TfENTY-EIGflTH REGIMENT. OBI. JAXES X LATE WBlTfiS ITS ggrroBT. A mi OMIT ut »MDt -IhtRkiinrk FncM Ftp At mm* Mb. ■agfeai mniilJukw as I* Aepbaeea Im 1M> Flaw I at •aitaOrtflahbHa TlapMile Far ■ MIAMI la—II Mm+m Bepela* •Mlaa-4 Fauna Ftrp a aping area naall (aim nc CbanaallaiarlUa mm* la riakaro Chaiae IX I a»a> aan *t (An Wai liinnOil CM|(I IMaaib mm Abattla at ■man' lie Haw H Waa linAlat an tbi Frant Wkm tan laai aI Ika Mimtu JenehM It. Obartoaa Obeerrer, mb. ▲t III# rraoett of Judta Walter Clark Garural Jtobee II. Lane, of ▲abort >, Ala., haa prepHivd a eketi'li of hla <dd rapicaeol, lb* Twnty-elphtii XarUl Cantl'aa. A Oopf at It It ~-ru to tha Obeerrer and II hare allh pnb tlMh-d. Ill a prtraif leilar to die editor Gnamal Lana M#a of lilt work: “Hyoid left Blent fare a epic >•!! reaord and I do out feel equal in enrn a tha are. lharedoon Mr tawt In the way of a ehrreioInpteMl etiatmary of lie brtltlaol aehlnveaeiita. My object In laterepetalup It flenle wlin unpuU llebed rauiiaiKmow—pentmal In* entente of any own knuwiad «— la ui ■aka It arm* Inlerratlue to tin (oen! reader. It tvquliva both time oud laker to pet up Un eketali, and yet It baa beea a prant ptnreare to me to d> It." Thb Twenty eighth If.irtli Carolina Btwtawnl bad the following tj.+l an.! KaS idloer* Hurlag ll»e war: Ootoueb: James H. Lane. Haiuurl D. Law*. Ural macl Olno-lt: Timms* I> Lntra, Husni'l D. Lim, William D. Barrings*. Willmia H. A. Hia«i. Major*: Rtehsrd E Baa*, Haiuie-I D. Law*. Willlaui J. MoiiUciwry, William D. Bunnttr. William U A. flpmr. Samuel N. HL.wr. Adjataats Daaoan A. UrRea. Boca ulat 8 FnlM. Sargeanta mafw: Milton A. la.we, J. T. Lowa, TV . a H .ukla. Captains. A. M : Georg* M. Thompson. Durant A. Parker. Q. M. SmfaiiU: E Ua>d M.e.r*, J C. Kelly. T. U Lome. Captain, A. 0. 8.: Ml-'lflaa rilblam. Commlaaary aargaaul: W. A. Mau Surgeoon: Robert UlbUoi, W. >f. UaUlwr Atabvant aumeon*: F A. Lxekey ft G. Bartiaai, Tiannaa B Line, it L Mayo. Hospital stewards: J *ho AbrrnNlhr, L. J. Barker. OrdosiaM aargaaul: Gslmel John don. Chapialoa: Oaear J. Beaat. F. Milton Kennedy, D. A Henkel This regiment, inii»‘wrlng ahou MO, was organ s-d at High Point, N C„ Heptamber 91*1. lftrtl. u apt ear* from lit* follow'ii / eomnmntcutl'ai: CAJtr i'luia. I Hioh Poipt. H-pt. 91. 1881 j Liter. Cot. Jams* (I. Lakh. Dear Sir. — Yu* were umimimnnilg •Meted ooloi.el of Uie Twrnty-dglu li Hertb Carolina Volantoera tlita evim lag. This regiment ib eorxjioaed of the foUuwlng oompani**, enllated for Imtebct month*: 4 Co. A. Hurry eoaoty. Capt. Robert (major-eiectl. Co. B, Gaston oounty, Capt. Bd watdt. Co. C, Catania oounty, Capl Lowe (lleet. aol-ela«L). Oo. D. Htaoly oounty, CUpl MonL •"STl. Montgomery oounty, Capt Barriagar. Co P, Tadklo Oounty, Capl Kin yoan. Co. «, Orange enmity. Capt. Marlin. Co. H, Cbreland coauly, Capt. W right. C>». L Yadkin bounty, Cap* Speer. Oo. K, Stanly ooanty. Capt. Moody. You win son that moat of mart “mountala b«y«” and WM trust that we do not dlagrao* tb* horn* from whteh we oncee. It would afford u* great pboaare bad satisfaction to hare Kir oar loadar an oOerr to wall and *o favorably known Kir bravery, eoartoay aod prafsaalonal alUtnimenU at Llent Ootoob* Laoa, .4 tha galtaat -B'thal” Regimens. Panatl u* to r rpreaa our Perianal hope that w* may reeel m a favorabU reply a* a»*n an poaaibl* and to aatmertha ourselves Your otwdbnt aarvaala, 8. S. Hvowo, Major Oomtnandlnt Piat; William J. Mojrrooxaar. C ipt. Company D; G. 0. Jowwavom, Flrat Lbotaiainl Company G; Committee la Hafcaif of tbt Twenty eighth Bag)ravel. Imamdlately after orwanning. tb* regiment arwa ordered to Wilmington, M. C., where It remained under Oen. JbOepli ft Awlarona, oommandlng Ha -Cap* Fear Dlatrtot,” antll Uni KUI of Vawliam. Daring lu btey In that Mod Mi bo sal ta bit town It parKirmad pgbt duty and guarded verloua iridge* do tha Wllmingbm A Weldon Bail bond. It Was kmt under rigid dbutp Baej aad llmt It was well drilled nod kPKWtly barsd far will appear fnna Hi* Mfcwlnf art rants from taa W timing tea Journal "Vf * MMI TM1 V> tha camp of tha Taiat/ aighth R**la*nt n «m (!■»■< U* aaa that a Oompieta u>w„ of naat wnodan laiwmanta haa labmi tha plaaa Of tha oanraa* rllla*a of tha Ut tar part of Uva Meaner and fail, ,f fardlo* OOO ran lent and aowrartalde aoartara with ohlmneya for tha ram, iaaaaa for tha ttmaa and other por psaaa. Wafoand nearly all Rnigb-d wtth tha asaapllaa of anam nf tha aOaara' rjturlara, Cnlnoel Laoa'a aatnng tha naaUr, thaaa halnc Wft b> tha laat, aa. bain* laaa arewded. tha aaaaadty waaoot ao praaatn*. * * • “▲teoat aa artfoto treat tha Tvatv lj at|blti aw down IVaoad atrvat wtth Maady tramp. Urn ton* Boa of thafr hayoneta glaamln* to tha aao. aad the Ann hearing of the men IrvrlI eallve of dHrriuln*'l>ia and giving jaomiae of gallant aervVe when called npim. The drill and marching of the regiment are, tn nor Feeble notion*. aa j good aa « >uhi be iloalrad by rev ultra. . If there la teat ofilw pimp aad oir. runMiaace of war with our plainly arrayed troop* than with t he fancy cur pa retard In Nonlwm cilice, ex pertetiiw lia< aiHiam that there la more of tie* pride tlntl Will Kami and will . not run uiilnat It bv forward. Col. Lane may wall be proud of bla regt g^ I > OutlaMUi of Odoher. 1MI, tlia regiment numbered V7U all told. It reached Kewberu the Util of March, ltMii. juat aa the truope weie ■ witlidrawltg anil It Indian! to cover {their retnttl. It fell heck with them tliriHigh mod and rain to, wh-re It ii'Btalued until It waa ordered to Virginia. Smut after reaching It war aa-Jgned to the hr trade , oa) at an (led by Urn. L. U’H Braindi. it at ixter iriawnl lit work uf reair ganlxl-g for Dm war which It hail to glort-maly Iwgun la Witmmgliai and »-«n pie tell tlie tame lloi lilli uf April. IMA Tlie full* ’W i ng from the Cuerea. pmiileut w«a pipdia ied at tlia time la tla- tlalelgh Jnuntil; “It la with iiu ••cllntry emotion* jf Jny aed pod - that I Inform you, and tlimogh jour |mpwr Uiu iKibiic. ilutl (lie Twenty-eighth Noitn Carnireu Kegl-ueut liaa • re-organlz d for lha war.’ 8ix cuiatHUilea roorgniila-d be fore we left Wilmington. LuM week • nr inur rrinsiuiwz cnn'iamra re ur gante-d, m.d on ttaiurriny we bud an et-cltmi for Old officer*. whoo Oil. lame and Unit. C l Ly we mr rl#r 1*4 In tUrlr former |-»*llmn« In acrW sailmi Fur maj r wa had auma wars larlli-tlng. Brvrral «ilt iHunta led After several latlloiinga. Ca*g. dima-t 1>. L*<we n* rlecteil. I mulced tKal llie naiKaiui ware very y <p Willi the drat lieutenant* Perkryr In rarest Uwa nfaiwrmlui lu udlua bad auroe Indue'Ce "ll make* ua very proud lo know that w* are ti e drat Nor.h Cardnm regiment lo regM grt'llle. fiw regi me* I la my large, now numleilng l.iSu men. "Cmanterlng thit >>ar orlgoal term of aervioe woul 1 ui»l Imre ex -bail 11It the dial of S-pt ailarr. and latlug ilia dot Ninth Carol ma legiseut in te-en • I** ami re organize, we tlnnk Kry nudrally. Hail wear* rnlill.4 m eoroe l.ivura We have im rid* uuaiianlee. IVr w.oikl be glad to lia»e two, though ua are uig it^auasl to grumble, ami anil cliarrfiillytlu llie heat We tin. ••We are now real.*111* tb“ privations and hnnlajrlp* of camp lire. Ifa ultaa mink of uur enuif Halite quarter* and Uie kln'l-l.earl—I p-aipia of Wilmington •iomr <>f the fair on * . f Wlliotngton. I an»p el. are remeiabeied with more LI pan ardorurg feeling* u< friemtaUip. •*We are nothing lirnt laittoobey order*. A men h .a to lie vary nulnH ki, no amul terse WtUi lot fetmw a mliera. ami on pmdhthmaiy r -i4 Ur.a* with nlmarir, to *ev a ucli n j .yovnt hare; but ao king »< our oouutry lembvur wrrleea, ur will bo contented III her an ice wherever It Say he." Tola regiment, numlirrlng L,10p. for ■In v, wa* urilara-1 to Virginia May Jnd IMz. llama armed with o'd smegli mire musket* from tlw Fayetteville arsenal. taadly altered from Uml to por eusaion. It aomi threw tnaoi away ami aupfited llarlf with more aerrlov ahte and wire modern wa»p ms gal lie red "t» tl*» bloody batue-dal-l t.i ui it grand On inachlog Virgin! i It was ordered at N« to Gurtlnnsvilln. It real-liter! them nod at Rapliiau Station doing ptefcrt duty only for s short lints. tV lib live rest of the brigade It was next ordered to )olu Jackson In tits Valley; tail ou reaching the f.wit of the Bine ttldge. It was ordered baek to Hanovnr C-airt Hnoes. On the SBth nf May It was marelied Uirough land sad rain to 'Hlash Ciiurch.” At that time the regiment had Id it “many re cruit* Just reeueerlng from the dls o»* e luobWt to the omnmenoonwwt of eacop life.*' Lrilliaai*a Battery re l»<rted t*i Uen. Branch from North Carolina the evening before lit# bri gade left Han<*ver Court Hnare “with naly hair enough men fur Um efldent Berr lew of lit* gin s and with liurscs entirely anurnlnert.*' O • Toeud <y asorning, tlie *7U» of May. (Jew. Rianch ordered the Tweuty elghlii Regiment end a seettou of 1-4 (luaca’a Hal'ary, under Llemenual J. H, f»ua, tu Taliaferro's Milt In cup lure. If purer I te. a reported nucraud Ing party. No Mm was found at tba mill, ami as ths enemy were rep wte.| advancing on Um “Old Churnli" real. It prompUy retreaed tie steps, march. Ing left lu front, with Aaatara, nod aa advance guard was tkraww oat. On reaching the pma thlekst In frost of Ik. Kinney's oo Um direct reed tn UMtWnmd, a squad of Federate ■tapped luto the Taliaferro Mill ruad la front «f Um somasawd. Tbs eo| ou«H suspecting aa ambush, halted hi* regliaeet, faced It by ths rsar rank ■ad wliselsd It to ths right Into Um thioket, It handsomely oiaaoed the thicket of the enemy. On reaching the fired in front of Dr. Khiouy’s It •barged, with rebel yells, Um Twemy Sflli Mew Turk Ragtime it, cm muled 10 Kinney's field of standing wheat, and almost annihilated It ha front of Marti ndale's Brigade, drawn up io Hue Of battle sad strnogty supported t>y artillery. It was not knowu than that the rwgiamot bud been out off by sa overwhelming fnroe of Infantry, ar llllery sod OMvalry under Oec Fill J.*hu Porter. It was withdrawn and re formed la Um open field oa ths Hanover Coart llouss sfcto of Kinney's dwelling. Pott's artillery was aim ordered Into |mslilon, and never were two guns served more handsomely. I Dm vnaqu il rxaitsei w»e kspt up for over four boats, loll etlng greater dam age than wae sustained; and when It was fimarl Uiut lira sboray Was firnk log Urs rewiaiati*. I;t liotli dlrectl.iaa. It was withdrawn In good order to Has ""ret Oort House. On rewriting fit. Pawl's aha rob ts-ynod Um sort houos where tho road forks, and finding the enemy's haUerino In pnoltWM and Um I read la Ashland In tbstr poaraasioo, It wai ordered to taka tlx fork to T*y lorarlUo under a flailing Knowing Uia cavalry wat punning In force, It Wat thrown from tin road to tlx IW4d lo taka ndvaiilage of Ux crux feuorw. On reaching a thin atrip of wood* be - vimd the railroad. It area ordered ietok Into tlx tiwl, and directed to mure at rapidly at prxaiUe to Tayluravllla, while P-dt* uolnnlered hit Parrott ■tin la Ux middle «.f iha road. Tlx oilier gun had born thaod-nad at Kin ney* of Ux lmrv-e had lawn killed or badly wounded. TtiX Imld ptroe of t Mialegy on tla> part of the oolonei and the lien tenant ,4 Artillery Intluildated -lx enemy* cavalry, eauaed them to form llae uf battle on tha uttxr tide of tlx railroad, and enaliled tlx Twenty eighth H-gtmei-l to KiAkc lx emnpe Alreedy eghanated hum expoeere to Inoltne-iti weailwr, Irum hanger, from lighting and inarching. It waa threw day. before tlx regiment, lay a circuit mu route, rejoined the lirtgada on the right lamb of tlx OttlokaLo-elny where it waa wildly and joyfully received. It waa hlgtilv oompiimeiilrd by Generals Lee and Branch f-n lu rplpodld lath ir hir In ililt laaateriy retreat. The form er waa heard to remark that U wag a w-aider tu iii-n t!x whala c oum-uid li-id n>4 ueen hilled nr captured. vmiwiiy u, widen w>u cm <>s from Uie regnoeot at ltini.ry’n can never fnrgM. Iw« lheir brave, but frail and delicate young c .Main, Georg* B. JimntUm. afterward Uir accomplished atljntant general of Dm Ivigade, a warn Um river in escape the tnvmy and then »»»n 'Mok rather linn appeer tn have deaertrd Ilia own; boar he marelmd a* a of war rnwn Kin tiny ‘a Farm to Weal J'.ilnt In ble wet clothes; I tow lie waa o,indued u.i Johnson *a Inland; how In read lie E|itsc<it»> wrylee ivg ulmly Ul hla lellow prlvinera three; liow In- eodeara.1 liluarif tn all In lila impurity; tmw be waa Joyfully wM oinyd iioeh t» casp; mrl ihiw, a piiy aleal wreck, he waa wton funiwl m re tail n linWM to die. A mailer, braver, purer Christian hem m-ver lived. Fma lh a taat'.le at Korney's Firm, or H .cover Cnart Honan a* It la getter ally willed, to tlie aumaider at Appn w> .link Court, il« Iniewy of the Imgatle la tlie hiatnry of tlie regi nteul. It latre on 111 tail Ih-dJag the waup-of every Paula In which tbe bri gade p into i pa led. U -for* Um fifhu around Btohm-ind, Ili-tnCh’n Bilge-It- Wat wilifiinl to Gee. A. P. Hill, and b-uitn* a part .4 the famous • 'Light Diviaiou ” Tim Tweu ty-eighlli Ugna-nt waa Willi I La bri gads when L ana llw Oral, in lh-wa aeven daya'd r'.i«, In cm* me Uuick i Innwony at -4Ualf Link," and clear Un way for I Ik- crown..a of the r>ii of Ute “Lignt Dlvwl v" at “Itendow Bridge.’ When it reached M ■clie.dcavilla >iu Ute Allli of Juua It waa nrdrreil to support a nattery imi the Lit nf Up* road. Next tBuruIng It waa eunjerletl to a aport hwl MVera artilh-ry dre O.i reaching C dd Uarn.« mi Ilia i7ui, It and Uie Seventh Nurth Urilliu, >«nunlar*l Pi Um Wi nf Uw ros-l where it iw bared T--ry b m laansly, Iu owucnkmcl •aina WroiiiMled un Uw la-aid and Owl. Ifcmpiaril. of tla- Seventh, killed wiUi Uw te-U.ra at hi* neal-umi In Ida liaiala. At Frasier's If a rm on Uw 80vb H *d 0(1 the right of TuIrty-eeVenUi N- rtn Carolina Regimaix After during the enemy’s InUniry. It and llir Tliirty-wrenlh gallantly chatted Uw artillery In tlnnr frnot. when Ita o»l one) w .a abut iu Uw face and C-l. Law, of ihe Thirty-erVviUii, was k lied. It was nut entirely emitted el Malrvrn llfll On tile 1st uf July. It how ever, urdeinl forward In tbe sflem-ion to support the forma sogaged, ,UMl Waa miller a wry la-ary artillery dm until eoine time after dark. It carried 480 Into lbn»- Moody fights aad suaUlued a him at It kllb-d aial 14*1 woo- d-d. It enc-s wiped bctiiw the city of Rlch OBiard for • short llate and waa then e-d-red, July tB.n, to Oordouavtlla, hear which place It remained eutil Just befon* tne battle of Cedar Run, An gutt Utli, In which It Iiore a rery oiu aploooue part. Many of thn men wiped their gum out a* they ad raiieed under Uw hottest fire; aial when Infant i y aad csfsiry had lawn repnlaed and Gen. Jacksm appwrol on the Beid ill IU fruit. Uw men wildly chemed lila and called to Ida to let (lira know wlul he wlktx-d done and they would d i It. The lose In this fight wag 8 killed and tB wounded. In tills bridle, after the enemy had twee repulsed and the regiment had crossed the mad to vonneet with Gen Tallafervo’e comonand. Uie colonel rlilied a member uf C-wapm-v T tor falling out of ranks. Wlieu Uasoldier replied Dial be was ia» onward but waa exhausted and onold gn no further, the wtkmtd took off his canteen, band-d It to him, aud tolil him to lake k “alls drink” nod rejoin his ooiotmny. Not knig after, ak theeokmel Wat passing down the line, complimenting Ills men for Uidf gallantry, that brave fellow stepped out nf ranks. Minted aad wrld. ‘Odnnri. here l am. I veil yog wliat, that drink you gave ms Jnst now Ima Set me ap again, aud I fuel as lliougli 1 onubl whin a whole regiment of Yair keck.” leery body was In a good buiuor. kftdofooonoevenrbndy laoglied At the slM-lling ecus* (he Rappahan k<«t no tbe 94ili --f August, the Twen ty eighth was sent to the support of Rfaxtcn’k and OokWs G.tieciee; and a part «f the regiment waa thrown forward with Inunctions to pcwnwr, If prwklbte, tlm d*struotl-n of tl*e h rid go aor<as Ua Href near Warren kin Width Rulplinr Springs. nra wnruna nyni ww h mn• ——a* Jui»otk>ii Au*u*t 9?lh, wlu-n Jaokwm sut In Pop*** rmr, and ! I bn brtjpid-. chaard Taylor'* N*w Juraay oonmaod Ink. tba aw*rap* of | Bull Ham. On* of lha Taranty altflitli ! wa» jury murli aatonldpaj, aflarr Jump I In* orrr a bud\ from lh* railroad am banknkmit, in Ant that ha had alao I Juaapad o*rr a Yaukra arnuchwl b* »«Ui. AiaAbrr wm *1111 raora aatnn lalwt when ha art no tllfO'ira to La*a a trli.* of wutpr, t» Hud Oiat a fellow Irat *>oahl wifely In Iba oulaort. Ha wa* an frlal.aian, and aflrr Ira load ariwlad frnia hi* hid in* plat*, ka «ra*Ud a* a poor by *Upp4a« Ik* Tar U«a1 on lb* tbo.ihUr and rr*kar*lnf i Fusion DOUGS* IISDOIIGS " » mostly msDoarai txh weei. t»» >tW IlMlN Ob*!*** trow ch* CWrtMti'nwm. TUESDAY. FEB. IS. •■■ATP. BH1» *»re IntMduced u Mlowa: By Mr. Dowd, to Ktarnd tin coeetl tutlou Is retard to tlm holdlar of odloa by Moitnra of lb* LegUtatar*. At boow tb« airoUJ older wa* taken up, till* la-las tli* Mil to r^uUtr Un wil*-.fleiuor. Ii I, it,« ,M prepared l^S^^.Trnpanujo* AwcUtion. °rUr1Jrr *MD|M»rt Of JL Mr. C«ok offered an Mnnadieral, which <rna adopted. atrlking out dnntgla'i. Mr. AMI off*r*d Mil amend meat re qrlrliia th*t a iunJ irlty of tin vaunt almeM be reuulred to a petition hr an Weetlon Thla wai adopted. Mr. Mood. offered an «„ nudSTitlklns out tin word* “ookuiy ouoiaUaam era.” Tin dalnta waa Inns and wa* heard with great lulenwc Tin sailed** •are iweka.l witii l|«t*an>a -woulr la dim. Mr. Pnidian M,|?ni.c-awclen<n w* dlnded no (hi* bUL The Spaeth* bad nut laaai rawed |a htl county. Theie were 4oral Ion* of tar greater Import—ike gu-atlon at libeetyt a freebom oluten tlnukl be allowed to Yota. The matter at pi oh I bltlou did not enter liito It. U* *► acrted lint be really did pot know Ue wtalieeoMtle people *a to tbU natter. Hr (leaned to rqne« >t tli-n truly pod faithfully, but aa hr dip nut know tfnlr I arm Iron ill and drairep ha did not know bow 10 Tot*. M r. Mutiny declared that did not know Mott i bit question wo an Issue In Ilia campaign. He Kitkl that a Man osukl aol lw leal alt i eg IWU> »*r l-ty. Ttwre were floauumj and other qura loma Involved. Um would have ait appetite for drink in apfta of lac I ala lion. Hu «aa*rt.d liU Iwlkrf in Moral raform ami read Hie (trat wOtlon of llw bill to prove lilt p>atUou. He declared that this made rvrry ban of Monh Camilna pmhibhoiy gyoand. Ur favored tenperancv, |,ut wattlderrd tliw bill lie) radical. |i was aanaiucly •Jevloeti ami llw person wli > drew It kiww well wbat lie «* d >l«g- Mr. Moody a-kl he waa tail a aenllM’-utaMst, • ail wanle-l lascMml|,non. The llqu- r tradio of Ilia town of Aahevills alma, yielded fgO.UU to III* PUUh: aclead rnmJ. Mr. Ilmiver tlHHicIll llie o ewanta a |olil>cal one. allh-'ugh It •ltd not ,-otor ut> In Uw eaamalan. Vet tbw fact d<d uot rrlir.e me in bars of tUfi duly. He thought Uw (wntcltera liad done ar-nig In tickling the aalmm kervwa. They alutnli) *)**»■ have icniw to the Legislate re-Me relief. II - than went lain a delailad iota mat of tha iinalwr of peraoi i who died each year I rum tuteniperuiicv. Ho pictured Many iiUve acmes which he hiul wit ness!, d. He waa ihvmkI ut Vote for Uia bill. Mr. While, id Alexander, *tld lw and hla colleague srere of about Uw tame aim Mr. Hlrmoii had a tin* hi Kite, |w bad an huM'de one. Hi* hooia should lw «*Cecil. It wat port Ilf falUi that a betlenbty waa coming. He w ehl rather •a» tlw greatest grunkaid Uiat ever rulbsl hi i he gutter than Uw waa who told the Hqu T Mr. Xmrta told bt wa* the reprwae*. lativa of hit people “the Whole people of Watt clonly. He MhdtW the rauir of teMperano*. H# tlioaght Uw bill ml dit have been better drawn, tl w •• supper ted by all lbs woman. Ha Wti* pnmd Ut eaal lht» vot* against ill* c*i*a of ilia liquor trsBc. He favored tha Uli Mr. Poittma thought It had two ■hies. lie al waye bug hi* stand and did uud as lit what ha thought. Prolil Wthm dW not pfohlbit. Mr. tftarlitick add that they had hoard a guod dad a Inti tha l'medlats swallowing tha H-poinlcana and Uie R-puhll'sMiasWHlhiwInc *••• Populists, eto.. bat Imi had imt I ward nr in* p, j lubiilumsU twallnwlng of tliew. The hill la raviduimoary. He favored tha rquiiUtlng of Iks Itauor tn®o—tlw sal* should be legal Bled. Ha tlMUglit that ll>* party which pnMd Mil* Ull woald he liehl reayimsiblr. The Dem e craU would pr.4l by tha pa twice of it. Mr.Candlar hop'd tlw 1*11 would paa*. Ha Wa* InlrmHKed by Mr Moody, who asked If Mm whole hill did not real on llw Brat seotluif He •aid yea. Mr. Moody a*ld li ammMiletl to Slate prolilUtbMi. Mr. Ufcudlcr then dhKietKl the Merita or the mil. All the object lows were tttptlm**. Tha liqnor men had their kHibyhg* her*. Mr. Paddlem want'd to know If hs Intended to lownaata that lw waa In fluenced by lobby tttaf Mr. Candler ••Ui Bn; he did not ■«" that Mr. Candler thmi rrematd Ibe dltcnMlmi of the bill and called to* previous qurt th»n. A dotes Senators Jutnyad to their fuel ami saM they did not propose to Imve a gag law, Mr. Alv-il mnvd to MJhgii. Mo tion Inet. Mr. Wowler hoped he could V-da for some lentpersts Measure hut ooeld support thi* WII. Mr. Ormit auppiorted the bill. Mr. Dowd offered en amend went aiming not taction 18 subeitiailng Id p<M* thereof, ‘-ThlaaCt altall ba In form In en#h oouatV of the flUl* fmoi Its ratlBewtlun by a Majority of the quallBad vole* of said »*outy voting at an elaetion antiiorlasd nod held an der was pnivlMnn a* saotlon I of this MV.” Mr. Dowd explained hi* am**) MUk Mr. Parthinc htood the MU. Mr. Peri tine oppaad Uie bill. He e*M Ulal l he prnblMtlnnlaia at kite donate Med to oae the alien. Intel uf r>»»' they I tad In Hr'e'et" liquor nut the ooentry. Tliey were not elected for ■neli n pdiyo«a Ha Mmll > tn Urn line) olein every aa*o had hia deonmer ou hia aldeOxrd. Be did not belie vr • b»ee <4d UudJiertca had Onto lo hell. He did net rewamber naniii* any of then trank. Mr. Paolar appo*** ‘he WU Tie did tot belleee It oentd oortall drana •oiiteaa— it o.teld t)«a|dt mete a nom poljr uf the tnlt. Mr. Carter exaiM to be yM where to belonged. He wee oppuaad to the Ml. Mr. biarbook sored to lay the Mil apoa the Ubt*. Mr.' Candtor dr BMixird lit* a Tee and nay*. Call Me Ulead. Ito rote wae tl to «L Ttd PraaMeat rated la iippnellhra to tabUag the bill. Tto Sauata then adjutroed. The following arta were nuUrd: To lui<on»rate Tto Betrvai. at Cmrtolte; Tn a (need chap. 07, law* of ISM. to regulate lit* liquor truffle la Clare land couoty. ■ooaa Dili* ware In trod need a* foilnwa.* .By Mr. MoKaual*. to require ti Jen «f bicycle* to dlen-iont when seating rehleWe. By. Mr. Currie, to regalal* lasm no prm«nr Inaund aval oat Ion by Sir; By Mr. William#, of (farm, I to dtrret ilia Ola la Board i4 K luaalloa Uiref uad the money for aareral grama. Mr. Oanpltoll ion to a qumtiou of ! paraonal nHrlleca on am arUeio to the Balelgfi Prim, and aald that paper wa* an "hermapitrudite." Tto Hon** a> waya Uugtia at Mr. Cbmptoll, wbo to a delightful apaukar and baa a ttjtm ail hla own. At 11 o'clock tba Speaker aonouoood the apeelai order, It la btrlug tba rise* ! tl<w 1411. 1 Tha eloottoo Mil waa then token up. Mr. Luek. Um cbairama uf tba eota tolttoe Id rliarga <4 tha bill, laid be wanted to allow tba IWmoeraU plant) of Utoa tu apaak. Da aald ba hoped tba Deiauoraia woaM rate for odiat lie do ctored woo a Bar bill; one which would glee a free itallntaed a fair ouutil. Mo oald Um fmtoulota wauled .ml) 8U BiriutOa'tlate ou tao quad Ion, and wmild giro tlm Daniocrau mi boar and a half, hut Umi if luciw waa a dwycai tl m to amateur tlm qaeeitua would tm called aarller. Mr. Smith, oT Gate*, Mid MO* a doom me Ottawa bad twwl tlm Ml through lie "W Um bill bod lom drafted iw per •one uutude ibie Uouae. Bo thought that few wetalaua undrratood It aod that opge turn woo heeMearr to mat wder the Mil properly. Ho declared that liw IX-taouraU wauled to do their •luljf. flee - etching atati'im a," aa Eaan oallad (bora, had drawn tba MS, and uow Uila lluuee waa rxpectod to awallnw it. Ha did art tliiuk meotbara were by UnHc uatba bouial to oboe Um Iwlteata of auy lea men. Mr. Bay apukwogauwt tlm Mil, which hv tanned Um product of Um beam of 1 bo • Bie Piye,” ami tor mad Um latter tbr *•!«« oe-rtol Are.” He rtdluuleA Um Big ►‘•re Olid wlmt lie termed the “nomin al ««e»aia*ra” «»f'lie Lrgleiaturr, who went back and fnnli in iiw-ar "rlclllag ataloaBen '* Me alluded to tba “fnole* nar.idlae." lb* election law. arbieh line been prepared by I brae great mind*. He mud that many trc> Iona had been token laalllf (rout tha Democratic wtoo Uiai law. I*a« a.ana ncUoaa um un like aaylhlug in hraren nr e .rth. Ha particularly ridiculed tl>0 auction which nllnwu Um hUiu ubalriuau lu ungtluato Jadgra or eirctl.ui a»d poU-bi-ldera, Kvery decant feature nf Ute hill had been purloined from tiio Democratic law: fiouu tlm eery mun wlu.m tba fu aionetto liml alaodrred and denounced. Tto-y bad taken It from the Payne ehoiton law, (roui Payne who wao the wrurst donouno-d mmi lu the State a ad tbr moot olandered. Parte of tha bill had bwD taken the Mae each gprlfo election law. Ha declared It the liugaot Bteoarrtuge uert known in tlm State, a disappoint iaaot to lie pmaaotrn, a «a .keahlft. Ur. Uampiwll raid In rrpfy that Urn Cb»«a*n Democratic p'.al form wm a aiakmlilfi, and ridiculed Mr. Ray1* •prenb. - He mid br knew BepnMieeut lu Cherokee who *cM their voire lu IVieooraia.aDd he defaming the pro pueed law bev-ease be mid It weald atop tlii< inlying .if vote* Ha moved that Mr. Bay** eloquent remark* be •pread upon the Journal. Hr. SmlUk. of tMleo, offered as amendment that when two pullttoa) parties have united they slmll be ooo tide red ae only one party. ( While title we* help* read, Mr. Bean rawed a ■rent laegh by eryiun out, "Mr. Speak er, on a* me lit of ihe oolae ■ 4 OlW Miaieriog we can't Ir-ar a word.”) Mr. Smith defended bis amendiueota m i*Mh h-gul and fair. After the buaata made aa te the aoutinnanoe of eo opar atbm, U !• avldeet t era will l*t only oar pet of oen-lidaiee. yet the fo*lont*te wilt haye too eat of Uirre judger and rrrittrara of electUm. He aeked If Utta wa» jaal and rlafct. It wee hi* eno . teniMH that th* fnal-ailata we*e only ■hi* iMKhol party. He declared he I winild oppoar uotiiloff In the election I law wlitoti wae ri«ku Ha Imd a pnod cause for soepleian m Lu Uile Mil, foe It wee well known tliat euspidoa* men bad beau oogigM In the pevp-iretl-wi of ihU bill. Ue wanted a fair aleetioa law, but ramer Imd made Car lain meo who were engaged lu thle preperatma till* Mil leach talked of In Oonoection with elect Uni fraud*. Mr. Kwarl trod lie hoped that Mr Smith did wot refer to Hie '‘eateratad frieod” Buk Kltohlo. (Tlte latter eat quite near Mr Smith aod the I titer turned and bnwlog to aim aaid "preari* oompaey Pvijt «c aaptad—ftir the proomu”) Mr. Leak wanted to know if Mr. Smith re I er rad to hie "e* tee lord Mead "Spier Whit aker.” Mr. Young, of Wake, aakvd if Mr. Smith'd «mend meo t wae to pro vent th* Democrat* from wuoMiitiig with the strainUt-out BepeWkeeut. Mr. Smith Sail! he wo not a oom»lnatton man. Mr. Bwart aaked If Mr. Smith w-mhl y <t* fur the bill If HI* stem* meat were adopted. Mr. Smith re plied yea, if roam ntimr ameodmema, of e^ual Value, ware whqd-d. (A H"P ulUA eeM ihe Democratic throat* bed been out to d iy *nd the bh**1 wa« ruu nlug out. Nobudy appeared to know wlial lie meant.) Mr nmuli willed the yma and nay* on lila emeodaetat. It waa loot, aye* M, eoe* 73. nr. in*«irm ■ m im t"i|»m itn ruakMlt«* «M to murt wliat l Nr I thought u Mr Mid rh-mion U«, 11* »M dlauruMt In nM lto«o, udt Una WU did u«t itn mti ■ h«. U« i'ii) i-rnud to moiImii &. r*qutrt«C lb* dlrlulon of rottwg tuveloeu luU dto triota uf M> mtrr*. Tbk I* »«t In ohfivoutm, H« ab|iti < to tbo QaO*tm a! low tog Millet* on an* kind of paM aa« with or without dvrlo*. To UM ho e*m-d aa aawd—t aayiag tiial audio tiM toil tbrvo would ha aon fraud U«an rw irefora to tha Staha. Uaaerupuloi* mi woatd ara thta. Ba aaid that lu WiNtoa eouuty • **aoaaM would Ur tha rtaMmo an tha ttahrt aad la Charukaa a "haaglng *«.>• Ha •^f*d two other auMadaamria, aa* af tlwaa Mug that aa ••all) ahould ha ra gairad that tha vnt*r did aot totoug to any a«rat political organicittoa. Ha aald aaab ergaatoattouo Might at tlarl* fur and and tin ntoady danarriKi*. Mr. Wloboraa'i foar amend wont* wet* turn voted oa. Tlwy war* aah yutvddown; flrai, thatallowiag aautV Ur rtoauuu praotuau; aacood. that ballot* ahould ba wlthoot deviea wd «n wWtr paper (aye* 33. note«9); third, aa to fattening of ballot boaaa (wttb anawal; fmtrUi, laqulrtag nub that pitar dura not twk'ug t* aay aaerat tadltlaiiawMr (anutt,noc*TQ) Mr. C.mjmeJl voted aya oa Um latter hanad meat, aaviag aaent poUUoal organic* tlua* had enaard Mnidrimd to Worth Carolina aod uaabt to ba rnpiimail and gaanted agalaat. Mr. Koitbly, PopaSUt, aald ha thought lli* toll a goad on*. Tb* Pupa* llat*, b* duoUnd. bad ktUed tha Pama anrta and Uila toll wowhl Salto ay ttt Mr. Plilllpa, of Pitt. Wopatlat. atoa •poke la favor uf Um MU, and arid that two yaua ago whan oa nparattaa waa hunt tha Demnerala had aald tha Papa* Itota aianantad to attiring, bat now they knew Um pnwar of Pupall*M. Ua aald that Wlahoroa'a amrudtarot m to nndaalgaaoD bdlnta waa a fraud; that It waa not Um with at ballot-box at af ter* tu haw belVria wKboat detlgn. ft* aald Um elect km tow woa Um boat *v*r daa'gocd-, that Um fuatoalota la trnrtad to naaa It luoiaa It ataad. Mr. T<uaa aaid ha ara* aurprliad at Um aotwa of tkaP'Murato today oa thla MIL They had riiowa a grant dla pnattloe for falmraa. Ha bad Many hard ihlaga la hi* baart to aot, hat would not aay tha at. Ha coaMUaaaa tod tha Demnerala ua their aanatrra tlaai aao Uiair oouiaim aad lash of party heat. Ha then called tha pra vlnoa auraUou Mr. Ray aao* nit tea that aa tha third reading oftim Mil tm monwwho would offer a aubathuto. Tit* MB ara* than voted oa. Tim ro ault waa ayea M, boo* 3d. It waa a atrlot party vote. tm joint raaofouoa offered br Mr. William, of Craven, that Ute Legis lature taka a reeves trow moo Than* «1 *y to oo-in Saturday, la ordar to aU land ibe MewU-ta fair, waa taken up. Mr. Lank spoke againa( It, saying tba •melon waa passing away rapidly and little had bora done. Mr Randsrsoa orutaioted tlie previous question and railed for tho yen* aud nays ou lb* fa aolailna. TIm vou was yoas <3, nays 41. It WM KIW4 la Mtvm uf U» l» ailetlna tbat Friday won a legal holi day. A taolliMi waa amh to eeapeed the rulss aud put tha luwilwttea oa third read lug. but this ratted. A Mil to amend the panalou act aa that widows of aoMtera who bare dlad any lima oloea I be war frow lajurka or woaods iraetrcd during tha war caa have poastoum, pstasd Ita raadtaas. A bill allowing all oouoty nlinsrs to give laadi la aceurity eoauwnlaa (am DilliMf ibe act *4 1MBL psased. (A Mil quite Ilka It waa poaaad a few day* ag».) A Mil amending Tha Onda aa that s-iutimois can be erryed on jamt who ran away aud o--coral Ibewsstvaa. was sdmdert. The M1I to mb a Coda Cbwrala an>u waa tasda ept-clal ordar (or Man day next. A ImU to abolish tba •■•as of koapar of Urn eapibd and create the ndlsa of aeperkitaadeat uf puMta baildioga aad ■rounds, waa taken np. It pro rides for election by tha Lagtelature. Tba •alary uaroed la 8M0- Tire nurpoae of this MU who to oast Chat. Charles M. Roberts, Itewneret, aad put ta a fa Honi.L Mr. talib of Qwaa. said tba MU was a uvraaannabte ana and ooaptl wanted CapA Bnharfs, a oar tewed OuafeiterMta anidter, for hla good mouewuaeot of the capital and grands. Mo saUuw was taken. A watuorlal frow Mrs. Fattte D. B. Arrington, eaklng an laraatlgathw of bar eoae. was raod. Ma naked for a special aocomltUw, and aasgastod a committee. Tha resnietioa wva adapted and a asn It tea, of whteb Mr. Bay la ehalrwaa, waa appointed. WKOMBdOAT, FBB. M ■nr ATS. Bill* war* Introduced aa foflowa; Ttw WU intrdnced by •mietor Cm4 tor, to regelate Um e*to u« Itoaor, mme up «A unti.labrd tnialutee. Mr.Moodr'e ■unrt dmrnt to rlnkc eat the wurtto "ts»unty oomai teal'mere” wbaceieer Wmy appear erne bat— il to tl. tba Preetdeut breaking llm Ur by eoUbg no. Mr. Dood’e amrodmoot. to otto* oonnlirc. towiwblpa, cHko oad towna, to wU upon lln ranAcatwa uf tha blit, tc accept ur r»J-et Ho pto*tok>i»a by amiorUy eote, *jo odrpiod-oyaa ft, moot. Mr. Long offerrd on amendment to Mbnlt the bill L> tba qaolifed eoter* of too dtato at tbo neat btoouoa. Tkto om dlmamed at um length. Mr. ttoedtor demanded tbo preWoaa cam Uun and the axil *M oaaUload. Thto amendment wax In* -ayaa M. aaoa M Mr. Mock amt up aa amendment to *' Ike not "towna hip, Sty or towa” •leeeeor It ooenre la tba toll. Tkto *U done. Mr. kto offered an amendment to rvdoen tba ncod far kaaplag orderly femora from WOO l-> flOO. Mr. Ato-H moead to toy ihta amendment a* Ura Ubto. The mot ton to Ulda era* toat Ip a role of ft to *1. Mr. llokMMni meat waa adopted by a rote of ft to M. Mr. Ahett ad'red an nanfawt to Srlke not aertton U f Urn Ida, whtob mprltre bond fur ksidag orderly houaea and to pea rant dm n Smarm ar mtmla*. and | rerldlng for tha eotVe ttoo ef peaaltloa tor entitle a. Mr. Omh meoad in toy tha a awn dm eat an tbo table. Tbla aicllw waa toot Ip a mm «f ft tell. Mr. A bell *e amendment ta atrfbo aS : 1 J m S. >T:.v \v7* >• • •. •V** • if-; v‘, .Si-). v& - . ’> . x<, * I down.

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