THE GAZETTE. THUJUflJA Y, MAY JO CWU. BUSINESS TALKST~ AdrcniaaMott Interred In Hilt column »i 10 oceta e One for and. Inrartt'm eod.eeuu alia* for eeeli Inwmm Iheroallwr ANTED—10.000 butheU * of bread . corn. Highest cash prtos paid at fawny Morrow’#. LOST—On tenola ground* a plain gold ring. Suitable reward for return to Q .vstiirr u oill •••. PIANOS AND~OKGANS— I idi Icndiug muket direct / are so bnay circula ting report* mi the bird* now say that there are no male mocking bird* this year. YeaU-rday morning we heard on* of these songsters running gaylj through his repertory. It U only tbe male that sing*, we me told, und ed another false report on the mocking bird goea to plena. —You'll be busy tjsturday, no doubt. But if lbe UtZBTTK’e census man knock* at your door, don’t worry. Just take a minute or two und giro him the information needed. You'll not be oat much lime »nd will twsldrs be doing something to encourage * worthy enterprise. Wo Want tho een •ns of Gastonia and Want to get it right. —Von public pplrited citlimna In tereated In yoqr Uiarn’a welfare, do you know how many children of school age In town? Of these do you know how tunny r. James Campbell, of Otovsr, wn* hi umu Tuesday. —Mr* Ldgar Loyo nnd Uttl* Frsuk, visited in Charlotte last week. — Mr*. 1L A. Caldwell and Miss Uetlla warn la town shopping Tuesday —Mis. Jno. Hunter has returned from n visit to Charlotte on Tuesday. •—Miss Annin Wells of Mt. Holly U vlnli-inj iii»H M >y Finueljorgar this uis U —Mist Katin Wilson is v'.vtlng her brutbnr*, Hope anil Clamooo, at Bn gouht. —Mrs J. B. White and Miss Madgu of 1'leaasnt Hldge were iu town hut Tuesday. —Misers Litlie and Fannie Lioebor C'r, of Lowell were in town Tuesday ■ Itopplng. — Mr Jasper .N. Huberts, Mnyor of MoAUeusvilio, paid liiiSotHc* a pleasuut visit Tueadsy. —Mr. O. W. Davis if out on clutches, after a week iu bed fruui a sprained ankle. —Mr. W. I. Frldny, of Charlotte, wat In town Tuesday passing through on a business trip. —Mr. Harry Fayssoux of Jamdon. S. O., is visiting lilt brother Ur. J. U. Fayssoux tills weak. — T.ttllo Miss Malllo Uarner, of Finkey, h. O., is visiting her sister, Mrs. J. F. Thompson. —Uapt. b. J. Hand and Mrs. Sloan Hoblnson, of Lowell, vlsltod at Mrs L. E. Rankin's Tuesday. —Mrs. C. C. C'uruwsll of Lowell was sroong the aiioppere the pretty weather brougnt to tlastoma Tuesday. — Mr it. F. Bugera u( Conoord, one of the clevertsl traveling turn on llie mail was in town Wednesday. — Mrs. J. It. Warren and Mr. Kiddlu relurned Tuesday from a visit to rela tives iu the Begonia neighborhood — Miss May Fronebergar returned baluiduy from Saluda where she bus hern putsuiug bar studies 111 College. — Mr. Jim Kennedy and Miss Carrie 1 Joyce spent Tuosdar nlglit with Mr. and Mrs. «. K. Boyoc at MuAJensvitle —Mrs. C. it Nulen relumed Tues day afternoon from a very pleasant visit to old friends at King's Moun tain. —Mr. Jno. J. Hovis with Mis* Mamie and Master Hugh were m tins lonln Tuesday and pnld Lhe Cl ax wit a office a slant visit. — Master Walter McGinn, ot Char lotte returned homo Mouday alteruoou after u visit ot Several tluyS at Mr. X. B. Levy'a —Mra. C. A. Henry, of Bowling Green, S. C. passed through Gastonia Tuesday, eurouteto (iGrleerlllo to viait ber daughter, Mra Maggie Uruwley. —Mite Mary Bradley returned Krl day from Grtcnaooro where ahe ha* juat completed with liuuor her course iu the (stale Normal and Industrial tfclrool — Mias t'ourl Gidhiut left TJiursday afternoon for Columbia, returning With her uncle, Mr.J. W. Gallant, wbo had lieen upending a few days at Hr. W. I, Gallant's. i —Messrs. 3. D. H»jns» spinning oveisorr at the Ml. II..Ily cotton mill mid Mack Kale, d.iperiiHcudeut of the ; Nuns cotton mill visited Mr. J. B. McGinn SunJuy. —Mr. H. I*. Aiidorsnn nr Atlanta, Secretary of the InUmatlonal l >m inlttra of the Y. M C. A. gave an entertaining lecture Moudur night In the Y. M. C. A. Hall. —Mr. Feauk Gallant retnmed Tues day from it visit to Steele Greek ami reporU people In good spirits. He says cotton and outer cropa them are ahead of oors. — Mr. H. C. Gnok, of Tuoksarege, the manager or tlie big fishing interests there, w«i lu town yaatmday and promised to send the (< a&BTTK a Utter •bout llie dsliing business as conducted at Ills place. It will appear in a week nr so. —Mr. soil Mrs. 3. ). Durham at tended the fifteenth wedding t.nuiver sary of Mrs. Din ham’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Odell lu Concord. Tli* event was celebraUd baluiday night and Ua papers report the uceu aion of ua ons rare clegiiuee, brilliancy and —Mr. C. M. Crowell left last night for Nashville, Teon., wlieie lie will niter upon Idle practice of law. He tins spent severs! weeks in Gsslonm, being ho:e for bis health, iuid lots made for himself a large nouiher of friends, llo Is a Imeused luwyer uf Ills native state, Texas, Oar * best wishes go with him to his new home snd into his chosen work. It Ml ran Kill Krlr». Mr. W. ,J. Willet. oyerkcer »t the Atherton Mill, Charlotte, has accepted a similar position lu the Modena Mill. Tin* mill li now running Jay ami night. Mr. 8. K. Duval cntiia out Trout Charlotte Mtindoy to do sums rr pair work on the Modena dyuaiuo twit AMdMiiy t'oeiin»ao»»(,in A party of young i»fi|il« frinu (»»» toulit will attend the commencement at Cowell Academy to-morrow (Fri day). In the forenoon from 10:30 to In thero will be a contort for » medal given for tho teal recitation. Atone o’olook tlicre will las an eddrrM by Dr. Creasy of Charlotte ul tho churn of which the medals will >»• delivered. The Mine Bird*. There are plenty of them Mr. R. \V. WUIle igye Ire nw myoral Sunday, haring been reminded by oar latt week*i llera to look out for them A cor respond eat of lire Ualetgh Nntu Jt 0>Wne»v wiile* I bat papot that be knock one nauae of tl>n scarcity of these bird*—during lire big snow l.iat winter two little boys caught twenty, three of them in a hollow tree and nimle a blua laird pie. Hlnoe the nboyo wm written, a letter comes from the ealt Un'a old home In FraiiMiu county with the Infoiinatinn that two blue, blrile. lust two, bare been aeon on tire old farm. Tlmy at a nesting In tire Imllew of lire big mnlbcrry, Just above Him old brldgu, wliero Wt were done up ; to badly by poison Oak wheu a lew. Ifuw well w» leuiomber the plnoe, lire tre*’, lhe allinhand the awful potyimlng froiu heai| to f mt Jntl tire acme, WaM rathur «|imd a in-mlli »u that old farm Umii at any other place uiKl'd Uh' Moo sky ■ ■' 1 Farcers In llallf.iy county are plowlu | up tlailr out loo and planting egalu. nttnUTCM ■» WARMS. "ere «k I ho Ihm mf (ho ioaana ion Who Will Mu UWJOUMWKM. •**» r Util*.- taiBKio tf Ikt Tm1! r*r ■JaliM-WlMt blMtfam The O.uirrn;'! cnim of Oestoota to 1m taken next Saturday. tt» first day of Juue, is Hie talk of u« town, Ouhmis ms freely made, ranging flea I. 7.6 l»y Mi. Proet Torrence to tbe eutliMHiHatic Qgure of 2,936 by Mr. A. C. Williamson. Here ie a ltat of iruraare gathered by a reporter yester day morning: L. L. Jenkins. 2372 J. h ( urry.2190 l.C. 1'egnun. 0105 J. H. Kennedy.[ 2424 J. L Kobintou.• esou •7. tJ. Holland.90(10 D. T. Morris. «9U0 W. U. lewis. J L. Palls. ?o}£ j k pdBe..;;;;;; J^o ■I. 1>. Moore... 2275 W. Y. Warren. 9Q0Q I. M. Alexander. 9349 T- rW /'Vll!?n. 8,00 57. P. ilaUieuy. 2300 W. M. Junes. 9000 II. 11. Moore... mem F. A. Costlier. 2700 A. C. TClUiameon." 2MB W. H. lluflinnn. 2000 Jiidaon Hus*. 2300 Frost Torrence... ’ 1775 i £• ,j;*vo. aooo J. M. Moan.. A. M. Srayre.9000 UMnx nax j nm (tusiMK Eurflm Jana n-lvr. atrvii To krllnrllH AiUrao The during extrcltce of Gatton Uol lege will Le ludd Tutaday, Jane 11, t*ah»il"« at IS o'clock p. m, a*r. I*. A 1 Vick Ip, D. D , will deliver the ad dress. •'The Sever. Old Lodlee of Lavender Town” will constitute the evening entertainment beginning at 8 o'clock. ILscital by pniiila of Prot & A. Wolff will include Marionette'* Ov*r tu.e (8 lmnd») Gurlltt; Galop Venetleo ((•laiio trio) Straus*; Jolly Blaekaatltht with anytl ohorat. Jean p**|- The Lion Chant, Hofllng; Under the Lin den Tree, Volk man; Spanish Onset, Hiii-Aknwbki. Toy Sytaiihonle, llaydn; Kalblilka 1’ ilfc a (Trio) Strauw; Galop, ltrltr. Grand Vale* Hrllliaole, Banter; March mu Plamhenux. dark; New Tenr’a Greeting, Streabbog; Spring lime of Love, GottactuUk. Onalmlm III ■ Wmk. Tli« aouth bound puaaeoger train oo tlt« Miaaourl, Kauaua, and Texan, due In Houston ut 7 a. rn., waa wrecked about 3 J0 o’clock on Wedoaaday morning of laat week. Meaty mini ■•lid e piov.iilliig «ioru) had uniters load Ilia track In e deep out. The train constated of nine couclita, alenprr, hag gage our, a lid mall cat—73d [annum In nil Many of there were enterana boidul for riuuilon. Tht wigii* whm U «lruck tl>c wr*k tpot wblrM ortr. The mall oar arorehed against It and w,ta torn to aiilintera. The engineer waa badly acalilfwl end tlw Qmman rare out on the by a pteoe of dr lag iron. T>"-| were fearing an accident in the alurqiy darkoere and were run nlug with greet caution, making only len or Qltcen ml Ire an hour when the accident occurred. fTliat lenda to lli« aoetdmt mere of Internet for our reader* I* the fact that a Uaalonla mam, Mr. vv L. tintlant, in In the wreck! II" < «o«(-rd unharmed, wa are glad to know Mimk, of the p.<*Miger« ware hurt. Tlmy made us a puree for the actlile.1 eogiurer and paaeed amua mao | lutlon* eery oompllmenUry to the OAiilPmn dare wltli which Ui» crew wae lum.iging tlie treln. - - ■■ _ i——aw* ,X«M mf Np« A4v**r4 I -oat plain fold rlag-dee bretnaw luoala. Licroy Morrow - 10,400 buahala earn wauled. hue bualuere ■—-h xJ ai-Tbli Mr SdJSSS&tf^L TooBM<*fro,t’ *• wtu*» *ad hta vita aad Itttta »o^ ip, Anvwood, of Ub •ojowMtyrlalUdat Mr. W*. Ar •wood’s rsotnU*. a!Kr-i*? M ’" iiwia. Mom. !?T00*’Jm4 BTTauk (*. stm?. ^n£n«£r.f& Boetbora, n< I^U Fl*»» WMIe Of lb* ££“ *g» •» la to tbetr «M Mood Long Crook pnaob ■Of loot Sunday, a^vw,, t^a other womblpon wo noticed Ur John T Brwlky of th.*Lm«oL toaln, Mre. Lml« (w>— %ni aw daughter, Mine OuCg fUnlanl ooooty, Mr. B. L. Carroll of Beotonla, «?a»S5 at the rMtdwaoof bor&SiMwMnL g~- Tl1”*-.*■ ytoruBParsTc. Hor hoToooad^iLUi^04*®' la hegefoc ^Mrj [^WPodyTOhod throerorylo lag a* LoogUnwk?* HU mun ftUed* wen truly glad to aoohu^%o rotor lu the* lam ebutub bad the “old ttaae rtag." In bta cloning loiaaiti ha 5“ abtU7—partor there. Thorn woo nonrooty a dry aye lathe hem, aad *2* ""T *° KJa good W^Mr. garbage, tbo loot thao tor ssidKt'ssa ™ *• BoUng Bite Lm Bamaear, wife -H3SS.”!2S5rj?^J BwMny la Jane to eoorfder the c^i^insUSk Hon. B. A_ White, aeakwef ooon« ^ **"1* *«o‘'»a, etepedowa end out of «Ooe June lei.-.o3t Hateiday. u far pioaeure to tpeod a abort ^JMsasrjsnaw SiSaSlJM!! Wwd Bnoe If. Berry, aad kit feogfatar. Ml.. Hattte, V££ l0.0d la ^rTL„7w «w*i Mm vary RWr HuffateUer Is jpfcrfm IZLm9Ch wlthTooTj; poSmS PeUtteu are being circeUiad leget ■ * ln,Uc*' of a aMBi-Wtofc* ly mil TtUa would help aa very moch. Aa It la we never oat the Ga a*T»a until Heiurday. Wnder the new arrangeaieot we would gat It Tburadey. Hope It wld peee. DANTOI uailllllB. The ctoalog esemaee of Gaeton lnatiuiu will goaaNM Thnradar, Jana 6, at Sdtt. The program., tor Ibu evening wlU be mala, both voeal aad luairu mental, reettatlona a ad «*noUooe by tba Prinarp and lotenoe ilhjn mdea. Dr. [feorjr LouU Smith of Dnvldeou 2®n*«* will deUrer an addma oa after wateh the prlace and aaedala win be awarded. I'riday eyenlng'a etetrleeo will be Puate, mltatlooe. cantata and award of diploma. Tba exarelaee will wia promptly and laat for about one boar. AU are cordially lari ted. The rr—irurtu ■■a—l The bkUdi Wat Thund*/ night to taka attton Id the ilto of enenrlog the Preabytartaa gtrli’aabool for Oaa. toola waa target? atteodad by boalaaaa ™*®- Mr. A.C. WIlltaMaon praatded JttdMr. Edgar tor# waa arwnUry. Tha ooBBltlaa on alU asd location ra PJrtad pragmas aod waa ooutlnued. Tha coamltUe on inbeerlpoona waa pwt to work aod has aacared a flaw ilwoaaiid dollar* la MbaortyUoa*. Swrwral dnlrmbta tltaa aia under oon Mdaralton. Mr. OUrar Davla offer. oa twwraUa tarn* in oaa of twoaltaa an t**a MD waat of tea Marrow Gaaga •»ok- The oowaaltla* ta alao imwoU Mug with Mr. W. K. Holland for* wry beaatlful site la tea woodad laada «n» of Qaatonta near tea raaldanoa of tea, Mte Dark! Jaaklna, Mmq. Thera wiUbanaotear Meeting natt Monday ntekt whan, u u aapeetad, tha offer will taka dednite shape ter aabMlasion to tea praabytartal ooatMlttra. r!h—a—■■—-* T«*vah Meiukar. Tha Oaatoola OASgrr* oall* oar *t teattoo to the hat that wa owe Mr. J. M. Robert*, of MeAaaoariUa an apol off- Mr. Dobartn la not InUad.nUa teiad Wadnaaday. Ha ia mayor—a fall Oaigad Mayor, (fcarVWM X«m. Mk Two gray bom, wlU dangling har mat. dying through into cwrvdrnM aqaaro thfi yMroMg at fear o'otoet. T%ey ease front Wm Trade Mraet.aad efeworieiMetetor,Ookroal iSttasateyx'z on Iba trail of the home. He had got oat of ble baggy eta booee near Victor Mid, cod white talhlag roaobh* to In ■■la, ho eajc that eetae bon rright* nad Malum* and taade thaw raned. T»w buggy waa bad), broken gjj^ae waa alao C-otowat liangaa»ai M-fai Wiliri •sown CMCMKM. CO. S4LTHMMS. M& ' _i_'2S5 ltUk. at 10 o*oloek at the rwUMoa at the brlde’a UUwr, Mr. B. A. Grovta la Albeany. Brr. p. P. Bridga oOclaUd. *rUg Uft ft* tehoriBe «a Wedneaday. AlmaM all our town people attended rite baptialag at MeAdaaarlUa on Ban day eeealng. Poortaao peraeaa wan “» Mr. aad Bn W. 1L Uaaberaer ***** Jmm raaadlag a tow day* With Mr. Unaberaar OOOMlt him, at Belmont, lyowell, Oaatontn, Kl*«'« Mountain, Dali**, of Mt. HaSp. saaasas** umiu lAiwm ■■Vrtrf WooHf fcyK.r o. u»»« »«« OUTTOM KABKBT. SUM food Middling. 7 Middling, . 2 ancMKBiBi abb r»ovmiox». FLOOR— Patent, gnr ISO..I &?• Oraond, paint, in K». 1M Suntekt, pat 100. Ltt FanaS*. par 100. 100 IMB«BlRlM«BaMMk Oor Big Shoe Sale! Commences To-day and Continues Until the 10th of June. To the Ladies: _ Om Um <*C Boo.V» ilww, (*> wail known), ratal) nrioto M.00 k mmi * *® kowat 10* loot tkao aoiuiu oo*t; all food (tjrlaatiMunillwotliMO,1 To the Men.* ._Wahatrai about 80 to 100 p»lia of Monk Show hulw^Miarin wa ' "•■•■•ka. Oaont 10* k«a than notun) cook -w*—• rlnffiSTn early aml Bot >onr ckol<*' ■“*» Jm F. Love, Fanm al Gastoi _ —I AX SKLLIKG— ^J&’Wotar Steel and the Improved new„ Bttckeye Mowers and florae Rakes ami other Machinery. SEE TESTIMONIALS BELOW. Ml. 7. X. Gallant, Dear Sir—I am well plowed with ilia Hockey. Mower bouaht of roa feat **y »*» “Hated lt l» *11 yo« RoouumkmI It lobe. f oao motninead'lt to all in Mad of a CriUoluw mower. j. jj. n. w Ms. 7. X. Gall amt, **• w,*l ld“»*d with Hie Bndcoya Mower boudit of you laat ■*",0B- Would not do wi I bout on. and can cliaerfaily -miamtod Iba Back* ape. Yaur Horae B«ke al-o fine entire tMlafactlou. Ed, WmTMWM, Ja. Mil 7. K. Gallastt, *• rSBl R^'.V^* bTKST“' Dear Sir.—I bare need the TVood Mover lor three year*, and im well P»e*s«i vlth It. It runs Hflit and 1 think It a machine vllh a loo* life. It lias not coat toe a cent since I’ve been ruin Irk It J. Mil.** UJIYXK. (iaalcola, S). C. Dear Mr:—1 ktn eaet the M'aod Mower for ft year* eat can oay it *h*a entile ntiefee tion. I bee* rue 3 rtlffamat macblaee ao4 it fceate Una oJL yQX Ms. F. M. Gallaht, „ •*«* Urn Wood Tubular Hteel Mower alooa 18*1 and Bad 11 to* It. I tlwieruro cheerfully recommend the Weed Tubular Steel to all who are in need of a good mower. jaa. Lb Hasxa. ST4WW l’ump’' Cq1,1t^ DtraU* **«*■. Get my price* before placing your order. OMt«N>U, *. a F M- GAUJJT. Pniiriij Ti '|||; We expect to move our entire stock by the first of July. In order to lighten the job ns much sitory. COIIHCB MK1I5SS IDG. 1, IB). . ■),tw« 4>:‘nr! i,a ,n> AMnui mMlmtln. Capitol Stftrk.-.0,000,00 Surphts.—...0 4&SO.OO Dividends paid **1 ‘//irect^u’1 '