ttralas'a Raklgli mi "O Uai ad luma! im favor of tba „ ■» Mo ratio at W *ka Huu Thiucnu* aothadOth. la aacttoa flrat of thkkafowy: -That — -——— 0O»iaiUo* of tba Datao aratla forty of tba State of Worth Car SiaEhisS&'^srK •*-> - * Aa Mjaotl kaowo, la Worth Carotin*, »»a*Vfori bra- a saoartir af thk oaraatlttaa aad ama aa attend MtNMa tha atMki ia U* Sauata akmlarlaat algbt wbiah paaaed tba atova taaoiulioao. I thro conUaUd, tkoT (ur*Lhraa*rwMoaa' th**° Utbq Ian the liAMl 9M1 A mniftHu «nd **•*•* ** Ngrch om» ***> ■• “•«**■• ml ipikUy for mi to behalf of tM tooentif party.” 5sg|jgrtty<*^'*)iM>ttt^‘.uk* IhMalaU comwteteee, to detonated, I powers am too - . known, by men of • Neftfc Carolina, to at ItontoueithM ton tor u« that them mein ri ito delegated ,-—-MMlUlt. Tbto uriloo virtaal. if net the real enactment of Uw party pfctform on the chief issues bribe* eB the pantoa la tbit republic I time. A ad oar eom aat hare dona Ufa when -ta nurto the power, rtoAUy has, of catling a om . _ »dUrnJJemocratloparty fora HglUtaatc egprvnatoa of He wtsbee. Map pom. tor instance. la referenee to fbtm Inyltl pntit, oar committee ■tom*bed wiled aeourentkmi ami toabmrd that the delrgiiea, from each arwaty la North Cbrellaa to that oou veetloa maw rota io that convention raailntleosquoted above; wanM thto bane aren any greater an aam|diaB.aattaiMyamemoee.on the part of ths committee, than to have enacted these mentations without aoy ooeventloaT And I nasort that there »m kamly, tncfadiny psmim, a major ity of tba oocMDittre present ■*1 !■!■ u««s negation or the com Hih» U Mi. these facta exist: That* was a meeting ef tbl* committee tathtseUyooUMUthof U*t m-rnlh. whtsh SMS Ttrr largely attended ai.U •a*1? asita* pertaining to lh* parly mrro dIsraaaad, and the committee Jb*a adjoorned to meat last sight. The Inane Lai enact toe was, on the 11th of Imt month, brought to the attention of tbs eommlttoe sad H was deemed best, h* sa almost ooaaicnoes rota, to let the Baaoolsl qoestion not disturb us lbs the present; and this committee then adjonrnrd to meet again last nbrlit for thoparticaUr purpose of attending to mm matlora pending before it at Ms lam meeting. It was never sun 1 by any ooelb.t this gnat flusn —*-lor would come uy _i night. And , tssord by Chair -~J4 f'ft member of the eom Sitttss ef the Meeting loot sight, there •ns an fsffrwlfsa whirl* rr that any naslaUimg an thoas above, or that the^osatieo to which they appertain, •*5* befare the *>mmlttee. Atm ftici mj p*T*>oal ksovNie, xysatly oMalard from soam members ***"• y»htee. I sm oonddeot that, bod It baas known that this question mtUeo Isu nigM,°i woold amt hi™ had to reotest thsse reaniuUon. alone. a •adabagtd vtbameotly In the MmUM tbo meotaliooi that ttwy showM be r«oot«d new fay tbo eormall ••forrto Maspots of their "moul j» yertb Carotin* in) other bbUA 1 consldeind an onjast i mproper naa of the rotaralitre for ti,. btwedt of aay faction of ear party *ny ftigTTnm nShVis ***** °* “““ <h4t * re*oliit|on» i.-Vy. toy Bimoelil . bMuwt 1 an --J t» *“**• fr»» mid »<* *Har at Ua ratio ^ySSssRaKtfsss •gwar-awiKsi •T pilyorrrrr HUM lo oar country m £ST5C35!^:s: ggSgj^«a&K aSSsSH s^afflr^s»ia.z SmwUu IM jtoUtrm or-rratatoWf dtfraM. Mho to hovo had l he right to bo beard «gMMtnMuthoy on gtoMoat to th* world aa the uitonooo of Ute«* tfrojbmocraOc party ty JTorfA tbr-o Oalbfcn-autatkm, I aM hr ttoo hau<MM,na apea Um tuO-aoU tbo voto «h aa fcfiowa: Tiu-mi B. Maun. Mavo-R. C. ihottk. B. a Olivo, a a**. a. tr. Boy wood. J. J. T o«d*, 8. A. Aoho. *. J. lUfc, F. X. StONoaao, J. II Tooog, C. £. For, W. 9. Lamb. F. \V., t l n, ». o» doo. W. W. K.UAIU, EL Clurkaon, H. JL Darla, J. L. BcUoo, ft. L. R lu hart, B, & Joaeo. B. C. Beck with. Joa. ILLouahrao.J. W. Blaekmar. * no commutes rpuarw a ~y»a and nay vole,” which I naked, on Urn adoption of lbe reaulatiooa. But that* wm only one “no” ngaioet thorn. Tue Democracy nf tits gealhnoeo who voted tu Uw nnmtlvs oo my me Uoa tu postpone cunoul Im Impescbed; thv am worthy to mpmooat any eou •Utuewcv. aad X retMgulae and moped lhair right to ham voted Jam a* ttmy did; but l think It proper aud right that the vary larga number of Demo tn't who differ from Utept, on this qunetloo, sbooM have been henrd, and Mint an opportunity to have bean Imatd should have been given them in u proparly cal lad ooavviiUon ot the Cty. And now, that UlU baa been lied thorn, I respectfully ask some of the Democrats of Kurlb Carolina, wbo may approve of my action in Urn erica ml i too bud night, to write me at my borne, la Coooord. and lot us agree to show, in some proper mode, and at eomo early date, that wa stand for dnanelal prlaeiplee which wa think will be better for lb* prosperity of our people and our St ile, la her material improvctaotit, titan those Ouanoial view* expressed in the rreoisllous above. Very respectfully. Paul B. Mains. Raleigh. X. C„ May 31. lftja. TkeSWMsHstTslii. Tram the PnllaHrle»M Ueoorri. U plsamn tbe tdtvntai of free ail eer coinage to insist that as eons ss the mints si i on Id be thrown opo-i to tbe bokleim of silver bullion tbs ynlne of tUt met si would U sc once »d veatmd to whatever stamp IIw gxvorr. ■wut might imprest upon tbe face of It Unless this be true, Uter fvsl that, free coinage wuald ba folly. Is it tresf Tt>e whole history of lliiaiios shows that it is not true, sod never has been trot Tlie market value governs. With free comagx of gold and silver, the moment that tbs mil* should no longer upon Um fall bnllloo value of sillier metal that moment tbs exist becoming worth more when melted than in the shape of dollars, would go oat of circulation and loin the melting pot. For forty yearn before tlto stiver dollar was dropped. In 1873, it had beau impossi ble to keep even the smaller silver coins In circulation ia tbo United States until Urn device was adopted of alloying them ax os to mako exporle tton unprofitable. It Is In the power of oongras* to make creditors aouept fiindutrat token* as legal lender in payment of debts; but there tbe power of c.impulsion enda. Tli* cun grvas cannot overturn nor cut* Irtish tbe value of silver or gold, or corn or cotton, or anything which men buy and sell. Treat Ttim Alike AtHata J. uniat The u.. limited silver coin ace advo eatrsare o-nUunally demand lug that «*'W **lver aiiall ba “trented alike” by the government. This fc» wltnt they any bill really they *«et my different Treatment fur ail ear from that which is aceord. il to Kid. 1/ tire government idodM treat th metals alike tar unlimited silver wo**W be tire ttrst to nbjeot. Wliat does tho government do for gold? F>>r every 33 2 grains of pure bul lion deposited at the mint it gives a gold dollar nine-tenths One weighing 2t5.d grains. It add* nothing to th* value of tbs metsd which Is stamped as a dollar. Tim go vers men! merely “li.19** 10 lha r“,uo tbs metal has. Tim alive rites demand Uiat tlm owner of stiver hellion shall be allowed to reoeivw a legal tender dollar for •very 37If grains of One silver hs may take to th* mtut. This amount of sil ver Is worth shout S3 cents. They wsot the owner of silver bnlllou to rvcslve as much for S3 cents rs lire owner of gold bullion gets for a dollar. This m whot they call “treating both metals alike.M tmmm Wnrtfcw. rjrtvIPe Eoqiilnr. Our Cltrater wratlier prophet lian •ml Me forreuast (Vtr June. Ha njri Uiat ha ta not altogether certain alHiut the eorrrctnsaa of ula prwdletlotra Utla llmo. Tliens are at work aareral emin l trading fueoee that bo is nnt altogether ebla to maba out. Am near ly, however, aa be can get at it. Ute record *111 bo about as follow: From Has 1st to the drd, will Iw eool andjinstaibly wet. From tl.e 4lb to the "lit will Iw warm and stormy, with local ahorare. From tbafkhio lla lOlh will be windy. From tlw llih tu iba 14Ui wilt bo warmer, with local rains. From Urn 13th to (let Hkb will be warm, and there win ba thomtar. lighlulng and heavy ralus. From lh* Ifch te the -21st will ho windy and un aaUlad. From the t2nfl to the Mill A ftaalew Uah. hnlia OarHee. Woman Vowlli MatO Fellow J+u _ OlrH •M OM pcm-la Whn rrq«lM mwlkrlM- l.t bnw»]« KMl kkiuaya win And I ha iiitfl ramaity la Rlratno IMt- 1 I r». Tula nwdhrtrw daan tum «imn WUi* end ahhUrna no whtakey Mr other M«Mk*nt. but acta aa * Ivina a«d nl lanatiVA. Jt acta mildly mi tliaalnm aH« «t»l b»w*R addin* atma*<h had Kina ld».a lotha orlptna, (i«r«Wy ol4 Smrnrr In Ik* yarfonaaiica nT u* : hmrthM. Kktirh IHttan la an tx lfSuitsvi/sjrs& isirciaassasar1 . . ■-:—it.* m ». — ■ »«<»«» »• S«Hk CKnllH <J*M • Th» twkwloi ui Ktrtax Journal. ft b reported U>ac something ap proachlaf a gold boom bat taken placo 1 [» the Piedmont section of North Carolina. There bes At ll.c putt year and tuore been an Increased uotivliy among Uw whirs operated and also In a number of now prospect*, and now revere! oucupaulea are tu a proctws of ergaaontteu, while olUers already or- ! gaulsvd will likely endeavor to da it i ihciuselvrs ou the market. Whtlu It 1 b not probable that the gold fever in Ude section will assume very largo1 proportions, still the movement li worthy of altCDliwo, nud in oooooetion with it. In view of the frequent fall ore* at North Cbrollua gold-mining oumpauiew In Use past, It la well to apeak a word uf caution, nut so much against Uas pomibilUlaa of the Held, hot against wild-cat companies, which will undoubtedly spring Into existence. In Urn early day* of guld-miuing In North and South Carolina, Georg is and AUburna. the only ore mined waa Hie decomposed “gumma” capping and anrifvroua velaa. This vroe treated In obi-faehtotsed stamp mills, n-Kl judg ing from Die tailings, not more th in oO per cent, of Ilia value waa recovered. So toon as the workings struck sold rock containing pyrito tlu-y were abandoned and other placet opened, er If they extci.ded fur any dleiance they were followed as one might dig a trench. The remain* of such workings can be found throughout the ootd belt in all the Slate* uanted. The fact that these were aUrndunsd, however, does not mean that they no loogsr have »uy value. rimer that time processes bnrs bean perfected for tbe aucceerful treating of pyitlie uraa. nod at laast ono, the chluriuntlon plant at the llatie mine, U Operating with pro lit. Another process la hi uao at Blacksburg, B C., but with whet result* I* not known, ns tlM ownsra obrsrrw much reticence la speaking of it. Jlstidss the gold vein* wbieli were opened In tbe poit and which still present good opportu nities for mining, there are many oilier rein* throughout Die mining district varying in ealusa from (J to as high as (IS end $tiO per loo, and In »o«os cxceptiooul oasca still higlier. Uor nrs which la drUrerrd at a Month Carolina mill contained in a part of tiro km a cootldeml'le amount of light yellow, snlpiuuoua lo-'kiog pow der. whloh, on being assayed, showed (1800 pei ton This docs nut by any means represent tbs value of the vein, whloh will not average probilily over (17 or SIM per too. it ta slated at the Halle mire that to successfully operate a chlorination riant requires ia ths first pUoe a largo body of or«. tiers tlioe nre operallug an ore of low grads at a low cost. Ores of this character am found iu cooaUlrraU* abundance, and So fur as they have been examined arc fairly regular, so that whaterer progress In mode in Southern gold development must la? on Uio basil of lowmisdoore in quantity and with cheap processes for the trra'meut. Free milling orrs are scarce, excepting lu the Dahlouegu district, aud placer workings have so fur been found to bo vet; small and nncertaio. The ifuuuAiriMrert' Itreord lias been informed that Ibe Blacksburg {:*. C.) p>'onl mentioned above yielded ouch satisfactory results that addition al capital was offered for trebling the capuetly. This is now being done, and as soon as completed the f.ill plant will be started. nUnrafllH UstsUlura Kiivrgti K«wi 4 Uiwcrrrr. No Legislature during Uie last quar ter of a century lias excited «urJi gene ral iniwrest as tire one Unit adjourned In ILWIgU on March lVh, after a sixty ti<ur d.iy’s session. was hardly a day wlien U did not, make history tint tifneght odium upon the flute. Lxjepl in its wcil-meiutln? attempt to advance tlm canao tif puhllc education, It was animated by the narrowest pxrUzinxhtp sod an unbridled greed for nfttce. Thu Journste that ought (n contain the proceedings of the Legislature have been dooPircd so oiuch Ihst nobody will place reliance upon what lliey con tain. Tire general desire for an accur ate and critical account of the pro ceedings In regard to tho touet im portant public questions led certain I ienaeerjt* to pn pave ouch a history. It is the work of aevnral bauds, nod eveiy one of tire JOii pugm I# pregnant with facts and appropriate comment. It I* a very D*at publication, nnd ought to be in the hands of every eitiren In the State. It is chock fail of Information, and Is the (only source from which a truthful record of tire doings of the General Assembly can be obtalueil. tl>* Xew HnlJol Rax*^. Jb'.iux, Tbs new law require* In each county a lutjr* number 14 u«w election boxes each a eobU foot In slsn with n lock rte. CWrelmnd county will Irate about Bfty boxes, ns each precinct cannot pull ator* than 4JO eotns at on«i box. A Mlohlgno furniture dewier bad two xamides of the new ballot boxes, one of tin priced 9U.M and lire other of wood ooetin* *3 00. Then lie tiled In vsln to wll to our county authorities at Hint bu«e sum. as If North Carolina had no forests and no machinery to tasks boxes. O'-JL1 ' ' ■ — .»»»-■. Fra ami rest. KOafos row 1‘rns. Kol^eot the free sllyne advocate to aa analysis and la nloe cases onudi ten ins s ill And that ha Is sn oflTcs mehtt, — Bulhctftndlos Drmnr.tut. l*ho slates is untrse. Then' are no mom oAco-acrkrim In proportion aanmc those I* Near of free eolnuce of silver than among the *>!>! men. *-- — I ■ I ■ u.'". Tw» UmNrnrl. Mra. PlxwU ttoWM, of Junction Citr. III. won told by Ur (tutor Mm, liwi tn|itton and that I Ur* w*a a., Upf for Ur, twit two l*4ll**, L»r. kitt|t » Xew rtlarovrry e..m|4«Uty oiroil Ur i,nd alto kovM Ur Ufa. Mr Tito*. K/gett, WO Mot Id* M, gin FnierUki, raffurrd f rot it a dreadful «-ld, iMnwOUMiif Cottaukitwinu, Irlnl rwnilt #«erylMti|j Ho.. tu,, fawiflit •** le>ttl« of J>r Kina'* Moi* Ww'Wf wild In tw» *«*-** w*a e«Mxl, lie la naturally ttmnklwl. It la moll iHwtln. <4 wlikd tUw are ■«|W, Wat pray* tin, wn«d*(ful of •cuy of tl.ta ntedlelua In C„a»W and t Zaklila Vred trial UotUu at Citfry * Kauoedr * l)rkf Wrr*. JVaolur ale* Mr. aadtl VW. bm* hii «mw». BC. LouH Kooublla. It it impoBslWe to convince a Jingo or lilt own s’uphllty, and the Hrwilii will hot undertake tlio Impnesii-ie, bat wlicre Uto stupidity it palpable It may bo properly aud pro Stably u*rd to cca irluce tuck pertnoo, not Jinqoes, who art Inolluod to sffemacrucc iu tba way of exploiting the American male and bit tail ton then. Americana, Ilka all Anglo-Saxons, arw Jealous of the taxing puwer. It has bersi but a few moo tba since a storm of protest swept orer this coun try bocsoss Uavtrnment bonds had been acid for the purpose of maintain ing the geld rvaervs in tbs Treasury. Tlie act srae ileuounoid ns one of ueurptloo and opprueelnn uud a* mort gaging tlio present and tbo futuic to iho money changers Yet tlmee who insisted that the administration, by the redemption uC outstanding |taper Ions in silver eolu, could bare avoided a bund taeae. did not deoy Unit Iho policy which had liero adopted eveu U * mistake, was taleoded to anil did conserve and protect American interest*. It had for Us immediate object the rualnt-ruanoe of Uin public credit of this country, oo matter what ■ulght be alleged us to Its ultimate effects or Vbo manner 1b which It was Gained nut. Yet the appeal to the popular prejudice against Him creation of now Inlerett-beuriog debts was not wltlioul oCfrot In discrediting so ad mliiUtratlou which was, admittedly, seeking to sustain public credit and private eonlideuce as necessary ele ments in any possible restoration of prosperity. It ia anuiualoua to any unprejudiced and rational mind llut men and Jour nal* which stood foremost in denounc ing bond Issue* for Uie preservation of Uic credit of tbe United 8tales should uo* bo foremost in denunciation of lire art in u administration for not taking mu attitude in Nicaragua which would lead, inevitably, to bout] issue* beside* which those of Uie last two years would 1m ludiiltesiianl. Kvsn If we liave tbe right to nano*, ms we have not. that a bullying attitude toward ISiiglund would hove led to the aban donment of her position and demand for indemnity, live conaequtne* would be endless Complication* among the Republics of Lent ml aud booth Amer ica and all the Governments uf Europe, into which tbe precedent erUhlishod 1 in Xicar.iitu* would compel us to enter. At once we would be compelled to ab*nd<u> oar traditional policy of nonintervention and plunge Into a mere «*f international difticnllie* as lutenabiablo as tliey would be Irrita ling. If anyone imagines Uiat we would be able to maintain ourselves, without tight ins, lu the position of defending a dnseu Government* uf mercurial people, addicled to frequent revolu tion* and unbr.-Uad license In tbs heat of political passion, such Imagination Is iuKijfluatlnn-oniv, without uny basis lu uocoial or human law. Wc would be not iuto war but into m*uy, unless wo abandoned our fabe and unteniiUin position, and «i we arc lookiug at tl* situation from the Jingo l*>lnt of view we cannot cunteuiplate such action as a possibility. We would have to light or retreat. And the Jingo never thinks of retreat. That wonlj lw tbs g.'Meu age uf Shybtck. j.'XalmrU and Wall streets, of which so .nany of the jtopoos were in murtnl dread not long ago. would fatten upon ibo I'hmd of tlie nations. We would, luusetbaapl metaphor of a Jingo in depouurlng tlie last bond sale, bo pawning our chlldreo for gold. Ami we would not even Imre tbe iwor conwnlstiori (M thu gold wn* being used to serve any patriotic purpose. We might even now lut preparing to spend 4403,000.000 «r i'l'.B.OOO.O'JO of our money lo save tho Nicaraguans the trouble Ul.d expense of paying an lumeat debt of $77,300. That would bo ajia-tgaglng “,,r poehrlly with a vriigeanc., and Unit we are not now engaged in thnt stupid bustneM is oer hiiniy Hot tlie fault uf (lie j.ngoea. ■ J I I—— ■! V»«*«!lr Oft»«■**•• H«n<h. n»iit»am Aiu, On t!i«* it rat Monday in Jutw the comity commissioners will take charge o( all the public school mailer* |u Uw ouuniy inulur tlw recently enacted sellout laws. County rommlsalonera are required on llut day to appoint scUodl cemmiltwrovn, »nn it is nmde lbs duty ut lire blerk of the tiuperior Court to uppolut the county school ex.miioer. ■. ... . i. l amaba frsp *■«»«■. Hr*lfm Knlcrrrlrc. Since heading out the wheat crop looks H (rent deal belter then It did n few weeks u*»- There will lw a pretty fair crop Is this and Lincoln counties. The proeiwct lor Sirring oat* Is Uw best we Imyu sorn la aeventl joara. fall onU wliere tbojf weis not frnt/*n not are alto very One. Tin* cold weatlirr lately has been very much against act ion and corn, but Uis stand of hotli is almost perfect. Every wliere wo hear about tlw ravages of tire bugs on wsisr melon plant*. They havs about cleared up everything In Uie mrloo line that lias ynt got its head abovo the ground. Thors will la* bet few early un-Inna this year. The potato bug is «t»o getting lo Its work. Ar-rArwlwea fleeeavOld X.w». Wl.**t c'-ni and cotton terra rlaan hannli/nliv In price* oiutar llMMlating gold standard rjrMcm of enrrmcy. Wngta ham Wen rlelng alao. two of the grratoat Iron working oooorrnH In IIki rnrmry hating ittoteeerd Hut jwy jll thrlr thoMMiidr of workmen. Tlie O'lentry gj«aevery Indication ofatrady atid rapid recovery *nd dorMipmeot, All Iheaa llilnga Oel'i't Kmanatal •cI'.*hj1 and the other free Mirer coinage rctirrurnUilrea tell •>< c»ald not poe dlhly h under the gold standard. Hut they arc l<«M>e»1,rg Of ootnte tho Or*l» wdiool of atataa ■nneWu wilt preaenl n-aoy arguments egnlaai tliete glr*oa»M«iiee>. They •le well trahmd In the ait of ergnlog ngnlaat fact*. _ Wrl( ■" o Otaicrwa. UlclxH whalviila frma C'lmr lo*fa, n„4 *|,„ to n ttn>l«rime« Iretur ar-at, hU own hod*. *** arrwtrd Into jr« «:»rd*r afianwoB, while #tnr«l in« fa « n Imr*. pPMthlM <*> ««m l*fan«* a;>d riliiWMuf tlmrfa. lit •r»t unc„ i^fort Ihnc'lilaf or pattta »»4 war^ iltat **aat pr»M*li,f It nat h*iji>4 »*ara. Marta Mfd ha had "nr, .afwd'* all orar tht Slata and IhU «H Uf# g,at lima ha had atar tiX «mI Him. W. Lotili RcfXibJi*. Oplotoua on sllror iu the currency are waking numerous. We have tbe eiogk geld standard men, the slnglo silver eteadard men, the meo who would keep oar preaont sup ply of Silver In olrculatiou, bat only as token currency, the omii win would frwly ouln the American product and tbe mru who would coin until the present Government stock of bullion is changed Into duller* and no further. Aud strungnt- than any of tills enu meration Is that old-time body of Amrncan bimetallists whose Used eonvictloo wee expressed la the Mta tuurl platform last year —do gold monometallism, do silver mnnomotai liera; freo ooiosge of gold aod silver under a bimetallic ratio. biiiff monometallism nave arousod end aoltdifted the gold moiiomntutlisis end the latter are using Utvlr lieuvlent argument — lbs fact tlut free coinage of both metals doe* not always keep both in a coon try’s emulation. Prof. I-augblln dwelt upon Uils fact In bis debate with “tirin’’ last week. Ha showed that gold left tills enuutry under a ratio of 13 to 1 and that silver loft ouder n ratio of U to 1; that the Silver dollar was the practical basis of business contracts bstween 17W and ISM. as the gold dollar was the basis between 183V aad th# Civil War. He also showed that Francs could not bold her guld in circulation agulnst all ter between ISOS mid 1879. Prof. Lsiugblin seemed to lltink he lutd over thrown the bimetallist, horse, fool and ; dragoons, whan ha raoited these facts. Harvey is nut always sound, but here li* very properly answered: “That Is lust what w« want Uie busl nsss men of Chicago to understand. That is bimetallism. Wtieu ooc metal gets scarcer and dearer. It goes out and tbe other oome* is." No bimetallist baa ever supposed that two metals woo Id necessarily circulate aisle by tide In tbe aama locality perpetually. The very conten tion of Ur* bimetallist Is Umt by tbe alterants use of ous metal tlte other is prevented from rubbing debtors mid depressing entrrprise when it becomes too scarce and dear The operation of Um law of demand and supply thus causes a cessation of the Uendeucy of a metal to become aearco and doer. Tbe metals under fire coinage at a correct ratio will keep eaeh other balanoed wllb an oscillation of bot a fraction off per cent. HasioeCa docs not fuel the difference between the metals and drast'O changes In prioea are obviated as frr aa they would to produced by impel feet money standards Temporary transfer of gold U> other Countries would not. under a bimetallic currency, iw a contraction of primary ino'iey. If tlte difference which canned its transfer were but a fraction of 1 per cent, llm gn|d exchange would he telegraphed back the moment the peo ple needed a little more primary money. Under the present gold standard, when gold begins to be exported, the whole country is lo alarm, and u con traci Ion,-actual and more nr I tow severe sola in Instantly. The siuull supply u( primary mouuy is endangered. Give any country full command of both metals ns primary money nod either metal oiui go un its travels with out exciting attention. It will coma back Instantly for a cent on li e dollar. Gold standard and silver standard men may demolish well other, tut they will not affect tbe IdmeUidlit. rai lit* X*w •Meent S*rt* or s«4? Aah'vSlr CM Ian. Oor view of that pert of Die new election law under discussion at the present moment la that whilo it in mandatory aa to Uio Sling with the oily clerk of a statement of eleoUou CX peiiocs, the penalty clause does not distinctively plsoe a limit of time un the successful candidates, but ooty says: “Any candidate wbo shall neg lect or refuse to Ole such statement ■hall forfeit Ills offior, if any be have.” Now If the successful candidates Ole such slulenaoU nuw, before taking, olMon, Is not tlm spirit of the law com plied witbV Jf#w VMUmMi UniUmnm. SfwH ani Otwrver. Some wounded ConMrnito officer* readied lUirljli unexpectedly end be ing unable to find accomodation*, vri'm received ee gaeatn at a private liuiue. The loUlrvaa of Uie house, feeling some curiosity atwot her jurats, asked ktr muld, who bad been waiting mi the wounded man, if the uew ar rivals were gentbnnrn. *'Ob, yr» ma’am; tbry are certainly gentlemen. Their teeth are (Iliad with gold end they curam very retired.” A Valuable Milan nam Mr. Caartooe Otmvvtr. I,awyrr Bill Roberta, ot I’rovldoooe, had HO vletoua dogs, but now lie only ban IM. Five of them ware ktttod by a paeai r-by who was assaulted by the whole bualiH-ta._ To w—4 i a ltokuwry. t»B*l*ury llmM. Tb* Eptavoiwl oonrantlmt of till* •Hoopoe bat a<iut>tud a rv*otatii*i to r*4lUon Iba gpoeral oonrenthm to tot • iff iw a oltalumiry JindtdloUo* that part of lltr dtalr *»4 of a lint form* In# tlai pattern I«ui»i1»ry of Him OoUti tlraof Allrffliiny, Wilke*, Alexander, CatawtM, Ltoroln nnd Onatnn. Tola iwllllon If granted bring* Into tli« MO b intaabinary btahop. Tim enr> renllon of 1HU0 will meet at AtbeTlIki. ■ 1 PITW 11 arriiiHr aorprina •'I h.od a very wrrt* old on my langa ttiat earned anteb anrvnett nod gar* m* outtderabt* unrajinpa* la re> ganl to tA* retell.” toy* Mr, T. E. Hal Hi. of IlfUtrlM, Mata. “A local drnggitt called tnr attention to flmm bortalu’t Cough Itrmedy. and on lilt rr«n tn mend alien I gar* llit rvmrtly a 0* refill >rtal. The rrauk tnrprUwl am; 1 mtrnM rnttrrly In Hire* day* iS and *0 emt butUe* foe tale by Cubby A KaMBBOY, DraggUt. .A Cotton Fertilizer. Purchase only such fertilizers for cotton which contain at least 3 to 4£ actual potash. For Corn, Fertilizers should contain 6* Potash. Poor results are due entirely to deficiency of Potash. W* Win I*<fiy Mod you our pamphlet. on the Uo of Potash. They an aaal tree. It wUt oov you nothin* to road tfcaai. and thoy of] ana you | doUarv OBRMAN KALI WORKS. M Mama Suott, Now Yaah. YOUR JOB FKJlTtlHS. If yoo have It done at the Gaxbttk office, It will be dona right, it will be dene In atria, and It alwaye aulta. Tbeae poluta are worth oooildertng la any work, but above all ttloga In YOUR JOB WORK. \ - -- - i we naw type, • oew rapid press, labor saving mate rial, all arranged lolabor^aarlng ooovenienoe, and we bay paper slock and other material at rock b >ltnm cash-in-edranee price*. Time are the reasons why in quick work, good work, correct work, slyliah work, and low prion we con Invariably give you satlafacticu In YOUR JOB WORK. Frrpwrelurjr to moring we c»n make epeclal cut price* on oortnln line* of work. Don't we*te roar raneey. Get prlc«* from llie Q*trrrK office. Notice. ! NORTH CARO UK A. I lx l be ftuportor OonK. a tavern totnrrr. v **rlar Tarta, IMA, P,». Mcev VH. J Klmfr, adm'rot Hanrr Summit I. Tn purauuuoa at aa cedar nr tba laaKu IWl .aAAralihirfna T>m. WM. rant moon la brrrebj puwidml tn J. PruA llaaaNi m ap ian; an.) ana act Uke wa|..wt el Uo plain. IlC In above tmtaUed nauar, wherela ptatnO* etalma tkc valor at a aoau ..Will bjr da fandanta Intcautl* fnr ahuat 11 MAPI, tn r klaA ant Km tkn bora at law and rtbtrtkmata o(Ra eaaata at llmrr SaimmKt hate boon taade tort tea defendant bjr an order of aouvt. _ O H. Davu. Clark Hnparlnr Court. Docs Ibis Hit You? The management of the Equitable Life Assurance Society in the Department of the Carolines, wishes to se cure a few Special Resident Agents. Those who are fitted for this work will find this A Rare Opportunity It is work, however, and thoee who succeed best in it pom ess character, mature judgment, tact, perseverance, and the respect of their community. Think this matter over care fully. There's an unusual opening for somebody. If it Gtsyou, it will pay you. Fur ther information on request. W. J. Roddey, Ms—gw. Rock HU, & C. % cordovan. >4n»PKC«rU>UMt ' UV.HUtMMuai uvfrvm wiiw— rufii wmm th* W. L. Douglas $3&$4 shoes Costner, Jones & Co. O^COUQHS j\jr /§ | LAXATIVE I i BROMO |i f QUININE f 5 Uovw lb* Bo*iIj pulp, r*Hr»** lb* £7 C««yh, nm lb* f*r*rWk nTllHa Ik pmiM pm- P Q Ck'*» Iknittp. r» 3. •P «■ owmliM l*f 2 S «*«•* S O PRIOR* SB Ot». ► «» Ml arau imt—ura ¥ « /'i \ I */k V '^OOI_Dq'^ r°* ^ ** Fro* Tmtmm* A Or. 8. J. Durham, -LA WYKR Dallas, « -1 - j - : ». a C. : P. : MOORE, —A TTOMJfM Y-A T-LA W— . Beal Batatas aad Ounveyiuiobi* . . Baaaura Citt,.W. CL A. «! MAM SUM. -ATTVXXXT-AT.LA W— OASTOMIA, X. e. Win practloo la Um courts ot Oaatoa aod adjolnls* eoacllaa aad In the Federal Courts. i. L BtlRMil, TONBORIAIi PaBLOH -wawLT rnraa ui> la Corner Boom T. M. C. A. Bolldtoff First-oiaaa Workmen Employed aad FI i at elaaa work Gasraateed. w. n. wtiaox. t. m. a LOAM' Dr*s Wilson & 81oan rareiriAHs amd auaawora. Offers U>elr professional aarrtaaa to eltisnoa ot 0 eat on la and rarroandlaf eoaatry. Oil la left at Torrance’s Brae Store will receive prompt aUaation at (tat or day. Notice to Parties. Send lor sample copy. Since it* MferuMMBt, TU flfftTH CAMMJH1AH lathe luge* weekly ocwqpogar peb llehad In tto State. U print* alt tiia acwm, and peaaahee Um doctriaa at pan Democracy. It costal ca eight page* ed Intaraatlag matter ewery week. Saad oca dollar aad gat It for a whole year. A aaaepts oopy wM be mailed tree on application to Juaxnitra Daxixu, Kditor. RaWxH, It. C. CBKSTU ILKIOU I. G. UUJIAB. ecsuiLi aib wanman u U. W. T. HAHPtR, PraMwl. mhwhuw. I »*■ 1A I Ha.81 paraCkaMr . " iTi m m m lJ5as»]' UHta tapa ll»aa» Igpa _ MB awl 7Jtaa —TferaT i ■eJ^ S^gRT^::::::::::::: ISrs SJS BSaSSISSii^r::: \ZIZ :5E= lave laoiiwWt. IMpallapa AmraCkaatar..■■■■■■■ PW^iwta Trmli a Maa. » and >0 m Ota rtaaa. aa»d m* dattp mpl tadtp. Train* IPs*. 1a and tt oarrr Mnmtid alao rn* dallyrrwfl lot dip. lVn la aond uoaa«olki« at l.iarr «to> Iks 0.0. A A. and IA* C. C. A A4 alan at Saa. nata null iks A. A C. A.Ui at Hncwlakia and •* wlakory Kartafc h. f. n«ai.u EEESfaEXSTSSST" THB CHABLOTTE Olscrm Xortk Carolina a FOREMOST NEWSPAPER. DAILY AND WEEKLY. ladepmdeot and fmrlaaai Uoa and mere iUimUt* than rear. It will ba aa In rateable rim tor to tba bona, tba aOaa, tka elub or tka work room. The Dally Observer. AU of Urn Daws of tka world. sta^£*and^a?h>nalcaj£ ITOLS. mrnjrmr. The Weekly Observer. A perfect family Journal. AH tbamrwa af tka weak. Tka ra porta from tka LEG LS LA TUBE A SPECIAL FEATURE. Re member THE WEELV OBSER VER. Only one Dollar a. Year. Head for maapta coptaa. Addraaa. TUB MSBBTH, Charlatte, B. C. Execution Sale.

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