The Gastonia __,>®',rot*<1 to Protection ol Home and tile Intnrtata Vol. XVI. 1 } GftHtonift, X. C., April 25, 181)5. CHAPTER VTL n*« xrteonr or mi iahul T»a polio* had brought a cab with tkua, and In this I escorted MU* Moretan book to her bom*. After the Mftlk feehhui of women, she had kora* trouble with a oalta fao* aa long aa there waa eoaeeoae weaker then h«r aalf to support, and I had found her bright aad placid by the aide of the frightened housekeeper. Id the eab. however, the drat turned feint, tod then bunt Into a paaakm of weeping— eoeorely bad abe been tried by the adventures of lb* night She baa told me also* that the thought me cold and distant upon that J ruey. 8bs little nwii ike etruggh. 'thin my breast, or Ike eCort of sell-restraint which held me baek. My sympathies aad my kn went out to her, seen as any band had in the cardan I felt that years of the eoavcniioomUtiee cf Ilf* eoald not teach me to know bar •wool, brae* nature us had this oos day of strange experiences. Yet there mar* two thoughts which eealod the Words of atwUcs upon my lips, (the was week and helpless, shaken ta mind bad nerve. It was to tsks hsr at a dis advantage to obtrude love upon her at moh n time. Worm, still, she was (tab. If Holmes' reeearehes were sac esaaful ska would ba aa heiress. Was It fair, was it honorable, that* half pay surgeon should taka such advan tage of aa Intiaaaoy which chanoo bed brought about? Might shs act look »pm» am aa a mar* vulgar fortune ■usher? I eoald not bear to risk lbs l saoh a thought should cross her mind. This Agra treasure intervened like an imps s*cMe barrier between on. It was nearly two o'clock when we reached Mr* Cecil lormtorl The •errant* had retired hoars ego, but Mr* Forrester had been so interested by the Strang* message which Miss Merctaa had received ihst sho had sat ap la the hope of her return She opened the door herself, a middle-eyed, graceful woman, and It gave me joy to see how tenderly her arm stole roond the other's waist and how motherly was tha voice la whieb she greeted her. She was clearly no mere paid depend ant, bat an honored friend. I waa In trod need, and Mr* Forrester earnestly begged me to step In and to tell her our adventure* f explained, however, the importance of my evraml, and prom land faithfully to aall and report any program which wa might make with tha oaaa As we drove sway I stole a glance back, and 1 still some to see that Little group on the step, lire two graceful, clinging figures, the half opened door, tha hall light shining through stained glaaa tha barometer, and tha brightotalr rod* It waa sooth ls« to natch eves that passing glimpse of a tranquil English horns In tha midst of the wild, dark bust arm which hud absorbed a* And the more I thought of what had happened, the wilder and darker It grew. 1 reviewed the whole extraor dinary sequenoe of events as I rattled on through the silent gas-lit streets. There waa tha original problem; that at least was pretty clear now. The death of CapC Mors tan, the sending of the pearls, the advertisement, the Ut ter— we bad had light upon all those events. They bad otrly led us, hor efle. to a deeper and tar more traglo mystery. Tha Indies treasure, tha eartoee plan found among More tan's baggage, tha strange scene at Maj. Sholto's death, tha rediscovery of this wwwt lmaoeaiateiy roll owed by the murder at the discoverer, the rt ry «ln nlu aoeotnpenlmsstt to the crime, the iooutepa, the remarkable weapons, the maede upon the eard, corresponding wtth than npoa CepV Uoretan'e ohart —hare Indeed wee a labyrinth 1b which a aaa lan alarularlv endowed then m» fellow lodger might well deopalr of ever finding the elew. PlnklB lace waa a raw of shabby two storied brisk houses In the lower gear ter of Letmheth. I had to knock for soon time at No. t before I could malre any Impreaaion. At last, how ever, there wea the glint of a noodle behind the blind, and a face looked out at the epper window. “Oe on, yoa drunken vagabond," said the face. “If yon kick ep any more row I’ll open the kennels and let oat forty-tkiue doge upon yoa." “If joe’ll let one out It's Jest what I have cocas for," mid I. “Oe ear yelled the voice. “So help me precious. I have a wiper la this bag, aa' D1 drop It on you're 'sad If yoa don't Hook It" ''Bel I want n dogl" I cried. “I jroat be argned wlthr shoe ted Mr. Sherman- “Now stand nlsar for when I ny 'three.' down goes the wiper. ” “Mr. shsrtoek Holm— “ I Mfu. hot Um word* hod a most saayfeal ilwt, inr l»M window Instantly alammsd down, and within a mlanw Um door waa an bar-rad and opam. Mr. waa a lanky, laaa old man, with atoop laf ahonldnrn. a stringy aaek and bln*. tinted flaaaaa “A Intend of Mr. fTh—loak la always walnoma," —Id ha. “Step In, dr. Kaep alaar ad tha badynr; for ha Mtaa. Ah, naafhty. aauffbty. would m taka a ala at tha rnUnuir Thla to a stoat whlsh thrnst Its wlslwd hsad aad rod ay— kstwtaa tha bars af Its cart "Don't mind that. Mr: H's only a slow warm. It hais't got aa fanys, — I Git tha rna a' tha roans, for H tha basttos down. Ton mnl not r»te* aw bsls' last a UMJa short wf > 3« at flrwt, lor I’m guyed al by th# rhlUrro. nn«1 thrra’a many a one Jjaft onnicK <l<mrn thin lane to W tux* it tot- op. "Tttl wax ft that Ur. HherlooU Holme* \rnnUsii, air?** **ll»* xualcd a ring of jonrv** "Ah! tluit would he Toby." “Ye*. Toby wm the name " '•Toby live* at No. T oo the left btra'' lie mortal ilotljr forward with hl» caudle among the qneer unimal family which lie had gathered round him. In the uncertain, ahadowy light I conld ace dimly that there wane gtaucbig, glimmering eye* peeping down et aa from every cranny and corner. Even the rafter* above our hradc were lined by eolemo fowl*, who laally *1 lifted their weight from one log to the other aa our voice* dis turbed tboir dumber*. Toby proved to be an ugly, long haired, lop-eared creature, half apon 1*1 and half lurcher, brow sand -white I a color, with a very elutuay waddling gait. It accepted, after *ome hralta Uon, a lump of rngar which tin old uaturallat handed to me, *rj, baring lira* reeled an alliance. It followed me to the rah, and inado no dlfflcaltiea about accompanying me. It bad juat a truck Uuuu on the palaoc dock when I found myaelf back once more at Pon dicherry lodge The ex-prtae-fighter htcMurdo hod, 1 found, been erreetod ae en aoeeaeory, and both tie and Mr. hholto hud been marched oil to tb* a tattoo. Two oonatablcs guarded tho narrow gate, but they allowed me to paaa with the dog on my mentioning the detective'! name. iiniraM TTt» standing on Uv door step, with his hands In hU pookata, amc king hU pipu. ' Ah, yon hnn him there!" aald ha. "Good dog. liken! Athelacy Jones haa go Da. Wc lia>t had in immense dtv play of energy atnea yon left Ue haa arrested not only friend Tbaddeua, but the gatekeeper, the bo ear keeper, and the Indian acrrnht We hare the place to otirfelwt. but far a sergeant upstair*. Leave the dog here, and ootne up." We Lied Toby to the hail table, and rae see mind the stalls The room was as we had left it aava that a sheet had boen draped over the eentral figure. A weary-looking pollco sergeant reclined In tha corner "Lend mu your huU'a-aye. sergeant" said my onmpauion. "Notv tie this bit of card round my neck, an an to bang It In front of me. Tfaeok you. Now 1 must kick off my boots and stockings! Just yon carry them down wt;h yon. Wataoa. 1 am going to do a little climbing. And dtp my handkerchief Into the creosote. That will da Now come up Into the garret wlih me for a moment.** We clambered up through the hoi#, tlulmea turned hi# light once non upon the footstep# In the dust. “I wish you particularly to notice these footmarks," he aald. "Do you ob wtrro anything noteworthy a boot them?" "They belong." I said, "to a child or a email woman.* "Apart from their also, though. Ia them anything else?" "They appear to be much aa other footmark#." “Not at all. Look here! This ta the riot of a right loottn the dust Now mnke one with my naked foot beside It What la the chief difference?" “Your toes am all cramped together. Tho othor print has each toe distinctly divided. " "Quite so That la the point Dear that In mind. Kow, would you kindly step over to the flap-wlodnw nod aaoel] tha' adgu of tha woodwork? I ahaL ••row ar«n> out' •W over bare, M I hare thle handker chief hi my baud,'* I did aa be directed, and waa lo ■*“Uy ermaelona of a etroog tarry "That la whare be petbte foot hi pet flap oat. tf yon can train Mm, I ahonM think that Toby wlU hare no dlfllanlty. Row ran dowaitatra. kxme tha dog, and look unt tor Blondla." By the tlam that I pot oat Into tha frrmnda Rharloak Holoma waa on tha roof, and I ooald aaa hlaa Uka aa anor mam* plow-worm, crawling rery «lowly along tha rldga. I loat light at him behind a alack at ehlmneya, hot ho praaantly reappeared, aad than rao lahad onoe more apon Um oppoUte eld* Whoa l me da my way roond Uacro I fannd hha eeatad at ooa of tha aarnar •area. “That yon. Wateonr ha triad. ••Tea." Thia la tha plaaa. What la that black thlag down tW.r “A wtlc^Wnl." “Top on It?" "Yoa." “Mu sign of a ladder?" “Mol” “Confound th*i fellow! It's a moat break-asok pines. I ought to-be sbls to oocaa downs where he oonlil climb ■p. The waterpipe feels pretty Arm. Here goes, anyhow.” I Thura was a sending of the feet, | and the lantern began to onroe staadlly ' down the side of the wall. Then with I a light spring he oarnc on to the barrel, I and from there to the earth, i “It was easy to follow him." ha said. | drawing ns his stocking* and boot* | •Tiles war* loosened the whole way along, end In hla hurry be had dropped lids. It ooafirms my diagnosis, «s you doctor* express lb" The object which bo held np to me eras a small pocket oe prach woven out of oolored grasses and with a fsw tawdry beads strung round lb In shape sod alee It was not unlike a elgnrotto. case. Inside wera half a doaer spine* of dark wood, sharp at 000 end and rounded at Uia other, like that which had struck Uartbokimew Shot to. “They are helllah things," said ha. “Look out that you don't prick your self. I'm delighted to have them for tbo chances are that they are all he has. There U the leas fear of you or me finding one in our akin before long. 1 would sooner faoe a Martini bullcb myself. Are yoa game for a eix-mlle trudge, Watson?" “Certainly." I answered. "Yonr leg will stand It?" “Oh. yea" "liar, yon are. doggy I Good old Tobyl Smell It, Toby, uacll Hr Ue pa»ho<J tha ereoaotc handker chief ander tha dog'a now. while tha creator* atood with It* taffy lag* separated, aad with a moat comical cook to lu head, like aeoonotaaeur anlf tag the bmqatt of a famous vintage Holmes than threw the handkerchief to a distance, faataned a atont oord to tha moogTsl a collar, aad lad him to the foot of the water barrel. Tho creator* instantly broke Into a roocca sion of high, tremulous yelps. and, with hia noae ce> the ground, and hla tail in the air. pattered off npon the trail at a paca which strained his loach aad kept ns at tha top of our speed. The east had been gradually whltcn lag, aad wo eooftl now sec some die tones In tha cold gray light. The square, massive house, with Its blaok. empty windows and higb. bar* walla, towered up. aad and forlorn, behind ‘ ' H X^' ^ Wl \ with a ijoirr irnrxo n cxui oi »tt* BiOUL o*. Our course led right across the grounds, hi and out among the tranches nod pit* with which they were scarred and intersected. The whole piece, with its scattered dirt heaps and ill grown shrubs, had a blighted. Ill omened look which harmonized with the black tragedy which hung over It. - On reaching the boundary wnll, Toby ran along, whining eagerly, underneath ita shadow, and ntopped finally in a corner screen by a yonng beech, tvhere the two walls joined, several bricks btd bean loosened, and the crev kos left were worn down and rounded npon the lower though they bad frequently boon weed ns a ladder. Holmes clamberad np. and. taking tha dog from me, ha dropped it over npon the other side. ••There's the print of wooden-teg's hand," he remarked, as I mounted np bcoldo him. “Von see the slight smudge of blood npon the whito plaster. What a Ineby thing It is that we bare had no eery henry rain sines yesterday I The scent will 11s npon the road in spite of their sight-wnd-twenty boars’ start" 1 confess that I hod my doubts my self when t reflected npon the great trade which hod passed along lbe Lon don rood In the interrnL My fours were soon appeased, however Toby Dover hesitated nr sworred. but waddled on In his peculiar rolling fashion. Clearly tlio pungent smell of the creosote rose high nboru all other contending soenta. IKJ HOT imnpino, no Id Ilolm-v. "rJB» I do pond lor my noom In tilt* ea«* npon Vila mem ohanoe of ono at tho-r tollowa having pnt hU foot Intheeheml ool. I li*m h tin w lodge now wUtu'i wobM ennble 100 to trace them lo tnam different waya. Thla, however, la tho rood lee t, and, at nee fortaao hae pat It Into oar beade. 1 eboulrt bo oalpoblo If I negtoated It. It bun, however, pm rwntod tho oooo from becoming tho protty little Intellectaol problem whlob It at one time pronltM to bo. Them might have boon aoeao emtllt tn bo gained oot of It, bat far thto too palpable elew." “Thom lo cradlt, and to apace." raid I. "I aeon re yon, Holman. that i mar> ral at lha manna by whlob yam obtain roar remit■ In thb oooo. even more I did la tho J efferentl Hope may dor. Tho thing aeema in ran to ho doopor and morn (ocryUoabl* How, lor inapt* ecmld yoo doaortbe with wmftdoaoa tho woodoo-togged ■»o»iT" I’ehow, my door boyl It wee elm •lUttyKaelL 1 don't wtoh to bo lb on tHesi. It W-»ll-JHunrjSa aboeo board. Two ofUoen who are fag oom mnnd of a convict gourd loam as hn portant too rat us to bur lad uaasara. A map It draws for them by as English man named Jonathan Small. Yon re mstnbar tbat wo mw mw upon tbs chart In CapL UoretaD's possession. Ba had signed It In behalf of hlmae If and h!a aaaocioteo-the rtgn of tbs four, as ha somewhat dramatically called It. Aldod by this chart, tha noi>fm» oawuxd vr am too* m »oo rnou as. o®eare—or one of these ■ gets the treeame end brings it to Kngluml, leering, we will suppose, aotoe eondl Uon under which be reoelred It unful filled. Now, then, why did not Jonathon Small get true an re him «lfT The answer la obvious. Tha chart la dated at a ilsu when Marutaa was brought into close associationK with eonrlcta. Jonathan Small did not get the treasure heeahaa be and his associates worn themsalrsa eonrlcta aod oonld not get away," ••Out this la mere speculation.' said L “It la mote than that. It U tbs only hypothesis which covers the fucta Let ua see bow It fits In with the sequel. Ms] Kb olio remains at paaee for aosne yean, happy hi the possession of hla treasure. Then be receives a tetter from India which gives bias a great fright. What waa thatf “A letter to soy that tha an whom ho bod wroDged had been set free" "Or bad escaped. That Is msoh mere ltbely. for be wonld Hare known what Uiolr term of imprisonment waa It would not liars been a surprise to him. What does he do then? He guards hlm aoif against a wooden, legged man—a whlt« man, mark yon. ttx he mistakes a while tnuiruruan for him. and actual ly Urns a pistol at him. /«w, only one white man s name la on the chart. The others are Hindoos or hlohom medana Thera la no other nhlte man. Therefore wo may say with oonficlenoe that the wooden-legged man is IrientL cal with Jonathan Small. Does the reasoning strike you as being faulty?" “No: It la clear and eoaclMo." “Well. cow. let ns put ourselves In the plaou of Jons than KmalL twit ns look at It from hla point of view lie cornea to Kngland with the doable Ides of regain lug what be wonld consider to be hla rights and of haring hit revenge upon the naan who bud wrongod him. lie found out where Kbollo lluod. end very possibly he established common! cations with soma one Inside tba house. There la this butler. IaI Bio. whom we not woe a. Ur. wnutuiw gWe* him for from a good character. bn) all eoaW not And oat, however, where the treasure wae hid. tor no one ever knew, save tbo major end one felthfel servant who had died. Suddenly Email looms that the nsjcr ie on his death bed. In a froosy Wet tho secret of the treasure dW with him. ho rnns the gaontletof the guards, makeihlswny to the dying men's window, and la only de terred from entering by the prawn oe of his two eons. Med with hate, how ever. against the deed man, be enlcra the roam that night, searches hie pri vate papers In the hope of discovering tome memorandum relating to the treasure, and finally Warns a memento of hie visit In the short Inscription upon the card, lie had doubtless planned beforehand that should he slay the major be would leave tome nA ise <*rd upon the body ta a sign that it wae !«H a common reorder, but, from the point of view of the four aaeoeiatos, something lu the natore of an eat ot Justice. Whimsical end blrarre eon o«lt* of this kind are ootnmem enough In tho annals of crime, and usually af ford valuable Indications as to the criminal Do you follow all ttits7” “Very cWarly." “Mow, what eoold Jonathan Bmall do? lie could only continue to keep a eecrel watch upon the efforts mad* to find the treasure. I'oaelbly he loaves Copland and only eomca back at Inter vals Then comes the discovery of the garret, end he ta Instantly Informed of Ik Wo apaln trace the presence of •omo ooofailorute In the hooaebold. Jonathan, with his woodon lop. Is ut terly- unable to reach the lofty room ef Uartnolomcw iibolto Ha takes with him, bowovor, a rather eurkrae asso ciate, who gets over this dICWolty, bat dip* hta nnlrad foot Wo creosote, whence come Toby, and a ais-miU limp for a half-par eflnu with a dam aged Aahlllls taooo- ’ uni it wu u» ui not 1 nnnlhaa. who • nmmHtad tha talma." “Qaltn wx And mthar »n Joaalbaa'a dlayaat, to Jodya by tha way ha •tainpad about wh«a ha yot Into tha room. Ba bora no yradyr ayatnat Bar tholomaw ftbolto. and »wM hava pm* farrad If ha aoold ham baan limply hound and yap pad Ba did not wU to pat hla haad lo a haltar. Tham wna no balp far It hoararar thfl aamya Iw atlneta of bla oompaalon had brokan oat, and tha potaoe had doaa tta wo tin ao Jooathan Mmall la ft hla moord. low. amd tha tnoaaara-ba* to Uia yronnd. aad followad It hlrwalf- That wna tha train of manta an far aa I cxn dwHnhor Uiam Of atom) aa la hla paraonat ip poomnaa ha mnat ba aMdia-ayad. and moat ba awnhamad after arrrluy hla Him la anoh no am* an Uta Aadamaaa. Hu ntlgat u nui/; aaloaiataa irua M** lucglh of hi* *trkl*. and wo know thut ha wo* boorUc-d Ills »■->-*-r waa tha ooa point which Impialand itaolf opoa ThtuUcua Sholto whan ha aaw him at tha window. t don't know that there U anything ataa." “The aaaoeiater “Ah, wall, there la no groat myatery hi that. Hot yon will know all ahoot it coon enough. Bow awoat tba mnra iog air lal Soa bow that ooa little clood ftoau Ilka a pink feather from aoano gigantic flamingo. Now tha rod ri® of tha eon paabee Itaalf over tha London cloudbank. It ahlnaa oa * good many folk, trot no none. I dare bat, wbo are on a atrangar errand than yon and 1. Bow email we faal with our petty ambition* and atrWlng* In tha piwqca of tha great e lemon to) force* of uawWel Aro you well up to your Jean I •null"' "Fairly so I worked baak to him through Carlyle." "That *u like following tba brook to tba parent lake. ITa makes bat ooa ourloua but profound remark. It la that tha chief proof of man's real great* naea lias In hi* perception of hi* own •mallaoM. It argues, youeoa. a power of oomperlaoo aad of approdslloe which la in itaalf a proof of nobility. There la meeh food tor thought la Biobtar. You bare sot a pistol, bare your "I hare my atlnk." "It la Just possible that wa may need aotnalhiog' of tho KWt If srs fat into thoir lair. Jonathan I shall loam to you. bat If tho othartarna nasty I shall •boot him dond." Ha took oat his ra roiror sshs spoke, and. haring loaded two of tha eh ambers, ha put It boa* Into the right hand posketof hie Jackal. We had. daring this tlaa, boas fol lowing tho guidance of Toby down the half rami, rllla-lined roads which load to the metropolis. Now. however, wa worn beginning to some among oootln aooe streets, where laborer* end dook BMn w«n Already ■•Hr and kUtUmly wonam w«re Ukinf down ibatUra and brushing doorstops. At tha sqsam toppod corner public houses boainaas wa* jam bag Inning, and rough-looking men warn emerging, rubbing thoir stoevss acme* their beard* after their morning wet Strange dogs sauntered ap. and stared woodCTlngly at as as we pawed, but oar Inimitable Toby looked aaiUisr to tho right nor to tho kit bat trutted onwards with his cost to the ground and an oeeaskmol eager whins, which spoke of a hot secat Ws had traversed Streatham. Drlx ton. Camberwell, and bow found oar •elves la Bennington lane, having borne away through tha aide UnoU to the east of the Oral. Tho men whom we pur toed seemed to have ta lean a curiously zigzag road, with tho idea probably of escaping observation. They had never kept to tha main mil if a parallel side street would tens their tarn. At the foot of Kcnnington lane they had edged away to tha left through Hood street and Miles street. Where the lintsr tarns Into Knight's place Tobny ocssrd to odrnnee. but began to run backwards and forwards with ooo I oar eocked and the other drooping, the I very picture of canine Indecision. Then . he waddled round in circles, looking ( up to ns from time to time, as If to ask for sympathy in his embarrassment. "What the denoe la the Blotter with tho deg?" growled Holmes "They ; sorely would not taka a cab or go off 1b a balloon." "Perhaps they stood hare tar some time." 1 suggested. "Ah! It's ell right. He's off again," told my companion. la a tone of relief. Be was, lndsod. off, for. attar sniff ing round suddenly made op | i » » tost >rooi> crow tel* cabs. hie smi, and darted away with an atirrfj and determination each ae he had not yet ahorro. Tha leant ap peared to be much hotter than before, tor he had not eeen to pot hia noae on the ground, but tugjrod at Ida looah, and tiled to break Into a run. 1 ooukl ana by the fleam In Halm**' cyan that ha thought we wore peering the end of oor Journey. Our eourao bow run down Nine Slew until we come to Urodertek A Kelaoo'a Large timber yard. Je-,t part the While Uogle tarrm. Hero the dog. free tie with eaoitement, turned down through the able gate into the lndoenro, whan the aawjera were already at work. On the dog reood through auwOuat and atuirtnga. down aa alloy, round a [me nage, betweon two wood-pUe*. nnd Anally, with a triumphant yelp, apranf upon a large barrel, which at ill atorp upon tha haml-trollcjr on whisk It bad been brought. With b'Uteg league and blinking aye*. Toby Mood open the leak, looking from one to the other of aa for mu aljya of appreciation. The -la rea of the barrel and the w hue la of the trolley were 1111111! with dark liquid, and the whole air waa hoary with the anvil of erenwMn ■bertneb Itulmoa and I looked bleak ly at each other, uad then buret eimul taneoe»ly Into an uncontrollable fit ef 1 laughter. fcrveTigrwTi kk*t >m.| TU*S a# Hue—xt u. rt>m*+n mm W*T IH ? U *• B wtw 'n hr Wmii •>HUr7 I •*!«••, lltt IHTTf' CU«flTlkUI«iT Drgf«Ul«. In»fi*l«l, w. 0. IlMOMntMUCMdMl Of TllHWII l«ld||> Kawa ft fWaatnr. W» lian bren at ftnflM pains to la foil* ourwle-a, so aa not to aytak un a.|vtardly irf the unprecedented ooadnat of Treasmer Wort h In prejudging the ai ritft nf III* legal OootroVwrty bet treat ; Hi* two laiaidt of dinetoia claiming (ll* rights to comm) It* peakrwtUry. , Our aUrailmi bat been palled to the I 'Mar of Stale ra. Lewis. 107 IT. C. Rr ; 1*011, |*7. and ctbar case* there cited, from wliiofi It U aptauem to U* com prehension, not only of l.iwyara, but of iayaea. tlwt ihe liioumlwnt baard who bar* assumed the mauagsnwnt and ara ptouuhIk. d by the (hireri*r aa the nglilful B- ud. are dr facta idtnt and nust h« treat'd aa If bolding dr fair until the eoerteahall Imre decided the ftH-irat In tlw way proscribed UT lew. It list beau lb* custom of his party friends to hold Treasurer Worth out aa *0 exemplary emu and a thoroughly cmoi eli-iit odfcer. Our would Infer tiiat they look upon him net only at a trained Bounder of broad riewft, but a* sufBcleuily con variant with oar far* of giirernaaenl auil our laws to andur tlaud ooiueihlitg abnat the bounds uf hlaamlmrUy aft an rxeculfr* ogloer. »■• I'Uuiig I'roiff-tiou or penomil mnollAonltoa. II* faaatwnfu ■ “Iwart rue allewhinee to tba Stale at Kunh CVrollna. a id to the wousiltu UohhI powers and nuthnihww which ai* or may ba established fur tlw awv riuamil iheirot.” Tlwre arc law* by tlir •cure In tbs higher grads* of oar •Oboota wl»u know tlaat tbe difference between an ineaaibettt and a emitaat ntil for any pUcc nr ogle*. emarpt a Scot In tlie LrwwCatorr. I* In ta fo elded In Uw court*, and that atitfl it t* ao sallied, tba lucutaia-iil moat ba fo> ■peeled S* If tu of light. If fur ioetnuee. aull had bees brought a«*tH*t llw sheriff ai ibis or any ulher coauty, to wtwoi Ibe OutaiuMsbmen turned over i be lull* a. by a iwr»n clausing to ba lawfully entitled to Uwt ogfea. la thors a eltli«o of tb* A(alw, In tits darkest corner of tlu legboi rente <rsi from bicker education a] Itigaeoees. tbal wuoid dream for * moment of payfug bin las to tbe claim aiilT U Hwtw a eouuly irausnrvr, Democrat, Kepuldlcan or Populist, while hi black, wbo would refuse u> (rent with such au odkier wle-a In duct'd i"'.—ffrr ‘-y Her iirninilssluoira. sod t» rrcetva from him und par tu aim money wkkli tlw Uw required mieti Irewsoivr to pay in him la hla ■ •Aelal eapm-liyT Wa think lliat not • urn so ignorant or *u rwckbw could be round In tbe State. This lilsti-lianded usurpation slmost bewilder* os. If Treasurer Worth la perfe»jt. as Iw profesae* to ba and Ida ti lend* ebdtn Iw Is, be must ba mom shamefully Ignoraul Ilian Uw Iwlf gruwii youngster* In tbepublieMhonla. lrhn kimns that tbe Constitution, nhlull ba has twurn to faithfully up held and #option, declares that llw •• legislative, Judicial und executive powers o« the government ought to be forever distinct Inna each uthar." and hat ueyertlwliw* wilfully altrmided to usuro authority to decide a question 1 nidi ns iu the com la. sod baa used llw power of hi* ultee to eafomn his nwu iwrllsun View* «a the Uw of tbe laud. Iw ousbl to l« impeached foe sllful vhdsllon of bis oath, and ow llle-rwa* disregard of tlw Safeguards that llw people have embodied in tbe Ounstilallow. W* hart ir* relied In valu for any middle amend upon whlcli hnoould Ai.d a fisting fur him to stand and make even a rlaurJble sltow or pretH4» of Justifying UtU high handed uutrasr. « netner mis invasion of um author •ty ol tlx Courts la tn ba attributed to ignorance or corrupt loo, tbe Treasurer hap reason to tael see are. fur lbs prra «ni at hmsi, when lx reflects that there r» no way pmvloed for calling b|ta to ■Mount for liU mlsoitndaot. unless tlx Governor slain kl Ixlng together a Lx*. Mature that lias dlSUnced the ree»ra, l-lli tor lgnnr*nc* and dUlaasrsty, of tilt worst Is>dlea uf tlx kiod that have tv«r assembled bvfors ia Um history uf Asset leu. Tbe Governor of tlx State donUless ■ ppirelstaa the onsg' llude uf tl* crisis whleh the recent uptipaval in poliiloa lisa put tl In tlx poorer of a small man to bring aliout. If Hl« Bserllaooy ahould fud it iw eesairy in Issue n pne etarnation pardoning every Convict In the penitentiary lees urn of thsaasarop tkm by this preipnllau* partisan nfflcial of the antlnirity to withhold tlx money tiroesaaiy for lfurlr support, lx will ton late awake to the rcallsatlou uf the •ant (bat tbs propla want no man ns high position liersafter wlai Can ro Capc conviction on tl* cirargg «f Cor rupt lun in Ml ns her Way but by proving hip own inoompvteney, ur pvivile pub Blpsion tn Um onasmamJ of a political burn. the Mnlwl merit la non limn make good all lha «.lverttalr>« planned for llao, the fuU«*tn* f..ur rriurrlie* liar* rrerliad a ihenor#.-n..l •'la Dr. Kim'i Mr* Dlw-orery. f.»r Onaamption, Uoofcba at,4 Cobla. each Unite guaranteed— Klretrlc Bitiar*. ""■•nr*.1 to* Liter, Stomach «"*> KW^n*. Bur-kWa Antic* Baler, U" •" tt* «'"M. a«4 Dr. Klnc'a Mr* Life Pitte. krMcli am a pvrl*at V>llt. All Iheao reioadim era auaran teed to do Juet rial li claimed far I lien* and the dealer wham name la attached herewith *111 ha aiad In tell thM! more nf Ilea Sold at Curry* Kennedy « Drn* Atom. TkitaTtetM The editor of the Gerxraia Cnirtrr liwe tula (.< m* on a teadl-g ooeathai: » \ dollar Worded la ana* leaa dollar. A dollar ape at may pay a down (VMa In a dey and do the arurk of a hundred dollar* la a weak. It la . I he money *hvb elrcuMen lift nlte . tl>e w toe la of rommerre Brother, lake Iteme the moral With ynn. If |ru owe ■nr m*n a dollar at d Mae or nan art the dollar a* and my him; he aril) pay a*» o*e e«e, at d the aelf-mmr rb-K»r m.r W1 • Mn> >ne<e h« a handred (■e«rla aidfl d lla *af Utah t* tear ’ oera pock at.” I * Tlw Dwtnrtlt oowahtmbaU • i laat waefc for «fiet i bare auvirl ap fo*a UtHr arvarul __ _ Crt that Feeauata ara Dsaaoureta party am_ tha a-lj<Nini«ant of tks UaUakN tka Dn» *f*c7 kaa «atas<<S mpMty. Webupe rTb3 Jan3 know that ttuaaa wko km aett tka tmty Of U* people OMSM to aaaM taaak: Motugu has baea thorn a la north UaruUiat to convince llaa that (kaa*. prrtoMat anJartabaa la a ft Hart. Art ret a ban »a laamlar that tut »aar oar people wara looked kk a Wirt fary, that thair namMlah t wan art that la^aAtoa aa look Mi iiIjOs. wa oa<t tala of tbaai laat at Uoo takoart to at_ _ are oertala to retom. WtU tkay •» torn all at «asa or «rW tka raatafatlm be gntdealf Wo aarnet aaftstei about that. «i*u« W imURi nw •»d HU Bucewir. ». Batter, ten Ham Inflaming Um puhlte aria*. Pelk calculated opon gulag I Srmto upue ttajaWa he a* •Maioaioao. Baited;tea Bailer, emit* lota Ma oeaeanring that It bcU uot "doptud k and earned ua i The pnaklon that Nk Umistuiaad Hy Batter; ta__ of tha oaa fall apon tha other; at, ka tenopiriot, the oae aooadtHaaaad •ad" Um iXlwr moped (tea kai rot TbrnUi bow oat Idag la Um am warn for a-.ybody da Batter ta a«"?sjssrj3b beneflelnry bat bla part la ttek tloo scarcely monte. Hatetha feUry of temporarily Tuaqar-tttea to, wM ta i amm aer that them to m tfaan> «Ui ha aotbtag, 10 al ibrnmT Their Uatataiala their Aral. Batter and 7 Hied, but artial alma*the . tboae who put them whan Fuarato u«t an haaart bum them but, If ha could remove tte from lila eyaa and taar tha . out «f lilaloart, would admit and hit fellow cooNtrymea had haah left to lord an liuafta. Time am I naans paoata, poaafta violently Inaaue, peupU who am, ier iiw Um« halo i, no more thaa wild auimala, to whom train la taatftatel ia an liiauui; lataUlgaaM earns hack ami Urn aaddraoem of a Aaah wt JlabuUug; tlirir period of InmnHy tea blank; ui«y i—iirwi*iar kottHf haa the looaieiit they ware aoiaad ta tha momaut tli«y were raatorad; the lata val la Ha If a aeotiea of auU ahetekL as It doea is euww .d afiit, lmvlac aotbmg UM ahSftlo Um around. Than am oUwrnaaaa Soar derrrea, wlwaa tatfStefttel arm ns jrrtdusl as tlia ataUar af Um mill, end log la taiettoetaat night Tlie reatom'lan of aaoh to anaBy hr Uie same prnww tea Um falal all art of IlgU lb Uia east, then the dava. thru sunrise, thaa again Um old-ten •un ta tlie I Mrs was. Will Uw rood people of Berth Car olina rreover la the am of Untft won or tu the titlark The “ as uf the ainmhrra *Ti duuuiMuiutitea eaoouraga thtertaw. how* <0s.) Tr*w. Tbi* i« ■ crucial taar with tha tor awn of Otorxla; It la a jut that HI br fruitful of Buell I nod or teaah «HI for ibrw. If u*t do hH M Daw aal**a bs drat lead Up * dahteos Ml* tba oondiuoo at affair* aad tha load t**pt»a, It will pnw* spate hated with tha mnat pfutlftfaf MNMk* amt Tim past tow yarn. with tha atefato ty of money and tba dowassard aaaaap . of tba ruttoa asartat, baa aaartaaad tbeai tint thara oaa baps prpoteta thr prodaatioa id that crop to tha » clutuiti of provision crop*. aad thad Uw only ranwdy Uca Is fall wwsaitoa and fat aosaha hnaaaa ssd oottoa M s •uiplua prod net. l*wt yrsr tii« oropof ptwpMaas sad fares auppllaa la thlaaattlai waaastes tatsy wananwal la tha khhn af too •ration, fraslalana at ah atato tea cheaper tba* ovwr brfara whha Mdw la lowar. ctuppnae toy had planted top aasol all outtnf or>w U*t pear; toy wated Ml bar* bad aay ssaw to bap paw »brows wttti aad tha prtasa at tha •alter would ha«w hats tha Malt L«t ti*w repast tha upeilwaaii II la os* that cauuot hp rapsstad las ofto« for tba aood at tho aassttp Braaoaa tbrra la aa arwnnted mms asvi-t to raduao lb* amis a aattesa Mbit paar, bit no ataa ba d.stenl to to* ssttr*SMSS*,&rt sjxrjzz'tFftza ttrar, ate Is* far was* «wt Ihpd2 araucdleptp._ ’ ▼' 1 h«*r ho la IMMMhi l>r. K»n*'« X«w Dwooranr, m UM w auiia war* a I**— —■*£— STC mm at *1 wife. WUlitM MBr •* tLa Ba*tat Cliarah at Wmm , JaiMtka aka towMgkt 4MM «tk ruraiwMit* ~ im tlm (•« QfW, ! Twrfl*. par—y—M '(«—*•— MH law Mm with MU' MmAiiS •n4M mw4m if Aba WWiMtlW *>*• 'iwm. A frt—4 mi—wM D». Km«*' Slaw DUaunryi H w— 1 'Oi- k n Ha wnitt —4 M«Mr —|M—• **y la rn—u.M TrtU U— liwal m*rK'

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