s I n 1 1 •v $ a A ■•;/ "■r % A £?, 8 % 8 (V 3 i'< & S S fs .;8 1 I Am hat taw imU. .— all ItamUm ■ tomte «f tottw (tato ta» tta Boost Iron ores on tta of goM sod » gnat wealth of U m a boart of North — .. ttat ata aot acdr tarta la ■s—al hrasehao of totaooo tsanatae tar* hat ateo produo* tta taaat to taooo ta the country. Tta latrtHgata eUrtOM of a atata ao rMhmdowta an aataiaUrprood or taradaaatagaaaod daalroaato bring tta* to tta attention uf tta oataS —rtA Many of tta* a* la the Out tw lllatw and latareattoaal Hxpuoi U0® a great a—art—Hy to advart— I at agrioattara exhibit ba rendu mmam »• tta^l^rtS HajatK*****"1* *** ^ laiarenditlna. axbitat. which North da of tar laaow rariatyof aadaaad ■—-d cUrente baaattreotad . .. . attwtfua, and tta **—■- are Mag daily Alt throughout tta atata by rta oarearow iaquortea aad tta aattlsre whores aorelug to aa aad tta bom; Si?4‘T.M-giareatod * tta mmS. Tta exhibit at tta World’s Fair was Mta WWW tta aiVreyrUUon gMrtgU> MU tae showed to tta iwngnort io atarts * tta tooth. A Stort fact of thta axhlbit la now la tta ■ tm tlila oity, and dally oCan >« ear fooida hifurreatioa a bo at ttohr ttayauagsttrore so other -r~-~ Agreattatetaauoual exposl la toto taM la tta oltr of At&uta U tta fell of 1888. North Carolina hw wi hfiM and urMd tt Mate Mi a> bIMto ItlBdtoiattMMMffQgmiivv city ta tta douth aadnitreto ereryarw **a*wta whlsh awy add ta its owa —■alaare laths tooth, sod this axpe attlua will ba a auooare. If paab and wragTwtUtalngiAWwld tthweat HortbCarettaa to axhlbit tar reaoure* * Ms exyouitioof Much oontd to aald —this fulgart. bat I baltore that {Mhaobatty way oo earth te lay Mare tta world tta adraatw* of ywwatcUow of ooumtry thru at thrt "Mot Ho one caa aatliwto tta of ttotasrf of rgrlealtare. Worth Car oMna aboald ta reyreawtad, aad if tta *ftwoprteUo» la rendu ahe wlfl make an i afwtrioh tar eittaaoe win ta yrreid, aad will attract the atMutiou and InreatlgaUoo of those who will at tend this exposition." ft Ito North Carolina legislators is wrta K will adopt tta goreraor’s aug gartlas. Xx|wi lanes haa prosed tta Mas to North Carolina of such axht uu aa tta governor ceeonwsuds, and ttabaat opportunity „f u* kia4 aetr ofhredU sow at had. Wo has* ao doubt that North Caro linn will ta aoWj represented at oar UtertewBato tor Yea. Mr. Fred Millar, of Irrlaa. in., wrttaaUrette ted a term Kidney timMa Ite many Mara, with aarata pain* In bit latch awo that bis Madder waa ilaniid. Ha triad many ao called Kidney suits bat without anr good raasdu. About a year,ago be begin to MS Btectrie Bitten aad found relief at anas. Orctrla Bi Uers la enprcially adntded to the aura of all Kidney aad Liter troubles aod oftaa given a lionet I octant relief. One trial will prove onr Mataaaent. Prise only flOo. for jyr bottle. At Cam aad Kennedy's Drag Store. n>l«Wni Usw. . ^ Major H. L. Groat, who himself draws a prnoiob from Uw Yacks* side at tte Mae although abU todfcd aad nonwuird. yesterday tutrodaoed a bill to tteattatenatoto repeal the act pnMaatef, at a poor piuanee, the voagdad Confederate aoldlere at tbte Mote He weald take fro* (ten, waaidid .—id real teed, teipteea end far there aad which their own hoare Mopto willingly pay, white te blmeetf Federal pension for teipiog to wnmd thaw at the tend of n negro reghneall And th 1a Is the sene wham ■■•7 oW Confederate eoMtere voted for fa the Me rieoUoo oa tba Fasten tteket agaltree Boo Ayaoek for the Ban ate, and by wboas rotaa ke waa elected. Thtotetewterepava ttete: He and MnrMn Butter ••poU” for Ate Middle ton, Ikoir knrty negja henchman, In prmnneo toa oon-teggad Confederate aoidter, as ateeteit Taarkrepar, and mw te aranU their peeatoa taken from these. . *■ Wkte* froca UaMw. Daoghhaa tht aopotnt «r** act. TktattUwIrak Usm to Um b» lory of tkakuaatkat frt, aikt^ibM kaaa daaa. la im atom tw Da*M cnUa aaatnUad (ha Moau T. K.CW •*> BakahUaan, waa iWflwnar. czsrcszsjrtrssi thwaad ha aaiaad Um wailttm. A«ala M U74. arkaa Canto HL Brog daa waa Hanwiat yraraor, Ma Dwa MUM had a Mtojtlijr la Um auto ThjnraljMMr*Mt -‘ir-gm aad Mr. y.^jalaaatotraauM-UMMlala WMiUwmwmt OnmaiNtiitlM. Ttogrrelrad gwod-TlUmra daring !*• >Wa had a war aad raorUDltj to radar ara ifea militia in full pomp aad P«>ot»ly aad ta promulgate aad dealanstloea aad aad auMdaw from mansion, to the giant axpai ■Mil, the glorification at the wfawa and the dapleuoa t*—ary. Tto oaly oao (Ugraa lorn gnat aad i*°d Jey Ary Kveas-oo letters arw ommJthed or added-naturally aad prepariy amtdUoua to imitate bis pro oaptnr aad prmtmaan lua been look ing about for a war oa bio owa ao eeoat. Tto paoapeoU that ha will ha*e ora in Booth Caroilua are ramota. Wa have all baoosns refawmad and re ageciabte—all except John MoLsorin. Wo have learned ta submit. Oar po lios am all la lino aoV, oar boars aad places of bamoem are all trrsrlta My opa* fra tto taiaatlgatiooa of die praary agaota Lika ao maay con quered provlnoaa wa have aU aent In oar eubes Melons aad trlbates and paamd under Um oorractlvs rod. Tbart doaa'nt aaam to ba «ay where la Bootn Utrallow a apart of tbs spirit at ream anoa and resentment sod lore for lib erty aad righto which wa asad to ono aidar ao glorious bat whiah have bats ! declared by leeataltl* enactments, re f«*tn and alUanoa rtsulutluoa, Um ! Groan villa Mountaineer and other high, sedate and respectable authori ties to ba ao aaaeeootlng aad dlarspe labia. Wa ara aU a happy baud of auhmMualeta mod aa loyal to oar sovereign lord of tto ring ao ao stray aappie eoaoebe within tto eultan's walla at CosmOtMluople. Ouoioqoenlly there Is do proa pact of any War or provocation for ordering out tto new militia aad Increasing tto expense nooonota and Um ooattugant fandn and oor Alaxaader toe bean Pinlag for aoaaethlag logo up against. Louklag about tor something of bis Stas to tackle to has bit epoo the kingdom of Italy aad proceeded to piok a quar rul. Aa Italian vessel in tto harbor of Charleatoo baa bean raided under the dlapanaary law. The consul Objected, sad aow tbe king of Italy la to be notified that the consol Is not a person agrseehle to Jay Gee wbUlklua Brans, king of Booth Car oil na and. Instructed to remove him. It Is further Urattened that that Italian veee'l auiatd under auaptekm of baiog a Mind tiger of tto high ama wtU bt aaiaad and coodsoated aad sold at McUoq. W do 001 pmoftftUy wdoy tht mo qaaintanoe of tto king of Italy, bat wo tog leave ta wars aim that he will do wall tofus little alow last ha dad himself tu trouble sad bear tto streets of tto sterna! city resound log with tbe tread of tto Tittman Guards, the Jag Ary Evaoe Pssilesra, the B EL Till man Hangers, tbs Bee Tillman Bide men, the Old Bes Troop, 'be B. Hyaa Tillman Defenders, tbe Reform Pio neers and the other 00hurts of tbe doutb Carolina mllUlt In arms and war's grim array. With the Benia min Ryan Tillmea Volunteer* storm tag at bis gates and ewanalag over bis walls tto King of Italy might wet) think tto Gotha and Vandals had again sod remember Um times when Besom paid tribute. Our great and good yeaog coventor might be faned with nsagnty gesture end imperiaae aspect easting his swoi d Into tbe bat ones against; tbe boarded gold of the trembling senate and exacting new tales cf treasure for the purchase on a ewab basis of various degrees ot Pel owtto brand guaranteed chemical I j pure. Let Italy he alow and cautioua. week nod bumble. She baa tackled something awfal now. The foroe of refawsn win Uo hurled upon her vine clad bills and sonny Adda before she knows. Let her remember the fate of Dartlogtoe^and the recent drmoartra tion at Oraar'a Sr at to*. With onr one hundred new militia companies mobili led and the steam Osh commission yateh "8ellle” pot hi oommlmloa, the kingdom of Sooth Carolina will not stay her hands this sida of South Bat tery and may sweep the proud Hag of Italy from all the waters of the tea be tween Castle Pinckney and 8ullWao'i Tel, ml Bat don’t sue uo, Italy. Fight as, bet don’t area us. Don't make it a legal qaoatlon. That might get our dlepeaaary haw before tin supreme coart of Urn United States sad that it of all things the thleg we most dread. A poet with oburrent rfm and an mtenUndtnc mind writes irnaa darmi on the “Drnl." Hla two eon •lading stansaa an aa follow!: ww tte tor tte ito,u>tte no «Wi ’ortfewttil Uw d*y rs^. 10. *4k|M« ▲ wiolil fro a Boat*, Aka., aji a paadlar salt has baso laatllutad at Ua* pUas Hn. Baa Robbias aaa a paMMtr aa Ua Looter UW trata lbs nfkm if. fti war* Mr. aud Mn. OaterMl Laaont, a young couple jort •Murrlad. Tba trata was aaadw Ifctaagb a taonal. aod Mr. Lavaas. wbo bad laA hla wife's asst just ba blad Mr*. Raliblaa. raturaad to It, aa ba tboagbt, to tba da-basaa, and pro ■alii to bMS hto aaa V-wad pad balds. A boot this lias tba trata raaraad tom tba tanaal aaddUoloaad that hit snppnasd brtda was Mra. Bobbins. wbo a a yooag widow, baa aaad tor* 1,000 daaaaaaa Tor tba atataka, aad will Mt adalt Uat tba sot war aot tetaotka aL 5*y3r,JiTo£ ^T"1*, SSSvSi!^ *s.-z MIM, M for 4wtflni||M to that tH* totfwHIrtoo^U* tophwini.t^y. **° ”** **** tfW»n to* kirfn. Fry o«UI oiiMIjirowo^Afata oo mA p*. SfF^SnaM*/Stab4 M|M» Wna aa •MMiasny M rnm? a rtu LM mt ~ ———-,1 ll.lg^.l^ L The Reveries op a Bachelor, oh a Book or thb Heart. By lk Marv*J (Donald U. Mitchell. A Lat» or Akcirnt Rome. By Lord Macaulay. 8. A Tilltlom Scandal. J. M. Barrio. A The Horat or ter Seven Ga ble*. NattuuiH llawihurne. A C'RAEFORD. Bj Mr*. Gaakeil. A Tee Domiko Race Lnrd Lyltnn. 7. Demam Life. By Ik Marvel A Fkaeebmctexm; oh tme Mod ■RM PeoMBTHRUS. Mia. SMIey. 8 A Boob or holder Dkeh*. By C. M. Youira. 10- Moaua prom ah Old Manse. By N tkanlrl UaaUiumi*. 11. The Scarlet Lettbb. By Nathaniel Haathon.e. 19. Ehat* or Elia. Hy Chari** Lamb. 13. Vicae or Wakefield. B) Oliver Goldsmith. 14. Twice-Told Tale*. Bj Natiiai.tal Hawthorne. 14. Paul and Virginia. By Bernard I a de Saint Pima. 14. Story or an African Farm, By (Balt* Iron) Orlva Scliraluer. 17. Lays or the Scottish Cava ueme. Wir. Edoaanstoune Aytotm. 14 Lccilm. By Oweo Meredith. 12 Deb AM*. By Oliva Soiirelurr. 90. Black Beauty. Anna Sewell. B. Owe or tee Pbofebrioh. A Charming Tliealrtoal Novel. R AaETOE &ERAETUS. By Tboraa* Carlyle. 98. The Idyll* or tee Km. Bj Ua late Lord Tmuyaoo. 24. Tub Pleasures or Ijpb. By Sir Joou Labbnek, BA. 26. The Lady or the Lake. ! By Sir Waiter Scott. 96. Moenikg* ie Florence, By Juha Rankin, L. L. D. 27. Kab and hi* Friend*. By l>r. Julio Brown. 26. Whittier's Poems. By Johu Urtcnk-af Whittier. 28 Tee Greatest Tuino in the World andOtbbm addresses. By PruleawN Henry DiiiDnaiad. 92 La 1.1.a Rookh. By Thomas Moor*. SI. LoEarsLLow'a Poems, 32. In Memoriae. i By Albert Lord Traoyson. 33. The raacEsa. i By Allied Lord Tennyson. 34. ItAMELAR. By Samuel Johnson, L. L 1J. 86. Selection* prom Bobeet Bbowkimo. 38. Part and Peessnt. By Thuotaa Carlyle. ‘ 37. Meditation* or Marct* Ac mum Aetonincs. 38. Ukeor*and Hibo Wobsuip. By Tbomxm Cailyle. 3». Talk* phor Sit a k Bar* are. By Charles La nit*. First aerie*. 42 Tat.br pbom 8m aersprare By Charles Lanii. 8>*.nnd aei let. 41. 8b*aeb amd Lilies By Julia Rusk In. LL D, TMa la oae or the beas Mte-kin** baba, be a jSMjUSgjfSsft&ag aye bora. reader * jnlroe^rt ,u ,iZ 2 boe*l.earni*arove] enorr, that b> minw ewaeiuae r~~.ilr.-lTb tbe^Khya airt V-eya*or Ue» earth. “seeaH,., HggsEgvns: snsss,^ zSgasszszx -jtzjzzg UWMudeart.a-bnwbdloo*. ThTVirtai; !5*r*yr*«« IW nr«anla»**iew and a* i» **SS * . oaee read Me iseeiial auauihia. aa jeRjaa ItartMTortoal DaauHaa. will ba aovee « On*** or IU Air, Uy /oho Ruaklo. ear rcjfeJs-s k*4w**nwMb ioTia* faamnal,on «etMut hMi of Macaalua. 49. PBRirroR Oook Book. By Marlon HarUnd and Otbnra. .SLEiaT3««*• ' •ommha «spar*t»« In \pu£m wimr+&!m twoarf wr» -MM «•<* BWoS ggwsggeas iggjfeagS 44. Tn Mill ok tbb Plom. PartI By Qtwrga Eliot. 49. Tk* Mill ok toe Flora. Parts. ^^ByQEonf But _WE CHANGE NUMBER EVERY ISSUE. BOOK CPUPON,7jO.40. »«*n «K, •i SSrCT ftSS'Kir**" •"> - Nmmt_......___ _ PMtffit,. SUU. Nmwntf AUU W»«W. AAirtm GAZETTE ItA D^wtmwt, OASTORIA, R. C. JOB PRINTING. ST BAT* TOW* ruimm DOW* AT T«* OA1WTTW OTTTO*. rr n now* n •TTL*. rr it BUM* •WNT. AMD rr ALWATt nr it* TlmtfAtuU mrt m.11 wr* miMir JOB PRINTING. K SZi 44. BO If OLA. Pa«T 1. By Qturf* Eliot. 4T. Rokola. Part ». I By (ieorn* KImL. Tt. fr* a—ort of tAU rratt tfory utA.au <*"» ►kirtoiiM* laptonl. In tbcbvj.ot Uf. bad baan Mtotal. Kamnams k'tuinmunani t»ur* ant tala'ty oltaraotrr to* k nnad ■ tali non! bjr a iiarir hand. 11 kaatnunai and attowtdo* irudr. >c...l only . fo lk, okantotar or ItntoaA. intanaf in *kc« tocrmi at t»o beta. ios—ui . Taevlrtd we» «ft* wluea in* aulliur wstir ib* era •All atfit It rtwl In tbe raadar, rot wli Its p, nlutwf Oaur*. tai <. 4m. LoWBLL'k PoM» Bv Jakiet Bn-t-i .l Lf trt I.. TVw eeHr poem# of one of »hu rxam ©.4 turvdot Anttniiii »iUrt», Wl 4 ii« wA'te b) M«ciniy ib*» « e*-ew4lll-'« rvl p.» Ilo Mi.iKt. .*tv O'* !■»<»•. »te (KT%l|w iw«i x.vlaO l*\ it',* | UKvl Ul ■MlfVte tell 1 II*' |i!m} Mil •■'I'll,.* .( tel- MUC« IV' o** t *l«w» h • te, in .»»* •iij b, r- |»rxv- nw .> oy to* air MV. '• unirKia * iuIkhmI 40 CjuriuKiN %» Ka*tY* Ur Kin ms B.v R.upt- Win • K'li-nMi 50 EMxiiftuN i Km* ays iSDSgUll'f H> Kvii**. »*>* ..I**o i Tteblkl' l.l I'ili.ldttN III ,.■) .|*l.t* • . m»'»* Inp in.»>:m* vI!***« •lAiltf •»* •• 1,1 |. liy mtlu.Biot ui* h is..* *•■•■■ v -4 i ,i • mind. >'-• n*n.V>..~ viv * . . »i t Pmp im, In* mi ti I .*** i., ■ s | .1 b> BvtCU »•» UKW 'I, .O-e-l I, . .., Ibkl 0(MU^«A> T It , v»e vt.iO . , , 'I. I 114* • don* « »m>U>■, u*. l ih«i li. *•„t> A-n«M»l ebtri.l bin t ...it . .fc •bo iwaralte wunin. , , u I i . Ww: aga>rv.>. ^ .. * m,h .. . i MR Ol t(MUltitNi; > iso c »*••••■! u Jistr. v . *»Ab or fe«s4i ititn mmi iviLa nil ,** 61. Ethics or tub Put li*. •••■*< K>t>\ ii TSu, »IU /Wcun. .i d (,1k •" ..*! -tbr lluat at II SI IHnia," hinni I,. h, HsWIul a* w, D as lunarutxlro <>f l.-u-tl*' mam. In li*.,, tlni,,*aii ib* mw.- ■■ .1. . mMuditalWlHacM.rai.l am-. | • Clbim—Ham at Art Her. all Ib. kikl xa, l< . Alton. Ik. aalidmw. .lehmcik.l .... BiScvtKa. of kiAuk Ilk ra, n kardl. la mart ad than ana Ik aakwim of a A win.*, tby^d a la ala. and lb.- tofi y ch nua ui 89. Posits or Edoar Allah Poe. Tba wxataof tb a unharf, poat, ahnto iaol «*aaoa luianaiu Oran am Am. man m*n> mrr, Xar, a |ax:uTlar A nn a Ikatr *n*n. Tbnahaaa.1 raactoalion alaajl tkansu 1 ad aar of Itir Inara kaan Nad aad mfbl and pa rod lad abuvicr iba ku«.lao lai.rnaa* la •rnam. Tbr Karan la barbs pa tt>a baat In.* An ad dad Intman la fob AI In Ik* uniinunlM limn* liMtc.BbarilH.lwnri.al, vbtv Ilka A* kkaojr ex bar O.Sar awn of grains. waaapurcr *l*bi loo 1st*. PiooV coaaiaand of tb* r*. ■*"mot rtran, and ibr .war aad iranfnl •>t*4. ara **fl a* lb* Ky tody *f bM Buatloa eompotomm. ara rbdbnrkalA.-. 68. LonvA Dooni Past 1 Hi li. D. HUokmonr. 84. LobnaDoomb. Past 2. Hjr R. I). Blackmon*. TWt A doubt Im* ika beat production ot BUeamur..'a|txi aad f»a book* kata baan nioru aldrlj raad ami exarrad. Tb. damriptloa ol arena*-, aud aurm l«dl, ara tnlauiaMr and ihnokararfan arv drawn a It b aondorfol pua. nr. Tb# ktory to bnwl.d un lad. lorn. Doow\ Iba Inrtnr, albn ton daaoradant or an outlaaad mbbar f uuly. wkoao tana was. lufl son In, a Irrrur 10 tbr Swollen on tkr ucon aalm uarira. -ha to .nnl and tindiy otai by a oatabboria* naaaaat > uutb, a ho hr* am. fur h*r mfer lija Icier NAOI .nrtol of her rani. dton. Tbr bunk to aiana, ih* krkn aloddvii a an taro kata nf Heim—fooler and ami*, warm, ban kopt wbuloonoic uod parr, Ain lun, but ant svaaaiktoaL 54. The Light or Asia. By Sir Etlwlo AmuM. Nr M«ln Amnld i drw%» Ite vrtnov fit* •rnmf poM, tea MtRiff u-lte •«, w«* to flrovot tbo life tend *-fiten»cicT -nd inflimtM the pMioo Phj Of UtMlte < t, Igc ro..ii(Wp rvf Ru« aiiirit of A»«rl« t??Q IaIih rW'i La no'*. 1b«M«btri(ilii)r«Mkt««r*rulo |M) lO'iiiir, lnt< OpMUd »tth 1*4117 *1. htt* kiMit pmii ■H linrbtmjiUlUlMNUi •< »li; oan-i.,u<' fidh. orated utbrn trv. tt* jr are written er.ll» cm Ulraara «4ra rnd gr<«, an.1 a.Hnplu a AWt Ml onoe delbuMU? aul U'lgbUlMlf, 67 Varity Fair. Past 1. Bv W M Tl>*eki-niy. W Vahitt Pair. Part i. By W M. T1 .Hvk^v^y. TbU Inroart 1 won of tb« mnl c.;. w of thr rwrtory woe mkin.-oii >1* •.* 1: . of IBM* wke in» •twt.';/iu**. i .n* putAkx. ee a oo** lew ard *n'a •* the vet mill. TUy *a* 1 vn nixiortwooiuraoten only. -11 m otir • 4 (be Butt moorknMc Ml n« <»o IhjilUb ndctjr *Woh hue mer ap»r~a.y A; out |i m >m« 4* a nllr<- 4«»t Lhai It l«« aa»n<«l Ke u«eItitv 4* Ibearrsktem voik .»f tt at in ot Ui<- r»-ri«toH »* *e ai thu raM»v lime a movULe iMriiwtim i of df* with a b.mrtrwd Mdr^ceure wd etrterw-da of love* at, MM wlUi m rvwlii v ho*I f nlio.-ea of hu aauilty which hire nar«r haw* eu rpmwed.** 60. Tub Wu>e Wjdic Would P rt 1 My miis*) 1 W mi I 61 The Wids, Widi \Ponu> P'*tI By srshii Warn r Barely there la no gl'l of altfet’n elm hue not rand and re rend that mrwt rnm mt iiH of hidh. Tha J jm and airroet of ink) WUi, during her Ufa with Icy floentmo von 11*» ruth PBihmw'i of Mr. Van *r\.nt,»h> ikiLioiia eonntry rennet er thr feno-boae* t.iehv. ly or. awn uf the “bn * »«*1 Ulli. Uw hr*? fnrtaof thaliiflM hkwtdnr to nraite tho Hmet nt a ntd ton haow Uf* an*l her (fowl 1 rhetfn, th? «TIto in whlob they are rv ***. Ml tha booh with an abaorMng hum II hoiat r tha Brea etorUa *> put into tha hand* of n rowan girl nod Khar hen rile rWht, laaay a lha«, Ina *fty will thn mum to It. M. ClOW* OF WiLDOLITA By John Botkin. TO. John Halifax. By MIm Mulock. SOUTHERN RAILWAY OOl PIEDMONT AIR LINE. •pimciu *0110014or FijuartiaruAmm Morlliho*^ )t«T U(«. 1114 I 1 D*U* tB mi H« N iMily JU.it L* A:ia*-ta ottm* “ At «-iia ■ Nvr«.u« • fca>or . . ..... " Oij ► lilt.. “ C«.u la !. • m A*? : • (•»< a.. " C- ■ rai - Gr>f . I lo .... ** 8|>'. ant- rf.. - »Ja t . . *.r.... ■ K ^ Mi*unv rn - C«-t »'«JI At.Ca.m-iu. At. Dai.i ti • Ar. CIA- aa4 At Wti hr^ "F *.‘ricf.ma. - i :.<».:ai“AU . • M«/w Yor*..... iMlhixHftA \jw vwfc bjlji - r •• l • ' laoro - L»avMft~ .... * uwr »•»*.. “ ©*«u«*A» .... • KW a^iowBfm " Bi>- -• r*.. • o*ffi*.B.r.. : 8=^:::: - (xk^i. * WWIlHUtT, " TVl4«. 2 kl liry . Ar 4i:aat»i:ttr>« Ar AHg >Cu» um IM U D ••••••« i* ? if? j»j •J* * 9J «: Ml » m ? am li i Halt Dally I ♦ » p u IJI p tIJI » mT." Ui ft M4T ft 1IJT ft UJi p U« p SJi p ♦Ji r ULk *-a s.sa n »t p IIM p If 44 * i-lT • IM m tm « at* • 4« ft MS ft ft M a • ii 3 140 ft, •ja 3 ujs 2 • ftJWpj is S iia 3 31 •tn i* i m ■ urn a • 4* a Ml a Ml* tm'rn MM a :s: Ml ft M ft * 44 ft lft.IT ft U4r • Ki4r u.«. W\ IM f !£i 4.a | ts: £Er *. *•.11 1*0, 1U» a :«• • l%.» m 104 9 as *10 f LH 9 tS! IN p IN f is; as a R> * ■» r M.MIM • «••••• fd • M ft &•» ft Aftd 9 I» m Ul « «« • ■■■Mil • •«•••• •MMM raltsaa cat itatTitt: Maa. Mt»4 H Ci> ui hiatt raat Maa -ltM»l ran a taaaa Atlaau Mcaaaautr u4 Maa fat ——-** —-nlHiaiiiaaa TadMM 1 SHarl TMaat Niaaa huaata (ataMD Maa Votk aa« Kaa0,111 | rta AiUa »p> iiuin — -na Wrbsosl naaTiUtaad Orataaaaaa. »**■• *« ■ U4 U-T • Kaa Ta* ria« ft»ttt Uaa UalNA—hart rjau Can. rta jtm out «M eaaaht la. Oh2Sit * Waahlactaa atthaat a&aata. Mat. II tahtatu MtS C.-artaUa w. a. ttj*k. s. h. bajtvwick. ®tlFta. Arv AtiOunirtAn WuXMKt D c. ATUtTl.ua w * V.LfttlU, 1.1 imi t Ot 1 M «r. Ttai't Mb's Tiuimiu. a a WMHwutn «, CHESTER A L8I0IR K. S. RAILROAD. HMioru AMS cemcrnain LM srrsor Dwum tt iwa O »■'. P. HARFRR, PrttUknL. MHgl. | Uhi-^*r , .. l^«»rr«»ilk .... Ut' V .»rCk> I l«nvo Om^r1i«t tlW .. . K^rivn YoncTiD*— . i/atvr < luTor . Ui«c Oui0. ML T 87 • Ml BO* m • 0*0 «:s £912 as:: lOpM BO o m *o.«T Lxara Law .aapaai l«pi U»' llloaorj ..1 jata tUpa iMPfKwm. llpa lom U»7«»iv .IIKpi jipa Laa>aMU. .. lHpa TRpa U«*a rv.-aa . IHia Plpa Caara VorKibo.(Mpta (Olpai an: (Pin Srh• c? r •*M»*«Dtk4i rttWn yth ka •#. C A nod »ar •*. v. A A.; ti*o it 0*> •nnt i aub ckf A. A •'. a.L; mi UiMnlnUn •4 itlj »h* i Ca and at H takary maSvwmZu ah \tk~ :..Q uT. yf 'am “ -urTrinlmii-it n H. fli,uD.^«.f4 1*iAWi;rilAi. BLVVKH. 4 'O!to to Hie tsazette ttittw to buy blanks. Here Is a partial list: ciiATriL aoiTSAaa. WAMAITT Dim. MOMTOAOB DUM. ADMINISTRATOR'! DUM WARSIMO MOTIUn FM NmN UXM. WITHDRAWAL » LARKS TRAKtCRirr idmimti. ssaroh WARRANTS, *0., wo, AditW, GAZBTTK JOB OTT1U*,