MM •*« •Mini hi the adaty put «Wft tha grttonhlldl them la the moat SSh^Sfcaa u< lw» at* hut la gnat profaalao aad la a* tadaaartb ■Utaaaa that to make* the aaoaat mm adparQ aad groat rtIHralty. Hrw jfktowtojto toy, apaah daww into tolllMhlMtoahaabpinfpUattlt toaaaUawtiimwy tor i^JTl ■to*to a* Ih* pt^UtoT^^of^ »a»|i Iratlag aotoiag hat for tha myotlAad wtkmr ta (*aaa to had toaay haw* he** tha atari** eiiw* toted at the woadirfal eater* that **. traded frua tha toka of to* great ahhanay. A atoat oahU waa provided ■a* a hatoet aaraag troaa a pel lay. Hoe. leaaph. with taaitrt aad aoto> hash, waa aarefully lowered —t tore* haadrad aad tavaaty-atght feat, whaa ha aotlaad aa apartar* in tha aid* of the ebhnaep. aad. bp atfitala agtaad apea. a halt waa aallad bi hit toro*gh aotoft far tha great nhlamey. aai ta« oi tsplonUoa btfia. The An* tight that Ma^hh^anUatUbod •Haaod graUbeMlp, wMatTwar* aa haaaad 'iy the light at thaaaadla. aad atrash tenor to hi* heart, aa to* i to* I aft wt|**pad to* explorer wtto aaa ttoatoy too* atwi ta hod* ao good, —dhaloagtdfarldaUttla jkm. A • s £3 Jr, raagmaaatt i laataad to to* ft rat tlilahi aad moat ad *0 diatoteta of Frvaeh Id A rOMtaNJMOOSTRY. Md aoid forty than B1" RfU» hy rtaga aiaaa MCI, tk# mUa aai ta aa oacr wttk a nlto that' Mftodaaaaoraar kda gray amataaha. “Sot air,-ha eeo ttanad, “tboamlnagof apUtataal riaga ia an art that w* harao't got hold of T**i MNkta, aad I aaoat aay I oftu wcndarat It." “What* am tkay aada. tkaaP Tht baat, air, ara amda aboat fifty mraa adhamihdda od PM^tt a llttto ■atjadawitaa Tka aan kad Hagaaaa anda la ShaOatd. Ka whUa riaga ml kafark-r qaallty, (rata Bwadiah lroa, ara ataaatn la dlaaaa. I don't know that __ tarara, kat tka rvanakaaan h thia, aa ia *» "«7 thinga, hna got tka turn of ■aklagtkair tklaga took trail Tka B> riaga ara pollahad with oil “d way, aad that ginm thorn a dull •taaly took, wkila tka Ikwak riaga ara y°ikkwi by tka dry proaaat. wttk wkat tkay call 'orooaa powtlar,’ a aortof "Wh»t m tha wtrtaas la of M«t ring*' tha ma waa ashed. “Tha —Hut that I over handled, - ho replied, “ware three-aUteeatha of aa lath aaraaa. They ora gilded whan thay raaah this soma try aad in aaad to ®haag Jewelry. Tha hrfwt key ring. I aver wdd ware two aad a half Iwehee la die am ter. aad thoaa I «>M to tha wardaaa at Blag Wag. la (ant. they are called—on Hags. That key rlag with tba two Utile kaoha or hon throagh irklah yoa slip tha kry, U alao a Ftawoh maanfartore, aad Indeed I hare never aaaa aa American key rlag aaaaat that ctamsy UvUa thing whare fa have to Move arooad a mall roaad doaMt ylato with a notch la IV aad *haa tprlagouttbe open aad of tha ring throagh Am aotah. I moat ur." sow shuicd the little ou. musingly, “I j ■ht woador why wa don't aaahe ooar hare. Brea mow there , a mty-dve par east date aa thaw, aad they avoid ha aold at half thatr nraaeat ho ad led ovary year la tliU eoantry MACHINC-MADC SPEECHES. ***** **_tterwCoae taf'dii tv a IMM n^JUk lAEMKjg t. Thwa la ao deahh that bath tha type wntiag aaanhin. aad tha phonrgnnli ■** »•** •ngaaloaa aad aaafnl Inwrv tloaa, bat tha ahiaf diduolty with than, aaya tha Kaw Ycwk Times. la that they oanaot fas made to act auto mation U/. It la la order to Oil this ■»at that a Aiatk.gol.had lavaator. wboM name W for tha prevent with held. has Invented aa automatic writer, and. Judging from tha private eshlbl tloaof tha manhlaa which waa rreaotly fives In Imndoa to a committee of mambenof tha Boyal society. It hid. (Mr to prove tha gram lest kaveutioa of tlHa or aay age. U appearance Urn machine la mid to ha not wholly unlike a typewriting —shine. It, however, U provided with • s< hopper, la which ara placed block, at typo metal,aaoh ooa of whioh kprrihd with a complete word, hr —ad of a .ingle Uttar tThaa thia hopper la Iliad and the small etoetria aaglaa which furnishes tha motive powkr of tha maohlas la eat la net low It aaily begin, to print. Of eouma. what la printed fiapeml. In a good de 1 graa upon tha telartloa of words which erepteead hi tha hopper. hatHUu —od the aiaahlaa can fan aaad for almost aay sort of eompoaKioa. At Urn exhibition already mentioned *ha hopper waa Eltod with a inpply of word, relating to Urn English political **—'l)cl»i sad la tea miantea after the aaglaa and boon start od tha maahlac had (printed two-fall aotamaa, each of ahoat tha laagth of ah ordinary col *i 8/ * nowepapar. Wkaa theas ware find they wars instantly raoogatoad to cm krwi ruUU atyto of Mr- Gladstone The hopper was nest Oiled with a oboice mtoetioa of tha vary flaaat words hi the tea rasgu, and tha marhlaa tharsnpna wrtelad what waa at oaao porealvod to ho aa aaj after tha mawaar of Mr aa pallHwl aaoaomy. Moca wawlt wars added aad three pagan of what aay crtUo would have uabari tattogly aaatptad aa a from a aaw novel by Mr. Meredith delighted the oooualttoa. Tha last azparlamnt was made with tha hopper Sited with words takas from the Hlaog Diction ary aad the reealt waa a story la die loot wblah waa bald to ho re porter to afaoaat aay dlateot story hHborto pah U«k«d. A» ***d mpla Urlaf eoaU of B***n.lad.,wto> had devoted ttolr throe aaoaa »o4 too to rani ttfe aad tto ■aidaff o4 a tent, mid ttolr aioa«thoaaa«Mad Hatora thoo •and dollars. Wtoa tto pairtoocr oallod with a notary to «Uao op tto daal by taking tto dead of till*, the totbacd tori nc dflnad oadpamod k to th* wife, oha poaltivalp tofaaad toafea wkhoat a eoadderaOoe. tayfaw tto had apaal her life la atakta* thaler*, rad had atrw rot Mead aejldap Me ooaid tali hor oara aad Boor waa tor naam ttohy. Tto hrahaad felled to mSitj M*«ad tiiai the tl|i»tot Thaatha y»"*iar atfead to kjww what the woald tatoaad dpa tha deed. feerfei that ah* woaJd to azaatiap btpdUa fedlaHlta to eewylpTfler a rad tto oopht to'to^a two deUw^VUk toagWatarar tor good laak dto^lSl “WrO. wan. thia la the drat Map I toot roar tod fat *p life that I tali rail ay awa aad raoad K aa I way wiah ri’jAaonE.dra^d. ftorhria Aora A law dayaaa* a pood look I to yaatiy todi wa tool C. NT, RrjM at rack lawn aad wrat to tto latn A Haruwn n<ak •Nil a Itok for Idd aa Ih>n44*i ■at to el Batik of K.nrar.lfe. Tmm». Hr wa* rraa’r-d i« pit lewd iwdotw r. aad lit a afewt ttoo toeaara toak with ft. f. >waa*» iiataa rwd"th»d aa tto Htrrk. Ua pUjrd tto aaww too a to tto flrat Vntloaal Haak. ahdfhd pB ttota. Of aaartw I* fiiratd tto. to wikwat, Tto kudu waato to dud flKrSHfMt* 1 a ONB yUEEN IN INDIA. Ttoitonn of Itilpl la a vary bmtifal wriwia Har tall Ug-ere to draped with airy aad arti.Ua effect. The rahaemmtota of teach aofi ln,Ua •'•oat her la myaterloaa gran, a Tory ■; ilsma ai garment without the ea F lunation at a ntngto ititeh It »■ cW ly platted at tba wetot la tract. telling la a Caa-Ulce train erar the tael, aad aatonrd with a bead at gold that to ataddad with eraaeaataot paaria Tbit carmen* to abort la tba hack aad to brought orar the ahaelilere, hanging la aoft, looea foldn Bar left arm dia plhya » bracelet at oaaUy pci at rare brntuty aad of profound htotorto tw toraat which oarrina oca back to the time of Cleopatra. It wma found among new other bartad tram aa more than a century ago, when the remote eoeee I ««» law king acquired It. This tnoalat U supposed to have tha power to fA* tha venom of all speelre of rep tflen A Uay licked ebaln connects II to ant of bo lam value at Urn wrist. Jeweled tan.lals grace ber otherwise uncled nether 11mbe. aenaonated be anklets of gold. hbe will often express to bar Monde the great pleasure It would afford her to be able to go freely among bar peo ple- ThU la, however, forbidden her by the exacting aad severe lew of bar oAto. for. being a Brahmin, aba Is obliged to adhere striotly to tbe "law of luoloeure." 1 bis compels her at the age of twelve to be retted and live in seclusion for tha remainder of bar life. Thia rigid deprivation of all enjoyment of the world la a ere warily a severe •hook to the eensfbfMBty of even an testers queen. Never again doc* aha receive or converse with one of tbe op posite sex, save only her kdsband. tbe maharajah. Xeither la a domestic of her hoaeehold permitted to look apne her, otherwise her easts would be broken aad her birthright canceled. TUa law among high mate aeema cruel and Inconsistent, bet the penalty of disobedience is snprema The violator of a law so sacred among tbe an aa that of “iaolosiso” hen a horrible des tiny awaking bar. Mbs Is expelled from among War tribe ta aim nan to bo some aa oetenet, exiled from within tha walla of tha oily tor bar crime. Bat tbe present mhaissN. says a foreign exchange, now la her twenty fourth year, baa ala little brown faoca to cheer bar aolltnda Her apartamnta. large aad luxurious, occupy one aide of the poison, opening one into an other. Through long tapestried win dows aha step* into her private gar dens, where tba atr la perfumed with tba delisknu fragrance of Bowers. Tbe HUle rustle bridges that great tba eye occasionally through these grounds aeaaeet the many beautiful terraces beneath which Bows a refreshing and babbling brook, which, however, must bobbin no morals Rivulets and brooks too tvaannas ta India. They are law sad far between in this regtoo of mag nlBasaaa Bara tbe royal prisoner, for ■o she la. taken her dally exert:Isa. Joined oeeaalonally by her children, who some with the delightful aaOd pation of hearing some aew fairy tales from tha lips of the beautiful mem ••bib—who happen* to be a rare story toll» ee she la aaatsil la one of her tororlte arbors where the eltron vinca ••vulop the happy little group, a pie tore only eastern. When the DMJiArtoe« viibei to Uati her apartment* tba eotamaad I* given, > la a moment the turbaoed at > that crowd the hall* d Ia si If by ample. Tba xiteoco fallows andean tba surroundings with tha air of a sanctuary rather «*»» that of a paisas Presently there breaks upon Urn stlllaem tha faint Holding of a bell that aanoanccH the royal pressure, aad the mahareaes oosare forward, stately, gracious, kind ly, "every In eh a qnoen." Whom aha drives into Um country la her state oarrlago—a relaxation which Aa thoroughly enjoys, being n tree lover of nature -aha must go closely retied. Barely a week passes without a trip through the picturesque miedoaru lying batn»sea Kaalgal and Bangalore. Here tha rugs of mountains to tbe want with their majestic skylines show to tbe greatest advantage tbe play of light aad shade at sanest IB warning. IM uunm occopu* r.T»U coapwlmcaU, which in higb dtonrihd Bad dallaWljr hrahiud hi oriental atyl*. arranged ao that aha aay with aeaa eajoy the view of tha Utu aad plain* aad yet aot be aeaa, accompanied by her ladle* la waiting, who ehar* the earn* privilege- When tba d*«tl nation ta roan hid ao awning la Immediately areatad which farm* a aaaplat* peerage to the atat* earrlar* that a walla her, eo that there la ao p.a dhl* ahaaa* of m Untying the aartinu gaaa of an Bailee who patiently look for her arrival. She la al way* glad to *** “■nraaoan Indian." aa ah* I* pUead to *aU all forelgaw*. ao m*H*r of what eatl rme lljy. She eavenm bar ly la aeveral of the native language*, ••poola’ly Dtedoatonl aad Casaraaea. aad apeak* Kngllah daently. Kb* loro* ta haar of other aoaatriae. aad tha habft* aad laefnmi at ether people, ■he ta partfaulariy lataraatod (a all thatpaatatoe to inmrlna A HBmpea at vh* rap* The pop* la fandof attUag la kia tar dea with hi* eearitery oa aloar, warm daya Be to a moat attraatlr* Igvv aaatad than, to hto par* wbfta rob** of oaqaWt* taataaa aad 1m ana re lata ; alaanlfaaae Ho to a ptieiaa aad fa» Udtooa aeaa, aad oa thorn robe* to name area a treoo of tha read to whtoh Pto Howo wao eo devoted The fee* of Vm XIII. toe benevolent one. aad hi* fa| ddo aad whlu hair aomMaa with hto gaatla orprimfun tiareata the atmm jha»* at portly aad owiefaim a boat A Warn IT«v*lv of -tent Oavto. latoiaipalb fared. f*vaamnwl fajaapavt. Waw5?7*<av twin treat purbal, 'WHI amah laaet Ik* ham, f tt. l/ ik MihaMm Itoaib* Unehran haohlehad dawn I be ladder aa wMrh ha rtfmed. If hr nanrmt ImM nn at thmlna toata to ptoaty of i«om at Ur bottom rrniPPtD «v uqhtnino. CharW* H. HoCmd. of liutt*. Hat, waa Banding at the mouth of a *tn» not lot to wba* ha wa* atraok by lightning Th* thunderbolt, be think*, Irat »track th* atraw hat h* waa wan* tog- td It tor* a hole la th* hat that amt part of th* rim. Than It tor* hi* atothtog tola abrade and left him naked Both hla oearulU aod tha ahlrt ha waa wearing prawn ted tha appear* •no* of haetog pamed through a **u •aga mia Nobody **o toll Urn why h* era* not killed by tha lightning. Tha bolt, heanya, after Doming through hi* bat, attach him no the Moulder aod ran the fall length of hi* body, barn tog U># akin toaiwtapnathaddaud leg*. It alao eat hla laft foot on the ski* and bottoaa trunking th* boo** of tha foot. "My dot hoe xn tors to pieeea and throws from my body - add Mr. Hoff man to a Writ* for the New York World, “and my shoes war* torn (rota ay feat." H. become uneqwtriou* a* soow at be waa struck by the lightning aad did not lU/tve for *n hour and a half. When he regained hie Beusos lioffmao waa In great pain and he wee confined to the hospital for ulae week*. When floffmnn'a ulnthiog was ***—after tha soot dent It wu eeaa that la muiy fdaoee the Ufbtolnj hod cal the doth as neatly aa If It baJ been dona with a react- Some of the out* were long aad straight- The lightning took hke clothes off quicker than he eoald here aodroeeod hlmeelf, aiul h threw them IsspUiMoae side of the trash, with hU shoes carefully deposited beside the pile. The clothe* er-jmed to hare been neatly folded until they were exam ined aad found to be e pile of rags. Hoffman's “pants’ had been yanked off him without the formality of pulling them over his (net. This seemingly Im possible task was accomplished by I the lightning first setting each leg - open, and then It appeared to here tak en them by the seat aad dropped them on the coat, aad to finish tbs )ob by depositing Mr, Hoffman’* strew Hat <m top of all. After It got through with Hoffman txu* rtaurtibU ftrtmk of lightning run along a metal truck Into the (Hangar? mine, at the mouth of which he had been working, run to the end of tha shaft, which la tour hundred tost below the rorfaoe of the ground, and than it ran along a "cross out" two hundred fast whart it brans bed off and tor sixty feet followed s "wiaae.’ There ware scree el mon at work at this pfiU»d all wees more or Ices stunned. The bolt of lightning went into the earth when H rsnehed the rad of tha “wiaae." noffssan is now known la Butte aa 'the hamao lightning rod." 8HAVINU IN JAMAICA. IS Is (Meatier » Ung ntsensre l-nml The natives of Jamaica hare no need to bay soap, fur tha woods abound la plants whose Wares and bulbs supply vary trail the piece of that Indispensa ble article. Among the bast of then* la tha soap tree, to oaUad. though 11 to more a bash than m true. Its botanical name la Phnlaagtum I'Dtneridlacam. Its bulb, when rubbod on wet clothes, makes a beautiful lather, which emails much like the common brown soap. The Jamaica iiegrnse some of whom art grunt dandles la their way. moke a soap out of ooeonnot oD sod home made lye; nod e fine soap It la, smooth sad fragrant TbU eoeonout-oil soap la used tor sharing. When a bud wishes to share la the morning he starts out with his ooooa nut-shell cap and hie donkey-tell brush sad a bottle, ft Is never any trouble to find aa empty bottle In Jamaica, even In the mountains. At least twenty genera lions of thirsty people hare lived there, and thrown away the empty bottles. The man carriea no mirror, because he has none to carry. Not one negro cabin la a do sen ha* area e cheap Woklag-gUsv Bet esters provides the mirror aa well as the eocp. The maw geo* to a convenient pool lu the mo no te la stream. rrliere the ureter 1* still, and there U hie mirror- lie breaks hie bottle an a stone and picks oat a good sharp pteee. Than he lathers hla face profusely aad begins to scrape away with hie piece at glass, which works almost as well as a sharp rasor. Tha mea rarely out themselves in the operatlow. -At first.” sere a New York Bun writer, “I trembled for them, but afterward 1 tried the method myself, end soon became almost on expert at It." WORK WITHOUT PAV. Fm authera Wba DhUm ta Aw eepe Mmmwr la Their (Tab This is tree of Const Lyof Nlkol sWrltoh Tolstoi. Ue (baaosa Baaalaa sathor. who, whlla Is tha army as S meal bar of the at** °* <*Hses Oorta shaknff. wma passant st tha stormiaff at Hebaetnpo) t» l*14 LeeWay tha army. and already s (amass pom sad novelist, ha dovolod himself to Iter ators. and spent a abort time la the ■mat brilliant lllerrry sad social alrolas of Hv Potern burp Btooa hie man-tapa ha has Ursd mors or lam la retirmsent, sad dorla* the Rnaaisa (aislsos of 1M1 sad IRK mods float efforts on behalf of tha pasasata os and la tha vicinity °* hU aaWtas la Us latter rear Const Tolstoi reaipned all mis] 4sadtef asd prlrtlspaa of hla rank, sad ha sow devotes moat of bis tinea and money to ft001 works. whte Urinp as poorly oa say of tbs ammo try Re Cato that tha literal taler pratntionef Us Sartaon on Urn Monat t tha only rule of Christies Ufa. sad ha has -Taiimlr deoil sad to a rail him self of any oopyrlfht >■ hla winks or Is *-lalliiaa of them Into other 1—riapm Or. Jobs Chorlsa Kyle, h4ahop of Liverpool, hna writes shore two hsadrod traata as rallptoss nV ^masy Of wklafc hats baas trsaa and re printed la Pranah. (lay mas, Dntok. Portsjrnme, Itates, ■smtan. KWafftoa. RwadhU Dsatob Hladoatanl. sad Chlsaaa, sad It la mid that be will tabs nothin* from lbs psbUahere for them and will asks aa Orodl from l how* 1ISS1IP l0Votfvawim VW MAtefl a Ia a l*^AkVjr nr, •hn Wit 5dyV IWj-dlm Theda* they tma optba r^hrnt Mi am af appmlw, rHlrw r«nnl| a»l.m. mrrn ■IhnlUbf ard .|ea-m* warms flria. 4kta at) o-l 0> rjit r -N • aow f a—« p— j--' -g- Jrr' sals by <L«mpR. I HEW BOOKS FOR ALL? A WEALTH or CLASSICAL LITERA TURE AT MERELY IOKI KAL PRldES. 1. The Rkvkkie* or a Dacouiii, o* a Hook or th» Hiaut. Uy Ik MmiwI (UhmiIU U. Milcliell. I-at* or A koi knt Rome. lly Lurd Macaulay. A Tilltloaa Scakdal. J. M. Barilru Tub Hovsb or tub s*tbm ga NailutnlH llttwIHorur. Cbamfobd. lly Mr*. Gatk'll. Thb (Tomimo Rack. Lord Dbxam Ur*. By in MnrwL Frahkkk*teim; ob tub Mod bum pRUBCTHBr*. Mr*. BUrlley. A Book or Golimw Prbi>*. By C. M. Took*. . Komi non AN Olu Man a* lly X-.lhanM Hawthorn*. Tub Hoaklkt Lbttkb. By MatlMUinl Hawthorne. . Bbah or Elia. Hy Oukrlea Tamil i - Vicab or Wakktibld Dy Oliver Guldralth. u. Twice Told Tales. By Nathaniel Hiwttewne. IS Paul ahd Viroixia. By Bernardtn tie Saint Plena. O. Utoet or ax Apbican Farm, By tlt*l|>t> Iron) Olive Bolt miner. 17. LaT« or tme Scottish Cava tI»E». Wa. SdmooMoune Aytoun. IS LuctlE, By Owen Meredith, lit. Dreams. By Ollvs Schreiner. JO. Black Beautt. Anna Sewell. JL One or the Pnoprmum. A Charming Theatrical Novel. 8- Sartor Revabtua. By Thomas Carlyle. B. Tbb Idtlls or the Kixq. By the lale Lord Tennyson. $4. The Pleasures or Lips. By Sir John Iaibbock, Bt.. -6. Tbb Last or tub Labe. By Sir Waiter Scott.1 rc. Mornino* in Florence. By John Ruakto. U L. D. ■ 7. Rab axd bis Friends. ! By Dr. Mu Brown. P. Whittier*a Porn*. i By John Ureeulmf Whittier. .0. Tub Greatest Thing imtdii World andOtubh Addmembb. By Pruire*>r Usury Drumauiud. >0. Lalla Booku. By Tbnmas Moore. SI. LcsarntowT Pores, U 1m Memoriae. By Albert Lord Trooysoo. S3. Tub Princess. Uy Allied Lord Tennyson. 1 •4. Rasselas. By SamoH Johnson, L. L. D. j 16. Selection* prox Robert ' Browning. P. Part and Pbesrivt. By Thomas Carlyle. 37. Meditations or Marcus Ad enlius Antoninus. 3A Heroes and Heed Woesrit. By Thomas Unilyle. : W. Tales prox 8marespeabe. By Cliarha Laiah. First series. K'. Tales prom Shakespeare By Charles Lamb. Second series. Jl. Sesame and Lilies My John Buskin, LL. D, wi4irli to ik« world :snm5t<s«~o?srvuTB,s£B w»d m H>Fk*tortad bemunrw, wH| t» **pcr a. Qummx or thb An, flj John (turtle. AS. Prxxiota Coox Book. By Marloo Kurland and Otbara. I **■ TH Mill cm -rum Flam*. Part! By Oavrga BUut. AS. TXiMiuoxtiiFuma Part 9. By Goon* Bitot wait om • r »«f »«4n«* • %r%v«* . li ft rftMrmlnt *117. thm rtmnirtrve brcnoi* By*of »W rwilir. and beohnwlbe hhUory of IVitti and Myn, Till him’ wfh a itMOtoo Mjrh ** ^ *° **rowt‘n w iwt» t«7 old 44. Boxola. Part 1. By Georg* Eliot. 47. 11 o*ola. Part 2. By (rerxR* Eliot. TRe Inaomit el tbla rreai aury k Kin an* kern MoranUnr oar.* ,1, la ihatxyaor tlx r*. koward roOjrmcr. parnot-*nxi, and atnroa man. davpaarnta. Am*l tlx eptuadtd can us*, flora ortho lulaaa St- aakamaa, bu na tt>v r..Miner and rular or an btaal i knaai tuvub br, and, atKil v.nQuIdud by Ibe (artrrr of Ibaae. aafind uan>n)oa r<r tar mu* m wbbrk ha life had been dudiaahed. SeenIXro U’ecpmmahdln* ,iod Mia ly Mwinel.r ax bound in ink .an >1 Iry a mne it band. It, xr.rul.uily to tb>. Maraaiar o< R..aj. la b-r» II. Imeout in arbcn lacrruao mm ibe laiut maaoi-. Toovind aua niu> wrani iba uutbnr xtvaitc Iba era aad BbM 11 real 111 ttx ryadce, itiali uiu av al ua I>r Oiuegv EH.4. 4H TaiwellX Putm. By Jatsra Robarll Lonrall. TWeaeorir norma of an of the mnal oul itredof u ncn *n eriiiua. wi»l d-light tao IU* r aa bay bairav iba rarlnl utauu a of a nxiilrabi |ti Iba mlirl. law. Il*n |uudry a aaka br« uuiwa ti bo imag-tu .elliXI mi a. a aud tbr uMvinl hunter «il bk aaulr rut* . bu k, In iba imin. nrm. i.te by manly aim i ucuroaa ajnuiaaaL. 49. £*MHftOK%» Fm A Y*. lBT SlHIM. B> HhI^i Wid. *» £m»*ntun. 00. Eykhkin 'i Euayk. iKD Simin. By Ra||*li WhI.Ui KHiri to)Ti. Tbourf. lb* pblMnopft) imMjtijf rhr** fa )iiMK«(b«hiti Vin— «» d m.RiivRi «Im«v li «o ibuoUDK tMr tipbiUf* au l lea ln6uu.ot a|«4»th« »*Mrci4nf and nviiIVorra mm*. ftt:er*i)Q,ibniteliif«t and nto train prvo. 4j«, tbf Inti b that evui ii bflyai aomili fy Unn* an uprlvfct. Mtt>4 Ufr. tn iftr ■pirif, tftnf ttarwu r la • vtrvtliin*, iW«i **** m^Ar*. Uone i onoblc, o.l (h«r ibe t* taper wtuivh li Mnrth* and otx^rf t l k thy temper H»ai aralte >•4 tKMvta ojunwi. Aa MaUitew AmJd rv* (nar^ad of Wm. -fca». r»)a ► a arrr, t pod, « ■M of hirutnoa; you cannot prise him I. mwoto or hood hue too /* 61. Em ro« orxns Do»t. 1>) Jilin. Ruiklli. »ltb"Aw«iae ami LUbwT .ad “The Wild Ollrva, turn* Iha moai 9c hghtfuj aa well aa UntroeUra.-f KurAin a writ. lalj>M u»w w)A Iha aroci mud am nmaharor BulH prnaa haa mm lad a am Ul tra tare—that of An ami all the nihtreta pe tal ad to h. Thr atalallamaand choatenc! lay. interne* of Huaaia'a dkaam arc hardb tea markud rtmo am(tk> in1iiuao«w of feb yurauw jj* UtemUac!* Ul* mim' *** lfcc «WnUue of U. PoKiia or Bdoak Allan Pot The work* orrh a tutlatjmy port, who A aa of the mom lataraauta iaur.aln taKlaui luara Utre. hare a ptMi'atr ok -rm ul thetr uat. TWalaawcir' CaacMaUoa a taut ih.w. tod ■mar of I ham bare bum rend and rucicad and parodied Iha 6ll«* luniim la anoken. The lachaia Me ho2 known. Aa ad tad onto at n round m iha dtaapranlad. ■ch"— tragic. tl(a uf tha jrosaa pm*. who. Bka ■* muy outer uvber ctun .if nonloh. vnaptnc Ota 11 • ion hate. Pork command <4 tha ro •tmrcoaol rtrat, and ihr can.-aod amoefu] oam. arc aafl aa iha ra ledj at am paon ounpumiun, arc irmrtaUr. 55. Lobma Dooms. Fast 1. By R. D. lllockmorr. 64. Loan a Dooms. Paitt 2. J»j H. II. Black morn. Tbb fe (VmUkw tbv hrH pm4u«hn« of ■fecfci»or» i paw. tNd frw books hsv« bun taurw widely r»wd wml r^-remd Tha <kwrTt|MluA of k*a«) ud ii m MirOiBitl* «nd life OktrftCtrt art- drawn wub woodeefUJ puw ex. fbe story ta fuaixM on fae*. L-«rw* pnoo«, rh« ImuuIhp. Is i hr k«d Arweatvlant of on &«ibi»rl roWwr r tally. wUwa naaoa wkkmuH •kUlt,ftt«nvr(olbfe Wwatkaw on thi lip won ■oirv lanyr*. t*ba id woowd and Dually wow by • DWlftborlof jxwmat »outb. wbo hnm t, for hrr Dtkr, Uie flarae rwtniawiM of bar inur dlan. Tiwbool d among tfw» wla .whilcol DMWprvIfeQrfe of Dcfto i—l end it rad >wt 4(MUg, warm, bu' fc*t* whi.Lwnwia and par*, Mlri in*, but. oat wowMlonaL 56. Tn« Liuirr or Atix. By Sir Edwin Arnold. Ma Sdwto Amotd't dmlaa m artknr rhla ftcot aoorn. aa hirnaoir ulfiia. warn to d.wct m hfa and cha raptor and Indiana* tba tdilloao pty oflluataiaa. tit., hv.ndrr .4 [hjddbwm, to wbooi more than a third of mankind in Ihr fer caw, owe thetr aMH-.l and n-Uahiua I lena. Thu poem la [ml kilo a UurhlhM'a at-a.lh. ba oauoa to aotcrctatr iha om of AtMile ouahi Ul be regarded frtau iba Oriental outPtor vicar fift. Latt Ejma ys of Elia By CtiarU* Umk Tbw«w«karmlng rwaat-t arafullof tea? hu»a«r, fttmpwa 4 wttfc uuiay all bint, hspi>* \ra ><• an»l brirhi •aimtllaflona •/f wltj auvitrlli «4aw anfetw aatb«jy irr, tbr-> are wrWrn with utmual aaaa »ad gr.*c«\ and oouwwwaJ Ana •plrH at oooa <Uktls «r»l unobtcxwJrc. 57. Va*itT Fair. Part 1. Bv W. M Tlmckrray . 5B. Vanity Pair. Part 2. B> W M. Thncker*jr. Tbla trwmdtrbil wort of the mat Mdrbt of fb* eaMjiry vm prudoowd befwwn tba ywwrw uf 1HM, «rh-w ItD tftalngvlilwil author vm bvrvW forty. Its puUteatLiw at oooa pbowf Tbwrfeora* ia KAa im»par iwam-xv before tba puhfAOhDta novdwt u»4 wn»rr of Iba Brae rtQK. Tba mxtHi «»f Iha w.rt la Inmtav.' >imI fta varfewty of imiWwl. i xlrtuMlnfeTf. ll hWD oo fetrtiouUr ulnr, woe la xplir of ihu pruwl newer ilna to BitAjf bbarv, (Vm It fofwn<l on uo« or tvo eursetm unljr. *il It iwg **f the csowt rwmrisUo pat rr# un Kngttsh aoetfoy wDtab baa arar ■pMUD-^li it»t 1i id wot mm a Dwtlrr aloaa Umi ll bm gaioad tt* imaUa* aa Ikfer atfefet work of Action of tar parfeoB; ft If mi tba aaase tlwto a moving pwwofDaa of Ufa, wrUba barwtrad Bln wiow am: opbMfe of ifHwMi, anf wlik i mlliT febl fuMa.WB of bo ■hantty vrhlob bar* nerwr bvwn puryamwl. au. Tu» Widb, Widi Would P-rt 1 Bf 3it**n ffmiwr. SI. Tn*WiDi,WiDk World P’mt 3 By ttufcui Warner. Runty than I* *e dri nf diinn who ha* no* mat aid rand tin* ana faaoinanna of kata. naj TMot lanm of irnlr lOUn, dortna Mr at* *Rti m* axoa stain nmit iha nta flaAlinaaa of Mr. Tan >ruat.lha«aHotuua amotty rooaal aa tba laraJnuai. ila IMr no tain of the -ba- a," and laatly, Mm Iran affurta of Ibn lirtla baralao lo Made Um Mai of a oaf loo Raspy Ufa, aat bar thaj iriumab,— all tbana, a** (baatila la «Mc*iMy arr ro bnod as lb* book **a aa abaorbiaa Inter*** It l*0<M c f iba Ira* aaorVa to pul lalo lb* Mod* of a vouna drl. and It kar Saar* u rlatM, ■adjrailMaaMdi, otR Ha rotor* to n. 08. Ctows or WaDOiiu, By John Hunk In. ». Joint Haurat. By Mlaa Muloek. r WKCHAVGE NUMBER EVERY IMUE. ^_BOOK COUPOnTnO. 38. N*mt............ • ........ _..._.........._........ Suit.I _Ar*m*9f R—k Wanted.< AAlrt* GAZETTE Book D«ftm^nt. GASTONIA, N. C. ---j SOUTHERN RAILWAY 00. (lanmv vnriH.) PIEDMONT AfR L1NL flmvMM »cxjr>vu or rAMwvni nun ••A' A B. -P - p B. ' X - HOI -I* - atfttl PpUbm On Miorlii Ho* Band B Oat MdiutaaraM IteU Pan— Unpin Can l» I—Artaala Baa iBiaj.aad Han Tan. and B -Wa ilaUBiadHBtamm VanttoBd LJaalud-TTvaafh Paiiaaa AM—a Mtb Mn Yam and I—Ortaraa rt. iuw u aad Baaifoam aad uao iwwia Xn Yam aad Banpbl* tB AUaaia aad ——'-f OuilltOan. Ho*. It aad 1* Pnirmoa Alaapta* Oat b— ■trtiawnd PaarulaaBl 'lwaa in. Tub Naa. B aad **—T a xn York -ri‘h IHo Um T Inlird -ka~a Kljaao Qara ala* n»»« 01— dap MHbH (tan ChartatU u WaaUa«taa wl haut aiaaa*. M—aaaaa.tua «d Baa II MdBartthNaaB — at at c—ta W. A. TEAK. A. H. HAApwiCX. Oaa I X—. A*-V An 1 oCarral P— AO WiuiMni ac. AruaradA W. A truu bnarttUA W. B. aiBIM, 1. M. CULP. ••1 B fr. Ta-. Ba ir. ViauaaMA&S VaathtwiAA Chester A Leootr Harrow Gauge R. t. Co. U. F. HARMtB PrAhtdmiL. MCUCDCLR 4MB CBXMCtTlOVR II Brraccr dmyiikr mh tm. | tooils. Norik* Mnol . If A» mn')!*.-— •t i »__ !• ii# a. *Jr. n. ~~ r. m. TO*, 4 10 i v. «a*nntr .. ,\r, 111 • 00 • i-> | i K - Hkikory ... - ^g « 30 1 142 - Kowton.... - M. 4 01 n tki i II 17 4* - UnoolnUtn • 1147 f 91 I*. M. ' 1 Til I U j - OMtoiila....* IR4B ^101 I T 9 02 - Ynrtrvilte ..." BW I to 10 ft Ai.Cliootwr BW ROB Pl<s 1 9 lift It. itu nil rtft 1> It AtMUnl 4 h'l. «t Uwti twi f >r riootbr. Mow on for %**K>rtlle. tno>» R ounncoto at Rlokory w1l> train fmo AWtrrtlUytalfcatMiry mnii prsftm rtocth and XuWooSmcIi nl YorWine with C. C . A C, for i ’nnwlttn. tfatonla frori Ctn litra. l/noohn trw fn«i t%« toy, Htotorr frun JAorvnotoo ao4 AahnvMI*. L. T. MlCHOIA. Baft. ntotf w i, c H. H. nP.AKD. a. P IP. A cent. YorkvUle. *. 0. BLANKS. Come to the Cazotto office to bay blank*. Here It* a partial list: CHATTEL MOB TO AO KB, WAHBAHTT DEED*. MOHTOAOK DEED*, ADMUHBTRATOH'B DUM WAKEnio Koncn you poanna LAND*. WroiDBAWAL BLANKS. *** TBABtOBIPT JTJDOMHBTf, ■BA BOH WARRANTS, AO., *0. Add raw, GAZETTE JOB OrriUB, JOB PRINTING! WHEW TOO HA YB TOOK PBIHTTBO BOMB AT THE OAEBTTE 0TY1CB, I* now a m BTTLB, rr >• POME BMirr. AID IT ALWAYS ■err* TXtm pnMa in <m0 tasrlk ttmtidtr iwafa »<*y tori </ work, h* aton all IMimffi fa ynw JOB PRINTOTO. «

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