat. The eighteenth of Inst October Mr. T. J Pairioh. of Bowling Green. 8. C., advertised in Ibis paper one lime that be had loet e spotted hull dog. Noth lug more was heard nf tliv mai ler Mr tan waekt nr mom. One day last weak a man from uuar iron Station e«mr In and got Mr. Patrick's address to Inform tb» owaer that be knew wln-re the dog was. About si* weeks ago young Frank Nurrla advertised in two issues a lot <>f framing luniian for sale. Tuoedsy of tills weak a man called at this ufflre to read tlie advertisement which ha Imd hew id of as being In tlie paper. Who Is U that sa s ndvigllseiuauts are Dot read and then talked about? Neither of Uie port tea who called Id answer to Uia advertisements It a subscriber to lb* paper. They beaid through those who ware. Be sure y»br ad. will help you out. Bates and terms glieerfuUy furnished on spplicatiun. wr. mumt icaan. Mt. Holly, Jaa. 8—The holiday* wrre very uh-aMnlly apuut lo aod ttfuuul Mi. H lly. Tne Mae* Party at Uie horse of Mr. and Mra Hahiunton oo (be night of (hr Sfttli alt. prurrd quile a auroaea. A large crowd was present, and all ax pressed thrmaalvraas baring apcnl a very plraeant arming. The "big dance" which waa to bare beeo at thr Davit Hall Thursday olghi last, resulted In a "liUJe daaoe" at the home or Mr. and Mm. James 0>wlnei. Notwithstanding (be dleapputi-t mrm in Urn way of a large crowd, tlioea wlio were present eujnyed Uiane oaaiuu. Among lha vlalture praaml were Mlam Lou Sugg* and Grace Craig, aod Meaara. Will Rddlaman, Henry McLurd, Wade Rutledge aod I>r. Reed. Meaara. T. A Darla A 800 have bought the slock of goods whlob be longed to A. C. Dellinger A Son. The laUer will retire from bualueaa for Iba prase nl Meaara Wultrt and Henry Rhyne, after a pleasant slay of two weeks at their home, will raiuru lo Hiokory to •ohool, on Wndi'i-sdsy <*f this week. Mlaa Alice Drown from Moobo. la In town for a few weeks' visit with her •later, Mra. J. L. Graham. Mines Alice Craig and Kanule Siollh. and Maters George and 8Um; Health, from Gastonia, visited Mt. Bully do ring the holidays. Tfea tea im IrMg*. The Cnunty commissioners In aeaaion Monday ordered a change of Uie public road from the Armstrong Ford ferry to ths new bridge. Tlila new Iron bridge in reported to be a good pteoe of work. The e-ihtmrtnrs hove bem working on il only h-not two month*and will have it lonexiM* this wiek 11 nleva tba bad weallii r etuir, work. The appmaebee are about all that* Is to finish up now. It will ba a great convenience to the travailing public of that section. The commissioner! have paid 81,0(10 on the contract aod will pay <>fl the ryet aa fast aa they can after the job Is ac cepted. Mammas Weathers ta PtlMklMla Mr. Miles P. Hoffman will arrive ue*t Tuesday night from Birmingham. Ala., 00 hi* way to Philadelphia to join hla brother Beverly In the oom m Melon bus loans The Birmingham Hem pay this tribute to hts sterling business capacity: "Mr. M P. Hoff man. bookkeeper for tbs Alabama Na tional llahk, and one of the drearest fellows In Birmingham, will Move In a few days for Philadelphia, where he will Join hla i tot tier In lha oonduet of a large entloe beelnees. No young business man In Birmingham has omre friend* or a higher reuatstluu for ster ling wur'h end his departure will be rag reusd bilk* by baaloaaa sasoclatea and social olreMa." T>xy ere both ease of Dr. aod Mr*. W. U. Hoffman of oar town. Mr. Mike* Hoffman will •paod e few dare at home before going on to Philadelphia. Mr. Cullen Hoff man. a Mil) younger brother, thinks <>f going Into business with hla brothers. Tltera *m a nmn'ter of eaaea be fore ble Honor Mayor Rankin Ibla wart. J. P. Boyd and Bod Lay ware ebargwl with being drunk and dia»r dvHy to wbteb a Boa of 16.00 wea at le olied In naeh Oaaa. All the other mm aa follow* war* of oolored euliirita. Jan* Randlertmn and Adam Ortar gnt Into Borrow to tlia *aeli for a “drunk and diaordarly” wbil* Wb. Ooforth, who dluturtied ih* enogregatlon a faw DlghU «gn and waa out a oku orlap V tharafnr, waa bound orer to ooort for ataailng a watch and aant to Jail. Will la Moaaly “ouaaad" aoaaa on tha atraala Sunday, and waa loeky to get off without leaving behind more than two dollar*. William and Room Jonea Committed a breach of the peace at a cent of III 00 apiece. Ard last hut not teoat. Alloc Oxffney and Mary Ratch ford were fined 17 00 each fm a breach uf tha peace, ntlierwlaa known as Behllng, and ti 00 mere were laid on Alina'* o«ntrlballon In the town trwuury f„r having kept a diaordarly bouae. Total abont ISO. Mini Lowtuurm. 1%* Mf«l aag UMUitrur •Mkiy ■—mat Wwk -IW Uu4h Mmi l» li-TTrfll r«raaaal ««—y,, carwataa W Tha Oasails Itimt, Jan. 6—After (he holiday* we hare lei tied beck Into wen god doings pretty much the lame as before. School >uw opened again and the children are ]u»t aa frolicsome aa errr If not more au. 1 read in your Tuckaaaega onrreapon deuce tlwt they bad a flue good time over lb ore and that th,y call It the ‘•garden spot *o." Well, I hadn't In tend'd naying anything about our (Ariel maa tree, but protetbly had bet ter tell the Tovkaarega people that the ••garden” ranches us and taken us la. We had s delightful time st oar tree end Mr. Laban Llneberger acted Bas te Clause to the delight of all. Many beautiful present* were exotuugad and everybody araut home happy. Our literary society met (sat Friday night after two weeks’ euepaosloo and rendered g delightful poarraia appro priate for the Wew Year. Two parts deaei ring special mentiuu were an es say by Mias Kalla Llneberger oo “ How to make a Happy aud Prosperous Jfew Year,” aud also a piano solo by tbs samo gifted lady. Aud stUI they come. I see Mr. J. A. Oox and family are miring Into town. Me wlU nyec a wood ehnp. Uev. O. A. Miller held hit Brel oom tnuakni serrtce fur the year oo last Saturday aud Suuday. Mr. I-»l>s Bell and Mies Wllknreon. of MuAdeuaville, were married last Sunday night at her horns oo Factory Hill. You wkllhesr of atom sum If one may judge from tbe way the Register was leaning last Monday. llklkwieurua. The Board uf County Com mtMloners o*> last Uood-iy accepted Ur. A. K. Loftin'* bond* nod Im »h sworn lu as sheriff of Gat too County. Thu Sher iff elect appeared with Jodie Aroil etead Burweil end W. H. l*via, Baq., aa oueueet. Tbe Board bad IU rwular Hitorney, Ur. O. V. Macon. Mr. Lof- i Un tandcred bund* much strengthened as ooojpared with those tendered a mouth ago. by rraaou of tbe addition of sureties Irvin Catawba. Lleeole. and Mecklenburg countire. Tbe eommla ahmets ware eat lelbd that they were safe in aeoaptlug u<e buodsand did so 1 promptly. i Thirty flee years ago the folks, Ug sad little, on Mr. John Derr's planta tion near dtaoley Creek were rejoicing over the arrival of a pretty tittle bay mule colt. Last weak on the same place lire faithful old animal, full of year* and uwrful service, laid barself dowu and died, aad Mr. Derr’S fotka were lo sorrow, as anybody ebtrelJ bave been, over lbe death of a patient dumb actual frtend. When tbe Yan kee* [lamed through during the war they took Darby with Urea, but *hu worked some sort of trick, wbleh only mules know I tow to work, s»«l effected her recaps, returning home after three days, to the great joy 0f tbe fatally. Mr. Derr baa reload nice boys, and every mother's non uf them learned to plow behind Darby. Tire girt* of the family, too, we don't know now many, all learned bow lo ride aad drive by practicing on Darby. But Darby Is gone now. There wren few alien mules, end to this family her Ilk* will bardly be fuuud again. Heferrlng to the notice that ap plication will be made to the Legisla ture to amend tbe charter of Gastonia, ere have Information that the commis sioner* are taking step* to learn the feeling uf tba elllssn* generally on aaveral matters of pukfte Interest, dome of the question* considered re late to enlarging tbe authority of tbe commissioner* so as to allow them to buy, bold, sod sell real estate, to imae bonds to a limited extent, and to raise the rate of taxslVm lo a point adequate to supply funds w th which l« pay interest uo any bends that asay be Issued, and to gradually pay off the principal. The object* for which bonds are most likely to be leaned are, drat, waterworks, and. second, graded school*. The Gkiarrt* hopes that eltlmns who am interested will use lu column* freely to dlaeora these mat ters. Come on witb a part of tha hundred oummunteatluns we naked fur. Mw«U« «ri«a SlmS—lan. F. M. Gallant adeertlies for 100 busheia of pesse. Arm strong Furniture Company has second hand buggies for sale cheap. Notion la given that application will be made to the Legislature to ameod tba charter of tbe town of Gaston ta. Mr. HI moo Bell advertises for tale at public auothm two tne* of toad, farming Implement*, lire stock, grain and fredeluff. Goat Mr, Jones and Company extend Mew Ymr’i greeting and will bare something of Interest to aay to tbe pub lie next week. First Mattowal Beak adds lint of di rector* recently elesSed. enlarges aor plun and proSts Item, “°d publishes aggregate of deposit*. The Oaxwtt* Job Department he* something to aay la trebalf of thorn who need job printing. - I 0->l u ruble 8t*te: Thar* U a at or? oat that when a «*a®'ttaa of Wall atrent apnrnUtora waited on PraaUaut Clwalaod the other day and roggratad the reaonl of 8aetwUry CartUla In oaaaa hla eomaey bill lud Intar far red with their hood profit*, the Preeldenl awnre. Wa hope ha did. It War the right thing for him t° d«». a—t TeO—a ggar an taabe raw l tea »**» iTtasor aura. The Rook mil BtraU my* diphthe ria la prevalent la Cbeeter. I The new Supreme Court JaUgre wore a worn In Haw T war 'a day by Judge A. C. Avery. The Topic expects Lenoir to make rapid pregreae this year. May lu ex preuttoaa be trained. thpt. w. H. Bam—r, the 9 V* ag I corsion man, baa moot pled tbeposttkm or maoiger of • ‘Florida oa Wheels." A atrong oompany baa bought MO,. 000 eorre uf land in Moore county and will Improve It for town aliee for Morthefn aatUaii. State T—earn Worth does not go Intu ufllce until the 99td of Juaary. The legislature baa to aenvaaa tba voCa for Treasurer. The director* of the Raleigh Os— Mm bare formally announced that that paper will not enter the eoataet for the State printing. Mr. James W. Osborne, a brother of Attorney U cur ml Oa borne, — fa— apgolutrd a felt aaelstaul District At torney Is New Toak CHy at a salary of Med doreaie run peat near Sallabery, eays tba BtraU. A hmee and a pig liave base bit leu and a floe sow to having peculiar actions I ad last I re of hydrophobia. . Mr*. Turn1! ana, Harry Martin, had a firtit with a paper hangar lo WaehtngtMi tb* other day. Martin waa put ia charge of a policeman, but aoeiebudy put up 116 oollaUral and ba waa relnmad. The Topic aaya all tb* loa bouarw fa latuolr have lawn filled with laa from two to three inebaa thick. Ua* thi* big too liar Teat any relation to lb* barroom 1 toapect* that bare no auddauly loosed up over theref Theta *ra 68,000 acre* of orange grovra In Florida aod 08.000 acraa nor* of rooug tree* that will oom* in to hearing lo Iba next four year*. Them grove* produce at tba rat* of 100 boxaa to Ut* aero. Tb* Rock Hill Kuigbte Of* will celebrate tba Slat of Fubrnary a* the aoniTaraary of tba Inatttutton of thalr lodge. After an addraaa by Dr. TburnwMl, of Boat MlQ, member* and p*M* will enjoy a Uanoaet at tb* Caro lina boUL In elotong a comtauntcatioa to tba Balalgb Smm aod Obmrmr tailing of Wg bo** killed lu hit vicinity, Mr. J. H. Mo ring, of MorrievCIa, Wake oounty, write*: "W# boaat of more bag* and fa war doga In town than any other place ia tb* State” The Charlotte Sam hear* that thing* ar* being ah aped to rua Saoator Ban aam for Oovaruor. U think* tba Dem ocratic party ought to hare loomed enough aeua in the leal election to look out for naw auatartal and lot tba timber that ha* goo* lo tba bottom It* I bar*. Tb* topic aaya a ragged and ditty tramp viaitad roveral piece* In Lenoir aaklBg fur aonp. Ilia tmpodenea frightened on* lady. The Topic aaka, Waa h* craxy. or what waa the matter with liimT Likely bo1* era*/. At all erauta. .that aaop feature I* m gbtlly agmiuata auppoaltlou of orthodoxy. Tb* Sam aaya tb* araaion of tb* Second Praab} tartan (Burch of Char lotte ba* atop pad tha payment of Cbolr alngrra Henafler Ui* attiring will b* upon a ■voluntary beat*. Tb* chaoga wa* quite uotloaabia Sanday night, ao the Sam ray*, bat whether for batter or for wore* our contemporary omitted to cay. Aricb find of gold on bla premia** about three aod a half mite* from Lia oointoo make* MaJ. H. W. Burton a bum man. Tlia min# waa worked on a email acala Iwfore tha war bat baa beau lying Idle *e«r aiuea. Recently pani«a bare obtained much gold from It by wnablng aril. Ob* pteoa walked more than half an ouuo*. The Hickory Mercury will b* mevrd to Sawtuo. Tb# Emtiyriw e*ye that it appear* to liapraUy wall aattted that J. F. Click will ba Miter, J. D. Al bright, baalnea* manager, and CM. H(Mebrand peoarml director. Among tb* largaot etock hoMar* are bran Moah Be finger, J. J. Mott, and B. Z. Linnay. The Grade oorreapondetio* of th* Statesville Landmark contain* th* fol Iowing: "Tlie cheapest horse wa have on record was traded It lb la aetgbber hood through Utiristcaaa. It waa traded drat for a pocket knife aad than ■old for ten eamts, aad thea wt> swapped for e quart of whiakey for a Christmas dram." The Grade correspondent of the 8tetr**IUe Landmark trite of a flight at a Wllkea ecuety tiorying a tow days ago. Christmas day one of tha men waa Ijriag dawn end the ether one abut three pistol bells la to the grnnad near hh bead. When they east at the grave Urn two Wilke* bullies attaokod aaeb ctlwr aad fnofht until both gave out and could hardly gat np. Governor Carr baa laaoad a warrant fur thvrxenuilonat Durham, February Mi, of Rita Norwood, a young woman, wlm ran>drml bar Infant olilld by placing pint In ita month aad forcing It to swallow them. Tire child died In e tow days, after aeflering Intense Kin. The murder whs committed it spring, sad attracted much si tcnttim. Site wee tried and sen tee rail to be banged March HU, but appealed to the Supreme court, which tgnu the rati eg of the lower eowrt. Ik tbe optutoa of the Sop re me court, the deadlines of e weapon I epee 11 mere upon the meaner of ita age then upon Ita Intrineto n store. ' _ Before Few » ■ • , fekaerft* foriey Other Secular Paper Take The Paper Published At Your Own iroate. TUB OAXBTTB, gr.joe Four. Remit by stall to W. P. If AsigAiL, ltdltor, Oaateaia, N. C Ifyoa km n dm* at Ida Gajbtt* adtea, ttwIllbadaM rlftt. U win ha dam la wyla, a*d H alwaya aalta. Tbaaa poiataai* worth aaeaidarlac 1* any work, hat abort all tblon* -ii--! YOUR JOB WORK. —yyiowww '(SK'i'W'] sFJEXSusasxi i ouwaoataaaa, and waboypapar J ttoak and athar material at ! raak huitoa aaah-fn-adraaaa J prtoaa. Tbaaa are tha maaona ! why la *alak work, mod work, < oarraat work, atyliab work, and low prtoaa wo ou>; iunulably < ( flap yoa aattotocUca la ] YOUR JOB WORK. Pr*p*r*U»cfr"to nin«| wo < can took* rpoeial out prtoaa oa \ oartaia llnaa et war*. Don't ! waaU yowr wooay. Oat prtoaa (row tlw Omm adtoa. J R. 0* WARREN, -Blackiniithr1 Exteuds New Yeur Greetlnfi to iU his Customers. U« vtUtew —■rffai—t u *»7 to tlirm from time to Um la thto apM* 4wtac Um •owtagftar. -XT TUB OASlCMUrm, jemiT aid ic8ic nott SMLEC1 WHAT TOUWAMTi OUR PRICES DO THE BIST. 4“*- Srrs5w»if^ -—. . ii > w. a. nun. , . «. KMM Dr*» Wilson ft Sion* . FVfUnftM A HD tUMMN. Often their nmf—limel fti chine U oUtian* of oJ^rSrJSS^i' ooimtry- • • ' - • Call* left id Turreaca’* Drag Start wilt twain proa* attaatia? 40* or dar. I. L. Janam, rrmUnt. e. a First National _Or GASTQXiA, X. G, COIIIICKO BOSDEU AM. i, IIH. ■ *.?«. Capital Stock -MSOjOOC Surplus & Undivided Profits** - $Htli Depoeits (Jan. 9th)..—._._* Dividends paid since organisation, lllMIOO. \ iiS Bauklag Hours: V ain, to 3 p. m. . 'T ». a. oorrm. W. x. jose*. s. X —«—«« v COSTNER* JONES & COMPANY, Extend New Year’s Greetings to the pub lic and respectniUy ^ invite attention to • * what they will have ^ to say in this spaoe from week to week, . ' ;'!l beginning with next issue. ® goes >

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