ajxywo mo thU month AuenK Mom ia theaawdmt ofMadi *M Square Garten and awarded rlb kMW to Mtuop-tailed fox terrier*. Atthatttca* hie fame rrotod on the ' •*_**• c$»*«*pio*i brae# of the wWeb*waa the height of rjE&as.srea1 npntatloo. W* U the United --r-r- the term upon wMobjgd^ the yM-^UWI Mfwgjwi nr roaretsing cnrrwcy MM*. He negotutee with » President Mf a Secretary ef the Trnearr ia ee grt^pan the fate of a aaUon'i con ^Tb«Ml» the haaaly of a free country. Yew han't MB when the nan yon ml M— Neapth year aariaaa not lee win taw a Mg Mien of the oooetry Mand Mf m u a^M, rt^w S- Sbartffef Tyler W. Va, epfteelataa a good thing awddomaot beMtaU tony n. U* Mwn MMOM .pnMtreted with a eoid JJM • M111*- °* tJ,'*»bee MlWte Omgh Homely, lie Myx "li l And it to be *aie by Uen^ rosioi douk m iispomcs who, whan In Con hW agalne* Ite knee bill, and who aakt that elacUcM In North tW Man uudar tbi uraoh ahead alactloa Mw, wwn abaoiutelj fair. Ha de w*n tbo Demociulk party • hkh reunred tha rtabt of suffrage in Monb Carolina. Yet ha admitted that tha KepabUean party now waa not tha Repeal man party of IrtUS. He Midif a FopaiMor ^publico ware aakcdlftlit atari tor. in Meoh lea burg was fair, bo would any yea. Ml. McCUrnmy, to whom Mr. Lusk ykldad bk time, wild U>a Legislature ought to consider well wknt it was doing do changing the present arstaia of alectlona Ho saw U» politic! oomnlexfoa of tho Suto chungadins twinkling under this vary alactloa law, w OMicb abused and denoanood. Mr. MeCmmmy drew a pretty picture of preapareoa and pracuful North Caro Hna under the taw now la fore. Mr. OsmpbaU made a motion that tha speech of Mr. MoCUmmy be spread a poo the minute*. Spanker Water toM Mr. Campbell to print it “ his puper, the Murphy i?*KcHn, and st Uiis there waa much Utighter. Mr. Umltb, of Stanley, "aid be 'knew thtt tha bill, waa to be farced down ItenocruUe throats, and that no msaadawst would be aocopted. The , « ■ great cnsnpe Pur over a century ctforu have been made «o occurs pore eleeltoua. Be declared that Uia peasant law waa one aadcr wlileli aay man oouW cast bU vou aa be wlabaa and bare It properly uuoated. Be Halt tore tbe major ity to tbe Hooae waa too manly and booeat to want this to atand. Tbe bill built up u great power with an au tocrat at lta baud. He had sewer bsaad of aa aaralr election In Stanley ta bla Ufa. He attacked lbe ticket system aod said 12,M0 name* arete pomiWe la each ballot box. He alec attacked tbe prortalon wblcb allowed wetara ta towns to cast tbalr ballots ■ntH*p.as , aad said It would lewd togroaataaoda Boiler, as tha leader uf Mu Hesse, had helped to frame tbe law. la oondBaton Mr. Smith ■ate tbe MU waa a boaabug, Jest aa waa tbaery of eisctioc frauds ta tbe tate campaign. Be offered tbe follow. Mg amend men t to aaetloa 10: ‘-That tberaaldeooe of a married mao shall be wham bin family reeMes aad that of a teagie ama wbaiw be boards and steepe aad should aay single nm board la «• wmd or praaiaet aad sleep la aa odbar, tbea bis neideoea aball be la tbe ward or pvtclnat ■*>■■■ m hUhth haAall nut be allowed to H*&r or wata ta aay other ward nr pracioct.’’ Mr. Norment aald that the prmeat taw permitted frauds aad that gram °uea wars committed in Rabeaoa eoun lJi and that lit do prraiuct in that eoantj bad tbara bees a fair election In » yean, arte that to 16 yuan lie had not seen a Republican on a Jury there. Ignorant aagrore who voted tha Damo cratta ticket aod Croataoa ward pot on juriea. He claimed that there waa no law under which election officers could bepunlrhed. Mr. Ray promptly cited the aaetloa of the law wkteh Imposed heavy panaltiea. Ur. Norraenl elalmsd that it vu tbe constitution of 1868 which enfraehierte the voters of Hie State. Ur. Self. Populist, asked Mr. Xorment Ifnt iltat convention of 1878 a telegram liud been sect, -‘H»M Robe son and aeyr the Ru.i*V" Mr. R»y ■ate: -Aad, thank God, they dM save H.” Mr. Korment mid they behl it. Mr. Ray said it waa a grand piece of work. Mr. Korment a*id: ••You are tha only aaau save l*uyua who ever en dorsed It." Hr. liay sent ops substitute tn repeal the Payne election ht mod r«n>n«ol chapter 1C, volume X of Tbe Cudu. He sold this was whet the people of the State wanted done lie bad been told that oader tbe Payne law fraud* had been committed thnuth he did not believe thia. He considered Hr. Nor ■aeot very badly informed a* to the present tirrttoa law. He regarded tbe new MI1 aa ono intended to buil-d< z« the people. He declared that the ac tion of the Houae In voting down Mr. Campbell’* amendment was an Infamy, and that the people of the State wonlo not endow tne action of tbe majority of llie House In so voting down an ad mlrnbla amendment, which pave pro tection to weak-kneed or wenkmtuded voter*. Mr. T.nsk said the fusionleU had come here to do bcnlncea and not to talk. Ha would ant an example to Ills Demooratte friends.* Christian exam pie. He then called tbe previous question. Mr. Bar said thia waa lu deed reformation and Mr. Monro* hugbingly mured that the thank* of the Hone* be tendered Mr. Look All the amendment* were voted dowu by a striet party rote; one to re quire Jodgvs of r lection* to be of good moral character by a vote of yeas 30. nays 71. The bill tbvn passed Its third and •nal reading by tbe following vote, ttie Eia and aaya being demanded by Mr y: avea 7k, noe* Jt. It waa of ootm astrlei party vou. Th# gallevlee and lobbies wore erowded with spectator*. THURSDAY, FBB. 91. amtATB. **« raUfteatloo »- tba following Mite Aa act hr pro ject traveler* against barbed wire frser;U>deol*re valid a dead of trust of Trinity College; to restore 0 per tn* IcfO rat* of Interest. Bills aad reaelation* wen Introduced *e foltewo: By Mr. Fowler, U provide for the ■.hfteattehfapremo Coart Reports. Mr. Ceafc, to provide tat th* eleetioa ef Jwstiee* of (ho nee*; to emsad chaw ter 17. volume 1 Th# (Jude. loTX ■torefewl esir-government. Mr. Pad Sa'VjTgTa.'SSaK ItiMgwwd lervoonsidoelh* Hoasa moltHlen te wdjnero sod give owar bman appos tacky to attend the Mew Fair. The rvoelaUon wee lost. Tin. matter oeeeeamnd a bnway eotlo •toy an UwasatUv ef fra* paaau He.,* tor Marhuck charged that Haunter* hod paaasi te llwtr poehet* teaml fnwe M* where nod he regarded It ae .wt ragedM for PopoltH* and lfa-poU leans to accept pasers over tiw ralhnaila fur dMagfWhteh Damoereu hod been Un w ,'mr?£iZ%zz.%z,.z prnMnitoftea Uolvereky, HMm. W.I aoee nfaaterv da* lnw, and lor sawb •dnnehl by Mm te the UalrereWy dee leg the inaolmney Uf that luatMuiiea1 J\,**>® wwHStrueUao period, war A*»*> Mphtoed ttx lbM «*»»«■<* Dr. Mr- '-‘"deny opposed tbs SS^W2JroV‘ “>** •‘“‘‘•f elalmi ■*•*•*• He Mid he mm l"f**?*!t,t**t ** «“ not e fact u>al advanced money to the rwivetaity, ou crate on land sales; to prohibit the •ole of spirltuoa* nr vinous liquors la WaUoga county; to make it a crime for a person in this State to wound a person la another State (this covers tbe notable Clurokse eonnty case in which two men who were pursuing a pr**°oer who had ron Jo at across the Tennessee line, ttred on sad killed him, tlamr being at the lime la this State). The House met at 10 a. m. to-day. The following bills were Introduced In the House: aT?-*fiu** **»*“ **» Wilmington A Weldon Railroad; to create the offloe of commissi oner of public print ing and binding, with $1,800 salary, who Is to b* a practical and stationed printer, to report Mean tally to tbs Legislator*, to bold offlee for four ysers and Ur be allowed a messenger; to provide additional buildings fur the Easters Hospital at Goldsboro. Conoids* obis stir was mads by ree f* <**> »*took by Urn Cameatian which charged that a ratlroad MU bed boon twice stolen mod that there were •omc scoundrel* (tangsroesty near tlw awraaketa of the 8tate The editorial Intimated that Democrat* did thb stealing. Mr. Smith, of Gate*. «ud he was tbs Introducer of tlw Mil, *ud on notion of Mr. Ray it was referred to the judiciary committee sod tlw bill ii missing. Ao exeitsd discussion fol lowed Mr. Hay denounced the Caa <«»*»* for Its cl targes of theft. Mr. Smith of Stanly, favored a demand of proof from the writer of tbe editorial, which demand was amended by tlw suggestion from Mr, Lusk that a com mittee be appointed to ferret the mat ter out. The fulluwiug committee was appointed: Messrs. Lusk, Mon roe and Mitchell Mr. Crow* (colored, introduced a res olution as follow*; '‘Whtmt. Tli* Ipte Vred Douglas departed thi* Ufa 03 iheSDUi lust.; and tra*reo*, tea greatly deplore the •a OB a. oow therefore. "UttoUxd, That tbit House apjourn at 19 noon In respect to the tame." Amended by Inserting 2 p.m. and pnaaed —ay«» 34, ones 2a The calrudur was then taken op. To prohibit Ashing and hunting up on the land of others without oonstlt; pa»ed second snd third readings. Concerning the attendance of olilTd ron lu the public schools; ro referred. Bill to amend charter of Gastonia, passed over, tlsnoluthm In favor of reducing salsrl.w and fees of all State offioac* was adopted. Mr. Turner moved lo amend by adding the eoun lies of Mitchell, Clay and Franklin Tho bill as amended passed tliinl rending. To amend the usury law in regard to bonding and loan associa tion*; withdrawn. Resolution lu »tracing our Senator* and Represents tiros to nsa lltoir influence to secure the establish tarul of a Virginia Dare School for Women lu tlic ntty of Ral eigli, adopted. FRIDAY, FEB 23 mm Mr. Siarbnck, of Guilford, inlro duced n rvsolntion of reupect to tl*e memory of George Washington snd In faror of adjourning In bis honor ut 1 o’clock. Adopted. Bill to present the sd alteration sod mh* branding of food, and the Ingro dleuts of food, waa called up The Mil gassed third reading by a rote of 2340 By con tint. Mr. Rice, of Now Haa over, introduced a bill to amend rliap. 327, law* of 1»1, to prerent Incorpora tion of oertaln ohurelwa. preventing the sale of liquor In certain town* In aide the limits of thoen Inoorporutloaa. Hontm. tloam mat at 11 o'clock, itamdutionsand Mils were introduced By Mr. lawk, a resolution In eommam Oration of (revre* Washington: “Be auived, That when tlila House adjourn to-day K du adjourn la respect to the birthday of the founder of tba repub lic-” Mr. Peace, to amend chapter ♦•W. Ueraof UM, making county uO aa«* raapoualhla for parauaa lynched in Ibek oewnlUe, Mr. Wioboroe. to m «ua fair at4 boeuet oeUlamaot under !—■f M Polk lea. Mr. Whltoner. u lacorporaia the tows of Barryville in Cktowba sosaty. Mr. Llnebaek, to anUbUeii County bauds of mad Iasi . Pi PP' **.°**—' —* • tobatb tote tor Urn resolution of Mr. LmsK In iktofd to Washington's birthday la IhaHkat tkM the Houaa "should mu adjourn.*' Mr. fnjak thought Um bent •urvloa ha aoutd dc that grand patriot ana to tut here and work, and hoped Mr. Smith would withdraw Ida aubati tuto aad 1st as go on with our work, simply adjourning whan wo do adjourn la oo*«aemointbwi of the Father of III* ( ountry. Mr. Smith thought ft wno oennlnly fitting thnt tlmlion*. should show this mark of respect to the memory of Ik. Father* ||J vW,try Uiorw were time* for ail thing* and * awrivrlal*..*** of U.U notlou new ** ** Tb« motion of Mr. Lmk, wan carried. ATSWMCMa trasssssr p— freight; pa mad second and third read ing* . Fur tbs relief of James M. Mor row, elCTk of tbo court of Mecklenburg (leave of absence lu July and August, probaWy to get married). Mr. Lush asked did be want relief. (Laughter.) ■r. McCall wld bis reference to mar riage was only parenthetical. (J.aagh W); that the gen tic mao needed the trip for his health and It be wanta In get married It will bs convenient; (Mated second and third readings. To pay J. W. Me perks for the blackboard, tta.30), P*eard second and third read autned three liours' time. Senator Moody made Urn opening speech In support of the bUI of which be was tho special ehampiou. tie doelored that the direct tax fund waa to a large ex tent tbe money of men who fell In lire war to whom It waa proposed to erect this monument, and that tins ladies wanted tbo money as a luen and not as a gift, and be felt couOJent if the de mand were made they would pay It beck, fie went on to say that If money were wanted for the politic schools this ooeld be batter provided for by a umaaiun laxoa Inheritances, provided for la a bl'l be had Intro duced. He said be was a Republican and waa in favor of Itila bill to enable the ladles to erect a mocumeat to Korth Carolina's Cod federate deed, •lid declared tliat monuments and statuary were among tbe grasteet educators. .Senator Fowler made an eloquent plea in favor of lbs Mil, and be and Mr. Moody were applauded by the spectators with met and frequency. Senator Westmoreland antagonised the MU nod said ha desired the balance of the direct tax fund given the school children. The bill failed to pass—ayas 8, noea *2. Several Senator! were ex cused from voting. At 3 o oJoak the Senate adjourned. KOIT8K. Bills were Introduced a* follows: Mr. Moduli introduced a bill to change the lime of holding b lardy, Gas tun and Mecklenburg courts. Bills oo second and third readings were taken up and disposed of aa fol lows: To amend the charter of Gas tools, peered, To Incorporate Del luout, in Gaston count); reseed second aud third readings. To raise money for the benefit of the public schools in Cbarokec. (Mr. Wlnborne, from lie ••»wUua, aaid that tba bill eras all right, aud waa speolaHy recom mended because he was atoxlous to farolill the gentleman from C terokee all the coujpaign thunder for his next gubernatorial campaign. Mr. Camp bell's face was wreathed in smiles dur ing Mr. Winborne’s remarks.) Passed second reading. Titers w*s considerable debate on a 'till to repeal the law flotog a roan KO for swearing an oath at Henrietta Mills, Bolhwtord rouoly. Mr. Flack, of Rutlwrford. spoke against the Mil for Uie aake of Uic women and chil dren. He said at one lime th.it throe desperadoes ran Col. Tanner off the hill; that the Gill offered by him was an Brr*ngemful with Col. Tanner, end this aubstltote by the committee was an imposition on there people, Una turuing these desporadoes loose there upon Henrietta. Mr^Burnhutn was opposed in the repeal ot Uie MU, favored fining any «»" fo* osing pro fane language. He could excuec a man for drinking or roost any oilier sin but profane language. ‘‘If you want to 0nd tin 8u aronud a cotton factory ’’ aald be. Mr. Winborne said in behalf pf tlie oomrelttec that they Uiongbt the prorbions of the bill were too broad; that there might be In. stances under It In which Injustice might be worked. Mr. Smith, uf Cleveland, said there erase plaha called Jogtnwo near Henrietta Mills and after gntng to Jagtown tiiesa rrian had aotaetime* mode a charge up '-the bridge whrro there were people gaUwred Mild that waa Ilia reason the regulations "f •«<*• «»• pro rider 1 ac«*»*t ,n Ul* W,L 1*0 pi* Burnham aald, had Ida sympa thy because they were lielpiesa. and this Legislature should protect them. Mr. 8mith, of Gates, aald tlie law was loo stringent and be offered a aub etitute leaving tha punishment dla crotinnary with the magletrete, "Dot over ay) fine and not over 30 days Iro prleor.ment.” Hr. Henderson aald Mr Burnwni wuuw W wininRio nnni a man for taking "drink. Mr. Burn ham defended hlmelf earing whlekey *aa “devll'e »tuff” end Mint np an amendment (aoeepted by Mr. Smith) that the Sne be not l*w» than $10. Mr. Smith *a eubetitate, with the amend meut wac adopted, and Horn the bill oftto oomm«<*e. with «•*■*»»«»• and amendment, pawed Uilrd reading. BIB to protect the Moravian Valla Mili tary Academy agalnat the anlllug .#f erhUh*. paeaad eeoond and third rend ing. Yo place Bobt. 'Y. GarriaCn, of lUobfenbarc. no the dratelaae IMua pensioner Mr. HoCull eald there wee onlr nae gret-daee pruehioer In Meek lea bn re and thle man wee now ie th* fourth#)***. but had four or Ire ehll deo and waa halpleae. aed the doc tor *e enrtlSeare dlaelpated atl doubt at to the m*r|u of lire 0*** n* l"*P*d *'• ob Untinne would ba withdrawn, and tbnl iTwoThl be paaardelthont iwBwewo* Th# »otl m l» refer waa iml end teat. Mr Tomer fare notice of an amend !Lt .Xe&H V .«l-*'toi.ng M, ond llat Inetoad of flret. Mr. T.nek dim |M thought that Oongree* elmubl put r'onfrderate aotdler# upon the peu Mnn roll aod that If lie ebo’ild rror get tc rCgmee b« thnnght the Brat bill he w.mhl Utrodeo* wceld be to put Om fndaiui, auIdler* °* the national pen au»o|u» IApphiua*.I Both amend W^lTad hill i«w f-U eeeood aed third ruedindfe. T» auwnd Um ehertur of ike town of Ohapel I1UI famed l ~e j if and third read Inge. MONDAY, FEB. S3 ICHjiTX. Very little waa done In Ike Senate that would interest our muter*. The b«U to appropriate ti.600 to the Asbe **{•• School for fallen women wss toolinl. Likewise * WII to reduce homestead exemptions. _ -*• D- Fruoek, J. J. T.ong. E. A. Alkra were o looted to All vacancies oo lha Board of Agriculture. Bill to allow guarrantee companies to make hondi for Stats, ooonty, and other ofltoein paaerd iti aeooad and third readings. Bill to lt> corpora to the Carolioa aurt Northwestern Railway, a short line to be limit from • 'Gaston county to tbe coal mines of Tennessee passed second read lugs. nopss. An unfavorable ooinmlttee report eras made on the resolution to rod nr* salaries, fees, ami commissions of titrate aud county o Ulcers A very large nutolwr of private and other oomparutlvsly uulmportaut bills were Introduced. The principal feature of today’s aeaalon waa tlie Qrhur and croamfli ing oyer the Douglas adjournment. Tina waa precipitated by lbs following reeo lutlonsof Mr. Lusk' Whereas, The Democratic press have wilfully aud maliciously charged and published that tlie (taoerat Assembly of 1893 refused In adjourn out of re spect In the memory of the birthday of Washington and Lee, but did adjourn oet of reapa-ct to the memory of Fred Dongles, and whereas, by inch fains (tale CD rod, they nave rvfleoted upon tbe dignity aod purposes of the present iit-une. and wlrsieaa. the facia in the case are aa follow*-. That <>u the 18U> day of Jauukty, 189*. that Mr. French offered the following resolution: Re solved by the House of Representatives, tbe Senate concurring, that when this House adjourns it adJouro| to meet Monday at 8 p. m. Mr. French moved to ruapeod tbe rule* which was d-me and the resolution was adopted with out e dlmnnllng vets and sent to tbe Senate tor concurring, which resolu tion the Journal eliows waa adopted, this resolution being now coueum-d In by tna Senate ihs House met neat toorrlng at the usual boor and after tndng In aesalon less than half an hour on motion of Mr. Young, or Wake. Hie House adlourna out of rrapvct to the memory of Bolit. E. fate, tlie same wig bib DirutiMiy. On tl>* 31*t day of February a rvs.v. lutlon U> adjourn from Thursday until Saturday nut of respect to the memory of George Washington was offered by Mr. Williams, of Cravan, and was passed hy a very Urge majority; lira Same was sot concurred In by Uw Henalc. The House met tlw oast day as usual. A. motion was made by Mr. Lusk to adjourn out of respect to the memory of George Washington, the same Icing his birthday, and the same was adopted unanimously, and Whereas. On tlw ilst day of Febru ary :t resolution was offered by Ur. Crews, of Granville., that the House adjourn at 13 o’clock out of respect to Freil Douglas, whoso sudden death trad Just heen anuouoord, the House did not agree to adjourn at this liour, but when the purpose or the motion was explained to simply give publicity to the sudden sod unexpected death of tilts distinguished deoeased, it was concurred In by all parties, and as a rnattar of fart the llrnise did not ad journ until 37 minutes after tbs lime required liy the rules for adjournment; Now, Therefore, Us It resolved that in tlie interest of truth and accuracy of history the utterances nnd expres sions of the Democratic press In this connection are denounced as unjust, untrue, misleading, malicious and libelous Unsolved, further. That this record as above reel led and resolution he spread u|am the cuiuuU-s of the House. Mr. Lusk said lie was always in favor of doing to I'tlier* as l» wantod them to do to him, and that he desired all men to eiieak the truth. Be siad Democratic imjiers had songlit tn malign this Legislature. Hut for this fact be wuutd not nave said a word, lie said the Democratic press had circulated false statement* regarding the adjournment in honor of Douglas. He saw no rnuanns for these itate mrnls save tueluveof lying. He de clared that the House had adjourned In memory of Lee and of Washington. Mr. Ray interrupted to suggest that tbe Journal to sliow the facta he read. Mr. Lusk thou said that sill knew the House had adjourned in honor of both Lee and Washington. lie said the nouse did not adjourn until 30 minatea alter the regular lime of ad journment on the day when i.hu Douglas resolutions came up. Mr. Smith, of Gates, asked Mr; Lusk bow be had voted on tha last Darned reso lution. Mr. Lusk said he hud voted ’’no,’1 and asked Mr. Smith how he hgd voted. Mr. Smith said “oo.” Mr. Lusk aslil the Democratlo papers are alleging that Douglas wsa a bed obaraetnr anil that la honoring Mm uw Home n»a amjpravro inn mate. He dirt D-iugbu ana hie wife were tlra XDeete of drover Cleveland at the White House, and now "are are held up to the public became we take Borne notice of him.” Cleveland, Ira de clared, wna tire Democratic party, and that be had done wliat uo other Presi dent had ever done, by tend In a a colored man to rcpieaent the (Jolted Stalre at the oonrt of France. We arc only following an example Oleye land utni Mr. husk aald another negro, black, and aald to he a ream I, had been lent to tlio court uf Bolivia. Every time a Republican leeks at a negro the Democratic press ralmi a peat hoe and cry. He laid that the Democrat! la one Legislators had voted for a negro from Chatham and against a one-l«-p|ed Confederate uoldler, hut when the tlepnblloane follow them, time the hna sad cry la rained. He called on Democrats to drat remove the beam from Umlr own eyes. Hr, Ray said ho had never before heard Urn Democratic minority here so attacked fu hie Ufa. Me miked wliat I tad lira Demnemilo members done? lie mid be laid voted with Mr. Lusk, fin contended that the Democrats bad voted that way too. Mr. Lnekaald all had not voted that way; that Hv» had voted for ttm revolution. Mr. Ray aald the neolullnn was a queer otw and area hit trailed to ahow nonvtl.lng which «dW la Mte Hem. jzrrrzzzx optssr, XoSie* or PleutelUn. Tha Orta of A. 0. Williamson A Co., baa thta day been d I sac 1 red by motnal consent by tba withdrawal of 8. .1. Clinton. The bastueaa under the same firm name will bo contiuuad by A. C\ Williamson. A. C. Wilhamson. B. J. C LUC TO If. Gaatoola, N. C.. Feb. *), 19W. Having anil my ontlra Interest In Arm of A. C. WiUiaoieoo A (Jo. lo A. C. Wtnismann, I hereby request all parties owing said Arm lo tnuke im ■medlnte payment. 8. J. CliktOM. In Hie future aa In the past the busi ness will be contacted by the under signed with ail the vigor ami push Unit have heretofore uhuracterivd the Arm. Always watch cur apace for bargains aud announcement* of nice goods. A. O. WilliaXsox & Co. h. L. Jkhkihh, Prfjldent. K. a. peOBAM cw»bl«\ First National Bank, OF GASTONIA, N. C. State and County Depository. C011E1CED BUSINESS i08. 1, 1190. Han Mtfr tmmi a dollar In mmj wajr b!n the war lie thought this whole busi ness was unnecessary; a mneli ado about nothing Mr. Ileudersoa charged that wlien the vote nn the Duuglaa resolutions was adopted. »tfillou in regard to this Douglas matter. Me said Ibe Ilouto had mit adjourned for any holiday. Mr. Lusk and this was wrong; that it had adtourm-d on Lne’s birthday Me decl ired that llio Jour nal of this Mouse had placed Fred DousUs upon spinwith O~or«e Wash ington. He asserted that before Mr. laisk’a resolution wts adopted Ids amendment must be adopted. His amendment was as follows: mat Mr. runitli. or Out**, offered a substitute lor Ute neolullon of Mr. l.usk a* follow*: That In honor of tho anniversary of the Mrthdiy of Unorge Washington, tbe Father of lita Oouo try, this IIoiik do ruv adjourn. Tills aulnlitute was Toted down, tbe R'juib lioana end P>ff.u1ieta voting In the negative and the Democrats voting In ths affirmative. Mr. Turner, of Mitchell, aald it wua th* Democrat* who were squirming, and that their tsotloi were thoee or the cuttlefish. Mr. I .oak'a resolution was that the truth might lie apokati and Die oountry know tlM facia. He aald that members who had mind for Um rnanlu tion bad nothing to take bonk; all tln-y wanted waa tha truth let not. lie de nied that Uutt aubalitute of Mr. Smith, of OalM. aet forth the foot*, and nUy'a rUtementa their politico) capital plana ware knocked oat. Mr. Oamptell an Id he had come here with a big apaonli. hot now wanted to aay but little. Ho attacked th* Dob» erata, saying tl>« rank and (lie of that party were honest, but tbe Madera oodld da nothing uiiMm there waa fraud In It. How the majority had given the P«mo«ruti root nampolgn llumder. If ha had bean In h(* aeat ha would liave voted for th* reanlntlon Mr. Hrotth, of OatM, aeksd Mr. Camnbetl If he ap proved the marriage of Fred Douglas to a white woman. There wne * Jrrent roar of laughter when Mr. Oampleil re plied: “That I* a mailer of taato." Mr Smith wanted to know If It waa Mr. (.kuaphell'a taste, ami aald he would neverauooumg* amalgamation between wwtmkkm- arucr gakei uwaat rkiulaina S anwpimlnii aed frW o* wo)hnrl«nn,i gN sasfesE s? mrvx5 RWfSteMra sr.Stef-Sr vine n» rm w. ™ tnrmgaK- ugljrto’y.. _ ___. . - , ■ frthw W., AtUlAw, (al, vw aato by OvaaT i. kaasauv. naan k. C. the races. Mr Campbell said neither wonkt tie, and ba told the Brtuee If It hart done anything It was sorry for stink closer to IL Mr. Lusk demanded the frrevlon* question, snd the call was aoetainsd. Mr. Self made a personal explanation, s.iylng lie waated to set himself straight, am] that Iw fonart he waetnls t nkmi In Baying a negro bad been elec ted (Tippo AUtoo) as assistant door keeper. The Tote was drat on the amendment of Mr. Smith, of Gates, and tkt ayee 8A nuea 39. In explaining his Tote Mr. Young said that five Democrats had Toted for the resolution, that a Democrat had taken down their names. The next Tots was on Mr. LntkM resolution. On this the yaaa and nays were again oemanoca. rxsult xrax ayea OS. nod •& Mr. Crewa, who Introduced the reso lution to adjourn m honor of Douglas eald lie felt almost ashamed of the Democratic party fur taking this action regarding Djaglas; a man who was the head nf his race. Ha declared that the nniion of the Democrats showed prejudice Inward tlte negroes, despite denials of till*. Mr. McCall said he wanted to tell Mr. Crews tlwt the Republican* were tlte men who were denying the action taken regarding l lie Dingles matter. Mr. McClamroy said that tlte House did adjourn in honor of Douglas, and that Republicans than voted for tt,ae4 now were trying let deny it. JjMr Bay gave notlre, which was ao oepted by ilia Speaker, of a protest against the paaaaeu .if Mr. Lust's rvso lutinn, and asked that tins tie spread upon the Jiitumtlti. The bill requiring corporations which Issue scrips nr oltecks, to pay these at tlte nptioo nf the holder came op, Mr. Flack offered an amendment to exoeut Rutlisrfnrd county. Adopted. Mr. Turner offered an amendment that mis act shall not be ao construed as to force the payment of any cash order which was Issued with the express un derstanding that it was to be paid In something oilier limn cash. Bill passed second reading, ayes 07, nnes 4, and then paswed third reading. T«n LIt(M PUvr4. Mrs Phoebe Thomas, of Junction City. III. wns told by Itor doctor site bad Consumption and that there was nn Impe fnv Iter, hut two botllea. Dr. Kings New discovery completely cured her mid aim wives her Jjfe. Mr. Timw. Eager*. 130 Florida Bi. San Franclaun, suffered from a dreadful C' l.l, K|ijwiwe1.lng Consumption, tried wliluiul result everything else, thea • "Might one h .(tie of Ur King’s New Discovery und In two weeks was cured, fls Is naturally thankful. It I* such iMulls, nf which those are samples, ihut (wore the wonderful sC tlcaoy of this medicine In Coughs sod Colds. Free trial bottles at Curry & Kennedy's Drug Store. Regular six* 50:. »nd $1.0o. ■ nMCMfMU UtMnfi King Joaeph, to one of Me letter*, toll* hie Imperial brother of OmM that Uie people of Naplea have began to love Uietr new cover*lyn and that they hate the old quoek. To thia Na poleon replica by cynically advising hie brother not to believe any of the BOO eenae talked by oonrtiera an regard* popular llhee or dialikes for pertlonlar indlviduala Thoyaremere eyaocecont evpreealotu of feeling, upon which It i* quite uoeafo to depend. "What," b* odda, "one nation realty hate* ie anothw nation.'* Wo fear there la a profound truth In thia laying. National hatred* are nevor obliterated, though they or* eornotlmve temporarily cooooaled by tbo pereonal popularity which a par* tinnier mao or woman may gain in 4 foreign soon try._ laaaea •» Aaa»m tL At Edinburgh. Root land, tiler* la oa exhibition on aneltnt cannon, known aa UonaMeg. It waa oonatrueted to order for fum II. of long here of boo, hooped together, tha holla Arad from it won of granite u«g ha* 04*0 ilteeb oarvleo. It won Aral aaed at tha mate a of Ttetne oaatla. whan tha DoafWae ■nrrandered at tha eooood shot. Jam** rV. employed thia waa pun In Id*. *ao again in 1 tot. La 184* It became anfit for eicg* work, haring burst during tha firing of a valuta 0*4 >..4* Old people who require road kin* to regulate llte biwalt and kldoayi will Aod the true remedy In Electric lilt* tarn. TV* medlclna doe* not Itleiu late and eootalna no Wlitebry nor nther Inter it-ant. bet aota m a Loo la and ul lore lira, it aota mildly ott tha thorn ach and bowela, adding atreoglh aad gif leg toua to tha organa, thereby eld ing Naiuri- tot Hie performance of tha faaetfone. Electric Hitler* la an «*• eallent appatlerr aod aids dig** tin*. OM IVople And It Jaal excel ly wbafi llwy n red Prlea fifty oentg per bell la at terry ft Kennedy'* Drugstore. I