THE GAZETTE. nrpuaoAT, iamcamv n. b*~ BUSINESS TALKS. itnwmit taearOcn uwwrinr B. T. Harper 'a boua* and tot for ante. PXAPB.—Hundred bnihela wanted by F. M. Gallant. TJ1INB HOBSB and a mala (or sale a at Morrow1* mill. mwo FINK MULES for mM A Term* may. Frank Bobloaon Lowell, K. C. FOB 8ALB.—Four troond-hand boawiea olienp! I—Ann»ir..u* Pur bhore Company. ‘CURB PROOF 8APL.—On« S.U00lb. * If* proof safe for Ml* cheap. U DM only Sr* year*. Porfeot In •**ry respect. Hubris Bio*. TbTONEY LOANED—Any person HI haying noway to kjao oan hay* ItneKreJy piled Iff seeing Wis. H. Lewie, wh-' dm kit work nloelg ami j well, wdkoot eAarfw In the lender. LOCAL NEWS. —The I nr* si* Saturday attracted prominent eit lam ol Uaatua from all pern of i be eneety. —It la rumored here that Mean. Cuetner amt Bela, mmhwnte of ML UoUy, made aa yeaterdsy. 1 —The Diet day of February la Juil gne week off to-morrow. Our book v twee eloaea Uietr. Send y>air order In - Ciriarna of Gaatonla an brooming .Inrereatrd in imoiailte. A botlie full of brown wnat containing 1 ha oilaerat •aa ou -xliluiiou a today - A c lnr.-i Jwegbr, comedian, and advancr agrut 01 dmitana Charley** ahow affoided mi little amua>meiil |>l* are moving to V*lf tawnT W aloli Gallon la. No homrdag hen. She’a J.iwt t*.iaitng ,(baratdf akiog In Umi good old way. — Her friend* Lera will regret to learn - tl*t the kick item of Mlaa Belk*a nrotli f. rr terminated in death. Site will not If retarw to her placw la the acitool room. 'Mlaa Kata Douglas a alater of the ' Prlaelpwl, caul* laal weak and took • charge of Mlaa HrU'a department. Saatonta la to bar* a ahoe atom. KfWl W. J. Yatea ai-d Son. uf COartaatoa, 8. C.. will idutk beie about tba drat of March and open thHr Ural BTH, probably In oca uf tba atoparooma of tba Kalla block. l(r. Jama* Falla, of Pleaaant Bldca, la now tba fan la I boat of tba Fall* Huoaa. Mr. J. L. Falla, proprietor ror au our year*. l*tt lent waak for Flori da. Too saw prcrprltor aomewtmt re armblea tba old oaa la paraioal ap pear* non and amy expect to have aoma fanny experiences arltb people who any to 'Mao. “Why, Hallo Laha. you're fetUnf WtUr took Inf bora of late. T We have pot na the tnMk of a pret ty aUatpht rumor that the Cheater and Laaolr Marrow Uagpe win have a n*-w depot pretty aooa. A pmwinaut o« elal has bean bare to tneaatlimre. Iu lapal offlow la now ormantldaled with tbkt of Um Southern Railway and Iho amallar rowd peya one third of tba ex P-taa. I La uaunagiwt let hr* a that a aaparata depot win be far leaa expee alea. A big stowd era* on hand at tbe bora* aale of tfeaera Bruce. Lynch, and t*mm laat Saturday. About 88 horaaa i aoU at aoctbrn. Mr. T. L. Craig i attend of them, but other par to m for to raw right pood Bar _-j Mr. W. L. Roblnw-c b-ugiit a pair of pretty black 4rah mam for |UA Flier* rouged from MO to 1100. TU* boeteeaoo declared that Uia way their etpck told wae ''marker lw tba ■rat degree." Tk» Traeiiers' Asaoetatlan of Gaston eosiaty Is an organisation u«at should b« fra Ilf ol of great good to Its berm and through theta to the Schools of tbs aantf, Prof. Oasapiadl, the cMagatie ospnhle Saerstnry, Is lay ing lilosarlf oat to Make tba next Meet lag a vroBUMo ona. Laud him Um» hasp of yoar aneoarsglng ao-«poratioa. Tha marling Is alsrolteca anoounond »hb Uta rgpatlanosd sad laaroad Dr. t. B. Bhaarar as on* of the speakers, Wateh tor Ua pregraotaa neat weak. Another hkpfnr marriage Mr. Win Bmdlrv, Hn o/ftot K. W. Bradley, •M Mm MMM Swoue, deoghur of Mr. J. M Shannon nn married amtird*7 tftwoaon at tba raatdeom of U* brVU*o Mber at I AO p. a...R»r. IL P Boitth odMatlnc Mr. Wilier bead Mat mm and Mm Ida Pee MM ■*« Mw. Tba otkar at Undent* arara Mr. Marvin Wtlkle aaa and Mia Mattla Bradley. A baadaoma dlolng and raaagtlon folia Mod at tba «ranm'a hewn Alto aa Mi* llat af thla waak'a mar riaom latbet of Mr. Job. A. Prta* ud Mm Alloa Raw whlab tea* eat* braiad laat bandar *«a*»t at tba haam oT tba bride’* motbar la OaetoeU. Bov. M. P. 9mltb aMeUttn*. To Alabama tba ymat tram ar* btqpmlni and >»">*« *** a*wta« aaU ptoMUlf imtotow aad maklag garden • —Mr* Julia Lawful, of Dallas, la visiting at Capt J. D. Moore’s. —Mrs. L. L Jenkins left Monday for a abort visit to WilBlngiou. —Mr. J. P. Culu Is on the road for hlv Arm. Messrs. Craig A W ilson. —Mr. J F. MeArvtr has accepted a position with Messrs. Craig A Wilson. —Stone w»H Durham. Esq., of Dallas, »ss Is tosu yvsterdsy ou professional iMisiuess. —Mr. J. D. Ragan, poalmsstsr at Lowell, was in Uaatoala yutienlay oo business. —Mies Brbrooa Ubitty spent a few days last weak at Mr. R. A. Caldwell’s near Crowder's Crock. —Mr. J no. J. Hovls, of Old Far* Moo. was in yesterday town on one of DU regular trading visits U> Uaatoala. —Mias Malwi Craig will bo “at horao” to quite a number of her voung friends Saturday afternoon. Iluuri I to A --Mr. A. G. Corpenlnc, of Borke oounty, visited his old rrlend. Capt. J D. Misire, last week and paid the Ci*. *WTTB a brief hut plraasut call. — Mias doe Gallant relumed yester day flora a di-anil's visit at Hiesle Crasfe, Mrs. 1. « varated by Mr Bankm. VMitata riaa Slatln. Gastonia 1* now a |i( ita'I m for Hie santl but no. for the n hiund aeatiluil '. You Imy (lie mru lar tlrki t from the agent and |«y ||ie real of |he lane ftt.OM) OH the train. T*m coat of a I’ulliu in seat U fi t*j which rtmit lie paid on the tnlu urn if yi-u're iroh.g .... fn.tlei ilna Ifl-ek* lairg Keep ynur «ye on Uiuu-oila. IrWMkt lifflrm An effort to r-lm- a carload of sup pi lea ./or Kehra»ku aulfarme ia talked ale|ut. Nearly every farmer In Gaatou could •tid a haaiad and many aould •end £0 bushels of corn and hardly lari It. Otiiera alai would help if tha mat ter weir Mated properly. We In Lauded III mention till* last week, hut omitted It when H *m that lid railroad- did net nlfitr tree It m'pnft* lioii !• has l»-e i suggested that nip plies la> ailit here and other supplies be I ami lit and shipped froru a point nearer toaeaffervrs. *'■ Jaa. ». Una AuMMaawL Haring imrchasnl the entire IntercM In the Dry Goods department of the Gastonia Cotton Manufacturing Com pany. I beg leave to announce tn tay friend* and cuatomer* that I nhutt cm lioua the huainaas at Ilia nmo stand with a full corps of onto patent, polite, aad drear sale'use n. I respectfully solicit a share or the pehllc’a patronage and will goat sates eutlre satisfaction |n price and quality. It will be my aim to keeps nicer and more Com pie i a line than any ever ■howr Imretnlore in tills dapartmaut. Bill of all this, vmiareosiwl onrdUtly Invited tu call and tnaks yourselves the judges. Your< to plasse, Jao. If. Lova, 0. r. U-4. XMiM W IMaUaa Tlw 6 ran of J. a Jeukloa A Co., baa tub day bruo dlaaolrvd by mutual eon wol. J. a Jankina retiring. E. M Jankina tud W. B.Bmllb to eoultnue Uw bvainoa noder tha alyl* of Jrokltta A Co. who will aaauaaa all llabll Iba and oulleot all elalma. J. 8. iaNinta, I E. I W. H. Smith. J Qaalonla, Jao. 10. 1806. aami ar aiiMumoi Mrata* *. W. awn * Da, aMrW, aa«aaaMbbhv reuaaa. Wttb beat wtatwatoon*nodell of UtrM fora penapmua Now Year, we aia, Virjr laapeetfully. 9. A. CotTTPSB, t W. M JoPM. I H M Moors. [ Ooelonr. Jmiea A Co., Miooraaort to J. V Moore A Co. btwrad turn OUtaui tap tor Cbroole *0*0 Kyat mmtm par boa. Ffer wl* by dntg*jin. *0 McwiS^winaA Fbr potto* a bom la * towbaakbyoaw •Uoa try Or. LmArS (VwdMoa Poodna Iboy taaa aptbe rwwm, «U dlpwtim ran tow of utM.iA. wltara eenttpuloa, oorwrf WnlUimiM daw ray oornw, «M«i Wtf Mb apolformr rtnbad View A MB. Wm. Wliskl BKAS. Attar a lilmwlM IIIbim at IitmoI ■nhi MB lienttj to B«1. Mr. Wm. WHbid died at lit* lions lost Saturday morning of heart dlnsase complicated with indignation. Ite had Wen til for several weeks, suffering much, but bearlug It all wry patiently. Saturday cnornlug bs sat up by tbs Ore. By tint help of bta brother New ton hs Malawi hack to bis freality mails up bal, sivl as Its laid lilmaelf down to real he went to teat rorarer. Mr. Wilson wm born Jan. 7, 183ft, and was, therefore, Just post 80 Tsars •gs of at tlis time of bis death. Us w»s a brulhsrof Major Jno. F. Wilton, of Crowded Creek, and Col. R. If. Wilson ofGeslouht February 16th. 1877, hs and Miss Minsrsa (Jul'in were happily married. Ot this anion eight childrso survive. With tbs exception nf • few months be served as a soldier througltout the •ullre war. Ha was L'euteoaut nf the H3rd North Carolina Regiment until Its reorganisation, lie aflsrMards joined the Fourth North Carolina Cavalry with which be served until tbs war cloted. Four iwrs ago Yr. Wilaon mnvnd hla family toG*siooia for III* purpose of glelng bis children betteredu ration el advantages, and remained a worthy elltaun of the town until Ills death. Hs was • member of the Crowder's Creek Assileinte Reformed l'resl-yiarl an church, le wbkli faith nod fellow ship be died. It bad been arranged that Dr. E. 13. Rovre Shoold preach the funeral Srr sloe Sunday afternoon. but bs was prevented by Indltpueilioo. These services. In the nheoiioe nf Uev. J. C. Galloway, the local paalor. were con ducted in Uie UeaUtnls A. B. P. eburob by Uev. B. P. Smith. The bouae was [lacked, even tn tbs exliaas : Uoo of standing rmm, by the great crowd of neighbors wliu gathered tn do the Iasi iomnts to tin* memory of tlieir dr ad friend. Alter the toualilng srrvlcsa. Ilia liody, followed by a king proorreum, was tairen away to the txuuolery and laid t<> rvs< until the loot day. May the God wb«> rnnw-lea tlw widow and the fatlwrlem be a v«iy (Mtlmg comforter to the loved tnitm left In mourn. ■t. D»Lir versa. ***■ Itnfa Karel lews CMniL-rm krlrrlM chink Oempletea—ShaUae Blah Plnwnr-Pmn«l llim. UHTMDNSan mi Tha Oaawtr. JIT. Holly. J«ii. 33,-TI»D«>orl *lv*i. Lai Friday night l>y Mrs. Lilli* M--ra*. and h*-i Sunday ScIkvI clam from Chariot to very itih«I. and en joyed l-y *vny one i-i-enl. Tlie rhtl dren knew llielr m ilalInna |vVf*etly. a lid irclte-' them well Ti-ti dollars, tile imniint real'Xrd, wilt be liked IU tnneliaeliig a hell for the IfetlaMllt Church at thia i-Loe. Our peoula f-el Indebted to Mr* More*, ai-d the chil dren for the kind effort, and their grand lucoeaa. Tl»« I’rrshytrrlan ehnreh I* com pleted, and l« a Very pretty oor Indeed. A meeting of esveral days will lw held lo the ebureli some time anon. Ti-e skating rink in the Daykt Hall la the attraction for our young people al present. Tl-ey attend regularly. mix] are convinced that It Is due si oil (afiei you leant trow lo skate.) MlssDrur Smith, from Gaatouln, Is yltlllog lo town, the guest of Miss Mamie Dunn. The Kale Brothers have purchased the Llveiy Stables, which belonged to Mr. W. C. Abernathy. We wish the boys ivocees. Mr. Jolio Joy who lies been so sick of pnnom-i'ila. Is improving rapidly We hope to see him ou the streets in a few days ®bb*yy teach us- twentTlsx. rnmmt Bsestaw Se be Hass as Ixkwetl mm ttie Ptrst BatueWaj ta Mtaarr-Sr. Sheoeee WU1 Belleae as AdOrsia. The Gaston CeJ' ty Teacher*' A iso lation te invited to hold its next regu lar mealing at Lowell ou Setnalay tbs Sod day of February Dr. shearer, of Dayidsnu (krljege, will be with us end address tlm Atso clstion. Df. Kilgo, of Trinity, has been Invited and we hope to liava the pleasure of hearing him. Our progatn of exercises will b« in next week's UakBrrg. We hope our m*mtiers will turn out la full. All those Interested in education ere cordially Invited to corn* and spend the day. W. L. Cam*san, Secretary. OorrMarailaac* at T*« CHariM CownLh, Jan. 33.—One of the an JojuUv occasions of but week w*s a dinner party given by Mr. and Mrs. Bob''. R. Bay, of MaAdrnavIlle, tlioae rlenv from oor liitla town were Mr*. A. Miller, Mr. and Mrs. O.C. Corn wall, and Mr. end Mrs. J. ft. Haatar. Mr. Weston and wife, whn travel and give inoaieal entertainarnta, are here and will uroliaUy give a aliow at Me Adeoavill- one nlgtit tills week. Mr. John Groves of tills place has bought sb-ck and taken a position In the Gastonia CuiBn Cos. facbwv. A( SHOO as be ean secure n residence lie will arm** Ins iamlly to Gastonia. lb. Jnu. Ray Kunbro died at Mr AdenaviHa Sunday night, Ha waa honed at Hickory Grove graveyard Monday. SavklaaV Armies Solve. Tun Roar Ktivi lathe world fn, CatA, Rrulkea. 8met, I.'learn, Salt (llieiim, Fever Soros, Tettnr, Chapped Hand*, Chilblain*, Com*, and all Skin Rrupllons, and |M*ttlvely sure* Pile*, or on pey required. It I* guaranteed to give perfect aoilsfaction, or money refunded. Price Sfi eanta per box. For nil* by Onrrry A Kennody. Min«ri« IOiwUmmu. Fir* proof eafe for tnle—Hand Itml n«n local*. Horn and a id* for tori*. Hoobual ae*a Inoalt. M«n*y loaned carefully by W . H. bnrlt, Attorney. Mnrrto BmUter* In** not felt tin oaanl diwranlnn following tlx holiday*. Idt of ‘Tariff-oB*’ cMhlug nod Mean* •Imm* *r* advoettaed title weak. J»o T. Lot* haa purcluuwd dry good* devnrimerit of Uaatooia Mf*g Co , ai'd will onnlliioe warn. Publlo to Inetlad to to Jodgo* of prleo nod <|ti*llty of alt good*. mmm mbut utim MMtm. WHMCMrM««f a. wki» r rwbntriai Oicrmwdiw of Tba Ooaeua. Old Ft' u\acs, J«n. M.—Mr. Cftuley bu movrd to lit* tfeuiaUou iioar Fallaton. Mr. J. I. l’li[for |« preeptcifug for monastic In Cleveland county. Hon. Mum Htroupa'a Cm Jarary Oow, Dai ay, died Uat weak of pwu monU. Dr. C. H. Taylor waa oallrd In but too lata to do the animal any good, Mr. John M. Torteooa goca to booaa* keeping at Long Slioala. Ila will hire a houaufceeper and uke boarder*. Mr. Mark Ormand. of tba Southern Hallway Company, haa presented bia father with two Westara poniea. Mr. Tom Wlilteajdra arrived with lila bride laat Tliiiriday Uov. Otiaa. O. Bt oilier* preached hi* Drataarmon at Concord oburoli last Sunday. He made a flue ImpCMaluo on tba people that heard him. It la «i*W Deputy Sliaiiff Joo. J. Whlia. Ha gave hla bond wlthnot difficulty laat week. John Oanlile'a dug and Weetay Mauney’a dug gut lutn a (taht one day laat week at tlw oalored aohaol hnuee near Wllaoo ft Uaawaur’a Mill. Gam ble ahnt Maunry*a dug and oome near getting an me of tli« acbool children. The matter will be investigated. Both parties are colored. Mr. and Mr*. Craig Klaer'a Infant boy U a mu* better at thta writing. Ha baa leen sick fur a nne time. Mr. Frank Wliilu haa eoorpted a pnaltWni In the M.xleoa Mill* at (lea Ionia with bta bmtlier 0?oar, who It Suparlnteudanl. Frank I* a jolly good fallow, who will be mu«b mtaaad here by tba young fnlka. -Oc. aur.*»Ly uae of noa b>*itc. Worraoica lha ni-xi o.mOarTal llkaolak cure •ear Imoom. anM by coaar * kaaaaur tWWpatb. QaStorua, S. c. tvcnai. Mo*( Waal aad ■»—tn~* F*i>nl>. I will aril at public auction al tny rraidmor ».rai Qa-Umia mi Full)AT, Jam as, 1M0». the following nral aud poraonal prop. ertv: My Iron)*- lmet of land containing 30 acira Mon* or leaf and my Craefc plantation lying on tli* water* of Long Creek, containing So arm. Alao one bnrar, out cow, eOiun boga, oue Wagon, and out bunry. corn, rudder. ekuoka, Roltnn Been. fanning inu|*. Ac. Term* oiadn kuowt no day of Mb. «HMUM Hut. Job .7. 1808. " 1 *—□->—«e* Malk.rm i„ Traabla TkUlstl)* aanriUion of iboaa aipaeMn* hi luxiiia •*»« hera lv oich. Wapn*Mla a irao fiUiUin aOTHItlta tOtUK*. «We* «•* »«Uy •aao.artuui'iiiu raaj and naiakaa, bat lam aottia aad chu.l In a baakby aaa vlaorom itmllUn: mwunatfeaaauutar io horondtaal pc^bwOo j bun la for gene. tor others Pnr mil liy Cuaar A MS8»2»fe tim Am* •rcauwt MorrtStoO Harold. We err glad to not* the fact that a bill hat been introduced tu tl» legkla tore to r*t»e the-‘age of cemacut*' la prosecutions (or rape from ten lo four teen year*; tb»a(b the limit ought not In tic pluced at let* tbao sixteen year*. It it it cauae (or kiama lo every N«rlli Carolluiao tha* tblaState It one uf Ibrt lo tbee Uulttd fiUlu that itlU adhere to the age limit Axed try the de bauchee* who eortlltalrd tlie Engllah parllmeut ilnrlnf die reign of Kltsi betli—for tbe North Carolina statute It but a reenactment of that disgrace ful parliamentary set. It was adopted In tit* early days of tha commonwealth, whan oar fore father* who had Jutl thrown off tha BritIsli yoke, still cherished the high eat veneration lor Bugland’t common and statute law* Tnat the pruvltlon of the statute of I8U1 £H»»betl» should Iwve beau adopted lo those days when tliere yeas to much to f*;g»g* the at tention of the new legltlalore, It not tutpritlng; tod as • of fact nearly ovary Suit to the Union the aania limit. But North Carollnt I* to blame In that tlie has long allowed this mon strous law to disgrar*lic5 »t«tuP|boolis — a law wliieli, *» bai been said by a writer on ths sohjaet. “allows a child to coutent to tbe d* werat I on of her body at so age when sh® oould nut k gally give awsy her dull.” It Is a Mot on uiir sod* of laws—a burning shams looor manhood and our ehlvalry. It la a rank weed of mediaeval Iteeu tloutnea kfl to grow lo the auullght of nlneteeuttf century enlightenment. It is ae maob sat of plana on oar statute books at the Iron Virgin of Nuremberg Would t* as an adjunct uf the modern church. Bvrry State In tbe Ualon save three has repealed It, and Axed ths limit from fourteen to eighteen years. North Car olio* eatmut afford to r* maln on the Ulaok llet. The kgUlatun should change the limit to sir teen years. Dmi VSUTapIt •» mlaka Tarn ■it away. •szS&Ss&i gafoaia m, attaUaata* aWyUat.jmwOTw, laaKrs A tt.O0O.UO0 cotton factory w Co be built In St- Lock forthwith. Speaker CrUp and wife are In Ashe vllls. Mr. Crisp k seeking health. 11 (a estimated Ibst the twe recent Cold snaps cost th* Stale of Florida •7.000,UU. It |s predict*d »>y careful calculators that the cotton «*»■ movement will (Ming flUU.UUU U00 of la Vestments to the South in the next Av* year*. Vke-Prea Ideal Atsvuawm's daughter, so king alek In Atbtvllk. dl»d there 1 Ins* Friday afternoon. All Uiu family I except oi.t of her brother* wvru prot ect. Her body *•*•» Doom lo Btocmlngtoa. IK., for '"ktmenl. Tha Balstgh last Friday bight lw« lb* purjmae of nominating eaudldaU* for the Uu|. Ud Stale* Scrota earned M.ann and Overman. Oorovaor Ca.r. and Mrear* Ayvook. Poe, Othoro. ArstUald. Cr»w I fnrd, and Bennett »k* rscelvrd vutro THE LEGISLATURE'S SOUKS. ooxnwrro frnox «»cokp m«. TUESDAY, J A 2>.». MMATl, Mr. Black pTuaeulod a petUloo iruia cltUensof Davldeou county asking • reoeal uf Ilia merchants purchase Us. Bills wars lotrudooed as fuUowa: By Mr. Wcslumnriuad, to authorise the letting o( tlia public printing by con tract. and far otbvr purposes; My. Dourer, to am rod esc. 101 of lbs Code, fur Um protection of festalac: Mr. Uamrlok, Ioann pt cot too sad Iron mill* fiooi uaallon If built by fordsR CorporaUooj; Mr. Wicker, ta aoUrga the Jurisdiction uf JusUoee nf the peace; Mr- Moirla, to a mood arc. l,«Ylof The C mis rclatloa to lbs fora of chat tel mortgagee; Mr. Loo*, portalatag to the eligibility of school CsmioDteo moo; Mr. Dead, by request, bill to acquire title*; Mr. Dais to reduce tha salaries of Slate ofBcor*. Wll to amend tbs act for tlia relief of or-rtsIn eotdiora of Uia late wee— prodding that widows of dead *oldk*ri •*"•11 draw the pooeioce which tbay formerly draw. An noaidjunt was adopted making It only apply during wldouriiood aad the bill than passed its second and third readings. To rugu lata the rat* of Interest, tabled On motion of Mr. Hwtert, the neo lotion was taken up to apiwd. A axkmlajrchMis of campaign oratory Mr. Wicker said tm wac tired of thto Bgl.llng tbs eamp-i'rn over and be de Sir.d to lay to lit* Democrat* that ll wa* toe lata to pray when tbo devil had oo me. Mr Aboil—“Does the getiUaman al lude to hi* own (arty)’” j Loud ap ple uea and iHuriiter ] 'Ilia rote was thro taken and Pritch ard received 43, Oearnsan 4. BOOM. Resolutions and bill* were Introduced ■t follows: By Mr. Turner, of Mltelw-ll, to aiu tlm jmUlo schools by local vwaaamenl. By Mr. Won ten, to repeal chapter 9, acts 1898, which give* laborers’ liens ■ priority over to or t* sties. By Mr. Sullli, of Cleveland, to allow ciUtaua to dscldv a bet her whiskey Irital ba mnuufaclured Is tba various town ship*- By Mr. McCall, to amend chapter 274 of TliaCoda. by permlttlug the plaintiff or defendant, tn caaa of a detsorrer, to latroduea fuuhvr ayl denoe. By Mr. Flack, to abolish coun ty boards "t education, Mr. McKsatic attacked Iba Mil to reduce ilia oorporattoa tax tn 888, say ing it sms io the Interest of corpora tion* and the money was taken from the penpta. Mr. Wmborne favored lire bill. Ba •aid under tuo praacot law all oirpoe rations, cyeti religious and broavuleat Irava to pay MO- Mr. Peebles offered an smeadiseut altlkiog oat of tba act all tba benevolent Inst it ct ions. Ho. This sa loot. Mr. Peat-)** aald oa> shle capital waa not wllllog to enoept charters granted by Superior Court clerk*, lire sutuUtote of Mr. Peebles waa tiren voted on and adopted. A bill to Ax tba fees of anllcttnra In ease appolataaeat of mrelvers of In fan‘a was passed. It makes the fee 110 where tbe estate is over 8000; sod 85 If lrmthan |0uC. At 19 o’clock ttia election of Doited Sen stem came up. Mr. Burner of Madison nominal ad Jeter O. Pritchard for the short larm. BrCrtu Jed by Tamer of Mllehdl. Mr. Bay of Macon nominated Leo S. Over assn. Seconded by Boblaaon of Anson. The vote stood; Prltebard 08, Over mao 41. Mr.'Mitchell of FraabUa nominated Marlon Butler for tbe long term. Seconded by rhllllpe of PUt. Mr. Monroe nominated Hoe. Ttine. W. Mason. Seconded by Mr. Gritaord and by Smith at Gates. Vots, Butler 88. Mason 41. W. H. Worth waa sworn In sa State Treasurer by Aaeocleta JBailee Clerk. A report waa made by tlm principal oleik nf the House, la reeponaa tn Mr. Ewart’s roN.ilu’h'U ci.llmg for tbe offt eera and employee of Um Uoaea. Ttie report anya there are 1 principal clerk, 5 assistants regular and 1 temporary at rS; Is i ore re 14 at 89-60; 14 page* at I. Bnwromlng clerk and 9 emlstunle. 1 doorkeeper and 1 amlstent. aad I rnadioc clerk. Mr Bwart declared Hist his reenluthm waa not fur tbe purpoea of getting tlm lUt doctored he foretho JVmocrailu imwapapers got hoM of the oiatt-r. He aald that the legislature of IMPS lad 18 pagm, S •ashuaiit clerks, 5 citgpvuring clerks. 9 special maaaengera at 89.80, aad 11 tatiorvra at 83 80, being then 868 a day exiense. and now jast tha lame. Ewart aald that wh|h- tha per nf olerfca (83) «•« Bx*d by law » was too high. Hv lutrodiKvd a bill v> effect a reduc tion. Mr. Ray mid tlm law Aalnw clerk’s pay was enaoUd In 1*48- and raliwal guile a lauah at Swart1* ex min. K wart deoL-rad that ba favored reirsaehmeot aad reduethm of laiatlon, aad that aaoh was ths eentl tn-rl of U« fusion Isis. Rhv aald thorn were hla oplaluns, but M op posed reducing tbe elrrka' pay He •Old Iba report which the Areu wad Obesrrrr pabllahad waa take* from the A editor’* temka. He mht Uiers ware la Um Senate and HuwaeffS peg**. Our Lines. “ * BkVSoOIi*.- • ' -BOTTOM ~ ~-dzhc -CTOTHUTO; —--inumvAiUf; HTAVr nodTilfCYrii-—i f Wa alao run a FQKE DELIVERY. Floaa coma and aee oa when to naad oC anything la aur lloaa. % 1 Costner, Jones * Co. —at m 0AAJUMU-" r JnrHJT AID PMC STOii You mm. wmm 44000 UM# Jmur, •n.TMw'444. ‘l&BM_ : aXLXCl WMAT : YOU WAS!) OUM PRICES DO THE REST. MMMMIMMHMIM - All »i«N of mm* *r R 0. WARREN, —Blacksmith,— Extends Now Year Greeting* to' oil * his Customers. He wOl 1mve wmtMaf of Intend U e*7 te time front UoMtoltawfei U»lt tpoee goring Uw inwlngfr: Goods Always Going. Our sales ever since the holidays—which' is usually a dull season with most mer chants—have been so satisfactory that we are Induced to put forth still greater efforts in securing even better goods at lower prices. We have therefore just received* --shipment of “tarilf off”clothing, and also secured the exclusive control of the -* JAMES MEANS (HOES. as me accompnoTliiff .James Means Hhoo _ 1 cut will show. To try this shoe once is to contixM&s to buy it. _ MORRIS BROS. ;-• -— 1 • • '■ 1 u.. # ,9sb»: ■ fcrreat Reduction in Dry GooOh, Oar tn4o for lb, past j«*r WM Uie largot we ercr l*u!. Vrwf hum o tell tb, rMWlatlw our WOOLEN DR 1-288 GOODS at a SACRIFICE. ' MILLINERY AT COST. LADIES' GOSSAMERS AT COST. Don't wild away for WALL PAPER, Yon will Have money and trouble by buylmr from na. t A. 0. Williamson & da _ ' ' . ; • j* CLOSING OUT SALE At the Alliance Store. . * * For the next 15 days we will olfer the en tire linos of Dry (joods, Notions, Hats, Cap% and Hardware, at cost price of 76 CENTS ON THE DOLLAR To clean up the stock we will offer the entire stock on band at ; AUCTION SALE, JAN. 84, and continue from day to day until the same is closed out. i* ■' jfIddle, J.t. Crawford,) ConuBttftw 6.1. IHxon, B. W. Canos, [ m ' „ _ J-f. Spewrr. ) By 1.1. Valiant, Hanger. I3P*A11 parties due the store by account or note are requested to settles at once, or the same will be placed in an officer's hands fot collection. -Set *1. V* • r- ^ *• ■ . ' '.i* - -. ----- -- - ------ ______ • ••'«» .... • ■ rat ;—:i — .■ ,• >AJaVHnP L. U Jrans B. H, r*oAAM, CfStfiy r First National Bank, OrGA»TOXlA,X.C. CBHEICBB BOIIIBSS 101. «, ISM. , • * - Capital Stork....— $j0,000.00 Surplus....# 4,260X10 Dividends paid since organization, $16^000. stfcsssr- KtC' TVswSi WiUss Ranking Ilnurs: It a. in. to :) p. m.