The Gastonia ___ D«T°t«4 Co tlk* Prot»oUon of Homo tnd cHo latnrMtd Vol. XVI. {»Sir.2fRUl&r.} 1 Gastonia, NYC., March 14, 1805. ON THE HOIE STRETCH. FUSI0II8T8 HURSIEDLT MOmY II0 WITH TTHHTTHim DT BIGHT, MaN'tlwnMiBUITaM-btak M OMitt AMaM-Hklw|r Mi ~**T‘- —r-*-r*‘^*l-T‘iT'.iiir M.muMiilnui iUniiiluiil Coi«.n»iir1 from lii Chirtottfc OtMtrn, MONDAY. MARCH 4. ■KiWi Bill* and resolution* were Introduced u follow*: By Mr. White, of Perqui mans, bill to prohibit boycotting by railroads In North Cur'd Ho*. By Mr. Sigmon, of Catawba, bill Co areata add the offioe of commissioner of Immigra tion. Tbe oalsndar waa taken crp. The re solution to pay funeral effpMraea or Sen ator Franck. 515T86, was adopted. BUI to abolish the offioe of trustees of the Agricultural and Mechanics) Col lege, and make the itemtmn or the board of agriculture trustees of tbe A. and M. Oollegr, and providing that the presided of tbe Fsrmsni’ Alliance shall be a member of Mila Ixaust, paaaed second reading. Mr. Adam* objected to third reading. Mr. Peddl aca ajoved to auapend the rule* and plane the bill upon it* third reading. The rules were suspended sod the tall paaaed third reading. Mr, Oandler asked that tbe MU re ducing the appropriation to the Stale Board float $x80 to $100 to each com pany, and reducing salary of the Ad jutant General from 1400 to 1300 be placed upon lu second reading. A telegram from Senator Cook was read asking that this bill be paaard over un til bis rslam. Mr, Candler insisted oo hla demand. Objection was made, and moved to to a pec cl tbs rules and put the bill on Its reeding. The rules were suspended and the Mil passed third reading by e vote of 33 to 9 Bill to create the office of lumber re specter. which had been Ukvu from the table, was placed upon Its K«md reading. Mr. Fortxa explained that the objec' of tbe bill was to levy a tax of 10 cam* a hundred fast on all round log*, 0 oenta to go the log Inspector and 0 cents to the school (nnd. Mr. MctHaaky offered an amoatmenl not to allow lb* Uw to take rffect befurv July 1st. 1895. Mr. Atarbuck offered an amendment that the salary of an Inspector shall not exceed fcl.OOb a year. Beth amendment* were adopted and the bill puaaed third reading, a gUffibcr of counties having been u " 'ipe Mil to craat* tlie office of insar UM oommlaaloner and to regulate in* conduct uf Insunuioe business io tbe Mate, which bad been mads the special order for 13 o’clock, was placed be fore Ua eecond reading. The salary of tbe commissioner la made 11.800 a rear, the commlasionur to be elected by the General Assembly for a term of four years. Tbe bill seeks to knock tbe Southeastern Tariff Association la the bead by not allowing oompeiuea to do boaineea la tbe State which are un able to make Independent vote*. Mr. Fortune, who Introduced the bill, spoke very earnestly In support of tlie bill. He was Interrupted by Mr. Fur bee, of P1U, who asked: “Areyou not a candidate for the office of Insurance oommlaalooer?” Mr. Furtooe bemLa ted. aod than replied that he had not announced hi* candidacy but If the offioe was tendered him be would not decline it. Mr. Hoover, of Wilson •aid be waa opueed to the ereatloa uf new offices an leas it waa seen that they would be benaBclal to tbe State. Mr. Hoover had spoked some tine when Seoator Faraone Interrupted bits and aaked which side of the question he waa on. Mr. Hoover.- “I can only r urn left argument*. I can’t furnish brain*." (longhter.) Mr. Parsons: "I don’t think yon can." (Laughter. I (Both Henaton Hoover and Parsons are preacher* and Populate.) Mr. Moody, of Haywood, thought the bill would do Insurance oompantea some Injustice. Mr. Fosrter said the tn aarmnee business only oust Um Bute 5L.AOO now, and If a oommtaaioner was 1*1. tble salary nothing waa said of the $3,800 that woeld have to be ex pended to equip hla offioe. He thoaght the MU merely a political aaaaaure to create an office for • partisan. Mr. MeOaskey, of Martin, thought the MU would hare the effieet of rosi ning forty Insareaee eompanir* oat of the State Mr. Uaitdler eut off debate by mowing the prey loo* qaasthm whioh waa sustained. Mr. Forbes, of PHI, snored teleyao amendment to strike out aectinn $ u« the table The motion was carried and tlie amendment, carry ing the Mil with It, want to Um table. The Mil to appropriate $5,000 for a ladles'exhibit at Um Atlanta Oaten BUtre Exposition, waa alarad upon IU recond reading, having been made Um special enter. Mr. Black moved to taMe tbe bill. Thb ayes aod nays were demanded. The MU was tabled by e fnw wi m a. Th* Mood* Mil to levy • eaoorealon tax epon InberlUnega tor tbe euppnrl of oomnon aehoole woo pI Mod apou IU ■oooitd reading. The vote on Hie bill gtood 17 la the affirmative end 17 In the negative. Tbe chair voted no and the bill felled to |M eeeond reeding. TbO tall to ebnlteb tlio pr*ernt county erlmioel eoort of Mew Haaover and Macklenburr oooaUee aod nreetebtieb tha eourt with enlarged territory waa placed upon IU third reading. Mr. I.lndaay offered an amendment to allow the Governor to order the Crimi nal Court lodge to hold oooru Id other rountlea not corn tinned la thla Mil. (Xrrled. Mr. Dwwd offered an aneeed m«ot to axorpt Maw lion over and Maw Haaover ouuntlee, and (poke In ta|ge»t1 ot Me emvadment Ha laid If the bin woa paaaed on no higher ground thua to make a Rrpubheao Judge, bv wanted Mecklenburg and Maw Hanover exemp ted, mid their puaeet Olmlael Court Ml alone. Th* |>revtou* gmwtroc War ordered, on Motion of Mr. Candler, Mr. Dowd's amendment was loot by a vote of 81 to 8. Hr. Dotrd offered an amendment to etiTke out Mecklenburg. Loat MrJ Bice's amendment Vo re quire the salary of Judge to be pgid by tbe State was adopted. The MU ae amended named third reading. Mr. Peddlwm neat ep a resolution, that ae the term of the Fifty-fourth Congress' had expired at IS o'clock, that the country be congratulated that It wee no kmger able to do ary harm. Mr. Fowler moved to table tire motion. Mr. Hoover, Hopnllet, did not think the resolution wae onuched In respect ful language. Mr. White, of Alexander, Populist, said Ire had read that we shoo Id judge not that we be not Judged. He thought the resolution too previous. It was laid upon the table. RNATk-NIUUT SESSION. Bills pnieed to Invalidate election held to Issue bonds la M'lohell county; tu establish a line between North Caro lina and TennseeS*. Tbe bill to prevent ; lire sale of low grade kerosene oil was tabled', to Incorporate Belmont; to authorize cnmcoieetoners of Mecklen burg to change the site of court liooer; b'H to provide a dispensary for Hiekoty (It Id a ••Tillman" dispensary ) To appropriate IS.000 for a new building at tbe Colored Institution for Deaf. Dumb and Blind at Raleigh. The bill Introduced In the Mmale to prevent boycotting by railroads In thin 8ute. fixed the floe at 81.000 for each and every offence and snakes forfeiture of charter of roads engaging In boycott. nova*. ■r. n iiumds mirodaced * motuUoo the pegnx S3 extra. Mr. Line reeolalloD requesting the Secre tary of Slate to famish members of the Legislature with the colonial re ooadi. Bill# warn Introduced aa follows: By Mr. Harris, of Gaston, to locor poiaxs the town of Spencer Mountain Mills. By Mr. dormant, to prohibit boycotting by railway* In Narlh Caro lina. By Mr. llarrl*, of Gaston, t>> al low Mt. Holly to issue boads and levy a siwclaJ tax. Tha oaleodar was Ukau up, and tbs following bill* passed: To allow Mitch ell oounty to levy a special tax; to amend tlw CliafW at Lmcolnlosi to awpwprlale 837,000 fur ’flu and HO, 000 for Dh for tlie nalnlauauce of the Cohifed inaaue asylum at Goldxhoro, and 810,000 this yaar and 87,30} for next year for new buildings lor fe male*, ao as to accommodate 100 more patents. l)i Is passed to charter Sunalilne In stituta, Bn liter ford oouoly, Tlw bill to ameod The Cod* In re gard to building and loan associations was taken up. It Is a substitute pre pared by the oourn.Hum Id Ilea of three other bill* Introduced at this nnsal-n It was stated Uiat It was a oompruuilae Dill, tatlsfaciory to all peranaa, rryre aaotlog both boms and foreign aaanels lloa*. Mr, McClautmy mid be would oppose the bill, and thereupon the Speaker withdrew It. At unna tha House went Into com mittee of tha wliole, French in the chair, on the machinery act Lluehaok offered an amendment that each tax-payer shall be allowed to de duct tha amount of hia Indebtedness from tha taxable value of bis persons', property. He apoks Id support of this bat It was voted down overwhelmingly. Mr, Howard offered an amendment requiring owners of aharre of stock In bolldlng and loan associations to list these for U&aliuu. He supported this amendment, earing the Attorney Gen eral regarded HT ns proper. Mr. Me Clammy offered th* following as a substitute, provided that bolldlng and loan associations shall not be taxad, bat persons bolding stock shall list the same and shall not be allowed an offket to any debt due by lhatn. Tha to ball tuts and the amendment wore both re jected. Mr. Crummall offered an amend ment compelling persona to list their solvent credits. Mr. Lusk opposed this and aald ha favored an Income v and that all classes of people should pay their share of taxes. Mr. Monroe said the amendment would I norms* the taxes. Mr. Lusk thought nol. Mr, 8mith Said that If peraoo* were not allowed to deduct from their oradlts their dabfa In order to ascer tain th* sol rant credits, It wontd bs taxing debt! also. Tfis amendment was reject ad. Mr, Hlleman offered the following amendment, which was adopted: "All foreign building and loan aaanclalloo* doing business In this Chat*, shall, by their secretary and treasurer list for taxation their stock bald by cltlsana of this Scat* in tba oounty, city or town where th* owners of said stock reatde; that lo Hating said stock for taxation th* withdrawal rates aa fixed h* the by law* of each company shall ‘bo fur nished tba list-takers and tha stock shall be reload for taxation ax otlier moasfsd lu vestments of eitlaans of the that any association, or officer tbl* flute, who aimll fail or raf im* to *o Hat alarm of atm-fc owned by rlttcaca of thla (Meta for taxation, ahall ba barrnd from doing bualnwaa lo Mila tltaU, and ana local (dinar or peraon wbo abal) oolleet dope, aaaeaaoaanu, prernluma, Bora or Interval from any oiUxeneof thla Btata, for any aoah tranaaotloa wtiloh baa failed, or rt foaad to Hal for taxation, tha atoek bold by eitliana of thla Btata, ahall be ■Wlltg of a ailadeeaaeaor aed aobfaet to Ana or Imprlaonment or both, in tiin d Inoral too of tha annrt; that ell nc aatd laxca ahall ha paid by tha aaaooiatton Hating aeoh atoak, Holman mid thla made focal*n aaaooiatton* equally re aponelWe with Stile corporation* Mr. Bryan, of Chatliam, offered an amandmaot, whlah area adopted. ’-That the hoard nf ooanty commit aVniera ahall eattaa tha rerlatcr 'it daadi to mak* out two cnpte* of Ux Data for awoh tnwnalilp aa revlaad and Battled by him aaeordla* to a form to ba ad anted." Mr. Rryan offered an amandmaat that Ilia that Iff or tax oottaelor ami rmt the oounty enaemtaatonert ahall deatgnaU tha paper* la which tax acta* Miall be published. An amendment to i the ameodment wsa offered by Mr. Johnson that the printing be let to the lowest bidder. There nl 4 discussion on tbte amendment, lo wbloh Mr. Bry an made attacks oo Democratic ooun ty cuaimiaaoiirrs, and Mr. Bay and Mr. laiek bad a spnt on the qaeatloo of Mr. Lusk's declaration that be thought 600 mea ought to be banged The chair ruled out the amendment to the amend cueut, though Mr. Bryan laid he would accept II The amcodmeot was adopted ee am coded. Mi. Wlnboroe offered an emeodmaut that no laud shall bo sold fur taxes until the sheriff has first attempted to ralleet the tax out of the personal property. Tills was also adopted. Mr. HtniUi. of Uatea. offered an amendment tint canal and sleeoseblp properly shall bt assesssd the seme as railway [pro petty. This was adopted. Mr. Campbell offered an amendment to make the obarye on lands sold for taxes and redeemed 10 iliaised uf 90 per cent, per annum. Mr. Campbell mid lbs 9u per ccol. charge was an out rage. He took oocaslon lo attack the 6 per oent. Interest bill as a blow at Stale. Mr. Bay said It was beat to make the rate of penalty 0 par cent, lutlred of 10 per oenL Mr. Nelson argued that there ought to be a penal ty. otherwise tbs people would not pay their tax**. Mr. Bay read from the Asheville Cater* e statement Uist 6280,000 I tad been withdrawn from loan lu western North Carolles be cause of the pace age of Uie 0 par oent. Interest bill. He deoooncod the fu slonlete for their work In pressing the 8 per oent. interest blU roughshod ever those who opposed U. lie said that Ibis bill bad dileri up the fountains uf idooot. Finally Mr. Bay withdrew bis amend not* l upng Mr. Campbell agreeing to make the penally 0 per oent. Mr. Wiulorne said there had rtlways been a heavy penalty. Mr. Ewart said he had opposed the pasmge of llie 0 per cent, bill because bv knew it would Injure his people. It was In juring them, and money was being rapidly called lu aad withdrawn. Mr. Julian opposed all the amendments, saying 90 per cmL wea low enough Mr. Lusk aaId tliere was b>U uf Bun combe and Macon and little stater -usEslup lu this bouer. He advocated a high penalty and sold if the 0 per oral, was adopted It would cut down the Mute’s resourom.' Mr. Lusk said he did not vote for the 0 per cent. In terest bill, sod did not like it and that is was hurting tbs country. Mr. Lusk admitted that he wsa paired on the bill and would have had to vole fur It, ns per order of the caucus Ail amend menls were voted down. Mr. Nelson offered an amendment to etc.04 that wlit-u a elterlff dies bis successor or rxecnlor shall haye power to tnaku deeds. Tills was adopted. Mr. French offered an amendment, which wee adapted, tasking it a mis demeanor for an employer to refuse tv give to a sheriff or tax collector the names of employes lo order that the wages of tbs latter may be garnlaneed. □ OUea-KIOHT SKSSIOM. At the night session of the Haase bills {waged to provide for the ours of the iadlmnt blind by Raleigh phyal oians who give their eery lore free; to Incorporate the North Carolina Chris lien Conference; to fund Morgan Lon '• floating debt; to provide that the 6 per cent. Interest bill elialt not effect the causes of action arising on salts here tofore pending. TUR6DAY, MARCH 4. IHiTI. Bill* were rstlOsd aa tollomi; Act In make all check* or otber evidence* or dent redeemable In money. Act to provide for support of Agricultural and Mechanical College-, act to pro vide for support of tbe Colored Agri cultural ana Meehanloal College; reso lution to pay burial expeowof Sena tor Franck. The hilt to lubmlt tbe creation of Scot land oounty to a vote of people of Richmond county, waa pieced upon It* third reading. Mr. Paddltou, of Pender, apok* In support of the Ml). II* thought It a meritorious one which appealed to every Senator who favored loeal self-government. He live! In a now oounty and knew the dlfflenlty in cutting off from aa old noe, sod knew the good effect of asUtMlalilog a new county when such waa needed aa seemed to be tbe ease In this Instance. Moody, or Haywood, said tbe State already bad forty mors counties than it needed, and Its hoped tbe MU would not pose. Tbe bill, though It bad been reported unfavorably, paaaed third reeding by a vote of 89 to 7. The Mil to provide for eoontv adop tion for pnhlle school hooks by eouaty boards of edaoaitwi, being tba auecial order, we* placed opou IU mound reading. Senator Grant sent up a substitute providing for State adop tion. Mr. Grant's substitute was lost. Bill to amend see. 9604, no as to Sleet tbe State Librarian by tba Gener al Aaanmhly waa placed on mooed reading. Rill to Inoorunrate the Mor geo ton end Shelby Railroad passed third reading- Bill to emend the obar ter of Baatemer City. Gnatoe eoontv. Passed third reading. Bill to amend tbe obnrter of Morgaotou paaaed third reading. BUI to remove the oounty alts of Ralherford oounty from Rutherford ton to Forest City, allowing tba proposi tion to be voted upon by the people. Mr. Fortune sent up an amendment, that In the sv*ot of (he removal or tbe enart ho.we, the property holder* of Ketherfnrdton should be ludmnnllted by tlw oounty for ell decreseed values of reel property resulting Inm removal Mr. Peddleon a. 14 the ohjeol of this amendment w*e to defeat the removal by Uw people. The emeed noeol was lost The bill paaaed sec ond reading. ■■HAT* — JfJOIfT RIMfOV. Th* Wll to iM tba KUt* librarian by lha Ufblatiiii Mai op to iaan4 lha ohartarof ftfortranton, and paaaM MMOitd raadtua. RlIU paial to ataand lha abartsr o? RUteurtUa; to pmalda for Urn rerwtaptlon af land a Oar tala by Mortfafa. aocn Mr. French called up tba oounty STernBient blU and aaM ba wonld oaf] a previous question at lit JO If there were anuN.d®ante-bnt t>a wished to •ay decidedly tba* there would ba no amendments paired, that tba MU would ba pumwl exactly aa It la. Mr. Bay thought It would taka two hour* *» *•« «Pth» beautlre of tba MU, which Mr. French conceded. Mr. lUy took tba floor and began Ibe detMta. Mr. Bay teid that the fualonleta admitted their aowaidloe In dlicuuloe of tba blU In saying that they would not croca • >>(•> or dot an “l*" that they had taken away from the people every safa-enard in the levying of taxes-in one eection of which pro video for an andlere eoofu Mon and row. which will spring die lurbancr and devilment all over the county. A judge la called gpoo to ap point two men to thwart all tba mere area U*at Ibe ecmmlaalonrra way thick wholeaixne for the oounty—time saying lital tlw people who elect three oouj m lee loo era haven't •core enough to know who or what they wait for their oounty. Mr. Bay took up the Mil reading a portion or a*atiou J. the prnvtan, which Mr. Hay said wonld ba a laugh log stoek to all mas wbp knew law. Mr. Bay anaered at the title • For the people." Mr. Brawn aald It took three weeks to gat the same. Mr. B-«3r aald artier* the people got oc tbeJr they would work. They had UJked three Booths that tba Mil was a pleoe of weak kneed oowarlloe. Hpaaklng of Ike maglatnatre aod the bonka furnished them, Mr. Bar aald it woo Id coat hundreds aad tbuuaandt irf dollar*; taka away tba title aad noth ing was left; If yon were afraid to trust tba people with the Maotloc of oomeolreioner* why didut you rey ao Inetead of taking away tbelr power* under a title to restore good g"T*ra went to lbs people. Mr. Bay raid tkr Legislature had been a failure—had ■tone notiing despite its promises Mr. Bay aald ha waa ao nak that he could Hardly stand aod only reads the attempt In obedience to hla duty—but ha km Ire at momenta with bta eaual an, nu uioga ot sarcasm uang at moment! arilttleallr handled. Ur. Bay waa fat lowed by Ur. Mon roe, wbo re ltd hi* speech, carefully prepared with polish and forca. Ur. Winboree was against petting so untried and undemocratic prloot pte at work among our people In tbe id eon of ooe that bed prevailed in all lie Saxon spirit among freemen for 116 years, until lu 19tW, uuder the oounty constitution, three liberties were taken away; under that law it proved to be a prollfle source of woe to 97 counties of this State. The credit of theer counties was destroyed, and it waa not until 1876 that we w_-e jwued. Tbeo the people uf XorU^Cerullu*. hearing the cnee of help of these 97 counties, uame to lhe raMoe. re-eatub IWIted our present county governaaeot, nod thus restored our credit. Mr. Stevens dealt with the political dangers In tire logical supremacy, oor •eqnrnt upon this bill, which would oooie to tlM negroes Id tits oouoths* lu whleh they bed a majority. Mr. Peebles Introduced tbs a mend meat In which wen called the eyes and note, sad said “I dare them nut to aeoept It.*’ Tbl* te tbe amend menl: “Strike out at the and of eeo tkm 8 ‘that tit# Judgment of the Su perior Cttart shall be Anal.’ ” The amendmeut was lust by a vuU uf as to 68. Mean*. Smith and Stanley offered an amendment to strike out all of aectlou U which ueclloo takas away the power given to ttie Justices ortho pease by chapter 17 of the prelect law. Thle ■tripping of tlm Just loss of their power wee a slap toward ceutfallstf Ion, said Mr. Smith, wbo dwelt further upon the auioorat power gltee to the clerk of tbe Superior Court, morewr tliet the Pa pul leu admitted their Inoomp*. teocy to role to having two men from tbe opposing party appointed and that at the batoaet or 900 voters, then that it would take four to apt* thus (water ing the reel pivotal pow*r of tbe whole oounty Id otlwr one Bait. Who were better prepared to deal with county affaire thee three men et tbe oounty east aided by mtfMrmtee from all over the eountyf Mr. Smith characterised tbe bill lu eloelog as a wolf In sheep's clothing, as a whited •epotoher, ratten to the sore and full uf dead men’s bona*. Mr. Smith's emendmeot wee now put, Mr. Etiy calling the syee end noea, and lost by a vote of 70 to M. Mr. Bay sent up an amendment to laeve the eleetloo of JuaUeee of the pesos to the people. Mr. Bay Mid ha wouldn't promise how be would vote— h* had made no premie* on this point —but a* Mr. Ewart had promised to let the people e'eet their migtetratee (laughter I. and ha waa Mira that Mr. Luak would rota for It, aa ha haJ Ptudilaad to do. Meaar*. Burnham ami Urumol aatd Uiey lied pnmlaad to lot lb* peopl* elect their nMriattatae and thararor* voted ay*. Mr. Flack aatd ha did not think Mr. Rof’a amend ment *M la good faith nod Uiarafor* ha voted aw. Merer*, Ewart nod K ranch and Jobtaaon reld that oilier opportonltlea would be given to rote on thka point and thertfora voted no. Mr. Nor Blent, w tailing to encourage tha Demooral* In voting for wlmt waa right, h* voted nva. Mrear*. Petra* and Phillip* and At* reld that Mr. R*r waa cot to good faith, and Mr. Patrae reld ha would h.»a anoUtar njiportoiiity. Both voted mi and Ur. Saif for the anm* rre»<*> *• autad by hlea. Ur. Wliltt ra-IWnf Urn fMt that the amendment would he loot any way and that hi* vote would aav* him trouble in explaining lb* neat campaign he voted nay. Mr. Young retd h* would have another opportunity to rota ay* and therefore now vexed no. Mr. Beau atuekad Mr. U*y‘t tmd faith. Ur. Ray **■•! he didn't aan how, If Mr. Barn oould Bud u nation tn bit had faith, hla oaopM »«ohl «f hi* prom. I***. Mr. Ray wild "***mlt.i tlm rack" I —that the aobedtot* iwwrrrd to tha 1 maka tbift which the fMfcaitat* prv J tended gave to the peopl* the right to •loot their magistrates. Mr. Bay aat down without Toting sad • dramatic aoaoa folio wad, calls being made on Mr. *o *•»•—Hr. Bay mm at all flue* torad. Mr. Will lama, of Crevea, ***** «»•* Mr. Bay ha a* period from Um House unlaaa lia voted. geVarai mem ben aroaa, soma lsu«hipg. Km Memtaghr Indlgnaut at Mr. Bay, Mr. Bay. undiatarbed, saying Had bn was not In tha hall, and thought ha should by excused. Mr. Bwart suggest ad to tha Speaker that Mr. Bay’s talking was out of order sod that ha was required to vote. Tha Upaaker read rule 3d on the point. Thera wes ten sec roe oo tha faeas of all and a waning suspense aa to how Mr. Boy would rota. Mr. Bar aaU ha bad do objection to voting, (tolling Ml tho while.) Mr. Cask •atd Mr. Ray had aallad tha ayas had noaa, and tba House still waited. Mr. Willisana repeated bis motion of rx i pulsion. The Speaker seamed amber* ! and Mr. Xnart was oonstant In his demands lor n vote from Mr. B iy. In the midst Of this Soeoe, growing morn and mors etrnliisd and uDaartaia and rtoUeae, Mr. Bar said, rising vary gently, that ha would vole ‘•no,” in the mldM of laughter all over tlie gal* laris (which were ailed with ladles) nod the House, which continued some momenta, and the whole matter cover* ing Dine minutes by tha clock, had base one of amassment coupled ap parently with other leering also oa the P*r) of some of the members. Smith, pf Oates, wassailed ,1a and “without heel tattoo” voted -‘no.” Mr. MeClam my said he was not In the hall whan mm anx-nament >u offered. Mr. Mr If •■bed when b« waa. “None of your butlnaaa ” M4d Mr. McUUmmy, who waa finally excused from voting. Th* »CU was aya* Ifi, oeesTO. __*»• Oatra. rose to thank Hr. Fiauofc fur giving him an oppor tuaitjr to speak, and denounced the ayvtnio which would allow Mm [French! to aay tliat aay bill should P“*a without amendment. Mr. Bay sent up the following • mendmaot and mid ha would vote aye on It. “That at tba next regular election there aboil be elected by the qualified voters of tba State, there magistrates la every township of Worth Carolina, who shall hold their odkas ontil their successors should be strob ed and shall have qualified under the lawa of the SUte.” Mr. Cvnp’all In explaining his vote said he waa tarry that Worth Carolina bad each a both whicker as the gen tleman from Cherokee (meaning Mr. Bay.) [Laughter.] Mr. fUy mat as If to good humor and mid 6* did not wish to lw tlios characterised. The Speaker aald tliat Mr. Oempiwil had said ‘the gantlamae of Cherokee** not tbe geutlemee from Macon. Mr, Bay, not bearing the Speaker's Interpolation Hushed op sad in d*t*r®iaed Loo re. said Mr. Campbell. In baring used the language ha did, had spoken as no gsn Uemen would speak. Mr. Campbell waa red la th* face sad all over bis bald head, and had beaa slluglug bit arms sod (peaking at the top of bis mice, evidently oot having beard any thing that had been tald by cither the Speaker or Mr. Ray; and said that Mr. Bey bad made hU ameodoieut in bad faith, voted on and ait down in the mldhtof tbe disorder that had gathered. Mr. Boy did nut think that any man with anv Idea of what a gentleman should do could call him a bush whack er aud waa on the eve or dtoouimlng Mr. Caaapbell, saying that be area Ig norant of how to address e gentlemen, when Mr. Hay was Interrupted by Mr. Bryan, of Chatham who mid tliat Mr. Otmpball bad aald “tbe gentleman from Cherokee” wee a bushwhaak»r. aunv v n« wm u —ucikiuwii ar, Bay—“well tbnn ( withdraw my re mark! aud hoped the gentleman from Cberokno woald be Governor end Bake him (Bay) hie private secretary.” (Laughter.) Mr. Bay la rising bad met tbe agreement with Mr. French (eo French atates) not to cell the .ayea and nooc If be would allow Mr. HayAwo minutes—end had sent np the fotlow log aaymdment: The eald county oummlselooen shall five hood to be approved by the olera of tbe ooort con ditioned that they will faithfully per form their duty as Bid county torn atestonerm. Said bonds limit he made payable to the State and In n earn of not leas than 85,000.” Both this end an amendment to this amendment elianglog 8,u00 to 8.000 weds voted down when Mr. Swart took the ftuor foe dee minutes with the ooneent of Mr. French who gars notice to tbe Speaker that be would then oall the pervious question. Mr. Ewart o paced with refer sees to the Calamity prediction of Mr. Ray, the lugubrious remarks ef Mr. 8mltb, of Htaoly, and tbe red-handed, eum mnnlnle otawrvaUona of the Bery balred gentleman from Qntaa, (General applause.) Tlie burden of Mt. Ewart's apeeoli wm that the Denwerate should be ssnsmed of being afraid of a hand ful of negroes, aad that Urn Dvmoerats would have an opportunity la about an boar or probably twe hours to vote an a measure to tat the people sleet their own magistrate*. Then the Mil paeesd B*m>d reading, and Mr. Kronen moved a aovpgpsion of lbs rake* to put lha bill on Its third reading, on which Peebles celled arm and nnoe. tbe vote resulting, aye* 74, ones 80. Tin rule* were suspended sod the mil waa put upon Hi third reading. Messrs. Bay, Halts ef Yales, and French arose *t ooce, Mr. Ray saying: "Mr. Opraker,” Mr. Hmlth moviag that tbe MN be rend, Mr. French de manding the previous question on the third leading, which was put In th* confusion promptly by tbe Spanker and carried by a *lv* vooa vote. Mr. Ray sailed Uin aym aad uuve. and the ecus ty government Mil. witbunt amsud ment. passed tie* third rending by a party vets of—arse 74, anas SB. Mr. timUb of Oatse. mm nod salfl that he naked for the reading of the Mil and wished Uw clerk to note tbe rad Tim clerk will do go auoh thing, said the Speaker, and be Mild that he had not rvcrtgnlsHl the gentleman from Gates, who. now rising to germinal privileges. Bid that Mr. Ewart bed raftered to his prronea) appears pot. bet that be (tmltk) aid gut waddle | tronod ttha e little tot baa. ILaoyb ter(. Mr. 1C wart dlaelalaed, aad Mr. I Ssalrt aald ba took It all la mad bo tour. Mr. l*ranah aw rad ta Swaar la the Smote amendasonta. Mr. Bar •Itoad tbaaa read. Tbs Speaker add that should bars baaa done aa tba ••uaod read (a*. Mr. Boy aaid he didn't waat tbaaa fcaawa, aad adlber tba bUl aar tba anand meats wan silo wad ta ba raad by Um Speaker. Haw tba MU was tahao aa Mto mo ▼Wafer tba ahMUao of JusUoes of tba llec 1. Hot axeeadlny tbraa Just toes to iia eiaoted by this Omars! t—My for aaob township, la addltlua to lha rmoaualas to ba Oiled and tba tbraa hardy appointed shall befamisbsd tba law Looks necessary for J sat leas ad tba eitlaa on Juntas tor •▼ary 1 X>00 lalisMUata. said hold oOaa fords ywtrs. 8a«. t Befernny to tba n_ to ba hi ran by tba Semtary at eta. See. 1 Tam of oflfca to beyta Lai day of April. 1895. Sae. 1 At nact yewesal eleoUoa aad erary 9 years thereafter I justices at the puses sImsU be sleeted for eeeb towaablp rar. Hoy amdesapeeoliof it minutes droocneing (to sham of tto bill-a pretence that thle wuuM giro to tto ptoito tto ibofee «f their magistrates when th|« appotntiorat waa made for tto porpoae of balding poUttoal power at my desperate oust. Ur. Bey to tome very ouch wanned up and esoo rtotad tba In toot of tto party tabled *•>*•**• aa la co wlaa la Han with tbrtr reared pledgee to tto oeopte. Mr. Smith, ofOalaa, at the reggae Uoa of Mr. Await (to tto amusement of tto House) waa called oat and told there ware 8 minutes more which to •nald un. Smith opposed tto (HU rehemeatly, maintaining that the Jus tice ef the pares ta as an Important aa "Oas aa U oasht to to-would to mrraly dgurahenda under this bill. Mr. Euart closed tto dotota by aoy ing ttot If tto jsaUoaa of tto oaaoa wmo merely dgure hreria, tto Dmo e«U itoakt bare no fear thoaid there b'..n7I° of the peace, and 2^ o,or and ***• ^ ***• V »*d sees <>n tto third rending. The bill parted aenond reading by vlya voca vote, end on tba third rrndiog Mr. Smith called fur tto reading of tba UR, The «pe*k «a* d It bad bam read oyer. Mr. 8mltJ» ashed ite reading again. The Spaakar ordered it read, ask lag Mr. Smith If to wsntad It ail read, at which point Mr. McKrosia mured to dlapenm witb tto reading of tto MU urrlad; Mr. Smith said to w la tod tto fret to appear on tto journal ttot to bad eelM f**r tto read Inc, aud that Mi. MoKaoiia's ooUon had prereatod It. The ayaa and naya wara called and the bill passed tto third reading by a rote of ayes and Dose. nous a—kioht axseiox. At thanlgiit aoeaioci at the House bills paired to increase the appropria tion to tba adored Orphan Asylum at Oxford from 81.800 to 83,000; to appro prUta 18.800 for workshops, and II, 800 for Uia support of deaf mutes, at Mutgaotoo. To allow Mt. Holly to Imua public Improremrnt bonds. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 8. amt atx. Mr. Starhoek'a Mil pro riding for the redemption of Und within two yean after lla Mia under execution wre Maced upon tba third reading. Bin* were ratiSad re follows: To a is si id tto starter of tba Charlotte Street Ballway; to prbteot dear in MltcbeU county: to Invalid ate a bund Mretbm In Mitchell coanty; to Incor porate the Carotlna ChrlaUau Chilean Tto land redempMoa MU p tread third reading. Mr. Starboch offered a resolution to appoint a committee of three to assist tto Mart in arranging tto calendar and to prevent 8»u*tore from Inter fering with tto aalondar. Adopted. B.ll to provide for as elseUon to bo bold In Rutherford county on a propo sitlna to remove Um court tore from Rutherford ton to Forest City pmri third reading. Bill to a Bred tto charter of Btatrevllle peered third reading. BUI to emend tto etarter of Atr.eTiii* piuii third mdlag. Bill U. inrul Um shorter of Morgaaton pare ad third reading. Tha bIH to Meet nine additional ■UD'on of tho board of dimeters of the penitentiary, and to abolloll tho o«m of Miporlutondout Wag ptooad upon Its aaeond reading. Mr. Altai mid Um Mil wax an« to dlaplMO DoowmraU by RepsbUoaiw awd Populist oflelalo. Ho ton tended that tho Goooral Aaarwlly hod do right to aptxNKtauoh dtmetoea, mod If It waa d»ao It wo*Id bo d m» undor tha prototl of waU-taforwad faaloalsta, Mr. Moody baked if tba udfcra terra not LadWaUv*. and not oonatltuUonal f Mr. Adaaw replied they ware cauetl tditnml ndkua, aod rpada daetehm of Jostles Breda anatelnlwg Uta* ground la oxplieU words. Mr. Moody thought tbesorsUtaUe* of 1*7» e*maged Um appdntlag power. Mr. Adsws le slstad that it did aot, sad Utat there waa aat a llau or a ward to support uurh aululru. Mr. Adaaw mod from tha hnpnmta l>mrt Reports deohdoou supporting Ms xutewuoU sod ootrse laglhruury paint at taaaa. Ho had hoped that la tho aagnorao tar affea •ifeartala rofaewoes tho Not Weald irdbohMi right of that thsrs waa a oootllial ion Mr. Moody, pf lla?wo.»t. wid iha aoMtltwthw atorrEy provided for Iha rmotion of a partltonilary, hut then, waa nothing In It to govern tho alee tioa .if the dlmutors Of tho IsaUtathm. Ur (untended that iha UeWtatora had Um right lo strut tha dlruetnfa uwdwr the aonatiintlnn. Mr. Abril naked If tba nhfaot at the Mil no not to pot tho penitentiary two the hands of tha Brpulteana. Mr. Moody rapUwl that It waa. Mr. AMI •old ho thought k was a good MU. sad that tho HepuMleant nugl.t to have eontmlof thapenkoatlary, aa hP pro •ret nf Ite laaaala* wore RoaMteana. Mr. DawdaaM h* dilated frow Uo INwator I row Johaaloo. Ha thought lor* ftoin 84 to ftiT 'Hr'toUflU JftH **K only to tot haaptog with Tto tow £2^?K£vSS Ira&FHl-! »«. Xr.CWncwlimMawbi that gar* tin* to aa htow that ha waa to furor <4 tha ML Mr. Abaft aahad If Mr. Carrar waa eot data tor a p tall I an to pay the aaagar of ttoamtoMtonr » aWj - aat theafljOML 1 anwndmaat wm low aad UmMHpM third raiding. H to A Mr. Fowler iwkad to to l jntlo* owing to morat Hi waa nteaaad. anAtt-iwn i At tba Vesta night county gwaaramant MU i Alto aa aat to praaide far to jwettoreto tto paaoa. •oaHwadtof ta aaaatto tha Bill to atoned aad terlee tha_r Ml, wtto alight --fiffanatl). _ pawef StorarfiPapSP.ato'rouId ma to ■ ■aylug they aaw aa aard tor toaddMgg •*«*.Mty ohartawi BUI to pmvat tto brtagtog to aatoi (or damage of ran] pr iparty aaM ntllroada aftar tto rxptraUo* al dwa y bring aklanad; that dnwgteto waa* only Oratwhua bar roamailhjt to tod oUmhad drunk twenty gaBaaa at draggiato* whlakey at Laaoir Mat to, Ha auld tom ww a daf ‘ •00.000 lu tlia Treteary nwd tba Carman muaf pay. Ha tto ym aad eaya, altar Oawaadlto IbaprarUua qamtioaa. Mr. fir tom 1 man tod tto wbolamta attagto bS’ oa tlm dniggtaU. Mr, Julian aaM that from ton toon of tto gantoM wo*Id think tto draggh ahlnera. Hi daclarad __ no an h nmmuU* or high_ to men. Mr. Bay aaM that tto Stoto> mam that all tba drag atom aWtotod tha law arm falaa. Ha deadend tto aaraadmaat lutgaitnoa. Tba rote oa Mr. Hitomart'a want waa mjm *7, eoaa *7. • An by Mr. W. ■aha th* tax an algarattm ft to 10 east* that title act atoll tot druggtat to dost la apMtaea^ rbemat ■ or malt U«am axoept apon the am •e* t ption to a praatlamg ' ■ow allowed by law." A want offered be Mr. ■_ . mtajjed la a b wtdlag hotto ftft ■r.aimiiB. wiirawwixiwn *a «MH*tuir«, r*t»4 quit* * attr hr »#■> *“* >o M»~ntfaM«t ujIm l*«r*n |Hi It