BAB TALK OF ANECDOTES. anisTHnnuoup tales told ■EtLOIO AGO. ate always people who arc 1 lw*t thtaga wnuliieealrtL na fethd af people I rural)— who m pepper »« ami t-y M Hahrn or Troy had bat Nrfcwk, awdMratUwaeabom kwawaaaiuckiMg chain acre •r kgr Um ywmrubb- Bede la tlm *T«a Waana bow m> no lera Uatt they ito have chain with •pd* «h«ha ob the leg*, and abkli IW| hMh and forth hi each xat that •fcaiahi.tb ewcatek to behold liana.’' J5*hf fart I thiok tlm witmiM* Made MatthaTa barn a bmiUx and know lag aid ehap, foe If !*m a winuaii hath* kWy it b» wbrs aha hi rucking, •ad It la Ida gtwar to atw a whulr lot woaaan la a hotel parka- uneouachxialy teak lag ta thwa aad tanking aa it all •ha knuaa they «w hod war* iu thrir i who say to much say -abd h. Egypt *.ttw il. C. r What tla? did with thrmT I waaAar II tlw Kgyntaiii mahl tlm wfi I Mcaa that day, a wept, in a H*. Inaair Maaarr, the duet that waa hi UawidlbetUaruuB atnl carefully —H* Um anant and under Ua tabtra, aa la tha Made lo-dayf 1 w»u drr W aha egyncaad her tnsprr in tan htwaa? I wnhtbrf If. when the thought •f that Baatrr hat with nodding plumta ■p |*Bk natk the broom look swift, ars."SS5i"K rs tssra thraday, dr to the fact that Um family dttef gtve bar any terrapin, the bnua dMMikad a arcle {a tha air, mm a aiakigt dehat the carpet, alt of which ‘ -*rd dignity? And 1 wtrn 1 if taa Bgrptian maid -MM a weapon or defraan » Vkddlgfg. »weeping at thra •ad were thaw* ad If they were nothing BMM thM bhwk hrettes? *■* VOUI TO M T R L'STKD. I WMUff that a woman win oan twrrp well, taking la Um curntti, g«*t Uag up Um plM, Jlacowring that last a W deal piece or that dropped dice, rot to manllim Um poker chip that fell Oil tor Um adk, la Um awrt of wouium who Mold batrartad todo anything and do .. Ik mrlL A heuom la like a wmk-uim dad ana; a at rung will la required t» mmtial It. alto Ik atlga aud aiiara, hitb and Uilthrr, and dually fall* down haMaaa. IWaally. the chh-f am to wtouh I pwt a braoui ia to imag ou il« ted mg With it. Tula may auik* you aa at mage, hat It la meant to express ■•W thaa a mara thump. The family wba Uaa o* Um door alaiee meaieat aato Italian and mualeal; cunaeq madly, when thryferl their rnuam u« much Unto make aa awf allot of noise. And. to they object to carpet*. *t halt *« think to from Um aound* wa hear, whtottoyaw rarj Hirly, they hare an Mmtlm to do • UUto prancing and tom I aaR too broom Into kiiics. Owe kaeah ec Um eeUlim mean*. "We amt Mud uria mocb longer,’' and a i of haaefca, eudiug tu a dall. ' Utod,* that the rla alowly, but autrly, de _ _ i*« innoeeiji women, [ they politely, but Irmly, rs~ tnmt that the Itallaa mualeal coniin, gtot will rkpraaa their eauherauce tuitf tbabr appreetalem of sweat too ails. I cm artth thaix toot and oftenrr with Llwir aoula. I aappoae tbeni ia an opportun ity hart to make a pan-but 1 am not • torn woman, and 1 refrain. raa runcnir aid axxmcax wool ak. u the borealis, uid bar and IlMMt tba distinction of lliia country. Sv-iyiaxly know* of thn Uta Riofcanl V*a» at HilUl. lpl.b., wh*i *M Ua Wily A mho lead a lui evrr had too honor of ilnmlng 4rilh (Im Qxcro •« KuaWutd. V,w propU, hnw r**r, kn.v* how hl« hwdwr look ad at ThU ■anUow.miaii waa a inamlar >%t Uir&rM; of i'rhmb. and Inal dial rwiHar K».V of family and of W-fag n Frtend that l*lo*«t to Un-m. Tha of l«vr aot. 4a.*ln« a III. Iho Qtnvn waa tuM to larr. Ktlaad Vaa* Iwlowl lo It with tttnwras and to tl« uatonUliataiit of her vlaltor raplird, warr •(nb-tly, "Well, 1 muat Irll llo-r I i don't allogrtltar look upon that aa nu | honor. Ttarra la uo knowing wlut It Way Uad to. UietMid U a vniy »*«*»* young man, a>d tha Q.waii u imwMrrln), and I alaaild m>i at all |ik< thahh-aot Hlcltard marrying her uut of Urn awrtiug.” ■ nuHtKTKxiNn ur oMiBJtiNiaccKcw. Nowadays utir umvU to Im up in an ecdotes. The woman «h<> is Invited »ul much always lug to have some thing tend/ tu tell, for she mutt hot appear IP a Strange woman In talk Miami Uer Innnla ns If s i* wished tu announce exactly Iwr wolal position. If you liaVvu’V many Hours, a v>T» U*»al Way to do twuvhlval, of emirs*, you are whig to different house*, is to *ce tlw Name one foe a week am) llieu atari wltn a freali one tlw next M'*** Joy. Last week l ulilix-d this: Uiue. do Start had been very Intimate wttli Uie Viscuaila its Cho soul, but sue Iwwrrt ha sakl kw» malicious thing* "bout Ill-rand »as very angry Due day they met at a friend's lions*. Ctaal kmcmcs required that Ilia fend should be forgotten, and that they slmuld speak tn eaeb other. Mouv dr Start rommcHenJ by Myiug, "it is a long time since I have areu you, Mon sieur de Clmtseul » *"Ahl Madauie I’Aonbuaeadrice, I lu»ve been ill." "Seoonily, Monsieur?'' "I Ian I a narrow escape from being poisoned." “Alas? Possibly you took a bite st your own longue.” This fell like a thunderbolt on the Viecotnle, but as it was told nil over Paris It «a* a good lesson for a very notorious bickbiter For this week l shall use one told by that clever Flit Williams in Iris ■umd'igua. A v*iitill*K|ulst and Ins d"ff» a laill pup. prognrriy coo* i'll naurrd Bi-iiuty, were stiaoded In a Western town. For two days they had uothlug tn eat, Theu the ventnl uquisl concluded that lli-y must liavr Uivir dinner. He went into the diu inff-ruma of the best hotel. lie seated hima-ir, and tlw dog sat on tin- floor beetle Inm. A polite waitre took Ins order, a* he started for the kitchen, was surprised tn near the dog say: "Wliat's Ibe matter with putting tlw 1'Bl of fan) in fr ml of uie?” Scarcely knowing sbat lie did, he held the menu la front of Beauty, who said: "Bring me a bowl of broth and a hone. Tn* waiter fl-w into the kitchen be lieving the devil Wi«i after him, hut brought back tlw dinner for the ven triloquist and Uie broth at a] bouo fur Beauty. Then b« sought the proinrie lor. Trembling with exolLeiunil, he sold “Cots* right down tutu ilm dip. lag-riajm; tbare h tke most remarkable thing there you ever heard uf —a talk ing dog. Xou ought to buy bin;lie Would all the house." Tlw proprietor eniM down, and beard Uils dialogue: Tlw ventriloquist naked: ‘'Well. Beauty, bow do you like your lirotli?” lleauty answered: “Tim lainli Is good etiough. but lire bone Hiu’l ap In lime, but, never mind, we'll soon be back lo New Yotk.” Tlw proprietor said to the YMitnlmiutwt: "I've gut In liave that dug.” 'i'ae ventriloquist shook hie I trad, and said: "Oh. no; I’m too fmid of Beauty to sell him. and I wouldn’t let him go for lesa than a thousand dollars.” Tile eager pur chaser got Um thousand dollars and handed It to the ventriloquist, but to bis surpileu Beauty said.- "Look lien*, old man, have yoo sold me?” The ventrllrjiuirt ».iid: “Yes; I got a thousand dollais fur you.” “Yot are uo friend of miue.” an nounced lleauty. If y.rj let toe SO for that little stnu I’ll get even with vou. In the future I’ll uever speak a d-.1 word.” Tableau. Cf imurse, I shan't use tlw unpleasant word, but I tell the tale how os it was told to ms. A woman 1 kuow is going Ur tell this, which to toe lute a Might odor of a esarron glace. Still, I may bo mis taken. A little girl who Is very pious never omiltwl saying Iwr prayers. One fight, when aim waa very sleepy, (lie only said: "(io«l bless papa anil msrti Os, and all lira itelghlxirbood, and de I liver ns from all oar relations.” CttinCMM ASD LADIES LUXLIIEOJT. Is It true that dotage and succdol sge mean tlw mm tliingV R iuu> pto plesny tlwy do, but tf Halt is the ease the eide'ly woman U decidedly to fort left, tor anvL'ilutm are given a vogue they nvrrr poser seed before It m dlUWiult to know which are chratanta, but commend me to a group of women frlende w» freer* nut ti>e teller of an old tale. They haveu’t even the decency to pretend to laugh; they look straight •t the uufortttoat* soul, and In that l,m* thee eomlitae weariness a ad scorn an that tor the raat of her natural Ilf* tlmt woman becomes a listener. If you don't but lave we, go t» a ladles' lunetieon, that nil-described fustlvity which la never as rollicking as the new* papers make It out to be. IVomen arv I loo much occupied as a general thing is deckling who made (lie bodice worn by another woman, which doolelon ie reached by the perfection of its back ■earn#, to be very Jody. It la claimed by thorn who know that only a Kranch dr—aiaher earn gvntve a perfect Iciok, and only a woman whose hook i# per. fact goes without a wrap and kneels for a very long Urn* In uhereli. This wag told mu by a slater wnmuo, sad flram her ledgmet.L-tit* general sister we awn, I mena—of our frock, at nor aalvse. of our home* and of mankind, we aeed in harm a special litany asking to be delivered. A ad when It la prop arty phrased I sm aura it win bv eager ly adopted by all Ute world of wmnen, as well ua by Ban. A ■rianriiaSH rave ue asmesiHsi. iiWi l*r Os4m fhenerfIruf tick*. pavhl l#wts. urhn has laws utTUcted all wmlrr hy rh»d‘»*Msiu. I* out again Slot all daa In nnu Of the a toilet mv advertised In eur cotugm*. Alter try lag evpryltdng prewlble, he ne*d t.lmm heiUinl Tal* lldw, which lam re- . Hcvod him at *11 pal", from which b* wan a euiwtant eulferwr and promise* \ to make Idas M fur duly anon. We , know IkcvM hue heew a greet sailer*r , and era glad to an* him snurad again. uTagitatA^ °"M * *■»*»•». j «** WIH1 tr aoxam. ▲ Xra Mu. Kditou;—Yonr artkle in Um "■rlrowru” nr April XAth headed ‘•The ateNMUita market" tut plies that our arm are stilagunixiug the heat laterasU of inuimiite miners liy uffarlag (a furnish tl-e ».u.d at such prices aa *111 oompel ua In pay only "about ti 1-8 cu. for beat are da.” We believe we have done more tlwn any ime else to enlarge Uie market for U>e North Carolina sands. by lulnaltie ing lliein to numerous new customers in the European market, ia doing eo, however, ere have hern oonfrotited by the krvin-et emu pel It Um from the JJn* tilirtH Slut Australian Minis. The forn-cr Is nffoted delivered at European an>» ks at 4 cents per pound which Kuultl I* equivalent to aleiut 8 cents in North Carolina as it ousts shout 1 cent per lb for firigbt on llicSand from N C. to Europe if shipped via New i Itnn. VT'* «'ly {f,Tm"U«* poseesmd by the N >nh C.irulhia saada is that they are richer iu (hurls nud not ao far away from the euiiaoroera. Ir Carol!us mod* are to be used in Europe tliey u.*rru> d«n«e.” We wish this were tree, for H would giro na tin* grsalset Mcaewre bo aar hlgli prices if era could then aril at hut s small profit, bet Us present dealtae rauHoi 6s stopped by the preduwra aa ,t Is HmHy eauMd i-ylhe uporstiou of Hie law of leltiteal reonony that WWand. Vora*gw aowHU legood mg Kurope and therefore Us prlea of trmof this camps til ion. no matter rhal prxdeeers Imre may do. ***• »IU giraUeee taels linn of thelmpreesi™ which your artl eW gives that we were trjuig to fore* down price* f«* our o«u prottt. w ills as a ctaller of foot, we ore only rn itravorlng to enlargs the market to Uie great advantage uf the miner*. Very tloemely youra, Ubo. L- Emoliiii. "Mr. English doe* not deny that lie issued ll>n circular offering mouxille to denier* at H octiti, when u lusts were getting more Hutu UiU urine for It here amt wlien lie was one of Um> Uiyrrs. It look* like tbl* circular ha* ulmuly ososvd the witlidrawal uf order* to lu buy, for dealer* and consumers, frnm Ui* local buyers Item. There is nu reoori In the register rtf d*eds ofttee uf any properties owned by Mr. English. Xlai impression we meant to convey, and tl-lnk It was So inidwotoud, was that tulucre wight expect to get about U 1 9 oeiiti per Hvsrage, we being un dvr the impression that 70 per cant mouasils was a burs ths average, and ■till think (•>, fVliy in< ship t* Europe direct from JfiHtli Carolina? Tilt O.IUC. rail way will Uke It lu Urvtueu for 45 I d eeuu par 1U0 wood*. A ra«mr rosy. ■aw -Vella ktnhy IX with a lawn hHOkM. l-kllwlrh'ktaTlian. She wlmae ambition it Is to posses* a “Trilby” font musk begin early lu life to giro It room to develop ae nature Intended. In fact bar - mother will hare to begin It for per while ebe ie •til) la swaddling clothe# and eren U»en the teak It eoinei Uin« I Ike llolmee’ direction for tba development of a gentleman—“First take a gimt-wrand father." etc. However. wtib a little care, almost any fool will succumb lu proper treat ment after the sge of twelve, and be come a very fair approach In ldtUe Blllee’a (drat. The beauty of Trilby's took was tha freedom of the great toe and the length of the one next to It, It la alinpiy impcasiutM to acquits Uie freedoB when the foot fat crimped la a a raaor-toed shoe. No matter wbal the alioe-dealer may any about It being all ngbt if only ilie slion ie several alaae longer than the font, the line la there which turns the great toe back and make* tln'lnt move Inward an •nlnrged joint. It ia bad chough In dwiOne a |»rt of tlm bndy in a nataial position, but Ui distort It anff thru damp It so it inutl stay In tbs unnat ural puailiuo Is DoUiiug Ice* Until bar lax roux. If Trilby did uotbiiig more for the world tln*u do away wall this relic Ot Chinese barbarism, it would be worth the trouble of writing if fur no other reason. Earnr toed shoes xhnuld not be made for elnldreii, but uufurtuuately tbey are. __ Siix iiesst. at. LouU KuPusSa One of the main factors in Uie bu»l oaea revival U Uie suspension of gold shipments to Ejroi-c. Xtuprovetuetit was almost iBpramtbie while the drain on the Treasury ooniluued. Over f7.00U.LW0 was wiUnlrawu for ship ment iu a single day. The gold re serve was reduced to a little more than Ml.QUO.UtW- buapeuaiou of gold p.y uieuU was threatened. In fact, the SobUeasurer at New Vora has re ported that lie would bare been able to bold out only a day or two lunger bad not tueaeunss been taken. From that dny to this Uie gold re serve lias been sleudily growing. Or dinarily Uie ouunuy loses a good deal uf gold at (Jila season or tha year. From Uie drat of February to the begluuiog of the wheat harvest con siderably more Is exported every week than U Imported, bast year uit excess of ahlpnwut*--user receipts amounted ill the threw month* of Feb ruary, Martin and April to fl3,4U0,(XW aud they weie the brtl trade uioutha weliad. 'l'|id maxi mine and railway atiikua begun a lulls nod for the next three uoiithe the exceaa of gold ex ports was f7t4,OUU,UW Muring u>e three month* of Febrna ry. March and April. UN. we exported AU.000,000 more of the yellow cutu and bullion than we received, it will be remembered that riecreUry Foster bud great difficulty lu keeptog the gold reserve abova 1100.U00.0CW during tlw last few wecu* of Uai ll»rrlaoti ad mlaietratlon. Tlm heavy dram on the Treasury oontlnortl that year until the repeal of Uie stfmrman bullion act. The excels of gold exports during February, March and April, 18W, wax nearly 818,000.000 aud for the oorm ponding period uf 1891 was over Wl,000,009. ThU year tha difference has been In our favor. Tiara lias been ao excess, b«it it I* one of imports, iu February we ruoeived 8l.lW7.00O more than we exported and iu March 84.U3.0UU Tha result last month la not known, bat tlm flow of gold Is still in Una direction. Whether tlm revival <>r business was doe to this change ie the gold current or whether Uie latter was caused by the former, the Treaaery ii lu better condition than it was whea it was turnad „ver U> tha present admin istration. The gold reaervo bad been growing xmallnr for some time at lira rate af about 88.NW.UUU n week when derretary Carlmle took charge of It and was then hardly above tlm klUU.UW, 000 mark. With the money Mill due from Urn bund syndicate, Uie food could be put abova that mark at any Lime end || it likely to go there with out this assistance. Tba country lx now entering upon another period ftf prosperity, Free in i tee Sswreaml*. Mr. HUnton In tlm Atlanta f oaHUm Men tinge doul.tedly Of tlm spring time weather down In Uoorgla! op-I lam, diae. JuaX D. W. Puller, of C»mjoh*rlo, if. y. • gy* that k« »|wopt &<*!• P'-. Km*'* lUretrver/ In U>* rnraao end l«U i tomlfy hue a|war. fertnd lira n»ry bort rwutu fellow IU i**rI Ural lie wn*|* j Met In without It, II r'^urnMo. U. > A. Uykemmu I>rw**1*l. Cataaill, N. y. | ttiat l)r. Kin*'* Keer Uteeovrry i *• uMirabt#*!. tl»* beat Ouuffc rooted? < that be lira aerri It In Me f« rally fur 2 "fht yaard, ami It h** newer faiVd to « d* ell Ural |* claimed for It. Why not J Uy • remedy eo loaf tried end Mated. Trial battle free at Carry * Keaaedf1* • b ara. U*ful*r »lae k». aad il A Cotton Fertilizer. Purchase only such fertilisers for cotton which contain Jt least 3 to 4ft actual potash. For Corn, Fertilizers should contain 6* Potash. Poor results are due entirely to deficiency of Potash. W« will gWhr wnd you our paa»i>Lh:U on the I’M n4 Pnutoh Tb«jr ary m«u frwt. It will cuut you nothing to rand them, nrd dottarv GhltMAN K ALI WOIHC*. yj Kmok 3trvxi. N.-ixl correspondent of lbs Atlanta Cbnili t or ion as inyiiig: "I made a speech for free silver ten years ngo, before anybody but politi cians had considered it. I stand lo what I then said, mid I liuvu navri Varled. Tie Democratic ideu of ummy is fur the metals—gold and silver-lo basts taped in the mints and sent out Into Ilia world to hold their own ju the world of commerce. The D«ml t« tbe people as It Is now. Neverthe less, much agitation followed during Hie live succeeding year*, resulting in the HUod-Altlauii act of 1878. V« ate of prutpsrlty following, nlong with the Increased coinage uerantled uinler tins act. tlie discussion of silver Ml back, liutll 1810. when lu obedience to a ,lo luanu Inr free coinage, tho siwiuiau ■Makeshift was resorted to, which, foi a season, again qnietrd tbe people.” Hs bolds that a majority nut uulv of Uis Democracy but of Hie Republican parly favor Ilia restoration of the Irw coinage of silver. He says Hint “the American people are to-day brhiud tlie free silver movement anti they will push It on lo succm-. and have silver re establtslMd to its old equality with gold.” Ho Is no doubt correct In till*. The signs are that way. Keen now tlie gold party sees Illinois gone sud the flght there will In ulmtidtiuetl, it is re ported, by tbe Administration and Ha ■gvtlla. llliuois hopelessly gone. Mr. (.nap says of llm candidate and the platform, and It shows his keen obser vation aud coolheadeduess. “The putforns should declare for Hie frea coinage o» silver direct; aud witli a set of principles responding to tlie demands of His common people, we Hmald select tome good mao from Hie some rear, with a military record. Identified with Ibe dominant sentiment Hint now controls the party, and go forth wlUi confidence to the victory always given those who are brave enough to Qgbt t.x it.” He has no confidence in the talk among the gold men of Mr. Cleveland far n third term. He says under ire conditions can It have any laiaia. A* to a Southern own for tbe first place be shows h|s wisdom wlien lie Bays Hull *DOt lu IIm lifeline of ll»e genrraikHi now passing off the slug*, will u Southern man be elected. The ques tion of residence, for it Jung time to come, will be a controlling uno, anil nu m«n wlio was ever in Him On fed io-alo army can aspire to that office. R e siiould get our next candidate from the West. Tl# Hfunr. CW«(o liM(jr>0««o. Msmma—\Vh*t do you think yrinr papa would any If he had heard you swearing?" ' Rubble—Just about tlie same tiling I salri. " N Me WmIS. r««k«rm flmnwacn. Alias Oldue—I'd like to tee nny wan alive kite o*e I Mr. Sharpe—I guest you Would. " '—— ii a AW Apt Mlnillltede. OaorurU Standard. Woman's character ha« been likened to a postage stani|)—one black mark ruins It. Man's Ilka a tressory note au matter bow many stains U still (suers at par. When a woman falls from grace her character is usually ruined forever. Whlb on the other hand a man may straighten up and is. reeelvwJ Into the best of society again Ail of which is too true. * P’t'lsr Phsass OssisH anti Why. Atlanta JoontaJ. Appendicitis It doomed It will no longer pose before tho American peo ple as the blest fad In the hut of dis ease, si now the bCl Idea that only tlie wealthy and reBnrd can have Ii has been exploded. - A - few weeks ago it dreoended from IUlofty peroli. bit tl.* home i.f wealth aim rehnetsent ami at tacked a convict In a south (iourght camp, and a negro convict, ut that Tlie attending physician (mm^itlr let the daylight Into bla vitals, removing the "verioir.irrii appendix," and' Its attendant InlUm aiatlon, and now the dartw'a wvll and at work again. Hale for Partition. TQfcKM>h*J' J. >.-ryu«on, H «), T«, /«»«• WlUiAw fvr^ri^un. m«4 Tknmm»4 C-A4*tfv- I S. J. Durham, —LA WYKU DaI.t.a*, N. C. C\ : P. : MOORE, -ATTOllXK Y-AT-LA IP * lliil E>lat«s mill O H»vi*yuiif»li)g . , lii'NhC^iRu City..N. c, & (< M 't .VGVJU, —a irony a r-.i ir— GASTONIA, X. Will pructinu iii l|i« ciini'i. iif Uustoii anil adjoining counties uud III tlie Krdrl'.ll la,III t*. A. L. HERSnoy, TONSOKIAL l’AKLOlt -nkwu Kirmt> it In C-'liu-i Kixiiu V. M. C. A. Budilin* Etl.lclarS 'Yorkmen Employed am, l*ii.l cbm* work Uuciaiileed. W. U. WILHOX. J. U. SLOAN Dr’s Wilson & Sloan WITMl'Uin AXO SCIlOtON*. OITer* I lie Ir professional services In eitieen* oC Gastonia *m| surrunndliig country Call* left Ml Torrence’* Dm* Store wilt lcveivo prompt attention mglil nr dav. Mortgage Sale of Land. Jly virtue nf n mortgage deed exc cilte. vmirtime el no* by It. E Prince Mini liia wife ii oah Prince iiimI irgi*. leied In Ixnk 21 |M*e 24o In the IteiMe lei’a iHfion In 1> illnj, tl,e,a will U» wild fm cadi to tliv Jiiif'ioal bidder at lli« urt House door in Dill,in. X. i; nil Monday the it'll ,l.iy of May lk!Vi at U>* Lour of UnV.ia k M, « tiact nr |iaicel ot l.ind disciitad ns tollowa A ntsc ImI£ OiUieal m a lot .V) l*y 100 !e*t In llm town of Gastonia. X. C. bounded on llnj lioitli by Main street on south and west by lands of I,. L’ ou east by lauds of Mrs J. U, Warren. All lo satisfy said mortifiijte. •I P. Culp. Mortgagee, lly A. (*. M ANdi'Si, A tty. April 3rd. ItSfj. Sain of Laml. - ll> Virtue ot )*«r(.r coolcrrvil tu a rv»rralr> UMMtirtw • ►X1 coti»i Iiy tcUit nnn 1 wik "i li.viifiJtoi/.^i, Ilult*! itH’Kili .l.y ol ' . L«, mil rvrorclu-l lit ll.M ulhvs.’ ot the I of JL’vfU* ot itaMitft oountv north Vjjg-. ,a tx*o4‘ -l. %**** U*C MDdfrtJtf Ht-I X«««l«y the aih I Hit of May. MM. ;U flu* court Vmi»- .1a*m i*l |bi Isstvii of Dal ,k. •N.’ „.»t 1_ otrfia.4 v| •*•:! |or <•**§, 4,i taitcry t.. * Uo •st.ficul hl l.ii-r f|m cH l unl ..^•uUii,ki.1 t.|„i .\r**r, 111 «ud luori.nio*. Tor fuHiKJi tifliM lUAli.iM arjlr t»t |'iV uo«hji It mi it ttu\ >lorTinitft. Notice to Parties. UA" *{V ‘."V i? s Ubflon. MnV ol '’r"' !' -I.n. "l l.'fM.luiiT.. .1 !••? ,."'f"'*• "UK-r...i.rt.rf r«Muu IWIDI iYi V t? ' " ,'*,1 ly.jl (J-, I, Ibrlllll .fc.l nl *.|y H>\ IV'linrpiM .ifttli 1 “1,1 H V‘V / n' "«• 0.1*10 Ol tl« net I!. li. In litLIll 1, •!* lu kji. t«* tn u*»** i . jm» „f n*. «4j i l3:.irfc-« a, i|uU«4vt*l< r ukw r.Apk* t(u W. L. Douflas $3 & $4 S?:«« an rqjaNy «ctla(k£tr>ry IP? £j*Zt**JEmj£ii ?i'*tt»7t37k 1/inarAv.lwaiiM t ontner, JoueM dc l)o. THE rilAUKOTTE N'orlli r’xnil;ii;,'ii EOUE3HWT N KlVsr.U’EU. DAILY AM) WEEKLY. ltitiri*‘)iili'i)t Mini fiailiw; bigcvr nnU edijjc iitlMi' iSim cxr, )l will U; mi inv;tla.iMt- VMt..r lo Ui* li.uor, tlu» dllUv, tlu* club or I hr woik n»oiu. The Doily Observer. All uf Him li<*tt» of tbn world. »r. Tbe Weekly Observer. A jkj* fi ct> fmullv Jnurnnl. AH ll*P tiriva of LI it* \vi vk 'fh** rr> |!OH» from III** r.KlilSI.A TUliK A Nl'l*1t IAI. l’KATl'UK H— irinnl.rr I'llE VVKIII.V WjlSjll^ VEIL Only one Dollar a Year. Send for «iuip'.H fopliH. Aflilivt* THE OliSBRVKR, Charlotte, X. C. CHESTER iSLEKOIR It. C. RAILROAD. Meni:tti i.i: >\n <* M»t k’K_I No. III. | N«iT<3r . . . *;f. « 111 ia L*U»V M • . . . «Ui|| m O ,C| n m V »l4C.»illKl)*% I '' *t> <4 lit Jlj HI ,| im V Om1|>Hi«-% II • .. . ... I Ml 4 Hi )1 n n in !«'i* . * 57 a mi 1| it} * a U«i c-r . •• ul u in!|| VI* m UuK'ii.' .... I«m:; a in. | |o La.m^ w Uiuxiiutvn . II Ua in 5 JO Lmr«- .\i>«lmi .. 11 V m m* 4 iO |i ui Iax»\ c ilicvt'i >■. i iu v i«. u «jj y ui • iri% v Lmmi.u- ..^. _ lift imp 7 Mum t;«»iMi M'i ; i 1 No. H. j N,i. Linvo U'iMi;t . | ». M h ui 1 M) it im L Hl.'Ko- y * *Sl •% *n I ill |i in l<«vc Nmiun .. i*aInim «i it) »• im Umo* Imr lnli"i... 11 1'. > t»» T |> m l*%|4 ft tt.l* . .. . | Ilk |l II,. , V. II lit « l.»»r» i.i.fiu ».I1 pai l*4MV \nikill|«> . - - *•• ■ in pin i..«4o iiiitiin, n% H#- . :» Cl p in! 9 .;• it to I *>*%•• Ul-4 ••mi-11 «x iitv. . . i vi mi ntOprn L* .4 1 .• !.*»-» r. *• .Ill- .. ; >: i«ja! ii lupiu Arnv'r U'vMK . lamp- IIV t5 y m lYi%ln*. bc*w. p .io.t Hi riv Pr«*^J •'.**, .tot run Aallyr c\-« p» iM>rv! ly, No*, n nriil f,| I >11 > .U4J4A 1^4,1 \n)|.; .il**> v«mi *la..) (-l<% pt Mid# 'wy. n*«i * i»^4%i •'U-.n . i n .Aici wIUj Hiuli.ll.i S„ Mini II" r,(. 1 1u)4.1 At CmiH loulH «li!i cn% A .V C %.U; wt I II.4-..till.Ok mIHi 1114 •' 1* ; »l .< • Hint tVl NltiL wilh tin1 U VC h. ii. nE Vk{;.u.V;.,?‘,t^^l.^^t' Thu TWICE-VWEEk REPUBLIC. M*C4'I.%«. Ol'IKRS. 4Jw» you know a good thine wtaoi you »ro itV A w'oul to the him la suDiclont." Arioio»« 'l it k tti;i* 91. Loul«, Mo. C> COUQIIS o °Cf. W op i ji 4* § I » | | LAXATIVE .« i BROtm 8 ■! QUININE ? & wm J Mort“ 11 * ffl-rrr, !r,er cyujh, ;„.ik like <••/*;.H f.otliiicn **cadache tiu prevents pi;ea- Ci Q Biunit, Cures Uuo; rtjy. 2* ■p ia tsblcti ccmrcoicnt foe ^ 3 »**«. 3 0 PRICE, 25 Cts. - » toft sue er all chusoists. ? ■ Z a a o o >'»' N»l- hy Krtxl Torrence ,lc flu. •Semi tor Rumple eojpj. Smco its ctibrccmont, TIIK .\0BTU I AItOLIMAN i* tlio liirceat an Uljr te*4rniio)ier uuti I'shril in the Stutu. ft |»iiitft all the u»w*. »nd prcncties tie itoctrtue of bUra iJemocnicy. It crulHlus *lc)it )>ntresof uitciewl luc lit*|lcr every wctilr. Send on* dollar and cut It tor • wliote year. A wini|ile copy will ba mxiled five on nptiHcatlini to Jrmicpncs D.lXIEtl, Killtor. 1 liuleicli, X. C. HO^MORE LYE-GLASSES 5*1 If or a Wi«k *r«» 1 MITCHELL’S EYE-SALVE A tit: lit Olr.kht »*--<, tsr SORE, WEAK a;: j INFLAMED EYES, i'r»tUtft ft I*, ,y t: /Sit, ttnrmt, taut f**mlt,rl',tr t ,< •uj’tt-t; run «fr*. Yftr Ut M t »<, !,i |nB.Klw rsmurj, K«vl K/r», Jluil Kj« Lashu*. ANT* ftWOUOly'l O"If K i)mir» AKt> fKill'.«* AW|», n*1y i*HF. A*w n,rt I■ jih-r «K«lrr«, V-v-3 miiiwuVi'.1' ’* ’ W • ' ’•*'* 1— •*•»«* •• »F MX MUCCttl* »F af curt. /