At fhtyardatcaa. *e tha aoth of todlbtof. dm tba Ooa Man tm Wm tbafar arllOary, it gollaa mi "to Hu bn or a atom of ■*, _ ._/do Iba VTiglaU abort, aad tottolTitWa tb* nypaalt* aid* of *ba ltvar, trad artillery at tvary faidl ’•^•ddtor wbodand egpoaa hlat *dt Wban Col. Lana than la coa t—td^f tbt brigade, Gan. Branch bar ted m* killed at Sharp*burg, caitad to »*br to kaow who bad bean woaudari aad ooahrad tba reply. "Lnuu«*nt Xgsszftrczxrt; gy*.*?* —* .fateaaly hart. Tha ■tor ■flla'I' MI have boon ahnt In ItoabMkttba baM baa gam through mm mtl am mxUUj aeundod.” Aging Mgaabur* band, ha pat U laaMa of tedbt aa tba alog which wm u» dte tba akia of btabraaat. aad added, laaaa young man. I antoiad tba I thought it right, and 1 ibarge aU mj datiea." _ boo, wltb ala onto MB bawd aUB oa that focal alag, asked to a moot loaakiaa tone: “Though I bawabaaaahat ia tba faaak, will job watbaar looord, wban I aaa dnd, that Ijma aiwaya a bcava aoMtar oadar JLftoc tela Igbl tba lagtaant want toda rnm naar to"4 b«e datw>aatiwUuua at FTiilfkkBUui. it oeemi>4ed ike ^nhm| ■to*' wrtaa^r tu2s!Z*cJ3Z Ia tte battle of OteMeaU»rwrtlte It —•awpaaKd Jnakaoa \a hU tei.k *"*•»** ;amd ea tte atebt of tte 2nd of toy It waa aa tte Ian of Lim'i »toMi wtew foroMd far tte night •tort. After JiiBtWni waa waandwf and to night auart ■tentea.J, It mm withdrawn frua to Ml u7 tte •{"A *ted and placed on tha extraow rtfkt *># the telgade. with it* own 2?* °* • •“••Iry rand leading tore ItepUnk mad tag pteoa cwltod Rami Gleet." Aba at auduigfat Sfi.tlekie, with two atmoa Hum of —-It Me laitiih leaded ail apt •j5to*»* 'SlgbbMatS, ^Ud tte Thirty-third North Carolina Hegi •heat*, chiefly by tha Twenty-eighth. A outer of prianoere, Including held iMCo«^nj aflotn, »*rn c*viuard. < Of tba Twenty eighth. •to^tf^preto Outota of tba Third -.-5*2* merging the Tweaty alghth, with tba rate uf tba brigade, ■tda a direct aawiuli oa tba rntmy'i wwcteaad carried them, bat could ro> to? tore, aa tba twlgadel eupport bed tojtoj" ,ta r»‘r. and It waa attartad by freak tmopa before Gan. Raamaar ««"»M cmo hi Ua anclteanoa- It tub arqweatjy Jdned la tte charge which ?,">*»«» eaecoy from •Talrylew" and the “CbaanoUoraailW H-ure." where ** *»• mart amoenl at that great oaraller Gen Staart. atngiog “Old •to *ftoi Get Out at tte Wilder toGa WMt raging IU laaa waa 14 odteare and 77 men. Later, haring reptedated itgrif with toftojtoy 44 wwt la Ite eappart of GateOnlgalU, on tte ertreaaelefl. There* wliaoered tte ream harrowing •ewre af tte war. Tte wood*, already Oftte with aalplturodi wortThad teen to hr to enemy *a libel U. Tte dropped rfSee of tte dead and wounded and the enewy’a etieiu with imperfect nirreii.ui a* the »»tp» over them; the dueA of huUi armies were brio* be rot to • crirp aad the hrlplem Federal wounded begged to be taken out >4 Ike Une of &"«WS!rt»Si‘KSSS JWdrtiw it^wae* iTfcmi' ***d when it did f-ina ibe ground woo uaoomfortoUf hot. That eight it liter ally slept la ashes under Hum *bFrF “ru,‘t> aake; mid when It wee •rawed beck next day, U afforded ***** amaeeweot to its taure fortunate Comrades, for mover was there eeen in any army a dirtier and Weaker set of •few taeo froea the general down. Ai Gea. Lane Uy In tha ashes that ulglit SJMifJ'W* Van tee dog. branded *•’’ P*«l»t«d In making friend. With him. In an the subsequent movemeau at the troops la Jacks.*’a corps that little d..* kept bta eye on Jhe “Little GenetHl” and fulloeed him baek to camp where he teniaa e greet pet at bn i -trie iieeriqnartore. lie proved to to i epleedid hole dgbter. After this battle the re tented to “Comp Gregg” at “tfoaa Neek below Fredericksburg. where it temaieed until the 5th of Jane. ISO. Cracelng the Potomac at Shepenle towa on thodStb of June, It mtahed Gettysburg toe let of July. It be haved aa It bad alweya done In tba ?rUd*£* diktat that pi see, when Lmae’s Brigade was ordered from the •miUe of A. P. Hill’s line to ‘the peat of honor” on tha right to protect that Saak of the army from the enemy’* tovalry while It fought hie Infantry in front. On the Snd day of July It wak under a heavy artillery Arc wveral times dar lag Ibe day. and tta ak Ins torn re dle plavwl great gallantry. It to>k a very eunapteunea part In tha Wv«aH,d Pickett’a charge ..f the Snd of July. Tha brigade oocuphd the left of Urn Imperfect second Um; and wm« UiviiVf Brlfsl waa ®d* tohmp aa me as baited far a fret Mmpemloua ’gtdve On the morn tag of Um 14th Lana** Brigade alone 57* •"*'<«« at “FalMug Walere” aad Capt. Crowell. «f the Twenty-eighth, aemmaaded Its tklr mletters After all the other tro-an »vre safely over the Pxtocaao tta Whole brigade retired In aplendtd order end the enemy opened with Ms artil lery Jem as th* brigade swung loess from the Virginia Piers . O* r*t«r»to* from Fmaajlvaab Um wHMUyiad far a- abort Urn at OafltyO-art llaaaa, wdaoUm ardand U Onto** Omrt Boom. arbrr* » 4»d pjafcak daty aa Um ftaphlaa at *• MWIt !aVao^rt' uTti£ *•***/ Whtoh araa awraiMd it Jaafc*a •Mf*. Thaaa M sprat at oat at tba wlatar Mm ptaksMaty an the Rapt Jramar^MlUM Bta.ardarld. road. tkat wlatar It had a ter n«» ■ itak t breast drat and »rw to |gti£^,SrS2»“J2B At irWUm maUra. Osfekar 140. I *" lytat Was radar lira but not rtM k tMd bJraaTip^"^;^ as tkc aslddta at Ortakar. UW, Ora. Jaakaan aa—lliataB Um totoada far Um Ikanmaft m—an la adMok ttda* S7Sifitf1fSt>!riiy>au!!T> tmaaky vtakata, K ura'^' akwaltoa astfcwof Us track; and tSa ■UIWU ihaoMsIcaa arbs* Um nd» a« tha kinil— ttaa amt rH batbr (Mw-laaa asayata” aaaaai ikaa£. JVT.4 •* *** «»• UraMMft the what *«•* **• ood*a« prtrate Fyn|. ti.- irrr'rr?,B **"p *i Br*"aJ *«» “-"“‘I ^ eaparrda btrg* gattoaot tha IW° briga-lra tMlrrOen. tkejlttyt N-nnHpter. Wuen theoi*** for»rd line Of iMttla IHW Culpeper Court Hoeee om llwftibuf H.itnoter *“• leficoent war with iba brigade *b** » ”• "Olerad bach "o U* \ k*n«> ?j* nM4» »*“** ft r-roUad a oaval •»*••» W After that uwiriMii io(ii§,‘4 titti oonforuUM * Uh«ty Kit*. ..***** t^eonal Ua anafnx ud MS4*^ Mhw Baa. Kutrolw I7lli IMS. I ha w-athar w« li.wna-ly cokl of u a* CD-a were mat '« C.ra Ore. llw rAlfajah Jmr. iba am w-re lalWwd amy half lt->ar Tie Twaaty-elrhih !*** * P"1 afUia iro t« wtU.lra.ti «reaolew at J a. IB. a« i he S.,d of UhOMBlwr and mmf l'i the right to •nb* aura* but at daylight U m fuu«4 that lltaie had wti hdnwn. the 3(h »tf ISM, the Twenty Eighth vmt (•lltuily Pi tbe nippM-t if the hard “TS* *« M»WlldMl2; When p’Ky'^4'- ^ u*n- •**«. u>4 l«*C«jl. Palmer. of Oeu. A. P. HHI'es “Thank God! I will go hack Mel W-ll uvth»t Ltne has )ag iwctml, end next morning tbn*- brave ■M Wee* comp-lied i„ re* Ire la-fore tbs overwhelming force of I be enrnv. Tlie regiment lost 4 -81cvis aid £4 men. Tlie Twenty-eighth ala. dhl III |Mrt nobly .a, the roorut-.g of r>,- 1J h of May at 8p-gUylvanU C-urt Huuae •Jwr Johua. i’s front wm t-r.iken. ami “Lane’* North CanJIim veteran* tented the tide of Federal VKCery aa It eeme surging u. tlie right,’* It was al»i win. the la Igale Uw afternoon of Ihe same dsy. alien wader Gea. Lee's ordsrt ami In Ills pmamoe. It -r ss 4 *5" W0T** ,n ‘*"••1 Sr«tisTi**«iU Court House, ami Id that isfliwni dank mor> meat hso-tlrd tiurnaale’s corps a.roughly and relieved Johnnm'a fraiu Its lues In three lao engage ■mu was 5 oGcers and 191 men Oa tlie aflenuv.n of the Jlst It moved u» the rlgl* of tlu C-Klit H-uiv and made w reonnnoHmee. In which Llegteuwnt B. S. Edward* was killed and two men woeuded, A£*»kbe P«wd, on the »rd of May the Twenty-eighth advanced aa far as aayuf the troop* engaged, held lu grnawd until relieved that sight and all If*dead and wounded. Us toe* waa 9 otter.* and 98 men. On tha 31st .if M*>. at htorr** farm un Tattapnuam-.! erset, near Pole Grven church, it wui ‘Qgagetl nil day in lienvy sxlroilihlug aud was under a terrible artillery 3re. At the Sreond Gold Heritor It Iwbav rd a* gallantly a* it did at Un- Dm. It also Mured with its acowstoowd br-*1'r*,y»» Biddle’* Sin V, Jane 13th. ad Inn throe allies eeUnul of (Vuis borg. June 99ud. action In front of PvlerWrarr, June 98id. Gravel Hill Jo iy 98th, Fumell's Mill*, August lUth and 18th, and Ream's Htathai Augimt 9Sth. Ju |be last named halll* it bad *®*h»wl through an! Impettw Unbie abuttls uu-trr a heavy Ira of musketry and artillery. Captain H.4 laud, of Oorapsay H. was Uw “r»t t-> mount the works, and seeing that they were still manned mod but few of his uwn m-o were op he yelled out, “Tanka, If you know what Is beat for you, you bad letter make a hiuc Mreak toward saiiart.” They made tlie streak and Uw men often laughed snd Said Grant would liars to send Hacoark back North to meruit Ida ournmnad General Ier, in speaking of this Bfht in General Lane, said that tlw three North Carolina brigades. Cook**, McKee's nnd Lane’s which made the second assault, after tlie fall w* of Uw flrst by other troops, had l.v their gallantry uot only placed North Carolina, I ail tha whole Confederacy uialer a debt of (latitude wliMi o.uhl never t*e repaid. In writing Pi G-vern ar Vanna a I roil the s.oe buttle. be Salifc “Tbev advanced through a tbiek ■baUlSof felled trees u- der a lieavy (Ire of musfcetrv and artillery and ear ried the enemy's works with n steady courage tliat elicited tlie warm eotn meodntlou of the crops and dlvlsnin cotnvnandsrs aud lbs admiration of tlw arm?." ▲(’ Farm, no tha right of Po Urabur*. an tha 90th of September. Mila regiment waa eaamd to timie In lira very. In tlili fctbt buUi line* wen advancing wiem they mot. T" the de light of all Mil* tmlirn Halil was rich tr oil doth*, bU'ikeU, knaiaaeka Ml tha Ilka. Some of tha knajaaohl, Ja.Ialo* from th* nepeereom of toe wrap*, wore eat from tha obotilderi of tholr owner* In tholr liaaty retreat owlfr a murder ow* Are ecc aspen led with that wrtl knowii rebel yell. Kelt morning tha regiment advanced with the other tr.mpa am) MH lo drive tlie enerni frotn the wnrka at the He*ram H ama. whwh Went held III the rain until dark, wlam Ir returned to the work* near the J.mee H -uee it eion after went Iota winter quarter* in coir of l See* wnrka. Daring tint winter the Twenty eighth oouafHated a purl of the force **«l ngatnrt the Federal extairy mat mg no the Peteraburg A Weld m B dl ro-4. Oo that marah if not only rained hut It Mowed and there era* a, Uttar odd wind, ami the mmi »uff-re*l Intenwdy. The troops retailed J.rrut’a fltaUoo to dud that the eaetsy bad ra tired. Tale regiment lay all nightie the Mreeteof Peu-reMirg *• a p.rt of the Intended sapper t for On. Uurdun In hi* attaefc on Port Hindman. After rtentow had retired the enemy iwepa i******<>»******e ptebet Ane from HaUher'a Imi to Lieutenant Bun. end It performed Ha part lo helping t« keep him unt of the main tin* <«f w.>old Hre into ibe hale. Hen fo. P—.>■ ••iiji Owh. Leon U dlelodee him. Obi Lnae, who wee In erimmead^of Uw divhaoo at the time ^ ^kylhdA the felhiwlug Born log. with all of lit# «barpehoei>r« at dlvUoe end-r Major WwdevTf U Eighteenth KartkOaeill.’alUglBeer •opparted hf big ewu brigade. ae nlglit ll mniaaed I'Biaa-oi', n- d on the morning of Urn Ml, of A|»fl, while uwyinw to lietoeUl.mon the left «Ttt* ran) near Appmraitua C-nirt llouar. H eraa wdered back >om a w-eela au-l directed t-aleck artea. aa the At my of H-tfOwrn Virginia had lufle-Hteiel. TtielaUend and atarviug leiBUnitln of tide uhirloea Jlmtli Carnlbia te-gl men- aurrv-nltwl at Aepoanut..*, o«o aided of 17 --Qhrri and 213 B-ll. a-'we of Ike latter being detailed, non-arao ta-arnif. lent lawk to bn aurrv re I-red will their rntwawd. Toe aggregate in till* regiment dur ing the eol Ifn wnr naa l.H*i After Col. Loarv ifwiginal mid L eah (!, R Speer wna klibel at R-ama’ Station. Uw regiment f trqueullv C'-ra-uel «*f liy Uhptnina B I*. *. .veil au-l T J. Ltucbaorer. MM Ml l<*r limtkani alired when jdmpira, bulla, i «rb'iM)li-» ami Ilk* lumilfrttxilu' ■ of imi 01* hl»'d uppr*r. Tliry wouldn't «pi»«r If J»«r IAmI ««i» purr and r»r system in thr right oo-ditloii. Tftrj *hi»w y.-■ dollar* | not to eery ranch In a country like cure; but tt la on#-half more than oar Indian depart meat ooeta os. nearly one-half the ooet of our nary and more than one-fifth that of our army. Three idle man are withdrawn from family tie* and hare a moat demoralising ef fect span tha communities that they Infest. They arc a source of the spread of two oootagtou* diseases. Which Should bo obccked as far aa poa afbla by the regulation* of lnw. Only nineteen of the forty-four it*tea of tha union bare tramp law*. There 1* not a tramp law west of the first tier of trane-MJaitrelppl atataa, nor In any leather* state aaeept North Carolina, Alabama and MlmlteiPP*- The penalty for being a trump ranges from three days In fall to fire yearn In state'* priaom, and lb«n ■ aa raoieoa va riety at Aces Oplahxia era divided aa to the edrantageouxaeae at offering lodging, to tn»»P» at the public ex Hua, la many taalauoaa It baa been found practically impaaalble to gat aay work oat • t trumpe. Aa to tho remedy for the trump evil opioloua are di vided. The labor colony la eertalnly non at the foverooxt lo tho oplufaa at the authorities* of many foreign coun tries I would recommend a definite dodaiou whether ire shall ooatlnne hi •tor present way- If Ao> them, tor all public lodging* gl™ lho tramp, re quire labor In rotorn. I-ot the dlCer ent eeranttotand bnrua week together aa much aa poaaiblo. Call upon In dividual Initiative and private be aeeolraaa aa tor aa poaaibia.* Land Bale. Puteeeat to a r»cvt_r»r*.gadejae y*bel£Slto?rfW^kL*b£J>i*«mTtmaryC *•>*• *e a eeaee ***-7, I *® '* ■eedey, Vise* b*f edhpH*. MW, TJ*rs Sar - *tt,F1, ^ PiiAi Mat, ONBl *"****—» A4ai«utr«»rt *«**. Bale of Land. Better Crops reault from use of fertilizer* rich in potash. Most fertilizer* sold do not contain Sufficient Potash to insure the bc*t results. The results of ti»e latest investigation* of the use an J abuse of potash arc told in our books. Th-jr test fr:*. It wUl rat yom BotMn-j to raid diem, ant iv-r wtU a™ yo* GERMAN KALJ WORKS, u Nmu fc„M, n. YarR. THE CHARLOTTE North Carolina's FOREMOST NEWSPAPER. DAILY AND WEEKLY. ln4rpN)4ait and fcHttml lllerr and more attractive tlin rnr. It will lw an Invalosbls visitor to tin- Iwvcw, tlic oflcv, the club or the work Mom. The Dally Observer. All of tiro nows of tbs world. OoiD|.Mr Dally ro|sirts from l)a> STATE AND NATIONAL CAT ITOLS. SH. a yosr. Tbe Weekly Observer. A IStfrrt family journal. All tbs nswa of tlw work. Th- re posts from tbe LEGISLATURE A SPECIAL FEATURE lt~ tnerolwr THE WEELY oRSEl'.. VEIL Only one Dollar n Year. Ssud fur s*a>|4s copKe. Addirss. TUB DBSBmi, Charlene. It €. • § i § | LAXATIVE • sBROMOs 1 QUININE f ^ Mom tb* Bowels fsaCp, rrJkeestbe ^ e«a*fc. cue* tb* Imiuk coedjuoc * ► aad b**d*cb* ui prevents pen- O 2 Beale. Ceres ta owe dip. Pw Z. “j ep in tablets coartaimt lor P Q \ O PRICE, 25 Cta. - am iits »r att envsMTs. J • n 35 “ O at D O 0 n U ? 1 _ Fus date bp Froal Torrenoe A Co. Onr Lines. -rnrsKiw, -MoTioiri; -ffxw: 8HOEH, CLOTH mo, irrapwiftt, HiAVr »B4 FAKClTOntfCEBlEB. We alto rnn a FREE DELIVERY. Plena* com* and ate ua alien la need uf anything la nar line*. Costner, Jones * Co. a w. itmxrai a l. no art a a. Satulifer A Durham -LAWYKT18 Dalt.aa X. C. NO MORE ETE-GLAS^S K« liTI 4 WMk *r«i :b _ SORE,WEAK and INFLAMED EFES, **«•<**« ■/«*••««. CorM 1W »*•?*, ftrannUlIm, Mm | 7--M.r«tlU4l(jr*s N«ti*4 i wmwr ••s rifuTf »*lnd .. . - MMX ••.*, T«M»r '■MV On* ;;«:jr.Li/a . tx* ««*•»•». Huniu MMtnrt« n C. : P. : MOORE, —ATTORMCY-AT-LA W— • H>nl B*tate mid C hi wanting , . Bcgaxxu Crrr,.N. C. A & M&XG&JK, —A rrORKJSr-AT LA w— •iatOMA, «. ‘o. Will practice In tlw court* of Garten and adjoining onumlru and loth** Ki-darol Court*. A. L~ TlRRXMM, Tonsohial Paulok -K*Wl.T fitted cf Cot-war KiKrtD Y. 14. C. A. Building Kirat rlaa* durlnmi £t»|4oy«d and KliattBluM work tin* la" lend. W. B. WfL*OJt. a. H. *LOAM I>r’s Wilson tVSIomi rMTairiAim amd •uhbeox*. Offt-r* lliclr pro famine*] •rrvicnsto citlviii iif Gastonia Nod surrounding country. Oil* k-ft at Torrance'* Drug 8U*> will receive prompt MtlcnUou night or iJkt. I Docs This :: i: :i 1 i! ii .1 ii •! Mnii»eM/. Mi'WFKCmnwwt V *MP»OUC£,3 30lm. W *t*L7P ttYfSERQ&SHKi r LADICS* Le'^'tw awron mmmm rtspn vor vim W. L. Douglas $3 k $4 Shoes ADaif dMWtntqmfly satisfactory gtea tba boat vdmUrtlN man. HMmUm ihm Is itjfkLSi At —Hi ymlWln am imf. oaa ara a»IWm. alnmp—aw mAa. - .»l*Ai«m4sw«Onf bHm. ll4nkrcaBMtnpfl7|MMCia Sold by (filler, Jones & Co. Sale of Land. fir drtui of an order ®f th# ktMrlor mart of fiaatuw teontr, N. 1), ummI* onrb® Uh day of Fubrjury 1M, la lit PmaewUnp Bdliarl "l.ij r-Mrfh. •$a>. Aw, ••aVnM A.M. mker.fL 1 wH rB tt mu Br motion at (ha oourt bow.* In IMU** at mm oa UMiMhh®r •flwvb, 1AM, a H of Itmd hi Anutb FMnt UnrrwMn «rV J»h>. W t Em* no* i Lrwfa, " fl. Fin*, ic. L thi* and uth ra.MU »n the down of Soma Smith. wblob dower AUVJFI •• •«—. Amt rypncl of jury to »bo o'Vw ^AmkaCrheiupartoownm. Tarm* On *•“ •**, hrluMtoai tmdit of twrtr- fch uy*‘» Mjr—utobo mao rod trymtl peroonal mtiHU and lanjuy STJSr* onU*,H* CilirrrtHM - ._ _ t *.• J. Rami. Oomwtmtomo . Fsbrtmry Tib, Mt M.F. hMI If you k..» It di>w« at Um - 6urm >*«. It will 1m draw I < right, It will bn Hon. In ntyln, I ; »M It always nlu. Tlima J ; Mints ars worth eon (blaring In ; ; *®T wort, but a bora all Uilugl ! < In \ YOUR JOB WORK. \ \ wnswT raw Iri*. ft n«w ♦ , , rapid pma. lalmc totting wntt*- | 1 ala), allarrangrtl InWhnr-aarlng 1 ■II et.nranlrnrw. and w« buy iW|»r | 1 1 aUMk and othrr inUrvil »» , rank b 'U why la gniek work. gn«d work, 1 | anrrvol work, atyllali work, and | 1 1 low prltoft w* inn Inrarhiblr . || gl»» ywo totladartico la YOUR JOB WORK. Pr*p*r*inry ia aavnng '^"# : nan auk* rpraW rat raIran an t ' 1 dkrtala Braa t* work. Drat X *lB- I 80CTHEBN BAILWAY (XX (MRin ITIWA) -SR*' RlIOMONT AIR UNI. • 'ggg«L::::: - USTSknii I ‘- ft (til ft iji * Ins it is a 7ZZ a a a a a a m a At Aitata Elina' A> Ailiai* c u»: , “A"* A f "| A • U-- M* If.' PWlta* Oar Aarria*: «n.«nIMM *-- w " ‘-rn-T i~ m «»•» Altai* Me* notary, rnttmw TIM. a^aa-WajotaM* **A»«»t*wlt<<>, liaioaaaNa-» Tar*mm&tCr*OlTiaiaT*TnVata la ul Maatfaaaarr a*4 *1*0 MntaMr Yai* m4 ManpMa. ala Altai* a*4 “*—■n. Mala* Oar* Ha*U a«a *1-~ nl^rili Aiaa* **■*“ aa-Tli'^Vta FlortAa ««-»— oaSCiu » Wjaaiano* at tail w«n iMataiWiilMa II a*4 Avlia HmA •a Mai Oarwu. W. A. 1TKJL. A. H. RAASWKA. ATI. A.iCowrualri WAmiiOTO# Dl C. AoAvii, 04. W. E RYDER HiMrUttiRti, CftftflfttiflL Kortft DftrolLAft. W.U.ORBEN, J. AL OULT, ®** * * «r- Tipfti"c Mb's* WAMUiMOEfta WfttfMftvuwXXB CHKSTE11LEI0I1 I. 6. SilLlO&D. li. v.. y. HAKl'EU. PriAldfnt. _wii>Q >v*w, 1 Na. H. | No.ifiT Le«rc Cluster . .. 1 IT a mi *00 a «a IMP* lovrfivlllo ., I0la« Ilia L^ym HoOoooUl-rllu.. »*-.=• &•!!» iMilOwmli .MR am IMpm Lorn UtMohitn .UMai lipa l.mra Nawton.uBaia < M p m Lm«a Hickory. ifipo. Man 'rrlre Lenoir.... Ham! Ikta onioa ancTQ Mo. «L | X n. *, Laora Ikitulr. t#a m I 4*p aa Leave hickory . ‘ » P • Imre . *40om lapa loiec Una Ictoo....11 Ham T 01 p oa Laora ■ I aa on la. . IHpWiTRpm !,m»t>rl.ver . IIBpm llpa Lcara York'dla. * M P ra totpoi banOu'brtroriiie ._.... 113pm Hpn Lear. MoL'naorOavIllc. IMpm 111* Lc rc l/i«rievllle.. 4 M p tn llpa ArrtraQvuatoc. . lip,,, lllpa Tnlw Nealaa4Mair InbclM, and run dally rioe-pvnuarta,, Tralua Noa. M ao>1 M carry iwwanpaa nod alao run daily ajorp* •un lay. Tbrrrftaook uoaatmmOHt ati>am«r arUk iha u. O k K..and tfcan. C.4 laakaai «aa Ujfila nick Ika A. A C. A. La at *»b lhai: fa ana at Hickory »4 Nowata. *llk tbo W. k.C. _ _ ,UT. Hli llotk. Papirkilaallaor. R. R. RB.IRD, Omicral Paamaoor Altai. ItLAiXKH. Conic to tbe Gazette office to buy blank*. Here Is a partial list' CHATTEL HOBTOAOB*. WARRANTY DEEM. HOBTOAOB DEEDA, A DW1 IIItTR ATOE’R DEED* WARXIWO BOT1UM ROE POETTXB LANM WITHDRAWAL BLANK*. TRAHtCEirr JTTDBHEVT*. * HA MCE WARBANT*, AC., AC. A4<1r**a, OAZKTTB JOB OfttUB, JOB PRINTING. wan YOU n*ra ▼oca nuimn Doaa AT TM* OAKBTTB OnrtCI, IT a nova n« BTYLB. IT W BOMB BIB (IT. ABB IT ALWAYS SC ITS. 7%imptfnU *rt mil mM mm Mir **fh ***"«¥ wrk% b* «Wn b(I MMf* IN fDW JOB PRINTING.