The Gastonia _ ___ _ rVavot*« «® Protadtkin ot non. ud Hi* Iktemli {**^f"*^*^*f.^ _GaMonla, N. C., Mnrcb 7, 180ft. LAW MAKING NIGHT and DAY THE FU8I0EI8T8 01 k DOUBLE QUICK. Wwrtm CkMK* «MI to rkmw# Ttwn Ihsrt-VMtT tor IS# —Th# o—aty Somiam ■iu-Tb« In iunt«i Las.-nn'l VmN Mm Idfiwdlml r%«p«ot#r— i.i«au ud bMi L%ha. Ooode—ud fnji* th# CUtHoUt Ofalumr. TUESDAY, FEB. SB. tKHATM. The Saoata mat pursuant to adjourn ment at U o'clock Lieut. Got. Dough ton presiding. After prayer by Itev. Mr. Tuttle, the resiling of tlm Journal Wag, on motion, dispensed with, and the following potltlons were presented: By Mr. MoCosky. from oiilxensof Washington county, asking list sale Of liquor be prohibited ow orrtaln churches In said county. Standing committors tlieo report*.! and after that the Fresldrnt gavn notice of the ratIBoaUoo of the following bills: To tncorporato W*ke Banking aud Security Company; to amend chapter 'ft7 laws of 1801, In regard to the Supe rior Court of Mmtre Bounty; fur relief Of 8. P. Alston, mi ex-Confederate soldier; to allow com miss loti srs of reso lution oonoernlng Immigration and the Incest mem of capital In North Caiollna; to regulate tlie time of hold ing Cutnberlaud Superior Court; to protect flab la llay wood oounty; to pay W. G. Hapark tor black braird; to aataad chap. MS, laws of 1801. to pra rsst tba busllog of "possums” at oar tala eaaanas. Tbs tellers made their reports of elect Mas of traataas of tba Agrfcmltaral sad MeofisslsaJ College (cofcxwd) at Press too ro and also eoeta bora of tho Board of Agriculture. The following bills aud resolutions were Introduced: oy »tr. raouwon. to reduce um n pecmra of Um Agrituliuml Department. By Mr. Fowler, to establish a graded •cbcol In Clinton. Mr. t'ortuue. to change Um name nf Knrle to Barle 8tatk>u; Mr. Mrwburne, to Instruct asylums to make a sub-mant of efTneta of strong drink; Mr. Sigmon to pro ▼Ida a dispensary In Hickory. Tlm calendar was tlwo taken ap and the following bills and reaoluUuua dis posed of: The bill to amend the charter of Wil mington waa ttma taken up. Mr. IUoa Said In Um attack of Mr. Adams, of Moore. Um other day, he would admit that there were eome good Democrats, but few and far between, like price tree Jewels Inlliedaya of Washing ton and Jefferson they were different. There had been a great fall, like Um grand old Homan Empire. It la now a daijurats and vicious organ last ion. Tbe Democrats had shown that Umy wars Incapable of ruling. They had fastened a debt of $1,000,000 on tlm City; they had Dearly bankrupted Use town. Mr. Adams replied, and mid that this area the Am time Um Democratic party's funeral I usd been preached In the Beasts. He wsa gtad it had ema nated from that source. He knew the Bad teals bad sold Uveir principles and tbeir manhood to carry ibu last elec tion. Republicanism did nut siteoeed by It* own merit because It did nut represent tbe brains and intelligence uf the State. It bad made an unholy al llanee. bad Dartered and sold Us Indtv pendence to gala emoluments. He did not deny Um charge that Republicans of Wilmington are nmepalile uf man aging affairs; it waa unjust—unfair. lr they took tfeo office* they sltould also take Um responsibility of managing Lite finances. If they took tlm offices they should take the maaagemaDi nf lb* finance*. Tbe bill passed It* third reading. JKMATx-nenT ■ as si ox. Bills were parsed amending tlm char ter* of Elixabetti City, Kinston and Greenville; to allow Hlierlff Fulton, of Btoke*, to collect tricar* of taxes. BBKtt. Bills were Introduced as follows: By Mr. Hllamas, th* revenue and machinery act (MO copies ordered printed). By Mr. Hopkloa fur the eupport of tbe W estern Hospital. By Mr. Koittilvy, to provide for dlvnrnoe. By Mr. Hauler, to place the uxtne of James Lenoir, of Watauga, on the pension roll. Ily Mr. Michael, to My off a public rood In Wilkes to Watauga at Cook’s Gap. By Mr. W.lker, to improve Rock Ingham’s public roads by taxation. By Mr. Mitchell, to allow tbe clerk of tbe Superior Court to ap point cotton welrimra for Franklin county. By Mr. Harris, of Gaston, to prohibit tlm all of liquor near oh urn he* Mr. Bryan, to repeal the appropriation to Urn University. The much-talked of bill allowing punitive d«stages a* well as other damages In eases where railways are guilty of wilful Degligenc*. was taken op TTtla waa tlm loot bill, about wmcn vnM iiaeiy nrwi(»iw uiMII ban been mada. Tha bill piaarl arc and raadlng. Mr. Smith, of Oataa, aahad that It ha rtfarraa tn tha jodlala r* aaaamltta*. Mr. Liak alaa waatad tt aa nhrrnt Mr. Uaadamow taM K ■mgtd te la iWgiHl to tha aommlttaa aw raBwaia Mr. Taraar mada a mo tion to taMr the motion to reoonatdrr tha bin. Loet and Uia bill wa* ra Cerrad to Uia Judloart oomtalUe*. Bill to atBrndtnfc law rrgardlug rail road damage* *» that aulta muat be brought within 6re yaara for ponding of water petard A trill to reduce Uia fea Tor prutent ing note* from $1 to M oauta paaard Uw raadloga. Mr. Kwart ma* to a qneat in* of par annal prlrlle**, no an editorial |n tha Ana* and (Aarrrrr to-day, which lull meted that If eertaln «u lament* warn mada la tha Journal than It lookad 1 It* (ha journal waa “doetorud." Mr. Kwart a*Id lha we* a gram ehwrga. and a rtho(lon on lha literka and Speaker. Ha Wild ha waa In tha ahalr oo I-a.1 Mrthdaf. Ha aald thwra ana a motion to adjourn liy Mr. Young which waa a-kiptad. Mr. Mourn* alio rose U> a question of personal privilege oo lbs now famous Douglas iceuluUoc. He said It bad tamo charged that Im barf voted (or the resolution. H* had stood up at the Qrst vote, but when ho saw that there was a wraugls he hud not voted on the Qual vote. He rued bln speech, setting forth J utt what ho had done, and say ing lie was actuated by a generous Im pulse. A bill to allow the appointment ef women as notaries publlu came up, with a commutes retort without pre judice. Mr. Ewart socks to support of tbs bill. He said there was nu re* »od why woman should not thus be en couraged, Mr. Campbell said he wauled tho yeas and nays on the bill; that he wauled to go on record oo it. Mr. Wlnhorii asked If womeu could take privy examinations of females. Mr .Peebles spoke lu favor of ths^bill, saying be wanted to open all posalhle arsnussof employment to women Mr. Smith, of Uaua, said that Mr. Peebles views ‘had uuaurgone a remarkable change regarding women. Mr. Huitlh uppmved the bill. The bill passed. <53 to 19, after a mo tion to table made by Mr. Divao had been defeuled Dill to allow Ailo- and Wuttrig* counties In have tin: lament of Uie Mecklenburg roiul law, passed. Bill to protect hotel and boarding house keepers against ilrudhestx was explained by Mr. Kwart. Ha a*hi North Carolina Is lha only tkate In which lire landlord* ure uot protected. live bill make* It a misdemeanor to remov* binge before paying for food and longing, and makes each action prims fioia evidence of (read. Mr. Wooten offered an amendment Including ran ts u ran Is. Mr. Kay raised a gnat laagh by offeriag aa auwodmsnt "provided Hits act shall not sppiy U msmbars of this Legislature. ” Mr. Ewart aeesptod MriWootca’a amend ment and it was adopted. Mr. Davis asked Mr. Ewart If lie would accept an amendment Including llvrxy stables; later lw avid he would Introdnoe a hill to es|«-clullT protect liverymen. Mr. Ewart’s bill tlieh paaaed. Dill lo give the Karmera’ Alliance luauraiine privileges, ou the eaoa« foot ing al other benevolent associations. puna. Bill to amend Ox law regarding fu glltves frutu Ju.llce, so as Vo Include other persons, passed second reading. It HCDM'ds seelWin 1130 of TUa Coda, anil allows judges, etc., to Issue war rant* for fugitive* or other persons who Its vs comiulUrd crimes. Mr. Peebles fully explained the bill, wbicb tbeo psieed llnsl rending. Mr. Llueiwck made a motion that from this time until Ute cloa.i of tlx session no member be sllnwni to speak over three minutes on soy subject. There was objection, Mr. Peebles say ing that too much legislation had been poshed through here WtUi lltUe dIs os** Ion; less, la fact, than la aey Leg islature be bad ever known. Mr. Lino back said, after eoaw remarks by Mr. McCall, that he would except Impor tant bills. Mr. Henderson moved pi nuke Uie time flvo mloulrt This was adopted. Tlx motto* Was at .Speaker W.itasr’s inetanoe. The Speaker Uni it a as customary to shorten aiwecbe* during the but three weeks of a session very short, and that the cah'ixlar is uow grenlly clicked. Tbe motion of tar. LI Debacle as amended by Mr. ilrudersoo was adopted. Bill to amend the charier of tbe North Wtlkeebom State Co., so as Vo change the name to the North Caruliua Slate Company, paised. Senat r Moody's bill to define but ter and lard and requiring oleomargr rti>« and bullerliie to be duly labeled, was endorsed by Mr. I.lnoheck, who said It waa needed for llio protect inn nf tbe public. Mr. Lusk thought tliore onght to be sn amendment requiring keepers to Inform their guests what they were eating. Tim bill passed. The hill to Improvo the public roads of tbe Stats, by allowing every county to levy a road tax of lo oents on prop erly and 45 cents with poll of road work and also to lares 25 convicts from the penitentiary was mads special or der to-night. nousa— Niorrr shmioh. To ebauge time of holding Superior Courts of Gaston. Ptanly and Meiklen hurg; to provide foi graded school at Heudersonrllle; Ui allow Marlon to use beads for providing wslsr works; to repewl act establishing graded school at Bocky Mount; to amend Tlx Cods no that levy on process Issued by a Magis trate It lieo; to limit punishment for Ureeoy to the amount of less than 620 to only one rear for Brat offense, |f thafl be not from person nor from house; to make It so additional nans* of divorce wht n a husband demerit bit wlfo for two years, but husband can not marry during wife's lifetime; to Incorporate Morgsnlon A Shelby Rail way, to ex im.d from near Hhelby or Llnoolnton to Elk fork, Mitchell coun ty. to make tits president of tha Stats Alliance a member of tbe Board of Agriculture. Mr. Young's bill to amend the ohar tar of Raleigh was taken up Mr 'Ltne bsek said It kad been alleged that this Balilgk under tbs ooatrei of Ignoranea. U the bill was ***n>a>,r would vote for »• ^ was ha would rota a*a<Mt 15;. >• iniriH thte oharge. tlo attaakad Mr Shaffer a* the man who had attacked the bill In tlx newspapers, end who was sa MiWrlnjxr ami Uirnstlng himself upon this Legislature. Tlx Mil felted to tnuu, no qunnim voting. WKDNRMDAY, FRB. 87. niiTi. The death of Senator Franck wu announced and the Braatn arljmtrred until I p. m. aa a mark of rvapaet. Tim Hen at* thta afternoon tank aa the Mil to abollah ll>« Criminal Cnart of ®aw llaanrar and MoakUnbura oouatiea. It pmpoaad to nrtabtWb a new orlmlnal anart elrautt, emhraelne */• O""* ap-ika la Ita aep J" ®'«t opeoaMt Um btll and rontanoed that if u>a orlmlnal docket became too Urge hi eoy county, the Governor, oo the tvoommsodslloo of Die commissioners, could order e spe chU term of court to clear the dockets. He opposed the MWbUsbment or any more oourt*. Mr. Fowler acid there waa oo need for this court; that there wen court* enough; Uutt the estab lishment of the near oourt would In crease tlie burden oC taxation. Me said if Uila pi oyuelUou were a speci men of reform and eownomy, lie had Joined the Populist party under a rnie •pprebenslon. Mr. Hlce said It wes •II e “bugaboo” to cry reform. Mr. Dowd said be represented one county la the present district (Mecklenburg) end it opposed establishing s uew dis trict and asking the State to pay the expenses of Ilia crleitnsl court. Ills county was willing sod aoxlons that the district be left as it Is. H# also exhibited a long petition frotii oltiiens of New Hanover apposing the abolish roent of tlie present Criminal Court, and the establishment of a new one. Tlie re was some dissatisfied office wmor* nnu politicians back of tlila bill. Mr. ltlot Mill that tie bad served on Ui« Jui-y bet once In 12 yean. Mr. Adams slated humorously that the ■Senator should blame the law fur tliat, as It allowed ouly men of aulQelent in telligence and good moral character to •erv* aa Jurors. Mr. Adams made a strong argument In opposition to the LIU. Mr. Moody spokn in IU support and nt the close of hts romarks called the prevlons question. An amendmiwt striking out Wake. Wayne nad Forsyth, and substituting tlierefor Vanoe, Uohreou and Warren, was adopted. An amend ment wm offered by Mr. Meseboroe to nqotre the counties In the criminal (Harriot to pay tlx judge's salary. My. Fowler offered aa ■ maodmeat to as oept Halite ooeoty. Mr. Dowd moved to lay the ■meadmeat on Uke table. Loat. Mr. Fowler's amend ment was Ukawlse lost. Mr. Maw borne's amendment was adopted. On the bill us amended Mr. itowd de manded Lite yeas uod nays. The bill passed second reading. 1H to 12. Ob jection was made to third reading. The following trustees were nlec'ed for the colored Agricultural and Me chanical college at (irocnaboro: W. F. Ib-dman, Thus. B. Kuogh, James B. Dudley. A resolution was adopted to return the fees paid oo bills for tacarporatluas wl.lob fail to pass. Senator Moody, ot Haywood, noml nated fur Judge of lbe Asheville die trtet Orlmiual Cuart, II. (*. Ewnrt. for solicitor, Botwrt S. McCall; for clerk, for Baooome county, Wm. A. Wilson. These went tiie caaeas noml nations sod received 22 votes. house. TTouse adjourned until 3 p. to. as n murk of tweet to tbe memory of Senator Franck, deceased. At 8 o’clock the House mat. r.osk annouooed tbe Bndlog, la tbs clerk’s office, of the lost bill, sboat wltlefa then U«« been so much talk. Hills wen Introduced as follows: By suphena, to amend tbe sat to pro vide fur aid to public schools bv local as’eaauseiita. By Croom, to reduea salaries of odloers and faculty of Stats University 30 per oenu; By Peebles, to prevent persons convicted of Infamous crime or who have been convicts from teaching In llie public schools until they arc lawfully restored to oittssushtp. The House went Into the eteetion of a Judge of the new Criminal court of Uunoombo, Henderson, Haywood and Madison counties If. r*. Ewart waa eleeted Judtte over O. S, Ferguson, and R. 8. McCall Solictor over A. E. Posey. THURSDAY, FEB. S& SKXATB. In the Senate Mr. Grant introduced a bill to ootoplute the Oonfoderate monument, appropriating 810,000, and asked that it lie taken up at onee. Mr. Grant made s Sue speech <n support of Uis bill which pursed second reading— ay os 10, rvoes 14 Tbe county government bill came up as a special order. An aoMudrcsrit wsa adopted providing for Us appoint ment by sludge of two members of tbs board of Boas Be, different la poll tics from the commissioners, four votes out of 8vs to be necessary for QnaueUI measures. Thera waa a bot debate Tbs bill passed. BOOM. ttltta panned giving the white Agri cultural ft Mechanical Collage $10,000 annually and lha colored Agricultural ft Maouanloal (lolloga 88.000 annually; reducing tic aalary of railroad oom tnltskmer* to $1,800 to taka effect nt the expiration of J. W. Wllnon’* term; requiring Ore Insurance oompanlaa to pay the face value of potlelaa In ohm of total loan, ft give* companion lha puwvr to remove cases from one oounty to another and revoke* their Charter* tf they rami/v* the suit from the State to Ua Federal Court. At the Room, night aaaaton bill* passed to amend thn StateavtlW aohool law; to amend the charter of Morgan ton the bill nae tabled to provide for the Inspection of petroleum oil At the Senate night session bilia paaaad to amend ike charters of Klna ton, BreoavlUe and Beaufort; to aanewd The Oada to provide fora spa •*al levy af tax to aapylimat the pub bo school fond and rngetrlog tbs pro pnsttkm to ka voted for at every genet - nl election until carried. Never*! ooo*. ties excepted. BUI to fund the flnnt log debt u( 8841.000 of Wilmington peeved eecoud reeding. BUI to amend thn charter of Bliaeheth City pi cirri A Mil to nreate the offion of lumber laapeolor in every oounty was tabled. YBIDAY, MABCn l. saw ATM. Bills end raanlatloua were Intro duoed: Hy Mr. Fort neve, of Cleveland, Mil to aid the public aehoola By Mr. Bellamy, of Wash, hill to require all rail read trains to atop ana minute at all towns of $00 population. By Mr. Carver, of Camtertaed, resolution to require Senator* to work eleven hours. Mr. Adame aaavad to table the rwln Uon. Mr. Dowd amended by moving, to tattle Urn Senator from Comber lend, (Lough Ur.) T* confanm** ooibUim qo tbe puoitivf damage* railroad Mil ni dis charged, being nnnble to agree. House amendment not to allow ra doctloo In salary of railroad ooonmla •lonoia to take effect until expiration nf term of M*J. J. W. Wilaoc. wee concurred In by the Senate. Tlie blir to appropriate 110.000 to complete tbe Confederate monument watjduced upon it* tbnd read lug. Mr. Paddlson, of l'eoder. thought It better to give HO.Otxl to tha Grewit bnn> Normal and lnduatrl*l School, and wanted to we the monument com pleted by eubeorlpttofi. Mr. IJudeat, Populist, of Rockingham. laid the Beam** bed rated dowu a almllar MIL, hot tinea tikat tbe Hooaa of Kcvremai Utleea had adjrunted hi honor uf Fred Douglas. That wao a mistake, ha wild, and Unite waa aomc alguiQ cauee In Dm favor which tMa bill now met. To build a monument to tba Confederate dead could not rectify Die mistake of tbat ndjourement. Mr. Maraliall. of Hurry, opposed the WM In brief remark*, lu said be would not rote to put a monument over hi* father *a gram. Mr. Fowler, of Sam peon, raid tha Senator from Rock ingham (Mr. Tjlndaay) neon) to Uihik that thti bill waa to palliate tbe moat erregluua mistake of tbe Hoaee la sojourning In Ikhioc of Fred Douglas. Tbe mistake of the Uuaaa, he mild, arm* unprudented and isdtfeoilUa, but be thought It wrung to Impute an* such motive to toe triad* of the bin. The bill pnseml third reeding by a rate uf 81 to SO. as follows: Ajv» -Moan, a<1.-1 ml-, Beiistny. on v«r, Dowd, Dula, Forbte, Fowler. Grant, Grew, Hoover, Hurtay, Loo*. Maracr, Mewboras, Mitchell, Moody, Maywood; Xorrto, Maw, Wmtmore Uad, WhU^ of Alamance; White, of * wQs-teaaa^Jl, *»/•—M***r*. inaota, Blaak. ^ndhr. Farthing, Fortune, Hamrick, Herbert, Llndajr, Marshal), Paddtaon, Parson*, Slvarpe, Sander*, Snip**. Rlf mon. Star buck, Taylor. Wall, White, of Alevnodor-ao. Du the announcement -»f tb* reault Mr. Korbea raelalmed, “Glory to G-«l ami tire Confederate dead I” Tbarr wa» prolonged cheering, sad It waa eome lime before order could lar re ttnrod. In exiiUtnlng bts vote. Senn tor White, of P»rquimati*. who wa* a Ooiifederate soldier, passed scrnss ihu aisle and grrsped tire hand of Senator Grant, a Union soldier nod lbs 1 litre dncer of the monument bill, and said he tbaoked God the time had ooooe when there waa no North, no 8-utb, uo Beat, no Waat, but one oommon oountry of brothers at paste, (Pro longed cheering.) Tb* election (aw bill which bad been made tire special order wa* placed oil ita aroond reading. It passed aro ood reading by a vote of S8 to 3. a strict party vote, aad tta third reading was made the special order for to morrow at IS o’clock. Bill providing for the election of Joatloes of the peace by Mil* leg ma ture to fill present vacancies, arid pro viding fur their aleotlou by tba people of tb# reaped I re townships hereafter was placed upon Its second reading, which it pamad. and wont over until tb* night session for third reading. Tli* public printing contract waa taken up. The majority report was read, rscommendlug awarding Uie con tract to M. I. and J. U. Stewart, of Winston. A minority report was read, asking that the majority report be sot accepted, as It was not based ou (act; that the committee had refused to bays the testimony of esnart printers taken, and that the report *u t-rrooeuoa. Mr. Dowd aald Uiat tb* chairman of the printing oomroltts* (Mr. Westmore land I usd stated before any bids bad been filed that lie was going to award the printing contra** to * Republics* or a Populist, an<l that It was further stated that tb* had carried a contract with Stew*** Bros., In tils pocket before any calculation* on tbe ulds had bee* made- Me charged tlmt there waa not * pnsctioal prtuter on tb* commit)**—not * man quilted to m*k* chIcuUUooi o* th* coat of print ing—and that not ooa could ten who was tba lowest bxW*r. He further charged that tbe** w*r* *vld*«o** of a J--b In letting out tb* oontrmet. Ed ward* Jk Broughton bad employed three (killed and responsible printer* who I tad calculated tb* relative cost of work under the various bid*, slid that they staled upon their honor that th* Idd of Kd wards A Broughton was I8H1 lower tlian MtewaiV* bid. H« wanted th* printing tot to lb* lowed bidder which would be * **vlng of m-arly WOO to tba State. Tba law required tola to be done, ana n« »k«d tha Mao ale to adopt tba minority report. The Senate rcfoaad to adopt the minority report by a Wit of SO to 7. The najdrlly report arm* adopted, Mr. SUrbuck, of Guilford, chairman of ti>« joint anb-aommiUee, mad from nmnuaorlpt funic Oiorve representing “par cent.” osloolatlona which ha claimed •bowed Stewart to be the lnw eat bidder. He thought, *h» Inalnw tinoa of tba Senator from Mecklenburg ware unfair. Mb Dowd replied tint ba made no inalnoattona; tbmt awry Hatement ba made waa dlront chart*. Mr. W ret mainland explained that ha waan Job printer, yd competent to ffn furtimr tbatadI Its Edwards A llr lughton had aaio tlwy would not lake the tainting •* Stewart’* hid, which auMrttrd him that Stewart’* bid wa* certainly the loawet. He admit ted. In reply l» • 4«u*tk>o of Mr. Dowd, that Stewart wrote Ilia bill an der which lim contract waa in t* awarded. Ranald Mr. Ht a atari mere ly write aa ha (Mr. Weetmorvlnod.) dictated, Mr. Li»d*ey, of Hocking ham, *aid he waa » *lg»«r of the mln ' orltr report, banana# be thought it »*ry powalbie lbat Uo majority waa nualakwo. Mieirr a**eiow, Tba a pedal ordar, being tba let) ta pro* Ida for the alaatlog of Jnatloaa of Mm iwaa, which |*M kwied read ing todxy. wa* lab*** Mr. Adam* ntx raum wm uw. M»r rki»f« C'Mln Ik Bm >rO rtlxuo, B*).. la diutoft* Utafnr. MlIM Much Internal la Mag mantfaatad by oar eitlWra* In regard to tha prawnt u»u« law anacicd try our lgwtslsiura, ■nd the QiMallmi la much agitated as to abut effect the law lias on iiaUanal bank* Having inwetigaled tha subject (or myaatr, nod tlilnklng probably I ha nr salt of av reaaarch would lia of InUvwt to Uw pnbile, l submit iay manuscript forpub] Inalloo, The present usury law of our Utnte makaa 8 per centum the lagtl r»le of intereat, which law of course applira to all ottliena, oonwratlons and Stats In •titulioas alike; but dors it apply to national bank*, «urt if so to wbnt rc teatr First It will be ncceesury to esamlne the act of Coagrvaa rotative tc intereat, tha substance of which la as follows: (1.) Kadi bank way charge the rata n# interval allow'd by lb* laws Of tha State or Territory In which It la Situ ated. (4.) The rate of interest, limited fur beubeof Issue, organised under tlie lew* of n State nr lVrruoiy, sliall lw the rue limited far national tanks, lin ing bustuees lu tbe tame Htatn or Ter ritory. (5) Where there It no law of State t or Territory governing the rate of In terest national banka may charge a rata uut exceeding 7 per centum, which may ba reserved In ndvaooe. (4.) Knowingly rvwvrvleg, receiving, nr charging “a rau of talareet greater than mfmrmaid. etmU ba bald and ad l“4m»d n torMtar* of tbe to tat art wbfceb tbe acta, bUl, or other ovtdnaeo | o# debt, centre with H, nr which baa bac» amed to ba paidthereon.” (5.) If a greater rata kat bent paid. twloe the amount paid may be recov ered back, provided suit be brought within two yearn from tlie time the usurious transaction occurred. (8 ) The purchase, discount, or sale of a bill of rxehange, payable at another placf, at not more time tbe current rate of exchange no sight diafls, in addition to Intercut, shall not be cmi sldered at taking or reserving a greater rale of Interest than that permitted. Tba Constitutionality of the above act of Congress is settled by tbe reason ing of Alexander Hamilton, and the decisions ef tba United 8tales 8 ipnw* Court tn the cases of MoCallooh va. Maryland. 4 Wheat, and lit Osborne ve. The Bank of tbs United Htates, Wheat. It Is therefore tbe supreme law of the land, anil any law of a Slate or Terri tory to the contrary Is a nolllty. So nattonal banks can only be subject Lu tlie penalties sod forcfclturee prescribed by tba usury burs of the UuUad States. Baade. J. in ‘Hivi-liaot*’ and Farmers National Book of Charlotte va. W. X. Myere, 74 N. C., ears: ‘Nalbmai banks are sutiject only to the penalties pre scribed by tbs United States booking act for taking usury.’ " “The act of a Lsgtalstora of a State, making the penalty for taking usury tha forfeiture of tbe principal, would be void as to national banka, because the set of Congress makes only tbe in terest forfeits!us ir not paid; and If oau rioue Internet be paid thus double tba amount of the Interest may be oolleetrd aa a penalty. Tha only forfeiture de clared by the thirtieth section of tba set of June *, 1884. (IS Stak 99.( Is of the entire leleraet wlilcb tlie note. bill, or other evidence of debt, carries with It, or which has been agreed to ha paid thereon, when tbe rate knowingly re ceived, reaeryrd or charged by a natto*’ al bank ia In exoces of that allowed by that section; sad no lues of tlie entire debt Is incurred by such bank, as s pen alty or otherwise, by reason of the pro visions of tlie usury laws of a State."— Mere hunts and Farmers’ National Bank va. Dearteg, 91 U. H. 8. C. It. Tlie rrasou for the above decision la clou. National banka are ilia instru ments of tha government, created by the wet ef Oengnw; and therefore State* oau nt-rela* no control over them or tu any w; street Uvir opera tion. except In so far a* Congress may are Bt to permit. National banks in *H the States are 1 labia to the s.-nail lev prescribed by ike usury laws of the Uoited States, wheth er the local law prescribe* tlie rata of Interest or not. 1 have not examined the meant usu ry act of Hie Legislature, but whiilevar tha penalties sod forfeitures of UiO eot are. It lasasy to deduce from the fore going what effect It wltl have 011 na tional I tanks. But if the recent net imp<wes no penalties oilier than those Imposed try the United Sluice statutes there would seem to be no ran son why tbe recent set should not be applicable to national bank*. HI nee writing tbc above 1 have ob tained a copy of tbr u»nry law, reunntly unnoted by Die f.egliUture. It la aa follow*; *‘The legal rale of Inlereet ahatl lie eix per ivutarn, |» r onatD, for eudi time ai internet may aoorneawl ao mure; and the taking, rroehrtcf, rveetyiag, or eiierglog a grantor rata of Inlareet, either before or after the Infertak may aoorue, when knowingly Ime, dnll be fnm 4 a fori ft a re of tin entire lotarrat wbtah ■ the nti nr oikar grfdrnoa "f debt anr rtre with It. or which ha* bean agreed to b* paid tlierene. Ami In Caaa a greater latereal liaa lawn p dd. Ilia p-T aon, or lila legal repre*entatl»r, nr enrp initKHi by wlioro tt haa bora iwid. may reoorer back twice the amount of j Intrreet paid, In an notion In the naiura of an art Ion of debt; pmvUUtl an«lt ! nothin he commenced wllliin two year* | after the payment in full of encti In debtodnrer; prnrUcd fort tier tluil I any ant tan brought In any enuri nf oompatant Juriediotl<m. In reoorer ai»m I any and) nut« nr other eyldmor of drill, It ahatl be lawful fur tbr party dgalnet wbem the nation U tawfla t» plead aa a courtf alalm, Un penally above provided lor, to wK, tartan the a mount of latoreet •• paid ar (Ha furfettore of tha net Ira OM|t nf MliMI pahj. And no ana* ahatl be recovered-” It |a olear liy comparing Urn If ellopal mi State taw, that <mr prravnt wmrr Urn applies la Ntniml uaaks la every reapeet. axoept that provision which aUawaaa a counter claim twtoa the amount of Interest so charged oa a usurious wautmeM It* 111 rtaJlJy be mr u bJ examining Uw Katlonal banklngaot that dooUe liitrrrsl can only bn reeoe an ae:h a of data, after (in aeurtou* fnfc/vsf A/m I n paiL Thua wi aea that our fewHIature liaa larpnaed a penalty and fnrMtare which can I* eirforenl agalnKoar citizens slid corporal loin, aa a ataufer cfotat for dug bln tba amount of latutloo* lotrmt charged on a contract, but wliioli aa a ronnUir rhim on tlw mod uesrioos con tract cannot be enforced agaioat X* Unnal banks. HOUSE IN WHICH LINCOLN LIVED t ar iwr taw a Arm IVM ay thw ■aada at rairlata The Mnnota homrstood rrnnd* on the northeast comer of Bighlb mad iock •*» strode In Springfield, lit Ur. Lincoln bought It to I WO. It was thon a story and a half liuaao but aulwc qorotly raised to two atcriua. It U u plain frame structure and contains twelve room*. Ur Unvoln lived L'jcra fifteen ycorai la tact, nntfl ha departed for Washington on the IStb of I'obm ary. Ieoi, to take lk« praaMeulhU ebair A family by tho name of TO ton ooeu pl«l tbo houae dor'..-.* tho war, and to tlioaa four roars slzty-flro thousand poople railed to aaa the homo of tba prcalOoaL Kcr olgbtooa years after thu war eltwod the house paused through di flares t Imada aad it waa stoned to Urn paMto. For a long Urns It m uo» cnpUd la SorainW, I Mg, Os PC O. U. Otdroyd rented the hceeaad Uuww Its door* open to rWton. la INV Bob art Llaooln deodad the tin mi to the Mata. Cape Oldroyd was the custodian for a long time, bat was ramoaod by UM democratic adaiutatrutioa, hlssue oaaaor being Herman noBarfeaap. <hpt Oldaoyd ia bow the custodian of tbc bouse In which Mr. Lincoln diad In tVaahlngton and baa taken with bis tbc grandest ooilocUon of Uncola relics In tbc world. Uldeoyd spent a lifetime getting these mementos to gether. The Mate eoald wall afford So bars bought the ooUocUuu aad set apart a fund fur Ha prueermtion. The houaa, mya the Chicago Tribune. Is open to the pa bite now and lath* tually Justaa Mr- Lincoln left It, Boom repoperiag and repairing baa baaa done, hat the proportions in the bouae ara In ao way changed. A year ar ao ago the state officials had tba houaa photo graphed and had accurate meaeuru tuenta Bade of the edldee that It might be rebuilt In esiau of dm Hundreds of thousands of people karo rial tod this bourn. men and women representing erery drlllaed nation of the earth, and some of the borbarooa owes, too, for that matter. Home years sap John Philip Boom, then the leader of the Marina band, gars a nmtinea In Springfield. At tba eonclnaloo of the Perfonnanoe he took hU band, alxty firepleoaaln all, oeur to tha f.lnaota man si no. After afnropriata nrnalo erery wambtr o£ U»l* tomoai body of nra aidaas made hie aignutare oo the rog lrier booh. Tho occasion attracted an Immense crowd, end naaoereua and prominent speaches were made by dtl aeoa of note, doom hold a special train two hours to accomplish this, bo and his men regarding U a slight teatf moolaJ of the respect In whlob they held Mr. Lincoln , nmmory. LO AS A LABORER. D»n « Illbly Frontier ra ver! —■ aim uu rim, A mo who haa boon os the frontier for thirty year» and ho* put In a Mg part of tlmt timo Aghtlng Indiana. U Cap*- P- II. Hay, of the rogulor army, now la charge of the Hboahnaa and Arapaboo agency la Wyoming. Copt, Hay has practical rirwa Umolilug (bo Indian problem, board oa hi* long caa tact witb the rod man. Hu helium* that the Indian can be made a aelf aoppoit lag and aaefal ettiiaa, and all that la Beaded la to fnrnlah him a raffiotent In fuativotowarlc foraUrtng. tbeaame aa hit pale-fa oe brother. '* During tho war fort ended." laid be too writer far the tVaahingtoa Poet, “I had the Indiana at work on a big Irri ntlag catml, of which eoeen ntUua hare bona oocnploted. They *ac4r aa good lubneerm aa I ever new and worked ebrot fully fnr one dollar per day. In addition to that Uiey raised enongh grain fartbo rcnorrullon and to supply ike neighboring military peat, baring a aarplun bealdea U> aril. They hauled ercry pound of (roiglit firoea tbn railway terminus to the aguecy, n distance ad ono hundred end dfty retlca. The «—• who here been II ring oft the ItxUura by eupplying all their needs far the past quarter of a oontury hate to aoe there hrytnatng to got on a setfeunportlng heals, for thon there will be no more moaey to bo made out of them. TVw that reeeon every obotedo la throws hi |he way and all aorta ad LuUrrprwwuta tVma made by them parties, who dread toaea Uudr oacapetloo gone. Daring oDniy experteae* In the want I hare dealt with LL nay partisan bias, dona In ovary In ■donee ht» beat to promote the tntaran* of the trfbee sad the ipm-mreoot, and, from my own obw.-nretloo. 1 think that he haa thus for been very aarccrnfal.* tan tout. »r tkt> waaaufca.' k TV Hint# O'mmandar writ** im fr. ■ I.<iir>4n, Xi*, aa fnllnw: '♦Al tar trv4»ft nthrr nadir!*** fnr vlnt •ramad t.' l-a m aarv nlutlnatu emidi t«i •.if two rhldrafl u* triad IV. Kit*"* Naw IM*roarry r*d at lit* ami nf la** *»• IV rough auMtalf laft tlo-m H> will not ha without It harauftua. ua owr aiyarlrmw pa**** Hut* It aura* wttar* •II otliar tamadla* Nil *»—MriM T. W. Nnum. fltuta Umu.-Why m-t dr* (hlaataut madid— • trtuV M k !• tmntutaatl and trial Mil— ara fra* •t Ourry A KuMdtt I hue «wa B *uVr alar q<V. and It 00 . I : K '■> ■ f I ¥ a I i egbfcle cld/stmas and mT^ Mflfaat j^ZuaiwSfjsSlJtisA “ - <- m . ... -■ ' g I Ml hie___ * «U goodejto. ^oen^A eenaons from theTotMotopa'^then heeeoe similarly ail kited sod twenty er thirty began to show prenxmltloea edthe prawtftteg seMearia, which eow etamd fa looking far the white deer, "rtUBff throagh the streets to n gloomy mood and flying Into a i when anybody iwM« do. __ la tfma the "f la the river Jordan.' lira. _ wboeo ailad had not given way, oh ieeted. Kpsero instated in prooeediag according to reralstion sad lira, flaeero srss.SKirja,-aE"^K the Lagnaa Kwh, not their l«d motto* sail and squared away for the Uoiv Lead. A perty od made op They bronght them and thTtabTWAto Itriat Isabel, wham Mn. sfearo was floead walking oyaed down the beach »s«in* hsr hair sad arytag thonlher Tim eaoe man edfeint Isabel Bow took Immediate action- They re paired to the oastota hMSMiwu i-4. Aa old poll this, who Mia obituary woltoi wb«& pro«&loea| «ftH> Mfu died Qflind mt Ol raolite Aoilncd to md «*._ev _ meeting adjourned to round up tha fce aaaa aad aarral them h> a i-y aar. Spaaro waa the flrat raa hi and thaa tha trouble "mmaaoefl ^ w learning that tha prophet waa a via oaer. an&ed hlouaU with a batcher kultoaad atartad to earee the etwwd, bat Oooatablo Joha Whittaker anoeeed «d la aireadnff, dkanala* aad •-‘-■mm hlrt There wae ae trouble U-g~ tor toe ether*. Neaarel ad theeafS taaetee wareaeattaa laaatle itiIm bat Ckmaraa oouaty waa hat with rro tor beta* tha orlataator of aU trouble, and ha waa aaotoaead ta ty penitentiary at Raatorilla cat tha nharge of aaaaalt wMh latent ta Mam dor. to which he pleaded that ha w— a prophet aaat to aauuaaaa tha aaaaad eomtaf of hi* liaatar. Tha attention of the Australian anneal karheVna sailed to Ida aaaa. that aaihortty hr*_ ttpated It* ' * - ^-«d to the aittaaas broke'the 1_to too rpidetos aad Pot at laabai » heen free boa alBWtim* of entry nfl an an ee*aatoanl gulf harrtaaaa" A Crew et (Met aum The wbneaar Mary and IfeOe la nob. ably the only emmet la Uw world that la maimed by a anew " dumb. Tha - ►*' lo all that hfto Ue afloat aad mwetolaw Ufa, *b2 ‘ •cruet.” Charlie Malone, to tha deaf aad dumb. Time two deaf aad damh am rnenama tha staaah Uary aad UrUe adiatraMy. TWy in ihrtyt c* tht TuofciftmU

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