AhvtoW haeerfgeldrd rin Mto Uw aix per eni . . '•to'po* Md win n |wMai Tto cod* of honor wMah^htoda tto uuiiw Mm* ft* 4 Mo*, tedlag wuodrotw kind toU ga to ptawa aiwang money U»r Mar'tto etrale of totng re ton* to pap ■tear which Uw law toft *top toH have to pip. I _ toa looted an at Uw _•* ■*» »■ tort la*. They srariKrsr^c'-ffl *r ■ h* «j* to the h*t ef Uw nutty, uw gmtr dtooefthe ttwcty ef Uw ptapli, the tef ell that taanand la lnSeanee ha nwcala. It itwM toogreweww and e oreo tad then gelt, j MU It too* good at alL t*»tylath* thing aad ft ia —lad oet la CaltfvraU. - wt tew oer owe Benjamin Mfm TUtaaaleto danger of being left eat and loot la the ehodfe So far tototo —wtiugaf hiweeap iiwlidt handhfig that to ttoto'teSm 'totowd thntotato gf their powerful nemae ted Indeenee to Uw new organization patrhde wM forget all awowt Mteto eewa they happen to new) theeotie be it ea»med lobe aide to drflerr.__.. ■1.1 l BOLLARD ASSIGNS A ®ANTON KAN IN OKAUOTTB •UtNXNDBSN BTBNTTEN&. raa.iwu m. Tta Am MMiwtl mad* In Char ItatoaodMth*n*«r law wu recorded •t tta noun house Saturday Bight, and & * ■taming nature. It—* M*d bjrMr. Omega St Wilnuo. «U—ey. ta Dr. J*ha if. McAdeo, Ml****, a»d wan tta Malgnmant of Jlf-A"** K. Hot land, onahter of th* aimtaBU * rw*m’ Matloual Bank. XhaggMtOltat Mr. ItoUand era* to d*t* to tta tank for bum-; borrowed, Md that bauk examiner Milter who Las tam taco far * week paw. Indited up eu> paid, and for the P«ipm herein mentioned, tba said J. B. Holland and wife (the latter joining In the aaecatlon ut U.la deed In tw aaactothm of all hossrate ad and dower righto In the real aetata beret* erm ksntoln. sell, glee. SI*** "SS? f!- »• U* said J. H. McAdnj, hh he Ira and Hadfmaa, all the following property to wil. L All that lot or tract of land In tba elty of Charlotte, frunllug on Ea*t Ttode street and extending back to Fourtli street. Joining the Unda of Junn F. Orr, John Vaulandl ogham others, including the lot on which the rattle* nl the drat part bow lire, and also Hie tenement houset on the rear of an id It, fronting oa Fourth •treat. . A An those 1 oa In the city of Cbar lolto which werr eoaeeyrd to said i B. Holland I* \T. M. Wilson and wife, by deed dated gOlh Drcrrabar 1804, and regUtrnd In tin rrslsteis odlrn ror Meehteoburg, |n book $4, page 404. to which deed reference la r map ef mid property, which lot was coereyrd to the said J. It. Dob bind by the Charlotte Consolidated I* deed dated May W. Udl, and rogtsterel In tlie register's mg/m, In Ds-ik 78. iwire 484 . .« 'V* WU half lu that lot In Charlotte corner Callage and 8th *tEe^TW5h ,ot w“ eonwyed lo the •Od J. R Hollaed and T. H. Galtbcr UWar'tck. by deed dated .November **, 187T. and registered la »*in**r» oAx. B ok 17, page MU. 3. AU that tract of land In Gaston wwity, known as the fans of J. R. Holland, eoautulng 830 sores, mors or Wn, ««1 MBpotliii nil ibi«tf imrol ****** of Und c*m vnyM to iImmI4 J. R* HotUod by deed# dtl; rpo^nbd in tk* register* ntHov for Gaston In Book M.pagp»U, »N*k III, page lWe; Book ll.P*gv#*; Book 10. paga *47, and Bonk 11. paga 384, except lag and re strvhig, however, 80 acres .4 the said land heretofore ermveyrd by the «a1 l.ha, and aril tha aaatoaaanott aa K la far tha haat totar tha emtltom to tod*. To thla and. toahall ademtaa Mr a Maatto* of *tha tod J. R. Holland to ha Ml A attoh Una awl |da*a aa I* ■ar tot-tot. «nd to aoeh awattoc ha •todt autoaii a aatodato af ail tha fma rrt jr anorrjml t* hl«a ao4 of Uia Itot4lt Mranf tha arid d R. Holton d, tha far ■rat of which to aaoarad to thla dadd, yd tha atnJIt.oc mnj than and thara dlratt wha« aad bow a aria ahnll •• ■*•> ■•* I tbrr aaatari ifna. thaw tha I mat to a>«tl aanha a* Ira •« ■haifwllw U*. and aa la blw war *»* kact toe tha anditan. iaotdrrto anatort Uw Intarvri of thr •twlltor*. tha told truataa la rail; •wltinrta* to atafdr anrh «a»«la«« tty to ftofrilr Bare f.* MM fnwaitr told ■ t rHretod; r totirr* to tha anaao*. __. _ I * Itoi prattotr and for h—ft. f •nllBol'cr* made by him. After th* Kx*mI ul time oneu and -UefaMWM of ell pnor tf-,n7' «" oo the property WWW eoporfbul, or any of It. Um re •^w^wkl fond aball bo equally QitlfiOUtod %)| Um i}rw]t lore ni U*WM J. H. Holland. ^X^Zut *£?**■■ >»•*• pwwnted their 8*^i,T *° W* teuetvaa, July prnveo. ” «*> * Wle of • part of tbo Mid f*22**J« •• ^.*“7 otWr mean v Um IMebtedoeMnf tbypaW J. B. Holland •hall Uaro been fully aalHH-l, th-n •uch property herein onnreyml aa li.ta T*V"3,.?!W2 •b“11 ween to the eaid *• Holland, or any fund remaining *■ Wo band* of Um trustee after tbe •attafaettea of tad debt*, ah all be paid erer to Um a*id J. tt. tTolUnd or Uta ^T^KfC* *■* utHuna as» mm •hOW AlWaiy Baattn atte.lon “r- B- B. OW«n, United State* dlatrlet attorney, arrived bore uwlay •» nonu from Wlnetoo, at tbe rvqueM of bank examiner Miller, to rrprraeot the soven>merit In the otUtr of Mr. llolht'Ml'a aaatxoment. lit wu n«t it tho Central Hotel by a ifntv rnpniler and aaked for information lit rvrard to Um matter. •*1 bar* not ret had time to make an exaniinaUiw of I be d Oo.i*l Bank thara iWoaaMy, and baow *v*rj bank with wkiah it m4 an aoaaaat or mmty loan*. Oa foavi that book la «mI rondltloa, >M oat o« to Obartrtta. Tbalr.tA.rh* toa» at Um Moabaata aad r«na*ta' , Itawk, ha llwn.il an Ujcklnj *v*c Uaalilar HaUaM\ took*, wbrtahaka4 ■low of eWked * Oeito alelmok. H* c*md Mr. Holland up aad naked If that waa correct. U> •aid yn. Mr. Millar mute a mental not* nf the fact. Ha aaxt pnmcaded to look ofor itw cart. Ua found It rtort Juet DM dollar. That waa really Recounted for, and paid la. That ukgbtMr. Millar teft. Mo uiraartrt • hare be araa goto*. It being euppewad that bo waa through Me examination*, aad bad com oteewbara on lira an i errand. Ue had gone but only to return. Lie took lira IU.-W train fur GaetonU runa Mr. Jenklna, the president of lb. bank, up and toM him bo wanted to look orer hi* hooka again, tlr. Jen k i<* wondered whwt waa up, but aaki "‘tie. Ua and Mr. Mllloc ■peat the tdglit g^l« thrwogb M o book*. Mo loan of 10.000 to the MaruhanU’ and raro*ar>« Bank waa f raud. Mr. Miller •aid: "You hare kai*d tha Mar eluuita' and Karmen Bank, of Char lotte. to.000 of which Urarv la no rconrd.” ••Mu,*’ mid Mr. Jankina, *‘l1 liaea nut." IRHI was mo >cgintiing Dtllm rod. Mr. Mliter Mid Mhtug mare but case back to Charlotte tba nnxt day. | All tha fo«eg.,t*g make* good trail Ing for throe mrrroua and aenmlhoial tlmaa, riorpt that Mr. Milter paid Gaatouia no second rleU, Mr. Jenkins didn’t look o*at hit books at nlglit with anybody or bayn any inch ooo rers«i inn with Mr. Milter or any on* else, unit that Mr. Miller didn’t go dl rent from hare to QMrlntl*. He waa here two waeka ago l«at Friday. From hera lie went to Spartaaburg. week ha want to Charlotte. Iw t* true Hurt Ilia examiner found tha Fire* National Bank of Gaatouia In thor oughly good condition, aod It may he true that tliia knowledge helped the examiner to locate properly tbn error about that $8000 kata. Tire Gaxbttb wired Charlotte asking what conoec lion the First National Bulk's stale ■Drnta bad to do with tha d tec or ary of tha defalcation. Our corraapotrdam got It atraiglA from Mr. Milter and answered “None—nooe whatrrer. I did not go back ta Gaatouia.”—*d. Uaxbttb I Ha appeared at tbs Merebanl 'a aod ■Farumi ( Hank, and said to Mr. Hul land lliat he might ham made a mis take in counting the cash the day lie fore. and lielierad ho would count It aaaliu Instead of Boding It only one dollar abort, he fow„d It BIs.UOO abort. Mr. HulUwl. bit ouiiub, hm vm told In yesterday's Obarrrrr, had bor rowed money to pat to hii mum while the examiner Waa hem, but thinking bo had Buiabed and departed, and that be waa mfs at Meat for snotlwr year, lie withdrew tliegloooo aod returned It to the party from whom borrowed. The N.toeeU of fata bed otarUkro him at last, aod arsing u.al all wa* loat.be coufceaed to President Me Aden that he was a defaulter, and the sad story or Ida fall became known to Hrst oua aud nootlier of ilia bank officers, tub kiAtnxATKw. As stated <0 yesterday's Ofcr-rtx-r. the figures reached Monday night were aboat SfiO.OOO. Hank Examiner Mil hr, the IswyetS and bank uAlfiala. enntlmied the ex milisntlon yesterday, and It was told rvllably that tlM shortage was getting nearer sixty than hfiy th-iusaml. Tire exact Sgunse no uns outside of tbe hunk knows, and eren the examiner Ulmwtlf cannot tell Hie exact amount of embrstlaosent, for Hat examination M not oomplesod will not be for sice days. Dank Examin er Miller yesterday borrowed a desk nut of the governmv'it building. II* Mateil Hut tv, would pnuasbly need It for two weeks. rua®*rtr. Tlv deeper ll« etalr la probed the 'nore Heinous It appears. Yesterday morning u WiM ,li»cuvrn»l that tu the catalogue 0f crime of vhiehllis ex. cashier had been guilty must be added ibe terrible offeace of forgery. A uule was found on which lie (urged the oaiee of Mr. J. H- Shian for ilU.UUO. The dote wae on the Imnk, It wae at arat reported that he lusd gotten Mr. Sl.asn for SW.000 but that is not Uoe. lie got the Issak Instead of Mr. Hhasg. Mr. Sloao shsire that aa far aa It can la ascertained tin en tries mi his accounts were correct sod had always been so nr« lost cOM»n»ATTnH. Oburnr readers will msember an item or two |„ last week's msue tbons the combination on the big safe in Uw Mere! amts' and Faroerv Bank being Inst, and that the bulk bad sent for an expert to open It. 'Vheti Rank Ex aminer Ml lies arrived the wife was locked, and „o (Me outik) open It. He •aid: ‘‘Ttsal does nos matter; 1 will Isava it blown open.” An expert Was esut for. (I, worked ou It for three or four days, without striking fhe oomIri na Hon ->uddenly the igurva of Uta combination occurred to Mr. Holland. ««d ha walked to the safe and upenvd it without any trouble. WOULD jtoT TAt« OOXMUXIOX. Mr. Holland has for l«h Iwen a member of the board of deacons of the First Pivwbyteriau chord!. It had often Iwen the cnescsent in Um church, •Mvelaltr among the odleera, that for fears he had not takcu ournounlon. After the mu) denouement took iibtcv, he said (o S friend, who went to offer sympathy.- “You oft*" asked why I did pot tuka communion. Now yuu know, 1 had this matter on my eon *Clevee, and 1 ooobi not taka ones, munkai.n Mr. HulUnd «« Du* iraaearrr nr Uw Imlldlng enwinlUM of tlia »»w Klr»t ehuroll [i «IIU«r. Jr., of Lynchburg, Vo., know* hit builneoa end can keep ellrtit In seen language*, lie te the sen who ran down Caebier reunlll. the defoullrr In tlio recent Lynchburg can*. end ounerouo other •relpo hang at t.lo belt. It u r.ideal tb*t bo propaoee to probe tbto 0*00 to the y»ry tad toot. tU*T*n «Msn aror. KiUa mm* WlwWaamwa A nwaalVaH Alt-TIa* N*a Klallx .. Mtf IUwx-Ut Tklaki Tarliaai nn Ika kM n»n Uk lilt •( k^rM. tk lk« Editor af Th* Garotte: PI*h»> glee me apace |u your vjJua too paper Tor a brief sketch of our parity llUl* riling*, Tuckaaeeg*. Ttus Bill it built on lli« beautiful Uatawtei riT«c. one ail* bekro* Ml. Ilully and three miles north of BHuamt. It was bu»t In Um year 1883 and liaa been ruaulng successfully over since that lima. Mr. A. P. R.hyn*, who la tbe presi dent of the eompaoy, needs no Inter duetlnn al my hand*. He U known all oyer Ike South a* one of our fore Bost Bill inec. He is now, I believe, president of five of 'he Boat successful entinn mills in the St* p. He is a big hearted gum, good to his luitda, si ways ready to help Uma. Would that w* had more A. F. Rhyne’* In Uastou count) I The., come* In Mr. Jon. F. fa>T*. Vic# President of the mill, who is a resident of year town. Although Mr. La'Vv la a young man, he Sreata to be gelling up low.trd Um. top ruuuti of Um in Hi* cotton mill bueioeee. Mr. Love, like Mr. Rhyne, taka growl prioe in hie hands’ Interests. And right Imre, allow m* to say, ( belter* lie* Um great sucres* of tneir mills, beiug grume* W thrtr help. True, Mr. Xe.vw doe* imt live Imre but bia indoence, nevertkelsB, It felt in asst ••F*- May his days bn many an.l always attended by mrrroi The geaei'kl tusnaiev id lie mill, in tide and outside, U Mr. A. C l.ltmbrr ger. If l should attempt In describe hlamnnagtaMNitoftheB.il since hi* pruiBOl luu as general manager I would fail. I know hit good qualities in Ilia poaltloo, Imt when 1 attempt to write 1 fail to Dim! voids to express my opln ien. 1 will venture tu say ibis much: that t!>e mill has been .nor* soceeosful under his aMe management (consider lug tbe hard tiro*) ibnn any mill in lb« H*»uth. fl* Is a Christ!vi.-hrrirtrd get. Ueman, a man nf tender feelings to ward lile help, and alwaye trying l» oee bit inOnmcs for their benefit. If all tl.e cotton mill* Imd tnch a man for manager, what good timee we would haVel May ids days ne many and may bis latter d«vs be tbe I wet. * ,rr 'm uk piece » gfyui, lii*re having never he-n * cam of fevtr here since tb« mill tier ted. Tbs hands alt seem Anniented and doing well and art treated kindly by tbe cvwraeere In their respective r-uxns. Wtmo we nr« paid off In cash eveiy two weeks nnd hive a ff »d store with cheap gonda snd n nice and polite clerk to wait mi na, one who treats nil alike wiwn the* tr«». With all Hi* advantages nf this oUo* would a iman want to gvt to a better plane this elds of Heaven? 1 think not. With preaching almost every Sunday, end gi>>d schools every day, eonld a man wish for more In title world? I think not. Owl Ideas Tsstossgs and all her surrounding*. And may the sun light of liraven always abide with her. and may It still eootlnae to bn the garden spot of this good old snodnl county. V. P. Tt'ta.uues tub bust. Bat s* SUepr arses Alt—War cwvsaa. pssSieS BUI Navs sa Makr Way far sWeBWadaa* Bag-it aaaea Beta marl Is Sssn aw* Beall— sat. Tbe Raleigh Writs A O&eumrr eat* that the followli'f letter, wbtcb ex plains Itself, was raolsved Monday by tile Ruprrne Court. It was referrod by Uie court to llic Agricultural Do pe rttaent and w* beg herewith to re far It to ‘ V. P " oar Tuchseaegw nor reapoudeuk Thti I* the letter: H*oxn. If. C„ April. 19, '96. To tum dr atb or Co cut, Dean rtm: You will please semi our state com mission John Robinson to Tuokasnege Karri sad law A. P. Rhyne of Mt. Mol ly N. C. open hie dam for the free Lassesgs of Osh In Cstawlw rivers a* Rhyne is etopptag all IIthee lie is catching sliad sod red Horses and hauling Bany load wagons of Bshea la Charlotte to sell every mora lug. There ate no shad and red Horae* In UtioMn and Catawba onunilaa now. Thera waa no them User* In Bv* years. iV. P. Rhyne don’t obey the acta of &'h law*. It ta true that ha alarayt karw wliara to antke a pall or Ilaal. Ha ought to be preyrated tv Ml) Bshea Is Charlotte. You will t» sure to none* to Tanka aerts Yord nr anid our eUt* aomml*. si on Uieta and aaeka A. P. Rbyoa to opan or pay. Fleae* 1st me know about hies aoon Yours truly A. R. Karr fctahni nunM4 Urn CarH To thosg living in malarial districts Tutt’s fills are indispensible, they keep the system in perfect order and are an absolute cure for sick headache, indigestion, malaria, torpid liver, constipa tion and all bilious diseases. Tutt’s Liver Pills niKIH (TP BtftK AXD TKKU. ■>«> AkMI thp Will f •***" nkMI lk« r**pl» at Larf*. CHTtvuton at Tba Qaawea Oa>toiiia, April M.—Mr. Ed Well* and wife, of the Altxoo Mill. Mt. II0II7. liuvrs moved hem to work In Um Mndeaa Mill Hen Hwllli waa up from Clover Sun day. Mr*. Lutlwr Mtwcltem went down to r*oweil Saturday to viatt friend*. Mr. Will Babblnirton, a moulder from Shelby, waa In town Monday. Ed Ch-miuer a former employe of Ihaukt mill waa over from Ml. Holly Saturday. Mr. Jame* Grice, spinning room overseer at Clovir. la In town to-day {Monday.) Prsok O. Davis, brother of our ooaiity Clerk, and Dr, McNalty, of Ml (folly, were Io town last Fiklay Squire Hanna weut down to Fort Mills laat week. Henry Craig weot over to Charlotte last Sunday. Ml save Janie and Emma Craig, of South Point, were visiting tbetr sister. Mra. Jolm Ilanna Lbe past week. Boouey Mltchall, Andrews' organ salesman, was hrre last wreck. Mr. Lu'Imm- Clemmwr has been oh U>e sick list hir several days. Wade Dellinger went up to Llnodu ton last week nn business. Xaaiev WIVww ASmllwaiwI*. Inman Brothers—Give one last op portunity In buy goods at yoar own price*. Suita lower tbau aver before. Sbuee at half price. It RaUy Was* Dk* vC Islseasl Injur, ■as. AsrWlg News. Mr. Alexander Haney died at ML Hotly, knday, from a peculiar cause. Last Monday he stratum! Ills back In lifting a eroswtle. aad fmm this Injury hw suffered intensely nntil Prl day, wlnm death relieved him. Jlw was from Pootvllle, Yadkin Bounty, bat I tad lived in ML Holly for a year pasL ■MklmW Araka Waive. Thx Kaar Mlvc in llm world fede. Stot Bros., lawda. Iowa. Thla shows tlie esteem In wlileb that remedy I* lield where It bee been sold fnr year* and I* well known. Mother* have learned that there is nothing an good fur oohta. croup and whooping oough, that It curve these ailment* qulcxtvy anil per maoently, and that It la pleaaoit and wife f.ir children to take. 41 a,a| .10 cent Ixittle* for (tide b) ColtMV X KsM NRur, Diugglsia. Unoolutoc Cor. ChaiVett Observer, Mth. The atatriDent haa liven going lhr round* In iw-me nf our Biule pe|iers to U>* effeol tlmt E. W. Ward, Jr., left Llumlmon immrdi.nely nftrr hto trUi at tlila place, because of threat* by tlm Colored people of this town. Hu eh etatenml* are doing both parties a great Injustice. The nolorwl people mad* nj threat* and Mr. Wnril had no fear*. U* left heonu** It* wanted to, and that to all there to of It. •va'i Tvfcaves Syll as led* Tver Ufa Away. Th* truthful, eta Kline IKJ* of a ton* about ho ovbse. in* only WmliM, oovaASTceo UAseno bah* ourv, If jwn want to qatt aeu eaa (. us* -Mu-toJa*." Praam up mnMobol ■ers. vtlajlneue nkywtae Mum sum Sww;* mvs sai» wevnrth, welsrlw vac rieur. Oliht <5rv or ranevy n-f.mdet. iv*i by “ny * *Cwoivi»y. mom at linnWi or waUv* rrs*. Adana. Tbo merlin* Itvnsdy •JO-. that V. M. Gallant l»i btra appointed ntlatrar, wtd Tlin*. Wflaon, U a Perkin nod t. X. Aatxiry. lMt»«tora of alantton tv bo held the lat Monday In Mo? for I'x election of • Mayor and Or* Comb mlealonera for Ux town of Gactonla. Tho Look* will lx kept »txi> for In •peotloh and refftatratlon till tla M»*nd tfaturday before tha day of tleotlon. H. T. Honan, March 86. 1086. Secretary Notice. SOUTHERN RAILWAY OU i lumu inruM.) I PIEDMONT AIR LINK. ocuBaxm acustna or Mmgu n.:« T—Z-1 V«.-rfro»l «wm iltt. laaa Mb Mb Mb L* AUaalao*VaatMl« 1 Jap 151 Z..7. HA* F >40 a_ >«■• F »M a. IL|< P la at a .. 1141 f UJ* *. >taa a iMa a._ »B UJI • M . M S ::::::: it! AW . AJ# p .. ♦ JO p.. a« a— 1*2 ?.—••• ■ Ar W»Mnu«. ... - fullin'* r jua. » PbUadMafela..llAji • i “ Nrw TvT\-....iH43 n. Att al..L. '7* ■ Vn. if *1011 , muuma iuii|ii«.»i)Uaii _Doily Doiiy i DoDy I.r rtw YorW P.B.M 4 to pis.it al.... _iTTTTm * PailaAalpala. O p urn ?.... " itoithnato .. IP» Mil1.... ** Wuhlmtoa. iA|3 p ll.u aj . . _■ _ J‘ MobnoAd. .. “ DonrtlW.. ... " CAortoUo. . " ci it Mia. - Kl«u OCaotl' __. fc jMUwtj iii a |» * Qmttiara. u “ kpanaaaw.. 1141 a U> al 1 M i - cJUSS"*0" - p •• * “1 - Sauaoa."" * Wrwaiuw “ YiKvna. “ Mouai Airy M C'ocoalU- . “ LuU - OaiucarUU. - Buford . - Nor roaa Ar Aiia.au RtiiW Ar AUaoiaClidal _ — ••4-f m."T " »B.*M.'aai ■ n - mtatl Km JT aad a -WuaiHU__ Vaatlbmlad Lkil>«a.l\i^a Faltaaa tnaapaaa Kiana tfrw Yarn aad XawOrtaaaa. Ha WaaA taalaa. AUaata aad I Inn Now Yot* aa la. itlaaiam Bln Koa. U aad It PiilTa.a iat|bf Car t IVlaal Daa.lUaaad qraaaamia. W. A. TURK. a. H. nARDWICK, awl Paaa. Af-L Aaa l Oaaaral Paaa Aft WiuwmiDC. atuwti.OA. W B RTDKR. Kaparlataadoai. CfcartMia. Nona caroUaa W. H CHKKN J. 1 COLT. Goa l Bapu. TraA. Ua«a Wuaixnoa. a a Wuuatua D. outcry ai rba court bouar door In tba row a of lhlU/>, Gascon county, N.tJL, on Xaaday Uw Id Bay trXajr, IBM, • to**twfy«4td aaaooUuo all of tba* tralaabla iraot or tot or dad lyta* mad beta* Id ika oooniy of Ooat lander liav and mac with aald draat faiith 2 Wmta palea to Pokrtun'iooracr;tdaocw^i lb Unc Anuth bi'A Wa» 19 m poloa to a aaona la Huwklnona’a linn, tbehoa Kortb 10 Waac to tba nkt Alexander ttae, and f banco wick B Kortk 73 Erat ai polca to the bcolntac. bad onfalakio hy attliiuitiua not fifth acre, aad ndJotnlnA iba landa uf 11mry Katcrano. C L. H u r cfilnaoo, and beiiar tka mmo upon alricft d located that raU ui>4« Star boiiaa formerly nuoupM by Uw Muuat Hcily UamJbww Hit fmn*a of tba Ear «s *n«l wa are ready to compote with lb* miIra market In (Kloea. Ooeea aod taka A Good Look at our ladles' shore aad slippers. Wa bare the vary laUat styles la Bar (Kata and Zelgjer, slats from ao Infant's top. “For Men Only.” A nloa lot of Man's teats, CloUilag aad Shirts Jnat In. Ohm and giro na a fair loo*-compare qmHUu and prim, Wegtrsyoasa good Talas tor your money re yoa aaa get anywhere. Our Opening nontlanas from January to Pssantn. Bear in Mind alarayi that sra handle a good I hie of hard era re sod Ussy la stoek ptanty of Groceries heavy sad fanny. Out wagon d eh Tars good* free. Ms fast dURX wa ran aerre yoa to sd res tags. Cofitner, .lone* * t>>.